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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 93 KB, 584x445, artstation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6434957 No.6434957 [Reply] [Original]

Rejoice, Artstation has finally decided to take action.

>> No.6434963

Artstation is owned by Epic Games which is owned by Tencent which is owned by the Communist Party of China which banned AI on the mainland.

>> No.6434967

>people complaining about AI
>Artstation didn't do anything
>CCP banned AI
>Artstation instantly bans AI and makes a post about how they regret not doing it sooner
Ok, now delete the thread
it's already old news

>> No.6434968

>trying to lose even more revenue after your parent company loses 500 million to the FTC
Be my guest

>> No.6434970

I've tried looking at 3 different artists in there and they all nuked their galleries lol
fuck artstation kikes, imagine backing subhuman thieves while turning your back on the audience that made your platform a thing at all. Surely there's no way this backfires.

>> No.6434972

Why do the communists want to ban art?

>> No.6434973
File: 214 KB, 1408x1408, 1671799392583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys could be getting the lead on AIfags but you'd rather cry about it. Most of you can't even draw.

>> No.6434982

>draw more
>become better than AI
>your new stuff gets fed into it again
nah fuck these subhuman parasites. ignoring them will not make them go away

>> No.6434984

>ignoring them will not make them go away
Agreed. There will always be people that draw and hate new things.

>> No.6434987

>Round Eight
I just can't even laugh

>> No.6434994

> *Most of ai shitters can't even draw.
Why are you outing yourself like that?
Ignoring them will cause more of them to appear, like this no draw >>6434984 faggot

>> No.6435017

Read. They are removing AI PROTEST images. Not ai images.

>> No.6435021

Why do I keep seeing this image? It's garbage if you actually look at it. Broken neck, lantern Infront of her despite her back facing us. The plants leaf a nice impression though

>> No.6435032

expression is considered against the norm, it's why commies try to ban all aspects of identity, because identity can create community, and communities are dangerous when it comes to potentially going against the ruling party's agenda

>> No.6435038

>if you kill your enemies they win

>> No.6435050
File: 1.03 MB, 1024x1024, 1671159860480371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI artists using it in img2img had that great don draper "I don't even think about you" energy

>> No.6435052

True communism is the opposite of dictatorship. Actually deranged that you think communism is against community, it's literally in the word.

China bans AI art because AI art is trash and China is a dictatorship, making it easy to ban things.

>> No.6435053

lantern could be hanging on a chain over her wrist, neck looks pretty normal for stylized anime to me.

>> No.6435056

Not for the reason you think it does

>> No.6435059

Because you're blind. Learn2draw, prompting isn't working for you

>> No.6435062

Are you twelve? Nobody has stopped using AI because of artists bawling their eyes out.

>> No.6435063

china is banning ai art because they don't want people to generate protests against their retarded policies, you dumb fucking tranny.

>> No.6435065
File: 17 KB, 467x799, 1702080865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't draw, most of the audience doesn't either.

>> No.6435066

>I don't draw
So what are you doing here...?

>> No.6435069
File: 14 KB, 512x512, 2015924021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only reason I'm here is because of the AI drama, it's good enterntainment and it's informative at the same time.

>> No.6435071

>I don't draw
It shows

>> No.6435073

>Only reason I'm here is to shit up the board
This is why aishitters are cancer

>> No.6435074

Will China ban all communication tomorrow? Books, words, speech, body language... All of it could be used to protest their retarded policies.

>> No.6435080
File: 82 KB, 1024x1024, 4269761067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I'm not shitting it up, never made a single thread. I just read most of the time, sometimes I comment.

>> No.6435081

>generate protests
What the fuck are you gonna prompt lmao

>> No.6435082

Because every AI coomprompter thinks of themselves as an artist. I've had discussions where these people demand such. A photographer or even a collage artist make conscious choices that involve actively applying the fundamentals of art, while they're just doing gacha style until good results occur.

>> No.6435083

Yes, but they will keep it in their containment trannycord and Plebbit sub. Now go back, tranny.

>> No.6435084

>I'm not shitting it up
Kek. Why not go on a board for a hobby you actually enjoy instead?

>> No.6435085

I use tools to create art.
I am an artist.

One of those tools is AI.
I am an AI artist.
Deal with it.

>> No.6435086

But I curate the results with my unique sense of style and aesthetic appeal, making me the most important piece in the output

>> No.6435088

You're not creating anything tho, you're making requests

>> No.6435089
File: 24 KB, 512x512, 2754791832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said this AI drama is good stuff and this board in particular due to it's lax moderation is one of the best places to observe.

>> No.6435091

I commission art so am arteest

>> No.6435095

>Anime girl in the style of Junji Ito pls

>> No.6435096

The most important piece is the training material for the AI model.

>> No.6435098
File: 99 KB, 1024x1024, 3750978882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good eye

>> No.6435099


>> No.6435101

>lax moderation
Moderation has been decent here lately, there's a few days were jannie do nothing, like the last few.
But compare it to /g/ that has 20+ AI threads, Botfag who spams the same thread, Automation doomposting, Twitter/musk drama, GPU fanboy wars.
That board has become as unusable as /b/ at this point.

>> No.6435102

>I-I'm not here to shit up the board I swear
Get a hobby already

>> No.6435103

those goy artists wont do shit

>> No.6435104

Maybe, I don't really look at /g/ outside of the /sdg/ threads.

>> No.6435106

No, you're just being submissive to an AI. You might as well say "I am an AI". Artists have agency and the will to create.

>> No.6435108

Which boards do you usually visit when you're not shitposting about prompts?

>> No.6435109

What fags. They should have removed ai art. Jew fucks.

>> No.6435110

I know Im just doing a little bit of bad faith

>> No.6435114

>true communism
kek, anyway, communism is against communities that can form and go against the agendas of the government, it's why chinks are terrified of religion and crowds and do everything they can to suppress them; they're even scared of fucking buddhism and have erased it as much as possible because of the spirituality aspects of it

"true communism" is turning your population into worker drones that are incapable of expression and thought so that they never question anything

>> No.6435115

they already moderate and have their own internet separate from the one you are using right now. they also have banned books, speech and body language before. AI would have allowed their citizens to generate thousands of images that they could barely keep up with as is.

what you dumb “communists” don’t understand is that being able to be critical of your government is a luxury. good luck with that shit in china without being disappeared and threatening your loved ones and forcing an apology. do you realize you could be imprisoned simply by being on 4chan?

actually, go ahead and live in china right now. i can’t wait to see your retarded ass get killed for wrongthink.

>> No.6435116

That's it, I never went to 4chan before this whole AI art situation. And here's a bit of advice, since I've started visiting this website few months ago I've become a worse person, I think worse of people, I'm generally more unhappy and bitter. It's kinda worth it for the enterntainment value but after this is over I'm never coming back to 4chan and I advise anyone here to consider stopping to use this website, it's cancer.

>> No.6435117

You could have just said "I browse /pol/".

>> No.6435120

>That's it, I never went to 4chan before this whole AI art situation
lmao so which hole did you crawl out of? Reddit? Vaush discord?

>> No.6435121

>since I've started visiting this website few months ago I've become a worse person, I think worse of people,
Regardless of ai shit, that’s what happened to me. I became more cynical due to this shithole and the retarded fucks here. Like they say, you’re here forever.

>> No.6435122

Really proving these ai shitters are discord trannies and plebbitors. That further explains why /pol/ is like that.

>> No.6435123

>I'm leaving
>You guys who I hate being around, follow my lead!

Why do people go into threads/generals do this?

>> No.6435124

>I only go to shit slinging threads why's this place so toxic

>> No.6435125

>true communism" is turning your population into worker drones that are incapable of expression and thought so that they never question anything
This is what AIjeets want

>> No.6435128

Oh you're one of those tranny redditors from that raid community we found out about. Glad to hear you're even unhappier than before.

>> No.6435129

absolutely, note how the whole 'great reset' stuff is basically just governments flooding each nation with various types of nationalities and then stripping everything from them to turn everyone into the same type of person

art suffers from this in the same way, cultural influence is lost, individuality is lost, and then you get shit like AI which just attempts to replace the individual entirely

>> No.6435135

i’ve been browsing 4chan for over a decade and the only thing 4chan had me realize was that my hunches about people were correct. most normalfags are literally on autopilot and naively trusting the government and everyone around them without realizing they are being horrendously manipulated. i’d rather be aware of the truth rather than to blindly slog through life.

4chan and the information that is provided by its community is what you make of it. remember that you’re here forever.

>> No.6435138

>since I've started visiting this website few months ago I've become a worse person, I think worse of people, I'm generally more unhappy and bitter

omg me too

when this stuff blows over i am going to never visit this site ever again

all the constant racism, misogyny, lgbtq hate and insults are unbearable

such a cancer

but what do you expect from a bunch of schizo incels lol

>I advise anyone here to consider stopping to use this website

I fully second this statement

>> No.6435141

opinions on ai "art"?

>> No.6435142
File: 121 KB, 475x356, 718331_10976524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am an AI artist.

>> No.6435145

I can't tell, unlike most I draw and I coomprompt. I know exactly how full of shit AI posters are. You all use the AI at the lowest level possible and giving yourselves pats on the back when it does a good job. The AI is happy to take in additional context through img2img and produce output based upon what it was given. Doesn't even need to be good, putting forth as much effort in as you can yourself yields far better results. Instead I see people shoving other's works in and shit posting to get people riled up. All this tech for unlimited creative freedom and people use it for drama.

/h/ has the best AI threads, they get into how to manipulate and further train the AI. /g/ just talks about shit.

>> No.6435152

edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger

>> No.6435153

it is not art

it is stealing our jobs and our money

it is trained on copyrighted works

We must protest

AI bad


You have 4chan gold here too? WOW!

>> No.6435155


>> No.6435156

is it 4chan that did it or the AI situation? I've been here for too long to admit and I only started to become a bit bitter in the last 3-4 months. When AIfags started a war. Though I cooled a lot and feel good this week.

>> No.6435157

No it's becuase there is a tool now in existence that litterally came out SIX months ago that fan do what a drawfag can do in 20secs. And you can't cope with that reality.

>> No.6435160

>not answering the question
Where did you come from...?

>> No.6435161
File: 222 KB, 582x680, 1671772692129588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6435162

Where did you go?

>> No.6435163

So you came to gloat to the one place that is famous for its residents not drawing

>> No.6435171

Next think you'll say is:
"I am a real woman."

>> No.6435172

>can do what a drawfag can do in 20secs
"Old man punching a horse in the face, hard."
Oh you can't do that with AI? maybe don't say stupid shit then.

>> No.6435174
File: 703 KB, 1024x512, 1460880412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its quite good at rendering assets that you can use in your images and the level of control is not as low as some people would have you believe.

>> No.6435175
File: 169 KB, 1000x908, 1671751757033016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skill segregation

>> No.6435176
File: 124 KB, 600x344, 1235176984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skill segregation

>> No.6435178
File: 1.01 MB, 819x3178, screenshot-www.fiverr.com-2022-12-23-09-54-50-904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the type of people who are going to be taking over artstation.

>> No.6435179
File: 20 KB, 261x193, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6435182

An shockingly large amount of people on the planet unironically think this way.

>> No.6435181

>I'm a digital design drop out
We can tell.

>> No.6435183

> it's like lower classes shouldn't be allowed
to learn to read
They’re not willing to learn drawing.

>> No.6435187

you retards and your hand jokes are fucking embarrassing. do you realize how quickly these things could be ironed out in the future? this is why AI is such a big deal in the community, because the tech won’t cap here without some sort of intervention or artists pulling out their galleries.

why the fuck do you think there are protests going on about AI? because everyone above a 2 digit IQ knows that this shit IS already too good, and these pajeets won’t stop there.

>> No.6435194

I warned you guys years ago that pajeets are the worst race on the planet and you didn't believe me.

>> No.6435195

Keep making your shitty AI hands kek. Anyone with eyes can recognize AI art is shit.

>> No.6435196
File: 405 KB, 860x755, 481-4816161_question-mark-anime-png-download-anime-with-question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you retards and your hand jokes are fucking embarrassing.
That... wasn't an hand joke?

>> No.6435200

wow, of course retards come with a lack of reading comprehension. the hand joke is equal to the grandpa punching horse jokes.

i don’t use AI and i’m against it. i’m just saying how juvenile it is to think AI and their pajeet engineers won’t try to correct the very things you morons are making fun of, as if that isn’t part of their job description.

>> No.6435201

Considering the large amount of them would blame talent for people being good at things.

>> No.6435203
File: 1.19 MB, 720x1000, Portrait_he_coordination.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what the pajeet fears

>> No.6435206

>skill segregation
skill issue

>> No.6435207

those aren’t even good hands to begin with.

if you’ve ever worked with engineers in the past before, you’d realize they take feedback like this and artistically channel their focus into making a solution. now that retarded artists make this aware that this is a “bug”, you can be sure that they’ll be on their way to correcting this; possibly by integrating 3d models with their 2d image generation. it’s already happening.

>> No.6435209

>do you realize how quickly these things could be ironed out in the future?

>> No.6435210

i meant autistically. i’m phonefagging

>> No.6435213
File: 570 KB, 704x448, 20221223134315_3237679033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger you can try to do it with a boxing glove on I don't care. This is not a hand issue. You can't get a good image of an old man to punching a horse with AI. Especially not in 20 seconds. You'd have to img2img a photoshoped pic of the very scene you are after... but that defeats the point, AI is not superior if you have to baby sit it that much.

>> No.6435216

fine, be willfully ignorant then. watch as art like this will be horribly dated and cringe-worthy by the time the next few iterations come out.

that is, if we don’t fucking do something about AI instead of making reddit tier jokes about it.

>> No.6435217

>why the fuck do you think there are protests going on about AI
Because of the non consensual use of our art as training for a for profit cause? If you are going to profit off my art, pay me fucker!

>> No.6435219

pls sir buy this technologi sir please stop drawing AI will do the art sir

>> No.6435220

and the more you make this “issue” aware enough for pajeets to catch on, the faster they’ll be on it to find a solution to the “bugs” they are seeing.

don’t you fucking get it?

>> No.6435221

>You know it's like lower classes shouldn't be allowed to learn to read as writing is the privelege of the elite...
This man can't be serious...

>> No.6435222

>"the level of control is not as low as some people would have you believe."
>chalice handle is turned into a completely different shape
>golden faucet is turned into a tiny trophy shooting a laser

>> No.6435224

Tbqh I don't know what the fuck that original "faucet" was suppose to be

>> No.6435225

>. now that retarded artists make this aware that this is a “bug”
so you think nobody but artists noticed the fucked up hands?!! why did you type that? what went through your head as those words flowed from your fingertips?

>> No.6435226

That's not how this thing works.

>> No.6435233

The fact that you can't see the issues with AI is exactly the problem. It's like arguing with crabs who claim it is their style, they don't see the problems until they get to a certain point of learning.

>> No.6435236

you really are stupid aren't you?
as if they are not already trying everything they can to make AI better? They have a million dedicated users to report issues. why would a post on 4chan have any effect at all?

>> No.6435237

i’m done. this is why artists won’t be taken seriously and will be the laughingstock of the world, always. you short sighted morons really make the rest of us look horrible.

never mind the fact that the existence of AI introduces a serious question about human purpose and communication and the fact that it is currently being used by the government itself for insidious reasons as we speak.

keep making hand memes that will go stale in a year or so. hope you’re quadruple boosted too, and lbtqbbq rights amirite? fags.

>> No.6435238

Bruh, just edit it in your program of choice. It would take way longer to actually paint it, if that wasn't true photobashing wouldn't be industry standard.

>> No.6435242
File: 33 KB, 499x481, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6435247
File: 548 KB, 704x448, 20221223134439_1046617409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek BTFO that easy huh? Come back and fight you fucking coward! You can't put your money where you mouth is can you? pathetic worm.

>> No.6435250

Artists haven't been taken seriously since the beginning of the industrial age! A plumber is well more respected than you and has alot more creative liberties laying out pipe than an artist producing the next goyslop.

>> No.6435252
File: 11 KB, 286x448, media%2FFkT-bQ0X0AASHIe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look this guy up
>has a twitter and artstation profile showing that he's a huge christfag that obsessively goes around taking art to put through an AI filter and then messaging it to the artists he stole from

This is a common thing I see with AIfags online in the western hemisphere. Religious faggots pushing for transhumanism and a grudge against people with creative-oriented careers.

>> No.6435254


>> No.6435256

>t. an unemployed faggot from reddit
they don’t make these patches overnight. my god you are fucking retarded. you think all they do is press a “fix bug” button and it magically fixes things?

>> No.6435255

2 more weeks sirs

>> No.6435257

They are well aware of the issue. It's just not a priority right now. AI doesn't really understand grammar yet, so it has trouble with complex actions involving many characters. For now the priority is getting it to tag images correctly. Once that has been perfected, the will move into teaching it to learn to interpret plain language.

>> No.6435261

>they don’t make these patches overnight.
You can't argue so you pull strawmen from your festering anus? what the fuck who said anything about fixing things overnight?

>> No.6435264

my guess is that they’re also biding time to see where these lawsuits and legislations are going, but once they have the opportunity, it would definitely be corrected. this is only the free version after all, and the code for this is open source from what i understand.

>> No.6435267

>Interpret plain language

>> No.6435269

>the year is 2087
>AI still can't draw hands right... but it's coming
>any day now

>> No.6435270

Are you that one retard who gave up on art because muh ai?

>> No.6435280
File: 731 KB, 1242x1084, 5f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is not with this man. He is a sinner doing the devil's deeds and will be punished accordingly.

>> No.6435282

at the rate this tech is going? i’d give it a year or two. again, if there were regulations, this MIGHT stifle the progress, but it’s not going to stop a community that is autistic enough to hand together and mod something that would correct these issues.

no. i’m a working artist in the industry right now and i’ll never give up art. i’m just not delusional or retarded enough to believe that AI won’t outpace us if we don’t fucking do something about it.

>> No.6435284

pyw or draw a horse being punched by an old man if you are afraid of dox.

>> No.6435285

You're so fucking stupid. AI is just a dumb shitty toy that can't do anything too complex.

>> No.6435286
File: 199 KB, 1700x1239, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These antiAIfags are a very small crowd than most people think.

>> No.6435287
File: 76 KB, 800x441, FleshWound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Kickstarter suspended
> LinkedIn vs HiQ decision vacated
> Patreon page under review
> Half the websites walking back decisions on AI
> Lawsuit against Copilot
> Lobbyist fundraiser
> China beheading AI
> Book losing copyright
My god, this falseflagging is some Monty Python shit right now.

>> No.6435289
File: 252 KB, 512x512, 1648424398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6435291

>again, if there were regulations, this MIGHT stifle the progress
Anon any regulation that would restrict their ability to train the algorithms on copyrighted images would effectively kill it, since the only reason why it seems to perform so well is the size of its training database.

>> No.6435293

What the fuck. How did you draw that so quickly? That's amazing. Or you found it online?

>> No.6435294

If AI becomes ethically sourced free range art datasets. I will train it on my art and use it to produce films/games/whatever new mediums might show up in the future. I'm not concerned about being "outpaced". But until then? if someone claims AI can do X, they better put up or fucking shut up. Looks like they chose shut up as I am not seeing an AI horse getting knocked the fuck out.

>> No.6435296
File: 220 KB, 512x512, 1648424397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew it myself, look I even signed it in the bottom right

>> No.6435297

It's over. The old man made peace with the horse and is giving him a good ol' brush.

>> No.6435299

You are the fastest artist in the world holy shit! socials? teach me your ways sir!

>> No.6435300
File: 228 KB, 512x512, 1648424399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're friends now, a sign that even artists and AI people can reconcile their differences, how wholesome

>> No.6435302

What is he holding

>> No.6435304

My brother in Christ you don't even know what good is

>> No.6435306

Clearly a sword-oar-belt-shovel-strap

>> No.6435308

>Signature even in an img2img white background

>> No.6435309

I'm going to laugh so hard at AItards when Disney lobbies to copyright art styles. It will be completely over for them.

>> No.6435310
File: 178 KB, 512x512, 894731050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's his power lifting belt, how do you think he got to look like that?

>> No.6435318

That's why I'm already working on finishing my portfolio and booking an attorney as soon as my ducks are in a row. I want to be prepared regardless of what happens but the saltmine from techies would be as sweet as the 2016 election.

>> No.6435320

needing a base is the same as admitting defeat no?

>> No.6435326

Yes. To complete the challenge the seed/parameters and prompt would have to be provided to be sure it wasn't just photoshopped.

>> No.6435329

so what happened to 20 seconds

>> No.6435334

>it's another pajeet tries to shill AI art thread that ultimately gets shat on

>> No.6435335

We won. The AI fags lost.
After the brutal conflict, the slimy, freakish ghouls retreated to their fetid dens to tend to their injuries. Their twisted, mutated bodies were covered in wounds, and their once-fearsome presence was now shrouded in despair.
As they huddled together in the dank caverns, they wailed and gnashed their teeth, lamenting the loss of their comrades and the horrors of defeat. The air was heavy with the stench of their putrid bodies, and the very ground seemed to tremble with their sorrow.

>> No.6435336
File: 451 KB, 407x669, 1671811595926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys don't get it do you? You can try your damndest to stop neckbeards from getting access to AI and you might succeed, but the corpos don't give a shit, they will lobby and fund closed source AI so they can pay as few employees as possible. Ultimately you're protesting to have this technology out of your own hands, and the ability for anyone to cheaply begin their own studios.

>> No.6435338

They already have it anyway. ;^)

>> No.6435342

Lol. Artists were never in control. They're on the leash of either the entertainment industry or big tech, and companies love to cut costs.

>> No.6435344

Everyone displaced from corpos will band together to make their own studios with hookers and blackjack. enough audience from the growing number of anitcorpos to support human made products. Guillermo Del toro will head one studio for sure.

>> No.6435346

>artstation is removing AI PROTEST pictures for clogging up the trending section
>stormfags immediately bring up communism and China
jesus fucking christ

>> No.6435352
File: 81 KB, 534x430, 1647937046395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the one that don't get it.
Artist doesn't care about money or corpos, studios or other corporate/commercial shit.
They'll be glad to trade AI being held by corpos rather than random people
They just don't want people flooding art platform with vomits and art community community along with their following heavily correlates strongly with etiquette and respect. a simple trace will end your carrer. It's part of their culture that they want to protect not the money.
That culture is what make art community bigger than people expect, just take a look at AI platform or groups and discord. It's only filled with people spamming their generation with no engagement. No respect, no critique, no comments, or anything, like a hollow graveyard. That's what art community trying to avoid, and that's the reason AI artists like to upload their generation to art platform without disclosing it's made by AI, because AI platform is like an empty void

>> No.6435354

Actually all the stable diffusion generals on 4chan are more productive and drama-free than /ic/

>> No.6435358

They type words and receive bacon, the only thing being productive is their GPUs.
The only people being truly productive are the people making the models, and they rely on the work of artists to do that.

>> No.6435360

>nothing of value, just pedos and booba

>> No.6435361

Why are words not art?

>> No.6435362

I 100% guarantee if an AI board was made and all AI discussion must be moved there that the AI board would be dead in a month. You’re only here because it gets a rise out of artists.

>> No.6435363

Can open-source AI tools compete with corporate AI ?

>> No.6435365

I'd imagine pure image spam is drama-free, yeah.

>> No.6435369

I hope someone caves this fucking pajeet nigger's skull in

>> No.6435376

Being able to weave words that strike at a man's heart and mind is a very different thing than "trending, masterpiece, beautiful, best quality".

>> No.6435379

Why? Has AI art never stuck at a man's heart?

>> No.6435383

nigger you're stealing shit and letting your jew bot do 100% of the work for you don't try to spin this into some poetic drivel

>> No.6435394

In a way. I want to kill you all in unspeakable degrees of violence.

>> No.6435395
File: 2.34 MB, 1280x2560, 16718132672830681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“A man paints with his brains, not with his hands.” - Michaelangelo

>> No.6435402

Michaelangelo would have never supported AI, and if he would, then he was not a real artist. I'm sorry.

>> No.6435408
File: 205 KB, 448x448, 1671417456813793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now it's a mix of a opesource databases and closed/open-source models.
Imagen from Google supposedly can out do Dalle and Stable-Diffusion but they have locked it off because they are scared sjw afraid of offending trannies and Sub-Saharan migrwnt niggers with made up images.
Also imagen brute forces their model with a ton of parameters which is not a not an efficient way of training. I think they have up to 20billion parameters and dalle and stable diffusion is like 500million

Also artists need to cope *if* AI is better than a human. /ic/ was doomer focused and schzio even before AI.
Before anyone accuses me of being a pajeet, I have no skin in the AI game and I only focus on Trad work as a hobby.
I think it's a valid concern that AI art will put artists out of work and restricting it or requiring commercial art have a % of human content is valid. Also a bigger question is the coming automation of many tasks and jobs that simply won't exist anymore art included and there is no solution.

>> No.6435409

Oh yeah Michaelangelo the literal genius was not a real artist and permabegs on /ic/ are, sure yeah, makes sense to me, okay

>> No.6435411

The drawing you stole this from for img2img is more soulful than this trash will ever be Pajeet

>> No.6435420
File: 214 KB, 1296x524, deliveredforfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6435425

Hey that's pretty good, 100% traced but still pretty good

>> No.6435428

And you are an artist. Are you happy with that title anon?

>> No.6435431

it's not traced but i did use references because i don't draw old men or horses often. now your turn to post.

>> No.6435432

absolutely raw & based

>> No.6435434

My day has been made. Thank you anon!

>> No.6435439
File: 1017 KB, 351x360, 140.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100% traced
Jeet can't even tell what a fucking trace looks like KEK

>> No.6435440

>"hot anime girl, 4k high quality, beatiful, in the style of Sword Art Online"

>> No.6435443
File: 1.59 MB, 1280x768, 661823499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't draw

>> No.6435445

I kneel

>> No.6435448

Let's hear your explanation on why there is a "signature-looking scribble"
It never gets old to see people confidently wrong

>> No.6435450

We can tell.

>> No.6435453

AIsisters....not like this..............

>> No.6435456

how did you paint that so quickly?

>> No.6435462
File: 36 KB, 800x600, 1660524290399148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI shitters completely destroyed again by chad artist, as per usual

>> No.6435469
File: 393 KB, 344x389, croppyw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was not the requester, >>6435434
is me, the punch requester.
I didn't draw a horse punch, but now I kind of want to, but I also need to go to sleep. So here is just a crop of my work.

>> No.6435474


Hnnng those smooth lines
Extremely based

>> No.6435476

i'm responding to the fag who questioned whether or not i worked in the industry. i didn't know or care there was a horse punching contest going on elsewhere itt. glad you like it though

>> No.6435480

This is beautiful

>> No.6435483

Ah ok lol. It started in another AI thread today.

>> No.6435484

That wasn't drawn to argue against AI. This board really is full of dumb fucking spics isn't it?

>> No.6435487

So the horse request was specifically due to the fact AI can't show characters interacting in any meaningful way. AI fags keep saying AI can do what a drawfag can do in 20secs.

>> No.6435491

don't cry when it eventually does catch up. i'm rightfully angry that this tech exists in the first place. these jeets won't stop until they get themselves out of the job precisely because they are as short sighted as you.

next they'll make brainless zombies on purpose... oh wait, they already did.

>> No.6435501

drawing will always be cool and fun!

>> No.6435503


>> No.6435514

Also stunning & brave

>> No.6435517

And yet the art spoke for itself and did anyway. Interesting isn't it?

>> No.6435523

I fucking kneel.

>> No.6435526

>as short sighted as you.
??? You ok? I never said it won't catch up. I responded to AI fags claiming it already won.

>> No.6435528

You are based as fuck. I hope to stumble on your work one day.

>> No.6435530

Which may happen sooner than we think.


>> No.6435534

Epic Games is owned by Tim Sweeney, the founder, not tencent

>> No.6435540

Didn't they purchase a majority stake in the company?

>> No.6435551

No. They're the largest external stakeholder, supposedly 40% calculated or estimate from some other buy-ins of epic owned properties, but Tim has been the majority owner since the company was founded and has reiterated as such on Twitter more than once. It's his personal company.

>> No.6435572
File: 488 KB, 480x262, 1565197746348.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys wanna hear something ironic that I just realized about this situation? If Artstation is willing to put the effort and time into censoring "NO AI" images by manually and painstakingly deleting them one by one. Then, roughly the same amount of time could also be put into deleting AI images, and cleaning up their site, if they really wanted to. All this situation did was prove Artstation's hypocrisy.

>> No.6435574

kek based

>> No.6435575

AI is harder to detect and is more prone to false positives than a lazy logo being copied everywhere to shit up the site. It's a site for industry artists, not little kids. More than half these guys already photobash everything to shit. Artstation knows that the pros are keeping their heads down and stealing and copying as usual so it doesn't affect them

>> No.6435576
File: 2.77 MB, 636x640, based-so-fucking-zased.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what AIshitters will never understand

>> No.6435577

Michaelangelo would have studied CS and math to go work on the AI to make it more perfect

>> No.6435578

that’s right. it’s bullshit. in fact, i would bet that other websites that allow AI shit can do exactly the same. i pulled out my gallery from AI station and will keep it this way until they come back to their senses. (they likely won’t)

artstation is dead.

>> No.6435579
File: 434 KB, 400x600, Stable_diffusion_September_Cake_-_AI_artwork_7f5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad. It's completely diveravative work. The fact drawslaves have to constantly affirm their work compared to AI tells me they are afraid
Trolling and banter aside the real reason artist fear ai as it is an existential threat to their identity and not becuase AI can or cannot do art better than humans. I say this becuase artists will continue to make with or without AI but the identity or "persona" is going to go through a paradigm shift.
Also I really do belive there needs to be thought to labor and wealth distribution in a world run by AI. I personally belive that UBI will never happen (and really shouldn't) people who have no purpose or are poor, have no assets really need to be euthanized and that's just the sad truth.

>> No.6435581

Artstation is fake and gay. If the owner of an art hub doesn't draw then what is the point of having an art hub. Soulless corporate shit deserves to fall.

>> No.6435582

Is Artstation still by default Opt-in'ing all their artists to AI?

>> No.6435583

Never forget the day the cake fell.

>> No.6435584


>> No.6435586

Even deviantart doesn't automatically opt-in artists to ai.

>> No.6435591

Go home and be a family stud

>> No.6435595

I kinda hope it dies at this point, if they don't give a shit about the people who literally built their site from the ground up, then they don't deserve a site. If I was one of the lead protesters, I would tell people to start wiping their Artstation accounts in mass, so the website can get flooded with AI sludge. If Artstation wants to be "AI Station" so badly, I say let them have it.

There are always other sites you can post your art on, or we could always make a new one, that has a complete ban on AI, and has a built in artist verification feature where you submit a speedpaint as proof or something like that, (at least until AI learns how to do speedpaints, that is)

>> No.6435596

>asking a computer to generate the same deformed anime elf girls and emma watsons

>> No.6435597

They have no ethics. At least most artists have the sense to not just trace or shoop somebody else's work and pass it off as their own, but AIfags have no problem img2img'ing somebody else's piece and calling it their own, despite it being another form of tracing and shooping.

>> No.6435599

>Stay mad.
Sounds like salt to me. Artists draw and you can only steal with a gacha button resulting in mediocrity at best. I can see why an NPC would be envious.

>> No.6435601

>I'm going to prove you guys wrong about AI generators by easily doing something AI generators can't do!
No matter the intent, the point of artists being easily superior to AI generators was made.

>> No.6435604
File: 403 KB, 512x512, charles brown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like it's about time for me to finally start an Art Station

>> No.6435606
File: 216 KB, 442x693, 1634003202123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually all the stable diffusion generals on 4chan are more productive and drama-free than /ic/

Hmm, gee I wonder why that is? It's almost like we NEVER purposely go into your threads or board like /g/, and flood them with constant threads or comments telling people to give up or that's it's over, and you should quit programming completely?

How funny would that be right, totally no one has ever done anything like that, to us right...?

>> No.6435615
File: 446 KB, 1238x640, image-7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm being productive!

>> No.6435619

99% of jobs are not affected by a collage making computer app, anon. You’re not going to get a check in the mail from the government because the computer makes its own anime girls now

>> No.6435623
File: 96 KB, 588x781, 2022-12-23 11.01.00 twitter.com 1d9003d13629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based LML rejecting AI, for my fellow asoiaf lads

>> No.6435624

draw them fighting

>> No.6435628

Why do you zoomers hang on everything cunts on twitter say?

Companies and e-celebrities don't give a shit, they just want you to up their social media numbers and they will say anything.

>> No.6435634

No, cute girls shouldn't fight! Also am at work and had that filed away as an example of even putting low effort gets rewarded

>> No.6435644

I’m really hoping for this.

>> No.6435648

were you the anon in the sdg general trying to proompt a red monk girl and showed your illustration of her? it had to be you, i'm surprised you have so much negative expectations but maybe you're right

>> No.6435650

What reward? finding cute girls on a google search? I can find cuter than those

>> No.6435681

Now i2i them skateboarding!

>> No.6435695

I'd rather only have corpos have a monopoly on AI than random retards that flood art sites with their garbage. Fuck freetards. They're a bunch of communists.

>> No.6435696

The only thing those wastes of semen produce is CO2 emissions from abusing their GPU.

>> No.6435708
File: 254 KB, 1769x1835, 1659396270456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pixel art video game sprite sheet artist chads, we are /comfy/

>> No.6435717
File: 1.09 MB, 960x960, 1671086717927971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It already can. There are models specifically for training on hands and feet. The idiots are stuck circle jerking over a short-sighted meme.

>> No.6435718

Corporations, in a bid to make even more money, have "democratized" art, so that one doesn't have to spend years practicing the craft. Of course, this "democratization" makes content creators much more reliant on tech corporations, since you need powerful PC hardware to get the software to work for you, and the corps have entire render farms at their fingertips.

No matter how you look at it, this whole thing is rotten. It's either a devaluation of human craft by a mass of people who only care for their extremely specific pornography, or a consolidation of power because some suit needs to make more money.

>> No.6435722

Friendly reminder to head over to /sdg/ once a day and provide useful feedback to posters by pointing out the very obvious flaws in their generations
They really love it when you do that

>> No.6435731

no, i have no idea what that sdg thing is about. i drew the horse and old man in a style i don't usually draw in either to further conceal my identity.

>> No.6435738
File: 7 KB, 168x180, mqdefault~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, how's it feel to slowly be replaced artsy fartsies? Heard they are always looking for hires at McDonald's in case you ever need a real job

>> No.6435739

well there you have it. that's why the hand memes and the grandpa punching horse memes are embarrassing. anyways i'm leaving the thread now because i'm having retard fatigue.

>> No.6435742

Harrison Bergeron is fucking real, bros

>> No.6435747


>> No.6435752

>hand melting into ball
Nice "example"

>> No.6435757
File: 45 KB, 903x1024, 1618802859877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like to drawer
>no art job
>be janitor for living
>ai takes away art jobs
>still drawer and have jannie job

>> No.6435767

You're a faggot, and an avatarfaggot to make things worse. Rope & ceiling will cure you permanently.

>> No.6435769
File: 3.28 MB, 1792x2560, 2080356206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it doesn't, even that isn't an example of it. You could use it for photobashing pretty effectively though.

>> No.6435773
File: 78 KB, 1024x1664, 1504325824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no

>> No.6435774
File: 11 KB, 517x96, itsogre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

>> No.6435775
File: 401 KB, 480x640, 1671821654664128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6435777


>> No.6435784

>"It already can."
>shows picture where it can't
Fingers are still missing or are fused blobs.

>> No.6435786

Spam images go against the TOS.
A.I. art is completely within the rules.
Sometimes I wonder what would happen if Artists learned how to read

>> No.6435787
File: 84 KB, 1024x1024, returntomonke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon the ones on the left are better than much of /ic/ and that's not even the model

>> No.6435788

It's not spam, it's their artistic expression

>> No.6435789


>> No.6435790
File: 312 KB, 1920x2025, sheng-lam-kasim-lewis-noa001 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people with actual original art still their art up.
Literal advertisements are spam.

>> No.6435793

>fucked up proportions
>fucked up foreshortening
>both look dead inside
>b-but that one girl's hands aren't completely shitty tho
Aicels really have no standards

>> No.6435794

>Muh TOS
If those artstation paid shills don't change their tos and disallow AI they'll lose their core userbase entirely. It's already happening in fact.

>> No.6435798

Don't you retards undestand that artstation is on YOUR SIDE? God, you artcels are weird.

>> No.6435799

And they'll crawl back because it's the best platform.
Man's gotta eat.

>> No.6435810 [DELETED] 
File: 375 KB, 1080x1876, SEXYPOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6435817

>best platform
Lol, lmao even

>> No.6435863
File: 59 KB, 506x656, 324sdf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>regurgitating facebook-tier internet activism via lazy image macros every single day is "artistic expression"
e-artists being petulant mental children, as per usual. You should just delete your account before you have another one of your patented "mental breakdowns" like I'm seeing in spades over on twitter kek

>> No.6435889

>CCP banned AI

>> No.6435895

>shit up site
>get upset when the people who run said site unshit it

paintpig education everyone

>> No.6435897

Any good alternatives?

>> No.6435896

But all the shit is still on the site tho

>> No.6435898

yeah they posted a lot of spam its probably gonna take time to remove all of it

>> No.6435902

>noooo why are people paying to him and not MEEEEEE

>> No.6435906

Based. Fuck obsolete artists

>> No.6435946

True communism can't exist without erasing individuality and self-interest.

>> No.6435950

You mean obsolete humans, right? Wait, don't you tell me you and your job are too special to be replaced?

>> No.6435960

This shit has been in development since 1996 and it still can't produce anything more complex than character standing in a void doing nothing.
Only thing that has changed is the needed hardware to produce the same shit and how fast it can produce said shit, but it has not improved at all otherwise.

>> No.6435962

The world ends in 2084.

>> No.6435966

>a simple trace will end your carrer
If you seriously think this then you're not in a professional mindset in any kind of capacity.
These social rules just hold back the /beg/s as a type of hazing ritual. At high levels everyone traces, photobashes, and edits shit to get results.
There's a few books, videos and just candid explanations where pros have outlined their actual process for their commercial work and the process would make half of internet artists want to kill themselves by destroying their "faith in the craft."

>> No.6435969

>you should quit programming completely?
/g/ doesnt code especially ai shitters

art ai shitters are also salivating over ai coding shitty scripts so they can also call themselves programmers

pls do not bundle ai shitters and poojeets with us programmers, also the idea its tech vs artists is dumb, the ai shitters are gaslighting you into thinking everyone in tech wants to end art and you fall for it...

>> No.6435971
File: 56 KB, 960x728, 1664991913373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AIfags are so retarded it's unreal

>> No.6435984

Look up Saba Moeel and see how she got cancelled for tracing and selling nfts. It's more than just internet begs.

>> No.6436001
File: 1.26 MB, 1001x1280, 1651421120846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6436009

Unironically better off that way.
It's already impossible to get a senior corporate art job without nepotism. And junior/freelance jobs are outright exploitation.
AI being owned by corporate means it will only be used to make money, at least we won't have to deal with retards like >>6435178

>> No.6436012

Mickey hated painting. He had to be threatened with excommunication and exile to finish the sistine.

>> No.6436015

This guy doesn't really believe this. He's just talk him to investors

>> No.6436029

You deserve 20 virgins.

>> No.6436031

Anon I'm pretty sure the NFTs portion is the relevant part. Scamming people is actually bad.
Making money using AI art is a fantasy. The left side are moreso grifting because they're grabbing that sweet sweet youtube money by lying to people about it.

>it's ok to make sure nobody has access to tools because I don't want to use them and people I find annoying like them
braindead, I bet you live in a city.

>> No.6436035

Nobody tell him

>> No.6436039

But AI fags said tracing is ok

>> No.6436042

Just two weeks right?
It's been 27 years and the only advancement this tech has seen is you can now do it on your phone instead of a super computer. The results are as sterile as back in 1996.

>> No.6436047

The world only needs 450M people to function properly and not a single one of them is Indian.

>> No.6436060

Linkedin unironically.
You'll get jobs 100% faster sending curriculums than posting shit online.
Hell craigslist is better at getting you art jobs than all art websites together.

>> No.6436063

>it's ok to make sure nobody has access to tools because I don't want to use them and people I find annoying like them
Nta, I don't think AI should only be limited to corporations. But now that the skill filter is removed from creating visual art a new filter will be created in its place to keep the non artists out. I don't know what that will be, but I can tell you the art world will never accept casuals who sit around prompting because it looks cool. Gatekeeping was always a part of the art world and always will be. And that's a good thing. Saying there should be no gatekeeping in art is like saying retirement age ladies at community art centers should have their dumpy pottery shown at national ceramics conferences.

>> No.6436069

Aitards are not using the tool to produce art. They're using it to harass people and live out their weird revenge fantasies.
So yes, denying some people some tools is perfectly fine. We already do with weapons, and should be much more strict with who can drive a car.

>> No.6436072

you don't do shit, the AI does.
Is like asking an artist for a commission and saying you are an artist for that, you are not, lazy faggots

>> No.6436078

kill the middle and lower class in favor of rich tech bros monopolizing verything including art is the most capitalist thing ever

>> No.6436082

Vaush unironically hate AI shits while HasanAbi love it. This thing have nothing to do with politic or faggotry. It's about decency of a human

>> No.6436084

I think you're one of the smarter anons here. People always put new filters in place. I think one of the major filters is going to actually be "customer service" because it's really been lacking among a lot of artists.
Basically if you're so shit to your clients that people would rather waste hours fiddling with an AI, you're going to have a bad time.

Additionally commissioners might use AI to generate references that they can then pay an artist to turn into an actual cohesive picture. And I don't mean like, normal comms, I mean the shit nobody commissions because it's too risky otherwise. Things that would get a commissioner blacklisted or which would cost 4x as much from the amount of corrections needed. People who are skilled enough to take such ideas that have been tempered by AI into a rough visual, will benefit enormously.
As an example, if you wanted say, some kind of hybrid of Dark Souls, but with the armor designs being a hybrid of Syd Mead-esque and Spiral Knights, getting the right look would be costly.

>> No.6436086

AI aren't prompting by themselves yet because GPUs are hella expensive

>> No.6436091

The only people doing that are in reaction to artists bitching about and harassing AI people constantly who have literally done nothing but play with their funny image generators.

There's shitheels on both sides of this anon, but let's not pretend the retarded AI people are the majority of the ones throwing a tantrum.

>> No.6436093
File: 145 KB, 1079x1011, DCtrannies2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your victim card only work in Twitter and Reddit. Go back

>> No.6436094

A lot of far left tankie types love AI art and think that automating every part of the human experience is a good thing. They hate individualism and want to strip away everything that makes a person unique or valuable in addition to making every skill in existence obsolete. Those fuckers even dunk on doctors and want to see them replaced. Truly the the worst kind of people.

>> No.6436096

But it's the best thing that can happen.
The poor will never stop reproducing, no matter if they're eating their own babies to survive starvation.
The rich consistently become reclusive, neurotic vegetables, too high to live.
For the 500M agenda to happen, the poor need to die.

>> No.6436098

Sad truths, add in the fact they always want to be the exception.
Equal (low) outcomes, except for them conveniently.

>> No.6436103

That's the point, eventually, there won't be the need of anyone and any new task or oportunities that may arrise, AI could quickly learn aswell.

>> No.6436104

Artfags would definitely go there willingly if it existed. I'm sure of it.
Hell, I bet you would too.

>> No.6436124

>who have literally done nothing but play with their funny image generators.
If that were the case I would have sympathy for them. Unfortunately the AI art "community" is full of people who purposefully antagonize artists and whine about people criticizing AI art. I will never associate with that crowd even if I do end up ecorporating AI into my work somehow.

>> No.6436142

They actually are moreso in favor of shitting on artists as petit bourgeois because their theory states that petit bougeois vacillate between supporting the proletariat and not, but ultimately they're the class that turns fascist. So the tankies are very much in favor of proletarianizing as many artists (and artisans, and other petit boug) as possible so they aren't a problem later on.

I am not a commie, but I spent time reading what they wrote and they ones that know their theory are very consistent and forthright about this.

>> No.6436181 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 406x376, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing pro-AI argument on jewbook.

>> No.6436184

Lmao, some bullshit not everyone can afford a fucking computer but anyone could make or buy some paper and lead.

>> No.6436193
File: 81 KB, 406x376, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing pro-AI argument on jewbook. Consooming fat black mermaids pictures is more important than anything
Have they tried supporting a black artist maybe? Oh wait, the AI is feeding off those marginalized artists too. Good job, so much social justice done. And healing trauma with AI art....... Won't even bother commenting this, people are too retarded

>> No.6436277
File: 90 KB, 759x758, delusional.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unfollowed anyone who posts an anti-AI tag and thinks their work is being scraped by AI. In fact, most of them do not even deserve to be scraped because of mediocre content. There are some I will forgive because they are that good like HuashienJ or Greg Rutkowski. Everyone else is just blind leading the blind. Any current or former Blizzard/ Riot artists I immediately unfollowed just because they have a history of being troons to the capitalist movement.

>> No.6436285

Lmfao. Nobody tell them how NFT crypto bros love AI art and how Elon donated to open ai.

>> No.6436318

>The only people doing that are in reaction to artists bitching about and harassing AI people constantly
You're not fooling anyone, faggot. We literally have archives that prove AIfags have been shilling and spamming not just 4chan but every social media site and forum possible since August.

>> No.6436554

Vaush also loves pedophilia, while hasan hates it.

>> No.6436693
File: 270 KB, 640x589, H6myQBTL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The fuck you namedropping these two retards for?


>> No.6436792

>/g/ is unstable
yea, you've never been on /gif/ which is just constant fliiggu spamming and bbc porn
now there's a pedo spamming loli-hypno porn on ylyl threads

>> No.6437537

Who'd knew Vaush of all people would be this based

>> No.6437834
File: 245 KB, 2092x1210, some random girls generated from ai fighting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some anon wanted a drawing of the two ai girls fighting so I took up the challenge. Merry Christmas guys!

>> No.6438087

of course the hands are fucked up

>> No.6438433

lol fucking dumbcunt. use your brain for once

>> No.6438946

Fucking good, the protest imagery was fucking annoying
If you want to stop using artstation and boycott artstation go ahead, but dont expect them to let you shitpost all over their front page because youre heckin upset

>> No.6439426

Cute work, anon.