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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 33 KB, 581x289, rip brise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6474486 No.6474486 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6474515

literally who

>> No.6474521


>> No.6474556

literally who, also most likely took the cuck shot

>> No.6474562

Sudden heart attack?

>> No.6474566

literally who?

>> No.6474567

A wild emergency commission appears!

>> No.6474568
File: 335 KB, 1500x3000, chris-bryer-chelcom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's even more pathetic than making this thread is even knowing this dude existed in the first place.

>> No.6474698

many such cases

>> No.6474713
File: 441 KB, 614x704, 1657229346112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sister is welcomed by Brise's last retweet when she was writing that last tweet.

>> No.6474723

Omg so sad
Where do i donate to their patreon? wow

>> No.6474802

So based its unreal kek Rip Brise.

>> No.6474968

Stunning and brave

>> No.6474993
File: 45 KB, 892x788, 1635432126528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hate to *lol* see it!


>> No.6474994


>> No.6475376
File: 263 KB, 600x320, imagem_2023-01-15_212919703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude wtf is this real?
I had interacted with this dude on the /salt/ threads and on the /aco/ discord
he was always a nice guy

RIP big guy

>> No.6475403

>retard thinks no one suddenly died before 2020
Many such cases

>> No.6475433

He has(had) more appealing art than the average /ic poster, and seemingly found more success, too.

>> No.6475456

So many such cases that I know 3 people who died suddenly last year.

>> No.6475534

>dying = dying suddenly
How does it feel having a sub 100 iq

>> No.6475584

oh shit, that guy... saw him post on /aco/ too. it was Relatedguy last year. or the year before last idk

>> No.6476328
File: 8 KB, 255x253, 1569726157907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw him in /aco/ too,
he seems a chill guy

>> No.6476371

confirmation bias fallacy.
a strong tool used by stupid people.

>> No.6476446

I see he was retweeting a bunch of sexual shit but I don't see him post any of his own art.

>> No.6476474

Dying well before an acceptable age you pedantic fucking retard.

>> No.6476477

OH NO.. Shut the fuck up

>> No.6476513
File: 52 KB, 708x512, Chris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6476540


>> No.6476556

that's not saying much.

>> No.6476579

Use the media tab.

>> No.6476707

we use to get a reason for the sudden death, a cause for it, now that is brushed aside

>> No.6477598

You can give it a rest, /ic; this one's never going to make it out of the bucket.

>> No.6477606
File: 284 KB, 1080x1350, Flxn4ElWAAIKQbH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rest in peace Chrischan level coomer.

>> No.6477839


>> No.6477853
File: 81 KB, 547x531, 1565838248963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twenty five years of my little brother's art and creations to admire
Not to shit on the guy, but wtf?

>> No.6478330

another covid death

>> No.6478340

>He has(had) more appealing art than the average /ic poster, and seemingly found more success, too.
lmao if this >>6477606 is really his art then you're delusional as fuck then again you know about some random closet homo futafag's art so I'm not surprised that you're as retarded as he is or I guess "was" would be more accurate

>> No.6478506

I had no idea who he was until I saw this thread, and I stand by my point. Are there better artists than him on here? Of course, but that doesnt change the fact that the average /ic shitters are eternal studylets crapping out things that nobody cares about. This guy apparently managed to gain a following, maintain a Patreon, and sell commissions, which puts him ahead of the vast majority of this board who cry about their two digit follower Twitter accounts and wondering why their Bridgman copies and Loomis heads are leading them nowhere.

>> No.6480691

it means he was twenty five years old and they have his kid drawings because they’re his fucking family, retard

>> No.6480705

I don't know how to gain followers and do patreon stuff, where do I learn how to do these things? So far I've just been posting once or twice a month on my pixiv to the same 100 randoms.

>> No.6480724

Dude’s art sucks how did he have a Patreon that made money?

>> No.6480801

>".... to have over twenty five years..."
>hhuuuuur it means he was twenty five and they have his kid drawings because family durrrrrr
Please never use words again.

>> No.6480804

esls out

>> No.6480821
File: 1.00 MB, 1920x2560, chris-bryer-vego-the-titans-bane-by-kingvego-dej0c84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit, I know this guy, I’ve seen him posting his shit here or on another board

>> No.6480827

Take his example and go die, you illiterate mutt.
You couldn't even grunt a coherent thought.

>> No.6480830
File: 635 KB, 1920x1920, chris-bryer-calis-valheru-by-kingvego-deo7k43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was he a /tg/ drawfag?

>> No.6480842

you will never be white nor civilised, paki

>> No.6480846

He was a fucking cunt and a fucking snitch, the only person who got me banned on discord ( the app not to mention a server or 2 )for the most innocuous banter. I even tried to help that fat fuck and he bit the hand that was trying to help him. That being said he was indeed a plus sized individual who probably took the jab so it's not surprising. Once I'd be happy to hear he's dead as he was a vengeful cunt who didn't knew when to stop, but rn I'm just surprised.
I find it weird to see someone who hated me so much dead, I feel a bit unsatisfied

>> No.6480849

I have a blond beard, you 13% african untermensch.

>> No.6480850

Sounds fucking based, I hope I get faggots mad from beyond the grave enough that they make butthurt posts about me on 4chan.

>> No.6480851

don’t you have wars to lose or muslims to import so your women have someone to be bred by?

>> No.6480853

Snitching to Discord trannies because you got butthurt over some banter is based now, alright lol
Go get yourself that booster dumb zoomer

>> No.6480858

Don't you have black criminals to worship and tell everyone how socialism is good because you think you'll get free money without working?

>> No.6480889

Absolutely seething

>> No.6480892

Sure mate, now tell me your based vaxx #

>> No.6480895

Nigga, you’re so mad you’re making incoherent non sequiturs on 4chan lmao

>> No.6480903

You're projecting hard mate. Why would I be mad some cunt that hated me died ? "Absolutely seething" "Non sequiturs" Bunch of meme speak when I asked you a simple question about your vaxx status and you're refusing to answer because you're a lil vaxxed bitch. Alright ? Keep it up son. I got all day, tell me how based snitching is or dying at 25 a virgin

>> No.6480925


>> No.6480951

Repeating something won't make it true bud. Take care of your heart

>> No.6480957

>he says as he’s having an assmad induced aneurysm

>> No.6480966

>cope seethe
>ur projecting
>wats ur vaxx
>ur mad
>no u
>zooomers call this banter
You insufferable, brainwashed by literal pedotrannies genetic abominations would know banter if it hit you fucked up curly hair having, 1000 yard stare induced by all the fucking the pills you take to even manage to go take a shit without having a literal autistic tantrum faces.
Not that you would even understand anything since you're as literate as a donkey getting molested by a cactus and have the intellectual prowess of a sardine out of water. Even two words already throw you in an existential crisis that you have to keep posting until you ejaculate on yourselves by deluding yourselves into having won a social interactions.
What a bunch of pathetic waste of oxygen.
Suicide wouldn't even be a solution, your existence should be deleted from any and all records.

>> No.6480967

>angry wall of text

>> No.6480971
File: 41 KB, 600x625, aBoRwarP_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6480976

He probably drew more than most of ic combined.

>> No.6480987

Sorry your bud, the fat cunt died. I won't be missing seeing his shitty drawings which turned every Disney character into fat tires.

>> No.6480998

>He probably drew
all you needed to say

>> No.6481116

Vilppu could fall down the stairs or kopinski could die in a plane crash and you brainwashed spergs would still screech about vaccines when the news breaks

>> No.6481145
File: 1.50 MB, 498x498, 1659659793737364.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because niggas are dropping like flies lately... nothing personal but it's the truth...
I am personally scared for the people I know IRL who took it. I hate seeing human suffering, and the next pandemic is set to start in 2025; so make of that what you will.


>> No.6481169

Another faggot dying to the vaccine. Deserved.

>> No.6481181

So no more commissions?

>> No.6481186
File: 994 KB, 957x588, 1698774684654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels great being right.
And unvaxxed.

I still wouldn't get my news from a bunch of e-celebrity political faggots though

>> No.6481221
File: 70 KB, 844x804, E0ur74jWEAIFtPA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very much.

I take the information with a grain of salt, but, if they (the multibillionaires) are doing these kinds of simulations now, I would have reason to suspect that we'll have another calamity of 2020 levels within the next decade at the very least.

Rock on, fellow pureblooder.

>> No.6481264
File: 20 KB, 418x376, Archimedes_htm_m29b58180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why I stopped drawing porn desu. I can't imagine dying suddenly and being remembered like that. My mum is fond of my generic landscape paintings and that's how I want her to remember me

>> No.6481275

>boohoohoo my son died and he never even got out of the closet… I never told him I was proud of him even if he’s gay, I just watched him paint nondescript trees because he was too self conscious to draw men and he didn’t care to draw girls oohhhhhhh I failed him, I am a terrible mother, he could have been a happy gay boy bawwwwwwwwwe
is that really what you want your mother to go through? go draw some titties, you ungrateful little shit

>> No.6481278

>some banter
What was the supposed banter

>> No.6481453

Because his work had enough appeal for people to pay for it.

>> No.6481547

jesus christ that's horrifying

>> No.6481551

>people care enough about this literally who to shitpost about him

>nobody will even notice your death

why are you even posting here

>> No.6484187

>live alone
>growing increasingly distant to everyone as I come to terms with being a failure
>growing increasingly aware I could die because of something laughable like slipping or choking on a peanut because I’m utterly alone and nobody would even know I was dead for at least a week if not more

>> No.6484798

"Dying suddenly" is often a euphemism for suicide or other unnatural death.

>> No.6484803

watch worlds greatest dad


teachers kid dies by jerking off and choking himself, teacher disguises it as suicide, the entire class misrembers him as a great guy and there's a che guevara parallel