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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 205 KB, 1165x1321, 1671224289195243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6422393 No.6422393 [Reply] [Original]

>A few days ago, a GoFundMe claiming to “protect artists from AI technologies” launched with a $200k goal.
>Turns out, it’s actually a scheme to expand corporate IP law on behalf of some of the biggest enemies in the fight for artistic freedom (i.e, Disney)
>It has raised over $88k so far

>> No.6422402


>> No.6422406
File: 166 KB, 874x606, the avatar of win.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Called it.

>> No.6422412

As long as it fucks over reddit trannies with their picture shitters, I don't care. To my knowledge none of those companies have tried to use my artwork, whereas I know I've been included in at least one huggingfag training set.

>> No.6422417

None of us wanted to side with Disney, but you've given us no choice. You had the chance to make an ethical AI and you blew it, and now you will pay the price.

>> No.6422420


>> No.6422421

>As long as it fucks over reddit trannies with their picture shitters
It won't, but by all means donate lol.
The main person behind this is an NFT grifter. With all this righteous passion, I am really looking forward to the crash on realizing it was a big scam.

>> No.6422426

Gonna be fun watching Disney and Adobe assrape ai startups like Mid journey and Stability AI

>> No.6422428

I never said I'm donating to anything, nor do I intend to. I'll just keep drawing and keeping it to myself, because posting it was obviously a bad idea.

>> No.6422430

>The main person behind this is an NFT grifter. With all this righteous passion, I am really looking forward to the crash on realizing it was a big scam.
Karla Ortiz is a NFT scammer?

>> No.6422437

>Subscribe to our latest Ai plugin for only $19.99 a month! That's less than your week's worth of a cup of latte.

>> No.6422439
File: 93 KB, 1138x671, FkFJbp8XEAAtDG4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6422440

That's great. Freedom is supposed to end where rights of people start. Nobody should have the freedom to steal nilly willy. AI niggers are no different from pirates.

>> No.6422443

Gonna be fun watching Disney and Adobe assrape ai startups like Mid journey and Stability AI

>> No.6422444

That's not a source

>> No.6422445

No clue. I've always thought NFTs were absolutely retarded investment schemes, but if an artist chooses to turn their own work into NFTs, I don't really see the issue. Minting somebody else's work or propping up fraudulent auctions to launder money or hype the market is shitbag behavior, just like using the works of other people to create your image generator.

>> No.6422448

Give us a link

>> No.6422450

AI art was a psyop to expose artists who only seek praise and monetary return. or rather to force their hand to expose themselves.

>> No.6422457

Without source these shills are just throwing shit at the wall just to see what sticks

>> No.6422459

As well as the artcucks who sit back and do nothing while somebody else uses the artists' works for their own praise and monetary return.

>> No.6422460

How dare people get money for their work or praise for their skills built over decades.

>> No.6422463

Exactly, that money belongs to the people with Real Jobs who train models on those artists!

>> No.6422465
File: 55 KB, 581x356, Screenshot_20221216_223132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely wonder if I'll ever get a source.
Meanwhile Karla already said they aren't going to talk about NFTs

>> No.6422468

artists aren't intelligent
jumping at the first life raft they see without verifying it

>> No.6422470
File: 51 KB, 591x534, karla NFT grifter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute rage I expect from anti-AI realizing these people are just fleecing them will be something to behold
>wh-what?? b-b-but disney I thought you had my back!!

>> No.6422472

Pajeets are freaking about this gofundme, is what’s happening. Donate, art frens

>> No.6422474

Thats not a source for any of the claims made by you shills
Thread debunked
Nothing to see here folks

>> No.6422480

Gamers rise up

>> No.6422484

the mouse fucking loves AI, this is such an absolute joke. Lots of good research from Disney in machine learning technology.

>> No.6422486

The fuck is some vauge-ass list trying to prove?

There's no association proven here, nice troll I guess

>> No.6422487

That’s not ai art, stupid

>> No.6422489

She knows it's a hopeless case but she'll take your money to fight til the end!
That's how it's related to NFTs, because everyone with half a brain knows this is just capitalizing on intense feelings, but there's nothing substantial.

>> No.6422490

Who would trust anyone who draws dead people. Vampires, and satanic shit? Wake up people. I'm not calling out people or other artists.

I'm calling out Satan. Stop following him. All have been decieved and I'm watching these people talking about power, spirits yet they draw the most satanic shit.

Why would you even believe for a second this is progression to be celebrated?

AI literally will kill humanity.

>> No.6422492

Oh that was not meant to answer your question. Just to show that other tradesmen who get fucked by big corpos do it as well in order to be included in the conversation

>> No.6422493

crazy amount of proompter cope for an art board

>> No.6422496

Pajeet grammar

>> No.6422500

putin will probably kill us first, hes the kind of asshole with enough power to drag the world with him

salvation here we come

>> No.6422508

Mindbroken by pajeets. Sad

>> No.6422509

The issue here is not the tech, it's pajeets and scammers.

I don't give a shit if it's Adobe, Microsoft, Disney or fucking Viacom who are going to go after these fuckers.

They can't simply steal peoples shit to train a software and call it a day to profit from it.

>> No.6422510

HOLY MOTHER OF AIFAG COPE can't back up a single claim just posting vague images

>> No.6422514

fpbp, roger that soldier

>> No.6422518

i believe him

>> No.6422529

Who’s raiding whose board?

>> No.6422534

Yes. Complaining on /ic/ won't change anything. If you think actions like this will help and donating to things like this make you feel better, then by all means donate.
Beyond that, just keep working on your art and being more cautious about where and what you post, because if it is good enough and has enough consistency of technique, some AIfag WILL try to use it for his own gain.

>> No.6422537

some of you guys take this hobby WAY too seriously lol

dude, it's pictures lmao, just step away

>> No.6422541

That's not really the issue though. It's relying on tech instead of hiring creative minds who can give life through their art. AI is dead ass shit.

>> No.6422544

We will relax once we exterminate the parasites.

>> No.6422546

Whoever those people are they're living rent free in your head

>> No.6422560

Youre afraid…..

>> No.6422572

I don't give a shit if they work for the globohomo, used to shill for NFT garbage, are literally the most SJW tranny loving BLM neoliberal tumblr/reddit hybrid out there. As long as they support the abolishment of AI trash, I'm all for it. In fact, fuck it, use the dirtiest globohomo tactics to get rid of it. Claim that it's oppressing black people for all I care. This is what you make people support. You made your bed, now you lay in it

>> No.6422577

You're shouting at the wind my friend.
How do you think enforcement would look, "getting rid of it"?
>I dont care I jus don like it!!!!!!
literally you

>> No.6422583

>How do you think enforcement would look, "getting rid of it"?
Make it illegal for people to use it in any commercial context as long as it is trained on copyrighted data
>b-but this will harm human artists, too!
No, it will not

>> No.6422593

nobody wants AI art more than disney. how retarded would you have to be to think they're on your side? what is the logic here

>> No.6422598

this already happened with gpt and microsoft. they will actually buy them or license it and the creators will get huge payouts and never work again and live in luxury. that might annoy you, but the capitalism world is going to reward them handsomely for eliminating you as a cost.

>> No.6422600

>People on /ic/ constantly post about how AI art is a scheme by the big corporations
>Call on all of the worst big corporations to help fight it


>> No.6422609

I suspect a big motivator behind the anti-AI propaganda (vs 'just chill and coexist, use it if you want as a tool') is partly Disney's doing, as it would give them a very nice trojan horse to fuck copyright up even more than it already is, just in time for when Mickey should be entering the Public Domain.

>> No.6422612

Nobody cares about your shitty disney or jeff bezos. All those companies have to bend to the law.

>> No.6422617

I think it's mostly a scheme by redditors.

>> No.6422635

>Gonna be fun watching Disney and Adobe assrape ai startups like Mid journey and Stability AI

Why would Disney need measly 200k to fuck AI tho? Walt Disney World alone makes $20 million per day.

>> No.6422652

It'd be more of a need to have a headcount of enough retards giving their support to "legitimize" it rather than anything to do with money.

>> No.6422776

Learn a real skill. Fucking loser.

>> No.6422780

Define "real skill"

>> No.6422804

>they want to lobby for a law
>They want to lobby in congress
>they want to lobby against the big corps eyeing this tech like disney and microshit
>they want to lobby with 200 thousand fucking dollars

If this doesnt reek of a scam, I dont know what does.
200k won't get you a fucking NY lawyer for a copyright case against the big mouse, and you believe that this isn't just a cashgrab?

>it's managed by an NFT shill
makes 100% more sense now, I hope none of you are dumb enough to give this money.

>> No.6422810


>> No.6422857

>muh heckin para social internet spic mommy!

>> No.6422872

Midjoirney is globohomo as fuck and they've been using every dirty jew tactic in the book.

>> No.6422895

>wealthy companies fighting for money over a program that was developed on the backs of uncompensated labor, with the intent of making said labor obsolete
I really do not like them.

>> No.6422926
File: 127 KB, 511x700, MAD MICKEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Disney. Company produces nothing but shit, but politics makes strange bedfellows. If they can deliver a blow to these fuckers I'll wear Mickey Mouse ears for the day while forcing myself to watch the latest shitty Star Wars/Marvel garbage.

>> No.6422931

It's doubly ironic because the most popular model, Stable Diffusion, was released open source by some literally who startup company that was unknown before all this.

>> No.6422934

I don't understand why every artist doesn't support aggressive ip laws. They hate everything conservative by nature even if it shoots themselves in the foot.

>> No.6422948

I'm extremely anti-IP and have been since before this AI shitshow.
Somehow a lot of other artists are adverse to the idea that they should have consistent principles.

>> No.6422983

Nothing has changed. Artists didn't want to get ripped off before AI. And artists don't want to get ripped off now.

>> No.6422988

no one is ever going to rip you off, Artlet.

>> No.6422994

"did you just draw in Sketch by Adobe style? lock him up boys"

You artfags are all idiots.

>> No.6423003
File: 46 KB, 827x634, media%2FFkFF07JXwAAyKSG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was found when Kelly McKernan went to the midjourney discord.

>> No.6423010

Isn't one of like the 2 things admissible in court for copyright infringement is proof of sabotage/loss in sales?

>> No.6423013

Nobody's getting ripped off. Plenty of retarded artists take the "IP infringement is bad but it's ok to do bad things to corporations" stance because they don't have consistent principles. People who have 0 ethical foundations wanting their fake "ethical concerns" taken seriously are hilarious.

>> No.6423016

Or you could not be an autist and try having a unique style that's marketable.

>> No.6423017

seriously fuck these people.
I've had every job from cleaning toilets to retail to digging ditches in the sun to typical desk jockey shit. God forbid I might want to make money doing something I enjoy (at which I also work my ass off).
Again, fuck these people.

>> No.6423025

I wonder why these people even want to be artists if they hate artists so much kek

>> No.6423031


>> No.6423032

The number of supporters are surprisingly small. I thought they'd have reached the goal now.

>> No.6423037

basically someone we dont like is trying to take the throne, and so we are destroying the wall and letting the white walkers kill everyone.
im thinking, based.

>> No.6423040

AI drones lose on all 4 points of US copy right, yes.

>> No.6423044

Just like troons, they hate everything that is beautiful out of envy so they seek to destroy it instead.

>> No.6423049

They don't want to be artists, they want to generate pretty pictures to consoom and then move on.
This technology is going to show just how little people care about art as a form of human expression.

>> No.6423054

>2 people

Yea people really don't understand how this isn't "replacing artists" when most proompters are just looking for the 2020s version of thomas kinkaide paintings: marvel edition. Or basic anime tiddies.

>> No.6423059

US courts have already ruled that scraped data used for machine learning is fair use, cope harder

>> No.6423065

I'm honestly blown away by the amount of malice these guys have. The malice is only rivaled by the entitlement they have about work they don't own. They're an argument for the kind of IP law that I despise.

>> No.6423088

>exist on 4chan where people call each other niggers and tell them to kill themselves casually
>crying about some techbros saying stupid shit

Is /ic/ being astroturfed?

>> No.6423089

Most people do anime tiddies or random hyperrealistic stuff because those appeal to their most basic urges, but I'm pretty sure you could train AI on any kind of style, even those that would be considered to be sophisticated and not kitsch.
My point is that is unless a human did most of the work on a given piece, I'm not going to care about it. The fact that someone put their thoughts and effort into it and didn't just string a bunch of keywords together makes all the difference. Obviously this doesn't apply to mass market slop, which is mostly where this kind of tech is going to kill jobs.

>> No.6423103

You are all a same sack of kike shit who try to copyright artstyle and forbid every one to do art. From pajeet who released the photobash machine to tranny yelling shit on Twitter, all to trick small developers fall into lawsuit bait and regulate artists

>> No.6423112

>My point is that is unless a human did most of the work on a given piece, I'm not going to care about it.
Same, intent matters. Also content. The comics I enjoy are autobiographical or weird idiosyncratic stories. Sometimes the art isn't even that great. Sure, maybe eventually ai could simulate a weird autobiographical comic, but who would give a shit?

>> No.6423124
File: 642 KB, 512x512, 9k2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NovelAI and Anything-v3 can already do different styles. Like picrel is some super basic proof that it can gen some "PS1 prerendered background" style shit.

Nobody really does any of this because they're mostly in 2 camps:
>nonartists with little experience outside the basics
>artists who aren't autistic in a "fiddle around with words and adjustments" way and don't actively try to self-reflect to make sense of their own mental categorizations

The former is who the latter are upset at because now their bad normie taste is not just consooming but also regurgitating (but this really doesn't matter lol.) While the latter don't actually understand how to work an AI program and have no patience to experiment. And in all honesty they probably don't even understand how to work their digital art program of choice very well.

>> No.6423149

The former group likes to claim that AI is an avenue to express their amazing creativity that was bottlenecked by skill requirements, but then all they do is make pictures of their waifus, exposing how basic and uncreative they are. It's kind of hilarious.

Honestly I'm just glad that I got over my "I just want to draw pretty animu girls" phase over time. If I didn't I would be truly devastated right now.

>> No.6423158

Yeah. Until now, the value of the "human aspect" in art was kind of hidden because most people just look at highly rendered stuff and go "wow." But now that basically everyone can do highly rendered stuff, attitudes are going to change, and I do think that human art will be still held in higher regard after the paradigm shift. We'll have to see if and to what degree it will still allow you be a full-time artist.

>> No.6423159 [DELETED] 

literally why I voted for trump

>> No.6423170

I don't think you understand what that means. Nothing AI shits out is copyrightable.

The retards will still try though.

>> No.6423173

You do realize that a lot of pro-AI people are anti-copyright in general, right?

>> No.6423174

Yes, and also commies.

>> No.6423189
File: 203 KB, 1200x675, date4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shovelware background.jpeg
Why show any flood of baby's first dating sims asset like its something special it can create. If your only do a jpeg with no other angles or stuff some might say why bother with AI and just get something from google and slap it on
>hardly a proof of concept if its not multiple viewpoints of the same bg
>plus you could prob just use crappy 3d and slap a filter if its this basic

>> No.6423225

I really did it in part to see if it "can" and in part because those kinds of aesthetics make me feel things. The idea that I can generate snippets from games that never existed is nuts, and I'm sure someone out there can wrangle the AI to make decent enough PS1-era style backgrounds that they can make an "authentic looking" game. Or hell, use it as the backgrounds for an animation project, or incorporate it into still art somehow.

Those old bgs in FF8 and other games of that time were made using tools that people generally don't know fuckall about anymore (bryce and so on) and replicating that look is not easy using modern 3d programs from what one of my friends have told me.

Basically one of the powerful things about AI is that it can reveal market demand for some things that simply aren't being made anymore, or never were made in some fashion, which gives non-AI artists an opportunity to experiment in various ways.

Like if you really like Masamune Shirow's shading and overall style, but you're a homo into jojo characters or w/e, you can probably get it to spit something out as an approximation and use it to find a non-AI artist willing to actually do that combo justice.

>> No.6423270

I mean like I said prob could some of that with basic 3d assets over a filter which I've seen most people do with the added benefit of actually getting multple angles. Even having some stiff images can give it give more character alot of assets sometimes where basically where 2d planes sometimes with either lighting effects or shadows for an old looking feel or cell shading stuff
I honestly don't get the need to always trying to incorporate the "AI" somehow

>> No.6423273
File: 1.01 MB, 1865x1050, tNKVtPY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6423276
File: 80 KB, 637x358, 124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a random dangonrompa asset

>> No.6423325
File: 22 KB, 320x240, media_FeDuhnyXoAAbfSx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know nothing about what you're responding to and revealed you're a fucking zoomer.
The point isn't to have multiple angles, you use the one angle for the one shot and that's it, it's a static 2d background made of a 3d render (sometimes one render "cut up" to have a layered effect).

Picrel, it's from Dino Crisis 2

>> No.6423341
File: 141 KB, 288x369, toughluck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI shills are now going across the internet parroting that going against AI shit is a psyop to end Fair Use
They must be getting desperate now that tech companies and research divisions at universities are showing that the image generators are overfitting thus proving without a doubt the data is stolen.

And, yet again, aifags are lying about subjects that anybody that has worked for a living knows about and anybody else can look up in just 2 minutes to verify.

>> No.6423355

NTA but one instance is witnessing internet retards being edgy for kicks while the other is witnessing some street shitter gloating about spreading their rancid shit all over your passion.

>> No.6423367

You have a woman's ego. NGMI

Research shows that if you dig up an image in the LAION dataset and copy-paste its nonsensical tags verbatim AND you're using the smaller dataset (not the LAION-5B one) you can "sometimes" get almost the same image.

>> No.6423396
File: 1.70 MB, 1278x851, stealing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must feel pretty weird. I remember showing an artist some work in person at a con, some was inspired by his and he made a weird face... like a cringe smile. it haunts me lol.

>> No.6423416

Despite what some say, the AIfags all know that doing this is a slap in the face of the actual artist, which is why they're so eager to start shitting out training models as soon as somebody dares question them.

>> No.6423420

Every one of the A.I. images is better than her "art"

There's a clear correlation between bitching about A.I. and being a permabeg

>> No.6423427

>photoshopping the same chink face into a picture somehow makes it better
Yeah permabegs am I right

>> No.6423475
File: 54 KB, 564x403, a400556328fc03f6a1aa24954e2c8207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't that already achievable with kitbashing stuff and if your already in 3d wouldn't knowing how to set the scene before hand be more valuable then mindlessly having an AI try to edit stuff for you. It looks like its shot with a fisheye lens effect or warped perspective. You could prob try playing with camera positioning to understand and figure out the best angle to take a photo from first before before you start messing with perspective

>> No.6423500

fuck off man, that is her art from a decade ago.

>> No.6423515

Nah it's not the perspective or lensing, it's the rendering and how the people of the time were limited by the tech. There's a charm to it which is horrendously difficult to replicate.
I did, however, see a couple indie devs experimenting with replicating it in a peek just a bit ago, but at least one was writing that his computer was nearly melting from the rendering for some reason. So it's really not easy.

>> No.6423539
File: 2.40 MB, 1200x1410, Idhaveaheartattack_28f3ad_9413924-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... uh, so who's winning?

>> No.6423544

Like with all these threads, nobody. Except for maybe gookmoot who's making money from the ads by way of people without adblock furiously F5ing the thread.

>> No.6423592
File: 265 KB, 1268x588, 840077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prob has to do with the CRT effect old television had to be honest since most games especially for pixel art looked far more detailed then what their pixels/polygons would say with a combination with older rendering tech. The thing was most people would account for that type of filter display but since its no longer really used going back to older looks quality actually gets worse with anything involving LCD

>> No.6423614

cool, time to learn music

>> No.6423618


>> No.6423639

cool, time to become a drag show performer

>> No.6423642
File: 49 KB, 458x544, pxArt-removebg-preview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just learn the one thing those dogshit AIutists can't make it do, Pixel Art

>> No.6423646

If you build on this work, please cite it as follows:

author = {Forsgren, Seth* and Martiros, Hayk*},
title = {{Riffusion - Stable diffusion for real-time music generation}},
url = {https://riffusion.com/about},
year = {2022}


>> No.6423649


>> No.6423654

>These first images are my results after merging this model with another model trained on my wife.

>> No.6423656
File: 10 KB, 512x256, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his pixel wife?
or he married a redhead?

>> No.6423678

I guess? But why didn't he post that model?

>> No.6423691

probably didn't want them to make lewds of his wife, lol
but training themselves in SD seems to be the reddit thing to do, they love it

>> No.6423695

oops, duplicate
meant to post this

>> No.6423699

>probably didn't want them to make lewds of his wife, lol
But it isn't really his wife, just shadows of his wife in the dataset. Why is he holding back progress?

>> No.6423709 [DELETED] 

HIS wife? I think you mean, OUR wife. The data should be free. Copyright and intellectual property is theft from the common good of the people!

>> No.6423714 [DELETED] 

Yeah, he just doesn't understand how AI works. Somebody should explain it to him so he can quit being a luddite. Hopefully I can track down his social media to find some pics of his wife for model training.

>> No.6423718
File: 840 KB, 834x843, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and CC pilled

>> No.6423719

>Hopefully I can track down his social media to find some pics of his wife for model training.
and his kids ;)

>> No.6423723

Just shadows and hazy memories, man, shadows and hazy memories.

>> No.6423724 [DELETED] 

Oh, especially the children. In this brave new world we really must rethink our old, outdated stance on the age of consent. And it's not like they're going to be REAL children anymore once the algorithm has added their photographs into its glorious datamass.

>> No.6423727

i think its a pajeet scam

>> No.6423728

>200K to hire Jewish lobbyists
it's a scam alright

>> No.6423729

What are you talking about? Consent of whom? Nobody needs to consent to anything when it comes to making a model.

>> No.6423735

it actually baffles me how much the average /g/ nigger is obsessed with "data privacy", "debotnetting" themselves, but then would change their stances completely when it comes to AI art

>> No.6423741
File: 1.78 MB, 2666x4000, grid-0104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what happens to thirsty MFs

>> No.6423749

What were the proompters expecting to happen by trying to cannibalize an already shitty industry for their own profit? Were they expecting the trannies to just roll over and die, or be grateful to be fucked in the arse? Em*d didn't give a shit about the ramifications, he just wanted to be a famous pajeet like Anish 'Vantablack' Kapoor

>> No.6423755

That's some uncanny shit; I wonder why they're afraid to release the accurate models?

>> No.6423763

I've just realized every "loli" AI image can possible count as actual CP because prompts associated with such body type are likely to be trained with pictures of a real child

>> No.6423773

>simple pixel characters are deformed
>can't even do straight lines for basic furniture
This is the shit AIfags are proud of?

>> No.6423786

always said you should get the ai banned for CP, not copyright, nobody cares about artists

>> No.6423788

Dude you're right this will piss off the entire fucking world

>> No.6423789 [DELETED] 

a few big news stories revolving cases of AI CP and the entire thing will go tits up, at least in public opinion

>> No.6423796

Just one would do it, since news outlets are so incestuous.

>> No.6423797

Imagine the guy insisting that you're a luddite if you take issue with somebody "training a model" on somebody's family photos and generating hardcore porn of them and sharing it with the world.

>> No.6423805

sir, it didn't use the photo of your family sir, that is not your family sir

>> No.6423810
File: 976 KB, 1024x1216, DALL·E 2022-12-08 00.59.49 - clay figure of a extremely muscled wrestler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw this was made with AI.

>> No.6423815

In that case, it's the AI that made it, not the prompters who are responsible of course
All they did was provide the ideas, they were barely involved in the process

>> No.6423816

This is a good point. If AIfags want to take credit for the art they "referenced" to generate deformed pinups, then they should also take the credit for the children photos they "referenced" to generate CP.

>> No.6423818

Emma Watson will live forever among the stars...!

>> No.6423819

bruh is that greta thunberg up there

>> No.6423821

AIniggas so dumb they're using Z-list celebrities and models. Like nigga pull out your yearbooks, go on Facebook, find some new "references."

>> No.6423823

Why do you lie?
They have nothing to do with big corporations.

>> No.6423824
File: 2.10 MB, 1240x2468, 12375981419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we getting raided by Twitter trannies now? Check this shit
All coming from a completely non-biased actor, trust me bro AI is fine you don't need any rights. Can jannies get rid of this thread?

>> No.6423827

she writes exactly like some of the shitposters shills we got on this board...

>> No.6423831
File: 558 KB, 971x1665, it's over(weight).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In awe at the size of this xir.

>> No.6423833

It has gotta be a troll. Look at xheir post history and the replies this got. Either way not a good look for AI shills.

>> No.6423838


>> No.6423840

who's getting this money

>> No.6423846

This really reads like how one of our resident jeets write.

>> No.6423861
File: 938 KB, 972x2747, No dude your image is perfectly fine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's some gold in there.

>> No.6423863
File: 578 KB, 1080x1326, communism for your art, capitalism for me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The capitalist who endorses a communities use of art. Whoah...

>> No.6423868

Remember every time you think about addressing an AIcuck
This is the level of schizoid delusions you're up against

>> No.6423877

You don't know what pixel art is. (and neither do half of zoomer "pixel artists")

>> No.6423885


>> No.6423886

pixel is just another style now, there's 2 generations of gamers who's never seen an crt tv

>> No.6423888
File: 473 KB, 1080x1020, muh crts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le old TVs!!
What is this person's claim to fame? Was she(?) an artist at some point? I see some random doodles but beyond that it just seems like banal tweets.

>> No.6423897


>> No.6423902
File: 62 KB, 984x793, chipper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That meme has some factual points though and are purposefully worded to be provocative.
Their trolls are effective because they know where to hit and how incredibly fragile artists are.
>Are we being raided by twitter trannies?
Yes, i've been saying this for years.

That you need jannies to fight your fight, proves them right and only makes their trolling stronger and more effective.

All you literally have to do is draw and post your work.
Trannies fear the work posting /ic/had.

>> No.6423906

>seething over people having the old electronics she wishes she had
Yeah, people need to stop gatekeeping old technology. Wonder if this zoomzoom would seethe over all my old TVs and monitors.

>> No.6423920
File: 838 KB, 1080x1695, 1671100467107321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't be silly

>> No.6423959

>old mutual enemies join forces to defeat a bigger evil

>> No.6423962
File: 64 KB, 939x770, g1epbh14vbswbhqfcqux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bigger evil
no kidding

>> No.6423966
File: 502 KB, 1440x1800, 122395149_2758627204380715_1335765244061629661_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

>> No.6424132

> Never thought I’d die fighting side-by-side with a CalArtist

>> No.6424135

This asshat thinks capitalism and anarchy are the same thing.

>> No.6424221

Twitter? More like rdrama and lolcows. We live in their mind rent free

>> No.6424240

Their big source is from the conspiracy site sourcewatch. Thats why OP didnt post any links

>> No.6424251

As if you're one to talk. As if illustrative work is not a skill. How ignorant do you have to be to believe your own bullshit?You mediocre technerds with your circular talkingpoints sicken me. Might aswell merge with the AI bugman.

>> No.6424253

More like we're desperate for some representation. We have so few advocating against this. I suspect this will change. And no - I didn't donate however I can clearly see why some of us would considering the circumstances...

>> No.6424281

what a retard, capitalism was built on intellectual property.

>> No.6424283

Jesus fucking christ. How about you speak for yourself bugbrain? You would take it seriously too if you spent decades honing your craft only to have your work end up being trainingwheels for an algorithm made by a bunch of greedy, self entitled sillicon valley technerds funded by google, Apple, microsoft and a bunch of other shady corporations and people.
We all know what's up and we know you are the vocal minority. For every day you come here and regurgitate your vomit, your agenda is becoming ever more apparent to anyone with half a brain. You're just a fucking shill.

>> No.6424295

Adobe litterally is integrating Stable Diffusion into photoshop retard.
They have no leg to stand on, since no AI contains copyrighted material.

>> No.6424296
File: 177 KB, 1068x854, brom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm seeing some big names here. I saw Marc Brunet donated $1000 earlier today too.

I donated 100 bucks.

>> No.6424301

>no AI contains copyrighted material.
Technically true
It was still trained on it though which is hardly less reprehensible

>> No.6424315
File: 94 KB, 809x399, kjg_ai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah even KJG didn't give a fuck. You have a fragile ego.

>> No.6424327
File: 304 KB, 558x780, mignola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've learned to not pay attention to the opinions of people who have no skin in the game. KJG is exactly the kind of artist who would not have to worry about this, plus he's already rich and successful, so you shouldn't give a fuck about his opinion on this. I don't.

In any case, the trend among big artists that have voiced an opinion about AI is that they basically don't like it. Hayao Miyazaki, Mike Mignola, Alex Ross, etc. I think that as the days go by, more and more artists are open about disliking this shit.

>> No.6424339

On twitter all the anti-AI people think the only ones pro-AI are "literally the same NFT techbros with a new grift."
Any evidence to the contrary - rainbow flag, ukraine flag, pronouns in bio, even *gasp* WORK posted - is ignored. If brought to the forefront, then it's met with condescension - "Oh you must not realize these are LITERALLY STEALING FOOD FROM MY RENT" - or a block.

It's quite ironic that the anti-AI people here call the pro-AI people trannies as you'll find that the ugly-art perma/beg/ anti-AI crabs on twitter are significantly made up of that demographic.

>O-Only the big artists that agree with me matter, other masters of the craft don't, don't read the interview text! He's... he's only not worried in that because he already made it! He's totally NOT COMMENTING on the state of things generally! Look I'll list these other dudes agree with me!!
Nice cherry picking. I'm more motivated to integrate AI into my workflow simply because it'll make moral busybodies like you mad and there's nothing you can do about it.

Man it's just like 2015 again isn't it?

>> No.6424342

That interview was in 2018 you fucking bum.

>> No.6424343

Not as fragile as AIturds. Imagine being so afraid of failure and going out of your comfort zone that you can't even lift a pencil to draw. Don't ever utter KJGs good name again, it's sullied in the mouth of subhuman parasites like you.
Generate a rope and neck yourself with it.

>> No.6424349

Do you think KGJ was stupid enough to not think that it could do what's happening now? Doubt it.

I do draw, thanks. I just think AI is neat and it can be a useful tool to assist in various ways. You won't get anything actually "good" with just prompting, even a no-draw approach requires a lot of different steps and tweaking to make it interesting.

>> No.6424364

Nigger no one knew that “ai art” would just be corpos scraping pictures illegally and vomiting them back up as “art”. The shit hardly even qualifies as “ai”. His perception of ai was Alpha-go tier. Youre acting like Kim shook hands with king shitskin Emad and made that statement after

>> No.6424369

Nobody knew this shit was coming. You must be really stupid if you think KJG is some kind of tech visionary.
>I'm more motivated to integrate AI into my workflow simply because it'll make moral busybodies like you mad and there's nothing you can do about it.
It doesn't make me mad, I just think it's pathetic and so do successful artists and people who appreciate art. You can be a hack all you want, idgaf. Enjoy spending your life fixing fucked up hands that your gacha game spits out, instead of creating art.

>> No.6424370
File: 427 KB, 512x512, 133962182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound pretty mad

>> No.6424372

not surprised.

>> No.6424375


>> No.6424377

Why aren't Women more like this?

>> No.6424380

>Do you think KGJ was stupid enough to not think that it could do what's happening now? Doubt it.
His responses are due to his experience with VR, he played with google tiltbrush. Extrapolating from that would be thoughts about drawing with simulated materials, physics, imagine drawing the bones of a creature, then the muscles, skin, and seeing it come to life in front of you in VR or AR? etc, not grabbing existing art and using interpolation to blend the art together.

>> No.6424392

you sound a gypsy selling things as "genuine" to any halfwit who doesn't know better
>you even try to hide the fact it's fake
>you enter places with actual genuine stuff to try and hide it
>you look at what there and instantly half hazardly make up shit to peddle your scam

>> No.6424404

>Enjoy spending your life fixing fucked up hands
>implying I'll use it in such obvious ways

You're an even bigger idiot than I thought if you believe that the only role for AI is to do "most of the work". I could generate fake computer screens, magazine and book covers, and posters for background elements in my drawings and you'd never fucking realize it.
I can use it to generate backgrounds for my friends' animation projects so they don't have to mind-bend the autism required to get it to spit things out that look uniform, and they can focus on their actual skillset - ANIMATION.
I can use it to generate elements to photobash together for designs, fancy effects, and so on.

You are absolutely NGMI if your imagination is that limited, are you even an artist or are you just a twitter shithead that came here to throw a fit?

Funny how you guys all ignore the actual thrust of his statement which is moreso about "art tech" in general.

>> No.6424407

Fuck off schizo, nobody cares about your elaborate conspiracies. Somebody unleashing satan only to make excuse in unleashing criminals from prison is dumb fucking idea. AI is the biggest threat art world has faced since the cave paintings, so doing anything is but a small price to pay.

>> No.6424416

>I could generate fake computer screens, magazine and book covers, and posters for background elements in my drawings and you'd never fucking realize it.
Why wouldn't you create those yourself?

>> No.6424425

Because they're unimportant to the overall piece and it's not worth spending time or effort on them. As long as they "look right," they ARE right.

>> No.6424435

They could’ve used this money for a lawyer to sue these ai companies or come to agreement to train on ethical or paid license

But no thry wanna hop straight to congress and fuck up the copyright law to screw both parties

>> No.6424443

I like the scorched earth tactic desu

>> No.6424446

>I could generate fake computer screens, magazine and book covers, and posters for background elements
Wow, big fucking deal. Kill yourself, you have no idea what this is about you retard.

>> No.6424450

>"art tech"
AI art is not "art tech". it's a search engine.

>> No.6424452
File: 137 KB, 726x186, 16712933915210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explaine this

>> No.6424510

And the more you use it, the more that line of what you deem "unimportant" erodes. Have fun, I guess.

>> No.6424614
File: 456 KB, 640x896, anti_AI_girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6424618

I dont understand why you dislike AI tech so much. Its just pictures at the end of the day. I am having tons of fun creating my own art for the first time in my life.

>> No.6424659

They have to go open source on everything.

>> No.6424662

Don't worry, I doubt anybody would include permabeg artwork in their training dataset.

>> No.6424667

But I already have been included in a "training set," so your argument is invalid. I've also had my work traced, shooped, referenced, used in memes, and cosplayed.

>> No.6424671
File: 411 KB, 1100x753, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah man, sure. Now open wide...

>> No.6424691
File: 1.67 MB, 319x272, bro what.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they might as well put Nintendo in the "media companies" section to add insult to injury

>> No.6424720

Believe me or not, it's up to you.

>> No.6424770

Where the fuck do you think you are bugman? The vast majority here are against this and we're also against morons like you with your trite talkingpoints. I speak on the behalf of most of us when I say we don't like you, we don't agree with you and we see right through you. You're spinning your wheels trying to convince us otherwise.
You arrogant technerds are the absolute worst.

>> No.6424795

yes KJG-Sensei
I will never stop

>> No.6424796

Continue to seethe, it makes you look worse.

The record industry will illegitimately attempt to destroy anyone who seems like competition through things like frivolous lawsuits. They are not your friend, every musician worth their salt hates them. The screencap is just Dance Diffusion cucking to mafia tactics so their kneecaps aren't broken, even if they'd be in the right to just go through with it.

No this is something I've been doing for a while. It's how pictures actually get finished on schedule. You lack a professional mindset.

>calls me a bugman
>speaks only in collective terms
>muh "talking points"
You can't make this shit up. Go back to twitter.

>> No.6424829
File: 21 KB, 350x350, 1663412161422873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To anyone whose work was included in the training set, I would just like to say Thanks. :)

>> No.6424833

>illegitimately attempt to destroy anyone who seems like competition
>frivolous lawsuits
Just say you hate capitalism you commie faggot kek

>> No.6424863
File: 223 KB, 720x479, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a commie

>> No.6424897

>no respect for intellectual property
>im not a commie i swear

>> No.6424907
File: 51 KB, 517x329, nskinsella-creation-not-ownership.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6424948

you gave money to Bernie too didn't you?
good goy

>> No.6424966

I'm not reading your anarchist drivel.

>> No.6424969

Hey faggot, PYP

>> No.6425038
File: 718 KB, 704x704, honk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6425040

I fucking told you they'd try this didn't I, I'm sure some of you remember this!

>> No.6425042
File: 547 KB, 576x512, yarn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The seething will turn into pure rage when people realize they threw away money on an NFT grifter's scam.
There is no ambiguity on the legality of the AI.
Karla knows this, Google knows this, Disney knows this, everyone with half a brain knows this.

This "last desperate hope" will turn into the breaking point for many.

>> No.6425048

>mods delete shitposting threads
>immediatly starts shitting up another one
Why are aicels like this

>> No.6425101

you stole those pictures

>> No.6425103
File: 1.33 MB, 960x1216, tmpq0tz26c4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they will stop once nobody give them (you)s

so never

>> No.6425109

I mean technically pajeets stole them

>> No.6425113

give them back, POO!

>> No.6425117
File: 48 KB, 474x355, tacosgoku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most hilarious argument you get from the anti-AI fags (the ones who act like vegans) is when they use the "fanart isn't done for profit" line. At that point you know the person you're talking to is either a disingenuous piece of shit who's willing to say anything to get their way, or they're so fucking out of touch with art as a whole that nobody should take their opinion on this kind of matter seriously.

>> No.6425123

The most hilarious argument you get from the AI fags is when they compare anything created by human artists to a process performed by a machine

>> No.6425129

The majority of you also aren't artists by profession.

>> No.6425146

It's all humans using tools, anon. All humans using tools.

>> No.6425175

yer a tool

>> No.6425182

based fuck ai fags. they brought this upon themselves. cant wait to throw crumbs at the ai programmers living on the streets kek
for some of us art is our entire life and only purpose
>incel no gf khhv neet with no job and no other desires in life but making art

>> No.6425201

Then just make art. Other people making art has no bearing on you making art.

>> No.6425205

They aren't making art tho, they are sending requests

>> No.6425209

>>incel no gf khhv neet with no job and no other desires in life but making art
And now AI does it better, relegating your already niche little hobby to something like a circus trick.
Oof, that was a little painful to write even!

>> No.6425211

Wouldn't that make anon more special tho

>> No.6425218

We could've had a fun meme generator but once again techies had to prove themselves to be insufferable cunts in every possible way. They just couldn't help but shit the bed by immediately telling people they're coming after their jobs and the glorious future of UBI is here, annoying normies by spaming their terabytes of shit uncalled for in every corner of the internet, pedos generating literal cp, and grifting their crypto schemes every step of the way. Now copyright laws are about to get fucked because of these abortions. Ironic how they praise progress so much they end up inhibiting it.

>> No.6425228

Is there anything positive in the modern progressive agenda? The word itself has lost it's meaning.

>> No.6425242

They are making art, your own art is not affected by them making art.

Plenty of non-AI artists are far less hands-on with their work than even the lazy AI artists are.

>> No.6425249

That's just mass-communication and pissbaby artists who are looking for excuses to be mad finding the handful of techbros to validate their preconcieved (RJPalmer-brand Low IQ Guaranteed) ideas

>> No.6425252

I mean if you count the prompts they are typing as "art" then sure but strangely everyone just focuses on what the algorithm shits out

>> No.6425253

Why are you typing like a redditor

>> No.6425256

Is Jamal still going at it with your wife?

>> No.6425257

You cretins are talking like chatbots now.

>> No.6425258

>Mods delete legitimate posts concerning AI
>keep threads that are obvious trolls/fake up
At this point I want AI to be illegal just so these jannies and mods are forced to delete it

>> No.6425260

the newest chatbot actually writes pretty well unlike the anon you're replying to

>> No.6425270

Fractal art, non-sculpted 3D art, driftwood "sculptures" (cleaned and just mounted lol), and so on are all art.
For some reason a lot of people like to ignore that the output requires (often a significant amount of) human input.

If you typed up a long shitpost manuscript and then handed it off to be printed on toilet paper which you set up as a sculpture, you could still call your "roll of shitpost" your art despite you having done nothing but type words, pay a printer and place the roll on a pedestal.

My art is not my wife but if you think of your art in that way, by showing your art around you're basically sitting there while your wife is posting nudes everywhere.
I don't treat non-object concepts like people I'm in a relationship with but if you have that type of schizophrenia I'm sure you can get some good therapy for it.

>> No.6425278

So you agree that the only "art" they are creating are the words they are writing into their prompts.

>> No.6425287

As an AI artist, I'm really getting tired of all the hate.
I get it, you're threatened, but why take it out on us?

>> No.6425292

Same reason why people hate trannies

>> No.6425302

>Marc Brunet donated $1000 earlier today too.
he just did a video on ai art https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jatjz80wD4&t=601s

>> No.6425307

You will never be an artist

>> No.6425312

AI systems were trained on art made by people who did not consent on their art being used in this way and now the makers of these AI systems are charging people to use their AIs and paying nothing to the artists work they used to improve their systems.
AI prompters are also being disingenuous about how impressive the AI art is by only promoting the good looking creations while ignoring the bad examples.

>> No.6425319
File: 618 KB, 512x768, 04006-2934322199-muslim podracing for dogs and women.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine losing your livelihood to this

>> No.6425320

Are you saying that the "roll of shitpost" wouldn't be a sculpture the person made?
Because if you admit that that is art that the person made, then you have to admit that something with more input than typing words is art (and yes AI art requires more input than typing words.)

It was done without their consent because consent isn't required for that kind of data analysis.
You aren't owed money.

>> No.6425323
File: 17 KB, 677x431, artists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good vid, thanks. Here are a few more names that i recognize

>> No.6425332

>As an AI artist, I'm really getting tired of all the hate.
there's plenty more where that came from

>> No.6425334

>I get it
No, you don't. None of you assholes do.

>> No.6425335

>Are you saying that the "roll of shitpost" wouldn't be a sculpture the person made?
The person in question would be literally creating the sculpture though, since they are actively deciding to print it on toilet paper + put it on a pedestal. The ai art equivalent would be typing those shitposts, then paying a printer to "turn it into art" without any further influence on what happens afterwards.
>AI art requires more input than typing words
Like what?

>> No.6425336

>scrolls through EULAs and mindlessly hits Accept
>b-b-b-but muh CONSENT

>> No.6425339

Why won't you tag all your stuff accordingly as AI if you're so proud of using it? I can't imagine any beg being threatened by anime boobs if that's the case, then you can be left alone.

>> No.6425341

As a traitor artfag using ai to make some cash before the end, I laugh at you.
You can use this shit to make slop for NPC paypigs.
And if you created art for art's sake, you had nothing to fear.

>> No.6425344

They aren't just "analyzing" the data, they are actively using it to train their algorithms
>b-but the algorithm is analyzing it
Not relevant, an algorithm is not a person.

>> No.6425345

why willingly limit your reach?
he might respect the rules, but ai-cunts doing it for money won't, if you can't stop them they will do it

>> No.6425346

I'm a person using the algorithm.
You want money from me, get a lawyer.

>> No.6425347
File: 421 KB, 1275x984, media2FFje3fAyagAAHtcf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The ai art equivalent would be typing those shitposts, then paying a printer to "turn it into art" without any further influence on what happens afterwards.
And yet that still would make it art if the printer shipped you back your words on something random within a specific budget lol

>Like what?
picrel are a bunch of settings that some furry uses. There's also (outside of the inpainting window) changing the seed, adjusting the steps, and other parameters. It really gets complicated enough that even chosing "default" for some settings is a choice in and of itself.

>> No.6425349

>why willingly limit your reach?
But if it's a legitimate art form why not be proud of it and show as much? Larping as an artist accomplishes nothing but accelerating the hostile climate towards techfags.

>> No.6425350

It's not about you, it's about the people who created those algorithms

>> No.6425351
File: 99 KB, 765x717, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6425352

tbw should've been a lobbyist

>> No.6425353
File: 382 KB, 1024x682, 1613157826370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6425354
File: 1.32 MB, 1024x1024, sd-jesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BRUH, save the sensitive shit for your maxi-pads.
There is only a finite pay pig money to go around, And I plan to take as much I can take from you.

>> No.6425355

This. If you're fascinated by the technology and love using it, then you should have no problem disclosing that you used it. Not doing so only shows that you think it's inferior in some way and you have to hide it to get clout.

>> No.6425356

>And yet that still would make it art if the printer shipped you back your words on something random within a specific budget lol
Yea but then the printer would be the one who created the "artwork", you would just have commissioned him to do it
>some furry
You mean yourself kek?

>> No.6425357

It doesn't matter what the data is used for. At no point can you decouple the humans from the process for you to go "aha see now it's illegitimate cause machines don't have rights."
At every step of the way humans are responsible and at every step of the way, if it's fine for a human to do it's also fine for a human to use an algorithm to do.

>> No.6425358

Post hands

>> No.6425362

Point proven once again >>6425218
Thanks for making it easy for the mouse to extend his reach on ip rights and crack down on indian programming sweatshops, I guess

>> No.6425364

No that would still qualify as your art, especially if you did something like "an exhibition of a manuscript printed in random fashions by various printers around the state" to make it a little more 'fancy.'
>You mean yourself kek?
No I don't make weridly disney-esque bara furry AI art, sorry to disappoint you if you were hoping for some fap material

>> No.6425367
File: 204 KB, 512x512, 1671325871321253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are too hostile, and also I get a thrill from how you/they aren't able to point out that it's AI.
It passes as valid art, and you know what they say, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

>> No.6425368

>It doesn't matter what the data is used for
Kek, good luck explaining that in court
>At every step of the way humans are responsible
Yes exactly and humans used copyrighted data to create a product they are now selling without getting permission from anyone involved. The "machines don't have rights" statement is a response to anyone claiming creating products from stolen data is ok because "the machine just analyzes it like a human would!"

>> No.6425369

Yeah. A fake Rolex sometimes looks kind of like a real Rolex to people who don't know, so I guess there was no foul play there, amirite.

>> No.6425370

>People are too hostile,
What did you expect when all you did was tell them you're taking their jobs and to cope and seethe?

>> No.6425371

Looking through patreons subscribestars and fanitas seems to me the market for ai images is no one even the bigger bot inflated ai twitter accounts have no click through lmao

>> No.6425372

>Kek, good luck explaining that in court
No need, it's already absolutely settled.
This isn't a thing, just because someone's set up a gofundme about it.

>> No.6425375

>No that would still qualify as your art
lol no it wouldn't, it would be a commission. If you pay someone to draw a cover art for your book and give them some instructions on what it should show, it would not automatically make it "your drawing".

>> No.6425376

I donated some money earlier, and will donate some more now :)

>> No.6425377

You see the problem you have is that you assume that permission is needed when it's not. The data isn't stolen. It's all allowed and well within the realms of fair use.

Nobody is "creating products from stolen data," the statement of how the machine actually makes an image is more about people accusing the process of being unethical BECAUSE a machine is doing it, which is nonsense.

>> No.6425378

Plenty of artists don't actually do work, they're more like "directors." This isn't new.

>> No.6425379

>No need, it's already absolutely settled
You mean the google case that has nothing to do with the technology and implications we are talking about here? Laws need to adapt to new circumstances. This issue will have to be settled in court sooner or later and you know it.

>> No.6425381

that's a good paypig :)
pay their salary which will definitely result in some kind of magical disappearance of AI art

>> No.6425382

The technological case is the same. Scraped data, analyzed, packaged for educational/research purposes.

What you propose is to make it illegal for anyone to use research data in commercial (or hell, even non-commercial since a lot of SD is open for anyone to use) applications.

>> No.6425383

why call yourself an artist when all you're doing is inputting prompts into a generator? I feel like people would give less of a fuck about AI prompters if they stopped calling themselves artist, because you're far from being artists.

>> No.6425384

>Nobody is "creating products from stolen data,"
Then why do you need the data in order for the product to function? This goes beyond just "analyzing" the data, you are USING it to create a product

>> No.6425387

I put thought into my prompts, I feed them back in with img2img and so on.
I use a tool (AI) to make art, therefore I am an artist. In fact I will just drop the "AI" part and just call myself an artist, because what I do is create art. What tools I use is not important.

>> No.6425388

See >>6425384, it was not just "analyzed", it was actively used in order to create a commercial product.

>> No.6425390

I mean, you know that's a pathetic thing to do, right? But I guess you'll just keep doing it until normies catch on to what's happening.

>> No.6425392

your inability to grasp how these techniques are different from searching google or photobashing is doing a great disservice to your desire to speak out against it.

>> No.6425398

The data is not stolen.
It's perfectly fine to use for commercial purposes.

>> No.6425405

It's copyrighted data, taken without permission, actively used to create a commercial product that could not exist without the data. What part of this screams "not stolen"? Are you gonna go on a rant about how intellectual property should not exist now?

>> No.6425416

>the Supreme Court said that when a computer or website’s gates are up — and therefore information is publicly accessible — no authorization is required.
It's can be an emotional issue, you should take a deep breath before looking for a new career.

>> No.6425423

see >>6425416
But also, THAT data, we'll call it the "web data" wasn't used for commercial purposes. The web data was used to construct what we'll call "research data", which only is information ABOUT the web data. It contains no actual web data.
The research data is released for free, publicly. That is what's used to actually make a commercial product by a different company.

>> No.6425430

weasel words to steal from thousands of artists

>> No.6425433
File: 266 KB, 512x512, tmpf23opo46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only used to make thot photos, you don't have any problems with that, right?
No artist data was used.

>> No.6425440

The problem is not how the data was gathered, it's the fact that it was used without permission in order to train the algorithms and create a product. You can download images off google search and put them into your masturbation folder and nobody will care but as soon as you slap those images onto your products, you have to follow copyright laws

Your only excuse right now is that the law has not caught up to the technology yet.

>> No.6425447

You are conflating them both into 1.
They are not.

There is no image data in the training data.

A more accurate example would be:
If I downloaded 500 images off the internet and recorded their filename, size, and resolution into a giant text file and then sold that text as a fabric print. That print would be 100% fine even though I used data from 500 images to make it.

Heck I could composite a 512x512 mosaic from the first pixel of 262,144 images off deviantart, slap that on a product and it would STILL be fine. And that's doing MORE copying than AI does.

>> No.6425448

To qualify for the "thief" accusation, you'd have to imply your own skills were taken away, as the data is merely a copy, no theft has taken place.

It is unfair competition, since no artist can render out finished painting in seconds, but I suppose even less people will care if you used honest language in the first place.

>> No.6425449

Artist data was used because latentspace tags are the same for shading art and shading photos. It's all connected.

>> No.6425451

Damn, nailed again!

>> No.6425458

based, the thing all these artists are missing is that the best use of AI is for the glorification of God

>> No.6425462

ok, sue photographers for taking photos of buildings, after all, buildings are designed by architects. Oh, the google street view car drove by and took a photo of your graffiti? better sue.

>> No.6425463
File: 350 KB, 512x512, gorgeous__60yo__grandma_modeling_wedding_lingerie_long_flowing_silver_hair__huge_tits_1_5__detailed_face_and_eyes_1ms_shutter_speed_8k_artstation_back_lighting_cinematic_lighting_crisp_depth_of_field_digital_painting_dramatic-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call the PO-PO, cause I don't give a FUCK.
You ain't taking my GILF generators, art-poors!

>> No.6425464

>There is no image data in the training data.
One set can't exist without the other. You still take data without permission and you still use it to create your product. Stop trying to weasel your way out of this by putting the blame on the algorithm. If you really think this argument will hold up in court, why not just wait and see? But I think deep inside you realize that the majority of people will not agree with you.

>what is intellectual property

>> No.6425469

>what is public data

>> No.6425478

If you upload a picture of yourself on instagram, is it legal for me to use it to photoshop your face onto a porn image and start selling copies of it?

>> No.6425480

>One set can't exist without the other.
Doesn't matter. They are still distinct and separate things.
>You still take data without permission
Legally, fair use
>and you still use it to create your product.
Nope, they used it to make a set of research data, publicly released. Not a commercial product. Try again.
>Stop trying to weasel your way out of this by putting the blame on the algorithm.
Where am I "blaming the algorithm"? I'm saying you're completely disregarding the process. The process is done in a way that is very fair use

Potentially yes if it's transformative enough. There's a thriving market for photomorph porn.

>> No.6425481

People may have privacy rights.
People's digital art's training weights do not.

>> No.6425484

Are deep-fakes legal?

>> No.6425486
File: 363 KB, 1511x1217, 1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prob will get sued nigga cause your a dumbass if you try to draw attention to your self or that person and be charged defamation as well as prob other stuff
>are you these niggas

>> No.6425487

I think kid's are off limits in any context.
And the posts are just japes, yer honor ;)

>> No.6425494

alright anon
but tell me
was anyone actually stupid enough to try and do that cause it might be a loophole
>cause you have this nigga selling a book when most kids are on a screen
>do you have that much faith someone isn't that retarded to try

>> No.6425497
File: 71 KB, 448x768, 00275-559750021-Realistic full body portrait of ((toned)) (emma watson) as a female Oni ((flexing)), athletic, big arms, high fantasy, ((((incre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk, but /g/ nerds sure like Emma Watson...

>> No.6425499

>Doesn't matter.
Is does since your product's existence depends on other people's copyrighted data.
>Nope, they used it to make a set of research data, publicly released. Not a commercial product.
The commercial product is created using the "research data" in order to train the algorithm. Again, you are being dishonest.
>Where am I "blaming the algorithm"?
You are using the "well it does not literally store the images, only the training data created from those images, so it's ok" argument. It does not change the fact that you could NOT create the training data without using the images.

>> No.6425501

You can do a lot if you are willing to be a test case ;)

>> No.6425502
File: 23 KB, 165x302, 11 billion and counting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw of the person who's outpacing you in tech
>uses it to create a medium more outdated
>calls you a luddite

>> No.6425506

>medium more outdated
bro, he just wants to sell you (((his))) books
yer not a communist, are you?

>> No.6425513

your not a dumbass to your market, are you anon?
your not going into media and career paths you no nothing about right
your not like how Elon fucking was with Twitter wasting billlions on things you don't even know how to make a profit justifying that purchase right

>> No.6425519

>your product's existence depends on other people's copyrighted data
Copyright infringement is not a pedigree-based judgement.
>It does not change the fact that you could NOT create the training data without using the images.
That doesn't matter, that's not how copyright works.

The web data was used to make the research data, and this application is ENTIRELY within fair use.

The research data is an ENTIRELY NEW THING.

NONE of the copyrights of the images which were analyzed to make the research data apply TO the research data itself. Do you follow?

>> No.6425532

>The research data is an ENTIRELY NEW THING.
Kek so this is your excuse? You just scrape a bunch of data by creating a phony non-profit, call it "research data" and then you can do whatever you want with it? Yea good luck convincing any judge that this was not just you trying to bypass copyright laws through a legal loophole.

>> No.6425538

The research data contains no images. It's "data about the images", it's like a big book report about all the fucking images that were in the webdata.

It's not an "excuse," it's that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You have repeatedly refused to acknowledge or even, it seems, understand, the actual steps and sequence of events that occur.

>> No.6425540
File: 51 KB, 640x480, update you source.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that ruling has been overturned

>> No.6425552

I hope none of the prompts you used to generate your thot photo has been trained using images of real-life children, else it would count as legit CP

>> No.6425555

>The Court ruled that LinkedIn’s User Agreement unambiguously prohibits scraping and the unauthorized use of scraped data as well as fake accounts, affirming LinkedIn’s legal positions against hiQ for the past six years.

You should actually read what you link, it would help you not look like a retard.

>> No.6425564

yeah I am sure no photo from the 5 billion photos you used is from websites with TOS that unambiguously prohibits scraping

>> No.6425567

That's not how it works, the specifics of the case were that hiQ was making sham accounts and otherwise performing actions that required agreeing to linkedin's TOS because you can't access the site without doing so.

>> No.6425579

I won't lose any sleep over it.
Every slut was once a child too.

>> No.6425607
File: 259 KB, 1818x1467, artstantion TOS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

artstation's TOS did imply by you accessing the site you agree with the TOS and content scrapping is prohibited from their TOS (in 24(n) )

>> No.6425611

Please for the love of god, shut the fuck up you ai degenerate

>> No.6425619
File: 1.41 MB, 896x1152, tmp1i_ehcas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rude, say please first

>> No.6425620

let's see if the judge/congress feels the same

>> No.6425624

US law generally maintains that you need to have "active consent" to a TOS for it to be enforceable. That's why the Artstation account signup makes you check the little "I agree" box, and many sites require a clickthru in order to access if they don't have any form of account, as well as a "by clicking download you accept..." type notices.

The standard defense most sites have against this is blocking offending IP addresses.

>> No.6425625
File: 167 KB, 887x378, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not pedo

>> No.6425628

>t. prompt engineer phD

>> No.6425631

fuck you, took me 4 year to earn that degree, two year of TA'ing and two years of thankless lab work, I owe 80K in loans

>> No.6425643

The trannies of the art world. Demanding respect for absolutely nothing, invading spaces you do not and never will belong in, narcissistic and arrogant with severe, delusional views.
Like trannies, without the shill media and your own bubbles where people reinforce you are "real artists", you quickly learn you are not welcome in the real world and people even despise your existence. You deserve all the hate you get. You deserve to die.

>> No.6425644

ai pedos are a new breed, i swear you guys give me the creeps

>> No.6425652
File: 1.80 MB, 4096x4096, grid-8925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ALSO a pedo, not just
booba is also good

>> No.6425869

nice b8

>> No.6425979

You need the images in order to create the training data (which you call "research data" here). The "excuse" is the fact that they created a non-profit specifically to get their hands on the images, used them to create their training dataset claiming it's for "research purposes" and then used the resulting data to create their product that still DEPENDS on them having taken the images in the first place. It's also obvious that they knew they might run into legal trouble, otherwise they would not have tried to hide their actions behind a non-profit "reasearch" project

>> No.6426274

There's no problem with that though.
Anyone can use the training datasets, and researchers do use them. There's no lying, cheating or deception there.

You're just mad because you think there should be no path for this to be legal. Well you can fuck off, it's a great advancement of technology and it's done in a perfectly legal way. The standards for society that you want where AI would be prevented from being developed cannot reasonably exist if you want a free and open culture.

>> No.6427506

>There's no problem with that though.
Tell it to the judge

>> No.6427568

Reminder luddites have never been on the right side of history

>> No.6428133

good morning sir