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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 115 KB, 848x565, painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6461018 No.6461018 [Reply] [Original]

How hard is it to get rejected from art school? I put it as a preference but I'm not sure if the numbers are tight, or if they will request a portfolio.

>> No.6461035

go to a real school

>> No.6461036

I did, but it was gay and pozzed. Need dole money still.

>> No.6461041
File: 59 KB, 620x620, mother_1602791i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course they want a portfolio, are you fucking retarded?
you turn in a portfolio, then the next round is a live drawing exam, typically 3 rounds
I don’t think Hitler made past the portfolio stage, pic related is thought to be part of his portfolio for the admission

>> No.6461042
File: 83 KB, 620x620, houses_1602816i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6461044
File: 50 KB, 620x620, nude_man_rear_1602802i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6461045
File: 51 KB, 620x620, rustic-scene_1602800i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6461047

What was wrong with these? I heard people didn't like the way he did people but the outline seems okay, and nothing wrong with the anatomy from what I can tell.

>> No.6461050


>> No.6461053

>A watercolor of Neuschwanstein Castle by Hitler was sold for €100,000 to a buyer from China.
>When Hitler came to Morgenstern's glazier store for the first time, he offered Morgenstern three of his paintings. Morgenstern kept detailed records of his clientele, through which it was possible to locate the buyers of young Hitler's paintings. It was found that the majority of the buyers were Jewish.
If that's /beg/ then I'm going to start painting.

>> No.6461059

he can’t draw
I don’t know what “art school” means in english today, but the academy he applied to was the foremost art institution in the country
his work is literally not good enough to get into a high school level art school in europe today, and most failed artists make a living by running prep schools for those exams
he was a shit artist, and the only decent examples of his work, like op pic, were copies of postcards

>A tin was sold for €124,000 at Sotheby's on May 23, 2007
literally less than a can of shit, why even draw

>> No.6461063

>In August 2016, at an art auction in Milan, one of the tins sold for a new record of €275,000, including auction fees

>> No.6461081

If you cant tell whats wrong with them then youre a giant fucking perma beg

Go learn perspective you lazy fucking cunt

>> No.6461082

Oh, I don't want to get good at art. Art is for the poor and stupid. I just wanted the money from dole. Our art courses are free here and the government gives you $500 a fortnight to study.

>> No.6461093

I don't give a shit if you're gay dude idk why youre telling me that shit

>> No.6461094

Giving unwanted advice means I can tell you I'm not going to follow it. I gave a reason. Is this the first time you've spoken to someone?

>> No.6461106

Big black cock that tears you up good ok man be into whatever you want, i still don't care, go tell someone who gives a shit

>> No.6461107

You are incapable of talking in a humane manner. Back to your ghetto, Jamal, and draw some more Dragon Ball Z.

>> No.6461118

idk if you’re retarded or retarded and baiting, but did you miss the part where hitler wasn’t good enough to get in and being as bad as him will not get you your nigger welfare?
>b-b-but some jew sold his painting to another jew 50 years after his death for not a lot of money based on him being the guy that started ww2!

>> No.6461120

>based on him being the guy that started ww2!
WWII started because of the Versailles Treaty. Did you also forget the Soviet Union invaded Poland at the very same time?

>> No.6461122

>because of
I didn’t say it started because of anything, I did it was started by hitler, who invaded poland over weeks before soviets

>> No.6461124

The Soviets signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, so they're equally as culpable. Wow, artists really don't know anything, do they? Stick to glue and brushes, instead of the books.

>> No.6461125

>they invaded at the VERY SAME TIME
>no, they didn’t, weeks passed
>b-but they signed a paper! that’s like invading
fuck off, retard
learn what the verb to start means

>> No.6461127

No single leader starts a war. That's Great Man Theory. Are you that dense? It took many months of planning and those pieces of paper meant that Hitler and Stalin knew the governments and armies of their countries would take Poland together.

>> No.6461130

top retard, no wonder you need gibs from the gubmint to survive

>> No.6461131

>sell your soul, don't go on dole!!!
I was on $40AUD/hour and it was shit. Saved two months' salary or more and it should last 'til next season. It was just pen-pushing without any fucking meaning at a university where I have to pretend to be pozzed and not love Hitler.

>> No.6461135

stopped reading, you’re a certified white(ish) nigger
go back to passing for an abo for petrol sniffing allowance

>> No.6461137

You Brazilians aren't any better. Australia has a blak history bunga bunga mate.

>> No.6461138

at least you’re aware you’re the brazil of the anglosphere, you must be a rare 80iq aussie genius

>> No.6461140

I unironically got past the first hurdle of the defence force jobs here, but I can't really join because I'm a schizo who's been medicated. I still won't go on disability pension because it's gay. Thought going back to school would be fun at least.

>> No.6461150

>I unironically got past the first hurdle of the defence force jobs here
so you’re actually a certified retard?
look, you’re shitting up the board with retarded nonsense, you got your answer
besides which, I actually did check out university-level art schools in australia and new zealand and the curriculum is literally (literally) finger painting and making sculptures out of toilet paper, so you can probably get in as long as you didn’t flunk out of high school
maybe if you weren’t absolutely fucking retarded, you’d get the bright idea to google schools in your area and see what the bar is
thank God chinks are going to replace you in two generations, at least they stick to their side of the internet instead of making retarded fucking threads

>> No.6461151

I just wanted to post a Hitler painting. The application for visual arts TAFE was just as a placeholder because screen media seemed pozzed. I'm going into other stuff, more practical and aligned with my work experience. Sorry for laying it all out for you, fumer.

>> No.6461157

You, honestly dont need to go to art school to do art. It's a fucking waste of money unless you're already loaded.

>> No.6461849

Why would i treat a sub himan like a human?

>> No.6461861

loving a politician is a sign of deep retardation just kys fag

>> No.6461960
File: 106 KB, 630x400, hitler fun fact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think this was one of the drawings from after he got rejected from Vienna the first time and was told to come with a ton of face drawings because he had basically only submitted tracings of buildings the first time. Then when he came back it was like 2 eh drawings and a painting of the Virgin Mary or whatever, and then he still didn’t show satisfactory mastery of figure drawing and portraiture during the exam and got rejected again.

And the ironic thing was he moved to Vienna because he was invited to attend the modern art school, then just eventually burned the invitation without ever going. Then he only attempted to get into the hyper-conservative traditionalist Vienna, which was one of the prestigious art schools in Europe, with no high school diploma and a handful of mediocre sketches and paintings of buildings from postcards.

Honestly just be as delusional as hitler and apply with whatever bullshit you got and who knows? And if it doesn’t work out just blame the Jews about it.

>> No.6461979

>it was gay and pozzed
and you think (((art school))) wont be?

>> No.6461985

mutt's law.
holy fucking shit you're a faggot.

>> No.6461990

this is why everyone hates artists.
kill yourself.

>> No.6461992

>hitler is a big meanie with a *checks notes* micropenis and one testicle hehehehe
got you people are fucking weird, dick on the mind at all timnes.

>> No.6461997
File: 38 KB, 498x346, Dt_2ou0XcAM9CUZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga he only wrote two sentences

>> No.6462231

He literally had those things tho. As for your “Big meanie” autism you should reflect on why “big meanie” is something you’d ever reflexively think to say, ironically or not. Are you a mushminded baby?

Learn to cope cocksucker.

>> No.6462765
File: 387 KB, 561x551, anon i.....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6462878

How can he draw a perfect man's ass but everything else look so shit.
Are you a kike?
There are something off about his art but Hitler can easily pass as a talented. His use of color are brilliant and in the right environment he will shine with the help of masters. Most art school in Europe except Russia maybe accept student through nepotism and diversity, some individuals who shine almost always Asian.

>> No.6462977

>admits his entry drawings are shit
>someone else calling them snit is a kike
do you not see the irony in this display of kikery?
every single work of his that isn’t a copy is /beg/ material and even the ones that are usually have fucked up perspective and the retard tried to get into THE art school instead of doing what everyone else does and go through a prep school or lesser art school
he was never ever going to make it because he’s the kind of dumb permabeg nigger who thinks he knows best and refuses to take advice unless you’re the foremost authority in the field, when he’s so /beg/ no such figure will bother with him
the retard literally got eternally butthurt at being told he needs more loomis and gave up instead of improving
what kind of loser do you need to be to identify with him

>> No.6462993

Trans rights sis

>> No.6462995

make like adolf and 41%

>> No.6463960

If you're a hetero white dude you will be the last in line.

>> No.6464115
File: 767 KB, 962x607, calarts jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idiot, if there is one thing Jews love are disgustingly poorly drawn cheap ass cartoon shit.
Basically, the Jews invented toons, that's why they hate Anime and what it banned.

>> No.6464127

>that's why they hate Anime and want it banned.
What the fuck? I love kikes now

>> No.6464129

If you can't get the loans or pay outright you will be rejected. We don't live in a world where they care anymore. They just want your money and they don't care about you. Your teachers will care about you whilst you are paying for their classes, but after that even they don't actually care about you. Just learn it online for free. Or waste your money and life idc actually.

>> No.6464281

Read the thread retard
OP, idk about aus schools, esp not when govt money is involved, but in burgerstan they'll take anyone with a pulse because the whole racket is to extract as much tuition money as possible and saddle you with debt. But anyway if something is too "pozzed" for you I doubt art school will be to your liking. Also hilarious how much you "love hitler" when you would have been first on the cattle car for being a disabled retard suckling the govt teat.

>> No.6464287


>> No.6464541

ESL can’t read lol.

>> No.6465450
File: 845 KB, 1156x1256, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also hilarious how much you "love hitler" when you would have been first on the cattle car for being a disabled retard suckling the govt teat.
So? That would be a good thing, if that was what I was doing. I've worked for kikes before. I may as well extract their shekels without working.

>> No.6465459

Why is this weirdo foreigner here tho?

Like honestly what compels you to be here other that it’s part of your employment contract? Who has ever invited you to anything, ever?

>> No.6465466

This site's code is literally Japanese 2chan but with Babbel fish to translate it into English, retard. There is no such thing as a foreigner here.
Despite your broken English, I will attempt a response about invitations:
I've been invited to various jobs because my mother is rich; she works in legal practice; she has connections.
I've been invited to a PhD once already, which I dropped out of, but I'm thinking of doing a Masters next year because it's free and I might get a scholarship (untaxed by the Goy Tax).

>> No.6465470
File: 214 KB, 345x336, Drapes Top Kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn’t read. Take it up with your handler gook.

>> No.6465471
File: 295 KB, 1263x1871, don't question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go die of malnutrition, Amerimutt "artist" who has never had a real job.

>> No.6465473
File: 6 KB, 228x221, drapesmugdrink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the Russian shill bragging about their “job” getting paid a monthly rate equivalent to what US minimum wage workers make in a week, to act like a faggot on American websites lmao.

Post paystub hombre. Post pics of your shill farm and big us Dolar faxed to your location today

>> No.6465477
File: 9 KB, 276x226, kyiv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They pay shekels by the hour, actually.

>> No.6465482
File: 31 KB, 300x300, drapesmugshrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>41 rubles an hour is less than $1 an hour
Imagine the life of the russnegroid that occupies this board with his discord hive.

At this point I wonder if (You) are worried that the only thing preventing being sent to have a drone drop a grenade on your face is how well you act like a faggot for $.60 an hour on American websites.

>> No.6465483
File: 867 KB, 690x850, boom tis bah rah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear Amerimutts also think niggers are capable of art. In fact, they even let them dominate all their cultural industry, whatever industry that actually is.

>> No.6465494
File: 14 KB, 400x300, drapesmug drink 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep it going this is great.

What else do you hear about amerimutts that really makes you mad?

Also just curious what percentage of your genetic ancestry is mongoloid or asiatic?

>> No.6465502

>apply to art school
>”sorry anon, you need to inject our untested poison into your body at least three times or we can’t accept you”
why even try?

>> No.6465508
File: 155 KB, 878x512, proud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear Amerimutts love to eat out Weinstein's gangrenous manpussy, then cancel him over it. Yes, they bow down to Jews.

>> No.6465514
File: 916 KB, 1833x2048, 54702E6E-4C08-4BDC-957E-ED5613637591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep it going keep it going keep it going full steam

>> No.6465518
File: 2.71 MB, 2500x1667, sent from goyphone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good goy!

>> No.6465521
File: 7 KB, 141x200, 8CAD5BAF-B72D-4339-8ACB-E7AF4298E31D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(who do you think you’re working for?)

>> No.6465523
File: 433 KB, 565x800, bolszewicka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is confirmed to have Judeo-Trotskyist-Nazism.

>> No.6465526
File: 3.43 MB, 3377x2835, 7ACF864D-97BC-455B-856A-E75DF80F31E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6465528
File: 523 KB, 2048x1365, los goblinas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh russians muh drumpfffffff

>> No.6465535
File: 57 KB, 400x300, 3692A0A4-196E-4A68-8598-302EAB4F8759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s it like getting paid $.60 an hour to shill for a pedophile pimp?

>> No.6465537
File: 55 KB, 680x383, intersectionality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's it like
It's about as good as the Poseidon missile blowing up mulattos who shout, "folx y'all, diversity is our strength!!!"

>> No.6465540
File: 1.17 MB, 1580x1223, 2C981435-057B-4626-9C05-7BD3827DC850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you going to do when Putin dies this year and you’re out of a job?

>> No.6465543
File: 668 KB, 2270x2838, scratch and sniff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blyat! I'll go to The Zone and do a cheeki breeki before India is a superpower and takes over the JewSA.

>> No.6465552
File: 898 KB, 2430x2158, C9F9E885-F7A0-4A62-91E3-D6928B1366E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Psychological projection is a defense mechanism people subconsciously employ in order to cope with difficult feelings or emotions. Psychological projection involves projecting undesirable feelings or emotions onto someone else, rather than admitting to or dealing with the unwanted feelings.

>> No.6465556
File: 1.17 MB, 1180x704, i'm literally going to suckkkkk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6465561
File: 69 KB, 1024x640, C3658079-AC0E-4582-993A-FA763B31A927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6465563
File: 848 KB, 944x674, defend israel you bloody coward.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6465566
File: 14 KB, 480x360, AC5126C2-FC2A-4C1B-8CCC-E0EFDE2C8BA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro you realize you’ve got this shit saved on your work hard drive right?

Do you tend to seek out excuses to save pedophilic images?

>> No.6465568
File: 120 KB, 1024x683, yoshke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey! Don't share the images, goy!

>> No.6465583
File: 114 KB, 827x1130, 2246FE23-2C2F-4F46-B3B8-5F24F122EEF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

World is your oyster Ivan. Maybe just reflect on the reality that most people don’t collect images of naked babies in any context. And you’ve got a whole folder of them.

And you’re calling other people pedos lol.

Like do you think anyone looking at this thread wouldnt assume you’re a faggot that jerks off to kids and projects about it?

>> No.6465585
File: 75 KB, 1024x683, greatest us ally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shalom shabbat

>> No.6465589
File: 800 KB, 1713x1128, 590EF79F-D351-4385-A354-33285C4F44CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most fascinating thing is like you seem more Jewish than most Jews. Was your Jewish grandpa a dick or something lol?

>> No.6465592

what is is with this painter and bringing the deepest autism in people i dont understand