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6470990 No.6470990 [Reply] [Original]

What causes bad drawing days and how do you get over/prevent them?
Fuck this shit I was good 2 days ago and now everything I do looks like shit.

>> No.6471010

Here's my no bullshit method of having good drawing days
>Eat fish for its omega-3 content
Seriously just do it. There's a reason why asians particularly Korean and Japanese are high iq. Omega-3 helps supplement the brain.
>Draw ten 30-second gestures, five 1-minute gestures, and two to three 5-minute gestures.
15~20 mins of warm up sketches like this should be plenty to get your brain running. Think of it like starting up a machine.
>Surround yourself with high quality art that inspires you as much as you possibly can, or take a walk outside in a nice location
You are what you absorb. Most importantly, get off 4chan.

>> No.6471018
File: 97 KB, 1101x1156, 6574C02F-E436-4C53-A4AE-5A8B51BEF1A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artists are moody. Eventually you’ll accept your moodiness. There are good and bad days. Everyone has them. There’s only so much you can optimize in life. Can’t optimize out bad days. Instead accept them as part of being human. It’s okay to feel like shit.

>> No.6471038

I'll try that. Thank you.
I need to get work done dude. What a fucking pointless time wasting reply. Fuck you.

>> No.6471065
File: 28 KB, 600x333, 0B1A56D7-96E1-4554-825A-1BEB835FD3A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you don’t want reality, my bad. Why didn’t you lead with that? NZT-48 will make you a productivity god.

>> No.6471072

Here's a trick. Having a good drawing day? At the end of your session, start a few rough doodles that you're happy with, but leave them as-is with at most very minimal refining. When you're having a bad drawing day in the future, go back to those sketches so you can pick up where you left off, to help get you back in the "good drawing day" headspace that you were in when you started those sketches.

>> No.6471320

I've used Modafinil to draw 16 hours a day for 6 months before so. What's your point? (Not op)

>> No.6471371

no joke, I can’t draw since I ran out of fish oil supplements

>> No.6471397

One day I can draw figures like crazy and the next day or 2 I doubt myself and can't draw as well. I have no idea either, OP. I'm starting to maybe think that on some days my brain is in tune with the shapes of the model and on other days my brain wants to be extra loose and the 2 sides duel with each other and I'm not sure which side I'm on in a particular day but I do know the side that I want to be on is losing to the other side. So, there has to be a brain hack for me and I'll experiment with this today.

>> No.6472856

You fags will make up anything in order not to draw holy shit

>> No.6472858

Only way to make them less common is to draw everyday and gain micro and macro momentum assuming other factors such as sleep and diet is in order. Remember that you don't learn from rep to rep, but sleep to sleep. All skills are like this. Learning is not a linear process of constant progress, it's more like a fucked up flight of stairs in a haunted house with uneven steps that you can fall through if you're not careful

>> No.6472859

Just do cocaine then. That’ll motivate you. Obviously the point is is that unless you want to spike up like a heroin junkie, you have to live like the rest of us humans. That means limitations, bad days, etc. don’t be a retard, you know what I meant.

>> No.6473730

>how do you get over
you grind them off. can take hours but you can get out

>> No.6473798

Agree with this anon though more broadly.

Being healthier in general makes consistency easier.
Warming up can take many different forms but it's important you do it.

Also yeah get off 4chan.

>> No.6473799

Wait until you look back 2 years and realize all your drawings were shit

>> No.6473826

Oddly inspirational?

>> No.6475397

I'm doing an atelier-style academy, 5 days a week, and I see myself making progress month after month, if not week after week. And when I start thinking my work sucks, I just say to myself "Shut up and trust the process, just show up to class every day and do you homework". Plus seeing my classmates improve is also super motivating.

My goal for this semester is to never miss a class. Wish me luck, bros.

(And no, I will not pmw)

>> No.6475453
File: 633 KB, 1920x1291, chudcoliseum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I needed an excuse to post my schizo theories

It's like anything else, the more you overdo it, the less the subsequent hits provide pleasure. Coupled with it being a learned ability, too little enjoyment derived in any given session will make it hard to continue and make one more prone to mistakes as the frustration builds. I see it as the brain logging learned information, and can only log so much so quickly, so excessive effort will diminish the rewards as the brain is like a SSD which can only read and write data at a set pace, and doing more is unlikely to net gain

A more reliable tactic is to do it regularly over time, counting the total length in terms of weeks and months rather than individual days, which are susceptible to all sorts of whimsy

>> No.6476323

like most things, a lack of discipline and weaponized procrastination
if your motivation did not rely on uninterrupted mania to keep you going, you wouldn't care how good you are today because there will be a tomorrow, and you will definitely be drawing tomorrow
if you didn't constantly create these new-age spooks that you morally allow yourself to be defeated by, you wouldn't jokingly(unless...?) shitpost on 4chan about it and recommended fucking fish oil because the cannibal, baby raping, dog eating, skull pyramid building mongoloids are high IQ n shiet, whitey wuz kangz n shiet