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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6450907 No.6450907 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6450920
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>> No.6450927

I'm so excited AIbros

>> No.6450929

>AI to track down and arrest anyone posting swastikas, lolicon and unauthorized Mickey Mouse images
At long last.

>> No.6450931

Kneel, Raj

>> No.6450935


This really isn't going to stop anyone. Nor should it, I might add.

>> No.6450937


Why should I learn to draw when AI can do all the things artists can?

>> No.6450940

>t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-this wont s-s-s-stop
shut up lmao

>> No.6450948

>thinking the eu can stop anything
india go brrrrrrrrr

>> No.6450954

poojet piggybacking jews like usual

>> No.6450959


>> No.6450961

>what are you gonna do sue u-
>what are you going to do tell the copyright offi-
>what are other countries like China gonna-
>what are you gonna make websites do-
>The EU wont-
>The NSA wont-

>> No.6450973

If AI gets me a girlfriend, it will be worth the lost of civilization.

>> No.6450976

Phew, society saved for eternity fellas pack it up

>> No.6450980

Huh, what artwork are we supposed to be critiquing in this post? Or which artistic topics are we discussing in general?

>> No.6450984

Do you want some water?

>> No.6450987

I have a very big reservoir of aishill tears to drink, thanks anon

>> No.6450989

An AI girlfriend wont reject me!

>> No.6451072

Character.AI rejects creepy losers regularly, sorry lad

>> No.6451082
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>/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

>> No.6451087

AI mogs most artists and has proven to be more creative then any human alive. AI is not more important to the art world then anime, manga, Picasso and digital drawing all combined and multiplied 3 times.

>> No.6451088

I can wait. I've had lots of practice.

>> No.6451089

You could have spend that time talking with real women and getting practice that way.

>> No.6451094

Can AI bring indoor plumbing to India

>> No.6451100

No, if it could plumbers would not be so cocky

>> No.6451115

I can't wait, I'm a new AI artist but I'm learning so much and having a blast

>> No.6451119

>having a blast
this is the truly unacceptable part

>> No.6451123

Same. The moment I picked it up I started seeing the possibilities.

>> No.6451124

I don't want to get arrested again.

>> No.6451127

I've never been more creative in my life, I think I will be the next Salvidor Dalle at this rate. My moustache is coming in nicely too.

>> No.6451133

Giger and Beksinski still mog AI at what it does best
making distorted and warped figures

>> No.6451137
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Fucking kek

>> No.6451154

I hope AI artists can find a home on /ic/
/g/ makes really boring images and insists that they post every single big tit elf girl they generate
We had a general here for a short bit but it got nuked. I don't understand why, to me it's like this:
If you like AI art, there's your general
If you don't like it, you can easily filter it and also come down harder on folks talking/sharing AI outside of the general.
Enjoyable community for those who like it, containment general for those who don't. Bingo bango problem solved.

>> No.6451161

No. Think about it, letting ai "artists" into a general is the inch we give, and then they take a mile by shitting up pyw, beg, paintovers, rate, dad, everything. Like transgender losing mental illness status in the dsm, then they go fuck woman's sport up lmao.

>> No.6451166
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>I hope AI artists can find a home on /ic/
sorry bud
>Do not claim authorship of works you did not create
seeing as you can not copyright AI works, they do not belong to you and you did not create them
Try going to /g/!

>> No.6451168

This thread has been up for 4 hours. I'll say it again: the people in charge of moderating this place are retards.

>> No.6451172

Non European companies like apple Facebook Samsung etc kneel to EU regulations
You will too

>> No.6451174

This the designated shitting thread?

>> No.6451180


The crown can suck my dick, how about that?
You will too.

>> No.6451182

>it's afraid

>> No.6451187

The major AI image corporations are flush with investment money now and they are using it to hire shills and spam social media to change any negative public perception of artificial image generators.
There is a thread on /pol/ kept up 24/7 and this spam is leaked out on other completely unrelated boards.
They've ordered the complete package with memes being made and shit to get what they want.
I suspect soon we'll see social media influencers paid off to make pro-AI vids on youtube and shit too like that medieval soijack that was also spammed recently with his strawman rant.

What's sad is that it's pretty much open war now and /ic/ is asleep about it. You'd think people here would at least get creative and make some memes/propaganda of their own to counter this wave.

>> No.6451195

current thread:
as soon as it goes down another one will go up

>> No.6451197

>get creative
See that's the issue here. It's just more 1 girl on white background staring into space.

>> No.6451198
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the aI troons off to a bad start lol

>> No.6451200

>The major AI image corporations are flush with investment money now and they are using it to hire shills and spam social media to change any negative public perception of artificial image generators.
>"let's shill to the neo nazis first this should go over well with everyone else"

>> No.6451202

I said it in a million thread that the spam is mostly done by bitter /pol/tards.
The fact that that board can spam every board unpushined is the proof of the disastrous state of this website.
/pol/tard are monkeys they will spam anything they feel is counterculture.

>> No.6451204


AI in general will advance a lot this year.

AI art will be illegal tho, unless you use public domain art.

>> No.6451218
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>AI art will be illegal
How would it be enforced? What about proving yourself innocent under the charge of creating AI art?
and where are you drawing the line? Surely you wouldn't arrest a digicuck """artist""" for using a pen stabilizer...?

>> No.6451219
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>"artists are getting bullied"

>> No.6451223

>Hahahaha How would it be enforced?
Hello Ahmed. We have detected you are using outdated shill question list #341. Please consider updating to the new shill lines provided by Emad as shown in your email. Your Rupees are currently: Pending

>> No.6451224

Things banned on the EU get banned on social media, if EU dosent like something Twitter will lose money by going contrarian

>> No.6451228
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My wife

>> No.6451229

theyd be nerfed hard if nigger was word filtered to chocolate friend or something

>> No.6451230

When A.I. is outlawed, only outlaws will use A.I.

>> No.6451232

Seems more like a tactical move. I doubt AI users feel that bad, they aren't losing anything like artists.

>> No.6451234

>"let's shill to the neo nazis first this should go over well with everyone else"
These are package deals I'm talking about. Ive seen the same screengrabs and messaging posted on other sites, 4chan is considered to be social media site. Whoever bought this media campaign may not have even been aware 4chan is included, or what 4chan is.

>> No.6451242

Shilling anything on 4chan. What type of schizo believes that muti billion dollar corps would spend energy on trying to convince people on an anonymous image board?

>> No.6451248

It's a trickle down effect from buying these multi-platform social media campaigns. No large company would pay to viral market only on 4chan but they would through a PR firm probably without realizing it.

>> No.6451250

>PR firm probably without realizing it.
Ok now I know you are retarded. you do realize that many other people have copied the same image over and over again and re-post that same image...?
How do you think memes start?

>> No.6451255

if you are observant, long enough you'll see some stuff is just spam coming from the same source
if 4chan was just some backward corner of the internet no one cared about then scholars wouldn't get funded to study it:

ecelebs are notorious for their shilling because they directly benefit:

>> No.6451260

What annoys me is that if you’ve used Stable Diffusion or something like it, you know that a trained artist will still get more use and have more control over it than an untrained person just entering in prompts. The people attacking it are just mad they won’t be able to prey on peoples lust financially anymore, and the media attacking it doesn’t like the lack of regulations so it’s something that allows everyone to be creative and it can’t be controlled.

Either way, the people crying about it aren’t going to make any difference outside of shooting their own selves in the foot and potentially fund Disney’s egregious copyright laws. The cats already out of the bag, open source, and available to everyone. The only thing the artists fighting this are going to bring about is their own demise and it’s kind of sad to watch.

>> No.6451266
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There is a difference between advertising and spamming without paying the host vs a coordinated campaign to sway public opinion. No "PR" firm regardless of how compartmentalized or subcontracted is going to spend energy and time on trying to shore up support on an ANONYMOUS forum without some metric/poll to prove they are getting an effect despite what you schizo brain tell you. They don't need to anyway, the word has already spread and its not public support they really need.
The people posting AI posts on /ic/ are exploiting how easy it is to bait and troll here and reposting dog whistles like what you showing before.

>> No.6451267
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>> No.6451269

>you know that a trained artist will still get more use and have more control over it than an untrained person just entering in prompts.
eventually the prompters will be written out of the question
zapata gives a complete breakdown:
AI is a corporate product, and one not designed for artists.

>> No.6451272

Im sorry but any social media site that gets the traffic this site does is going to be on their radar. I do think this site is dying however. Used to be a top 100 alexa ranking now it hovers somewhere in the top 500.

>> No.6451281

And yet here we are with it and the corporate media couldn’t be more mad. They may have had ideas for it, but now that it’s open source they want to kill it so terribly because, like you said, it was only supposed to be for them. See, as of now AI in the art sphere is uncontrollable and enables anyone to create whatever they want, for the lone artist it can work as the assistant to clean up your work. You get all these people and media sites railing against it because they want it to be only for controlled groups, not in the hands of everyone. It’s a gross thing to see and it has entangled a lot of emotional artists into the mix.

You didn’t see this outcry with photobashing, and all AI art is is next gen photobashing with the skill barrier lowered to anyone who wants to spend a couple hours to learn how it works.

>> No.6451286

And mind you, the same people against everyone having access to the tools are the same people pushing to copyright art styles. When the whole media, twitter, and Reddit come together against something, I think it’s best that people should look into the thing that they are so adamantly trying to destroy.

The most bitter irony is I’ve actually had my art stolen and sold on t-shirts in Mexico, and here I am having to defend something a majority of artists claim is art theft as they cry crocodile tears.

>> No.6451301

>You didn’t see this outcry with photobashing
at least photobashing takes some measure of skill to be done in a non-terrible way

>> No.6451302

>zapata gives a complete breakdown:
>"Charls Carroll dropping truth about Sam Hyde and World Peace"
lmfao what

>> No.6451304

>And yet here we are with it and the corporate media couldn’t be more mad.
Another case of /pol/tards being psyoped to fight for the jews.

>> No.6451308

was watching some vid linked on /tv/
here is the correct one

>> No.6451322

Depending on the level. Some professional studio do little more than clean up work as they paste everything together.
No, I’m just somebody who has used the darn program for myself and watched it grow. I had already been using various programs to lighten my workload as a lone animator, so I’m always down to use new tech/programs to get a better final product. This isn’t a /pol/ vs the media issue, this is ignorant people being led by malicious people over something they not only don’t understand, but is a waste of time.

When the people against this are funding Disney’s proposal to make the copyright laws more strict in the vain hope that AI art will go back in the bag they are causing much more harm than good, and when you try and explain this to them you’ll get similar half baked responses.

In the end though, this isn’t going away and if these artists want to make things worse on themselves, so be it. I’m still going to use it to generate certain aspects of my animation projects, and no amount of tantrums are going to stop me.

>> No.6451336

>No, I’m just somebody who has used the darn program for myself and watched it grow. I had already been using various programs to lighten my workload as a lone animator
I'm going to be able to see your work in the animation general then?

>> No.6451339
File: 192 KB, 448x448, 03644-357452093-80's style anime, Girl in a playboy bunny outfit with a bowtie, looking at viewer, open mouth smiling, blue hair, Cleavage, huge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 100% for copyrighting styles I would just personally make it a 25 year long statute vs the 100 year? for regular copyright.

I think if style was copyrightable it would also cutdown on the mountains of slops that overstaturate the digital art world. Yes people would bitch and corpos would try to abuse it but I would rather have that then AI spam.

>> No.6451341

>muh "YOU ARE GOING TO COPYRIGHT ARTSTYLERS" falseflag shill argument
you are a moron. a retard even.
there is a much easier solution like nuking laion and all current algorithms trained on copyrighted data.
behead emad and nuke india in minecraft while we are at it.

>> No.6451346

>behead emad and nuke india in minecraft while we are at it.
LAION is a german/google organization.
Fuck dem krauts?

>> No.6451349

The only thing I want from AI is to take the jobs of those really really annoying and useless parasites in that pic, every single politician and judge substituted for a fucking Nvidia card that consumes 1/300000000 of their salary and it’s 300000000 times more competent.

I can’t wait.

>> No.6451350

even better, they will get cucked by new eu regulations.

>> No.6451353

Nah, I never mix my professional work with any sort of social media at the moment. I imagine I’ll get cancelled at some point, but I don’t want to make it easy on the people that would do it. I used to post in the animation threads when they’d pop up, but that was 5 or 6 years ago.
I see we have literal shills here. Either way, nuke whoever you want, the means for creating AI art is already out there. Yelling for it to go away is like screaming at grass to stop being green.

>> No.6451354

>the only powers that somehow oppose the Ai dypstopia are the EU and fucking China
I hate the USA especially CA so much.

>> No.6451358

>Nah, I never mix my professional work with any sort of social media at the moment. I imagine I’ll get cancelled at some point, but I don’t want to make it easy on the people that would do it. I used to post in the animation threads when they’d pop up, but that was 5 or 6 years ago.
So you made that up like everyone imagined.

>> No.6451361

who do you think fed the kraut his sauerkraut sandwich

>> No.6451366

You aren’t even making sense with your posts anymore. What would I be making up, that I animate?

>> No.6451367
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>when the people against this are funding Disney’s proposal to make the copyright laws more strict

>when the retard actually believed a poorly made screenshot saying the copyright alliance was actually "big corpro in disguise boogieman" and didn't look at the source
Why do you think that OP never posted his source

>> No.6451370

The ones in CA are the ones leading the class action lawsuit

>> No.6451373


What are you even talking about? There was a discussion on /g/ about it. The amount of assumptions is getting ridiculous.

>> No.6451376

>thinking this is about AI art and not fucking facial recognition and AI drone strikes
>thinking the EU bureaucrats will even hear about AI art in the next 2 years

>> No.6451377 [DELETED] 

this is what shills believe to be their "gotcha" when it in fact is from a conspiracy site called sourcewatch

>> No.6451379

this is what shills believe to be their "gotcha" when it in fact is from a conspiracy site called sourcewatch

>> No.6451380

EU is irrelevant, cope.
>class action lawsuit
Wont have any effect.

>> No.6451382

>Wont have any effect.
didn't ask what the skid stained street shitter's opinion was on it

>> No.6451385

His pictures look exactly like Midjurney pictures from 5 months ago. If you showed me the pictures without telling me it was made by guy who died in 2005, I would have told you its AIslop.

>> No.6451392

I’ll have to read through that thread as well as the sources. /g/ was talking about Sony and Disney’s bid to copyright art styles and how that ties into AI art, but I haven’t seen this.

>> No.6451394

World would be objectively a better place if San Francisco stopped existing.

>> No.6451400


>> No.6451402

Easiest way to commit suicide for an Europian?

>> No.6451420

I’ll have to do a lot more reading, but yes, apparently the money is going to a group that will be joining the copyright association which does represent the big companies and has pushed for the copyright of style that Sony and Disney have tried to put forward. They also say their big goal is to lobby for greater copyright laws and will be doing it under the copyright organization. The source is their own gofundme… so yeah, people are throwing money at a group of people wanting to expand copyright laws for places like Disney and Sony, though not Disney and Sony directly.

I can look a little more into it too. Either way, doesn’t change a thing I said really, just that it isn’t Disney directly doing it, but the same group involved in Disney’s attempt at expanding ridiculous copyright laws

>> No.6451425

1. Join AI discord
2. Get groomed by techie
3. Troon out
4. ???
5. Profit

>> No.6451427

No I'm serious. There are no jobs here, art was all i can do, loved and was able to make some gibs from it. But now its gone.

>> No.6451428

>EU is irrelevant, cope.
>"We use cookies to make the website work, to personalize and analyze your browsing. We also share data with our advertising partners."

>> No.6451430

So am I.

>> No.6451433

AI art isn’t going to take your job. Use Stable Diffusion for a bit and realize its limitations. Like I said earlier, it’s a tool and it still requires people to make it work, plus an artist is just going to have more control over it and be able to use it in ways a regular person isn’t.

To a regular person that knows how to use it, it’s like hiring a virtual artist to complete a commission.

To an artist, it’s a tool that you can tell to clean up your work and make it better, or generate some ideas that you can further clean up if you can paint.

Now where AI art goes from here is up in the air, but for now it still need the human element to make it work.

>> No.6451435

Anon, SD, DALL-E etc are just a start. It will get much worse. Not only art, also 3d modelling, animators, writers, coders, anything thats creative.

>> No.6451439

What is there to advance? Unless it's going to stop using copyrighted works and grind fundies.