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File: 284 KB, 945x2048, Unstable Diffusion BTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6432791 No.6432791 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6432795


>> No.6432798

AIsirs... we got too cocky...

>> No.6432801

i'm still waiting for the "innovative ai artist"

>> No.6432802

fuck off

>> No.6432806

seething AI nigger

>> No.6432811
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>> No.6432818
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Both that and the Art lobbying one read like classic kickstarter scams. If it was 2011 I can understand falling for it but at this point people should know better.

>> No.6432826

This isn't over. YOU CAN'T STOP PROGRESS

>> No.6432829

Kill yourself

>> No.6432830

Looks like shit. Get good

>> No.6432831
File: 90 KB, 1024x1024, 226394767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have the energy from all this proompting

>> No.6432832

This won't change anything. AI is the future whether you like it or not. Time to get a real job.

>> No.6432837

merely a minor setback aisisters.

>> No.6432843
File: 287 KB, 710x671, gfdgt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Human artists are losing their commissions and jobs to AI art, and they aren't getting any compassion from AI bros. In fact, the mostly white male Elonites are reveling in their downfall.

Why aren't they satisfied with the "fun" they're having? Why do they have to taunt us?

>> No.6432844

"false reports"
they put out a whole update that theyre not entertaining ai goyslop anymore. get fucked Ahmed. Back to community college.

>> No.6432855

Jesus Christ would be an AI artist

>> No.6432859

>we will not back down
>we will not be silenced
>do not let them win
>doesn't give any plans of action
tf is he gonna do? That post is him literally punching air.

>> No.6432882

AIsisters, we need to fight for the future.

>> No.6432887
File: 734 KB, 841x769, bb7948c5c043fd5e36fa0720ad5e37ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AIfags are insulting you!!!
I'm getting hard.

>> No.6432908

Kikestarter hates porn, surprising no one.

>> No.6432911

Ai art was never about bringing art talent to the masses. The only goal was to make artcels kill themselves

>> No.6432912
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>> No.6432913

Gofundme is a literal scam campaign. Shit like this happens when there is a controversial event with a lot of backlash from people. Same thing happened with BLM where someone started a crowdfund to "stop the racism" and retards actually gave him lots of money. I swear to God most people are absolutely retarded.

>> No.6432915


it's happened before, to every other industry. it's not about who's going to "win", it already "won" by being invented. there's no going back. but that's not such a bad thing as we think. we just like virtue signaling with "AI bad human good" because we have fragile egos.
though I admit I am usually the type to concede easily. but who am I up against? a billion pajeets who call proompting "being creative", and a million companies who in time will prefer to take on the same prompters rather than someone who got semi-good doing repetitive studies and sketches. but there will still be people who only want to work with people, and companies that only want to hire real artists. we might even get paid a premium, if our skills are premium-tier of course.

so basically get good

>> No.6432921
File: 179 KB, 972x1727, 1671669474795509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need my Unstable Diffusion money so I can tag fetish drawings from DeviantArt! Otherwise my mother will kick me out of the house...

>> No.6432931

This is just a glimpse into automation. Some of you fags want to hold back mankind because you wouldn’t get a low wage job anymore. You guys realize people will be able to more dependent the better all machine learning gets? Only retarded sub humans would want to fight this. The only thing this will ruin is gatekeeping and really shitty “art” and graphic design jobs

>> No.6432937

Yeah, I can't wait to lose my software developer job so I can become an Amazon warehouse worker.

>> No.6432939

>wanting other people to have the opportunity to make money using my work as an input while giving me nothing

>> No.6432940

>you shouldn't fight the creation of superior robotic beings and being dependent on them
Go slurp your bug milk

>> No.6432945

>and really shitty “art” and graphic design jobs
The actual jobs will be the least affected actually.
The people with those jobs will be the ones being paid to use the AI, not you.
Freelance artists may have some cause for concern though.

>> No.6432947

No you don't understand, you can keep your software developer job, but it will just be paid the same as the warehouse job and be 10x harder to get than it is now, because fewer will be hired, and anybody can do it because they'll have access to a program that does 90% of the job for them thanks to having been "trained" on code that you yourself wrote.

>> No.6432953

And every line of new code you write on the job, or as personal projects ehich you might post online outside of work hours, will be assimilated into their Collective for further "training," meaning that every hour you work is just justifying them paying you less and less and ensuring your obsolescence.

>> No.6432973

Aisisters I think I'm having a panic attack

>> No.6432976

You WILL have your work used against you in the effort to replace you
You WILL have your personal output monetized by somebody else
You WILL happily have all aspects of your daily life handed over to an AI
You WILL wear the AR Lens
You WILL get the brain implant
You WILL spend your waking hours in VR
You WILL eat the bugs and synthesized meat

>> No.6432993

We did it Luddite bros; we successfully destroyed a steam engine, that will show those pesky industrialists who's the boss. We totally wont become obsolete and we totally stopped the industrial revolution fellow artisans.

>> No.6433020

>ai shills are literal trannies and paj's
ironically the opposite is true

>> No.6433028

Moravec's paradox, ring ring ring. Machine learning researchers realized that teaching AI to do mental labor rather then teaching robot manual labor was easier. Get ready to have all of the high paying jobs be taken away from you you dumbass monkey. You gulped all of the new age propaganda like "collage educated people will be more resilient to automation" and "automation will only automate menial jobs" when people knew for several decades that that wont be the truth. You are no better then artists here thinking computers will never be creative. 2D art is already over, now artists are just fighting for the future of other white collar jobs and 3D artists + animators.
I can stick ChatGPT to random word generator and then put the results into Midjurney and get better art then most promptlets, because prompters were never the creative geniuses behind these works, it was the AI. We are now not holding down the progress, but holding some parts of it to prevent bad shit from happening. We are like pro tech pre eco conservatives that want science and technology to advance, but they dont want trannies and other liberal shitfaces to spread. Progress isnt a single variable, and you faggot propagandists saying it is single variable are just trying to get people on your side. Turns out you can hold some progress from happening while letting other progress going. This is what healthy progress should look like instead of letting literally everything newly invented swoop the gates and flood the society with its consequences that people saw coming.

>> No.6433031

Jokes on them, the art community has more mentally ill schizos than most. It's like they want a Charlie hebdo incident

>> No.6433033

Has nothing to do with my post. AI shills don't want art to the masses, they just want to artists to kill themselves because lot of famous artists are trannies. Just nothing but spiteful behavior

>> No.6433056

The industrial revolution and it's consequences has been a disaster for mankind

>> No.6433057

>art cels will kill themselves
>ai fans comprised mostly of trannies that literally kill themselves has nothing to do with your post

>> No.6433065

Sorry pajeet your collage app is not anywhere near as impressive as the steam engine

>> No.6433079

Handi moar liek Hindu

>> No.6433081

There's a "simple" solution to AI generated images.
1. All databases must be opt-in.
2. Pay royalties to every single piece of artwork used in the creation of the AI-generated image, totaling no less than a percentage (95% seems fair) of the profit generated. This can be easily tracked by opt-in databases.
This works within the current framework of copyright law. Few things need to be changed, only some things need to be codified, such as how much of the revenue goes to artists. A similar system already exists for sampling in music.
There are plenty of classical works that are copyright-free that AI can be trained on, so any argument that artists are impeding technological progress holds no water. Also, just because AI generated images cannot receive copyright protection does not mean they are illegal. Too many people are confused on this point. It's fear mongering from both sides.

>> No.6433092

Don't forget the FTC likely has authority to force every AI company to wipe their algorithms due to compromised data.


>> No.6433099
File: 50 KB, 600x608, ac6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you cant put the genie back in the bottle haha!
>*gets disgorged*
>w-w-w-w-wait y-you cant put the poo back in the loo AAAA STOP CRYING TO BIG DADDY GOVERNMENT
>a-a-a-a-a-at least we'll still have 1.5 open sou-
>"The content you have uploaded is in violation of DMCA and has been removed as it contains content from illegal AI programs. Read more about Stability vs FTC here"

screen shot this

>> No.6433104

I'd rather people cry to big daddy government rather than rely on corporations to cry on their behalf, because they're going to make sure their best interest is met over ours so might as well deal with the devil you know.

>> No.6433117
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>> No.6433120

Did the therapist discuss your fecal fetish with you? Didn't he mention that you don't need to do what you are doing?

>> No.6433143

The FTC has authority over residents in the USA. It has zero authority over AI researchers in Russia, China, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Brazil...

You will never get all 190+ countries in the world to agree on a single worldwide copyright law to protect artists. It's about as realistic as banning guns worldwide.

>> No.6433157

Art community is based. We will kill all those AIcels(in minecraft ofc)

>> No.6433164

>this line again
We talked about this before Emad, youre going to be extradited out of uk. Final (You)

>> No.6433165

youre gonna need therapy alright for whats to come

>> No.6433169

Im just giving you the pathetic lines theyll use as they scream out in pain

>> No.6433170

>in the future therapy will just be typing messages to chatgpt

>> No.6433171

>he doesnt fucking know

>> No.6433178

Criminals can be extradited for serious crimes committed in other countries. Copyright violation is not a serious crime, except in massively huge circumstances like if you're running a huge file sharing site.

Also, Russia doesn't have an extradition treaty with the USA. I'm pretty sure there's many countries that do not extradite to the US, Canada, UK, etc.

Cool, 1 country down. Just 193 more to go.

>> No.6433181

Those countries literally don't matter if they can't conduct business in the USA.

>> No.6433182


>> No.6433200
File: 363 KB, 1284x831, A59786F0-E0D6-47BB-8827-618FD223A66D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever helps you sleep at night emad………

>> No.6433201

i have not seen a single aicel ever articulate why they think this is good or a future people should even want. your vision of what progress entails seems like pure bugman nihilism.

>> No.6433202

You think LAION could be persecuted against as well?

>> No.6433208

? You were so confident before about him not being extradited, what happened anon? Lmao

>> No.6433209

>stifle our creativity
AI is the one making choices and being "creative"

>> No.6433210

wasn't it's development funded by FAANG?

>> No.6433213

>draw slaves and paint pigs

but this has always been a thing

>> No.6433214

A US representative urged US-based federal agencies to do something federally on US soil. I like how that completely ignores how the US has zero power to enforce their laws internationally.

Once 190+ countries have all sent similar messages to their own governments, then I'll believe we've made some progress.

>> No.6433215

>Preventing people from generating deformed porn pictures by trampling on hardworking artists is holding back humanity.
No, pajeet, you're the sub-humans.

>> No.6433217

Emad youre fucked. Youre a skid stained tranny acting as if you know anything about international law

>> No.6433223
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>> No.6433224
File: 281 KB, 500x359, sad toph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will make AI tools illegal and then give it to the companies

The funs over

>> No.6433226

Excellent ad hominem and personal attack, no follow-up with refutable evidence was provided. Have a great day anon.

>> No.6433229

>”fellow artbros, you dont want the companies to win, do you?”
Sloppy job

>> No.6433230

Extradited from Australia to the USA? Yes, those countries have an extradition treaty. Not every single country has an extradition treaty with every other country.


> The U.S. does not have an extradition treaty with China, Indonesia, Iran, Mongolia, Russia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Vietnam and other nations.


>> No.6433232


>> No.6433236

>y-you cant extradite for copyright!
>proves it
>n-n-n-not in all countries!!!
Nice goal post. Must be chatgpt

>> No.6433242
File: 534 KB, 800x500, contempt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aifags are shitty talentless grifting third-worlders and the "muh art" journo crowd are the types that moan about white dudes and beg for daddy government
You're all insufferable, honestly

>> No.6433250

Except they will win regardless if it gets banned or not, no corporation would just ignore AI technology because its not "ethical", especially not the mouse

The main reason why you'd want to ban it for the masses is because its too good.

>> No.6433251

I said that copyright-related crimes can lead to extradition, but only in extreme circumstances. In fact, that news article sounds like the perfect case of when extradition would happen.

Here's a literal quote from my original reply here >>6433178

> Copyright violation is not a serious crime, except in massively huge circumstances like if you're running a huge file sharing site.

^ I thought I made it very clear that extradition for copyright-related crimes can happen, but not small-time things. This whole thread is just sad, full of people refusing to observe reality obectively.

I'm not pro-AI nor anti-AI. I simply live in a world where it now exists and is rapidly advancing. Read the room.

>> No.6433256

>doesnt consider congress telling nsa to investigate you a serious offense
*yawn* tell it to the judge.

>> No.6433259

It's all so tiresome. I just want to draw and collaborate with people to make things that make us happy. Proompters can have their proompt community, artists can have their art community and there can be communities where anything goes. Everyone stays in their own lane and does what they like. But I realize this is unrealistic.

>> No.6433261

The poo is out of the loo sir

>> No.6433262

Emad is going to jail KEK

>> No.6433272

>The main reason why you'd want to ban it for the masses is because its too good.
That's the real blackpill. Anything that can make production quality animations or games is going to be heavily licensed or developed in-house by companies. Disney has been working on theirs for years. Your bootleg stable diffusion will never be able to compare. I could see having image gen software on your computer without a license being criminalized in order to control it. So Disney will be shitting out AAA quality movies every month and the average Joe trying to start a production company can never keep up.

>> No.6433276

>So Disney will be shitting out AAA quality movies every month and the average Joe trying to start a production company can never keep up.
Disney doesn't need shit to stay on top, they'll just pour more money into marketing.

>> No.6433281

They'll pour more money into marketing while kneecapping the public on what they can make. Both with tech restrictions and copyright laws. They will do everything in their power to make sure another Don Bluth doesn't pop up and give them any competition.

>> No.6433286

I'm with you AIsister I'm having panic attacks worrying about my creativity being stolen....

>> No.6433291

Which is absolutely irrelevant in the current world.
Talented people could band together and make masterpieces but it's not going to matter because the algorithms (AI driven too) will always prioritize popular shit.
Crowdfunding is helping animation right now more than any AI software ever will.

>> No.6433313

>Will spend hours proompting
>Won't spend hours learning how to draw
>Won't even do a photobash to send through img2img

>> No.6433327

they cant even copyright it. Your FUD isn't working. IT WILL BE BANNED

>> No.6433336

...you do know that companies lobby for this, right?

How do you think that Disney gets to extend their copyright for the mouse every few decades?

>> No.6433348

first it was
>y-youre really gonna ask corporations like disney to copyright claim AI?!?!?!
now its
>dont do it! thats what the big bad corpros want! haha! No sense in making this illegal anon :)))))
its funny watching you guys squirm

>> No.6433349

>haha the cat is out of the bag, the genie is out of the bottle, you can’t put it ba-NO STOP THAT NOOOO

>> No.6433354

>y-youre really gonna ask corporations like disney to copyright claim AI?!?!?!

This is what the artists want though

>dont do it! thats what the big bad corpros want! haha! No sense in making this illegal anon :)))))

This is whats going to happen whether you like it or not

go to a trade school and get a job already

>> No.6433357

>this is what artists want
I know you fucking moron, "yes" reading comprehension 101
Its gonna be illegal whether you like it or not. Id tell you to get a job but tech companies are firing pajeets left and right LOL

>> No.6433359

There aren't enough trade jobs for 8 billion people.

>> No.6433365

this. hollywood is freaking out that youtubers are getting more views than their propagandized bullshit. with AI perfected on their end, they’ll drown out any competitors that dare to steal their viewers through sheer volume and evading spam bans by having the algorithm in their favor. you WILL consume the goyslop.

we need a better way for independent creatives to get heard and noticed. the dead internet theory is about to become a reality.

>> No.6433369

>going the national security route
Can't say I'm surprised, but probably for the best as it'll lead to quicker results. Still think the UK will act before thr US though.

>> No.6433400
File: 82 KB, 650x699, Officials penalized for strange illustrations in school textbooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the AI "artists" cries out in pain while stealing your work

>> No.6433401

I'd rather just continue painting and mogging on you for being weak and low value.