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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 174 KB, 799x1008, dibujando-hentai-nueva-edicion-vol3-espanhol_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6470837 No.6470837 [Reply] [Original]

are hispanics naturally good at drawing or is it just puertroricans?

>> No.6470846

Underboob is the highest quality of boob. There is no rarer more decadent type of boob.

>> No.6470847
File: 15 KB, 220x164, Survivorship-bias.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no such thing as being naturally good at drawing because of the fucking race you come from, especially not due to these random ass countries you pull out because you want to excuse yourself for not being naturally good by making a tier list.

>But artists from X country are always really good
Because if they weren't good, you wouldn't be hearing about them while you hang out on the oother side of the planet.

>> No.6470849

I would stick my penis in her.

>> No.6470862

find me literally one asian person that cannot draw

>> No.6470864
File: 130 KB, 800x533, heresafew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6470869
File: 845 KB, 1500x2331, 1672842516386599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even the worst asian at drawing here can draw like pic related

>> No.6470872
File: 3.31 MB, 498x498, nexttimeeatasalad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're serious, go spend some time isolating the drawing gene - wht a fantastic evolutionary use THAT would have. Do some science on the subject, I'm sure you'll find great results.

>> No.6470876

>he thinks there isn't a drawing gene
>he uses science as a verb

>> No.6470883

So I guess you think that cover image with the weird face is good?

>> No.6470892

they have horny conquistador genes and high dexterity from crafting illegal firearms

>> No.6470897

Are you actually fucking retarded?

>> No.6470901
File: 33 KB, 564x553, 3372bab64c23b522de20724d5526da19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6470906

holy mother of soul

>> No.6470927

No, pero los latinos han tenido mayor exposión a mayor cantidad y calidad de anime que los gringos protestantes.

Este es ahora un hilo de artistas romance, who taco speak here?

>> No.6470946

> puertroricans
But that’s a Mexican magazine

>> No.6470971

The thumbnail always looks like she has a penis. I click on it everytime and I’m met with disappointment

>> No.6470987

Draw your own penis on her.

>> No.6470997

don't have one

>> No.6471000

My penis is all wrinkled and hair, it’s not all cute and feminine like I would expect hers to be

>> No.6471003
File: 43 KB, 422x440, WTF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feminine penis
suicide is always an option

>> No.6471004

I meant justdrawa dick on her since you're on this board, I hope you can draw a cock at least.
Not use your own weird penis as a reference.

>> No.6471035

I know a half Asian that stagnated for nearly a decade, that count?

I dunno, the guy in the green shirt is pretty good.

>> No.6471042


>> No.6471058
File: 32 KB, 229x337, 20230113_072231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy lol

>> No.6471064

quick rundown on pic?

>> No.6471120

Survivorship bias

>> No.6471141

You're not shit because of your genes, you're shit because of your upbringing.
What Japanese and Mexican kids have in common is they're not allowed to fail and be couch potatos like you. They either get pushed to suicide by peer pressure or they're thrown on the street to do any job for their upkeep.

You're miserable now because you were spared any discomfort as a child and now don't know how you pursue your interests so you blame mommy and daddy for not giving you even more comfort.

>> No.6471156
File: 45 KB, 358x369, 1241510994950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like an awful lot of projection if you ask me

>> No.6471159

el chicANO speaking

typically of a third generation immigrant

>> No.6471163


You're worse than people who think drawing is a sin.

>> No.6471166

Love how fast memericans chimp out when you point out their lives are so easy they need to make up problems.

>> No.6471306

Factually wrong
Find me a single Somalian or Sierra Leone native artist that draws well.

>> No.6471307

Looks like my gf

>> No.6471309

Yes, artistic ability is genetic and not limited to humans. Good art is a sign of good genes, and an incredibly good way to get laid. Theres a reason women loving artists is a stereotype. It's cause it's real

>> No.6471310


>> No.6471311

I wish Florida was still part of the Spanish Empire, they took our alligators. Never forget.
Florida man is a Spanish mythical creature

>> No.6471319

>Because if they weren't good, you wouldn't be hearing about them

>> No.6471326
File: 1.15 MB, 799x1008, 6lj7mnvx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is much better than op's

>> No.6471353

Are weebs this retarded?

>> No.6471354

Maybe just stop coping, life ain't a Beatles song

>> No.6471363

damn asian genes

>> No.6471401

>spics btfoed

>> No.6471532

Looks genetic

>> No.6471543

Based underboob cult

>> No.6471755

I draw better than all my amreican friends, Mexican here

>> No.6471757

go back

>> No.6471816

Latino here and i dont draw well.

>> No.6471830

>bigger tits
>moved arms
>bigger head
is this what a caucasian thinks is aesthetically pleasing?

>> No.6471840

ryukishi07 is at the level of 90% of /ic/, but even him made it.

>> No.6471841

they both look like shit, but this is just incoherent chicken scratch

>> No.6471856


>> No.6471861
File: 119 KB, 912x1004, 1670974737907365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6471866 [DELETED] 

It's a redline sketch, you fucking permabeg retard. You don't even know what a real chicken scratch is.

>> No.6471869 [DELETED] 

nta but clean it up faggot

>> No.6471871 [DELETED] 

Yes, that is what a normal and consistent anatomy looks like.
>muh caucasian
Go back to r/masculinity fucking ugly chink with a micro peepee.

>> No.6471876 [DELETED] 

Why would i clean up a redline, fucking retard? lmao You are so fucking stupid. Redlining is used for highlighting mistakes or fixing them if you didn't know.

>> No.6471885

The whole point of the pose is she's resting on her knees, your "fix" only fucked that up. All you did was rotate her pose a bit more 3/4 otherwise.

>> No.6471886

lolno, that's no redline, that's a begline, you worthless dunning kruger.

>> No.6471887 [DELETED] 

clean it the fuck up, it looks like shit

>> No.6471891 [DELETED] 

Faggot schizoid. Pyw perhaps i know you are pure garbage.

>> No.6471896
File: 501 KB, 741x721, 1672876194593992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, i was LITERALLY about to say "pyw coming 3,2,1"
fuck you begs are predictable

>> No.6471903 [DELETED] 

You are a literal schizoid that love to derail these threads. I hope you kys asap instead of littering this board with your illiterate garbage.

>> No.6471912

Miku sama can I get your autograph?

>> No.6471914 [DELETED] 

Holy fuck man, i love when begs act like they know what they are talking about. Good stuff.

>> No.6471917 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 500x456, 1442625334825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you derailed the thread with your fucking garbage readline faggot
we were all perfectly fine talking about mexicans and asians before you came in with your begline fucking garbage, no one fucking cares
how about you do /ic/ a service and do your fucking shit redlines there instead of coming her with that fucking garbage?

>> No.6471919

meant to say /beg/ not /ic/
anyway point is no one fucking cares, fuck off

>> No.6471922

the artist is not asian afaik

>> No.6471923 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, you shit gargler. You don't know shit about what you are saying and try to act like you actually have any wisdom regarding any of this. Literally kill yourself and end it all, shitty weeb spic.

>> No.6471927 [DELETED] 

i'm not even op but why are you fucking here? this is literally a spic thread
do you go on loli threads and complain about loli shit? fucking nigger-iq faggot

>> No.6471929 [DELETED] 

This is not /int/, you fucking dumb hue monkey. There are no generals based on your ethnicity. So shut the fuck up or go kill yourself.

>> No.6471932 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 334x333, 1201382173420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you mad? i have done nothing but send compliments your way (calling your redline shit, is being quite generous if you ask me)
i don't get it, maybe this is a nigger thing that i don't understand

>> No.6471941

there's no fucking point in making a redline when you completely change the perspective and your lines aren't even readable, you dumb fucking cunt

>> No.6471949

>there's no fucking point in making a redline when you completely change the perspective
The point is to make big changes to try and look like he knows much better than the original, rather than fix the mistakes. Just some hi-beg at best who wanted to flex on easily impressed lowbegs but failed spectacularly.

>> No.6471962

they're japanese living in europe

>> No.6471991
File: 903 KB, 799x1008, AAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6472214

ive noticed all the coomer artists are either japanese or hispanic

>> No.6472229

whatever makes you sleep at night

>> No.6472235

anon, only asians draw shiny colors fanart

>> No.6472273

1.- no
2.- you completely ruined the pose
2.- that cover is from like 2002, 3/4 thicc pudge was not in style.

>> No.6472279

Anglo. Hispanics are caucasian, so are alpines, gauls, meds and nords none of whom are anti-aesthetic demons like the eternal anglo.

>> No.6472298

No, they are not.

>> No.6472338

>t. anglo

>> No.6472581

The white ones yeah we're all giga coomers with the willpower to cross the ocean just to rape and conqueer virgin land

>> No.6472672
File: 55 KB, 660x374, 1647518041174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay mad, I'm physically going to the US to do work there, I am currently working as a n illustrator for gringos, good luck

>> No.6472711

Hispanics has two choices Do crime to get money or just draw for the superior White man for money.

>> No.6472732

so? almost every hispanic feels great shame to even show what their nation is and will pretend they are from the US or Mexico the entire time

>> No.6472777

Nigger they wear their soccer team's jerseys even if they haven't been to the world cup in decades, they refuse to speak our language and eat our food.

Third generation pochos are not hispanic, of course they're ashamed of their nation, they're American.

>> No.6473485
File: 644 KB, 1330x513, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Most of them draw the same tier as western cartoons because they are western cartoons. Go look at some Spanish cartoons on YouTube & you'll see what I mean. Only exception would be Condorito.

BTW That picture was drawn by a Japanese. They only translated the words.

>> No.6473494

Depends on the kind of Hispanic. Castizos are god tier but smaller in numbers. Mestizos are beaners who look like Paco who illegally crossed the border. Then there's Amerindio/Indios who look indigenous. Sambos don't count because they're niggers. Castizos are closer to Caucasians since they are descendants of the original Spaniards. Anything else is subhuman & I would avoid at all cost.

>> No.6473511

checked & trips of truth

>> No.6473537

no it wasnt lol, that magazine is pure South American

>> No.6473740

For you fucking retards

>> No.6473801

>open any pixiv tag
>sea of jap /beg/s from hell

>> No.6474231

Mexico is North America.

>> No.6474316

Nice try, Pedro. North. America is all 50 States plus the backwater province that is Canada.

>> No.6474324

That magazine is Chilean anon, you can't go further south.

>> No.6474414

Vanguardia is a Mexican editorial and apparently has an art school too.
North America is Greenland, Canada, USA, Mexico and Bermuda.

You fuckers spew out shit like we're not literally using the largest reservoir of information in history at this very moment.

>> No.6474549

any isekai LN adaptation mangaka
there are thousands of them

>> No.6474558

If race is real and there are differences in behaviour and cognitive development (there are), then why wouldn't there be some races more naturally adept to drawing--even if it's just by a little bit on average?

>> No.6476488

He's talking about the word Caucasian, which is an American term for white, not Caucasoid like what you're saying.

>> No.6476602

>Castizos are god tier
They're just spicy crackers. I don't like them.

>> No.6479624

whiter than you

>> No.6479836

Academics still deny race and any differences beside skin color.

>> No.6479875

Because it's a meme. Most people are retarded faggots doesn't make a difference if you are white, asian or black. You are all equally retarded and ngmi.