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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6427430 No.6427430 [Reply] [Original]

Let's put all the discussion about technical mastery aside for a moment.

What do you want to draw in the first place? Do you want to draw specific characters? Learn a certain art style? Do you want to convey a message? Care about a certain subject matter a lot (animals/landscapes/politics/coom/etc)? I'm curious.

>> No.6427431

I want to tell visual stories that ring true to the human experience, help people find meaning and allow me to explore deeper, the hidden truths of life

>> No.6427432

I want to see my pen driven before me and to visualize the lamentations of cute waifus.

>> No.6427441
File: 5 KB, 319x219, image_2022-12-19_123801449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to draw porn and monsters

>> No.6427454

Until a few years ago, all I wanted to draw was cute animu girls. I've mostly moved on from that by now, my interests have moved towards fantasy/storybook illustration as well as more conceptual/abstract stuff. I've been envisioning a web-based project that combines blog-like elements with my illustration, but I've been too lazy to actually push it forward.

>> No.6427457


>> No.6427459

i guess i like to express myself? i can't do it very well and 98% of the time i just draw anime girls though so i don't really get it

>> No.6427461
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You are just jealous that I have simple dreams

>> No.6427503

I want to make a pretty JRPG.

>> No.6427521

>What do you want to draw in the first place?
I want to draw porn but I just don't know anymore.
The porn I like drawing is "high energy" like ADHD. It's fun to draw but it's not very erotic.
On the other hand the porn I think that is erotic is "low energy". You get hard looking at it but it's not fun to draw.
When I try to draw one I feel like I should draw the other one instead so I end up not drawing anything at all. The only drawings I've drawn lately are requests from drawthreads and other 4chan threads because I don't get in an art blocking personal dilemma loop when it's random shit for others.
Borrowing from >>6427459 you could say if I express myself the product looks bad so if I want a good product I have to restrain my self-expression and I can't manage to do that.
is that porn and SFW monsters, girls fucking monsters or porn of monster girls? Either way cute monster.
nta but I'm jealous too.

>> No.6427546

Thanks anon.
I would say I'm leaning more at porn of monster girls and sfw monsters apart from doing cute things like the little monster I drew before. Though I would like to not only draw monster girls.

>> No.6427552

You have no dreams.

>> No.6428407

I feel like a soulless NPC for saying this, but I just enjoy drawing. I have no story to tell, I don't dream making the magnum opus. Most of the time I draw/paint what's infront of me. I also do weird doodles from imagination if I have nothing interesting infront of me. I know I want to do this forever, but most of the time I don't feel like an artist. I am just a guy who loves drawing. I don't say this out loud publically, because I do sell originals and I think most people would be turned off by it. Art sells better if you make up a story behind it, but I don't like lying about my work.

>> No.6428408

I want to draw vidya and anime babes wrestling

>> No.6428410

I want to draw robots and anime girls

>> No.6428686
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>What do you want to draw in the first place?
I wanna draw cute girls, love stories and also fantasy stuff for making video games.
>Learn a certain art style?
A mix of multiple art styles (takamichi, Range Murata, Zankuro and many more).
>Do you want to convey a message?
Depending on the work, yes. But the viewer should still be free to interpret my work as they want.
>Care about a certain subject matter a lot
Freedom and its consequences.

>> No.6428687
File: 16 KB, 279x346, cryingindian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to doodle something fun in the generals I frequent and immortalize some jokes.

>> No.6428705

Im working on a personal IP. It started out as sketchbook notes but I started fleshing it out in writing and it grew into 60+ pages of ideas I can illustrate and expand on.

>> No.6428707
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I want to draw her. Main reason why I picked up drawing, I just like her a lot and I wish I was able to draw her as I picture in my mind. So I'll keep learning and grinding.

>> No.6428708

just wanna draw cute girls doing cute things

>> No.6428722

I just want to be good at something

>> No.6428741

>put all the discussion about technical mastery aside for a moment
But that's what I want, I want to FEEL THE FORM.

I'm immune to AI.

>> No.6428746

Trash taste sooner detected.

That bocchi anime is cancer.

>> No.6428754

There was a comic book idea i wanted to make.
I have gotten to a good quality of drawing to make it now, but i didnt study writing enough. The more i study writing the more i see how dumb the comic is amd how similar to other works it is. So mostly scrapped it.

>> No.6428757

Learn to sculpt

>> No.6428767

whatever it takes to express myself and my thoughts

>> No.6428772

i want to draw porn that is good enough for me to jack off to it

>> No.6428773
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I want to draw whatever expresses this sensation of being me.

>> No.6428776
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Back in the day I wanted to do megalomaniac projects, like being an anime director or creating the next big story.
Then I realized how little artistic freedom most of them get, and that being a source material maker is better.
These days I just enjoy worldbuilding and drawing ideas/scenes that please me and slowly enrich my characters' "lore".

If I ever produce something, it will be in Visual Novel or Light Novel format, something more text-heavy with less of a burden on the art department, because drawing is fucking hard.

I do hone my writing and music-composing skills as well, so I'll end up as a jack of all trades who just enjoys creating his own pet projects. Hopefully they end up becoming popular, but I'm not chasing fame anymore, only self satisfaction.

>I feel like a soulless NPC for saying this
Don't worry. There are musicians who enjoy composing, but there are musicians who enjoy playing pieces. You're the latter, but in visual form. Which is probably very liberating to you, as it simplifies your goals.

>> No.6428777

I want to capture the feelings of my friends and family
I also want to make animated shitposts with at least some technical competency

>> No.6428804

>What do you want to draw in the first place?
I want to develop a highly abstracted yet still highly technical style for drawing characters (think early Disgaea or Dofus/Wakfu). I can get tclose with concerted effort, but it doesn't really feel 'natural' to me. I want to develop my abilities to a point where that's just naturally how I create without having to think too hard.

>> No.6428809

I want to draw my comic idea...but improving at art is slooow going, especially since I'm often too busy with work/life stuff to have much time to draw at all. I fear I'm ngmi

>> No.6428810
File: 21 KB, 867x611, Screenshot 2022-12-20 021035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really just want to draw clouds. I think clouds take on some of the most beautiful forms in nature, and they can carry a lot of emotion in them, too. Your whole mood for the day can change based on the clouds you see, whether it's overcast and rainy or you just see a few wisps on an otherwise clear blue sky. I even think how you feel when there aren't any clouds is another example of how powerful clouds can be. I cherish the whimsical nature of the forms they can make, how they're at the mercy of the wind, and the brilliant colors they can have at any time of day. I wish I could speak at length about this, but I would rather keep drawing clouds. I think it's special how a piece of art can make you feel whereas with words, the reader might need a bit more imagination. Either way, I want to improve my ability to express this feeling. I just love looking at clouds, and I pray to God that I will be able to draw clouds well some day.

>> No.6428925

I mostly want some very basic drawing skills to supplement my other hobbies. I would like to be able to create visual aids for tabletop games, assets for videogames, and just silly doodles of things. I've never considered trying to get good enough that "style" would be a meaningful consideration. I just want what I create to be sort of recignizable.

>> No.6429552

Holy fucking based.

>> No.6429580
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"Ridleygrams" is the name given to Scott's storyboards by collaborators. They tend to look like comic book drawings in the style of US-American artists, such as Richard Corben and Heavy Metal magazine. Scott's signature storyboards, or Ridleygrams, use the same rendering as the work of French artist and cartoonist Jean Giraud, who collaborated with Alejandro Jodorowsky and contributed to the design of Alien.

That's the goal for me

>> No.6429633
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>> No.6429673

Soul lol. Wait for your future bestiary hentai

>> No.6429694
File: 70 KB, 727x714, greekursushorribilis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can skill truly be left out of the equation?

If art is freedom, and more skill metes out more freedom, then the goal I had, to be the freest, requires skill to get off the ground.

Recently I've taken to the nature of nature, and so I've finally started drawing things like avians and horses after years of only drawing humans.

It's funny that I started off wanting coom, but I'm less than a quarter of the way through and want SOVL

>> No.6429701

i actually forgot but i still do it because what else can i do its my only hobby besides consuming

>> No.6429704

I want to be able to use whatever media available to me to create the sense of dreaming. Further I want to build up to a creative feedback loop and cause my own dreams to become more vivid, thereby causing my artwork to become better and more interesting. Finally I want to do all of this completely sober in the latter half of my life. It realistically probably won't happen in this lifetime, but I'm at least going to try.

>> No.6430124

I like making art I can coom to and hopefully spread more happiness via my art by drawing things others can also coom to

I also enjoy being able to troll people using my skills. I sometimes draw things nobody asks for purely to break convention and punch through stodgy social contracts of what's "appropriate" so others may pass through the hole I've made without fear

>> No.6430127


>> No.6430135

I can't understand how anyone can have only one thing they want to draw. To me drawing is communication so I draw everything and anything I am interested in or want to learn. Most people stop drawing once they become adults but I am an eternally cursed autistic manchild who continues to draw autistic manchild things like my o-sees or I will draw anything that fascinates me like nature or subjects I like anywhere from mechanical things to interior design. When I have a new hobby or interest unrelated to drawing I like to put it into my drawings and comics. I dream to capture the ephemeral quality of nature and show others the beauty I see in landscapes that make me cry. When I draw I realize more about myself, I learn more about who I am and the depths of my psyche. I hope I continue to understand myself and learn about the world through art as a medium. I hope I continue to draw autistically for myself and my loved ones.
Are you me? Either that or we must be soulmates or something. Clouds are also one of my main reasons for painting.

>> No.6430152
File: 727 KB, 1147x1633, 105549B3-2E6A-4885-9499-47F3B1E9033D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manga of Lesbians in emotionally abusive relationships.
I like stories where people are a little broken just not in over the top cartoon villain ways. We all want love some of us are just too broken to have healthy relationships and I just think there’s a lot of beauty in stories like that. Where despite the unhealthy relationship you’re still able to find happiness with each other.

Also little girls getting fucked up by science and having their limbs and organs replaced by mechanical monstrosities.

I still suck at drawing though

>> No.6430174

I want to draw high fantasy ink drawings and hate anime. Why am I on this site, God knows.

>> No.6430201
File: 16 KB, 538x398, Screenshot 2022-12-21 002552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure about soulmates, but I am glad to see someone with a similar mindset. I am sure there are many out there who feel the same, and it makes me happy.

>> No.6430202
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I need some way to express myself so my hope is to at the very least be able to make simple but Charming doodles. For my loftier goals I'd want to focus on lineless art styles, the Western inspired anime look you'd see from Susumu Matsushita as well as "Y2K" inspired stuff (think Cool Cool Toon, TVDJ, and Bust A Groove).

>> No.6430256

I'm just kidding with the soulmates bit but yes I feel the same way. I always love to look at the sunset everyday to see how the clouds are skies are different each time. I really love painting the sky I have an intense yearning for it.

>> No.6430266

I want to draw my husbando, and large amounts of the lewds involving him.

>> No.6430277

>We all want love some of us are just too broken to have healthy relationships and I just think there’s a lot of beauty in stories like that.
Same, I have a lot story ideas about broken relationships I want to work on(and none about healthy ones).

>> No.6430304

This. I also want to convey strange complicated sensations. Like summer evening melancholy, anemoya, nostalgia, quiet dread, dreamy state of mind and others. I want my art become portals in those atmospheres and feelings. This is my main goal.

>> No.6431666

>The porn I like drawing is "high energy" like ADHD. It's fun to draw but it's not very erotic.
>On the other hand the porn I think that is erotic is "low energy". You get hard looking at it but it's not fun to draw.

Can you show some examples of "high energy" porn and "low energy" porn? (ideally drawn by you)

>> No.6431682
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AI left me thinking a lot about this, it made me realize i love art as something purely selfish. I dont want to evoke sentiments on people or challenge them, i just want to draw things i like because they make me happy. This thought helped me overcome a 5 month artblock. I want to draw cute boys with glasses btw.

>> No.6431799

I just like the process, don't care much for anything else.
If I can just sit down and draw I'm ok, I don't need to force myself to do anything, disciplinary stuff is completely unnecessary, I just wake up, shitpost a little bit and then draw, rest, and keep drawing.
I know that so long as I keep doing this I'll get really good, so it's a good loop to be in, I'll find a way to monetize it eventually, I'm against A.I because of solidarity to other artists, but it doesn't affect me yet because I'm a neet rn by the time I decide to try and monetize it the dust will be clear, and no matter how hard AI shills try to kill art, I know there will always be a place for very good artists in the world.

>> No.6431902

I want to improve my life. I'd love it to be a skill and joy I can carry with me and always have at hand.

I can't say I'm doing so great on meeting that goal but that's the intention.

>> No.6433522
File: 739 KB, 1496x844, DSC_0492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have this cloudsbro. You made me smile.

>> No.6433523

>happy little clouds