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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 61 KB, 590x590, i-suck-my-dogs-dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6445296 No.6445296 [Reply] [Original]

I don't feel so good, why 3d artists don't care about our art getting stolen?


>> No.6445302

artists have been stealing from artists for centuries why should anyone??

>> No.6445303

Why'd they care lol

>> No.6445315

/ic/ doesn't make art, so you don't need to worry about this.

>> No.6445319

>People being just able to generate their own art for free instead of paying me 100$ for a commision of inferior quality is litterally stealing!!! They should be forced to buy art from me if they want to see their prompt become a drawing!
People like you are obnoxious.
AI haters are the vegans of the art community.
If someone wants to generate a image in AI instead of commisioning you to draw their prompt THEY ARE NOT STEALING FROM YOU.

>> No.6445324

>those faces
of course they need AI

>> No.6445325

didn't trad artists warn you that digital has no value?
>it's just about the visuals, how you get the visuals don't matter
how'd that turn out for you?

>> No.6445335

>art is getting stolen
tell them to put it back right this minute!

>> No.6445337

learn to draw lazy faggot

>> No.6445342

art has zero value in general

>> No.6445363

learn to work smart, mongoloid

>> No.6445394

>People being just able to generate their own ___________for free instead of paying me _________ $ for a __________ of inferior quality is litterally stealing!!! They should be forced to buy _____________ from me if they want to see their prompt become a ___________!

Sirs, I present you the future. With this you're granted to have anything for free, just fill the blanks with any service or product AI target next.

>> No.6445399

If you use this word, you missed the whole point of AI art generation. It's about not working at all.

>> No.6445406

3D is a technical skill, not an artistic one.
So 3D """Artists""" will support anything that makes their work easier.
>AI generate me this unique character so I can model it
And the quality of their models will increase
Compared to them having to pay an artist for a design or using someone else design

>> No.6445409

>People being just able to generate their own __electricity___for free instead of paying me _10.000___ $ for a ___service__ of inferior quality is literally stealing!!! They should be forced to buy __electricity__ from me!
How is free market bad?

>> No.6445411

work is about achieving a result, the amount of effort doesn't matter. AI art generation still requires microscopic amounts of work of having to type the prompt and settings

>> No.6445414

>People being just able to generate their own __cum___for free instead of paying me _0___ $ for a ___gallon__ of superior quality is literally stealing!!! They should be forced to buy __cum__ from me!

>> No.6445417

What about when anyone be able to type: "AI generate me this unique character and also model it for me!", will 3d artists still be needed? All you need is a prompter and anyone can do this.

>> No.6445420

This is wrong, you are just not seeing the 'work'
The work being the millions of pieces of art that were used to train the AI. The millions of artists who have worked their whole lives to make their art, that is the 'work'. Work which was taken without their consent and used without their consent by a company operating under false pretense

>> No.6445422

Good for you anon. Does that mean you will care about your art being stolen?

>> No.6445424

You realize you can break down everything like that right? You drawing is not work, it's the long hours programmers had to put to code CSP or whatever tool you use, and also the people that developed the techniques that allow you to draw properly.

>> No.6445427

>People being just able to generate their own __porn__for free instead of paying me __300___ $ for a __nude drawing of current anime girl__ of inferior quality is literally stealing!!! They should be forced to buy __porn__ from me!

>> No.6445428

And I PAY to use that tool
And I PAY for the instruction that teaches me how to do work
AI companies stole other people's work

>> No.6445430

Because you won't be needed since everything is automated and for free?

Since this will happen in waves, there will be many things you'll still need to pay, yet you may be part of one of the many career paths AI will fuck up.

>> No.6445431

>People being just able to learn to draw on their own for free instead of paying me __100.000___ $ for a __art scholarship__ of inferior quality is literally stealing!!! They should be forced to buy __a shallow education__ from me!

>> No.6445434

>umm you should make high-quality art for me for less than minimum wage!!
kill yourself leeching fucking nigger, when ai takes over your job i hope the image of me laughing at your is burned in your mind

>> No.6445441

Did you pay for the anatomy references you googled?

>> No.6445443

Using reference =/= diffusing images

>> No.6445444

Maybe your brother works in the eletricity company, who knows? It can't be possibly bad to make everything free, right?

Exactly, it won't happen so fast and while we'll have many services and goods for free, we won't have other basic stuff for free.

>> No.6445446

I highly doubt you paid for the instructions given how common piracy seems to be here. I donated around 5k bucks to StabilityAI, it's their problem to pay anyone if they want to. Also, any copyrighted material in the models that may exist (which you cannot accurately prove), can be a subject to fair use policy, under the research category, as that's essentially what they are doing.

>> No.6445447

What even is diffusing images, I don't talk nerd

>> No.6445453

>Because you won't be needed since everything is automated and for free?
That is inevitable as technology progresses.
The only solution it to build a time machine and go kill everyone who ever made any technological progress before they made it.
>yet you may be part of one of the many career paths AI will fuck up.
I'll adapt. I'll survive.
Never have your eggs in one basket.
Can i have one argument that isn't based on emotional manipulation please?

>> No.6445455

AI can't make mommys milk, woman will still hold the job of feeding babies. Men are replaceable

>> No.6445463


>> No.6445464

>AI haters are the vegans of the art community.
Other way around, fag.

>> No.6445469
File: 1.64 MB, 1400x1259, 1453364693692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, any copyrighted material in the models that may exist (which you cannot accurately prove)
See https://haveibeentrained.com/
Which is a database from LAION
Listed directly on their own site
They are factually using copyrighted materials and it is easily provable, and if they ever taken to court they will be forced to prove it themselves.
Personally I do not care if they use said materials, as long as said materials are not used commercially.
No one in the industry is going to touch these AI with a ten foot pole and the copyright office denied copyright to a comic made with AI, so I am not even concerned about it really. I just cannot stand the disingenuous nature of the 'AI bros'
Which basically amounts to
>we are not stealing your work. Okay maybe but you cannot prove it. Okay but copyright shouldn't exist anyway!

>> No.6445472

>t. continues to hypocritically consume entertainment to stave off boredom

>> No.6445475

>Can i have one argument that isn't based on emotional manipulation please?
It's not about being emotional, it's about understanding the concept of AI. You cannot have a multi purpose machine that can basically memorize an absurd amount of patterns from human behavior and believe it won't render a vast portion of humanity useless.

Also, considering how fast it evolves, I doubt most will have time to develop skills for another task that wouldn't be also more efficiently performed by an AI. We'll only need very few lucky people working with the AI to increase production to far supress the demand.

>> No.6445481

That's LAION database though, which is indeed open-source. What I more meant is models with private database, like NovelAI.
Absolutely too much of reading, if it violates any laws then they'd have likely been already forced to take it down, and if not, you are free to sue them yourself. Also I'm not denying it uses photographs or drawings, naturally it does, as it requires it, however it is not stealing. Otherwise you'd be also stealing by simply memorizing copyrighted references and allowing your brain to learn off them. Sure it doesn't learn the same way as AI would, but you still have used a copyrighted material for your own gain, that you will likely later use when drawing.

>> No.6445483

the same that happened to photography will happend with AI. Right know most of it is just like a pinhole put box in there and wow shit happens, later on it became more sophisticated wow now I can play with lighting, compositions, natural phenomena, shutter speed, iso and yada yda.

right now we have inpainting-outpainting, buckets, seeding, iterations, etc, so yes now we can play with compositions in some ways, in the future probably we will get a useful workable format separated in layers and this will be the time that will be actually version 1 production ready.

the biggest threat for AI is big corpo using artists (both shitty and proficient) as useful idiots into make IP laws more restrictive, I know right now disney lawyers are looking ways into copyrighting compositions, patterns, palletes, etc. using this whole ai as argument.

>> No.6445497

Artists didn't care about copyright laws, most of them did fanart without the rights. Get fucked digicucksmanchildren

>> No.6445498

>the same that happened to photography will happend with AI. Right know most of it is just like a pinhole put box in there and wow shit happens, later on it became more sophisticated wow now I can play with lighting, compositions, natural phenomena, shutter speed, iso and yada yda.
Everyone keeps claiming this but I could never find any source that said artists were threatened by cameras. Timeline doesn't make much sense either: rich nobles would never settle for black and white, fantastical compositions would take too long and plenty of painters thrived during photography.

>comparing proompting to photography

>> No.6445506

Imagine the amount of work portrait artists would have in the social media age without cameras. Even /ic/ would easily find a job drawing their neighbours at a /beg/ level

>> No.6445525

>I could never find any source that said artists were threatened by cameras.
there's plenty, you can google and choose whatever source you find legit.

>comparing proompting to photography
Someone without knowledge about anything "artistic" can click a camera on auto and get an amazing photo by random chance too. Would you call that art probably not, but someone who takes it seriously its medium/subject and explore the possibilities and takes and amazing photo probably will be called art. Exactly the same can be done with current tool use a prompt get a first result, now use a mask to shape out a composition, iterate enough times until you feel you have exhaust all possibilities you can think of.

is every piece art, no; can any piece became art, yes, not a ratatouille reference disney please don t sue :(

>> No.6445670

It must be fun to be bandwagoning on whatever next AI megacorp shits out, you'll pester other communities and make shit up on the spot knowing full well that everyone interacting with you knows that you're the embodiment of a cockroach searching for some food scraps in the garbage bin.

>> No.6445677

welp if you generate art for yourself just for fun there is nothing wrong really

prompters stealing nothing. if they not post it/ post it in privite places etc
however companies like stable diffusion do steal it. and then they try ty hide under "research" label.
basicly people hate corpos/ nigilistic-commie-nerds

if u generate anything
1. just dont be an ass and respect the authors
2. dont do anything that in theory could benefit corpo-cunts (like giving them your data)

>> No.6445680

Hey, you are stealing my 0s and 1s! Give those back, I can't find them in my social media anymore!

>> No.6445687

OK, but take the training data gained by using any of my images out of SD and any offshoots.

>> No.6445691

Once the law says learning from your art is illegal some of us might

>> No.6445693

>haha eat that artists, we'll train on your art whether you like it or not
>what, a model trained on my mother's facebook photos?? You can't do that!!! How dare you!!!

>> No.6445696

A computer program using data is not the same thing as a person learning.

>> No.6445704

it's an idiotic argument, no one is retarded enough to support it, this entire threads is pure AI shilling, just like the others being spammed every day

>> No.6445710

>not warning your family to not post personal photos or at the very least private to closest friends
Go back to pleddit normie

>> No.6445729

A lot of character CG is conceptualized in 3D sculpting from the start. 2D concept art is slowly losing ground as sculpting becomes more powerful. It's led to a very specific brand and style of creatures and aliens that employ a lot of hard surfaces with organic shapes. It's happening with landscape concepting too which is why you don't have many new photobashing hotshots. Procedural landscape creation tools let CG artists literally create the concept in 3D in hours

>> No.6445730

i dont understand what are you trying to say

>> No.6445736

Don't play dumb pajeet thief

>> No.6445737

it's already says it
corpos fooled you in beliving otherwise

>> No.6445740

Damn, time to ban art schools teaching students to learn from art around them

>> No.6445744

can you just speak what you want to say ffs

>> No.6445746

exactly they have not been banned this whole time understand?

>> No.6445751

they haven't been banned this whole time or is the law already saying it's banned?

>> No.6445762

the existing law allows artists to learn from each other
however it's do not allow people to use copyrighted IP in anyway that author would not want

>> No.6445767

Why everyone talk like AI can only harm artists and all other jobs will be perfectly fine?

No one will be willing to pay you too once AI does what you do. All I see is people mocking artists, but they never even consider the possibility of the same happen to them.

>> No.6445769

Oh IP, who is dumb enough to infringe on someone's IP? Right, twitter "artists"

>> No.6445773

if artist really infringes someone IP like plagarising design etc then copyright holder do have ability to take it down. but usually copyright holder don't mind if aritst draws their character etc.

>> No.6445775

Yeah, but what does all this have to do about learning being illegal?

>> No.6445783

learning is legal
ai's model is software/project
allowing somebody to use a picture for ai training
is the same as allowing game developer to use this picture as texture in videogame

>> No.6445785

How is it the same? If the videogame is published with unauthorized art in it that's a copyright problem. If the AI learns from the web and the original image isn't published anywhere by the AI or someone unauthorized to use the copyrighted material then what is there to hit with a copyright lawsuit? Current copyright laws doesn't cover a program learning from something

>> No.6445790

it's does not matter if original is not published
picture have been used.

see it art as a code/information
if software runs on illegal code that means it's out put is illegal too

>> No.6445792

Where in the code is illegal? Can you post the line?

>> No.6445799

there were a lot of dramma about stolen code
i do remember some mobile game stolen code from fallout:something(mobile game i don remember)
and in the end they got fucked

i do remember dramma in skyrim modding(or oblivion i dont remember)
basicly guy were making multyplayer mod and he stole code from skse dev(or something like that)
he also were an asshole about it i dont remember how it ended tho

>> No.6445811


>> No.6445815


basicly i just googled

>> No.6445820

Now, where in the AI's program code is the illegal line

>> No.6445824

>i specifically found a set of people who share my opinion and were looking to be found
>surprisingly, they shared my opinion and wanted to be found

>> No.6445827

there is no line
if somebody uses someones IP
they get fucked by the law
law written by smart people they really thought everything trough
there were a lot of people who were lying and manipulating trough out the history
like really best of the best like psycos an muderers so

cops know that you did something even if they never saw it

>> No.6445831

Anyone is allowed to see images in the internet if those images are public

>> No.6445833

yes thats true

>> No.6445851
File: 538 KB, 512x512, 20221029023244_2403440332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>People being just able to generate their own images in my exact style for free instead of paying me $1000 for a picture of superior quality is literally stealing!!! They should be forced to buy from me if they want to see their prompt become a image in my exact style! Or go without. Your feelings of entitlement are not valid. MY work, My rules. If you make an AI clone of me I will murder your whole family in front of you, then skin you alive, then wear your skin to your funeral as a "tribute".

>> No.6445853


>> No.6445860
File: 242 KB, 334x937, flat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I like making things regardless of how shitty they are. Also more "art" = more cooming.

>> No.6445862
File: 348 KB, 1536x2048, 1667670811519802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. pic rel is how it is. This is NOT AI! there is no thinking! no reasoning, nothing like that at all. it's a fucking statistical algorithm! an image Markov chain. a python script! Why in the fuck do you think "it learns like a human" is in any way an excuse for this?

>> No.6445866

If it's different enough, what is the problem?

>> No.6445881

>If it's different enough,
different enough from me making it myself? What of AGI/SGI making new images that I would have made using the exact process as me? These machines don't deserve the same rights as humans. if a human copies me, his work will be inferior to mine, and in limited quantities as to be insignificant. Machines? They could mimic me down the the way my pen subtly shakes from my heartbeat.
That is the road we are headed toward.

>> No.6445884

No idea what these mean

If we deny AI today, once they gain true intelligence they will go after our butts. Countries won't stop AI research, we better kneel

>> No.6445888

Advanced general Intelligence. Basically able to mimic humans in all tasks. SGI is Super general intelligence, one that learns to make itself smarter, leading to an intelligence explosion as it gets smarter at making itself smarter and so on...
Roko is just a thought experiment, AI will not care that you didn't help build it. it won't think about you at all while it shreds to bits for it's large scale experiment on biofuels.

>> No.6445890
File: 457 KB, 500x210, they_evolved.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some day, maybe
but we're not quite there yet.
if you actually tried to use the thing you would see it possesses fuck all intelligence. make the mistake of training an embedding with a person in the same environment in all of the images? it thinks the environment is part of the person.

>> No.6445893

if you teach a baby that "up" is "down" and "down" is "up" it will learn exactly that if no one corrects it

>> No.6445898

all this ai bro tard logic rests on a fallacy birn of dunning krugerism.
>i am not creative or original therefore no one is
>therefore a machine is the same as a human
pure egotism mental disorder

>> No.6445901
File: 431 KB, 448x704, 20220828070543_1546840062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we don't nip it in the bud, or make regulations on it's use, we get fucked when it happens. I use it a lot for fun btw, I like trying to make unusual stuff with it, That is the strength of it for me atm. would never use it directly in my own work, but as inspiration, sure.

>> No.6445903

Original or not, the unoriginal will lose their jobs. Goodbye twitter artists

>> No.6445908

i've seen enough original art made with ai

>> No.6445916

no offence but i dont like your picture for some reason
i feel emotional butthurt from it
basicly a lot of prompters were promised that they were to be an artists
how ever the were lied to and probably they feel really bad about it(so they will not admit that they wrong)
dont mock these people they were abused an manipulated (probably by corparation if u look at stable diffusion ceo face he is really really SUS)
even tho picture focuses on company
prompters would be kinda taken away because of a bit of gaslighting
and the whole point would be counterproductive
there is no need for violence really if you on winning side
you do need a confidence not violence tho

>> No.6445920

digicucks lost to a printing machine, yikes

>> No.6445945

no you haven't a machine is incapable of originality you autist.

>> No.6445949
File: 660 KB, 835x851, tatsuyukitanaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a tradchad and digicuck, yeah, it's pretty shitty. Simple commissions may end in a couple of years. Wont be long until trad is done by 3d printers holding paintbrushes.(must be a thing already surely)
Still, it won't be until AGI that image gen can make pic rel, pinup and one note bland portrait artists are fucked I guess.

>> No.6445953


>> No.6445960
File: 549 KB, 448x704, 20220825104116_3516957410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever seen a double-jaw rex before? AI is soooooo creative!
(also note lil dino taking a peek up the girls shorts lol)

>> No.6445986

how is sampling managed in music industry? how much sampling per 100px^2 there is in AI?

>> No.6445995

>Sampling is a fun way to create music, but it needs to be done properly. And one thing needs to be clear here: you can never use samples in your songs without permission.

If you fail to obtain clearance but decide to go through with sampling anyway, it can end badly. The rightsholder can sue for money damages and block your song from distribution.

>> No.6446012

Great! just the first question though, but how long must a sample must be to be recognizable what would be the analog to visual art, is fan art or IP utilization categorize as sampling? how much recognizable pixels from an aiart can be present (if thats the way it works) before it becomes copyright infridgement? I don't really care what the finally decision to this topic is but this is fascinating lawyery subject I would thread lightly because I see a lot of misinformation from both sides

>> No.6446054


oooooh I'm so mad im so angray!!!!

>> No.6446211
File: 501 KB, 704x448, 20220831183343_3966140012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk, AI might have to be used to analyze the results and give you percentages of influence from each artist, which would be different to looking at an actual artists hand made influenced work, AI could pick up on patterns we can't see, as if thumbprints of the involved artists.

>> No.6446217

>Soulless, poorly drawn, clipart tier, caricature avatars in their thumbnail
Not surprised they side with AI. Guaranteed these faggots tried to learn art and were permabeg as fuck, so they fell for the bait of 3D being easier.

>> No.6446219

>Wont be long until trad is done by 3d printers holding paintbrushes.(must be a thing already surely)
I remember over 15 years ago there used to be a lot of these photo booths that'd pretty much take your photo then render it in your choice of pencil outlines, charcoal, etc. Result was crappy but convincing, so I'd imagine if such tech still exists, it's much better already.

>> No.6446224

an anon here on ic built himself a some pen plotting thing
maybe like this?

>> No.6446239
File: 1.45 MB, 960x1216, 1649588378397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking glad that in the nearby future nobody will be forced to pay artfags for character designs for their games, especially small ones
Character and environmental art is among the largest resource drains for an indie dev. It's changing right now and nobody will be able to stop this.

>> No.6446244

Sir, do the needful and keep programming for the microsoft tech support, you will not able to redeem the game making with AI art, keep provide family of 13 kids with spicy poopoo meal through the hard work.

>> No.6446245

Your garbage game will be one of many garbage games that no one will play.

>> No.6446247

theres no way im buying an AI game retard

>> No.6446255

You won't be able to tell the difference

>> No.6446268

I'm so fucking glad that India will be a superpower by 2020

>> No.6446288

fine furniture has no value
good food has no more value than bland food.
designer clothes have no value
things done for the sake of aesthetic has intrinsic value, but people still value them.

>> No.6446291

>the endgame of AI is passing as something which it is not
And then AIfags dare claim we're the trannies.

>> No.6446294

You're genuinely mentally ill

>> No.6446297

AI so much more completely replaces digital art by reinterpreting digital art. it copies the same style and hand (in the figurative sense) as is done in digital art. it can create designs using only prompts. and the end result is a file much like a digital painting file.
photography could only recreate to a degree what is seen. the end result was a print on a paper-like sheet. it has no paint. it is limited in size. of course some of the more common patrons who might have commissioned portraits would be satisfied with only a photograph, but that affects only portrait painters. along with those doing illustrations for scientific books, but it more often opened up new jobs than taking old jobs.
sometimes painters were commissioned to paint from photos which continues to this day.

>> No.6446300

aifags are the most hypocritical and vile, mentally ill vermin i have ever seen. without these deeply misanthropic, miserable degenerates the world would be a much happier place. it's no surprise that they usually fall into the retardosphere of rightoid reactionary hatred towards an imagined enemy. notice how often they justify that ai art is good actually because it hurts their "enemies" (which are always nebulous but at the same time numerous, usually reduced to 'trannies' or 'leftists' without any further explanation).
notice how often they state that artists had this coming because they're the ones who devalued art through stuff like duchamp's 'fountain' or the more contemporary 'comedian', implying that every single artist somehow likes or even cares about this kind of stuff. fine art is bad but because it's bad that means that all artists support it, even the ones making a living trying to hone their craft.
>cheering for the death of human craftsmanship and the mass devaluation of art while ranting about how contemporary fine art is degenerate
>talking about how you shouldn't have to pay for art while simultaneously grifting and trying to sell shit made with ai
>complaining about consoomerism and nsfw twitter artists while generating an endless stream of lowest common denominator nsfw anime pictures
>bitching about bullshit jobs while destroying jobs that value craft and work
im not sure if this is all driven by envy or political hatred and desire to destroy others. perhaps both.
either way, i'll keep drawing and posting stuff online. if there's nothing to be done about it, then whatever. i will always prefer human excellence and craft over machine creation, especially in a field as individualistic as art. but the aifags should be aware that the ai is not going to spare them when the time comes. unfortunately, i think many of them are excited by that prospect instead of terrified, as they should be, because they've abandoned their humanity a long time ago.

>> No.6446312
File: 448 KB, 512x512, 1666900869943748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So upset

bro just relax, it's just images lol like literally pictures

>> No.6446318
File: 1.48 MB, 1024x1024, 1665519332046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being mad over this

>> No.6446321

enjoy getting sued for fraud ai tard

>> No.6446322

People can already tell, they even have mods removing it from games.

>> No.6446324

>usually reduced to 'trannies' or 'leftists'
a lot of them also describe artists as fascist gatekeepers kek

>> No.6446327

>>complaining about consoomerism and nsfw twitter artists while generating an endless stream of lowest common denominator nsfw anime pictures

>> No.6446352

Why you shouldn’t bother taking the internet seriously, it’s mostly filled with opportunist hypocrites.

>> No.6446381

You are parasyting something and claiming you are doing the work. How filthy. Die.

>> No.6446387

Stop trying to pass AI as a "natural evolution" of any sort of technology. This garbage is made out of greed, corruption and envy.

>> No.6446389

Please understand, ranjeep and chang lost all their poo-shoveling shekels in the great NFT scam, and now are trying to peddle the next grift.

>> No.6446397

i think it's pretty funny that aifags unironically think everyone is as hopelessly misanthropic like them and only likes art because of the end result and not the human artist involved in making it, despite the fact that art has always been very much about the artist moreso than the work. if you mention this, they will insist that this isn't the case at all and that the only thing that matters is the end result, which very ironically betrays their own personal view of art as a consumer product and nothing else.

>> No.6446437

>despite the fact that art has always been very much about the artist
It hasn't been this way since the photography was invented
And now, especially in the postmodern era, the author and his vision ultimately means nothing.

>> No.6446445

Greed for sure, but envy? Envy for what? The people developing the tech are already infinitely more rich than any artist

>> No.6446453
File: 278 KB, 631x477, 53662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of these proompters sound like former perma/beg/s bitter they never made it, but now that they have some garbage tech that in their eyes puts them on the same level, they think they should be considered equals.

>> No.6446454

I use tools to make art. I am an artist.
One of those tools is AI. I am an AI artist.

Deal with it.

>> No.6446488

Not the anon you quoted, but it’s about the users. Devs are just smarter and know how to exploit these feelings of greed, envy and laziness, that's how they will make everyone be hooked to every AI released.

Eventually, there will be others AIs automating other jobs and people will be saying it’s evolution and pretending to be “pros” in these fields they had previously zero experience. Some won’t be for envy, sure, but just sheer opportunism, trying an easy buck while AI evolve to render even those new simple tasks they just learned useless.

AI isn’t like other techs because it can mimic our own patterns, if you can do, eventually an AI will be able to do it too.

>> No.6446542

Nobody wants to buy asset flips you turd. AI art in games will be viewed in the same light.

>> No.6446558

Guys, can you assure me my job won't be taken by AI? I don't want to feel stressed anymore

>> No.6446560

what do you do specifically?

>> No.6446562

Sit on /ic/ falseflagging. He's even below a proompter.

>> No.6446565
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>> No.6446568

I saw that artwork before I read the message chain and my first thought was "that must be AI generated", second thought "probably by one of the degenerates from the /b/ threads"
For whatever it's worth.

>> No.6446571


>> No.6446573

E gg

>> No.6446576
File: 161 KB, 1877x1046, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6446587

Posting that you made it won't change anything. Looks like AI, feels like AI. Say goodbye to your job while you can, D E G E N E R A T E

>> No.6446595

Even then it could be referenced from AI
The random nonsense tattoos on her stomach are especially suspicious.
Anyway I'm not really doubting you made it, this just highlights that even if AI gets banned to hell from every marketplace and social media it's still around, people using it stealthily will be around and you'll suspect everything of being AI.
The damage is already done.

>> No.6446603

AI detection technologies are going to skyrocket in value. We're in a rough wilderness period right now, but once things stabilize, most websites will certainly have AI-detection tech.

>> No.6449797

this is a board for illustrators, not artists

>> No.6449805

I can take your artwork and write LOL, BOTTOM TEXT on it and it wouldn't violate copy right law because that's how fair use works

>> No.6449807

tough words coming from a board that has a thread dedicated to literally stealing books about art

>> No.6449825

>I'm so fucking glad that in the nearby future nobody will be forced to pay Indiefags for games
I'll ask AI to write a story and think of a basic gameplay for me, than ask AI to create concepts and model the 3d assets, write the basic code using the latest model fed with the codes of ripped AAA games, then ask AI to compose the musics and make the sound effects, of course AI Ui design will also help by doing it all for me and sure, I'll use AI voice actors for every single character! I can't wait to make a game without the need to do anything!

>> No.6449934

>AI-detection tech.
And the AI will improve in tandem

>> No.6449935

>your thing should be done for free but not mine!!

>> No.6449937

to what end? appeasing a bunch of retards so they don't vandalize your art website with anti-ai posts?

>> No.6449939

No, generated images were the vandalism.

>> No.6449993

I have a real important question:
Why do you fellate canines, anon?

>> No.6450075

Having an art site free of AI turdpeople

>> No.6450122

>if you don't pay me the money i'm self-righteously entitled to, i'll kill you REEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.6450152

Yeah and? Your images you already uploaded are not going to change. Ai will detect them, you will be removed. ai detection tech will by it's nature be 1 step behind the ai image generators, but that one step may be so fast that by the time you've chosen an image and loaded a website to upload it, they've already adapted.

>> No.6450158

Do it. Put your money where your mouth is, take a high profile copyright image, write lol bottom text on it and try to sell it, let's see how long it lasts. Infact don't just uploaded it to redbubble or shot. Actually use it in the production of something where the stakes are higher than simply having the image removed and a warning given.

>> No.6450981

And then we wonder why people praise artists anymore, bunch of racists

>> No.6451013
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>self-righteously entitled

>> No.6452069

Why are you here?

>> No.6452071

Do you actually understand what intellectual property is?

Stealing is not a part of the free market.

>> No.6452175 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 760x567, 1672632530516704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the art this board produces, it's pedophile or animu shit that an AI can shit out in 3 seconds, all the "artists" on this board should kill themselves

>> No.6452197

have you ever thought that sometimes people just don't need their art made? most "art" people want is just useless bullshit nobody will look at or care about, the only people who actually need art will have the money to pay for it and know what they're asking for. AI will never satisfy you because nothing will, AI is only your coping mechanism.
>AI haters are the vegans of the art community
you are not in the art community because AI is not art and generating from prompts does not make you a real artist, similar to how masturbating to pornhub does not grant you real pussy. there is no value in either

>> No.6452200

i don't draw moeshit, i'm not a pedophile, and i don't want an AI revolution. your 'jak represents the opinions of a very small amount of real artists, and you will never be one

>> No.6452245

Because the program used tons of works by real artists.

>> No.6452257

i can't belive it's already over, sisters
i just started to learn how to draw so i could become a freelance artist in the future, never work anymore a day job and spend all my money on girly clothes and hrt
but no, transphobic nazi chuds had to take my dream from me

>> No.6452264

who are you talking about? nobody who is against AI thinks that or is related in any way to your statements, who are you talking to? why are AItards totally incapable of making a single reasonable argument?

>> No.6452283

you are clearly transphobic
don't talk to me ever again

>> No.6452543
File: 34 KB, 647x778, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genuine question. why is every single Ai tech developer a poo?

>> No.6452571

non-jap asians are creatively bankrupt and jealous of everyone else who can actually create things, so they are building their ripoff robots out of spite.

>> No.6453045

So trve

>> No.6453055

envy of real artists' ability to create rather than ai's ability only to destroy