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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 117 KB, 1049x788, deviantart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6467822 No.6467822 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6467823

>show more like this
Not even AIfags will choose this

>> No.6467827

and you think THIS will stop them? oh you poor naïve soul

>> No.6467835

Like it's honestly pretty great how AI art is getting so much cultural push back, If you are in the EU, make sure to support the people / parties that will inevitably want to pass regulation on this garbage

>> No.6467839
File: 596 KB, 512x768, 1673192232918801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't tag as ai
gg ez

>> No.6467862
File: 2.66 MB, 487x498, happy-happy-joy-joy-ren-and-stimpy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every little win fills the heart with joy

>> No.6467882
File: 1.45 MB, 487x498, 16734254082687862.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn it

>> No.6467894

>Followed one of those smut writers on DA
>He's now spamming more AI generated images of his OC instead of writing more
>They all looked very off compared to the usual artstyles which arent that anime influenced.
>Stops writing those niche smut now.
Yeah yeah we get it you just found out about NovelAI but could you please get back to writing smut? If I want to see AI images I'll generate them myself.

>> No.6467898

If I want to see AI images then I'd do it myself. AI goyslop posts are only worth viewing if they have their proompts and seeds listed alongside.

>> No.6467909

Bullshit that still won't save DA's reputation and likely doesn't even work. Any art site that accepted AI shit has killed its traffic.


>> No.6467946

Holy shit, people actually left


>> No.6467947

>Show less
Why can't I remove AI shit altogether? I don't need it at all. Why do they keep trying to push it?

>> No.6467952

Wasn't AI gonna free us and make us more creative?

>> No.6467966

>get banned for inappropriate tagging

>> No.6467971

At some point it can become hard to spot AI. Which is the main problem.

>> No.6467974

>bro, just check his profile history bro
>bro, just ask for pdfs bro

Get out

>> No.6467975

They don't care about their own shit. Most of them only in for easy money. Some are journalists who spite on artists, specially anime artists(Notice how they force the meme "learn to code" on artists) because they're still seething at Twitter anime profiles mocked them in 2019.
They never understand the joy of looking at your own paintings.

>> No.6467977

New World Order

>> No.6467979

Eh, probably just courtesy
Pixiv also has "show less" but it end up just removing all AI art from view

>> No.6468135

It just mean AI faggots are dishonest and will "forget" to tag so you will often see them

>> No.6468143

It's already relatively easy to dodge the AI tag and not get punished for it, at least on pixiv, simply by not using the shitty NovelAI model, and creating own model instead, or at least a mix, as noone associates the styles that come out from other models with AI, and a lot of them also tend to be way more anatomically accurate than the dogshit NovelAI model, also profile history means nothing as a lot of artists either create a new account after something happening to previous one, or just wait till they get good before posting anything.
Idk what you mean by pdf's but if you mean things like sketch or process, it can already be generated through i2i, I know since I'm using it myself

>> No.6468147


Don't worry, we'll develop AI to detect and tag other AI, kek

>> No.6468149

>ai art is amazing, everyone will want to use it
>lmao nobody cares if it's ai or not, people just want to see pretty pics
>ai art is the future just go with the times bro
>*refuses to tag it as ai*

>> No.6468151

How are you going to do that exactly? Given pattern recognition requires well, source material, and given different models produce wildly different results you'd somehow need to account for all the models, even the obscure ones or private ones. And what about the false positives? Where someone not using AI will get taken down cause his style is too similar to some model?

>> No.6468169

You can always ask for the pds file when in doubt which I assume the other anon meant by "pdfs"
>b-but I can create WIPs with ai
Yes please show us so we can laugh at them kek

>> No.6468170

*psd, fugg

>> No.6468186

>show less
>can’t show none
retard op fell for worthless virtue signaling

>> No.6468190

There's already a way to put an AI generated image and reverse ingineer it to give you the original piece of artwork it used

>> No.6468364

As someone who uses DeviantArt frequently, I can say that it doesnt stop all the ai art from showing on your feed. Even with it being tagged as Ai some pieces can still be recommended to you.
I just fucking hate how people tag their ai art as paintings, drawings, traditional and such.

>> No.6468423
File: 42 KB, 448x448, newgrounds-com-kaiserkothe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started using Newgrounds instead. The art there is so much better anyway.

>> No.6468433

if you like cartoon naked girls with sharp teeth and hyperrealistic grotesque = funny

>> No.6468440

It's kinda funny how limitations (be it technology or skill) breeds creativity and innovation while accessibility and lower skill floors cause people to make some of the most generic shit imaginable.

>> No.6468506
File: 36 KB, 1184x282, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since AIs do not paint or draw, that means they fundamentally make images in different ways compared to human beings. An AI trained on human art will be able to pick up on the subtle differences between 'human' art and AI art, regardless of how popular or novel the AI generator is.
AI can already detect things that humans are completely incapable of detecting. Pic related. There will absolutely be heavy incentives for AI-detecting technology in general.
The problem is that this tech is also likely going to be used to make completely undetectable AI images in the future. Unfortunately, Emad, being the psychopath he is, decided to make this technology open source and completely unregulateable (something which incurs him massive personal benefit and profit).
The path forward I see for AIs is making the Dead Internet Theory come true.

>> No.6468515

>cartoon naked girls with sharp teeth
ok you got me.

>> No.6468536

That shit will never get funding in the west, unless its only for FBI/MI5. With AI like that you'd prove every single racist stereotype out there, from Jews being greedy pedophiles to Blacks being mongolorid wild animals

Not to mention, seeing through troons who insist objective reality doesn't exist, kek.

>> No.6468547

Never heard about the Dead internet theory, interesting read!

>> No.6468548
File: 16 KB, 600x315, 40abfb383ab6502ab3f72ea3b20feb00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teeth, hands, shadows, hair
Incapable of making dynamic poses and multiple subjects

You are on an artist's website. You will be noticed, your profile checked, and banned. Not to mention that there would be people asking for commissions and you would be incapable of providing

And as this guy said >>6468149

If you think AI art is so good, then why don't you tag it properly?

>> No.6468587

they finally realized the few people left on their site were preparing to leave, huh.

>> No.6468590

Literally getting away with it so far, for 3 months now. Simply publishing the best possible result, and doing it believably rarely, like once every two weeks is good enough, as despite getting up to 2000 likes noone said anything about "uhm it's AI guys" or whatever japs would say in their faglanguage
And honestly while teeth and hands are understandable, shadows and to lesser extent hair is easy to mess up when drawing it yourself anyways
Also in the end of the day you publish art on the internet for people to see it, cause why else. Tagging it as AI gives you a handicap, as it solely exists so people can not see AI art, and by that tagging it as such you willingly reduce your potential viewers.

>> No.6468600

You're telling me AI shitters who"ve spent the last year trying to convince us that it's just as good if not better... are now trying to hide the fact that it's AI?
Why? Wasn't that supposed to be the selling point? Unless... you know that no matter how good your prompts get, you're just cheating yourself out of an experience.
>Why ride a roller coaster when I can just go to a theme park in VR? It's practically the same thing.

>> No.6468602

Yeah, because you don't read the comments. Everyone knows that you are not an artist

Tag it properly
And yes, it gives you a handicap for good reason. No one wants to see it, not even you

>> No.6468601

There was a guy who got busted a few days ago for posting ai made "pixel art" on twitter and ended up deleting his entire account. Your time's running out, tick tock aicel

>> No.6468612

Just so you'd know

Not tagging it as AI is the same as tagging feet pics as breasts

The extra views are people whom you just annoyed. Don't be an attention whore. If they wanted to see it, they would search your tag

>> No.6468613

Literally said that I read the comments
> noone said anything about "uhm it's AI guys"
it's in 80% the shitty pixiv stickers
Also what kind of a logic is it lmao
>not even you want to see it but you keep generating way more than you post, and while doing that, seeing all of it
Why'd you delete your account? That seems like an extreme move, probably more wise to just either ignore the people, or accept what they are saying and just keep posting

>> No.6468616

post ur prompts

>> No.6468618
File: 59 KB, 917x625, 69cdc27cbd0b244b4bc937815d13e82b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really makes one scratch the ol noodle

>> No.6468624
File: 59 KB, 720x720, MyFirstCraftPromptsKit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but AI is a legit artform anon, everyone should know the wonders of PROMPTCRAFT.
And what are you, a luddite? Would you have hid your car and continued to use a horse and buggy?

>> No.6468629

My current goal is to be an art director so I can filter these drones at the gates.
>I like your work, now can you give me a character in orthographs and then place them in a scene while being on model? I also need the scene in different camera positions and in 3 different times of day, upshot, downshot and 3/4, morning, afternoon and dusk. I also need you to show me a color script. Present it next week and tell me what was your design process behind your character, the environment you chose and the camera positions.

>> No.6468641

>But I don't understand professional word, I can only paint, I can paint in front of you!

>> No.6468645

I'm going to love digital drawslaves cannibalizing themselves. How are are you going to reliably tell what is and isn't AI work? Especially if some other post editing is done.
Artists are now requiring .psd with layers and/or work flows screenshots of unfinished work.

>> No.6468650

Which we are completely fine with

He does not even have to do that. Just post a sketch of construction and he already passed

>> No.6468655

It really isn't that hard to do NPC.

>> No.6468661

The hair usually gives it away

>> No.6468665

>Don't like a particular artist
>Accuse him of AI work.

I can see this new trend going swimmingly and in a way AInhas already won in this case.

>> No.6468669
File: 3.41 MB, 346x384, renge-miyauchi-shrug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He only have to post one construction in his entire carreer

>> No.6468672

>if their work is regarded as a sin, they win
??? also it's pretty easy to disprove, just post the sketch/wip. Artists accuse each other of dump shit all the time, see any tracing drama

>> No.6468682
File: 159 KB, 927x855, 9rt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does providing pics like this sound difficult to you?
Everyone does this everyday as a practice

>> No.6468700
File: 135 KB, 1058x595, sonchuevolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I understand why Chris Chan was such an insecure fat troon.
He was an artist.

>> No.6468703

But do you understand why you're an insecure fat troon?

>> No.6468706


>> No.6468710

Punchline: they use A.I. to implement "less like this".

>> No.6468716

>screenshot construction from some 3 views stream from YT
>paste into CSP

>> No.6468727
File: 413 KB, 1279x653, 1656614396034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>permaprebeg chicken scratch and symbol perspective and symbol drawing
Maybe AI was too much for your pea sized brain

>> No.6468732


>> No.6468749

i was wondering when this would happen, how can you do it?

>> No.6468764

It's not the original image as it's still different from the possible "original", and it was demonstrated on a very overfitting prone model with very small dataset of iirc few hundred images. So it's basically quite cherrypicked and not applicable with real models. If it was, someone would have already done this with the commonly used models.
Also on a side note you need to first know what model was even used, and you need to have access to it to even do that.

>> No.6468778
File: 58 KB, 1093x774, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did the meme become real

>> No.6468793

>Hey, why is this artstyle different from yours?
Stop doubling down on the lies for you will be found sooner or later

Spend that time on actually learning

>> No.6468802

It's not a meme though. Any time there is some lowskill tech-related thing with a potential profit angle, you can bet Indians will be there to exploit it.

>> No.6468805

>He was an artist.
Yes, and his name will be remembered for generations. Can you say the same for any prompter?

>> No.6468812

>wanting your name to be remembered for generations for being a fat troon
As expected of /ic/, the trannydom central

>> No.6468819

A prompter have no chance of getting remembered at all, you know

Maybe if you run the lie long enough to be a legendary scammer but that's it.

>> No.6468820

>being remembered for being the definition of a failure
>not being remembered
The state of some anons

>> No.6468828
File: 239 KB, 326x326, Gtno+excessive+blush+gtnot+an+entirely+different+skin+color+_64712766604d01c334172f7c026519b6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a different anon, mate
Anyway, every artist have a future ahead of them. Whether it's bright or not, is up to them

Prompters have none.

>> No.6468832

Chris Chan is the Nietzschean ideal, the artist as an act of self-creation.

>> No.6468845

The time you save by using AI instead of drawing you can use to build future in more productive fields you know?

>> No.6468847


>> No.6468851
File: 45 KB, 619x680, media_2FFPABaHkVUAYR4qZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck off
10 years ago, I stopped learning Jap because you fucks said that AI would kill all translators
Today, scanlators are actually booming due to the sheer availability of manga and doujins and machine translations get shat on by everyone

I'm not getting fooled twice, nigger

>> No.6468853

Anything STEM, like architecture, which honestly is a beautiful combination of art and sciences, and also pays great

>> No.6468857

And you are studying any of those?

You would just assume that AI would oh so totally make it obsolete too

>> No.6468860

You can also do that while making art, tho? Sounds like some weird cope, if you enjoy prompting just say so

>> No.6468864

Gonna be real, MTL is pretty trash but that seems to be changing, there was an experimental manga site very recently ran by MingShiba, with select amount of testers, with the twist the mangas were all untranslated and were entirely translated by AI, same with text detection, although I'm unsure if any AI was used for this part. While it wasn't perfect by any means it still blown me away with how well it was able to adjust the translations to the context, I'd say that's an interesting thing to look forward to in upcoming years

>> No.6468865

If art is such a waste of time to you then why do it at all? Save us time by not flooding the net with trash that we all have to wade through

>> No.6468868 [DELETED] 
File: 384 KB, 1398x2048, D215CB28-814F-41B3-ADC6-B268DF49F8EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is like cheering about when torrent sites get taken down.

None of this is slowing the rate of the progression of the tech. It’s just limiting its accessibility to consumers.

And Russian OP and her discord shills know this. That’s why they’re paid to shill for their fascist oligarch daddies to be the only people with access to the basilisk. Makes it easier to mind rape people and stuff.

>> No.6468869
File: 16 KB, 326x311, For+anyone+that+wants+it+_91f5308a76b793657d2c8c5e2a5cfcd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah yeah yeah
Shut the fuck up
10 years, bitch

AI failed to kill something as simple as Translators within 10 fucking years.
And now you're saying it would kill something as complex as art?

Suck a cock, nigger!

>> No.6468870

Isnt Ai going to take over those too?
Also fuck you art is a productive use of time you fucking tool

>> No.6468871

Jimmy you don't even know anything about the tech, stop LARPing

>> No.6468872

Nothing was ever taken down, bitch
It just gave the option to block the AI tag, which is already available for every tag, mind you

>> No.6468880

It won't kill art, digital painting hasn't killed traditional art, AI isn't going to kill digital either, however I can see it will diminish the need for anything commercial related with art, however anyone doing it just for fun won't be affected at all.
Also, 10 years is a lot in terms of processing power, as even few years ago running something like Stable Diffusion without an extremly beefy PC would be a challenge. Learning japanese just to translate things for money sounds like a bad thing to do, however you should have instead looked to learn it for your own use
On a side note, translation is not simple, especially given the context required in Japanese language, and the specifics of it. If it was truly that simple, we'd have seen perfect AI translators before ChatGPT

>> No.6468885

So all those big evil coorps are gonna rely on ai images that they can't copyright, sounds like a great way to promote their brands

>> No.6468887

I thought we gave the AI bros deviantart? We don't want that shit.

>> No.6468892

>None of this is slowing the rate of the progression
Funny how you keks still believe this.

>> No.6468893

It's truly astonishing how AI fags think making art and writing stories is such a bore and a waste of time yet they want to be a part of those communities so badly. It proves that they don't actually like those things and just want money and attention. If it isn't worth their time to work on it themselves, then it's not worth anyone else's time to look at it or read it.

>> No.6468894
File: 95 KB, 228x205, +_774b93256ea2f85867cb35beeffef6ff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, yeah yeah,
10 years is a LOT of time and yet, AI still cannot do shit about translation

Maybe, juuuust maybe. Maybe it's because it literally can't?

I wanted to read Jap back then because I was already dead tired of waiting months for scanlators. Oh, look at what you fags landed me into 10 years after

I could be flailing my aryan white dick at 2ch right now if only you fuckers never told me to quit

Never again. NEVER

>> No.6468902
File: 81 KB, 1076x742, scores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I've stated there is improvement. You can quite easily look up various translation tools scores in terms of being capable to translate a variety of japanese text, and how they change over time. It'd be pretty stupid to just assume it cannot be done.
I encourage you to go and try the "Sugoi translator" yourself, it's perfectly free and from what I remember open source, and you can compare it yourself against regular machine translation.

>> No.6468909

And when, fucker? I repeat,

WHEN do you think it's gonna happen?
10 years more to make more """""improvements"""""? When I could learn this shit in 3

>> No.6468912

Someone has asked the dev on discord
>"In terms of future projection, how many years would it take for MTL to supersede translators?"
Guy responded
>"if I have enough resource, I could make translation good enough in 5 years"
Whether his claims are correct, only time will tell honestly

>> No.6468913

I believe anon's point is that even after 10 years, it still can't compete with human translators and it's doubtful if it ever will, so all those "i-it's totally getting better in two more weeks" posts are just reddit fiction

>> No.6468918

>if I have enough resource

>> No.6468929

That's true, if anon kept learning back then and didn't give up he'd get to enjoy a dozen years of having superior japanese knowledge compared to any tool, however as the years go by, the difference simply keeps shrinking.

>> No.6468933

>it's totally gonna happen, just don't bother learning any skill bro
Keep donating to these ponzi schemes then?

>> No.6468939

I like to look at the data, and if I see the numbers going up, and when using the tool I can notice the difference when using it, to me it's potentially plausible. Airplanes were one of things that were deemed "impossible" and something that will never happen, and look where we are now after all these years. Skills worth learning are ones that either give you most joy, or are furthest from being automated

>> No.6468943

>Most of them only in for easy money.
I keep seeing this "point" brought up but there's no evidence for anyone making "easy money" off this shit. Like I've seen a couple people make maybe $60 in a single month from selling crappy AI-adopts, and companies are flat out saying they're not hiring people who only know how to use AI.
Just because a lot of people are selling doesn't mean anyone is buying.

I rarely get AI shit in my feed, but then all the people I follow are doing coomer fetish art. And if I see AI stuff that I dislike I just click the (...) and hit "show less like this." Even having followed 1 dude who makes alright AI stuff I almost never get more than 2 AI pics on my main page.

>Unfortunately, Emad, being the psychopath he is, decided to make this technology open source and completely unregulateable
>this technology open source and completely unregulateable
Good, everything should be open source and free to use. Death to copyright and no step on snek.

>Tagging it as AI gives you a handicap, as it solely exists so people can not see AI art, and by that tagging it as such you willingly reduce your potential viewers
That's a misunderstanding. The reason you tag with as many things as possible is both so people can find AND filter your work.
This is because you want viewers that actually respect you enough to want to pay you. If they find they've been deceived then they will be reluctant to do so - after all, if you lied about something like that, you'd probably lie about other things.

It really is hilarious when these motherfuckers should just stop being paranoid and draw instead. Anyone worth their salt is going to just laugh at idiots demanding an artist "show his work" like a damn elementary math teacher.

Captcha: MAD V8X

>> No.6468947

Damn these Indians get really defensive over people not liking AI art

>> No.6468949
File: 26 KB, 407x873, 1670730170410501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not mine, is from an anon claiming these to be art commisions he's fulfilling using AI

>> No.6468955

almost took this post seriously until the paj gave himself away by saying death to copyright laws
Silly shitskin.

>> No.6468967
File: 79 KB, 500x544, bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6468968

>108$ over 2 weeks
>the most expensive one being 25$, most way less
So you prove my point that nobody is making shit off this.
If anything this is just proof of it being pajeets fighting other pajeets for the lazy ass bottom barrel fiverr market.

>> No.6468972

>if I have enough resource
>alread has access to every dictionary and translation books in the net
Yeah, sure, dingus

>> No.6468975

>potential profit angle
I never said it had to work. The huggingface patreons, people selling AI commissions, the AI comic and AI children's book are all examples that yes, there are people trying to use this to turn a profit.

>> No.6468980

Don't forget all the indie devs using it to shit out games faster and sidestep collaboration with others.
After a decade of indie devs crying "video games are art" they're now arguing that the art part isn't important and is a waste of time, and that only money and speed of development matter. Hilarious.

>> No.6468983

>potential!! IT HAS POTENTIAL!!!
>trying to
Who the fuck cares if people are "trying to"? In what fucking universe is that a problem? They try, they fail, wow they worked for however many hours for worse than a fast food wage!

And if some succeed then what? If someone wants to actually pay for AI art then would you want that person as a fucking client? "OH yea I only have 15$ but I want you to paint me this elaborate thing!" That's the kind of person you (politely) tell to fuck off and then immediately stop giving a shit about them.

>> No.6468988

This is actually good because most of those people had no budget to begin with. I'd rather 500 indie devs push their game out with AI art than only 50 do so with a mix of stock assets and paying for new art.
And honestly one of the games I really like from almost 10 years ago is made entirely with stock assets. The only credits are the dev and the musician, and I've found some of the stock shit he used on turbosquid and other places.

>but why are you anti-artists getting work!?
I'm not, I recognize that for artists to get work there has to be people with the money to pay them. If people can get their shit off the ground at a lower cost initially, they can upgrade to custom art later when they have the resources.

More people doing things that can be improved with art = more artists getting paid.

>> No.6468997

There's the braindead tranny that made the White Buddha

>> No.6469013


> Making art to be remembered.

Absolute fucking KEK. How's that going for (you)?

>> No.6469025

I see your logic. I don't think people like you are the problem. Sadly a lot of the indie dev community is convinced that AI assets are just fine or even better than custom made ones, and that spending time on visual development is worthless. Most of the devs who do make sales and grow their company will see no reason to invest more in art and it will serve as an example for other companies who don't want to hire artists (or musicians or voice actors). They will have no incentive to do better and it will be a race to the bottom. Hopefully it will happen like you say it will and there will be people out there trying to raise the bar.

>> No.6469032

>Sadly a lot of the indie dev community is convinced that AI assets are just fine or even better than custom made ones
I mean, why not let them make their trash games with ai assets and watch how it goes for them

>> No.6469037

I'm doing perfectly well.
I already promised my family to decorate our father's tomb with a painting of Jesus' crucifixion.

Not sure if I would have the time before our family gathering but I intend to do it

>> No.6469044
File: 498 KB, 512x768, 1670255551270413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You honestly think people who pay give a fuck about the "work" you put into doing anything?

They don't. They only care about results.

If results are not good enough, AI fags will shit more works than you ever will, in a fraction of time, until it's eventually good, and not just "good", but better than you... Just admit it. It's over. Your "work" is worth nothing. You can cope all you want about how much "work" you put. It won't make your shit any better. Chances are high you are just a /beg/ tier faggot anyways, and you don't even have that going for you...

>> No.6469051

Yes they do.
Otherwise they would just generate it themselves

>> No.6469055

>he says while posting the most generic garbage he could find
Holy cope, people already stopped caring about your meme makers. Go with the times, everyone's busy playing with ChatGPT right now

>> No.6469060

Anon you're trying to crab on /ic/, the crab colony of 4chan. You need to try harder with your shitposts.

>> No.6469069

Galleries didn't accept digital art for a very long time because reasons, let's all just hope zoomers and newer generation don't go for the easy route and start using AI for everything until they start demanding AI art to be accepted and websites kneel to the new consumers/"creators" like it happened with digital art. Digital art isn't real art, get the rope if you disagree

>> No.6469074


And aren't we gathered here because that's exactly what's happening?

>> No.6469079

>Digital art isn't real art
Why do you think so?

>> No.6469080

g is generating shit, furries and pedos on trash and random are too, that would be your commission money you're not getting from them anymore

>> No.6469083

>g is generating shit, furries and pedos
Uh. That describes most of /ic .

>> No.6469088

Ya think the people playing around with ai generators on /trash/ right now would have actually paid for commissions? Weird how there is no proof of anyone's commission requests having gone down then...

>> No.6469116

A race to the bottom is not something I'm afraid of. If they fuck up, others will see that as an example.
Games are art. A shitload of art is made because "I hate what you did, I will do it better than you, asshole."

>that would be your commission money you're not getting from them anymore
No it isn't. Most of the furries and coomers and shit I've seen generating AI art fall into three camps:
>never had money, uses exclusively free ones on huggingface or begs people to generate stuff for them
>has money, experiments with AI stuff, still comms art because they just LOVE IMAGES
>are artists using it for inspo/reference

>> No.6469121

>Top keywords
>giantess vore

>> No.6469171

>highest sale is $25
Your average amateur internet commission artist gets paid at last twice as much for sketch. Your average professional artist gets paid at the very least 7 times for a simple sketch.
This is what people were predicting when the AI/ML image generator shilling started last summer. AIfags can't do specific things so they won't get many clients, the clients they do get will be other AIfags that are easily impressed cheapskates, or it will be yet another attempt of the pump-and-dump scheme that the NFTfags did.

>> No.6469583

>takes like two minutes to fulfill a commision unlike few hours if you were to do that manually
>Gets commisions roughly everyday

Idk man, seems to be performing better than seeing bunch of artists I'm following open commisions on skeb for like 200 dollars and not get any request for long months lmao

>> No.6469589

Even third worlders pull in more than this

>> No.6469593

I wouldn't use OPs tools for a few reasons,
The watermark that this places is for AI scrapers to not train AI onto itself, and it doesn't work against asthetic or focus training.
It's easily removed with scaling or even simple edits to the raster image.
Becuase this was created as a tool to help AI and not as a means of authenticity verification you run the risk of having your work accused of being AI generated.

It's just gona be an annoying arms race with faggots on both sides accusing each other of doctoring work or using AI. It's already happening as we speak (see reddit). Soon only very exclusive art communities and galleries will let you post your work/be apart of.

>> No.6469601

>>takes like two minutes to fulfill a commision unlike few hours if you were to do that manually
Once again, you AIfags prove yourselves to have no experience actually commissioning or getting commissioned artwork. Many artists with high prices are able to make multiple deliveries within an hour or two because a common practice now is pacing and announcing commission slots cycles. The ones that takw hours or days are usually decently drawn or highly rendered pieces with specific scenarios that can be reliably interpreted by the artist and are proportionately compensated.

>> No.6469603

>Your average amateur internet commission artist gets paid at last twice as much for sketch

>> No.6469614

I mean, with the advancements in AI and its ability to create art, I can definitely see it becoming a popular thing.

I can imagine people using filters on their photos to add AI-generated art, like digital graffiti or even animations. It could be a cool way to make your posts stand out and show off your creative side. Plus, with AI, the possibilities are endless.

But, on the other hand, I can also see some people being hesitant to use AI-generated art, as it could be seen as cheating or not truly being "original" art. It could also raise questions about the role of AI in the art world and whether it should be considered "real" art.

What do you guys think? Will we start seeing AI art all over our social media feeds or will it be met with skepticism? #AIart #socialmedia #future

>> No.6469623
File: 91 KB, 828x1338, FmC7cQmaAAAx3Hn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically in my observation with AI and real art is that the community is rather divided or at least the art community is fighting fight against these AIfags. Seems like at the moment AI isn't getting a good reputation in the eyes of the public in social medias and are being shamed on by actual artists and even normies for being unethical and downright obnoxious with their deluded delusional mindset of thinking they are already "artists" just because they have machine to do their work plus stealing and traning the art style of actual artists.

Pic related AIfags retards like this guy are already making a bad name for the prompters.

>> No.6469628


The reason for AIs growth will also be the reason for its downfall. Uncaged morons doing shit without thinking about the consequences is even disgusting the normies.

>> No.6469643

This doesn't exist

>> No.6469651

hope you try learning japanese again anon, you can still make it

>> No.6469654

If paintpigs hate AI bros so much, why don't they make their own website? Afraid losing all those view you leech from AI Bros?

>> No.6469657
File: 38 KB, 600x557, tumblr_inline_nbvpcwK6GQ1rh3n9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The great empire of Google cannot even kill translators

Yet this AIfags think that AI would ever kill art?


>> No.6469665

It is. In fact Disney, So1ny and many Jews owned businesses are waiting for more people to fall for their lawsuit trap.
It either they poison your culture with AI goyslop or withdrawn with a massive lawsuit. The Jews win in the end. The best way to fight back is ignore AIjeet spaming and bring awareness to fan bases and other artists. Let it die town just like photobashing trend.

>> No.6469670

Sketching an AI generated artwork isn't hard for int artists that are trying to fool others. They could just trace over it to make it look like they made a sketch of it prior.

>> No.6469676

I will never sell an original drawing for less than $100. Period.

>> No.6469681

I don't get why AIfags pretend to be anything but angry talentless incels. They admit to doing it entirely out of spite. Simply just to destroy artists. Why claim otherwise?
And of course they're in for a rude awakening when they realize the value of art lies a lot in reputation.

AI prompt shit is like forcing everyone on training wheels. Restricting them from having any finer choice or control, dumbing it down "for their own good". It's like forcing musicians to only use synth presets and algorithmically generated MIDI.
The prompt system is like a cheap novelty, overly vague, doesn't allow anything even resembling a professional workflow. Too limiting.

>> No.6469693 [DELETED] 
File: 831 KB, 1500x1500, wrjtnsh2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI prompt shit is like forcing everyone on training wheels. Restricting them from having any finer choice or control, dumbing it down "for their own good". It's like forcing musicians to only use synth presets and algorithmically generated MIDI.
>The prompt system is like a cheap novelty, overly vague, doesn't allow anything even resembling a professional workflow. Too limiting.
you also have img2img and a slider to regulate the influence of model on your scribbles

>> No.6469695

>bloated sōyboy
Of course. Have a link to this exchange? I'd be curious to see how the rest of it went

>> No.6469696

Or I could have total control of the work instead of relying on a slot machine.

>> No.6469723

I'd prefer minute in a slot machine rather than hour of grind

>> No.6469773

Because you're weak and pathetic.

>> No.6469775

>a minute

Are you really not interested in seeing yourself learn a new skill set that you'd rather put your fate on the algorithm?

>> No.6469789

so true literally who wants to see that shit.

they each just want other people to like THEIR shit but literally nobody gives a fuck about the low effort garbage they put out.

>> No.6469790

This argument only really concerns a limited number of people; the average Jow won't care if his entertainment was manmade or not or if it should count as art.

>> No.6469795

That would only happen if zoomers became more conservative; the "gatekeeping bad" mindset is liberal brainrot

>> No.6469798

He says as another website allows the blocking of AI tag

>> No.6469804

Yes? That doesn't contradicts what I said.
That only concerns people who care about AI art being accepted as real art.

>> No.6469808

lol ok
Tag it properly, ok?

>> No.6469815

I know you have an axe to grind but please make an effort follow the conversation next time

>> No.6469820
File: 105 KB, 650x464, 7171f240eb5154addadbc3d4febb3ea4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tag it properly
Leave your prompts in the description
And be sure that everyone knows it was made by the majestic AI

Be proud of something you totally made

>> No.6469827
File: 154 KB, 326x310, +_058d1874420f560a5fc4e9f267f58cdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you just love how they insists that artists are dead because of AI

Yet they also wanted to insist that they are artists

Just admit it already
You wanted to become an artist but you are too lazy to dedicate time to learn it yourself.
So you would just insist that AI can make you belong to our group

Exact same logic as fat acceptance movement. Just lower the bar

>> No.6469854

I don't see many ai artists talking about that, mostly it's doomsaying anti-AI'ers bringing it up as a reason AI needs to be stopped. A few who are assblasted mad about artists for some reason do repeat it but they mostly seem to be the kinds who got scammed by shitty commission artists on fiverr or something.

The reality is that illustrators and painters only think AI artists want to be "part of their group" but that's actually far from the truth. The AI artists I've seen (the ones who actually talk more than ptw) seem generally content with being a completely different category of art.

That's why a lot of the arguments about "is AI art, ART?" requires arguing into the weeds about "the definition of art." A lot of illustrators for example, will tell you photography is not art if you press them on it, or be dismissive about ALL modern and postmodern art (and the standards we have because of them about what is ethically and legally fine). Usually this is because they focus on the process of creation, but that is ultimately only as important as the artist can convince the viewer it is. Or they focus on hard-to-quantify elements like "meaning," which are also subject to death of the author and other weirdness.

A big problem with that line of argumentation is that it does 2 things:
Internally, aligns the speaker with Paul Joseph Watson's take on art, or alternately the RETVRN-style ethnonationalist and/or fascistic types. The speaker normally is lashing out out of tribalism, but when they are agreeing with those whom they would otherwise be violently opposed to, it causes conflict internally.

Externally, it absolves all responsibility from the AI artist by granting agency and personhood (as animals can't make art either) to a tool. Logically by this definition, as the prompter did not create, the tool is the source of any problems that may occur from its use and the prompter can wipe his hands clean.
I don't think that's workable either.

>> No.6469857

>t. gacha whale

>> No.6469858
File: 19 KB, 600x338, bd-w2l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its all part of the same global satanist agenda that seeks to bind people to their physical bodies and be turned into cattle-kind for the elite.
There'll be no gender, there'll be no race, there'll be no art or skills. No objective reality, anyone can be anything they want at anytime just cause they feel like it.
You vill own noting, and you vill be heppy

>> No.6469862

Prompters are not the problem, they are just a symptom. The ones who should be held accountable are the likes of Emad. And yea prompting is not the same as creating, at least according to the US copyright office

>> No.6469866

>>takes like two minutes to fulfill a commision
What are these commissions you AI are claiming are being done? What does an AI commission even look like, what are people paying for? I keep only seeing AIfags using paywalls of spammed randomly generated shit, not people actually having requests/commissions done.

>> No.6469878
File: 15 KB, 340x270, zenart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd prefer minute in a slot machine rather than hour of grind
That's because you think of it as a grind. Drawing is a form of meditation (especially on paper) while prompting is just another form of consumption. Long term drawing is much more gratifying.

>> No.6469886
File: 451 KB, 1080x1363, Pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6469903

Based destroyer of jobs, pajeets are coming for artists now

>> No.6469906

Actually a society with no gender + no race would accomplish the opposite of binding people to their physical bodies you retarded bitch. Gender and race is literally physical caste.

>> No.6469907

I dunno man, what I see is mostly lefty young ’uns attacking AI. At least they're getting this right.

>> No.6469920

Thats exactly what I meant, the globalists are selling you the idea that you can leave your physical shackles, by shackllng you even more

>> No.6469935
File: 166 KB, 1080x443, Lon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6469947

Ok and who can explicitly demonstrate that eliminating gender will personally shackle me even more? You? Nice opinion faggot.

>> No.6469958

Of course, because you can't really eliminate gender. Only be deluded into thinking you can. So, when the natural side effects of taking these drugs happen, you will be left confused and hopeless without an understanding of whats causing it.
The proof is in the fact trans people don't get better after surgery and hormones, they become even more miserable.

Its the equivalent of thinking you can fly, jumping off a building and splatter your brains on the floor. You can think whatever you want, reality is going to set you straight if you are wrong.

>> No.6469962

Are you a schizo? Why are you arguing with a strawman? Did I say that I take transgender hormones? I said that gender is a physical caste and I directly profit from it being eliminated in society. I don't need to be transgender to personally enjoy watching gender roles go to shit.

>> No.6469971
File: 93 KB, 213x248, baby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Of course, because you can't really eliminate gender.
Actually you can nigger.
Gender =/= Sex

>> No.6469983

No one cares about AI, they care about making their fantasy reality


>> No.6470009

>Thinks his shit is worth $100

Post your work, delusional faggot-kun.

>> No.6470014
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1489787466179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gender and sex are the same things, kek. The arrogance in your delusion of thinking I am uneducated and ignorant is pretty amusing. Womb hormonal profiles in men and women dictate in large part their neurosteroid archetype and brain structures, which lead to different types of brains and behaviours. You cannot change gender, nor sex.

Now please, proceed to cope and seethe.

>> No.6470016

>zoomers became more conservative
>despite conservatives are the one who’s promoting ai trash
Kys you retarded fuck.

>> No.6470027

No, we fucking don't, this is actually quite a load of cash in most of the third world.

>> No.6470090

>Gender and sex are the same things, kek.
>The arrogance in your delusion of thinking I am uneducated and ignorant is pretty amusing
You are uneducated and ignorant
> Womb hormonal profiles in men and women dictate in large part their neurosteroid archetype and brain structures, which lead to different types of brains and behaviours
Brain + physiological and hormone differences between men and women are more like a spectrum and less like two separate boxes. Yes it is scientifically demonstrated
>Now please, proceed to cope and seethe.
You type like you're 12

>> No.6470094

Kek, you will never be anything else but the sex and gender you were born with, and you will like it

>> No.6470097

If gender roles such as "MEN = BLUE / WOMEN = PINK XD" are le epic defined by biology 100% then why is it such a struggle to keep people in their assigned gender roles, why do they always try to get out? Why don't 100% of women want to perform traditional "women's" roles unless socially obligated? If it was so natural wouldn't people naturally behave in accordance with their gender roles? But no.

>> No.6470098

Astronomic cope

>> No.6470112

Indeed, at least you are a self aware faggot

>> No.6470114

That's exactly what most people do, lmao. Outliers dont make the norm.

>> No.6470119

>Gender and sex are the same things, kek.
You mean yes and no I do not care what a mentally ill pedophilic jew aka John Money said.

>> No.6470129

Actually you are all retarded, "gender" is a wishy washy word that can mean either sex or gender roles depending on the context and does not even exist in most languages. What you guys are talking about are gender ROLES and yes, many of them are socially constructed like the "boys like blue, girls like pink" thing but some are simply rooted in hormones and biology. Eg testosterone does make people more aggressive and women are ones who bear children and thus are more likely to look after them once they are born. Sure, you can try to abolish gender roles altogether but the chances of that being successful are doubtful at best, anyway I have no idea what any of this has to do with ai art or even ART.

>> No.6470130

He was also a jew? Didn’t know that

>> No.6470138

this comparison is fallacious because in the former you consume while in the latter you create

>> No.6470139

Don't argue with the cattle, they can't help but be mindslaves

>> No.6470173

Doesn't matter, its a non-issue only the disenfrachised have a problem with. Either fat girls with daddy issues or estrogenized males that don't feel manly enough
The rest of society doesn't give a shit, and shouldn't

>> No.6470180

How do you make AI art?

>> No.6470266

you put a fork into your anus then plug the other end of the fork into a wall socket and that makes the ai art for you, it's easy

>> No.6470268
File: 130 KB, 607x732, seems_ok_to_me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen nothing wrong with Emad. When I went to actually look for what he says. He seems to believe in giving your average joe as much power and freedom as possible, and cites it being a core tenet of liberalism to do that when RJ Palmer was screeching at him for making the tool open source. In the thread of picrel RJ even was like "how can those restrictions be kept if the thing is open source??" when he was trying to grill emad about people using it to do fuckin faceswap porn lol.

Also the copyright office isn't the arbiter of "what is creation." If you make a recipe, that's not copyrightable, and clothing isn't copyrightable or patentable either. Both consist of creation. If you make a fancy dress, it's not actually your right to prevent others from making the same (unless you made a print that you applied to it as well, but only the print is copyrightable - not the garment.)

>> No.6470277

this isnt a street raj, shit elsewhere thanks

>> No.6470290
File: 222 KB, 582x680, FkovLUQX0AAm1hy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've seen nothing wrong with Emad
Idk I definitely see something wrong with someone who accuses artists fighting for their rights of "skill segregation"
>If you make a fancy dress, it's not actually your right to prevent others from making the same
Actually yea, if you design a unique piece of clothing you can protect it with a design patent

>> No.6470300

That retard's no different from commielibs asking for gibs.

>> No.6470317

Design and utility patents for clothing are so few and far between that it's barely worth mentioning.
Also your screencap is better read in reverse, since it's someone's discord search and goes bottom to top.

In any case, he's actually kind of right, in that a lot of the people most vehemently arguing against AI are explicitly stating that you "must spend X000 hours and loads of effort before you can produce okayish /beg/ tier images." They also tend to be derisive towards certain kinds of non-AI art. In this context it seems to be that his "skill segregation" statement is about how people who want to make art via alternative artforms with a lower barrier to entry should not be prevented from doing so simply because of worry that the power of "making art" can be used to make things that are found to be "distasteful" or "wrong."

It's actually quite funny because a lot of zoomer artists, furry artists and big shithead industry artists are vehemently against things like ebola-chan, "whitewashing," etc for social status and brownnosing reasons, so this whole AI thing gives them more ammo to signal how good of a person they are.

He's also really correct in that it's anti-free speech. Fundamentally, being anti-AI art is an act of censorship, as making art falls under speech/expression (depending on your locality). Even those with only vapid, normie or retarded things to say should be allowed to do so. Again there's a lot of artists who continually push their anti-free speech hot takes, lacking self-awareness. A lot of the anti-AI discussions go down the path of "but what if people make bad things?" and try to pin responsibility onto the fact the tools exist to do that easier, because they are misanthropic and believe humans should be saved from themselves, with laws guiding the masses' morally. Which is literally an italofascist position, lol

>> No.6470328

Actually, absolutely any job that demands skills and many hours of study would be segregation and gatekeeping, including programmers and AI researchers.

Why should I need to study create a company like Emad? If you think about it, the AI overlords are the ultimate gatekeepers trying to be above everything and everyone in a world where skills are useless, only those controlling the techs are the rulers.

Don't fall for this open source thing and think it's charity and good will, that Emad wants a better world for everyone.

>> No.6470338

Who cares if you read it in reverse or not?
>a lot of the people most vehemently arguing against AI are explicitly stating that you "must spend X000 hours and loads of effort before you can produce okayish /beg/ tier images."
They are explaining that getting good at drawing takes time, mostly in response to people screeching about how others have an unfair advantage because of "talent" or whatever. That's not "skill segregation", that's stating a fact
>muh free speach
Most countries have laws that criminalize certain forms of expression, libel for example. Or, idk, fucking CP. A software being open source does not mean that it's above the law, either. Now, I'm not saying that AI image generators should be outlawed but that does not mean they should be immune to regulation.

Anyway, I think you are missing the main problem with Emad's statement here. He's claiming that the process of learning how to create art is somehow "elitist", even though anyone with a pencil and a piece of paper can do it. And people who have enough time to play around with stable diffusion all day should also have enough time to learn how to draw

>> No.6470339

Emad? More like He mad he's a poo

>> No.6470350
File: 32 KB, 572x548, 1492364457524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greedy corporate using the low class woes to further their business and enrich themselves?
Wow, never heard about this before

>> No.6470368
File: 98 KB, 613x490, memristor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not how it works though. If the tool can be used and freely copied/distributed by anyone then Emad can't actually control it. Development of further things takes a lot of skill and work, yes, but that's literally everything. It doesn't make him a hypocrite.
If you mean something like some tech dystopia, then I'm sorry but you really don't understand how the AI art programs actually work. They are not going to be the historical ancestor to any of what you're worried about, they are far too constrained in how they work at all to be. Development of what you're worried about is more in the language AI, self-driving AI, and other areas where the results for a failed output can get people killed. See pic rel.

>> No.6470382

What about 3 centuries from now, it we literally don't stop AI development now who will stop it once it gets normalized? AI will destroy humanity and dumb our future generations down, don't be like the jackasses multibillionaires boomers who only think about now and couldn't care less about 30 years from now, much less about anyone poorer than them

>> No.6470388

I think you missed anon's point. EVERYTHING that people do and that requires a minimum amount of skill "suffers" from "skill segregation". Programming, writing, cooking, even using a computer. Singling out visual art in particular as being "elitist" is just a dishonest way of shilling his product. Also I doubt that Emad himself will cause the tech dystopia, he seems more like someone looking for a quick buck. But some of the people funding him definitely seem to be working towards that goal.

>> No.6470390

Not even AIbros want to see AI works lmao

>> No.6470394

The process of learning how to draw certainly is elitist, and I say this as someone who draws. If I didn't have the opportunities to fuck around as a kid, to watch cartoons and anime and badger my parents into buying me art books and supplies (that went fairly unused during my childhood, honestly), to have a stable enough internet connection and decent computer to view and attempt to make art, I would never have kept it in my mind until the point I got serious.

It's not "talent," but rather opportunities for building skills. Yes, people who are driven will still go hard at learning to draw, paint, sculpt, take photos or whatever despite it, but that only is really a prerequisite for making GOOD art.

The point is that making "okayish" art is something that your average person can now do. By all means it looks like shit, especially if you look at enough AI art to tell when someone put a lazy prompt in vs went through more effort. BUT it doesn't, to the average person, feel like as much of a waste of time. It allows people who DON'T want to invest that much time and effort into learning how to make things, produce something that is utilitarian for them. Much like how anyone can take photos with their phone, and a lot of it looks like garbage, but some people do put in the effort for setting up better ones and even may graduate to a mirrorless or DSLR.
Photography and videography are massive fields with lots of skill involved, but nobody asked the photographers and videographers if it was okay to allow everyone the ability to photograph or film whatever they wanted by tapping a screen.

Libel laws are probably unjust (not simply in its uneven application, but in its base reasoning.) CSEM is illegal because the way it is produced causes actual harm to children, and work so close to a real image is illegal because it causes wild goose chase investigations.

The software is not responsible for the user's use of it, in any case. "Regulation" on it is retarded.

>> No.6470397

You owned him so much sis! Don't forget to post that trans rights are human rights on twitter today!

>> No.6470403

Absolutely based, the "profession" of an "artist" is an extremly outdated concept that should have been superseded long years ago already. Even the title of an "artist" is a thing that lost all merits long years ago due to complete beginners calling themselves "artists" as they doodle a fat sonic

>> No.6470405

Anon take your meds. You are not the savior of humanity and doomsaying about AI is as stupid as veganism.

The difference is that art is different from most of those. I would say that cooking isn't, however. Most people would be overjoyed at having a way to make food in a similar way as AI art - especially if it was similarly free. That wouldn't reduce the demand for good chefs, but it would increase the average person's satisfaction and ability to experiment with food. For many people cooking isn't a "skill" but a "chore," and so having a way to make the result quicker and with less mechanical (physically tiring) work would be good. Even in such a case, people would try to do the magical food replicator machine in ways that are "skillful." Similar to how there are wizards at microwave cooking which would make you question if they were actually using a microwave things from how good the food is. Skilled microwave cooking was something that was a bit of a fad in the 70s thru early 90s, I'm not kidding.

Similarly with art, most people really use art in a utilitarian way. They want something pretty, decorative. They treat it like a garment for their device/home/office workstation. They want to sometimes make a (vague, usually) idea come out of their head and share it with someone. Art has no qualifications for being a "success" beyond the artist and the viewer, who can both have different judgements and still both be correct. "Producing an image" is something that you really can't say should be limited by skills if we can figure out ways to allow people to do a basic level without much investment.

>> No.6470406

>BUT it doesn't, to the average person, feel like as much of a waste of time
And you know that how...? I did play around with SD a bunch of times, yea I even managed to produce non-fucked up images but it did feel like a waste of time to me, especially compared to making art myself. Because in the end, none of the prompts I made had any deeper meaning, it's just algorithm vomit. Also I have yet to see someone actually create anything of value with ai generators. So far, people mostly seem to use it for coomer bullshit.
>Libel laws are probably unjust
Do you think I should just be able to accuse you of having raped me on live television with no consequences?

Also, pyw

>> No.6470414

>The difference is that art is different from most of those.
How? Learning how to program takes time as well and I'd even say that more people know how to draw than how to code.
>Most people would be overjoyed at having a way to make food in a similar way as AI art
It already exists, in the form of frozen, pre-made microwave food. Sure, it tastes like shit compared to home made stuff but for many people, it's "good enough" just like ai art seems to be "good enough" for you.

>> No.6470415
File: 65 KB, 626x333, aiparasociallol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhat correct. The title of "artist" doesn't carry prestige. It's more just a signifier of what I, and I assume most anons here, do with some regularity: Make art.
Doesn't have to be good art, a bad artist is... still an artist. A weird artist is still an artist, and an artist who makes things nobody wants is still... yes, an artist.

Having it as a profession is fine, people can pay others to make them things. Nothing wrong with that. But I feel like people are stuck on the word "artist" meaning something status-wise, but in all honesty it rarely does.

A construction worker will see "an artist" as some layabout who doesn't do "real work."
An office worker will see "an artist" as someone who is below them, doing quirky funny things for money.
A rich executive will "an artist" as a mentally-touched monkey of a human that is driven to make things to entertain said executive.

The former two will also look at wealthy artists with derision as they see such "not real work" as being unearned and obtained via nepotism and money laundering. (Or worse - conspiratorial things about satanic shit.)

At no point do most non-artists see an artist as someone who is of a higher status. It's mostly children and people who develop parasocial relationships with artists that look up to them/us.

Picrel is a huge part of why I'm not afraid of AI. It applies to all creatives, the people willing to give artists money are often those who develop at least some form of parasocial relationship with us.

>> No.6470417

>superseded long years ago
Holy shit. Please learn English.

>> No.6470421

>doesn't realize he's the one that doesn't know english
anon pls pick up a dictionary and then violently smash your head with it

>> No.6470425

I read what the normies using AI for fun say and do. They like the things, they laugh at it. Some people generate "I'm mentally 14 when it comes to art and this is deep" abstract images.
You have to remember that your average person has an artistic diet of marvel movies, apple design, fortnight, netflix series and so on. They're easily impressed, rarely look for art outside anything that is put in front of them by others - thanksgiving day parade floats on the TV are the most "artistic" sculptures a lot of people see each year.

Your dismissal of "coomer bullshit" is really telling of your stance on art however. NSFW art is still art, and it's funny how the demand for it is so damn high that people are resorting to wonky AI art in between their commissions lol

And yes you should be able to accuse. Without actual evidence I can just laugh at you, and so should everyone else.

Coding and drawing are completely different in the sense that if your code is bad, you can be "satisfied" with it all you want but the thing won't work. Drawing (or painting, or sculpting, or 3d art, or etc) allows you, the creator, to decide if it's good or not. It's subjective, not objective. Cooking is similar. There are weird boomers-and-older people on youtube who make videos of themselves cooking the most insane yet still bland seeming meals. But they seem to genuinely be having a good time and enjoying it. To the point that it almost seems like trolling, if they were capable of it and not getting sub-1000 views per video.

The pre-made microwave food isn't even analogous. All the decisions are made by others, it can be done "wrong" because of that, and it costs money. The point of what I was saying was not about the processes so much as it was how food is very much a subjective thing, but integral to human culture, just as art is.

>> No.6470430

>be poo in loo
>pretend like there's anything stopping people from learning how to draw
wake me up

>> No.6470432

The issue is your awkward ESL-tier phrasing. Post hand.

>> No.6470435

This, exactly this.

We live in a society based in the value of our work/skill, the more specialized the better. If you are in favor of AI art, you need to be in favor of any kind of AI, including those replacing you.

>> No.6470440
File: 474 KB, 589x509, ddsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The AI artists I've seen (the ones who actually talk more than ptw) seem generally content with being a completely different category of art.

>> No.6470442

Is that really him? It's easy to pretend to be soneone else on discord. Not defending him but not sure why he brings up anti-Americaness when he lives in the UK.

>> No.6470448

>Without actual evidence I can just laugh at you, and so should everyone else.
What if I use a bunch of your photos to train my personal version of stable diffusion and use it to produce some deepfakes in order to claim that I secretly took pictures of you during the act with my smartphone? Should that be protected by free speech?
>if your code is bad, you can be "satisfied" with it all you want but the thing won't work.
lol you can write terrible code that still "works" but is either poorly optimized or buggy. You can even make an entire video game out of it, see Sims 4. Either way, the point was about "skill segregation" and you still haven't really explained why it's bad for art but good for everthing else.
>The pre-made microwave food isn't even analogous. All the decisions are made by others
That's the case for ai generations as well. Sure you can "influence" them but you can also "influence" the way you microwave your food, like by adding salt into it. However, the bulk of the work is still being done for you, not by you.

>> No.6470457

> implies that skilled people are evil for using their hard earned skills to make a living
> Say everyone should be able to do the same for free
> Build a tech empire using this excuse
> People shouldn't be allowed to build their tech empire too because it takes too much work and skills
> Hard work and skills are important now

>> No.6470460

>Coding and drawing are completely different
I can make a good picture to be placed in a gallery or get hired because of its objective features, so no, coding and drawing are the same. But it doesnt matter in context of skill segregation

>> No.6470464

Cherrypicking is really a bad way of doing this. Most artists don't give a shit about AI art. Most AI artists are content with making things, maybe posting it. It's only places with ""discourse"" and places run by bad eggs where you see the bullshit crop up.

I really don't give a shit about deepfakes, do what you like. Shitheads like that are rare enough and evidence can be examined deeply enough that it's not a problem.

>lol you can write terrible code that still "works" but is either poorly optimized or buggy
You still need a decent level of skill to get even that far, anon... Also terrible example you gave. Something like a game is vastly more complicated than making a program for timing tea.

The premade microwave meal isn't an accurate comparison because the process isn't important, the point was the actual user experience.
And yes by cooking a TV dinner you are still cooking. You are still "making dinner" and many professional restaurant chefs do use premade things, like ravioli.

Your romantic view of art, and insane comparison of a multimillion dollar large-studio production's bugs to a lone artist or programmer means you need to spend more time talking with individuals rather than reading social media.

>> No.6470466

>implying anyone can tell my art is AI
I'm glad that retards keep spamming their boring AI pics because it makes it easier for me to pass :)

>> No.6470473
File: 1.09 MB, 1024x1024, 1462787961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if in the future AI art will be as widespread as photography

>> No.6470475

Why would you hide it was made by an AI? Don't give the "public will bash me" excuse, because I've already seen many AI art accounts getting 20k, 30k likes on social media.

>> No.6470482

1) validation that my art is as good as non-AI
2) the thrill of being "found out" excites me

>> No.6470483

>AI artists

>> No.6470487

Below a professional level it does, because the point is that non-professional art is the thing. It's primarily not there to compete with gallery artists (though some likely could). Programming requires you to objectively make the program work else you have nothing utilitarian. The process is only there as a means to an end, and if you lack the skills to do the process you have no end.
The only way the process matters for random normies is if they are using it for therapeutic reasons. Like people who would paint along with bob ross for relaxation and enjoyment. The people who DON'T have that, can now create low-quality utilitarian pictures for themselves and others. I don't see anything wrong with that.

The pajeets trying to use AI art to compete with shitty 15$ commission artist pajeets on fiverr are inconsequential to the bigger picture.

He didn't say skilled people are evil, he was talking specifically about "opponents" to AI. Again, most artists don't give a shit. Plenty are also in favor of it as a tool, even if not for their own art they would not want to restrict others from it.
Basically you're either treating artists as monolith that all oppose AI (and any who don't I'd guess you see as similar to how some racist black people call those who aren't "coons" or insane commies call people who don't agree with them "class traitors"),
OR you're just misreading what he said because of your anger and thinking he's saying the absolute worst, ignorant things possible.

>> No.6470492

dont give a fuck. i still use ai dont care if people dont wanna see it

>> No.6470495

Check the OP in the Stable Diffusion general my friend, and welcome! Have fun!

>> No.6470506

>terrible example you gave
It's just an example for something being badly coded and still working. You can also make an insanely complicated artwork that has terrible anatomy.
>The premade microwave meal isn't an accurate comparison because the process isn't important
And you think the process is important for ai generations? Do you actually enjoy typing prompts??
>Your romantic view of art
I think art is mostly about human expression, idk if that already counts as "romantic" to you?

>> No.6470524

I'm just saying AIs will replace most intelectual and creative jobs, while the AI devs will become richer by making everyone less valueable in the market.

An artist that is in favor of current AI model certainly hates making art. In both 2d and 3d art process there are things artists don't like and would love to automate, usually things related to mindless boring tasks such retopology in 3d or base color fills in 2d, but most of the creative process is considered enjoyable and the reason they choosed this as their profession.

Current AI automates way too much the process, you can't fully control it and it's hard to identify it as your work. Considering this, I think the real skill and creativity goes in training and fine tuning the models, but these are "indirect processes", it's more like guiding the AI.

3d Rendering is an interesting example that doesn't demand painting skills, but you're still controling the all aspects of the scene, good or bad, it's your fault, not a random generation from the computer.

>> No.6470528

>Programming requires you to objectively make the program work else you have nothing utilitarian.
And art requires you to produce something that looks pleasant (unless we are talking about modern "art") ... where's the big difference again?
>but if your code is shit, it won't run
If your art is shit, it will just look like random scribbles with no meaning

>> No.6470536

>Check the OP in the Stable Diffusion general my friend, and welcome! Have fun!

Ha. They're making better bad art than /ic. And 1000 times the amount.

>> No.6470555
File: 41 KB, 728x655, f293c2406ebfdb46f5c138575f583811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm just saying AIs will replace most intelectual and creative jobs
Please stop and think if you actually understand AI or just spouting scifi shit

Google is a multi billion company with enough resources and skilled personel to have one of the most advanced AI system in the entire world

And yet, they cannot kill something as simple as Language translators. For decades now

AI can only kill blue collars and that's about it

>> No.6470567
File: 241 KB, 474x562, th.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The simpler the program the less room for errors you really have because if it's designed to do 1 thing and you fuck up that 1 thing then you end up breaking it. Your average person thinks "using linux" requires programming because controlling programs via command line, not even programming, is more complicated than a simple Hello World script. Actual programming is harder, and so most people just download programs (or apps on their phone) to do things, they don't make them themselves. CoPilot doesn't even make it that easy. You'd need a fuckton more complex AI to interpret and produce even simple programs on demand, because the results have to actually WORK without editing and if a program is bad it can actually damage your computer. There's a reason you don't run code on your computer without either knowing what it does or trusting the source of a pre-packed script or executable.

None of this is related to art. Art is entirely subjective. Plenty of people hate the process and their own art because their entire goal is to project an image from their brains onto a page/screen. Plenty go into deep depression over the act of drawing and only like the results too. You only have to look at some of the OP images and statements on this board to see it. I personally know someone who is pretty fucking god tier and only ever shits on his own work for being horrible, to where art seems like a sissyphean task for the guy. Naturally he's wary about AI art because of all that strain and struggle he's gone thru to try to become a xeroxnigger photorealistic painter.

And yes, your statement about "art is about human expression" counts as romantic because despite that you deny that people CAN express things using AI - despite there already being accepted artforms like fractal art, found object, and so on that take less personal effort than an AI artist. And on top of that there are artforms that completely LACK "expression" ie Pollock. Death of the Author also applies.

>> No.6470573
File: 102 KB, 788x799, e72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern art is still art.
Memes are art. Plenty of memes look unpleastant and foul to your average person.

>> No.6470594

>Unemployed faggots still going the muh robots overlords will replace us narrative, the thread.

>> No.6470603

>You'd need a fuckton more complex AI to interpret and produce even simple programs on demand, because the results have to actually WORK without editing and if a program is bad it can actually damage your computer.
Actually you can already write simple scripts with ChatGPT that will run fine. Obviously you can't use it to create an entire video game but that is because these ai generators suck at context. So ChatGPT might be able to write a poem or even a short story but not an entire novel. This problem also applies to ai prompts though, it's good at creating simple, "pretty" looking images of a single person or a single background but as soon as you try to make something more complex, you will quickly discover its limitations.
>Art is entirely subjective
Nah I disagree, there are objective aspects that make up a good artwork like anatomy, composition, coloring and so on. Yes, some artists might successfully subvert them but these people usually know what they are doing and are still following certain rules to make something look appealing.
>you deny that people CAN express things using AI
Because in the end, the ai generation can not fully represent someone's vision, it only represents something "close enough". It's basically more of a commission than a creation (and I'd even argue that commissioning someone will usually allow you to have more control than using ai, since it's easier to explain something to a human than to a program)

>> No.6470609

What's your argument? Some people hate drawing so stealing is justified? Some people hate coding too so its ok if I go to your house and take your stuff?

>> No.6470615

>Most artists don't give a shit about AI art.
Which is why I want them to fuck off back to their own lane instead of shoving their garbage in ours.

>> No.6470617

Oh this is just a beginning. The shitstorm that is about to unfold this year for creators of this abomination will be on epic scale. Hopefully someone ends up in jail.

>> No.6470623

>Learning Jap so that you can swing your dick around 2chanons nips
Holy based

>> No.6470628
File: 539 KB, 1100x1002, 1517943791961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which is why I want them to fuck off back to their own lane instead of shoving their garbage in ours.
You AIfaggots are literally plaguing every single art website with your pajeet's slot machine and shitting up everywhere like the fucking street shitters indian niggers that you all are.

>> No.6470635 [DELETED] 

Why you hate us Indians( or to be more specific punjabis), you bloody bastard fuck? What did we do to you, asshat snow monkey?

>> No.6470649

Bruh, I said I want AI faggots to fuck off.

>> No.6470660

>indian niggers
We know what you really want. Just admit it.

>> No.6470690

Not every artist has "vision" they're representing. Plenty just come up with shit on the fly or "explore the canvas." And again, Jackson Pollock had literally no vision and to many was a hack, but he was still making art.
Also ChatGPT (and AI programs in general) have severe limitations as shown in the pic here >>6470368
You can do things "reasonably complex", but not with a lot of specificity.

And no, art really is subjective. You're speaking specifically about drawing figures and scenes but a lot of the art made by people using AI consists of just random shit, abstract things. I've even seen people overjoyed with some coomer AI art because of "finally having an OC of all their own." You can judge "good art" and "bad art" by complexity, but individuals always differ in their actual judgements.

None of it is stealing, your demand for "consent" doesn't apply. We artists don't get to dictate absolute authority over our art and requests that other people not do things that they are in full right to do (per fair use or more-permissive ethical standards) should be ignored, mocked, and laughed at.

I'm all for the AI artists to be categorized under "AI Art" similar to how photography or 3D art are differently-categorized. Along with art that utilized a mixture as "Mixed Media" as is normal. It doesn't seem unjustified and to my understanding most of the AI artists would be fine with that. It's only the small portion of people who are trolling like the above anon, or scammers who would ignore it.

>> No.6470704

"Exploring the canvas" is still a form of expression. Yes, even randomly dripping paint everywhere expresses an action performed by a human. My main problem with ai "art" is that it lacks the human aspect, thus making all its results essentially meaningless. It's random algorithm noise that may vaguely align with whatever the prompter was envisioning but it's not his actual vision because prompting is not the same as creating. It's requesting. Also, it can never create anything truly new, since it will always be restricted by its training database. And please, don't make the tired "it learns just like humans" argument now, we have been through it way too many times on this board.
>Also ChatGPT (and AI programs in general) have severe limitations
I agree
>art really is subjective
If everything is art, then nothing is art. You need to come up with *some* definition, otherwise it's just a meaningless word. For me, art is about human expression. How would you define art?

>> No.6470710

The problem I have with your definition is that we have things that are definitively "art" that involve less input than AI art. AI art is not the only kind of generative art, and plenty of other non-generative artforms involve 0 work by the actual artist. Basically, your definition (and one I've seen from other people) is completely ignorant of the sheer breadth of art that exists.

And yes, the term "art" is nearly meaningless, because it's subjective to the point where anything can reasonably be art as long as someone believes it to be.

>> No.6470715

If it's a meaningless term, why even bother discussing if something is art or not?

>> No.6470720

Because anti-AI people ignorantly continue to INSIST that it's "not art"

>> No.6470729

Cause by their definition, it isn't. But according to yours, it's both art and not art at the same time ... Schrödinger's artwork!

>> No.6470757

Yes, and my argument is that their definition is ignorant, because the history of art has royally decimated any objective definition of what "art" is. Which is actually quite freeing - anything can be art as long as someone believes it to be, and so worrying about "what is art?" is useless in your normal life and artistic process.

It also destroys impostor syndrome by removing any meaningful ego attachment to the term "artist."

>I'm just a guy who draws, no different than anyone else - I just decided this was what I like to do.

>> No.6470763

>my argument is that their definition is ignorant
>anything can be art as long as someone believes it to be
But then by your own definition, everyone also has the right to decide what ISN'T art, since you say it's entirely subjective. So all those people saying that ai art is not art are correct as well, since it does not fit their own, subjective definition.

I just wonder what point you see in using the term "art" at all when you admit that it's a meaningless term to you.

>> No.6470871
File: 2.98 MB, 428x480, duck_nod.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weekly ai thread
at least it's slowed down from daily
remember to work on your art as much you fight the ai-shit, silly crabs

>> No.6470887

im doing bargue drawings so i can turn into a human copymachine

>> No.6470895

ah The French Académie, very classy.

>> No.6470924
File: 92 KB, 447x628, FmTd_fXXoAoIaoW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh Midjourney's TOS sound kinda sus lads

>> No.6470936

I'm pretty sure people know how to download a unlocked pirated version by now. And those who pay for it are chumps.

>> No.6470965

it's server side app, SAAS

>> No.6470982

lol I thought this was a fake image because of the way it was worded, but I checked and it's real. From a platform built off of copyrighted images, no less.

>> No.6471026
File: 45 KB, 750x408, 1672856071554611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open source is bad
listening to /ic/ fags talking about /g/ related topics always makes me feel like i drop 10 iq points

>> No.6471028

don't artists on deviantart charge like $15 for a sketch?

>> No.6471029

it is bad, for them
Dalle2 has been out for a year, yet non one cared because it was cucked corporate shit pooping out stock art, SD allows any weebs to flood the web with coomer shit, thus directly competing with drawfags

>> No.6471033


>> No.6471040
File: 41 KB, 405x720, 1405544500871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually fucking based

>> No.6471050

I bet he thinks he deserves to be paid the worth of 10 people

>> No.6471054

no, he'll be happy with 1/10th because he lives in India

>> No.6471203

The point is that since anything can be art it effectively means that once one person calls something art, it's art. If you want people to respect whatever trite things you call "art", then you have to acknowledge this and respect what others call "art." Golden rule.

The inverse situation - anyone calling something "not art" becomes "not art" - just becomes NOTHING being "art" because of it being a universal veto.

Teenagers and pajeets charge like 15$. People who actually are worth comming go for at least 30$ for a sketch, but often in the 40-70$ range. Some don't even offer sketch options, they just want to do painting or whatever.
Adults who charge so little are either NEETS living with their parents/in college to where they don't know how to value their time, or are the kinds of artists who don't realize they have to pay taxes for their art income.

>> No.6471221
File: 598 KB, 983x874, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6471393

if aishit is art then pretty much by definition the only artists are the developers who created the algorithm, promptfags are just using a search engine, they are not exercising any craft or creative agency whatsoever and even the means and the medium are not theirs.

>> No.6471398

Leftoids don't oppose anything that destroys boundaries because destroying boundaries is the very core of their ideology.
They just have brief moments of clarity in which they realize we are heading down a dark path but they promptly go back to ignoring it when they realize the only way to stop it is to go back to tradition; then a second wave of dumber leftoids put a progressive spin on the problem so it stops being a problem, the more intelligent ones eat it up because "much intersection" and we are back to "gatekeeping bad" again.

>> No.6471410
File: 41 KB, 487x617, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black enbies are conservative now
Cant resist the chud swagger I guess

>> No.6471431
File: 15 KB, 250x204, D03F771C-A553-48A8-AB44-E5D471462855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder nobody is taking legal actions
AI will improve more and more while people get used to AI and how erasing artists isn’t an issue
In 5 years or so artist will be replaced and nobody will lift a finger
of course this won’t be the end. More and more jobs will be taken over club the AI
We are about to witness the next era of Industrial Revolution but without jobs to left to earn money

>> No.6471451
File: 300 KB, 1600x1156, 3FDBF7FF-B59D-47CE-B73B-AF38D99A7434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something that requires time and effort is elitist
Oof. Look at this elitist. 1% of artists sure are taking art hostage

>> No.6471455


>> No.6471461

this is something I don't see acknowledged ever

like why the fuck would anyone care about your specific dogshit AI slop when Donnie McRetard over there can do the exact same thing as you by figuring out the right words, what exactly is the endgame here

>> No.6471481

searches google. steals idea. copy/pastes image from internet. bitches about technology and intellectual property.


>> No.6471485
File: 277 KB, 424x426, 1452057795980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you want people to respect whatever trite things you call "art", then you have to acknowledge this and respect what others call "art." Golden rule.
Why the fuck should anyone respect the "definition" of someone who admitted that he has no proper definition? At the very least you could say "to me, something is art as soon as at least one person calls it art", though that would mean that even things that had no human input whatsoever can be called "art", like nature, the ocean, space, time, etc ... but it's still a better definition than just repeating "art is subjective".

What a retarded discussion.

>> No.6471491
File: 1.25 MB, 1024x1280, 1611201331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

convenience plus trying to replicate a specific style can be very difficult.

>> No.6471494

Old man selling tourists generic art. More like LOSER.

>> No.6471516

Post ur cure for cancer or fuck off

>> No.6471522

Without that work and artistic process, the result is going to be worthless no matter what. Cue everyone but ground zero taste nig/g/ers and coomers slowly turning against the flood of ai trash. Who would have known you need to work to make it anywhere.

>> No.6471534

>eyebrows look like chipped wood
>eye looks gashed open
>beard looks like paint smudge
>fingers have huge deformed nails at the ends and at the joints
>toes look like they've been skinned
>left foot looks like mangled marrow

Why would you think people want to see this? It takes 2 seconds to image search this pose and see other renders by actual artists that don't look like violent abominations.

>> No.6471546

>Post ur cure for cancer or fuck off

>> No.6471582
File: 1.53 MB, 1024x1024, 3493873721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, it's about convenience. Instead of searching you just make it yourself. Is it perfect? No, but it's better than what I can do without AI.

>> No.6471594

>No, but it's better than what I can do without AI
You couldn't even do a bad photoshop of 2B in front of the Milan Milan Cathedral, with copious amounts of chromatic aberration and blur? That's honestly kinda sad

>> No.6471625

yeah it's strange, like these AI bros just need to learn basic photoshop and they can copy paste people's work like the AI and it won't end up with 6 fingers

>> No.6471627

>You couldn't even do a bad photoshop of 2B in front of the Milan Milan Cathedral, with copious amounts of chromatic aberration and blur? That's honestly kinda sad

Ok, you're up. Post your shot at it. You have 10 minutes. Shitposting is easy, doing is hard.

>> No.6471628

This one was actually img2img, I remember the thread where it got posted. Trying to prompt something like it would probably produce much worse results

>> No.6471631

>Instead of searching you just make it yourself
You didn't make it yourself. A computer amalgamated existing artwork to produce an image.
>but it's better than what I can do without AI.
That image in particular is hard? Its just a blurry picture of a back view of 2B from Nier Automata standing in front of a nonsensical cathedral. You can look up and see that the official concept artists already drew this idea more clearly and detailed. You people don't care about making artwork, you just want to be a leech.

>> No.6471690

True, but img2img is still a legit use of AI.
I did make it, using the computer. I could make it using photoshop too but it'd be harder.

>> No.6471703

Thats exactly what I'm noticing, people don't give a shit about any other AI dogshit other than their own AI dogshit and they're desperate to take any tiny bit of attention they do get from other people's AI dogshit

>> No.6471710

I use tools to make art. I am an Artist.
One of those tools is AI. I am an AI Artist.

Deal with it.

>> No.6471715

You are the prime example of the AIfag mentality. You don't care about what you produce or how you produce it. You just care about wanting claim you can produce something no matter how shitty or redundant it is.

>> No.6471716

Your process is not art. Art is user observing the result.

>> No.6471717 [DELETED] 

>I use tools to make art. I am an artist.
One of those tools is commissioning someone else to do it. I am an artist.

>> No.6471942

Funny ideas from a conservative hedge fudge manager who thinks giving out cell phones to the world will solve poverty by increasing individual's value.

>> No.6472184

That is a proper definition.
Anything someone calls art is art, to them. Prosocial behavior means respecting anyone else's subjective opinion of what "art" is. The reason is there's no actual way to objectively define it, without retroactively going on a crusade against artforms of the past. And nobody is going to do that - again - because there's the high chance you somehow end up on the short end of the stick.

Like it or not, any attempt to define a hard, universal line between "art" and "not art" has always failed. There's even artists whose craft is all about tricking people who falsely believe in an objective line into admitting one does not exist.

>> No.6472425

>nobody is taking legal actions
There is a class action lawsuit over Microsoft's copilot ai. It was talked about on /g/ a few weeks ago and the prompt-tards where nervously gaslighting about how it's a good thing MS was steeling form the FOSS community.

>> No.6472436

>Microsoft's copilot ai
Microsoft owns github, most of the code is open source. What's the problem?

>> No.6472502
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It does not respect the code's license and Github's tos says nothing about code being used off of site. Some devs have been able to replicate blocks of their copyrighted code with Copilot regardless of license. The lawsuit is accusing Copilot of being mass scale software piracy.
I forgive most for not knowing this, but most "open source" code has rules about what a programmer can do with it that are enforced by copyright law. If MS loses this, and the facts seem to be ageist them, it can set a precedent for future lawsuits.
Also, "open source" means you can look at the souse code, not necessarily modify and redistribute it. That's why /g/ says "Free as in freedom" instead.
t. /g/

>> No.6473838

You failed at being an artist, an rng art slot machine won't magically turn you into one