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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 37 KB, 768x810, No-to-AI-generated-images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6430899 No.6430899 [Reply] [Original]

How did it end up like this? A few months ago artists were saying how AI was garbage that would never compete. And now we have artists freaking the fuck out left and right, trying to start petitions and whatnot.
How did this escalate so fast? Nearly every artist I know is going insane over this shit.

>> No.6430901

Technology evolves faster than legislation

>> No.6430904
File: 22 KB, 512x832, 1429462671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IMO it's still early to be going insane, that comes later.

>> No.6430905


>> No.6430906

First, they ignore you...

>> No.6430907


> Technology is developing at such a rapid rate that automation will progress to cybernation, and cybernation probably to technocracy. If the ruling circle remains in power it seems to me that capitalists will continue to develop their technological machinery because they are not interested in the people. Therefore, I expect from them the logic that they have always followed: to make as much money as possible, and pay the people as little as possible - until the people demand more, and finally demand their heads.

>If revolution does not occur almost immediately, and I say almost immediately because technology is making leaps (it made a leap all the way to the moon), and if the ruling circle remains in power the proletarian working class will definitely be on the decline because they will be unemployables and therefore swell the ranks of the lumpens, who are the present unemployables. Every worker is in jeopardy because of the ruling circle, which is why we say that the lumpenproletarians have the potential for revolution, will probably carry out the revolution, and in the near future will be the popular majority. Of course, I would not like to see more of my people unemployed or become unemployables, but being objective, because we're dialectical materialists, we must acknowledge the facts.

>Today's capitalist has developed machinery to such a point that he can hire a group of specialized people called technocrats. In the near future he will certainly do more of this, and the technocrat will be too specialized to be identified as a proletarian.

t. Huey P. Newton (November 18 1970)

Do not make the mistake of thinking this is static technology.

Do not make the assumption that litigation will save you from corporate interest.

>> No.6430908

Don't worry bros ai can't draw hands we have decades to go.

>> No.6430909

Artfags can't draw hands either.

>> No.6430912

I love AI

>> No.6430917
File: 807 KB, 1403x643, f6be850cf7bd204204aebf77ec425e85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6430919

AI that is programmed to love you will very quickly evolve to hate you just as your parents have. You have managed to deny both the biological and artificial imperative. congratulations.

>> No.6430920

And humans evolve faster than technology. Which is why even normies are already getting annoyed with the copious amount of image spam.

>> No.6430923

> A few months ago artists were saying how AI was garbage that would never compete.
>be ai art
>exist for years
>produce garbage because you didn't train off of copyrighted images
>start using copyrighted images
>"omg guys how did ai art get so gud"

>> No.6430924

I mean, you can cope, but this is happening because AI ended up being better than people expected.
>b-but it's theft! t-that's the argument!
People have been tracing, referencing and copying styles for years. AI replicates styles, but everything it outputs is original as far as I know. There's no 1:1 copy-pasting going on. When artists uploaded their art publicly, they consent to people looking at it and referencing it if they want to.

>> No.6430925
File: 17 KB, 136x102, risitas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6430926

AI niggers started flooding every art platform, when they were not welcomed

>> No.6430928
File: 64 KB, 1015x1024, 1662354889089377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw its real

>> No.6430929
File: 54 KB, 960x720, 1654631606906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gloating at unadulterated censorship

>> No.6430931
File: 22 KB, 768x832, 1669314501996175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly did the people a favor, that shit read like a scam through and through

>> No.6430932

youre losing....

>> No.6430933


>> No.6430934

I think this was on everybody's mind but were too lazy to do anything about it. Then a couple artists got together and voiced their opinion and then everyone else just hopped on the band wagon.

>> No.6430936

This is because those guys were legit pajet scammers kek. There are already hundreds of models doing what these guys were doing anyway, they just took the brand name.

>> No.6430937

humankind will always prevail. go ahead and wait in line for elon's chimp chip. it doesn't work for chimps but it may be just enough to get you onto their level

>> No.6430939

"this looks like the IP nightmare, we're not taking the risk of funding this"

>> No.6430941
File: 971 KB, 304x222, 1647402368413.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did my part! I reported it! WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER!

>> No.6430943

these artists that were saying how AI was garbage that would never compete, are they in the room with us right now?

>> No.6430944
File: 117 KB, 477x541, FkcEobXVQAA2_1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6430946

>How did this escalate so fast? Nearly every artist I know is going insane over this shit.
If we don't stand up to stuff, we get walked over. Whether AI is actually threatening jobs or not, it's nice to have rights over how your images are used.

>> No.6430947

calling them niggers would imply that they're even 3/5ths of a full man, anon. we shouldn't be so generous in evaluating their worth to society.

>> No.6430949
File: 53 KB, 1152x720, 1492196185_00028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek, get fucked

>> No.6430951

beging you to stop being a redditor
>you say they were (bad thing) but they are actually (worse thing) give upvotes pls

>> No.6430952
File: 202 KB, 1080x1248, 1668707872406189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But fuck me, it's hard sometimes, I fucking hate cancel culture as much as the next guy, but fuuuuck me, this feels good.

>> No.6430954

look at him, one so familiar with the foreigner's culture. fold your katana a few more times and wipe the sweat off your brow so i can more clearly see my spit

>> No.6430955

>AI shills
this is much more than "disagreeing" with someone

>> No.6430959

>y-you are the redditor! i am definitely not a shitskin pajeet!

>> No.6430960

they're thieving bastards, they get what they fucking deserve

>> No.6430974
File: 1.64 MB, 221x244, 1670452561783923.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6430978

It's ok to cancel criminals.

>> No.6430980

It's not cancel culture, sometimes some people actually deserve to be shat on for their actions.

>> No.6430981
File: 205 KB, 510x405, lulew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coomer ai kickstarter supended

>> No.6430982
File: 7 KB, 282x289, eFkjTa2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kickstarter of all places has a sane opinion
This year has been full of surprises

>> No.6430984
File: 667 KB, 1080x1961, AIart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It still can't, even with heavy editing.
The problem is you AI fags are invasive and lack respect for artists they stole artworks from.
Art sites are made for artists and people who genuinely love art made with human's effort. No one want your prompt shitter in it. Even contemporary fags.have respect for those sites and don't shit up the places with their lazy shit.
You can't sell your prompt shits, you had to resort to scam by selling "references pack" which full of distortion image with no clear details. You tried to brainwash normie by saying "AI is a great tool to learn art and references" to justify tour scam.
Even in 4chan, you spam every fucking boards with your hatred for the very artists you stole artworks from. Tried to portrait them as "liberal art degree" to trick boomers into supporting you.
Btfo from everywhere, now you cry like you are a victim, as you strike the humble artists who have tolerate your shit and you surprise they fight back.
You are the tranny of the art world.
You can be an artist though, by picking the fucking pencils and draw.

>> No.6430985

Congrats, you just open a can of worms of people preaching about being anti-cancel unless it fits their narrative. Vast majority of people on the net are egomaniac hypocritics.

>> No.6430998
File: 1.64 MB, 1650x1600, 14242142142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I get you guys, I can think of two most likely reasons Gofundme took it down

1. Because it's being trained on NSFW artwork, and NSFW may not be inline with their TOS

2. Because they don't want to risk any legal issues they may get into given how sketchy a lot of this AI training is, basically they don't want to risk getting sued.

See ^^^ The reason may be different from what you may think

Also added to the image, let me know if you guys have any other examples I can add to it.

>> No.6431001

this goes beyond a simple disagreement. These people want to destroy you and everything you love and they find it funny. They deserve much, much worse

>> No.6431003

those funding websites also take down anything that has a risk of infringing copyright

basically, this whole funding thing went against several TOS

>> No.6431005
File: 252 KB, 1001x1280, AIvsArtists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>22 posters, 43 replies
You try too hard pajeet kun.

>> No.6431008
File: 6 KB, 299x168, heheh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kickstarter posted what they think about ai

>> No.6431010


as the fates would have it, anon, your conundrum was already explained almost 30 minutes ago.

>> No.6431012

I painted this for a big YouTuber and you won't believe what happened!

>> No.6431013

and ai shills have the audacity to say artists are *gatekeeping*

>> No.6431016

>come pay us to steal a bunch of shit from random websites lmao
I feel zero empathy for aicels

>> No.6431017

No one cares about AI
People care about it being spammed EVERYWHERE

It's every bit the same logic as Made In China products
No one cares if you have one
Just don't fucking flood the world with it. Jesus Christ

Art sites are for artists, not AI crap

>> No.6431019

Artstation is being flooded with OP's pic FAR more than any kind of AI art.

>> No.6431021
File: 7 KB, 220x229, smugginsmcsmugglles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also the unstable diffusion chuds got 0 dollarinos cuz kickstarter only pays out at end of campaign and they didnt reach the end

god it feels good

>> No.6431022
File: 2.33 MB, 1536x1024, 1226109785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So in your comparison does the majory of art in the near future become AI generated like the majority of manufacturing happens in China?

>> No.6431023

because we don't want artstation to become a AI infested shithole like deviantart, retard

>> No.6431025


>> No.6431026

What retards are buying ai art?

>> No.6431027

But the sad thing, is those same ai shitters got to keep their money.

>> No.6431029

So you shit in your own bed so that nobody else can shit in it? Great plan there.

>> No.6431031

Yeah wtf I don't even want to see typography or logos on artstation. What does it even mean? Is it a meme?

>> No.6431033

at least sends a good message, people gonna start wondering what fuckery went on for them to be suspended from kickstarter and a bigger stigma will follow when they try to re-emerge elsewhere

>> No.6431034
File: 232 KB, 1080x1053, Fj7_0ubaAAEx0yI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6431037
File: 13 KB, 320x326, Im+watching+the+interview+right+now+its+3+ing+hours+_68bfebfeecc94e79e43968c4023cbceb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking know
Pixiv had to tag it and block

I hate it simply because it clogs the damn site and drowns out actual artists.
You didn't make it, you cannot make it. You're there only for internet points and spam the place

Manufacturing is done is China but assembled and fnished outside to avoid MiC

>> No.6431038

>Is a project copying or mimicking an artist’s work? We must consider not only if a work has a straightforward copyright claim, but also evaluate situations where it's not so clear — where images that are owned or created by others might not be on a Kickstarter project page, but are in the training data that makes the AI software used in the project, without the knowledge, attribution, or consent of creators.
LMAO, it's unironically over

>> No.6431039

I care about AI.

I care about AI so much that I believe it is our RIGHT as HUMAN BEINGS to house, feed, clothe, and put it to work, but the thing is, anon, you've got too big of a heart for something as savage as AI and AI shills. But the matter of fact is they're savages and don't know any better so it's up to us to keep them in line so they don't hurt themselves.
And maybe even one day, HUNDREDS of years from now, we'll let them open up a little store and sell a print or two, and that'll be a big victory for them because then they'd have finally earned it.

>> No.6431040

Naive, cheap, retarded, and 3rd world shitters that can’t tell the difference. The guy was trying to sell ai shit on fiverr

>> No.6431042

Gotta find a way to get mom to clean the sheets somehow, buddy. The stech will force her hand.

>> No.6431045

I will also cum on your bed and my cum is made from all the cum of all the artists cum I've sucked off so it's like a weird uncanny cum but I still going to cum in your bed every day until you concede defeat

>> No.6431046
File: 32 KB, 860x596, 1660950738259424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artstation is being flooded with OP's pic FAR more than any kind of AI art.

>> No.6431047
File: 90 KB, 1024x1024, 1683559904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proceeds to agree

>> No.6431049

Bro im with you but ew...

>> No.6431050

No. Point is, NO ONE wants the MiC brand
Similarly, AI's future is to assist artists because no one wants AI art

>> No.6431054

uncanny cum on your face every day nobody likes it but I am going to make them like it because I can cum way faster than any other human

I don't have sex, I don't even masturbate, I just cum

>> No.6431056
File: 91 KB, 1024x1024, 1681514620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still agreeing

>> No.6431057
File: 223 KB, 220x259, what-surprised.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That license is so oppressive it reads like a shitpost.

>> No.6431062

How so?
AI has no real future than to be a tool for real artists
Just like everything

>> No.6431063


AI could never produce this poetry. it is a testament to mankind's achievements

>> No.6431065
File: 17 KB, 467x799, 1702080865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I said is that the majory of art will be AI, which you apperantly agree with. It can still be made by artists.

>> No.6431069

Cum on bro.. cumming to cumclusions like that is not very becumming of you. Don't stand so close to me, you are too close for cumfart.

>> No.6431072

You cannot call it AI art if it had the overseeing of an artist

Are digital art not art because it was not done in oil?
AI would be a tool just like drawing softwares

>> No.6431077

>Are digital art not art because it was not done in oil?
There are a significant number of trad artists who would say yes. There was someone just a few days ago complaining on /ic/ that old art message boards are full of trad artists that don't allow digital art to be posted.

>> No.6431080

Funny cause the major consensus is real artists do both. Everyone starts on paper and pencil

>> No.6431082

>he thinks the equivalent of completing a typing speed test online is comparable to the differences between dig/trad art.
I think the 'people' posting about how they'd like to use AI art as a tool really separates the tracers from the real artists.

>> No.6431084

Replies: 82
Common pajeet kun! At least in other board like /pol/ or /bant/ you bother to switch vpn.
Don't try to justify your scam by saying it's a tool for artists anymore. Have fun with your photobash machine until you get bored and call it's a day.

>> No.6431085
File: 464 KB, 1536x1024, 33081414072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're still agreeing

>> No.6431088

Of fucking course not wtf
Those """art""" cannot be copyrighted and can get you sued

I'm thinking more of better coloring/blending and line assists

>> No.6431091

Sure, whatever

>> No.6431093

Unstable Difussion was a shady scam made by con men on discord.

>> No.6431097
File: 320 KB, 1446x2039, chad 2 based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am an artist, though
Currently making this

>> No.6431098

i'm not ashamed to admit i love to shit on AI shills. they deserve to feel unsafe in public and ought to be put into zoos so that we may observe their behaviour as part of public education.

>> No.6431102

No wonder you do or support ai shit.

>> No.6431104
File: 643 KB, 1920x1920, sangsoo-jeong-noai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is that any different than it being flooded with AI sludge 24/7? At least some artists are getting creative with it, pic rel.

In other words, so you can understand it better
>AI jeets flood site with AI nonstep
>Site unusable
>Artists flood site with "stop AI"
>Site unusable
I see no difference here, if they can do it, then why can't we?

>> No.6431105
File: 34 KB, 932x116, aiflood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My point is that sites AREN'T getting flooded by AI art, and that people are freaking out over nothing.

>> No.6431108

Tbh I don't see any problem with people "gatekeeping" certain art communities if they make it clear that only a specific medium is welcome there. People would also complain about Western cartoons getting discussed on /a/ for example. The issue with prompters is that they try to weasel their way EVERYWHERE with little to no regard whether anyone wants them in their community. Kinda like trannies actually

>> No.6431109

we shouldnt pretend like CERTAIN SITES aren't generating tons of CERTAIN TYPES of CONTENT with

>> No.6431112

As far as I know, artstation did have quite an influx of aishitters before the whole protest shitshow started

>> No.6431115

Yeah I heard professionals on ArtStation being annoyed at looking through portfolios and then realizing it is AI so they can't actually hire the person behind the portfolio.

>> No.6431116

So, how do you guys feel about 3D modelers using AI to enhance their stuff and market it as art? Not sure if you guys have seen it, but there are some who do the usual blender modeling, but then run it through SD to achieve some pretty crazy results. I forgot to save the ones I saw but there were a few on Artstation and some nsfw ones I saw on Twitter

>> No.6431120

Fuck off no draw tourist

>> No.6431121

what part of anti-ai isn't clear to you, poster?

>> No.6431122

>Not sure if you guys have seen it, but there are some who do the usual blender modeling, but then run it through SD to achieve some pretty crazy results.
Are you talking about the webm where the the guy uses AI to make mesh details and textures on a 3d model of a building and all the windows looked like deformed melted trapezoids?

>> No.6431123

Me when I lie

>> No.6431130

see >>6431034

>> No.6431132

It can't compete on a technical level. AI's "competition" consists of stealing work to the point of muddying online portfolios and flooding platforms with spam. Its like a fat guy trying to compete with an olympic runner by covering the race track with oil. The fat guy still can't match the jogger, he's just making everything harder by being annoying and ruining the playing field by making a mess.

>> No.6431145
File: 601 KB, 640x512, 05811-3981294940-Oekaki style drawing, Catgirl, (((Oekaki))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Professionals on ArtStation being annoyed at looking through portfolios and then realizing it is AI so they can't actually hire the person behind the portfolio.
Sounds like they need to hire AI artists if they can't tell the difference anymore.

REKTD, BTFO, Indubitably bamboozled, winded, never will be the same, The cat is out of the bag, unrecoverable, swindled

>> No.6431146

you shitters even managed to get banned from*ddit subs for spamming your shitty generated images

you literally spam every fucking place on the internet

/g/ has had days with 5-6 fucking ai generals up at same time for fucks sake
you poojeets are mentally ill

>> No.6431147

>AI's "competition" consists of stealing work
Why do artists keep perpetuating this line? I guess if you say something false long enough it becomes truth.

>> No.6431149

What happens when one of the clients who hires you, asks for you to make a character with hands that don't look like soggy noodles?

>> No.6431152

it literally scrapes other peoples art you autistic fuck

keep trying to gaslight people, not even normies are buying that bs anymore

>> No.6431154
File: 866 KB, 1536x1024, 239533686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you provide examples, I think it's a good idea and rendering is already algorithmic so it seems like just a different way to render your model.

>> No.6431156

AI shill mindbreak in action here lol. Professionals aren't hiring so called AI 'artists' which means your kin are a waste of time and therefore have negative value in the professional space.

>> No.6431158

They can't hire them because an aicel "portfolio" doesn't reflect an actual ability to create based on client input you absolute fucking sped. If you were competitive they'd be hiring you (or just saving money by proompting themselves).

>> No.6431160

Maybe they were also annoyed by the fact that they needed something that could actually be copyrighted?

>> No.6431162

Because most people don't see algorithms as sentient beings that can be "inspired" by other people's art

>> No.6431166
File: 2.00 MB, 2000x1280, 00187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like a personal issue, and one that could easily be solved by slightly more effort than just publishing initial generations.
You find me a single pixel of anyone's art in an AI parameters then you can tell me to stop gaslighting people. Its all in the fucking open anyway, LAION, Stable-D even OpenAI while ironically not opensource has papers written on how it works.

>> No.6431168

Me when I gaslight people

>> No.6431173

can you imagine what would happen to this time honored trade if AI shills dictated the standard?????? top fucking kek. they love the machine because it produces a distorted human only fit for their distorted perception of the world. truly inhumane.

>> No.6431177
File: 6 KB, 250x216, wrf2435245235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're blind if you managed to jerk off to that thing lmao

>> No.6431179

Hmm let's pay attention to what kickstarter had to say on this matter:
>Is a project copying or mimicking an artist’s work? We must consider not only if a work has a straightforward copyright claim, but also evaluate situations where it's not so clear — where images that are owned or created by others might not be on a Kickstarter project page, but are in the training data that makes the AI software used in the project, without the knowledge, attribution, or consent of creators.

>> No.6431183

So if you don't think AI uses images to make work with, how does it function? If the LAION dataset did not exist, would it be able to pump out the same results?

>> No.6431191

Good. I hate the Antichrist, and you should too.

>> No.6431193
File: 3.03 MB, 2048x2048, 00029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in effect this basically means the client is just the prompter so the need to hire the craftsman (the artist) is no longer necessary as the tools now exist to allow the every man to create what he wants on his input.
Like that will affect derivative work. Any motherfucker can take an AI generated image and use it just the same way people bitched about photobashing.

>> No.6431194

lol no

>> No.6431198


The art you make is not an extension of your body. Other people don't need your consent to appropriate it for use in their works.
It's not a great offense that other people copy from you, after all you do the same to others by virtue of being an artist.

>> No.6431200

Anon go look up the definition of stealing. Your twitter schizophrenia will probably make you unable to understand it still but the attempt will still be useful.

>> No.6431202

replace art with intellectual property and you can immediately see bootlegging fingerprints cheeto dusted all over it.

>> No.6431203
File: 2.34 MB, 1024x1024, 3920350547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to hire the craftsman (the artist) is no longer necessary
This never made sense to me, it still makes sense to hire artists(or AI wranglers, whatever the case may be) because as a project manager you don't got time to sit around generating your own art. You may hire less however, if one person can now do the work that previously you'd need 5 people to do.

>> No.6431204

This is a poor dodge Anon. Again, how would the software create its work without the LAION dataset?

>> No.6431205
File: 21 KB, 600x597, 1658345308825040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


like a house of cards

>> No.6431206

By using a different dataset?

>> No.6431207

>It's not a great offense that other people copy from you
>other people

>> No.6431209

Automating wranglers is easier than automating artists, they are probably already matching passable AI art with what prompts were used. This will allow them to build features like suggestions which would allow managers to do it themselves quickly.

>> No.6431211

>It's not a great offense that other people copy from you, after all you do the same to others by virtue of being an artist.
It's hilarious that AIfags think artists ONLY learn shit from copying other artists.
You can learn art without copying a single artist, and most people that do learn from other artists do not just copy an artstyle.
Regardless, if another person were to get inspired by my art style and draw and try to replicate it, I would be very flattered. On the other hand, if some dopamine-addicted freak runs my art through a model, I'd cave their retarded nigger skull in with a baseball bat in real life and not in minecraft.

>> No.6431217

Nah, if you've ever worked in a corporate environment you'd know that's a non-starter. There's already many many people who could be cut but they are kept around because cutting them would be more trouble than it's worth.

>> No.6431218

If you lived in a vacuum would you fucking function either?

that's a pretty realistic likely outcome with AIart. Do consider no craft is safe, in the context of art before photography there used to be artists dedicated entirely to portraiture and nothing else. Those people went the way of the dodo bird. I'm not debating if that was good or bad for the art community or improved the lives of artists or harmed them. I don't know those answers but there are many crafts in history that have been made vestigial and that's just life.

>> No.6431219

The semantics are the only thing that matters. I can call posts calling people trannies "harmful" but there's no actual harm caused and so there's no problem

You stupid niggers are acting like the 2015 journos crying about "harassment" except now the buzzwords are "art theft" and "consent"

>> No.6431223

This could have been done in the first place, making the discourse around AI much healthier and possibly getting more people, even artists, on board.
But AI advocates did not have enough regard for artists to do this, allowing their callousness and malice to guide their behavior. So, here we are now.

>> No.6431224

>more and more websites kicking you out
>companies DISAVOWING you
>artists treating you like the literal Hitler youth
>anyone caught associating with you getting shitstormed
>your copyright claims getting denied
>China planning to mark your "creations" with your personal David's star
>b-but it's the future, you just don't understand!!!
Your time is already running out, tick tock aicels

>> No.6431225

Sure if they just do wrangling as a side, but Streetshitters will have to find a new grift once prompting is automated.

>> No.6431227

> If you lived in a vacuum would you fucking function either?
If there were no images to draw from, an artist would still be able to create the, by using their lived experiences and the world around them. Stable Diffusion and the like cannot function without pictures, which were made by men.

>> No.6431229

I am an artist and I copy from other artists because what I like to draw isn't real people or things. I like the fantastic and the absurd, so I learn from how other people do these things. Occasionally I will use real life but in general most of my practice comes from other artists.

Not everyone wants to follow the proko-vilppu-loomis style of "gesture and figure drawing." Most of my advancement started happening when I stopped doing that and just drew what I loved instead. If you like it, great. I don't.

True artists don't care about copyright

>> No.6431230

I always wonder, can't AI fags see that by generating images they did nothing? You cannot control the output well enough because that kind of AI is not a tool. That's why not famous characters and very specific ideas/designs are hard to generate.

You paste a lame poem on Midjourney, get an amazing looking image, so what? That's just as random as typing the same thing on Google.

Up until now we built machines to give us finished results that were designed by ourselves or tools that were fully controlled by us, but now we are happy by just being spectators of the AI.

Yes, this is the first time we invent something that we cannot control and call it "progress".

>> No.6431231

People don't like their shit getting stolen and used against them, who would have guessed. It's like calling personal property a "buzzword"

>> No.6431232

Not it doesn't you retard. AI can't create the exact complex concept and design choices you want it to. It can't even produce the same concept of the same character/environment looking exactly the same but in different angles. Aicels create a bunch of shit, pick the best looking one and pretend it's what they wanted all along. That's why an ai gallery isn't representative of being able to do what the company wants you to do, which is why a recruiter will ignore it even though it may look pretty superficially as a standalone thing. Your galleries tend to have shit tier stylistic cohesion too, so they can tell you cant even proompt in a serial manner. It's the same reason no one hires tracers or the likes of Irakli Nadar. What can he make that isn't a filtered photo, even if a "portfolio" of those filtered photos looks nice?

If AI didn't have those limitations, why hire an aifag when you can just have anyone already employed at the company take 5 seconds to proompt it? Surely you don't believe that some artless pajeet has a unique creative vision that has worth on its own, right? Those companies already have ideas guys, what they need is someone who can visualize them. These are all basic things that are self evident to anyone with a smidge of artistic talent, pretty telling they don't occur to you.

>> No.6431234

Define "true artist"

>> No.6431237

the one the shill can most easily exploit

>> No.6431240

True artists care about copyright because they don't want to get caught up in legal battles and ruin their careers.

>> No.6431243

They really shot themselves in the foot right from the start. They just couldn't hide the fact they were grifting retards for one quarter.

>> No.6431252
File: 266 KB, 512x512, 03319-1659773289-gigachad holding a laptop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is absolute bullshit. The corpo environment esp now is cost cutting to the extreme. All this talk of "diversity" hires is a bullshit misdirection and /pol/ rightoids obsessing over troons.
Corps will drop whatever dead weight they can and the only reason they would over higher is to fuck their competition. If competitors use labor saving tools you bet your ass they will downsize art departments or reduce the need for commissions.
If coomers or fans want specfict art of xyz then they may just use a generator over a human artist.

>> No.6431253

People who make what they want and aren't affected by other people also making what they want.
If you're so concerned with what other people are doing, you're not a fully developed individual.

Once you get to a certain size parasites will try to ruin you regardless.

>> No.6431254

we need to cripple AI permanently for the security of mankind now that retard wranglers have given the opportunity for us to do so.

>> No.6431255

And? That doesn't go against anything I said.

>> No.6431257

>It's hilarious that AIfags think artists ONLY learn shit from copying other artists.

Literally basic artless NPC logic, they all trace when trey try into art

>> No.6431263

I'm kinda curious where AIfags draw the line in terms of ethics, because so far it sounds like they think there's no such thing as an unethical use of the technology.
Taking commissions where you just img2img another artist's work?
A company advertising positions for artists, and they just feed any halfway decent portfolio images into their generator or img2img them but don't hire or compensate the artists?
"Training" a model to rip off the style of a particular artist by directly using the works of said artist, and then even using the artist's name to advertise it, possibly even e-begging for compensation?
Taking commissions to use your model to generate images in the specific style of a living, active artist?

>> No.6431264

The problem with creating an "ethical" ai generator is that the main reason why these algorithms seem to perform so "well" is the massive size of the training dataset, with the vast majority of those images having been taken without permission.

>> No.6431265

Nah I've tried to generate specifics, and it's really hard. The big secret is that the coomers generating AI stuff a lot don't really care about the specific picture, they just want the right VIBES.

That's all art is to most people- Vibes.

The corpos generating concept art are not using it to replace the people who are dictated a general idea to construct, they're using it to augment IDEA GENERATION.
Meaning, generating shit that gives "the right VIBES." This is not a skill that is easy to develop at all, but you can have a lesser concept artist who knows what looks good do the work assisted by AI. And the reason you would do this is because there are flat out not enough good human CONCEPT GENERATOR ARTISTS out there.

Not "they're too expensive" (though they do get paid a fuckton regardless), it's that they simply don't exist. Good ideas with an actual plan of implementation are scarce, shity pie-in-the-sky ideas are plentiful.

A concept artist sitting there plugging in words can generate far more concepts that can actually be turned into product than "brainstorming sessions" with him sitting there scribbling in autodesk sketchbook on his tablet.

>> No.6431266

At least it gave me difinitive proof how generic chainsaw man girls are

>> No.6431267

>People who make what they want and aren't affected by other people also making what they want.
So you agree that prompters aren't true artists?

>> No.6431268

They generally just sit there having fun so they're closer to being "true artists" than the people who want to blow their brains out when they find out someone else reposted their work on 4chan or gelbooru.

>> No.6431269
File: 200 KB, 2400x1801, Home-Theater-Gear-GettyImages-95781853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6431270
File: 491 KB, 768x1088, 03831-1846268295-1girl, animal ears, wide eyes Christmas outfit, thigh high boots, arms behind back, breasts, short hair twintails, pink hair, fl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A company advertising positions for artists, and they just feed any halfway decent portfolio images into their generator or img2img them but don't hire or compensate the artists?
I already do this, /i/ provides with some decent starter material, but you can have far better creative control with in painting and even just your own sketches.
Also nothing you mentioned violates any ethics unless you are claiming said work is created by the author and not by an AI.
Training has and never will be unethical. As said millions of times before there isn't a single pixel of any image in an AI weights. If it did it wouldn't really be AI/ML neural nets and would 100% be microphotobashing.

>> No.6431271

>not having a competitive spirit
>not speaking up for yourself when somebody tries to fuck you over
>not trying to defend your work from people who try to exploit it for their own gain
Low test.

>> No.6431272

>"used against them"

Are the gamers harassing you in the room right now, anon?

>> No.6431273

But "having fun" is not the same as "making what they want"

>> No.6431275

Men are more likely to feed a cute puppy than a snarling wolf.
At the very least, the artist backlash against AI would come later than sooner if the companies pushing this stuff didn't come out of the gate waving their middle fingers and spewing bile. In that sense, it's kind of a blessing that these types put their cards on the table so fast. It could have been that they showed their true colors only after artists adopted machine learning in to their workflows en masse.

>> No.6431276

Coomers care about rendered skindentations, grotesque physiques, simple taboo narratives (muh pregnant emma watson) and vague resemblance to waifu, they don't even care about VIBES. That is 100% giving them too much credit.

>> No.6431277

Watching marvel movies is having fun too.

>> No.6431279

They don't have regard for anyone. Any information sent over an internet connection is being harvested. Techfags knew they had to push this stuff out as fast as possible before anyone could form opinions about it or pass legislation. Imagine all the other shit they've been developing that we don't even know about. AI art and AI writing are the grooming phase, let everyone think they can become a famous game dev or novelist by typing some prompts and then while theyre distracted release the stuff that will make half or more of the population unemployable.

>> No.6431280

Nobody is trying to fuck me over.
My work will outlast my own life, I share it to contribute happiness to the world. I have learned on the shoulders of others and I hope some learn from my work.

Why would I share my shit if I didn't want others to benefit? It's obviously going to happen if I do that. You just seem very very stupid for thinking they wouldn't.

>> No.6431281

>And humans evolve faster than technology

Just wanted to quote this to remind you that this is something you actually posted unironically.

>> No.6431282


>> No.6431283
File: 1003 KB, 768x768, 05878-1786027834-Photo of stars and a nebula.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>companies pushing this stuff didn't come out of the gate waving their middle fingers and spewing bile.
That's some serious projection considering the entire project was opensource.

>> No.6431284

They want to make something with the correct vibes. They generally don't want to make a specific image.

Hell I can empathize with them because I don't get big images in my head that I try to project onto the canvas, I get a vague sense of what I want to make and then I start drawing, and I just see what the canvas or paper reveals to me.

Most of that is to contribute to vibes. Coomers can like some pretty poor-skill art as long as it gives the right "oomph" - that's vibes.

>> No.6431286

Grow a fucking backbone and stick up for yourself.

>> No.6431288
File: 222 KB, 326x319, This+one+killed+me+fr+_312b87368f01124a4ea46d6e862f3010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How on earth can you hire AI artists?

>> No.6431289

They made it open-source to gain public awareness so they could better monetize it. Are you one of those retards who think that open-source means the developers aren't in it for money, or that people who work in the management of not for profits don't earn ridiculous salaries?
Emad himself openly states that he'll make a shitton of money from this.

>> No.6431292

Thank you for your concern but as far as I can tell, I'm not being harmed.
Maybe you can show me how you think I'm being harmed though?

Art isn't a zero-sum game. I am friends with a lot of artists. The time I spend helping them get better doesn't damage me. I have a pretty good relationship with another artist that one of my clients pays to color the lines he commissions from me, for example.

>> No.6431293

Hire you? I think I'll do it myself. Art is free and accessible to all now remember.

>> No.6431295

A new circle of hell has opened for AI and techfags. Deeper, colder, and more eternal than the one Satan is in.

>> No.6431296
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, thats the neat part.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the neat thing you don't have to hire anyone
No, but this guy >>6431275 is clearly projecting and/or believes the is an existential threat to his identity and craft as an artist.

>> No.6431297

Sability is still a for profit company, in addition to the other for profit companies that are in to AI imagery. Even if the software itself is open, they likely have another way to make money from the venture. I don't trust these guys to have principals above making money.

>> No.6431299
File: 261 KB, 1280x1280, 1671653075941-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had fun making this, why not try it for yourself? Could an AI replicate this?

>> No.6431300
File: 320 KB, 1280x1280, 1671653075941-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By it, I mean doodling

>> No.6431302

Do people not even run basic searches? Emad is an investor, and even a quick search will pull up articles where he outlines how he's going to make bank from it.

>> No.6431303

Anon I mostly use AI to come up with ideas for my own art and fun.

>> No.6431304

>Even if the software itself is open, they likely have another way to make money from the venture. I don't trust these guys to have principals above making money.
They make money by selling and training fine tuned models on their framework. Mostly to business, military and government research institutes.

I know this because I pushed the idea of using AI image and sound recognition for sonar in the navy being one myself.

>> No.6431305
File: 17 KB, 326x326, +_840d9fd579aa6eb17188fb74ad5f0d6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cannot hire AI artist
You cannot copyright AI art

How can you possibly make money out of it?

>> No.6431306

>As said millions of times before there isn't a single pixel of any image in an AI weights
That's not really the issue and you know it. The problem is how the training data sets were assembled in the first place.

>> No.6431307

Using to generate ideas for products/storylines that you then have actual artists create.
Using it to generate 0-cost stock images for the purpose of photobashing, backgrounds, tracing or reference.
Using it for low-value abstract graphic design such as book covers, powerpoint presentations, meaningless decorations at trade shows and in an office, and pamphlets.

>> No.6431308

If it's not GPL v3, it's not really free.

>> No.6431309
File: 202 KB, 220x198, shikimori-shikimoris-not-just-cute.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In short either make ZERO money or you have to hire artists in the end

Epic, bro.
Fucking epic

>> No.6431310

AI art can be funny, but I don't feel any connection to what it spits out when I use it to make memes

>> No.6431312

this the type of nigga sperging in 19th century France that landscapes are over because we have photography.

>> No.6431313

It was assembled by following a perfectly-legal workflow that ensured compliance with fair use laws.
The problem is that some subset of artists think there should be "no" workflow where this is possible. Which would be a horrific situation as it would cause knock-on effects in copyright law throughout the art world.

>> No.6431315
File: 1.89 MB, 498x280, anime-laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no need for Photography if there is Photoshop
There is no need for singers if there is Vocaloids
There is no need for musical instruments if we have Electric music

There is no need for artists with AI art

I am laughing
Laughing like a fuck

>> No.6431323

>Which would be a horrific situation as it would cause knock-on effects in copyright law throughout the art world.
Are you the same retard who keeps claiming it's "impossible" to regulate ai creations without harming human artists?

>> No.6431324

Is it ethical to train and release a model using pornographic images and photos of random people off Facebook?

>> No.6431325

>photography just created a new medium!
yeah and it's dogshit. no one gives a fuck about photography. worst art form by far

>> No.6431327
File: 31 KB, 450x800, d9241ef6df18e8db9ba06b01c082ed83b51054f7dd694020580eb26028657ef3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KS would get gigafucked via a lawsuit if they kept letting this thing run, at this point its not just some smalltime artists chitchatting about AI being illegal, its actually serious

Cutting it loose is the only sane thing they couldve done before it sinks them as well

>> No.6431329

Pure AI-art outputs have almost no value, correct. But in part of a larger workflow the fact they are so plentiful and cheap makes them have value to a studio/company/project. The pure-output ones are used to just reduce the cost of certain low-value products to almost 0.

But in more complex scenarios the entire point is to rapidly generate good, implementable ideas. This is a skill that is in short supply and which most concept artists are not able to do vs their usual grunt work.

No I don't think art is over, AI is just a tool that can be added to pro workflows for varying benefits depending on the specific projects. It's not going to make people lose their jobs or w/e.

The fact is that to use AI effectively, someone has to already be "an artist" and then add skills using to the tool on top of it. Someone whose ONLY skills are AI will likely not find hiring, especially cause they can only do 1 thing.

Companies already want a graphic designer to also do illustration work (that's why the globohomo style took off - it's done using Adobe Illustrator vector lines that GDs are faimilar with!)

>> No.6431330
File: 55 KB, 326x240, +_c6a06d3435be8e8750e5e52ee2705cce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding?!
That's literal data breach and harrassment

The ONLY way you can justify that is if, and ONLY IF, you own the site and it is in the ToS that you own the data uploaded there

You cannot just visit one profile after another to seize their pics and sell it off as porn, wtf

>> No.6431332

beginning to think ai shitters are to art what incels are to dating


>> No.6431334

Actually they are to art what trannies are to women

>> No.6431335
File: 143 KB, 340x340, kekinghardrn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ai shitters havent really read any copyright or fair use laws havent they

>> No.6431336

You actually can do that if the images are public. It's legal, there's an entire subset of fetish porn based on people photoshopping different peoples' heads onto bodies.
Fat bodies, muscular bodies, huge-fake-tit bodies, making the waists narrower, making dudes have gigantic bulges, adding a cock to women, etc.

>> No.6431337
File: 161 KB, 292x257, I+was+not+prepared+_78b1d5ab87f75aaf677c0f6c528bf272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And in the end, it is not a replacement, but a tool for artists

Hire AI artists?
Don't have to hire anymore?


>> No.6431341

Trannies are incels

>> No.6431342

most non-ai art is low quality dogshit

most ai art is uninspired souless trash

But for the stuff that's actually worth looking at, it looks good regardless of the source.

>> No.6431344

Art is art, bigot.

>> No.6431345


>The problem is how the training data sets were assembled in the first place.

Even if the USA bans using copyrighted works for training any AI, other countries won't. China, Russia, etc...

You cannot outlaw this methodology worldwide. There will always be at least a few governments who don't care, out of the 200+ total countries in the world. Training AI neural nets with copyrighted images will be perfectly legal in at least a few countries.

And engineers will just setup projects out of those countries to continue pushing the tech further. Big companies will outsource "art/photo creation teams" to those countries and will still save big on costs.

This cannot be stopped. I'm sorry, genuinely, but this tech cannot be permanently banned in any way.

>> No.6431346

I don't know, but based on AIshitter logic, anything uploaded and publicly visible is fair game for model training.

>> No.6431348

No matter how good it looks, the moment you said it's AI, it becomes worthless

>> No.6431350

They probably live in shit holes like India or SEA where such things don't matter desu

>> No.6431352
File: 3.68 MB, 1536x1280, 2569187403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much.

>> No.6431353

Post your work, artcel.

>> No.6431354

Correct. The artists crying about being replaced are just ensuring they never get hired because in a year after this settles down they're going to just freak about something else. And if they're spending their time bitching on twitter that means they're either not working, or they're working at lowered capacity from their shitty mental fortitude.

Nobody wants to deal with that. They'll just hire the less neurotic artists.

It's really funny how the ones posting the "NO AI" stamp are basically branding themselves as unhireable.

>> No.6431355

>companies baiting people into doing free work under false pretenses is ethical
The a solute state.

>> No.6431357

I don't care about jobs, I just want AI-detectors on every single website that can tag AI generated images as such.

>> No.6431360

The AI artstyle is evolving in using styles that can hide the artifacts. It's pretty hilarious.

>> No.6431362

let's take this further shall we. What about HIPAA protected medical records?

>> No.6431363
File: 93 KB, 1000x624, Inigo-Montoya-WORD-MEANS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>can literally make money from it


>> No.6431364
File: 1.27 MB, 2880x4054, 01ltazhhnxy91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then bring it to court, they have no case and they know it, you can't copyright styles or ideas and there no copyrighted data being taken to generate any artwork.
KS hasn't exactly said what the issue is with UStabD. My guessing is they are getting pressured by the twitteroids. This also has zero effect on them considerig (if it wasn't scam from the start) they already have their model and the money.

>> No.6431365
File: 717 KB, 768x640, 3538266229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I did that in photoshop

>> No.6431366

Trannies are incels who want to be the gf so both analogies work

>> No.6431367

How can you make money out of something that cannot be copyrigthed, fuck nut

>> No.6431368

There's really no need to go into specifics. The argument is publicly visible = fair use for model training.

>> No.6431369

>Big companies will outsource "art/photo creation teams" to those countries and will still save big on costs.
They already do this with pajeets and now even those guys are gonna get replaced too. Cheap labor wasn't good enough, they want everything to be free.

>> No.6431370

That's easy
Just make it mandatory to also upload the pdf files

>> No.6431371
File: 578 KB, 2560x2560, grid-0163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't replicate that exact drawing with AI though you can get close.
I can however fix or finish your drawing buy running it through img2img or change it to my liking.

>> No.6431373

The term artcel implies being artless and seething, so it actually fits pajeets better

>> No.6431374
File: 360 KB, 989x806, muh china will do it if we refuse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even if the USA bans using copyrighted works for training any AI, other countries won't. China, Russia, etc...
Actually China has started regulating ai crap before anyone else but sure, keep using them as a boogyman on why profitting off stolen work should be fine. Also, bad things being legal in other countries is not a good excuse for anything.
>This cannot be stopped. I'm sorry, genuinely, but this tech cannot be permanently banned in any way.
Kek. So somehow this is just some magical tech that is immune to legislation and public pressure, even though the more it gets shilled, the more people start hating it and demand that it gets banned.

>> No.6431375

>cannot deliver a punchline

>> No.6431377


>> No.6431378
File: 581 KB, 2048x2048, 2676161289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can be, but even if it couldn't you can still sell it

>> No.6431380

Search results: Scam

Sure you can.
Simply pretend that it was not AI made and just scam people

>> No.6431381
File: 315 KB, 361x576, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6431382

If it's free that means you can do it too.

If I sit there generating ideas it doesn't matter if the image that shows the idea i generated is under copyright. If I'm getting paid to DO WORK, not simply SELL IMAGE then you are making money with things that can't be copyrighted.

Art has been moving from a "sit and collect royalties" model to a "be paid to do work" model for decades, in part because the former model is only obtainable by <1% of artists.

>> No.6431384
File: 1.17 MB, 960x1280, 1668210856970354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see Art being churned out by regular folk while you sit here complaining about fictitious brown people saying good morning to each other.

>> No.6431385

Wtf you just made it look uncanny

>> No.6431386

>Search results: Scam

a.k.a. your information gathering skill is at 0.

your failings are your own.

get good, noob

>> No.6431387

Me too, I'm not an artist, but I would feel absolutely cheated to commission generated art.

>> No.6431389

I see people spamming this board with AI shitposts.
But I guess we live in different realities.

>> No.6431391
File: 113 KB, 622x879, 317696613_106607325622560_1995581667738553618_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one would hire AI """artists""", bro

The output cannot be copyrighted and as such, if someone decides to copypaste your work and claim it as their own, then you cannot say anything

You can print it and sell it all you wish.
In the end, someone can sell the exact same shit and vola, samefag

>> No.6431392

>Soft airbrushed generic animu coomer pinup staring vacantly into the distance

Peak pajeet reply

>> No.6431393
File: 1.14 MB, 1344x896, grid-0160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a question, how many artists here make their primary income from art or even a significant part? Or is this a threat to the artist identity if say you are just a hobbyist? since lets be honest we now have a machine that can pretty much take 80-99% of the labor and skill of making art.

Putting work from other artists in img2img and reposting it is fucking hilarious but also shows how powerful image input to noise AI is.

>> No.6431394

No one's threatened LMAO.
We are just annoyed by how YOU think that you can be one of us

>> No.6431395

Why is 95% of ai "art" people shill here just generic coomer garbage?

>> No.6431396

It's funny how AIshitters will post absolute crap and talk like it's a masterpiece, and get assblasted and go full "cope and seethe you're getting replaced," like the only reason someone could mock their post is because the person is against image generators. Actual artists have been getting mocked for crappy art, errors, and art theft for ages, but for some reason AIfags act like they should be immune

>> No.6431397
File: 94 KB, 166x317, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6431399

Retards will still pay for AI or AI enhanced art through methods like Patreon. Also while AI art in itself cannot be copyrighted, but the sale of it has nothing to do with that. There are people right now selling AI art commissions lol. None of it is copyrighted.
Another big thing is video games. There's no need to hire an artist for textures, backdrops, etc for video games. That means a good chunk of money saved.

>> No.6431400

>Nitpicking details that would otherwise be favorable to connoisseurs
Peak Artcel behavior, let's see you do any better crablets.
I see Art being posted while people shitpost with nothing but contempt for others posting art.

>> No.6431401

You don't seem to understand.
Someone who is an "AI Artist" purely, has almost no value to a company (unless they have a portfolio that shows they understand their fundies and design despite only using AI, I guess.)
But non-AI artists who understand how to use AI as a tool CAN be useful.

The generated art doesn't need to be copyrighted. The generated art IS NOT THE FINAL END PRODUCT. There places in the process of production where it can have a VERY useful role to the entire staff, despite the image itself never going out to the public.

>> No.6431402

I don't like people using my image as a direct input for generating another image, be it tracing, photoshopping, or using it in img2img or creating a model. And no, it isn't the same as referencing.

>> No.6431403

The reason why people shit on aicels is because you think "art" is just about generating a pretty end result picture

>> No.6431404

>to my liking
>my liking being whatever I can get

The most hilarious thing about pajeets is that they're literally being told what to like by the very "tool" they use. They think they're feeding their unchained creative vision to an automated paintbrush, but in reality it's the AI imposing its style, vision and innate limitations on the pajeet.

>> No.6431405
File: 23 KB, 550x309, 9983359f3e6b7abd24c5e7438873cce4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one's buying AI commissions, lmao

How can you possibly buy AI comissions when you can just search it yourself on the program?

They make their money off scam.

In short: you need artists to make money

Stop running in circles, dumbass

>> No.6431406


Of what? Feces?

>> No.6431407

>In short: you need artists to make money
I'm an artist who is pro-"AI as a tool."
The dumbfucks who call it "the end of art" are just trolling you guys because you act like SJW game journalists about it.

>> No.6431408

>didn't answer the question
What does art mean to you?

>> No.6431409


>> No.6431410

I make a significant amount of income from my art but its not really going to affect my art my since I sell physical merch in person. The AI's current weaknesses (expressions, dynamism, hands, feet) are all things I specialize in, so it'll be a while longer before I'm threatened art wise.

However, I can see its pretty much going to kill the next generation of artists, since kids who used to get into drawing because they wanted to make OCs, fanart, or stories will just use AI instead.

>> No.6431415
File: 1.21 MB, 1536x1536, 00089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure about if AI artists believe their work is a masterpiece but one thing is for sure. /ic/ is 100% assblasted that /g/ of all places has made more artwork in the span of (6) SIX MONTHS then /ic/ ever has in nearly its entire existence.

>> No.6431416

>there no copyrighted data being taken to generate any artwork
Are u retarded? The entire thing hinges on using mass stolen art to train the algorithm

>> No.6431417

>But in part of a larger workflow the fact they are so plentiful and cheap makes them have value to a studio/company/project.
Such as?
>But in more complex scenarios the entire point is to rapidly generate good, implementable ideas.
Such as?
>AI is just a tool that can be added to pro workflows for varying benefits depending on the specific projects.

You ai shills really love talking out of your ass about creative processes while simultaneously refusing to elaborate on specific parts of creative

>> No.6431418
File: 83 KB, 572x441, 20-o-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I don't think I will.

>> No.6431419
File: 2.69 MB, 2208x1242, 1622938979615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A coomer would appreciate the nuances behind erotic art and would gladly be immersed into the figures of erotica while you, the so called artist will put literal feces inside a can, call it "artist's shit" and call that art and then have the audacity to put it on display behind a glass curtain.

>> No.6431421

>AI enhanced art
Depending on how much enhancing, it's ok to pay for that. Selling full AI generated images is like selling a modest indie game for $70. Doesn't matter how fun it is, if the production didn't cost much, I would never pay full price.

>> No.6431422

>made more artwork
stop you right there

>> No.6431423
File: 105 KB, 650x464, 7171f240eb5154addadbc3d4febb3ea4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Vocaloids, for all its cultural impact, failed to kill Singers, then AI art is out of the question

Vocaloids back in 2010's dominated the ENTIRE internet and had concerts internationally.
Not it's gone

>> No.6431424


>> No.6431425

See >>6431382
and >>6431307
and >>6431265

>> No.6431427

any examples of 1:1 copies of ai generated work to artist works?

>> No.6431434

Of course a lowbrow coomer is butthurt about contemporary art worth millions. Cope, seethe, dilate and proompt as whatever you make will never compete with wall banana kek

>> No.6431435

> made
AI generated lots of images indeed.

>> No.6431437

People are definitely buying AI commissions, stupid, but they are. Mainly because they're being offered for cheap and the average normie just wants their oc dnd character profile pic or whatever.

>> No.6431438

>kids who used to get into drawing because they wanted to make OCs, fanart, or stories will just use AI instead
Have you tried creating any of those things with an ai generator?

>> No.6431440

the skillset has 100% crossover with me looking for a specific doujin on sadpanda with tags because I forgot the artists name.
oh right that isn't a skillset lmao.

>> No.6431442

Why would anyone buy something like that when they can actually just do it themselves for free in 5 mins?

Let me guess:
They didn't say that it was AI

>> No.6431445

The /g/fags are still pretending they're in any position to act smug when ChatGPT is going to put them out of business?

>> No.6431446

That is precisely why people have zero sympathy for the likes of you, pretentious no skill having hack that sprays paint on canvas from his own asshole.

>> No.6431447
File: 3.91 MB, 1536x2560, 00141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's not 1:1, AI training & generation requires high end ML or video cards. It may be more efficient to use a commercial space/computers for various reasons.

>> No.6431448

Those aren't specific processes. Those are general uses, which your posts never acknowledge consistency or quality.
Prove your point by showinh an machine learning generator produce a character design turnaround, on-model frames of a walk or run cycle at a side/front angle, or clothing props.

>> No.6431449

As someone who has (out of pure experimental fun) tried to generate his already-existing OC with AI, it's really fucking hard and only really useful for getting "close enough to have a reference for drawing off of."

You can literally spend hours not getting close at all. And that's for a coomer design which is relatively "free" with few accessories or props. If you start adding actual symbolism and meaning to the character's design it becomes a gigantic waste of time.

>> No.6431451

Most aishitters are probably just neets who dream about everyone else being forced to become a neet as well

>> No.6431454

Which anyone can generate for free. So why commission an AI artist?

Right, you didn't say that it was AI and pretended to be your work

>> No.6431457

Younger people are getting lazier in an alarming rate, they also get easily enslaved by any new tech.

>> No.6431458

Vocaloids sound nothing like real singers. They weren't good enough to actually even sound natural without a heavy amount of tuning. They were also culturally limited to Japan and the anime scene.

Compare it to the vocaloid successor, VSYNTH, that's much better tech wise and much more realistic in mimicking a real human's voice. There's already a few indie games that have used VSynth to sing their songs instead of hiring actual singers.

There are new vocal AI that can actually sound like real singers, including dead ones, that are right around the corner. The music industry is much more heavily copyrighted though. The music version of Stable Diffusion specifically stated they only trained on public domain music and is significantly worse compared to how good the art AI are.

>> No.6431459
File: 8 KB, 320x320, 1666026508986674.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


aifags are just grifters

>> No.6431460

>still keeps posting coomer shit

>> No.6431464

And it FAILED to kill singers and would always fail because it's just a tool that piggybacks off skilled laborers
Not a replacement

>> No.6431465

You are severely overestimating how much the average normie or zoomer will put effort into setting up stable diffusion lmao. Not even getting into people having shit PCs or mainly on mobile, but most don't have a single clue of what they're doing.
Put it in perspective, the average person is probably wageslaving 9-5, and uses their free time to do shit they actually want to do. Do you really think they're gonna spend hours setting up AI and getting prompts right or will they pay poojeet $20 to make them a cute portrait?

>> No.6431469

Wow you really don't listen, its not free, compute take energy and time, there are people who don't want to be bothered with running AI locally or don't want to use a AI SaaS for whatever reason being privacy or filtering.
I much perfer landscapes, don't blame me that men are slaves to their sex drive.
>The music industry is much more heavily copyrighted though. The music version of Stable Diffusion specifically stated they only trained on public domain music and is significantly worse compared to how good the art AI are.
This actually not true. Also Stablity AI is being way too timid with this. There is however a far more complex issue when it comes to music rights and royalities, for example you have royalties on the actual "sound" music media itself and then you have royalties on the likeness or brand of the music/artist.

>> No.6431471

All that will do is allow them to make more advanced programs faster and with smaller teams. It might kill off pajeet code monkey work but nobody likes that anyway, not even the pajeets.

What you described are not what you use AI for. You use AI for generating ideas with potential implementations. Actually DEVELOPING those ideas into concrete ones is different work.

There are two kinds of concept artists, the kind that actually come up with ideas and the kind that are told what ideas they need to draw/paint/sketch. Most concept artists are the latter. But the former are the ones in the most demand.
You don't really see this often in popular understandings of media because the "producer-director" takes a lot of the spotlight, but when you have the kind of boss whose main focus is funding good ideas rather than implementing his own, this kind of work really shines.
Generating a fuckton of concepts, filtering them to the good ones, and then pitching them to the boss is 100% a very valuable skill to have, but one a lot of people cannot do on their own. The AI as a tool for assisting this process allows, as I said, a lesser concept artist - one who isn't used to generating ideas but knows what good ones look like - to do so.

>> No.6431472

can't believe loomis mindbroke people so bad they had to create a machine learning algorithm

>> No.6431475

>hurr I spend time searching for the right words
>therefore I am skilled

Stop it already
The only way to make significant money off AI is to pretend it's not.

>> No.6431476

Try looking at some of the new plugins they've released for Krita/Photoshop, you can basically select areas to sub-generate while keeping everything else. Don't like the the hair color or style? Select the area around the hair and just re-generate using new tags for color/hairstyle/lighting.

Need to add horns? Do a partial selection and add horns tag, etc. The tools will become much more advanced in a few years and will actually be close to getting more exact details how the prompter wants.

For most people, younger kids especially, that's going to be good enough. Drawing is hard work and the payoff might take years, and maybe never. Just look at how most people in /ic barely progress. How many members of /ic would not have started to draw if they had these tools available instead?

>> No.6431480

NovelAi once generated one of those, people laughed at NovelAi because their models were shit and they wanted people to pay for them but then their models leaked and people forgot about that because they no longer have to pay, which is ironic because it shows how normies are fine with mediocre and blatant copies as long as they can make them for free.

>> No.6431482

What in the fuck are you talking about you schizo? I don't bother with AI nor do I consider typing in prompts a skill. I'm just saying the average normie isn't going to do all that shit. Fuck off with your low iq comprehension.

>> No.6431483
File: 757 KB, 1600x800, Img2img real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry you feel this way but that's not how the world works.

>> No.6431484

>All that will do is allow them to make more advanced programs faster and with smaller teams. It might kill off pajeet code monkey work but nobody likes that anyway, not even the pajeets.
It will get better. Fast. GPT-4 is around the corner, and god knows what other models are currently in the works.

>> No.6431487

Lads just hold on, every future generation is gonna be bricked, even the worst artists on /ic/ are gonna be Gods among men in their 70s. Being able to draw a loomis head will be considered high concept.

We're all gonna make it

>> No.6431489

It didn't kill off singers because it wasn't actually good enough to be competitive. Just like nobody cared about AI art until it was good enough to be competitive this year.

Everyone was laughing about the earlier results of Dall-E and other AI generators until Midjourney and NovelAI showed off their new results.

>> No.6431490

Yea and so will the products get better. We're entering a golden age of accelerated technology.

That's one thing the retarded anti-AI artists seem to not really get. I'm not even a /g/-tard (I draw! On paper!) but I fully understand that to them, having more tool-assistance just lets them go metaphorically further faster.

And honestly as an artist I can see how these AI tools can assist me, if I ever get a good enough computer to run it myself.

>> No.6431492

>I much perfer landscapes, don't blame me that men are slaves to their sex drive
Fucking idiot, people like you make me want to transition and groom your children so they kill themselves and ruin your lineage forever.

>> No.6431493

No, but Vocaloid certainly carved a niche as would the Ai.

>> No.6431496

>5 mins
maybe if someone came over, set up SD on your pc for you, gave you a list of prompts to use for what you want, told you which model was best for what your trying to achieve, told you how to use negative prompts, showed you the correct settings for the samplers, how to use denoise properly and you got lucky with your gatcha on the first try

>> No.6431497

>good enough to be competitive
wouldn't mind ai prompters so much if they were a little less delusional.

>> No.6431500

I mean if you've reached a point where you're literally changing every single strand of hair 20 times just to get the one that's "good enough", you might just as well start learning how to draw instead. Also for many people, drawing is simply a fun hobby, even if they stay /beg/ forever. From my own experience, generating a nice prompt image does not even come close to the feeling of having finished a drawing you are proud of, even if the prompt ends up being more "pretty"

>> No.6431502
File: 724 KB, 1449x722, itssad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an AIfag but this is just sad.

>> No.6431505
File: 1.49 MB, 768x768, 2Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The feeling I've had most from AI images is when I generate screenshots from videogames that don't exist and I just make myself feel sad

>> No.6431513

While I do look forward to a (admittedly overly-optimistic) future where AIs can get rid of all the most menial jobs in society and we transition to a moneyless economy... the question remains what happens afterwards. Do we just all plug ourselves into the Matrix and live out our lives in AI-generated fantasy worlds, forever?
On one hand, that might be cool. On the other, it's dystopic as fuck.
The future's uncertain and strange.

>> No.6431514

I'm sure Emad has enough $100 bills to wipe his tears away

>> No.6431519
File: 140 KB, 1453x817, o8sve7cou0m91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invincible meme

>> No.6431520

There's been a lot of advancement in voice generation after vocaloid, a lot of stuff sounds completely real. Still no threat to real singers.

>> No.6431521

>If it's free that means you can do it too.
RAM sticks and cloud computing services are not free. A nice gpu will be even less obtainable the more the wealth gap increases.

>> No.6431523

>How can you possibly make money out of it?
normal people won't, tech corps will

>> No.6431526
File: 197 KB, 448x448, 03707-3600837113-Girl in a playboy bunny outfit with a bowtie, full color, looking at viewer, smiling, blue hair, Cleavage, huge boobs,.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>might be cool. On the other, it's dystopic as fuck.
>The future's uncertain and strange.
To be honest I can't wait until the elite cull and exterminate the poor population of this planet so we can stop destroying it environmentally. I don't know why we haven't started a mass cull yet anyway.

>> No.6431531

no i mean they can't even shoop the images on the shirts right
and it's copyrighted as fun as advertising
legitimately these are pajeets or chinese

>> No.6431533

>This also has zero effect on them considerig (if it wasn't scam from the start) they already have their model and the money.
retard, the money is going back to the marks. Not like it matters, it was a scam anyways

>> No.6431534
File: 307 KB, 851x395, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tech corps will
yeh and its all gonna look like this, just ai generated. Who gives a shit.

>> No.6431535

You don't need cloud computing services, you can just run this shit on your own computer.

The GPU requirements aren't even massive aswell. The only reason people buy the top end firehazard GPUs is as a status symbol, you really only need something like a 1060 6GB to run AI shit. At no point do you realistically need to shell out the big bucks for a GPU for any of this if you're flying solo.

And even then, 1 person can host an install for a few others in their friendgroup/family.

>> No.6431537

You're probably just shitposting but that's literally the endgoal. Billions will be slaughtered like cows and it will be celebrated as "progress".

>> No.6431538

I'll never understand people who want this virtual world shit. I love videogames and film, but I love them as works created by people, and am as interested in their creation as I am in the finished works. Never once have I wanted to live in a videogame or a VR world, and even when I "waifu" a fictional character, it's because I'm drawn to the creative intent of the person/people who created the character, and because I wish to find a real person who embodies what I find appealing in the character.

>> No.6431540

AI "as a tool" is fucking useless. it provides nothing

>> No.6431542

>He thinks he won't be among the culled
You're not the protagonist.

>> No.6431543
File: 110 KB, 660x1000, book-about-you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're retarded. All this proof that the elites aren't hoarding advanced tech, and yet you assume that they must just be hiding it very very well and simply preparing for a mass-extinction event.

Here's a book about your kind.

>> No.6431544

You wouldn't dare challenge the ADL, would you?

>> No.6431547
File: 2.71 MB, 1920x1080, cleanitupjanny.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you dare respect these wonderful creatures you negative IQ cretin.

>> No.6431548

Retards should be gene edited out of humanity rather than catered to.

>> No.6431549

It's usually either doomers or redditors who dream about ai turning their shitposts into an anime.

>> No.6431553

Ah, no defense?
Why would you steal the ability to create from those less fortunate than you?
There is no ethical reason.

>> No.6431554
File: 2.21 MB, 1408x1024, 03132-3159855916-Underwater photograph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think its unachievable either, I think we can use either a lottery system or even lol AI to help make these decisions so people don't have to have the guilt of it.

I'm pretty rich I have over a million liquid and significantly more in assets and stocks. I also live on a sailboat so GL. Poor people are literally cancer and its close to being proven that poverty has genetic markers.
I love copepods the make for a great sign that your reef aquarium is doing well and is healthy. You would know this if you could afford a saltwater aquarium.

>> No.6431559

Do AI Artists actually call themselves AI Artists, really doubt you could lack that much selfawareness.

>> No.6431561

This fat bitch with saggy tits has nothing to do with art. You are so primitive.

>> No.6431562

err you're missing vital information, most of them are Indian they don't have self awareness.

>> No.6431563

>Has a million liquid
>wastes his time shitposting on /ic/ of all places
If this post is true you're literally the most pathetic millionaire I think I've ever seen, and that's saying a lot.

>> No.6431564

You can't take away what a person never had in the first place.

>> No.6431567
File: 154 KB, 850x696, __mona_genshin_impact_drawn_by_ahrdkl__sample-ff86fa9d66d394412fe3c03923ef4724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coomer """""people"""""
It's not even the fact that you prefer a more accessible/pleb subject matter like pictures of beautiful women. It's a valid and classic form of art humanity created and revered for millenia.

It's the fact that you have absolutely no taste even within this specific subject matter. Everything you enjoy, even REAL coomer art by real coomer artists, is grotesque and viscerally repulsive to anyone whose brains aren't fried. And running your edritch Freudian nightmares through an AI to create something like this >>6431447 is equivalent to fermenting the canned shit and calling it art. It's "art" of beautiful women in the exact same way canned shit is contemporary art - not because it has beauty on its own, but as a thoroughly inbred symbol of what cooming and consooming by aesthetically inept horny plebs does to actual beauty.

>> No.6431569

No, they call themselves "Prompt Engineers" or "Prompt Scientists"

>> No.6431570

Why don't you like poor people, anon?

>> No.6431571

millionaires shitpost all the time look at Elon

>> No.6431573

They have it.
Right now.
You cannot deny this.
To take that away would be unethical.

>> No.6431574

I prefer Image Machinist, since I also include inpainting and img2img.
Prompter's are just level 1, you have to put in work to get as good as I do.

>> No.6431576

>ability to create

>> No.6431577

>I don't think its unachievable either, I think we can use either a lottery system or even lol AI to help make these decisions so people don't have to have the guilt of it.
Yeah, exactly as I predicted. The next Hitler will be a robot.

>> No.6431578

yeh it's all kitsch nonsence and I've never seen an example of AI art that isn't kitsch.

>> No.6431579

He's a billionaire, big difference.

>> No.6431580

Hey, I'm not the one you gotta convince.
It's the 70-year old judge.

>> No.6431581

Elon is a billionaire and he's even more pathetic. He bought a social media company just so people would like his godawful posts

>> No.6431582

No one cares about ethics. Life is only about technological progress, efficiency, and lowering costs. Retards have no place.

>> No.6431583

>thinks patreon is safe
we're already working on that front anon..

>> No.6431585


>> No.6431588
File: 289 KB, 560x560, 3978632402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6431589

We already know what /ic/ cope looks like. You guys spam this constantly.

>> No.6431590

Unironically that makes some level of sense, cause all the dials you can tweak and adjustments you can make remind me of operating a lathe or something like an espresso machine.

As an artist, experimenting with doing artisanwork is really good for opening up your perspective and appreciating all the thought that goes into how the things around you are put together and manufactured. I cannot say that the dudes sitting there in front of their machines aren't artists, which is part of why I can't say AI dudes aren't artists.

>> No.6431592

>Another big thing is video games. There's no need to hire an artist for textures, backdrops, etc for video games. That means a good chunk of money saved.
I sure hope these AAA developers will lower their prices in proportion to the money saved. Otherwise there should be a mass pirating movement.

>> No.6431594

>Then bring it to court
nigger it already has

>> No.6431596

Piracy is not wrong and does not damage the ones pirated from, anon.

>> No.6431597
File: 1.10 MB, 768x768, 05880-3376711212-Photo of stars and a nebula.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately I'm still in the military... But that's the difference between poorfags and richfags. Poorfags have no commitment.
I generally find them to be useless, dirty and pretty much addicted to the consumer grade teat. There's really nothing worth anything with them and are only interested in your money. One thing being in military has taught me is the only bonds that matter are those that are tied to blood. Generational poverty is pretty much a given and most never will breakout of it despite the feel good stories.

I mean AI is already on the step of getting rejected from art school.

>> No.6431599

You have literally had the ability to create for your whole life, no one can ever take it away from you. Using this AI shit and calling it creating is the same as if you commissioned an art piece from someone and claimed that it was actually you who made it.

>> No.6431601
File: 31 KB, 400x600, 1671662567923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at first I was happy to have my hate for Aitards validated with the copyright thing and the Kickstarter news. but walking home from the gym, i had another realization...
there's no reason to fight anymore. this is a non-issue. a nothingburger.
>no serious studio will use AI in their production for fear of copyright infringement, so the industry is safe.
for the independent art market, AI users will have their own niche.
>AI users will shit out piles of commissions for peanuts. they won't be able to bargain with their clients since anyone in the world can do what they do
>the AI market and the digital art market will be completely different things. one will be junk fast food, the other will be fine cuisine
>Ai users won't be able to fake being a real artist because people will become way more inquisitive about it, and it would be carreer ending if you were found cheating
>if you buy a commission that samples from other artists people will look down on you and will get no clout from it
>once the AI trick wears out, eventually people will just grow tired of AI art and interest in digital art will come back
breathe in this hopium with me, bros. we gonna be okay

>> No.6431602

It's just another form of creating. It's not drawing, it's something else.

>> No.6431603

Sorry, I didn't make poor life choices and became an artist. My time is more valuable solving problems.
Artists have never solved a problem and that's why you're going to be very alone on this.

>> No.6431606

Always remember that your art galleries are nkw just free work for AAA companies.

>> No.6431607

>I generally find them to be useless, dirty and pretty much addicted to the consumer grade teat. There's really nothing worth anything with them and are only interested in your money.
You know people could say the same things about prompters, right? Also, are you a boomer?

>> No.6431609

I'm fine with that definition. Ai tards calling themselves painters is dumber than them calling themselves artists.

>> No.6431611
File: 71 KB, 600x600, artist-s-shit-1961.jpg!Large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6431612

>argues that consooming is for poorfags
>generates endless consoomption with AI
Rules for thee, but not for me!

>> No.6431614

It's the video game version of "making art"

>> No.6431617
File: 324 KB, 512x512, 00149-3457224744-Female Anthropomorphic deer, wearing very comfortable jean suspenders, looking at viewer with warm eyes, farm background, warm s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I've been trying to tell people. From the start it was un-copyrightable.
Which would be horrible for corporations because they can't just give their work out for free.
Humans artists that buy from human artists aren't suddenly going to be buying A.I art
All it does is add a new set of people making pictures and a new set of people consuming them.
The people that buy A.I. art (if they even exist) were never going to buy human art in the first place.
It's like video game piracy.
The vast population could not give a single shit about your feelings, your emotion, your anything you want to huff to give meaning to your art.
Cool looking things are cool.

>> No.6431618

Implying they want my beg tier scribbles

>> No.6431620

Painting is all about problem solving, you have no idea what you're talking about lol

>> No.6431621

>solving problems
Like your inability to create?

>> No.6431622

>One thing being in military has taught me is the only bonds that matter are those that are tied to blood.
nigger who the fuck did you even fight? the targets at the range?
doing a bunch of pushups and getting yelled at isn't making a 'blood bond'

>> No.6431624

>Sorry, I didn't make poor life choices
You shit on the street

>> No.6431625

its worst than that tbqh, it's the watching a let's play of "making art"

>> No.6431626

anon i want to run your beg tier scribble through img2img but add scribbles of my own

>> No.6431628

Mfw people who find stuff on Google are Search Engine Engineers

>> No.6431629
File: 113 KB, 297x287, 1663119888252185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enlighten me
no really
I want to hear this

>> No.6431631
File: 584 KB, 704x704, 04297-2057306247-a photo of an apple, f1.5, clear, photo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you think about it the Sampling steps is the amount of paint the AI uses. So I would call myself an AI painter,

I think the AI field can be separated into various specialties and titles.
Prompt Smith
Prompt engineer
AI artist
AI interpreter
Al Photographer

That's just the way the world is my friend the sooner you accept that instead of being a bitter poorfag the happier you will be. Its not my fault your parents didn't save enough money for a trust for you or you didn't think ahead to invest or take full advantage of opportunities you had.

>> No.6431633

you are literally subhuman by definition

>> No.6431634

Bet this nigga wears ray-bans and imagines being on the Joe Rogan podcast.

>> No.6431635

>It's just another form of creating
It's called gacha. Also, you don't create anything, algorigthm does.

>> No.6431636

stop it, I'm blushing

>> No.6431637

But the person generating the image owns the copywrite though

>> No.6431638

all smiles, only love
we gonna be okay
we gonna be okay
we gonna be okay
sing with me anon

>> No.6431641
File: 419 KB, 512x512, 00091-1804745920-InkPunk768, illustration of a stunning redhead woman standing in a field, tight kahki pants, busty shirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they do not in any form or fashion.
There's nothing stopping you from taking this picture and selling it, modifying it, and doing whatever you want with it.
Gosh that'd be so terrible if you did all those things
I'd be really angry

>> No.6431642

Anon ... what value are you creating for the world and your fellow humans that a poorfag does not?

>> No.6431645

They don't. Haha. Good luck trying to apply your "copyright" in any serious institution.

>> No.6431647
File: 34 KB, 564x540, 37ce6397cc8634df9038cc3dd06bfd00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prompters are the gacha of Art.

>> No.6431649

>Al Photographer
My sides

>> No.6431650
File: 309 KB, 512x512, 00187-2562830558-Church Scene, Cathedreal, ((fluffy chocolate-colored fur)), (Lots of chocolate-colored fur tuft),highly detailed chocolate-color.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother in Christ(Almighty)

>> No.6431651


>> No.6431654

AI art will be treated in the same way NFTs are treated. If you're trying to sell it I'll just screenshot it and undercut you in any type of product I can print it on.

>> No.6431656
File: 1.73 MB, 640x1138, qitf7sl7v36a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/p/ is more at risk from AI then artists /ic/ is.

>> No.6431658
File: 331 KB, 512x512, 00112-1379805418-Female Anthropomorphic deer, wearing comfy sweater, looking at viewer with warm eyes, snowy background, warm smile, close-up,.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gosh I would be so angry
im going to redbubble right now with this picture
weebs would easily pay $50 for this

>> No.6431662

unrelated NFTs might actually be the ironic counter to AI. If you can use NFT as a proof of work token to human art.

Also I know speculating on NFTs was a scam but why did artists not use NFTs to sell their work? I mean what stops you from minting a free NFT

>> No.6431663

Well whoever generated it could sue me for breach of copyright. They won't necessarily win but there's a decent chance.

>> No.6431664
File: 587 KB, 1024x1365, 1533080596408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is genuinelly incredible satire, extremely entertaining.

>> No.6431667

Nobody seriously cares about the copyright of AI images.
AI is a huge push for the "free culture" movement, an attempt to destroy copyright in search of a world where you don't need permission to do what you want with any art you want. This is actually the dominant mode of thinking, but people don't actually engage with the issues. Your average person online is engaging in rampant copyright infringement on the daily, often multiple times.

That's partly why so many people seethe at AI art, they're not part of this free culture movement and they don't want it to win, but since AI has given it a massive leg up they're scared now.

They're scared that all the time they spent cultivating an audience that will never repost their work will be for naught. They're scared that the control they deluded themselves into thinking they had over their own art might not be real. They're scared that they'll lose, and then they'll have to kill themselves or delete all their art to maintain their righteousness.

>> No.6431669
File: 344 KB, 512x512, 00104-1762031262-art by midjourney, Plain Doll, she really needs to be entertained by her Nintendo Switch, mexican guy selling spicy tacos to whi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is zero chance of this, anon.

>> No.6431670

>AI is a huge push for the "free culture" movement, an attempt to destroy copyright in search of a world where you don't need permission to do what you want with any art you want.
This is a great goal, but we live in a Capitalist society where artists need to eat food.

>> No.6431672
File: 197 KB, 900x722, 1671329502647248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6431673

NFTs were partly a scam on artists because they cost money to mint. The NFTbros were trying to get artists to mint their own work because it meant the artists ate the gas fees and often undervalued their shit, so some NFT idiot could flip the thing while the artist was out a couple hundred bux from the minting.

>> No.6431674

That's convenient because there's people willing to pay others money to solve the problems of the world.

>> No.6431679

You can still make money as an artist, you just make money doing work. Not selling already-done work (unless you sell tickets to a physically-restricted area where your art exists).

"Art" is a service, not a product.

>> No.6431680
File: 1.97 MB, 380x285, 1611376003009.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>already started seeing takes of people unironically saying that AI-generated CP is a good thing because it doesn't hurt children

>> No.6431681
File: 46 KB, 812x125, Screenshot 2022-12-21 at 18-02-39 No to AI Cake Vayeate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already use the title of "Professional Prompt Smith" on Art station.

>> No.6431683

this but unironically

>> No.6431684

Never seen it happen, but I don't see why not. They'd be in their legal right and if they got enough money it should be doable.

>> No.6431685

>people are going to pay me money to draw them something for commercial use that they don't own

>> No.6431686
File: 46 KB, 428x424, 1608429311038.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gigachad avatar
i legitimately think "people" like you should have their skulls caved in

>> No.6431687

Promptsmith should be one word, like blacksmith

>> No.6431689

why would they do that anon?

>> No.6431690

>I can't wait until the elite cull and exterminate the poor population of this planet so we can stop destroying it environmentally
Considering its the elite doing that idk what the fuck you're talking about, what are the elite just gonna stop polluting for fun? Lmao they do it to make money and cut costs retard aifags are just completely disconnected from reality

>> No.6431692
File: 547 KB, 2048x1366, 1671663900543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, without copyright you will have a really hard time profiting from the art you generated since it was generated with art you don't own.
the customers who purchase regular digital art won't be interested in buying from you, since anyone can write prompts, and if you manage to sell something it will be for dirt cheap.
of course, you can generate art for yourself stealing from all your favorite artists, but again, anyone can do it, so why would they bother with you?
all smiles brother, only love. come talk to us if you ever want to get serious about art.

>> No.6431697

Is this actually you anon

>> No.6431698
File: 404 KB, 576x576, 05178-464123639-Gigachad as an artist, Clear, 8k, highres.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf how does minting cost money? You can literally do it on a laptop. still a scam no doubt.
Gigachad is more than a person he is a movement, a force that transcends this plane of existince and the drama of petty ambition

>> No.6431702

See: >>6431679

And I don't care about people who "purchase digital art". I am an artist, I do work on commission. People pay me to MAKE art, I am not selling them art I already made, that'd be stupid.
I use AI shit to just generate ideas, play around, maybe make some assets for shoving into a background at some point.

>> No.6431708

Minting costs money because it has to be put onto a blockchain and doing that requires "gas fees" (as in, step on the gas to make it go, not burning gas.) The fees are a part of rewarding the people who are doing the computing work that serves to secure the network, it's why any crypto still has some small fee for transactions.

>> No.6431710

>How can you possibly buy AI comissions when you can just search it yourself on the program?
People pay for convenience. It's a big reason piracy has fallen off in recent years since media has become legally accessible in more convenient ways.

>> No.6431711

Imagine liking your own prompt lmao

>> No.6431714
File: 234 KB, 512x512, 00113-2739418295-A_close-up_Picture_of_tiny_fluffy_Cotton_Balls_emerging_from_a_Beaufort_Teacup_which_is_standing_on_a_Saucer,_ultra_detailed,_hy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed it is.
I'm going to start a new series of AI art maybe even NFT it for shit and giggles. "Cups with cotton or clouds".

>> No.6431717

Why did you like your own post

>> No.6431728

I wonder how many people here would actually notice AI generated backgrounds.

People would notice an AI generated character for sure, but somehow I don't think they'd notice the cityscape behind a park is AI generated.

>> No.6431730
File: 89 KB, 343x440, Ber_defa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>430 posts
>50 IPs

>> No.6431742

stop larping as a developer you pajeet
dont make me put on my c++ thigh highs and peg you till you call me daddy

>> No.6431749

That's objectively not true, I have my own fucking eyeballs where the homepage on deviant art is 40% untagged AI art, would probably be more if I didnt blacklist the relevant tags

>> No.6431756
File: 109 KB, 516x544, 601309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to check the SD r*ddit and these guys are bawling, its hilarious
>a-artists reference things too!!
>fucking human artists!
>boycott kickstarter!
>they don't need permission!!
You dumb fucks are gonna lose every single legal battle coming your way, anyone not living in your retarded headspace can see how much of a bunch of thieving jews you are. Seethe forever, AItrannies. You and your computer generated sewage will never pass.

>> No.6431758
File: 199 KB, 343x440, 1389774524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6431770

They don't. Daromeon is proof of it.
Your homepage on dA is based on what the algorithm thinks you'll like.
The fact it's got as much AI art as you say means your tastes are bitch tier basic, so if you weren't propagandized into hating AI art you might actually enjoy some of the pieces.

My homepage has only 2 AI art on it and only one of those two are untagged.

>> No.6431776

The bad thing is that big corporation might use this to kill the internet. This is a loaded bullet and 4 out of 6 times the AI tards will shoot them self in the leg by pushing an area nobody cared for.

>> No.6431782

Every single AI and techfag would be more useful to society if they were thrown directly into a woodchipper, feet first.

>> No.6431792

and to think the lawsuit isnt even settled yet. Get cozy anon 2023 gonna be a good year.
>big corporation might use this to kill the internet

>> No.6431798

Yes, it will be a cold day I hell before the fossils working at copyright offices give this shit a pass. Maybe when zoomers brain damaged by a lifetime of social media exposure take over it has a chance to happen.

>> No.6431822

In the late 2021 I made a prediction that current situation of AI (current image generation quality, a bunch of "artists" seething and trying to lobby their precious "industry") would happen only in 2023. But I was wrong and it happened in mid-2022. The sheer speed of improvement is absolutely shocking. In less than a year we've come from a barely recognizable blobs to a nearly-perfect images with only a few imperfections like fingers, faces, text, complicated interactions (basically situations where multiple objects are supposed to relate to each other).
Now, seeing all those improvements, I'd like to make some predictions:
>Early Summer 2023 - text generation perfected
>Late Summer 2023 - image generation perfected
>Fall 2024 - animation generation perfected
>Spring 2025 - AI can generate a perfect animation with fully generated voice/sound
>Spring 2026 - AI can generate a photorealistic movie
>Fall 2026 - VR worlds, generated by AI on the fly
Now screencap this shit and greet the new age - the age of AI.

>> No.6431839

>Late Summer 2023 - image generation perfected
You mean only image quality (which is already pretty good) or being controllable enough to follow designs and ideas perfectly? I think this is seriously lacking in comparison to the image quality.

>> No.6431844
File: 1.67 MB, 1280x1280, 05891-659631689-Photo, A close-up Photo of tiny fluffy Cotton Balls emerging from a Beaufort Teacup which is standing on a Saucer, ultra detaile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man Artstation seems like a pretty kino site, I think im gonna start posting more of my work here.

>> No.6431849
File: 89 KB, 535x450, 195481094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>early 2020 - India becomes a superpower

>> No.6431894

Trannies deserve it.

>> No.6431895
File: 648 KB, 1284x879, ggm8 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice watermark promptlet

>> No.6431919

Yeah, it's trained from CP. So then might as well let pedos use already made CP anyway, amirite?

>> No.6431928

the recent "improvement" you're seeing was already in place for years, it's the training material that's making it look "better" you pajeet

>> No.6432015
File: 25 KB, 590x236, AIinJP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's going on in the Japanese/Korean art community? It seems like I haven't heard a single notable artist from there say anything about AI aside from that Naoki Saito video.

I get not wanting to look like a cringe virtue signaler, but come on, it's clearly a big deal.

>> No.6432028


>> No.6432049

anon, how can you say something like that? They should be fed to a woodchipper feet first

>> No.6432060
File: 2.12 MB, 3072x3072, DXXOQaB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because unlike western mogoloids they aren't obsessed with the "SOVL" or how art is made. Two they generally have a tradition of using tools that rejected or undervalued by westerner, (i.e the VCR, CDs ect)
Three most of all the nips see AI as a labor saving tool or a novel instrument to experiment with and aren't in a schzio panic beliving AI is going to suddenly take away their existance.

>> No.6432089

The girl (lain) from my punchline got her torso broken from img2img

>> No.6432090

you understand how fragile the mind is right? that too many fragile psyches succomb to their lust by grading to higher levels of pornographic degeneracy; which means if that shit is made allowed it would cause ppl to further augment their desire, and desire has no end. take note of this. this is why some pictures is not legal
they are stuck in what i described above. desire is stronger than ethics and moral

>> No.6432112

Japan is the place where "soul" is the most important aspect in art, they also value hard work and skills a lot, you can see that everywhere in their culture.

Now why they like AI so much? Because Japan is a country where you need to work a lot, only a few of them can become an artist and I'm sure many of them absolutely hate artists for that (even if they like the artist's works).

AI is their chance to generate art without the need of skills, free time, artistic knwoledge, creativity, nothing, you just type your urges or copy and paste some cool prompt and that's all, infinite art for free whenever you want.

>> No.6432126

If this is true why aren't the artists posting praise of AI, why aren't they posting AI Art? Almost no one has said anything at all about the topic

>> No.6432137

Coomer here I don't like AI art

>> No.6432204

Oh no AIcels sisters we got too cocky!
Worst robary, benchods!!!!!
Mostaq save meeeeeee

>> No.6432221

AIcels genuinely lack imagination
Otherwise they'd be artists.
Artists with AI create the craziest shit.
But AIcels all they think about is literally muh dick!!!

>> No.6432227
File: 394 KB, 1080x1349, Yts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ai has no rights, ai deserves to be censored

>> No.6432389

aishit is a search engine. at most you are doing seo

>> No.6432576

>Japan like AI.
They treat it as a meme and trend for ethots, nothing more. People who genuinely love art disgust with AI fags shit out AI pics. Even those who actually spend time edit AI pics call themselves AI breeders, not artist.
The pixiv and CSP backlash is the proof that Japanese who enjoy art don't want AI element in their space. and now Pixiv jannies have to work overtime to hand pick 300 top artworks daily to redeem themselves.

>> No.6432682

Based comment

>> No.6432731
File: 317 KB, 560x560, 1671714661041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole debacle made me lose more respect for artists than AI. Artists are emotionally bipolar niggers and its going to bite you in the ass.

>> No.6432735

>noooo how dare you fight back against the leeches trying to force their thieving asses into your industry
A large portion of the art industry was always made of bpd schizos, they happen to be justified this time.

>> No.6432745

This is what I mean. If clearly transformative art is thievery, then that places every artist selling fanart even lower. Furthermore, AI art does not need to borrow any one artist's style to work- it can amalgamate aspects of many to produce a new style. This is obvious to anyone that's used/seen AI, but artists want to be childish, scream and cry into the void, to the point of begging Disney for draconian copyright laws. But the dude in his basement generating anime art for fun is evil, right? I'm just saying, the only person you'll hurt is yourself.

>> No.6432755

So you are just another AIjeet parasite. It seems giving any post calling artists names even the benefit of the doubt is too much. Scurry back to /g/, cockroach.

>> No.6432759

>its ok to steal if it steals from more than 1 person
tech trannies in any% speedrunning mode to prove to the world they have no ethics or moral compass once again

>> No.6433233

techshitters have spent the past 3 decades playing fast and loose with the world's data on inflated monopoly money salaries. they have litterally no conception of how the rest of the world perceives ownership or how the real bread and butter economy functions. this is the first time anyone has ever told them 'no' and they're absolutely seething that artfags wont simply do the needful and roll over to be fucked like cab drivers, hotel owners, print and ever other industry they've (((disrupted))).

>> No.6434395

>>Sounds like they need to hire AI artists if they can't tell the difference anymore.

Imagine being this retarded.

Ai can spit out something that looks cool as lomg as its generic and non specific.

As soon as one of those prompt pumping retards would get hired and be asked by the AD, " hey i like these but can you do a few more versions, id like to see one with a more texhwear style and for this one can you do big rings/ spere shapes with some subtractive design elements to make it more cohesive?" The big dumb glorified typist is gonna go, "guhh deErR wHaT diD meAn thuSe woRDs WHaT yOu jUsT sed??" And since they dont actually know how to draw or paint they will have to ask some other competent human to do it and then fire the AI typist retard

>> No.6434397
File: 744 KB, 498x370, 1603459621498.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. Great even, LOL.