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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 41 KB, 600x482, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6457496 No.6457496 [Reply] [Original]

Post your work, get rated, rate others.

>> No.6457502
File: 351 KB, 1467x1254, my OC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of my dinky cartoon work. How /beg/ am I?

>> No.6457517
File: 2.25 MB, 3264x2448, 16729262363083656290388070843004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very simple cartoony style, which may not be flashy, but has its perks. Berry nice.

Here's an old ball point drawing I did during warehouse work breaks.

>> No.6457523

Nice stuff. Work break drawing was always fun for me too.

>> No.6457529
File: 227 KB, 776x1119, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6457544

low beg, still havent finished that piece after years

>> No.6457549

Would kiss

>> No.6457608
File: 697 KB, 1041x1380, 20221018_233254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute, would be more interesting if had purporsefully lineweight variety

Nice work, it shows that you really like drawing, ballpoint pen is always a nostalgic medium for me

Meme/10 , would commission from him
R8 my inktober attempt ar gargoyle

>> No.6457613

>Cute, would be more interesting if had purporsefully lineweight variety
Good idea. I'll work on that. Thanks.

>> No.6457618
File: 20 KB, 359x234, image_2023-01-05_151953608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cool anon

>> No.6457619

I rate it a autistic Deviantart pedophile/10

>> No.6457624
File: 764 KB, 1402x1051, 2023-01-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from 2-3 months ago but its the biggest piece I've ever done, from the many things wrong table perspective is what bothers me the most but I pleased with the line quality I've achieve.

>> No.6457633

I like your drapery work, it would be nice if the hero had a more dramatic pose

nice painting ability but this does nothing to me, no storytelling, maybe working on the background add some propaganda hints would add more to the piece.

is that shading done on marker? I like the feeling that crosshatch and markers give

>> No.6457640

The only art I finish these days is pixel art.
Hopefully that changes when I start school

>> No.6457654
File: 1.93 MB, 1572x2280, 20221108_140913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Havent made anything in a while.

>> No.6457663
File: 286 KB, 550x400, 1669059888705421.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are quite close, you have at least a degree of understanding of perspective.

>The table is a bit too angled compared to the rest of the stuff on it

> the rest of the stuff requires very little adjustement (a mm or 2 qt most) or doesn't require it at all.

Very good anon

> the linework IS something you should be proud of

>> No.6457673

Thank you anon, how did you check that, the only method i know right now is line convergence to the vanishing point, but seems you use another method (judging form your precise assessment)

>> No.6457676
File: 1.84 MB, 1200x1510, gta rp art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6457680

Comically small arm out of 10

>> No.6457723
File: 1.58 MB, 4624x2084, 20230105_174741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't use a method per say. The bottles have almost the correct shape but not quite, and the base of the statue (unless it is eliptical rather then circular) doesnt fit the table , the orientation of the statue doesnt quite fit the tables orientation one would expect to see more of the top of the head qnd shoulders. It isn't a problem with simple shapes , it is the missmatch between circular , angular (cubes n shit), and complex shapes such as a torso with a head.

>it is still good because one has to look closely to see it

>might be the case of a honeymoon phase.
This happens to me, i finish a drawing / anything and for a fiew days I see nothing wrong with it, then I start seeing mistakes, stiffness ecc.
>I could be wrong but here is a pic. The left one is aproximately table perspective, the right is statue perspective

>> No.6457731

thanks anon very insightful

>> No.6457733
File: 707 KB, 720x960, 1618776189311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good idea. I'll work on that. Thanks
Sure bro, would be nice if you post the update

>is that shading done on marker? I like the feeling that crosshatch and markers give

Its both, Marker + Gray marker, Its pretty difficult to do both (for me), you can mess it up really easy, my notes for future implimentation are:

Always start with shading by markers, add 2 or more layers at first, then proceed to slowly build up your crosshatching

>> No.6457734

>Marker + Gray marker,
Meant to say *Ink + Gray marker

>> No.6457735
File: 779 KB, 1536x2048, A413576B-13E9-4F1A-A053-F3F93BD0647A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6457743
File: 885 KB, 1125x1550, 1635040698112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All beg so far except

Lot to work on (though you have a base thats possible to build off of) but a quick one that I think would give you some gains: Id suggest not using thick lines everywhere. Using a thick line on only one side of a form can suggest light coming from the opposite side. More tips in picrel. Even just using thinner lines without worriying about weight will look less flat. Thick lines flatten the work if not used properly. I personally used to use them to cover up my bad, scratchy lines.

>> No.6457749

Well well well,
>Breastalia Thunderthighs
looks good, reall hood, im saving it for later study( i do mean it , I have a problem drawing hips at that angle)

>Frowning man
has a , generic looking face

>afro dude
lips do not quite work i dont think , cant put my finger on it though.

The rest isnt detailed enough to really criticize.

Very good anon
PS: and try to finish something in at least black n white to see what you can do

>> No.6457787

>frowning man
Ah so it came off that way. Was trying to give a grouchy rough look for him.
>afro dude
The lips look like that, because i didn’t align it well with the face.
Great you like the girl tho, lol. Plan on drawing more traditionally anyway, since i draw digitally most of the time.

>> No.6457802

this was actual game dev art, right?

>> No.6457925
File: 477 KB, 920x922, Screenshot 2023-01-04 at 20.36.03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very simple, not much to complain about

overall very nice, could use some practice with the smaller details but would give 8/10

i like the vibes but the womans torso is too long and her arms are too short

i get what youre going for but try working with a color palette maybe??

>> No.6458022
File: 1.43 MB, 2000x2100, 44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually do more complete stuff but I wanted to try something different

>> No.6458036
File: 778 KB, 1120x980, beg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6458037

eyes too high, neck not connected to torso
draw more feet
nice rendering, pose is awkward because you wanted to hide the hand. the right shoulder is too far forward and the left stump doesn't read well
play around with line weight

>> No.6458041
File: 11 KB, 486x483, my lil guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gud sheit, looks legitimately like a character from a Cartoon Network show.
Something feels really off about this one, probably because the mouths look wonky and the characters are from that Merde Drones shit.

>> No.6458173

low beg

mid beg

high beg

>> No.6458225

Beglet mindset. It's not the biggest piece you made if you haven't finished.

>> No.6458239
File: 836 KB, 2400x3000, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6458265

Anon are you retarded?

>> No.6458835

You disagree with my opinion? Well, my art teachers would have judged it differently. Probably worse.

>> No.6458867

chill live streams, but they look scammy as fuck

>> No.6458928
File: 313 KB, 498x545, imagen_2023-01-06_001338355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn't a drawing

>> No.6459001
File: 462 KB, 2765x1240, bxun8im9cgv h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6459002
File: 3.29 MB, 3120x4160, 16729803705161855246257082473838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been getting back into drawing with pencils and pastels... Some of you are amazing but I'm just drawing cartoons

>> No.6459006
File: 799 KB, 1691x1984, edfedg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will never be more than a sketchkek, it's over for me..............

>> No.6459008
File: 2.84 MB, 3120x4160, 16729807083308769870168785020180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this character needs arms, or at least some way to manipulate the world around them

>> No.6459019

Why is this chick angry with me? I need context

>> No.6459037

I think I wanted him to be some sort of child dictator that tells his servants to do the stuff he needs arms for, so like, if he needs to drink soup, he just tells one of his servants to spoon-feed him.

>> No.6459043
File: 3.33 MB, 1200x3907, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.6459054

I would/ 10

>> No.6459058
File: 3.19 MB, 3120x4160, 16729827995286707447160860977953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...him? I hate to break it to you, but that's a chick. And with that attitude, the soup rations are likely to be reduced

>> No.6459061
File: 3.45 MB, 640x640, dielit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes him a chick though? Looks like a prominently masculine figure to me.

>> No.6459067
File: 94 KB, 600x800, Fla0T2OWYAIsnS0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6459086

My bad. I got you mixed with another poster. It's a nice design, soup is good. Soup is life

>> No.6459096

Nice art, but what is happening with the other end of the katana

>> No.6459103

Thank you, i fucked up and gave up fixing it

>> No.6459118
File: 3.35 MB, 3120x4160, 16729852513566290134784706491086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps the "disappearing" katana is why the catgirl on the lower left is in such great distress

>> No.6459135
File: 144 KB, 1000x750, 467CAAE9-BB35-41BA-94E1-7282948DBD76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I did for oc thread

But you’re a good sketchkek

Nice linework!

>> No.6459139
File: 3.26 MB, 1747x1519, IMG_0348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6459140

lol, I like chris too anon. work on your line confidence, try to draw your major lines in one go.

>> No.6459160

Yeah I still need to broaden my influences. Little too much Chris haha. Will try and keep my lines more confident. Thx anon

>> No.6459163

I'd like to thank everybody for the critique/comments, but I'm on mobile, so addressing everybody specifically is super hard, so forgive me here plz.

As for your advice on line weight, I specifically used heavy lines to denote limbs, so that when they are above something else, they don't get lost in the details, cuz I've had that happen before, and I know that my demon guy isn't actually very detailed, it's just criss-cross lines for shadow weight, I still felt like those lines could eat up the distinction between limbs. Especially since this guy's prominent trait is having six arms lol.
But I understand what your getting at, as I was about to start experimenting with the white glow/aura/outline I've seen used to do this as well.

And to other guy that said it could use more detail, that notebook is smaller than normal, it's like half, so not much room for details due to medium. But also, there wouldn't be much more detail anyways, as at that point I feel it would drown out the entire piece, and begin to detract from it. The demons initial design was to be skinless AS WELL AS all of the dramatic criss-cross shadows, but it just melded together and became scratch, so I ditched the gore-y aspect and stick to the dramatic shadows (see below).

Other other guy that said better/dynamic poses; yes, I know I've been needing to work on this, as my comfort zone is more for showcasing the character design, rather than telling a visual story, but also, in this case, part of the demons motif/design principle is "dramatic", hence the curtain wings, as well as the six arms to do more acting.

>> No.6459168
File: 2.96 MB, 4032x3024, 45AF3BF6-B784-4F0F-9317-4E703F996A40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted on improvement thread, did it about a day ago

>> No.6459171
File: 621 KB, 1028x1165, Illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no such thing as too much until you start becoming a carbon copy of your influences. Just work on fundamentals, and try to recognize the fundamental techniques that the artist you like is using

>> No.6459182
File: 2.68 MB, 3120x4160, 16729887843041023066090973331422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some talenenenented artists here, love you all. Thanks for all the feedback

>> No.6459185

Nice work anon! Question tho, how do you know when you’ve copied too much from an artist? I tend to think it’s bad if it’s close enough that someone can recognize and name the influence. But maybe I’m just too sensitive.

Also, any advice on fundies I need to work on? Open to critique in order to improve.

>> No.6459192

you don't need to worry about that, you will eventually develop your own style as you expand your taste. Your art is almost always just a combination of all your influences, until you get to a level where you naturally start creating your own shorthands. Just make sure you ONLY learn from people who you want to draw like. I learned to hatch from studying R Crumb, and now that I'm good at hatching I realized that all of my lines are very loose which I'm having to unlearn.

fundamentals are Perspective, Anatomy, Value, Color, Environments, and mastery of your medium (Inking technique, oil painting technique, etc)

I really am considering making a total beginners course because so many people here don't seem to understand how to learn or where to start. People scream LOOMIS but honestly I've only ever used loomis for proportions

>> No.6459195

>these are the people giving you “crits”

>> No.6459202

yes anon this is a board for teenagers, you are stupid if you can't realize that. It's not the board's fault.

>> No.6459203

I gave critiques for 6 other anons... no feedback for my shit. Zero. Not even a sentence or a word on mine after I gave honest feedback on theirs. I guess I either suck or I am so good you don't even know what to say.

>> No.6459204

yes anon, and girls dont talk to you because they're all dumb bitches and you're a nice guy

>> No.6459216

well I suppose I'm not much of a visual artist, and that's why bitches shun me. But here, have a listen to my musical endeavor https://youtu.be/P0M_vmi79aU

Also apparently I smell like urine but I don't know how to fix that, it's not like I can stop peeing

>> No.6459224

dont like your personality at all thus far

>> No.6459239

looks traced

>> No.6459242
File: 3.11 MB, 3120x4160, 16729918601654643790267705179225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really a good drawer though

>> No.6459246

case in point. the oh-so-ironic in your face hehe arent i cute attitude. Smug insecure vibes

>> No.6459251

Show me your art, please

>> No.6459256

Yeah I don’t understand the loomis thing either. Its always felt overly diagrammy and technical. Some people learn best that way but I could never get my head around it.

>> No.6459268

What part? I hope you don't mean faces, because i don't need to hear again what they look like Kuvshinovs

>> No.6459270
File: 2.67 MB, 3120x4160, 16729934822538129010141846394565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No artistic talent and that makes you mad

>> No.6459273

masterpiece, i kneel

>> No.6459275
File: 176 KB, 798x712, come on now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 me

high /beg/, very inspired

upper-low /beg/, seems unplanned but there's some knowledge there

not /beg/

not /beg/ very cool

I don't know what I'm looking at/10 but there's some fine linework there

low /beg/

upper /beg/ some fine tuning and you'll be /out/

>> No.6459283

Thats good. Meaner version of the fry guy from aqua teen. Major aztec/maya vibes

>> No.6459288
File: 707 KB, 2000x1500, aku aku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a character from Crash

>> No.6459298

you're trying to flex on me with the scribbles of a 5 year old. stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.6459304
File: 3.11 MB, 3120x4160, 16729949931171294354880524459227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6459322

Show me something that isn't just someone tracing or copying, then I'll stop "embarrassing myself". Rock on Seattle, Rock over New York. McDonald's. Pepsi -thats what I like

>> No.6459339

I can not make out the details . Might be the camera though.
> the cloth draping over shit looks nice

> I cant make out if it is a vacume pose or the midsection is missing

>> No.6459340

i dont give a shit how stupid you look i was just giving you good advice. dude youre so random and quirky whoah so impressive.

>> No.6459353

Try and flip the pic upside down an look at the eyes, Im not sure about something , one eye seems about a milimeter lover then it should be

>>6457743 his/her post has a pic that could help you improove some lineart to get it to bo more lively.

>> No.6459359

Ok I didn't really mean to be such a jerk. I know I suck and my skills are not too hot. I know I'm just drawing shitty cartoons. But some of my shit is more interesting than the generic anime crap you see here every day. I definitely appreciate any genuine advice or help I get here. Just having some fun. Do you know what a faggot is?

>> No.6459367

none of it is more interesting than even poorly drawn floating loomis heads in /beg/

>> No.6459375
File: 3.68 MB, 3120x4160, 16729988547461653461712788091034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh come on be a lad

>> No.6459378

Not him but your shit is not interesting.

You seem to think you can game the system by drawing randomly until you accidentally draw something interesting, but that is highly unlikely.
It's the same idea of a person who cooked a bad meal but can't taste the awfulness in the food or the badly mixed ingredients.
Drawing skills are always appreciated and honed basics will shine through.

>> No.6459386
File: 251 KB, 1248x1560, 566E8B0C-977C-4887-A171-0BAAB30A4622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tiny d.va :3

>> No.6459398
File: 2.55 MB, 3120x4160, 16729999891013153420093515831897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get it. Music is my main thing and I deeply understand how much time and effort it takes to get there. However I also know it is possible to stumble upon something good before you're really supposed to. Like an amateur golfer that randomly whacks it in from 75 yds or something. Some of my art is not that bad. And then some of it is like this, horrible. So where do I go from here? I can't even imagine how difficult it gets once you start talking about colors

>> No.6459408

Ty anon

It’s supposed to be a dead guy missing his midsection, but there’s a lot of missing details I didn’t draw in like you said (that and my camera is shit)

Cheers, anon. I’m gonna keep grinding

>> No.6459429


good luck competing against AI

>> No.6459435
File: 1.55 MB, 1600x1600, Happy Little Orc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6459438

I'll have no such problem, because my drawings are shit, and what kind of bunk ass AI would try to draw shit? Bazinga

>> No.6459443

none of your art is "not that bad" i guarantee it.

>> No.6459453

Good pencil work. The hands seem slightly off, kinda hard to articulate what that is, exactly... Left foot too, but that one is just in an awkward position when you think about it.

>> No.6459455
File: 2.69 MB, 1920x1062, Emblemspractice__.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6459459

Here's something. I'm not gonna link you to my actual music but if you tell me this sucks then you're obviously just being contrarian https://voca.ro/145Fuv0gf6op

>> No.6459460

Damn that is really good. The only critique I can think of is that he should be putting more weight on that left foot, otherwise he would have to be in motion. Really good

>> No.6459534

i dont give a shit about your music

>if it sucks youre obviously just
nice ego faggot

>> No.6459555 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 820x312, neodiogenes_HOG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy oh boy do I have some power level for y'all... My grand project, my magnum opus masterpiece, drumroll please... my FAT PIG wife. See more of her here: >>6459541

>> No.6459556 [DELETED] 
File: 354 KB, 1306x1155, wick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i haven't drawn in almost 5 years. i kinda gave up. it looks like i was drawing john wick.

>> No.6459558

sorry i posted one from a long time ago. i didn't mind sharing. but i realize that this thread should be for more recent work.

>> No.6459600

cope, you know it's pretty good.

>> No.6459608

sir.....your blog.....

>> No.6459621
File: 1.53 MB, 1080x1440, IMG_0041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been messing around with brush pens + colored pencils

Your stuff is good, don't bash yourself too much and try putting some colors on it instead
Good details on the head and armor but the foreshortening of the arm holding the shield seems off and the legs don't quite fit the rest of the pose
Nice work, anon

>> No.6459629

Good form, overall clean linework (thickness variety, flow, overlaping), simple yet good texture

I have no complains with it, only a minor detail with the nose, its a tinny bit off center, I would love to see this work fully render, doesn't need to go to colour, but grayscale would look awesome.

Overall good stuff anon, post more work

>> No.6459667
File: 720 KB, 974x845, clod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anonymous, that is very encouraging and boosts my motivation.
I'm kind of scared to ruin it by trying to render it.
I'm still /beg/ so I haven't dabbled in rendering but here's an attempt I did a while ago.

>> No.6459675
File: 830 KB, 2400x3000, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, made a couple adjustments.

>> No.6459676

I like it, I can feel the smooth wood texture try doing rain god Tlaloc I think you will draw it really good .

>> No.6459694
File: 71 KB, 634x598, delusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6459701

Sovl and potential for anime/comics,
First step improve anatomy, practice figure drawing

Cute, needs heavy investment in anatomy and pretty much every field, keep going anon
Great mood piece, as you mentioned there isn't much to criticize here it looks pretty much like it conveys it was meant to say, menacing monster and some background element, its clear that you have the skill to convey story elements through visual representation.

Cute, I'll have to say you need what I said about the first and second anon

Too cartoony for my taste but still I see some semblance of design/purpouse. Beg/

Referenced portrait study? Render wise Its okay, I would like to see more contrast though, make your core shadows stronger, as it stands now its a bit flat/ boring shapes, lineartwise itd okayish, I feel its being flattened by the high contrast between the black outline and weak grays
Mid-High Beg/

Cute drawing, looks like a good base-sketch, cute facial expression, could improve in the interaction between objects (Hand to face)
Can't say much more

I'm a bit biased towards this type of sketching, it looks good to me at this stage, can't judge your level until I see the end result on the linework

Coom, but very cute eyes, boring lineart though, seems that the pose was referenced 1:1.
Probably beg to mid-beg
Cute and interesting construction/line flow, still needs heavy polish in the cleaness of the lines, thickness.
Beg/ with high potential
Mid-Int/ or higher , sick metalic rendering on the armor

>> No.6459723

That's cool as fuark anon, blog or twitter?

>> No.6459749

didnt even listen to it, why do you think i care about it? why are you even talking to me about your music. this isnt the music board i dont fucking listen to music

>> No.6459837
File: 1.40 MB, 2480x3508, elf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aight. Fuck my shit up lads.

If you did this shit in one day I shudder to think what you're capable of under normal pressure. High int, probably.
If you're gonna do hard perspective like that, you need to use much stronger refs and practice at least twice as much as you currently do. Mid beg but I like the ambition, keep it up.
Cute style. High beg at worst but I think closer to low int.
Why do I have a feeling you did this in the time it takes me to paint a rock? Good shit.
Captured the style well, clean lineart, overall I like it. Not sure what all you're capable of but I'm gonna guess you're like high int.
Solid everything but the design is pretty mid. As an illustrator you're decent though.
Really good.
I like your colors and composition. The character looks a bit flat but I'd still rat you at least low int.

>> No.6459858

/highbeg/ you're finding your comfort zone and style, keep trying new things and work on hands/feet and general anatomy. You need a solid (not perfect) foundation before solidifying style.

/midbeg/ You make serviceable lines for painting but as they stand they are not good. you also need more practice on basic anatomy and conveying 3d shapes into 2d space. The reason people are saying your stuff looks traced is because of this. conveying 3d into 2d is a separate skill which is why simply tracing always looks off, even if done very well. Perspective also is imperative.

/highbeg/ you have good rendering skills and a very good grasp of color & light but honestly most of this is unreadable. It might be a simple case of tackling perspective and broadening your horizons with objects such as metal/armor/mechanization. I feel like you can do better but won't.

/lowbeg/ but keep it up! you have a cute and whimsical vision.

>> No.6459898

Cute style and good use of colour to convey the scene and emotion, as for the linework its also solid, could use some improvement in the right (I'm guessing tree shape)

A better blending and transition between colours would improve this from nice to beautiful I really really liked your work.

>Aight. Fuck my shit up lads
Okay this one has my attention, you clearly show solid fundations in both use of colour and composition, like how the shape of the clounds point the girls face, they look soft, the rendition of different elements convey softness and harshness correctly, the light/shadow work complement the form. Perhaps it might just be me not a fan of the pose, looks a but akward? BUT perhaps it makes sense in your purposeful conveyance of the character, as for a minnor thing, Most of the drawing has sharp edges, even clouds have their sharp corners in some parts so I guess the perspective of the chin being so rounded and hanging makes it a bit out of style / with the rest. Another minnor detail is perhaps I feel like the grass on her left boot is all behind and bending to make space for the boot, I would make some grass overlap and interact

Overall great, would love to know the timeframe of this work from start to finish. You are going places anon.

>> No.6459913

According to Procreate it took around 16 hours, so if you combine the thumbnailing, reference hunting, and so on, it probably took like 24 all in all over the course of about a month. It really sped up the rest of my shit though. I can draw and paint much faster now.

>> No.6459915

Sorry, I mean two months. One month I was bouncing in and out of mental breakdowns due to life, so I forget that I actually spent that much time on it.

>> No.6460038
File: 750 KB, 1000x1341, lvl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of my stuff

>> No.6460043
File: 418 KB, 400x217, 6FD5A3E5-11EC-45DC-86D8-1EE2872C147F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Remind me never to trust this place to rate my art. Jfc you guys are all over the place with your judgements lmfao. A sheet of scrawled sketches exhibiting no fundies is rated higher than a polished, well-drawn piece with fundies. A piece that looks like it was ai rendered is rated highest.. Good god you guys are hopeless. Maybe ai taking over is a good thing. Not like you retards will notice the difference anyway.

>> No.6460046

>dbz study
you're either mexican or autistic

Sorry you can't seem to take criticism. either draw or give up don't know what else to tell whiny faggots like you.

>> No.6460110

PYW and timestamp to identify the critique or you are falseflagging retard looking for attention, fuck off

>> No.6460121

Feel free to post your own evaluation then

>> No.6460124

god damn that's good

how long have you been drawing and how did you get to this level?

>> No.6460134

very nice anon I like it

>> No.6460145
File: 1.50 MB, 3785x1908, 20230102_092006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm into impressionism because I'm a talentless hack. I wish somebody would compliment me to be honest. Maybe some of you Anons will enjoy this little piece. The man in the portrait is Don Van Vliet, and how I imagine he looked during his psycho episodes.

>> No.6460150

Stick with doing studies, your shitty pseudo-anime looks obviously western and inauthentic.

>> No.6460156

I've been drawing around 8 years, sometimes i open book and learn but i never took it seriously.
thank you

>> No.6460165

Thats rude, i don't want to draw exactly like japaneese mangakas. My goal is to find my own way of doing it.

>> No.6460172
File: 63 KB, 795x446, B2EAF6D1-BB89-4384-B0C5-64CCBEAE0B23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol this board is so predictable. First sight of anime or realism and you low IQ fags blow your loads. Reddit has better taste.

>> No.6460175

>I don’t want to draw like the Japanese
>draws bad anime
Kill yourself

>> No.6460176

>Reddit has better taste.
Then why not stay there

>> No.6460181

crabs be seething

>> No.6460184
File: 734 KB, 1920x1086, random182pyw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6460189

Intermediate based on these studies, but you could probably punch above your weight with effort

>> No.6460194
File: 3.73 MB, 3011x3808, 20221225_145659-01-01-01-01-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6460216

show your work

>> No.6460229

Yeah i know what you mean, gonna see.
Pro. Amazing anatomy anon, this is truly inspiring stuff.

>> No.6460248
File: 71 KB, 485x282, 7C503E72-3E96-460C-B9BB-919B1287BFAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat my poophole

>> No.6460259

Thank you for the feedback, anons!

As for >>6459837, I think the overall composition is good and I really like the background, especially the way you painted the structure of the rocks. The perspective on the character seems slightly off to me, maybe it's because of her leg that's on the ground.
Good stuff, not much to critisize here
Interesting concept and nicely rendered. Their poses seem a bit stiff but maybe that was the intention?

>> No.6460271
File: 764 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_20230106_235150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will get better.

>> No.6460277
File: 916 KB, 1012x1200, 1672347290809242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6460306
File: 1.90 MB, 4624x2084, 20230106_231456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im posting again, finally got some time to draw shit
This was my previous post >>6457654
Thank you for the criticism , i needed a wakeup call (3 people put it in low beg so I guess it is probably not just 1 dudes opinion)

Look at the new pic and tell me if it is an improovement over my previous work. >>6457654 as well as providing suggestions for improovement. (Provided it is not so begginer level that you do not know where to start) . Sry bout camera being shit

Will try and finish in the next fiew days and repost finished work on the next POWERLEVEL thread. And properly scan it this time

>> No.6460422

Definitely an improvement compared to the previous one, I guess you actually paid attention to the reference this time? Her left arm looks off and the face is a bit uncanny but I'm actually impressed that something as mundane as people calling you /beg/ caused you to improve immediatly. I guess even low effort critique has its value

>> No.6460428


Concept is cool. Looks high /beg/ but you look like someone that could be high /int/ in another year or two if you really stick to it and hustle.

>> No.6461155
File: 126 KB, 681x675, evil nurse round.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6461169 [DELETED] 

Perspective on the needle looks good (sure it is not the most precise needle ever but it works, good nuff.

If the hand is supposed to be hers - then the thumb goes on the other side(turn your palms thorwards your face

Neck qnd collarbone lines arent supposed to look like that I think. Look at an qnatomy of the neck > pic elated the middle front facing slope (thing that connects the middle of the clavicles and the lover jaw) contains the trachia , next to the slope on both sides are muscles that connect behind the ears and are prominent in skinny individuals.

With underdeveloped necks (skinny female/ male the neck starts wide, thins in the middle and wide again near the skull attachement points. In very muscular people with well developed necks it is more of a TUBE, and in overdeveloped neckmuscles (rugby player ccammile chat for example)

Outline of the breasts look more or less fine (her right torpedo peak is slightly higher then it should but not by mutch)

Shoulders outline is more or less fine but not nuff detail to criticize anything specific

Ears connect right behind the bulgies most lateral (obligatory UWU) part of the zygomatic bone .

I do not know much about nurses hats so I wont attempt to criticise

Glasses have parts that attach behind the ear and are rarely if ever made with sharp edges
Look at the anatomy of the skull, ad muscles to it (bigges one being the masseter

Look at neck pictures and neck anatomy. You would be surprised how much improovement can be done by having acces to an anatomy picture/ 3d animation of the anatomy

>> No.6461183
File: 72 KB, 800x800, Neck_muscles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perspective on the needle looks good (sure it is not the most precise needle ever but it works, good nuff.

If the hand is supposed to be hers - then the thumb goes on the other side(turn your palms thorwards your face to see what i mean

Neck and collarbone lines arent supposed to look like that I think. Look at anatomy of the neck > pic elated the middle front facing slope (thing that connects the middle of the clavicles and the lover jaw) contains the trachia , next to the slope on both sides are muscles that connect behind the ears and are prominent in skinny /fit / muscular individuals.

underdeveloped necks (skinny female/ male the neck starts wide, thins in the middle and wide again near the skull attachement points.

In very muscular people with well developed necks it is more of a TUBE,

and in overdeveloped people. neckmuscles (rugby player cammile chat for example) are like a combo of an eggshape and a tube. Wider then the head behind the ears , but wider at the clavicle level.

Outline of the breasts look more or less fine (her right torpedo peak is slightly higher then it should but not by much)

Shoulders outline is more or less fine but not nuff detail to criticize anything specific

Ears connect right behind the Bulgiest, most lateral (obligatory UWU) part of the zygomatic bone . https://www.kenhub.com/en/library/anatomy/the-zygomatic-bone

I do not know much about nurses hats so I wont attempt to criticise

Glasses have parts that attach behind the ear ( earpiece, temple and hinges) and are rarely if ever made with sharp edges
Look at the anatomy of the skull, ad muscles to it (bigges one being the masseter

Look at neck pictures (male female, rugby players, bodybuilders, models ecc) and neck anatomy. You would be surprised how much improvement can be done by having acess to an anatomy picture/ 3d animation of the anatomy

>> No.6461349

I will asume the faces are placeholders
Hair is a bit stiff in places
The clotes look good. a bit more sharpening of the textures and shadows and you have some Really good cloth and drapery representation

Poses are nice - The blue one probably needs a slightly bigger left buttocks and just thicker groin area and upper part of the upper leg

Erry Noice- keep grinding you are doing well

>> No.6461354

Crabtastic, masterpiece . 10/10 ,
Nice use of colours btw

If you painted in the crab you did some nice work- I am , not realy a painter (or a digital artist) so I can not criticise much or help,
>the Right claw looks flat and broken in a way- like it is dislocated and

Unlike the left claw (the one touching the sexy bearded old man---Jk jk) lacks depth

>> No.6461494

It's pretty dark and dead color wise. I am not sure if you were trying to hide her anatomy by doing that.

>> No.6461717
File: 439 KB, 501x436, skelet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If the hand is supposed to be hers - then the thumb goes on the other side(turn your palms thorwards your face to see what i mean

Her hand was originally supposed to face the other way , changed my mind somewhere half way thought the drawing but forgot to change the thumb position ,that or changed it then changed it again because i forgot the original change.

>Look at anatomy of the neck > pic elated the middle front facing slope (thing that connects the middle of the clavicles and the lover jaw) contains the trachia
Manubrium or the entire sternum?
Also you only see the top part of the clavicles

Underdeveloped necks = thick hourglass shape
Normal = Even thicker hourglass shape
Buff = Tube
Overdeveloped = Round looking pyramid

Also never crossed my mind necks can grow a lot , thought its mostly just the muscles around the neck like the trapezius and they give the impression of a big neck.
In the drawing I pretty much just simplified the trapezius and neck into one shape.

>Outline of the breasts look more or less fine (her right torpedo peak is slightly higher then it should but not by much)
Yea , she does look like she is wearing a bra on only one of her boobs (unintentional)

>Ears are connected to the zygomatic bone
Thanks for reminding me, Pretty sure I just used some variant of the loomis method where you place the ears in the bottom-right quadrant (left being closer to the face)
Where do they look like they are connected in the drawing.

>Glasses have parts that attach behind the ear
That part is obscured by the ear and the nurse hat and on the other one the perspective.Glasses where more of a last second thing because the face felt too "empty" so I might have been a bit lazy with them.

>are rarely if ever made with sharp edges
I think I tried drawing a more regular looking pair of glasses but they didn't read "glasses" enough on first sight and blended in too well with her eyes. So I just went with the rectangle ones.

>> No.6461739
File: 635 KB, 512x640, 1660812407885189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6461751

you don't knead a cake though this is so retarded is makes me want to scream

>> No.6461762
File: 965 KB, 1341x846, A014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6461778
File: 3.53 MB, 2358x3075, ee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished this today

>> No.6461787
File: 3.38 MB, 2268x4032, 2D0AAC7E-270B-428C-8C1B-63B1A497D8A8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing for 6 years tell me no beg

>> No.6462304

A-anon please tell me that's from your first half-year of drawing...right?

>> No.6462334

an hour a month?

>> No.6462336


>> No.6462353
File: 1.88 MB, 1200x892, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6462357

How did your art school application go?

>> No.6462362

big nosed professors keep turning me down, dont know whats up with them

>> No.6462401

Have u tried applying to politics instead? I heard they're pretty accepting with different view points.

>> No.6462434

Ngl this looks ai generated
Good job on the clothes overall, I like the different textures and details. However, the shoes seem unfinished compared to the rest of the outfit. Horns look a bit flat and her (?) right eye should be higher up I think.

>> No.6462458
File: 388 KB, 1920x1080, image_2023-01-08_002823221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is something I did a wile ago.

>> No.6462463
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x720, image_2023-01-08_003036585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6462625 [DELETED] 
File: 1.37 MB, 2900x2236, Kys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6463214

You do if it's one of the good ones

>> No.6463380
File: 208 KB, 1000x923, E5D4AFC1-848E-42BD-84CA-01F9F1757F67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just a wip for now

>> No.6463390

None of you are good enough, I'm sorry

>> No.6463665
File: 647 KB, 2077x1740, 20230108_110626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6463700
File: 801 KB, 2066x1100, bkn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im unable to finish her face so i left it in this state

>> No.6463702
File: 63 KB, 570x638, vg-friendly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New gem

>> No.6464189

beg until you finish
you too, finish the drawing for proper score
beg, lacks details and looks unfinished, face is getting there tho
beg, cute, needs better colors + lose the gradient
did you really draw this? score is obvious
beg, I hope you're at least having fun jfc
high int just need to push the forms further on the fabric skin and develop the other flat details, extremely promising practice harder now than ever
beg this hurt my eyes, neat marks in a painful way
beg continue drawing from ref until improvement is reached
beg please finish your drawing
low int please finish faces
high beg continue drawing from ref and you'll see huge gains
pro carry on
hesitant low int it's nice you like imp and your colors are good but take a break and get back to traditional studies you are not talentless lose the attitude
high int nice fun choice of subject
high int you're on a good path and your future work will blow people's minds
great gesture lines and hatching but beg until you finish the fucking drawing
best beg draw feet more
absolutely beautiful line quality that reminds me of warwick johnson-cadwell or John allison kinda. I wish I could draw like you no rating available signing off

>> No.6464195

Get some rock, shrub, and cloud brushes. Also add some value in ur lighting

>> No.6464216

I like it
Really like it
Probably 14 years old. Keep drawing. Don't focus too much on details
I hate the lines, they have no variation or weight
I like it because of the exagerated proportion, very attractive
A mess, but not completely. Use lines
I feel less than nothing with yours
The background fucks it up more than it should
I like it
I love it

>> No.6464234
File: 1.88 MB, 2480x3508, Practice 47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6464267

>yoh yoshinari
Excellent taste, anon

>> No.6464272
File: 694 KB, 2160x1620, 9136D627-1DD2-4F05-BB78-4D55B33E22AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6464275
File: 140 KB, 1068x1706, niggerrape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never give up!

>> No.6464283
File: 1.79 MB, 3760x2390, namgirls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol i cant finish shit

>> No.6464315
File: 251 KB, 703x982, smaller_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recent wip

>> No.6464327
File: 673 KB, 3072x4096, EFB40922-2E75-42D1-94F9-92BDF779105E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

work in progress

>> No.6464405

your lines are shit

>> No.6464466

Mine are worse.

>> No.6465133


>beg continue drawing from ref until improvement is reached
Anything that stands out in perticular as bad like the linework , artstyle or whatnot?

>> No.6465737

idunno - the eyes are not good, use ref and study how actual eyes look, rinse repeat with everything else. if that's "just your style" then make your lines darker, exaggerate your gesture more, and accept that you're a beg for life. also drop that awkward blue circle it's distracting

>> No.6465741

beg finish your fucking drawing
beg finish your fucking drawing
beg finish your fucking drawing
beg finish your fucking drawing
beg finish your fucking drawing

>> No.6465761
File: 1.15 MB, 1503x2006, Illustrationaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6465762

I hate most VTubers, but I love how creative their designs are

>> No.6465768

i've got no real strong feelings about them either way, but they're fun to draw on occasion.
and there is a certain appeal of jumping on a hype train for big streams.

>> No.6466151
File: 510 KB, 1023x1157, 1663511144354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been drawing for nearly 5 years and I still feel like I have to force myself, something about my stuff never feels natural. I'm envious of most of the artists I follow or associate with.

>> No.6466153

I am going to have sex with her

>> No.6466183
File: 890 KB, 704x944, kKXg7lh[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't sleep, stricken with anxiety.

Only one in this thread that's GMI.

>> No.6466186

I've realized that my comment on >>6457925 might've looked like a joke response, and in a way, it kinda is (in the sense that NGMI is a meme in itself). But I am very much drawn to the soft pastel aesthetic and the cute stylization. Take that as you will.

>> No.6466190
File: 1.05 MB, 1284x2184, Untitled1059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feedback would be appreciated.
why does she have a bulge ?
mid beg
low beg
int body permabeg face
nice aku aku
mid beg
low int
finger and toe look fucked but otherwise int
shoulders are nice otherwise beg. also, don't lie.
int prespective in the background is a little iffy tho.
high beg
the shoulders and and bicep on hellion looks nice. int and be nice to yourself.

>> No.6466305

Whenever I post my drawings in a thread it dies.

>> No.6466317

Colors are good, brushwork could use better control with hard vs soft.
I suck at the latter too, so no sweats.

>> No.6466386

pre beg, chicken scratch trash

>> No.6466406

could you at least give some feedback ?

>> No.6466415


He did anon, I agree with him that you really should work on clean lines and how to convincingly convey form. Good luck.

>> No.6466419

Pose is stiff, lines are jarring, all design elements janky as fuck. Work more on your observational skills before drawing, and don't get discouraged when your work doesn't match what you see is good.

>> No.6466420

drop the lines

>> No.6466432

alright. I'll look up some lineart tutorials later. i always hated lineart. (too boring)

>> No.6466442

Lineart tutorials won't do shit for you if your design fundies are lacking. Watch for some design principle tutorials and anatomy simplifications. Do gesture drawing on top of those.

>> No.6466446


It's not about lineart, you just need more mileage drawing because right now you are inexperienced making marks and that is showing in the way you draw. Sketchiness is fine but what you do is chicken scratching and that's not good. Draw more. Anything. Draw.

>> No.6466455
File: 273 KB, 1131x668, nurse sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's muh style but the thing is muh style is shit , mostly just me simplifying stuff out of lazyness and forgetting shit because I learned it once, took breaks and didn't "recap" everything. Kind of difficult to tell what I forgot for me.
I usually just recap perspective because thats usually the first thing that stands out as "bad".
(The cure might just be to recap everything from scratch but I am afraid I will just end up in a cycle of recapping the same shit over and over , burning out , ad infinitum and not improving)

I could use some more realism studies and recapping old stuff like how to shade with a ballpoint pen brush better (or even better actually learn how to use normal people shading).
>Darker lines
Yea , they are a bit on the light side
>exaggerate your gesture more
Would say the gesture was ok in the sketch (pic rel) but fucked it up somewhere in the trransition from sketch to drawing.
(I assume it has to do with the "tent" boobs but idk)
>accept eternal beg
pls no :(
Could haver used a less distracting color , she was meant for a profile picture kind of thing so I got lazy in the corners , could have used some more creative ways to hide it tho.

Thanks for the crit, much appreciate it.

>> No.6466498

Not that anon but looking at your sketch now, it seems like her head was supposed to be tilted down originally while it looks tilted up in your final version ... but since you didn't change the outline, it just ends up looking "off". You could try drawing the parts of her face that are covered up by the mask in order to spot your error better.

Also, her neck, arm and hand look too large/wide compared to the rest of her body. If you're trying to go for the "petite anime girl with big head" aesthetic, you should still make all bodyparts equally small, otherwise it will just end up looking deformed (check out the demon girl sketches by this >>6460038 anon for an example on how to do it right)

>> No.6466634

>pls no perma beg
it's s not the end of the world and the shame is all in your head, own it and move on

>> No.6466682

Thats good to hear. Try working at being more normal and doo doo stuff like that.

>> No.6466695

Kinda sad to see a schizo with no artistic talent desu. Would be interesting if you had some with your mental illness.

>> No.6466712

That guy was being harsh but also accurate, you need to focus on making each line count.

>> No.6466745
File: 611 KB, 597x747, wraith by me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting, shows promise

looking good.. keep drawing

looks good but you lost interest too quickly

tear me apart, lisa. did this sketch yesterday (1/3)

>> No.6466746
File: 754 KB, 1245x1683, wolf 600dpi v2 small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Sold a few prints of this one. People like it. Still one of my best pieces even though I did it like a year ago

>> No.6466750
File: 452 KB, 400x533, painting rescaled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A recent painting. Actually nearly got bought in a recent exhibition, suprisingly

"A Portrait of the Guy who Always Falls Asleep on the Sesh as a Young Man"

>> No.6466784

this is pretty bad, unfinished, and pre beg. improvement cannot be reached from further critique of the nothing you made. this looks like you started drawing on a steady diet of appreciating tumblr furry art and that's basically McDonald's for your soul, a cosmic sour milk smell in your psyche. if it's your intention to improve then it's time for a change please continue below. if you are ok stagnating in this skill then stop here

ok here's the plan start copying someone else's work (as exactly as possible) first to get a feel for how much it takes to actually finish something, secondly to learn how they think and solve problems as artists. this will also sharpen your control over your chosen media, which looks like graphite, through goal oriented grinding. pick something here https://www.pinterest.com/pixicurlicues/master-copy-reference/ . This will be extremely difficult for you at first. Do not concern yourself with how, just start making marks on paper to mimic EXACTLY what you SEE, figuring it out through brute force. COPY do not draw in your own style or from memory. Be looking at what your copying 70 percent of the time. DO NOT show anyone your master copies unless they are 100 percent finished and reference the original drawing to see where you made mistakes, take your time and get really bored of it at times, torture yourself and cultivate a god-like attention span. DO NOT concern yourself with outcomes, focus solely on the practice. you'll simply know when it's time to draw ideas of your own using reference material or eventually none at all

disclaimer this is not the only way to learn obviously but you seem like you need some structure outside of scribbling deviant art bullshit. any ifs or but what abouts need to be shut out entirely. any self doubt is completely useless throw it out. I make no promises that any of this will work for you. good luck

>> No.6466822
File: 96 KB, 1920x1080, forced injection.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6467183

>feedback would be appreciated.
shading is nice.
linework could be better.
try to make the back a different color then the charcter.

>> No.6467236
File: 2.35 MB, 2480x3508, Practice 47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished drawing. Maybe I a bit overambitious for my current skill, but glad I finished.

>> No.6467277

good, now give him a throbbing dong, david

>> No.6467298
File: 156 KB, 620x1053, SlimPickensDoesTheRightThingAndRidesTheBombToHell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6467546

congrats, solid int. still a little sketchy in places but it's totally serviceable as a comic panel or page. keep it up and get on the next one

>> No.6467549
File: 2.55 MB, 3582x3582, A09452E8-B7FE-479E-9CA3-BB53215FC2D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6467561
File: 2.36 MB, 4080x3072, IMG_20230110_200324225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate me please

>> No.6467563
File: 138 KB, 644x814, Ectomorph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6467566
File: 1.81 MB, 4000x3000, 20221222_210406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6467657

Go away

>> No.6468246

everything about this hurts my eyes and my soul. the eyes are horrible, the mask indicates the subject is screaming under it, the ears grow out of her cheekbones, the syringe goes literally into the hand. just looks generally retarded.

>> No.6468256
File: 3.25 MB, 1500x1500, db.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6468317

Not sure how you managed to do this
But anyway
would impregnate/10

>> No.6468326

aren't you the guy that keeps drawing ryona ? anyways, permabeg.

>> No.6468369

>aren't you the guy that keeps drawing ryona
uh.... no?

>> No.6468427
File: 443 KB, 800x1700, noref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First thing I ever drew with no reference

>> No.6468447

I like to categorize stuff as "good" or "not good". It's basically based on whether they help me forget how much my life sucks or the opposite.

Not good, head feels off

Amazingly good and awesome

Not good

Not good but authentic enough to keep me interested

Gave me trouble to categorize. Gonna say not good because it was too ambitious with rendering and didn't pull it off

Not good

Top two good, top bottom close but no

Not good



Nice colors but not good

btw this is me so you can obviously disregard my opinions basically

>> No.6468472

is this a joke?

>> No.6468477

are you dumb?

>> No.6468481

Sorry you were not good

>> No.6468482

where's the art?

>> No.6468485


>> No.6468491

At least I'm not a faggot

>> No.6468494
File: 200 KB, 707x566, heresyouryou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6468528


>> No.6468537

i like its soul and immersive

>> No.6468554
File: 2.26 MB, 2086x2500, daughter of blades.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

legs and arms are a bit fucked. but I am happy with her face. the mask perspective is a bit off because she's tilting her head but I'm just going to move on.

>> No.6468566

Not good.

>> No.6468574

Tbh it's not completely terrible but you need to practise constructing figures from basic shapes if you wanna draw from imagination

>> No.6468640
File: 3.99 MB, 3390x3414, of.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried something new with the lighting, tear it apart as you please

the face is the only thing that looks decent. The hair and clothes have no form to them, learn how to draw folds because your fabric is lacking them significantly. Adding badly placed knuckles on the hand doesn't fix it, instead try using a reference, it should be easy to do since you should have two hands. Or at least leave some space inbetween the fingers

next time you try to draw a pose make the slightest attempt to do it yourself, becasue if your body would be in this position you'd be long dead. the stylization in some parts is ok

hand looks too wonky even for the style imo, and the sun doesn't really fit in, nice to look at though

I like how flowy it is, evertyhing below the neck feels very flat and unnatural since it's all in side view

just go look up how to draw a head, that's gonna help you more than anything I could say, this goes tenfold for the ears

it looks like four seperate people drew these.
The tiger's bottom jaw is flying off, the whole tiger is off. I like the lineart in some places in others it looks garbagge

the details are nice, but the head looks like it doesn't belong to the body

I am begging you to look up how an ear is suppoused to look like because that is not it. Mouth feels too small even for the style, I'm not a big fan of the black blush lines, you also forgot to blur part of the lineart on the carpet. The whole piece has a nice vibe to it

>> No.6468656

I like how you did the light through the feathers but your proportions need a lot of work. also looks like an amputee and blatant hand hiding

>> No.6468685

The facial expression seems uncanny somehow, also while the colors are nice, they make the scene look like it should be sunset even though the sun is still pretty high up in the sky. Good details on the wings, tho

>> No.6468737
File: 3.27 MB, 2008x2579, 1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6468743

the tangent on the leg and the chair diminishes the perspective on this work greatly.

>> No.6468826
File: 386 KB, 686x786, sonic underground fan fictions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about this

>> No.6468829

looks extremely homosexual and retarded. you went in and colored it way too soon, learn to draw first, then learn to do values and to represent form with them, and then start learning color theory. study more before posting imagez this big on the board, this trash is taking too much space on my screen.

>> No.6468835

high amateur, you need to work on making sure your design doesn't tangent, like >>6468743
said. good stuff otherwise

>> No.6468839

also, make a goddamn background behind the head, hurts to see good directional lighting wasted on a white background like this.

>> No.6468849

the ears start the eyes and end at the bottom of the nose, which looks more like a badly drawn U in this

>> No.6468850


>> No.6468856


>> No.6468861

Which one was yours?

>> No.6468874
File: 88 KB, 964x1280, photo_2023-01-11_15-19-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this

>> No.6468945
File: 52 KB, 862x904, redo crit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi your piece is really good, great understanding of fundamentals overall.

i noticed however that you didnt take your piece to a complete finish/render and therefore i did a quick overpaint.

since the lighting is very similar to that of hyung tae kim's i kept that in mind when creating formshadow originating at the lineart.

i also saw that the head was a little big and the arm created a bit of a perspective tangent so i lifted it up, the foot rotation did not allign well with the shoe so i changed that too, perspective on the ears were off and some of the values around and on the face were too flat. to show more form you can add more bounce light to imply surface planes facing more than one direction or sub surfafce scatering.

lasty the legs feel to be a bit on the longer side of things but style wise it is still acceptable. there was little to no value seperation between the butt and the chair. The face look like she was a bit fat/ unappealing with how wide her cheek bone was so i cut that aswell.

very good effort, i hope my feedback helps. keep up the good work.

>> No.6468957


Nice spatial awareness, would say high /beg/ but getting pretty close to /int/. I think the biggest thing killing this piece is muddy forms, for example leaving lines that don't clearly indicate the volume and direction of the underlying shape.

>> No.6469020
File: 1.51 MB, 960x938, whoa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're on the road. As a tip I find it easier to draw the face before drawing the head shape, that way you never forget that the edges of the eye sockets merge directly into the temples and it's easier to fit everything.
Good stuff, top two especially. Bottom left could use more texture work on the rest of the heart and something to fill the negative space at the bottom. Maybe a Moray Eel? The Jaguar's jaw feels distended and one of the eyes is a little crooked but aide from those issues it's a great piece.
Very fun, reminds me of the early Ghibli.
The detail work on the head and mane is great, but it really falls off on the comparatively simple limbs.
The face is very detailed but it fells off the further you get down the image.
Your color work, the clothes, and the wings are very nicely done, but the figure feels disproportionate/too long and slim in a few places and the feet are too small for the figure they're attached to.

>> No.6469063

>it looks like 4 separate people drew these

I’ll take this as a good thing because I was in completely different places artistically when I made each of them. Top two are when I was more developed, bottom 2 less so (though I still love them).

Thanks Anon. As for the jellyfish, it was a tattoo so they didn’t really want an eel as you mentioned (though if it were my own I’d consider adding it).

>> No.6469511

Appreciate the critique
Will try to keep in mind

>> No.6469615
File: 656 KB, 2580x3000, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most recent

>> No.6469761

high beg, you have a good understanding on light but your forms and head proportions need somework. personally I don't like the linework and would just do all of it with brushwork, and would lose the white outlines, I just think they're a copout. maybe add a secondary rimlight on the background left. good stuff, keep on going anon.

>> No.6469774
File: 73 KB, 1076x800, axO-RdyCdMAFxxANgfpTvn3ZiudicxA7SgSD1st5rGM-4291789804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you intend to draw a Bog?

>> No.6470034
File: 1.69 MB, 1000x1413, horny girls1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6470651
File: 2.30 MB, 4624x2084, 20230113_011427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managed to sub(minor shift) dislocate my patela and got a fever so a bit late. Scrapped the last one and redid everything (managed to get my sick juice all over it)

Used some anatomy vids and pics to help me out (previous and this one),

may the footfetishist clan bless me with their sacred knowlege of the icon of foot so that I may prosper.

and actually looked at 3 point perspective instead of winging it (granted probBly a lot wrong with mine but babystepps i guess, too tired to see whats wrong for now)
Anyways, camera still shit

>Have at me anons

>> No.6470664
File: 719 KB, 1170x1476, 2867E0CD-1E25-4B66-844C-757DBABD2DEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't feel competent enough to be the one who judges other people's work.

>> No.6470671

why u take her legs away?

>> No.6470675

i genuinely can't remember why i didn't just draw them desu i promise i can draw legs though

>> No.6470678

You really improved since your first post ITT, just keep doing whatever you have been doing. Do you plan to finish it or leave it as a sketch?

Looks decent but why is she so blurry?

>> No.6470682

Solid int, clothes could use a bit more work, the drapery on the sleeves are a bit iffy. Overall cute though. draw some legs though
mid /beg/, maybe high /beg/ since you're drawing sideways
solid mid /beg/, posing all sucks and you don't work with anything but flat angles.
lower /beg/
maybe high /beg/, perspective needs work. you have things as if its at a low but the model is drawn mostly straight despite what looks to be a laying down pose.
mid /beg/, good attempt but it really just falls flat. just needs to polish up on anatomy and appeal more.
low /beg/. everything looks really flat. work on your forms.
lowest /beg/
high /beg/, its a cute style but needs to be sharped up more. the messy outlines on things like that car really detract overall. Your figures could use some more work too, they're kinda blobby but not in the cute way.
I'd say maybe low /int, its getting there and forms are good. face could use some brushing up and looks really generically boring. could use more expressiveness.

>> No.6470692

I will attempt to add at least grey pencil tones and hatching /0 texture of somekind later on

>> No.6470699


>> No.6470700

I rate it low /beg/

>> No.6471197

Top Kek, this is brutal.

>> No.6471256

Dam son.jpg

>> No.6471275

You traced this

>> No.6471277


>> No.6471298
File: 1.26 MB, 2400x1283, snake_graffiti_2-small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Keep pushing, id advise loosening up a bit, after each finished piece do like 4-5 fast pieces that take no longer than 1-2 hours. to flesh out concepts and ideas but most importantly you get to try adding more dynamic elements to your work without the pressure of making a "final" and at one point you will notice your 1-2 hour "speedpaints" are starting to have more interesting compositions, cool rendering techniques(due to time constrait) and you get to work though your more generic ideas that way so the future work will be more unique and more special to you.

The current concept is already pretty cool so looking forward to what you can imagine next.

>> No.6471299

It boggles my mind that this was shat on and some floating anime heads were called int and praised. Literal shit tier work gets called int as long as the face is anime.

Your work is fucking amazing Anon, ignore the jealous animefaggot NGMIs that got replaced by AI.

>> No.6471302

lol if you look at some of the rates here, they pretty much put every anime tranny as int even when they have prebeg tier fundamentals.

>> No.6471345
File: 409 KB, 723x679, cigarette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros i dont know how to draw hair

>> No.6471348

Yeah, shit like this is int >>6467236 and these retards are praising it. Anime really does rot the brain.

>> No.6471372
File: 2.70 MB, 2700x3300, TomeKurata-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6471373

>full background and setting
>girl sitting on a couch

>> No.6471408

>can’t see the glaring anatomy issues
Yeah, /beg/

>> No.6471426

>focusing on 1 singular aspect of a singular part of the drawing
Which is why you’ll always be /beg/

There’s more to a drawing than human figures. And someone being more ambitious than a glorified drawing of a girl on a white background (a girl on a white background with a couch!) gives more points than someone who’s only slightly better at drawing humans and failed to take into account perspective and framing.

>> No.6471427

Why does the subject matter have anything to do with the rating? If a person who doesnt even draw scribbles out a full background do they become int all of a sudden? Fucking faggot board, literal pros post and get called begs, then someone posts an anime doodle and they're suddenly high int.

>> No.6471429

>only slightly better
the seething jealousy is palpable

>> No.6471433

>doesn’t know what turd polishing is
>the girl is the focus in the artwork
Yeah, dunning-kruger as well aren’t you.

>> No.6471436

Next time anyone shits on my art on /ic/ I'm going to look at these posts.Kek literally blows 99% of /ic/ out of the water but is considered bad because there is no anime face.

These two were literally called int lmao and they're just beg sketches of anime girls >>6459001 >>6459006
So its obviously not the background or "ambition". It's the fact that his board is infested with prebeg animeshitters. Thank god for AI replacing animefags unironically.

>> No.6471568

even bad artists see how shit tier homosexual art like this is bad. literally only people blinded by eating shit from their degenerate boyfriends' assholes go on with this pyw cope. I don't need to post my low-mid artwork to tell someone they need to stop wasting their potential in degenerate. This piece doesn't even flatter the male figure in any way, it's bad in taste and style and literally reeks of shit through my monitor.

>> No.6471576

if that was a generic big tit broad instead of some dude you wouldn't have ignored that drawing at worst and probably praised it, and you certainly wouldn't be triggered like this.

it was bad but it was just as bad as most everything else on this board, blowing up to this degree just makes you seem like a closet case

>> No.6471584

i know that and i accept the fact that i may be gay but that has nothing to do with what i have said.

>> No.6471615

Pretty solid everything, especially your colors and composition. It's a bit owerwhelming to make out what's happening at first glance, though
You need to try visualizing it in strands, it also helps to draw the "bald" head first and add the hair afterwards. In your pic, the problem is that the hair in the back of the head looks too flat compared to the hair you see coming out front, which looks almost unnaturally fluffy. Also, the bangs seem to be coming out from all the way behind the head, which isn't how most hairstyles work. Anyway, if you're struggling with stuff like that, it often helps to look at references that are close to what you were imagining, eg check out this site that has a bunch of similar hairstyles:
Again solid work overall but the character doesn't really pop out compared to the background, maybe work on your values so that you'll be able to direct your focus better
Not sure why you're overreacting to criticism that wasn't even directed at you? I agree that calling >>6468737 /beg/ is dumb but only one person did that while everyone else was just giving valid critiques that the OP seemed to appreciate, so idk what your problem is. And different people value different things in art, eg >>6467236 really manages to convey a certain atmosphere despite all its flaws, so I understand why some would be impressed by that.

>> No.6471623

I legit thought that it was just a flat chested woman kek

>> No.6472012
File: 1.65 MB, 1500x1500, konebi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying something more "paintlike"

>> No.6472023

if it was a big tit broad with this quality I would've done the same, the original poster specifically told us to tear it apart. this guy had put so much effort into polishing a turd that I wanted to comment on it. imagine what the guy would achieve if he put all that determination for fag fantasies into actually studying the male figure. he clearly has a passion for it so why not just abandon the shit faggy fashion sense and lean to design shit that actually looks good.

>> No.6472027

bigger brushstrokes please, you can represent all those forms with bigger strokes and they'd look so much better. also the hand looks extremely fucked.

>> No.6472043

Do you know what turd polishing is? Because one of those images is overly polished while the other is broadly ambitious. And the polished turd isn’t the one you seem to think it is.
I’ve already stated why it’s lacking. Overly polishing a figure won’t make it interesting no matter how much you polish it. It’s not even that good and once again is not drawn in correct perspective.

You really shouldn’t be posting on /ic/ if you can’t handle basic criticism of posts like this. Nobody even said anything offensive about it in the first place just gave it a ranking

>> No.6472286
File: 2.95 MB, 1500x1500, konebi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried my best.

>> No.6472568

soften up the forms in the hands, unless you're trying to make her look like a grandma. also still too busy with the brushstrokes around the forms you don't want attention to. keep the detail in the face.

>> No.6473969

I honestly think you're pretty good

>> No.6474413
File: 492 KB, 900x1080, commander.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried to put something together for combat and stuff

>> No.6474635
File: 3.80 MB, 2809x2776, Ek1WJszWkAAsl7I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6474639
File: 1.04 MB, 1400x1384, pharmercy24p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also trying a different kind of outline thing

>> No.6474719

2nd one is better