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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.42 MB, 1220x1192, takethatchuds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6430575 No.6430575 [Reply] [Original]

chuds malding
lets take /sdg/s art and sell it on coffee mugs and t-shirts

>> No.6430576


>> No.6430588

Every time I see a blurry background whether it be real art or aislop I have the sudden urge to lynch the lazy faggot responsible.

>> No.6430592

based and checked

>> No.6430607

t. crab, Show us your work with non-blurry backgrounds, crab. I'm sure you have many ready to show us.

>> No.6430612

But how does this work for designs?
If I prompt an AI to design a character, and then draw it, I obviously own the copywrite for that specific drawing of the character, but does that mean the character itself is basically public domain?

>> No.6430617

He doesn't draw.

>> No.6430621

Reminder that these threads are made by shitposters who are butthurt about artists for whatever reason.
Report the threads and don't bother replying.

>> No.6430629

No not really.
You gotta put human effort into the piece for it to be copyrightable.
This is mostly for people that just type a prompt in, take the image and run with it. You can claim the character if you want, but not the work itself.
AI-Assisted work, once you've started editing and touching things up, is copyrightable due to the human element.

>> No.6430636

Uh oh did beg's feelings get hurt? Don't fret little beg but just know using the blur tool to hide mistakes is bad practice. Glad I could help.

>> No.6430638

Is it even your art anymore once you use the blur tool? If you made shit detail and use blur to hide that detail so it looks good.... Is that just lying?

>> No.6430639
File: 1.11 MB, 200x200, 1659666939567434.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do you mean my photobashing algorithm can't be applied for copyright protection!
>what about muh OC!
Get fucked ai faggots

>> No.6430641

>You can claim the character if you want
You can't claim copyright on anything not created by a human.

>> No.6430644

So you can't just take an image produced.
You have to put forth human effort.
Changing their hair color is human effort.
Arguing anything against that will give the Mouse and Nintendo free reign to rain hellfire down on fanart.

>> No.6430646

>Arguing anything against that will give the Mouse and Nintendo free reign to rain hellfire down on fanart.
They technically already have it. They just see no reason to bother.

>> No.6430650

They usually see fanart as free promo

>> No.6430654

>You have to put forth human effort.
>Changing their hair color is human effort.
In general you can't claim another humans art just because you make a few small changes. That is not enough to make it your work.

That is the same in this case.

>> No.6430655

.... Are we talking about the same Nintendo and Disney?

>> No.6430661

I'm all for AI art not being copyrightable.
But in all honesty, how many degrees of separation of the "human touch" is pointing a camera and pressing a button and typing in dozens of text prompts for refinement of an image?

>> No.6430670

I don't think it looks good at all but if it does to someone else then yeah.

>> No.6430674

One involves plagiarism and the other often doesn't.

>> No.6430675

this, delete the AI FUD

>> No.6430680

>But in all honesty, how many degrees of separation of the "human touch" is pointing a camera and pressing a button and typing in dozens of text prompts for refinement of an image?
Show hand

>> No.6430683

feel free to remove your tripfagging name anytime