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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 153 KB, 1024x1536, 1671638980134124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6430717 No.6430717 [Reply] [Original]

it's over

>> No.6430719

k, fuck off then

>> No.6430720

go draw

>> No.6430722

I kneel AI

>> No.6430727

I can do better.

>> No.6430730

That’s the spirit anon

>> No.6430731

she has barely any oxygen in her muscles

>> No.6430733
File: 149 KB, 1024x1536, FkEpvCBUcAADIC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder if this prompt wizard does some manual touchups

>> No.6430734

that's pretty impressive

>> No.6430736

God I want her to beat me up so bad.

>> No.6430741

who is the prompter?

>> No.6430745


>> No.6430751

>generate a pic to appeal to muscle girl lovers
>girl has shitty deformed muscles
Go back to your shitting streets, rajeesh.

>clothes, eyes, and mouth are still fucked up as usual for AI shit

>> No.6430754

you cannot denigrate his efforts by refusing to call him a prompt engineer artist and expect to be taken seriously

>> No.6430755

alright now prompt her actually fighting with another charcter, in action

>> No.6430758

Really shows how obsolete anime is becoming, if this were ai. Shit is the most generic.

>> No.6430761

Post your work.

>> No.6430769

Nah, 2D animating will be safe until we all turn old and grey.

>> No.6430771

are there any real artists that can render like this with this level of anatomy?

>> No.6430772

2d animation hasn’t existed as an industry beyond sweatshops for a while now

>> No.6430773

by this level, you mean improvised?

>> No.6430776

I mean beg tier

>> No.6430777

ok who is the prompt engineer artist

>> No.6430781

Unironically, on face value, how much would you pay for this if you didn't know it was a prompt?

>> No.6430782

anyone who wants to be, that is beauty of democratising creativity

>> No.6430784

>implying anyone on /ic/ would pay for a drawing

>> No.6430788

>girl has shitty deformed muscles
she doesnt
>clothes, eyes, and mouth are still fucked up
theyre not
schizo please... pyw...

>> No.6430789

>using boxing gloves to hide deformed polio hands
I gotta give credit where credit is due, the pajeets were thinking outside the box here.

>> No.6430790

Animation is a different topic, im talking the art style that artist will constantly use. Ai shit has already made full blown illustrations with minor or minimum mistakes.

>> No.6430793

bruh, even the average gym goer will see that’s nowhere near human anatomy

>> No.6430796

Good. If you want to survive I suggest you pick up animation skills.

>> No.6430798

dunning kruger san... pyw

>> No.6430801

I would say the majority of artists who over render like this are beg tier. Polishing turds isn't a meme

>> No.6430804
File: 526 KB, 800x1154, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6430805


>> No.6430813

>>girl has shitty deformed muscles
>she doesnt
Is your frame of reference anorexic orangutans?

>> No.6430818

>put in boxing gloves to cover up misshapen hands
>boxing gloves become deformed instead

>> No.6430821

my frame of refence are popular stylized drawings that make rounds on the internet, if you stepped out of (eternal)/beg/ for a five seconds to stop making scratchy garbage no one gives a shit about you would also have this material in your frame of reference

>> No.6430823

Looks gross af, please get some taste OP

>> No.6430826

post one (1) popular stylised drawing with this muscle configuration

>> No.6430827


>> No.6430832


>> No.6430833

>Give boxing gloves
>Still can't do hands

>> No.6430835

now show her punching a zombies! DO IT FAGGOT! you wont. just run away again when confronted with the truth, that your pathetic AI can't do scenes. only boring pinups.

>> No.6430836
File: 165 KB, 1200x1200, Valdir-flexed-his-huge-biceps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI muscle girl
Real muscles come from discipline. Good muscles and fit bodies require struggle and dedication. Something AIjeets will never have.
>"It looks just as good" pic related

>> No.6430837

popularity =/= good

Some of us want to be judged by our masters and our peers only, normies be dammed. But keep being popular by providing normies with their goyslop, by all means. It still won't keep you from being shat on in the art community.

>> No.6430838

bruh feelin' so replaced rn frfr no cap.

>> No.6430840

This nigger looks AI generated KEK

>> No.6430843

This is really fucking bad NGL bros. But I like the subject because female boxing is my jam. Give me some artists this nigger is stealing from

>> No.6430847

Excuse me but the term is called referencing.

>> No.6430850

Semantics. Give me the sauce nigger, I want to paint some boxing cuties

>> No.6430851

The Source is clearly the Ai.

>> No.6430852

You can still easily tell it's ai generated though

>> No.6430854

no, the ai is the nigger in that sentence

>> No.6430855

Nah. Give me the artists this nigger is prompting. Why would I want to see those fake ugly pics when the real ones are way better

>> No.6430859

If that's the case just search for girl with boxing gloves as your source.

>> No.6430860

Does it matter?

>> No.6430861

>I won't give away my prompt I worked really hard stealing them
Nigger stop being a nigger and drop those names, bitch

>> No.6430862
File: 44 KB, 620x675, 1604896834390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does a Magician reveal his secrets? I think not.

>> No.6430863

How about get good and practice you retarded /beg/.

>> No.6430865

Yes because it looks bad upon any closer inspection.

>> No.6430867

Heh...you won this time
How about you drop those names, nigger

>> No.6430868

Cool it with the racism, Sebastian.

>> No.6430872

I don't think anon prompted those pics in the first place...

>> No.6430874
File: 150 KB, 449x478, 1634522143173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name 1 AI artist.

>> No.6430875

looks cool
(goes back to drawing)

>> No.6430876


>> No.6430877

>artists are gatekeeping art reeeeeeee
>my prompts? heh.... that's a secret...

>> No.6430878
File: 60 KB, 735x703, 43fee45ea0cdd933f4950ec3db3d9686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand the moderation on this board.
Jannies removed every AI shitpost thread almost instantly today but this one who is even more blatant gets to stay up.
Do they only work at certain times?

>> No.6430879

At least they're trying now, a week or so ago the spam was on another level
Thank you jannies

>> No.6430880

Actually aislop being ruled as non copyrightable means it is in fact not referencing

>> No.6430883

>Do they only work at certain times?
I think so, also this board wasn't really that prone to shitposting attacks before the whole ai shitshow so they're probably not used to paying much attention to it

>> No.6430891

Not anymore since we found out all they did was anal sex orgies and eat period/cum dipped turds. Maybe programmers aren't too different.

>> No.6430895
File: 176 KB, 494x314, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our art.

>> No.6430896

We get 1 (one) shitposting thread to make fun of techies so better make the most of it.

>> No.6430900
File: 2.26 MB, 1024x1024, 334783022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's pretty good

>> No.6430910

Weird how the uncanny valley/horror stuff hides artifacts a lot better. Makes me wish this was all it was used for.

>> No.6430927
File: 2.34 MB, 1024x1024, 831194806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it is pretty easy to get away with stuff when it's supposed to be deformed.

>> No.6430948

abs fucked up
left arm fucked up

i can't fap to this

>> No.6430953
File: 3.34 MB, 6000x3999, 1671647708245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm a better artist than all of /ic/

>> No.6430958
File: 50 KB, 600x608, ac6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its actually over

>> No.6430962

you arn't cus you didn't make anything

>> No.6430972

>Photobashes Princess Mononoke so hard it doesn't get rid of the face markings.
Just two weeks more amirite?

>> No.6430989
File: 382 KB, 512x512, 1671648736437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Princess Mononoke doesn't have the same markings, its actually an original touch of the AI. Anyway you can keep arguing about markings and hands but the ground beneath your feet won't stop sinking.

>> No.6431051

Just post a dynamic action scene. We've been looking at the same stiff anime portraits for months! Move on!

>> No.6431180

That's a lot of titles for someone who just writes sentences and waits for an algorithm to mash countless paintings together. You're prompters; not artists. You in particular are an arrogant prompter. Don't compare yourself to me. I'm not even smug enough to call myself an artist even though I paint and draw and have been for decades. I'm an illustrator.
What the fuck is wrong with you people? Take your arrogance and shove it up your ass. Fucking tapeworms.
No visual creator with any merrit/skill would consider you their equal.

>> No.6431184

They are literal trannies kek

>> No.6431186

astounding how you call yourselves not one but TWO things you aren't

>> No.6431189

silence cis "artist". trans artists are better artists than you

>> No.6431208
File: 1.14 MB, 971x1071, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice metrics lmao

>> No.6431210

That isn't how this works you stupid nigger.
Something being "copyrightable" doesn't mean it's art, it doesn't mean it has legitimacy. It ONLY means the fucking legal test of "originality" is high enough to grant the creator the ability to leverage state force in order to prevent others from copying it.
Plenty of art can't be copyrighted.

Why are artists so fucking stupid?

>> No.6431212

Ryona art needs more of a story for me to fap to, I can't jack off to just this.

>> No.6431213

tfw I'm autistic enough to know which anime screencaps and artist prompts you used to make these

>> No.6431216

Sorry pajeet, looks like they'll be banning you from payment platforms soon

>> No.6431222
File: 1.42 MB, 1220x1192, 1671631696356590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I can tell not being able to copyright your slop makes you seethe kek

>> No.6431226

> reverse image search
> sees /v/ thread from today
Always funny to see how terminally on 4chan ai losers are

>> No.6431235

I remember that bitch cheering so hard, now look at her >>6431210
Reduced to shilling for Emad on /ic/

>> No.6431236

Putting a real actresses face in your comic is a great way to get sued, AI or no AI. It seems like promptlets have no respect for anyone, let alone artists.

>> No.6431238

Admirable of you to respect her pronouns.

>> No.6431244

People trying to sell AI art are retarded. I was very happy when it was determined it can't really be copyrighted because it means I can just use any AI outputs I see as reference or photobash material.

No longer am I stuck with the ghetto garbage of "royalty free" and Creative-Commons stock art, now I have so many assets available to me without needing to pay some parasite. Either from generating them myself or by grabbing others' outputs for use in my work.

>> No.6431245
File: 60 KB, 720x517, 1654245978964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just looked at *ITS* twitter.

>> No.6431246

stop coping you fucking bitch

>> No.6431250

You can already do that with literally any image on the internet if your photobashing is good enough. And if it's not good enough than it's probably not worth doing anyway.

>> No.6431251

more like niggerjourney

>> No.6431258

The pajeets won...they killed the blurry anime girl pinup in 3/4ths view.......

>> No.6431287
File: 41 KB, 479x680, Fgupr8LacAAegQV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK NO I really liked that genre I know a lot of people don't like it but I really enjoyed some good ol anime pinups. A lot of my favourite artist do that from time to time. I can't believe poojeets really want to kill it. They have no soul.

>> No.6431290

Not it won't. As of now, AI has just been understanding images as an abstract set of shapes and colors. When it starts factoring in form, it's going to be over, it's going to learn depth, it's going to know how the fuck hands are supposed to work, it's going to know how to rotate and animate anything in 3D space. And I think it is going to happen in only a few years.

>> No.6431294

source my ass they have been working on this for 20 years and this is how far they get. End of the line. Cope.

>> No.6431298

That just means you can do your animations as a 1-man project. You'll hand-do the parts you find important and use AI tools for the other bits.

The fact is that few animators and other artists on an animation staff actually enjoy doing someone else's grunt work. Everyone wants to be a showrunner, but few get to do that. Well if you have AI working under you, you don't need to kiss ass in "the industry" to get a budget for hiring the next generation of sad sacks.

>> No.6431314

That's how I feel about it too. I think with the surge of AI art that will exist in the future, a lot of artists, at least the non-luddites will start taking the role of stylists. They'll train the AI to use a unique original style of their creation and let the AI do the gruntwork.

>> No.6431317

Anyone else can just steal it with 1 button.

>> No.6431318

Anon AI doesn't "understand" anything
>And I think it is going to happen in only a few years.
Yea I'll believe it when I see it, right now we're still not past "generic pretty girl standing in front of generic background with conveniently hidden hands"

>> No.6431338

That's why people are going to want stylists. AI art is going to look samey and artists are going to be commissioned to invent new styles. Do you not get this?

>> No.6431340

already the case

>> No.6431349

>That just means you can do your animations as a 1-man project. You'll hand-do the parts you find important and use AI tools for the other bits.
Yes. It will still need significant human input in order to control the output of the AI. Otherwise you will end up with a spastic mess that looks like shit and nothing like your vision. I'd be fine with something that just colors frames, does cleanup and adds subtle effects since I enjoy animating and drawing backgrounds.
On another note. As much as I like the idea of being my own director I do hope that this stuff doesn't kill collaborative spirit between creatives. Teamwork makes better results (as long as you don't work with retards). Getting people to collaborate is already like pulling teeth because everyone wants to be a one man show and get all the attention. This AI will enable that mentality even more. Hopefully the people who aren't narcissistic weirdos can come together and filter the lazy ones.

>> No.6431358

They'll just pay people peanuts to do enough artwork to train on and then they won't need them anymore. It's not sustainable.

>> No.6431390

I think if nothing else it'll mean the narcissistic weirdos will be encouraged to self-segregate so if you want actually-good assistance from others you'll find them easier. The cunts won't have a "need" to hide their power level, they'll just fuck off to do their own thing.


>> No.6431428

I think the training artwork is going to be very specific and it's going to need a lot of reference material for each element of a style. A lot of problems with AI art arise from the fact that the AI still hasn't been trained specifically enough, it has been trained on finished art compositions rather than isolated elements.

>> No.6431430

you fucking retard, AI can and will make any successful style generic in a matter of days just by sheer numbers. They will destroy everything you love and they find it funny

>> No.6431439

You can already do this with SFM.

>> No.6431443

That's already been disproven with the Kim Jung Gi model.

>> No.6431444

So what is your point?

>> No.6431456

For now. Once the mouse decides it's a cash cow you'll be forced to respect that IP.

>> No.6431467

The mouse would rather sue poor retards for selling copyright material. It's more lucrative that way and you also get to keep public good graces by protecting artist integrity etc

>> No.6431608

>I'm not even smug enough to call myself an artist even though I paint and draw and have been for decades
and now anyone can become an artist in 10 seconds lmao, I’d be mad too if I wasted my life

>> No.6431619
File: 411 KB, 1280x720, 1639596688265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/isters.../pol/ is laughing at us again.

>> No.6431644

Dedication, perseverance, and discipline are all things you gain in addition to the mere skills needed to pull of art.

You can drive yourself to the end of a marathon but the runners actually benefit from completing the race while you do not.

>> No.6431646

Thanks, just posted that whites deserve to go extinct and left the thread.

>> No.6431661

/pol/ celebrates the death of humanity.

>> No.6431671

Kill it before it kills you and everything you love

>> No.6431675

The only thing slightly bothering me with you bugmen is your insistence that you're somehow my peer/ my equal or even an "artist" for typing some words into a generator.
You'll never be on the same level as an actual artist with your fucking prompts of all things.
My god you people are intolerable.

>> No.6431677

Any other day of the week they're on full shizo mode and praising Uncle Ted. They just hate artists because they associate them with leftists.

>> No.6431688

investing 10 years into something that can be done in 10 seconds is neither skill nor a virtue, it’s stupidity
do you pay some “craftsman” to hand make your shoes? yeah, I didn’t think so
being the autistic old man going
>noooooooo real shoes are made with a hammer and nails by certified shoemakers at lovable rates nooooooooo
is not admirable on any level
grow up

>> No.6431699

If you're talking about me >>6431180
then no. I'm not a transexual. What a weird thing to claim.

>> No.6431700

Wait this is Ai?

>> No.6431705

>do you pay some “craftsman” to hand make your shoes? yeah, I didn’t think so
I do, actually

>> No.6431706

Aifags seriously believe that if they can make an anime girl have muscles they win

>> No.6431707

Bespoke shoes still exist, as a luxury product. This applies with anything to do with clothes. Mass produced stuff is "good enough" and MUCH cheaper than the labor of an artisan, but the fits tend to be pretty poor.

>> No.6431709


>> No.6431712

>Dedication, perseverance, and discipline are all things you gain in addition to the mere skills needed to pull of art.

So most "artists" bitching about AI aren't artists then?

>> No.6431715
File: 6 KB, 250x216, wrf2435245235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know there's no point in talking to you anymore, you're that same failed artist faggot shitting up threads for months now, but still lmao, I feel a bit bad for you everytime you post shit like this.
But then you keep doing the same thing and I can't help but hope you get cancer man, so yeah, please stop shitting up the board.

>> No.6431720

>investing 10 years into something that can be done in 10 seconds is neither skill nor a virtue, it’s stupidity
Ai art wasn't a thing until a year ago
>do you pay some “craftsman” to hand make your shoes?
I actually did buy handmade boots a few months ago. No quotations needed, he did a good job.

>> No.6431727

It's really funny how they will not acknowledge it's the globohomo agenda funding AI technologies. Or that tech firms are 99% in California and manned by overpaid techies who are almost always either ultra liberals or Indians.

>> No.6431731

You're completely missing the point moron. I'm trying to remind you of your role in all this. Nobody thinks of a fucking prompter as an artist except a bunch of technerds high on their own cope.
Not even the majority of consumers agree with you.

Besides nobody could have predicted even two years ago that they would litteraly steal our work and feed it to this AI. without all the countless artists who have been ripped of this algorithm wouldn't be remotely as good as it is right now. It would in fact be garbage still. Even the ethics of using this is enough to dissuade most people from ever downloading it.

I'll keep creating regardless. And yes I would say I'm a pretty damn good illustrator. Decades of actual work ethic and passion will do that to you. Not that I'm gona post my work or anything. I couldn't trust you even if I tried and I don't need to prove anything to you.
I've tried to engage with you but it's like this everytime. It's like talking to a brick wall. Enjoy deluding yourself into thinking you're anything other than a guy pushing buttons. The AI is more of an artist than you if anything..
I won't waste any more of my time on you.

>> No.6431733

>w-we do buy handmade shoes! we do!
>i-it’s not over! r-rich people appreciate paying for overpriced outdated jpegs

>> No.6431734

Why are you so angry?

>> No.6431739

What rich people are overpaying for jpegs?

>> No.6431740

>tries to be a smartass
>gets BTFO
>reeeeeeee you're still wrong and I'm right, why are you not liking my prompts???
Since you clearly hate art and artists, why did you decide to come to this particular board...?

>> No.6431741

Holy shit stop crying you seething faggot

>> No.6431745

Must suck being a poor fags who can't blow money on whatever he wants.

>> No.6431746
File: 181 KB, 413x511, 1617513312467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>steal our work
I keep seeing this term being used, "stealing [my] work" just goes to show how oblivious you are because it isn't your work, and unless you have an actual canvas where you traditionally painted a Pokemon flavor of the month waifu you infringed from Nintendo, nobody is stealing from you.

>> No.6431750

>pretending to be retarded

>> No.6431751
File: 254 KB, 1789x340, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is you isn't it

>> No.6431752

Nothing is new under the sun.

>> No.6431762

lots of coping itt
we’ll see who’s laughing last when the supreme court slaps this retarded emotional copyright office activism, probably spearheaded by some intern on twitter duty

>> No.6431765

You, isn't it?

>> No.6431766

Maybe he should learn some real skills instead of posting on the 4chins and harassing other NEETs.

>> No.6431771
File: 38 KB, 775x900, 1664843791046403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to that thread
>read comments
>all of it is 2 month old arguments about how ai is going to win that have already been addressed
Pol is very far behind the current state of things. Stop giving us every little thread you happen to come across on AI paj. Back to bed

>> No.6431773


>> No.6431774

Watch ai still fail to produce coherent images of anything involving spatial reasoning 5 years from now. Unless we hit some kind of singularity by then...

>> No.6431777

But it can already do that?

>> No.6431781
File: 1.99 MB, 1151x1415, 1671663423898338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6431783

>AI can do spatial reasoning
And Santa is real

>> No.6431788

more real than your audience

>> No.6431800


>> No.6431803

It records patterns of data to create a probabilistic model. There is no "understanding", only copying.

>> No.6431806

No retard, it can create images that adhere to spatial reasoning. It doesn't actually need spacial reasoning to do it.

>> No.6431818

That's more intelligence than most on here have, you have to admit.

>> No.6431825

A computer is "smarter" than any living person.

>> No.6431830

Only ready made clothes I buy are underwear.
I would pity you for not knowing the pleasure of wearing tailored clothes but you clearly don't deserve it.

>> No.6431836

Bocchi the Boxer!

>> No.6431845
File: 84 KB, 550x358, 1589424089699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she doesnt
HAHAHAHAHAHA there's no way you're being serious. I could literally make a list, right now, of all that is absolutely wrong in that musculoskeletal structure. And that's just anatomy lol. You know what? Fuck it. From the top:
>Inconsistent face planes. Some of it is shaded as if illuminated from the superior left front, some as if from above, some as if it had a cooler bounce light (weird, since the PINK GLOVE close to the face would bounce back a soft, reddish light from below)
>Pointy chin and non-discernible jawline.
>No digastric, mylohyoid, or sternomastoid muscles spotted.
>Double eyebrows?
>Unclear shape and connection of neck.
>Lateral deltoid doesn't seem connected to acromion process of the scapula, but to go over it and connect somewhere else (???).
>Trapezius entirely missing.
>Anterior deltoid entirely missing.
>Posterior deltoid should be seen fro this angle, assuming the lumbar spine is correct (it isn't though so fuck it).
>Pectoralis major joins in too high into the humerus; arm has no leverage.
>Triceps entirely missing
>Brachialis entirely missing.
>Humerus long as fuck
>Biceps is aight up to where it joins the shoulder. That lump could be a tumor.
>Ulna and olecranon process super low.
> Brachioradialis inserts wrong into forearm.
> Anconeus entirely missing.
> The raised arm forms an impressive TRIPLE TANGENT using the same line from the shirt into the triceps, from the breast into the biceps, and by the fist touching that strand of hair (that thumb is fucked too)
>Unclear termination of ribcage.
>Obliques completely improvised
>Rectus abdominis completely improvised AND lit wrongly, as if pertaining to the lateral plane.
>Erector spinae completely missing.
>Lumbar spine too long (it's only 5 vertebrae from T12 to Sacrum, not a fucking snake).
>Illiac crest completely missing. I concede that the pants could cover it (unlikely cuz of obliques "structure", but let's pretend).

I COULD go on, but holy shit man, study a bit.

>> No.6431850

Doesn't matter, if it looks right it is right.

>> No.6431852

Look how quickly self driving cars improved, from pure scifi to a real thing in a few years. But the road still isn't full of them, because the last 10% to get them road worthy isn't as easy.

>> No.6431860
File: 199 KB, 343x440, 1389774524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk, looks right to me.

>> No.6431861
File: 544 KB, 1500x1500, 1666462553235274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6431865

>Look at how *runs over pedestrian* quickly self driving *gets mogged by power grid* cars have improved

>> No.6431872

who made this, I need more

>> No.6431883

Yeah, but ten years ago they couldn't even stay on a basic course. Now they operate extremely well in test environments, but bridging the gap to real driving has been too much for commercial viability.

>> No.6431892
File: 216 KB, 343x440, 3364427752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did, but I'm not doing anymore. Make your own "by William-Adolphe Bouguereau"

>> No.6431897

>Most educated AI prompt engineer artist
Normally little things like those are overseen by design. The machine doesn't decide shit though, let alone understand which muscles to imply or not to overstate the obvious. This is a mess of detail, values, anatomy, perspective, color theory, contrasts, etc etc. It "looks right" because you consume garbage indiscriminately, which is fine actually. Reality TV is a thing; you're entitled to your tastes. The anon I responded to however seems to believe this is normal, well structured musculature.

That's cool, you're the target audience then. Ain't got a problem with that.

Lmao, cracked me up not gonna lie

>> No.6431952

>now they *spontaneous explosion* Operate well!

>> No.6431963

/pol/ is a board infamously astroturfed by government and corporate shills. It was compromised a long time ago.

>> No.6431976
File: 226 KB, 352x240, Loituma.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that’s nowhere near human anatomy
Because manmade anime is ?

>> No.6431977
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Why do artists seem to believe AI artists hate art? I love art, but not the decaying rot that has taken root in the West which calls itself "art". That is what AI liberates us from, that's why we train it to make art and hey, maybe you'll get to take part in an industry born anew, rid of degeneration.

>> No.6431980

>not the decaying rot that has taken root in the West which calls itself "art"

>> No.6431982

>an industry born anew, rid of degeneration.
The animation industry is going to shrink into a tiny cluster of Hollywood fucks who make globohomo content.

>> No.6431983

The fuck are you talking about? Ai shit is only capable if (poorly) replicating existing art styles.

>> No.6431985

So instead you decide to kill eastern art with oversaturation and mediocrity. Got it.

>> No.6431991
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posting some AI dragons I made

>> No.6431992
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>> No.6431994


>> No.6431995
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this ones fucking awesome

>> No.6431998
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based infinitely creative AI

>> No.6432000

What popular stylized drawings give anime muscle girls 3 sets of eyebrows and arms that look like they belong to a gibbons?

>> No.6432001
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>> No.6432012

think I've taken shits that look more like dragons than these

>> No.6432024

If you can’t see how useful a tool AI is you can’t be helped

>> No.6432027

it's useful for what exactly? making scaled piles of shit?
You dumb fucks parrot this ad nauseum, but I've yet to see anyone ever use it for anything worthwhile. The amount of time it takes to fix AI generated images, you're better off just drawing from scratch.
The only problem is that requires dedication to the craft, which is too much for zoomer retards that need to consoom NOW

>> No.6432031

I don't think this is a zoomer thing. The people I see most excited about AI are crusty reddit millenials and retirement aged boomers.

>> No.6432042

I don't think you realize that people in their mid 20s are zoomers.

>> No.6432047

>I made

>> No.6432050

you got scammed

>> No.6432057

I know what a zoomer is anon.

>> No.6432066
File: 25 KB, 590x236, 1671673775298730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are japs so in favor of AI? I mean, it's a country known for its artists, yet I'm seeing them being cornered and almost scared.

>> No.6432068

I am yet to see AI generate an image with multiple overlapping elements with coherency as elements are obscured or revealed, (for example, a figure behind another, with limbs the right length and position as another figure's arm obscures part of the body), even by accident. if it were possible the AIfags should be holding those images up as prime examples of the power of AI, but we don't see it.

>> No.6432071

Their culture is declining. People aren't reproducing at all and are becoming bigger degenerates than ever before.

>> No.6432081

They hate confrontation and rather be submissive. That’s how the japs operate and one of the reasons for declining birth rates.

>> No.6432086

I have to ask, are you retarded? I have no idea what point you're trying to make. Do you understand the extremely simple comparison I'm trying to make here?

>> No.6432091

I should learn Japanese properly so I can bully them lol.
おい!クソヤロー 僕の絵は僕だけだ!タイマン張っか?

>> No.6432092
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>> No.6432097

the face looks like shit + soulless.

>> No.6432098

They already do it themselves, they will nuke their accounts over the slightest push back.

>> No.6432102

Because you enjoy cock?

>> No.6432103

Can your average artist confidently say they are better than these creations?

>> No.6432104

Are you actually retarded?

>> No.6432105

AI is basically copy+paste from different artists

>> No.6432106

Most are not but they won't bitch about it in the comments like westerners. They have their share of techies just like here.

>> No.6432109

"creations" you mean copy pastes of already good art?

>> No.6432115

Bs, on jp side on platforms. There is huge support for this shit >>6432103, there was one with 100k+ likes before.

>> No.6432117

So you admit they are good.
Also stop shifting the goalposts. Turns out it is possible to stand out as an AI artist and get tons of followers. The skill is not trivial (most creations look nowhere as good as theirs, and their prompts are not public)

>> No.6432118

If AI kills my career then i am going to start hunting down people responsible for creating this blasphemous witchcraft.

>> No.6432122

Anyone can get tons of followers with any kind of content by uploading constantly and using bots.

>> No.6432124

>she doesnt

Yes she does have fucked up anatomy. The muscles dont actually make anatomical sense. Why does her bicep have all yhose wrinkles/folds?
Why do her flank muscles aim up instead of down towards her hips? If shes a fucking boxer then why cant you see her serratus muscles? Why is there no oberlap between her trunk and lats?

How fucking beg are you you fucking worthless faggot?

>theyre not

Yes her clothes, eyes, and mouth are fucked up. Her teeth line aims down at a sharp angle, her irises arent even round, theyre literally oblong, the thumbs of her boxing gloves look like chewed up bubble gum and she has hair growing out of her ear.

Get your eyes checked and then sell all of your tablets/pens/pencils, youre not a fucking artist.

>> No.6432125

Are you not aware of all the blatant crypto pyramid scheme accounts with 100k+ followers? It's a global cancer. Most people are still either bothered by it or indifferent.

>> No.6432127

well good stuff anon

>> No.6432129

In minecraft

>> No.6432133

Correct, but its easier to have consistent creations every day with AI than drawing by hand.
We are still in the extremely early years of AI, think youtube in 2007.
In 2 years, you'll see people posting comics DAILY with AI assistance. Some Korean webcomics sort of already do daily updates, but they need entire studios of artists, in the future, a part-time artist can do that.

>> No.6432139

>its easier to have consistent creations every day with AI than drawing by hand.
If you're going for render monkey shit yeah.
Nobody has time to read all those millions of comics soon to be flooding the web. Better buy more bots to keep giving you those updoots.

>> No.6432140

There are aspects of goodness to them bestowed by the art it stole from. They are not without fault from AI issues. The skill is trivial. all I need to do is dreambooth 2 good artists and combine them. easy as fuck. Just because the public haven't caught on doesn't mean they wont soon enough.

>> No.6432143


>> No.6432147
File: 1.23 MB, 1024x1024, kiveon_anime_character_portrait_vibrant_eyes_art_by_LAM_Japanese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhh so difficult. quit pretending faggot.

>> No.6432148

based and redpilled in minecraft

>> No.6432149

Those images I posted weren't even dreamboothed, they are from Nijijourney.
Dreambooths based on NovelAI cannot do dynamic compositions like Nijijourney, no matter how hard you try.
And the 852 guy does try to train his custom models, though replicating Nijijourney's style proved impossible for SD1.5 based mdoels.

So you see, even learning to train models, merge models, select models, is not a skill a normie can pick up easily. Its economically productive enough that it'll spawn its own job category.

>Nobody has time to read all those millions of comics soon to be flooding the web
And youtube still works fine despite billions of videos a year. Popularity Algorithms can also be used to select the best creations and quickly filter out the low-skill-AI-slop.

>> No.6432150

>not making your "artists are seething and coping" memes with your meme machine

>> No.6432152


>> No.6432153
File: 49 KB, 680x512, 1626196672212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U r retard?

>> No.6432155

It doesnt look right though, youre just autistic

>> No.6432160

>some turdworld coding bootcamper gets paid to train models based on some Artstation hobbyists, all to avoid having to hire the Artstation hobbyists

>> No.6432162

akshully! *heavy breathing* it wasn't dreambooth *pauses to adjust glasses* it was niijourney. it's like midjoureny *huffs inhaler* for anime, it's a pretty exclusive club, not just anybody can make masterpieces with it. *sweat drips from brow*
>meanwhile every nigger in the niijourney discord is producing the same shit as that twitter

>> No.6432168

Good thing that only quality content gets popular, and that algorithms and bots have no effect on what is pushed to the front page.

>> No.6432171

Why do you think these are two different people?
What's stopping the artstation artist from learning the basics of AI art models? The coding required here is very simple (mostly glueing complex components together).
How does a profession become well paid? This is how, by constantly upgrading the skillsets.
Just like how programmers got progressively better paid as the tools got better.

>> No.6432177

I slept on ai at first but errors aside, this is better perspective than 90% of /ic/.

>> No.6432185

Because as you said, coding is a low IQ skill taught to burgerflippers and tech support goons, of course they'd rather pay one of them peanuts to get "eh, good enough" results instead of paying an artist for their skill. Companies would've gladly just made their products by tracing over art if it meant they didn't have to pay anybody, just now they can hide shitty behavior behind the cloud of "machine learning"

>> No.6432186

Thats like being the coolest kid with down syndrome, its not impressive.

>> No.6432189

Where is the perspective anon?

>> No.6432192

Japanese are in an ever present struggle between consoooooomers and kino makers of art..


At 6:08 you can actually see this referenced by an anime almost 20 years ago.

>> No.6432197


>> No.6432233

Haha. That made me lol. It's fascinating how they can be dealt so many blows and still expend so much energy to protect their delusions. Anons are hammering them to bits with facts and irrefutable truths yet they either ignore them or resort to insults and ad-hominems.
I can leave this place for a couple of months, come back and probably find the same bugmen regurgitating the exact same garbage as they do today..

>> No.6432236
File: 394 KB, 1080x1349, Yts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh idk, as long as AI cant make anti republican art i think we are safe

>> No.6432246
File: 718 KB, 1080x1349, aifag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't edit my picture. here is the OG.

>> No.6432260

>covers the inevitably fucked up hands with gloves
Perhaps it is learning

>> No.6432261

Thats gay

>> No.6432265

You forgot the tranny flag and bug milk canister.

>> No.6432272
File: 334 KB, 1080x1349, IluvBiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vote blue

>> No.6432287

Are you mentally challenged? You realize the person you're arguing with is on the same side in saying self driving cars aren't fully there yet, yet you keep sarcastically posting dumb shit to imply the exact same thing. Learn to read you illiterate

>> No.6432312

>Good muscles and fit bodies require struggle and dedication.
And roids

>> No.6432316

You can be decently big natty
You won't be the hulk, but you can be muscular.

>> No.6432320

true. When I next have 10 minutes free I will add those.

>> No.6432321

Some of you guys take this hobby way too seriously
lol it's literally just pictures lmao
have sex, please.

Anyhow some people will probably still pay for human art in the future, like if you can gather a crowd and show off how you can make images by hand
It will be like juggling or training a dog to walk a tight-rope, but some people on vacation will probably stop and clap and venmo you a little tip

>> No.6432326
File: 3.44 MB, 1536x1024, Stable Diffusion Proompters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6432332
File: 547 KB, 1272x716, 1644197623375.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it I'm fucking kneeling.

>> No.6432343


japan loves robots

>> No.6432346

top kek,,

>> No.6432349

Art is human expression.
It's that simple.

>> No.6432359

>lol it's literally just pictures lmao
Why are 1 million AI fags so obsessed then?

>> No.6432368

>targeted audience
>another AIfag
amazing, go be retarded in /g/ with nft or crypto bros

>> No.6432420

Because like crypto, pajeets and slavs see it as a way of making EZ money. Even like a hundred bucks extra would make a difference in the shithole they were born in.

>> No.6432474

only the right most anime picture is ai though however

>> No.6432517
File: 45 KB, 1200x144, 1661418674287209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the cultural value of art is decided by the consumers, not the artist.
It's that simple.

>> No.6432525
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>> No.6432527

>have sex, please.
either youre a dumb tourist probably underage and autistic

or a dumb NEET

>hehe go have sex idiots hehe
is this what AI does to your brain? makes you regress?

at least as dev myself who nejoys drawing its funny seeing the pajeets shilling tech they dont even know how it works

but those arguments have been talked about for months now and people still think this is some revolutionary shit

>> No.6432529
File: 327 KB, 440x446, 165646465466746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't yeah and me, monkey.
When people decide that AI images are good enough for them, they won't give a shit about human espresso.

>> No.6432540

The rot which has taken root in the west stems from a lack of discipline and mastery in art. AI doesn't solve any of this, it's rotten and derivative to the core. Taping a banana to a wall takes more effort.

>> No.6432578

when you try boxing without a triceps it's surely over...

>> No.6432582
File: 367 KB, 720x878, icreatelife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, even

>> No.6432584
File: 44 KB, 229x250, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haha Artcels. It's OVER!!!! YOU LOST!!!! You can stop drawing now. Just let AI do it for you.

>> No.6432585
File: 179 KB, 972x1727, 1671669474795509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or an Indian codemonkey with a community college education.
This is the guy who was behind that ACKed AI crowdfunding campaign.

>> No.6432586
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>> No.6432587

>emotional support channel for aijeets
do proomptsirs really?

>> No.6432588
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>> No.6432589

It does explain why they almost always devolve into complaining about people on Twitter selling commissions. They're so impoverished that they are legitimately mad that a random artist can earn $50 for drawing some dude's OC. That ticket "easy" money is so close, yet so far away, that it drives them up the wall.

>> No.6432591

>The AIfag cries out in pain as he strikes you

>> No.6432592
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>> No.6432594

Personal army requests break the rules so I'm not asking for one but HOLY SHIT if anyone ever deserved to wind up on the New Zealander Fields...

>> No.6432597

>aijeets are 41%ing after not passing

>> No.6432618

Ahahah holy shit
Artchuds are laughing at us again AIbros how could this happen

>> No.6432629

Are you retarded? AI is primarily used to copy superficial commercial art, including anime, westernized anime and over-rendered "concept" art. And it's already gotten so recognizable and common that most people aren't interested in it.

>> No.6432634

No anon, you don't get it, the art world will be saved from the garbage art of today by vindictive non-artists using image generators which were developed primarily using the garbage art of today.

>> No.6432635
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>> No.6432694


Their industry is under attack.

>> No.6432705

lol what? I saw almost the opposite on social media, at best it's a more divided issue but I find it hard to believe they're just going to spread their assholes to AI shit like that.. damn

>> No.6432747

>didnt even deny it
fucking shilling for free imagine

>> No.6432748

oh that shit is getting fucking SAVED.

>> No.6432764

Can you use AI to render an image without changing the line-art? just for coloring

>> No.6432766

The perverts are anti-AI and whine to the jannies all the time.

>> No.6432768

nips are too well-behaved, they will never complain against the mainstream narrative, and the (((mainstream))) narrative is pro-AI, believe it or not, artists are a minority

>> No.6432770

So he has a product. The question is, does he have anyone commissioning it?

>> No.6432789

Impressive, spot-on tranny face.

>> No.6432792

Looks gay. Anime is retarded too.

>> No.6432793

Actually they do you stupid cuck.

>> No.6432839

Stop coping bitch. Your father didn't raise a bitch

>> No.6432842

BASED artist mogging AIjeet back to India

>> No.6432846

It looks like shit, prompt harder or you won't become a successful prompt artist like me

>> No.6432852


>> No.6432925
File: 1.63 MB, 1920x1080, 905905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hone your skills. Read a lot of books, write a lot of stuff, draw a lot of things. Go on build your own home, plant your own trees, cut your own flowers and craft your own garden. Harvest your own vegetables from your own ground and take eggs from your own chickens. Wash your own fruits and cook food for yourself. After all that take a walk in the morning and in the afternoon, round the town and through the mountains. Enjoy the view of the sea, of sunrise and sunset. And if you love to record the beautiful moment, sit beside a giant tree, take your paper out and start painting. Go home. Rest. Sleep.

The future could have been better, white man. Nothing you have ever done is meaningless. Without obscure knowledge, experience and training of a hardworking and enthusiasm human, all will be lost.

The problem with AI in general, not just AI art was, it can not invent itself further than what it was given by humans. It's a failed attempt of humans trying to intimitate god by creating AI. Because you strive to be like god, a creator, the hungry to make wonderful creations. In the end, whatever you think you are losing hope for. Remember that it is men that created the modern world. What has gotten into you? Where is the inventor's spirit? Why are you kneeling in front of the attempt to replace you with your own invention (the AI)? Stand up. Reject playing into their system. Go home. Take back your land. Live. Be happy.

>> No.6432932

What is this? /ic/ is going from denial to anger to depression and then back to denial. Is this what maximum copium looks like? Or what else is this mutated cycling 5 stages of grief?

>> No.6432944

Haha. This is so fucking accurate.

>> No.6432948

Nice projection nerd.

>> No.6433155

>misses the point entirely
I'm saying if they're /beg/ enough to fall for that as "art", then yeah, no point in arguing whether they like it or not. Some people will always fall for that fake shit.

>> No.6433254


>> No.6434086

What a great sketch!

>> No.6434130

Never mind this comment. I had just woken up, skimmed over the text and only now realised it's directed at the AIfags.. tried deleting it probably 50 times but I get an error message everytime. Can't keep doing that shit all day..
Just gona clarify that I misunderstood you>>6432635 . I don't ever want to come across as if I'm on the side of the bugman.

>> No.6434663
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>> No.6434670
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

random twitter woman cry's in a reaction video more at eleven

>> No.6436076

Fuck that sounds horrible. I don't even have time to consume 1/10th of the media I would like to see/read/learn already. I've gotten to the point where I read ~20 books a year by going through a few pages every time I take a dump. Audiobooks, art education on a second screen while working, watch movies almost exclusively as white noise, play a bit of a game before I decide whether it fits my schedule...

There is such a thing as overindulgence, and I still manage to have a social life/gf somehow. I can totally see future generations being so overexposed to AI mass-produced entertainment that their brains are fried well beyond what current teens already are (and that's saying something). Either that or they become immune to things like dopamine dependence or immediate gratification, but I doubt that desu