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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6421566 No.6421566 [Reply] [Original]

"In an interview with Sky News, Justin Roiland confirmed that his studio Squanch Games used the AI art tool Midjourney AI during High on Life’s production to add some “finishing touches” to the world. While not confirmed in the interview directly, folks on Reddit have spotted many posters in the game that appear to be created using AI art tools. (You can tell because they look as if the “person” who made them has no idea what a human being or printed words look like.)"

i'm literally shaking right now
how dare they tell us that our art for alien worlds doesn't look human!!!

>> No.6421572

back to plebbit

>> No.6421574


>> No.6421591 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry, but most artist are now "AI" artists. AI is science, and science is cool as fuck. Non-AI art just isn't as relevant anymore. I mean you can shriek that we need more cave painting or cross-stitching threads but the fact is that AI is the primary tool used to make art nowadays. Feel free to make threads about stuffy traditional arts like drawing or painting or whatever and if people want to talk they'll go to those threads. But don't shit up AI art threads because you're either too stupid or stubborn to learn how to make AI art. When you're ready to embrace progress and join the rest of humanity and have fun making cool art, we'll be ready for you. Until then enjoy being a conservative dinosaur and living in your grumpy luddite art cult with your balding millennial buzzkill buddies.

>> No.6421594
File: 56 KB, 680x591, 558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6421604

strange hill to die on, AIcuck

>> No.6421605

>Rick and Morty
Kek more proof that aicels are literal redditors

>> No.6421625

>AI tards hate Twitter, reddit and libs
>all they post is Twitter, Reddit and clickbait from Kotaku
The lack of self awareness.

>> No.6421682

you know once again I keep telling them stuff and like retards they want to actually listen to me for some reason they're truely are fucking
>and dumb
>and absolutely must follow every thing you give them

>> No.6421698


>> No.6421731

How dare they not waste thousands of dollars hiring a "real" artist for meaningless background details. Efficiency is bad!

>> No.6421742

stealing is bad, AIcuck. another thing that's bad but you always skim over is that AIniggers believe that quantity is better than quality when it comes to art. why are you even interested in art, nigger brain? you are too mentally handicapped to appreciate even something as basic as visual entertainment

>> No.6421751

Its not stealing tho

>> No.6421754

They think this will legitimize image creation as a "real job" and remove the skill floor so now even their unskilled NEET ass can make, and will feel good about making, money from it.

>> No.6421766

it's stealing, tech nigger. we're well past discussing this now, it typically ends up in some retarded analogy by your ilk that makes no sense and attempts to equate a shitty software with humanity. this is what you get for consuming too much sci-fi goyslop

>> No.6421779

How is it stealing? If someone steals my car, I don't have my car anymore. If someone glances at my car I don't go into an autistic rage, shrieking at them for stealing my car.
If we're just making up definitions to fit our agendas now, why not just call it rape? Start saying AI is raping artists and that legally AI artists can be held accountable for that rape. Because you sound just as fucking retarded when you say that AI art is stealing

>> No.6421837
File: 427 KB, 692x692, Laughing-woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI is science, and science is cool as fuck.

>> No.6421838

>why not just call it rape?
Why do you think these retards keep talking about "consent"? They treat their art as if it's an extension of their bodies but know that they reasonably can't call it rape without their credibility being ruined.

>> No.6421850

Lmao if we could get the non-AI art community to start accusing AI of raping them I would fucking die

>> No.6421855

This is like leftwing media arguing America is "stolen" land

>> No.6421858


>> No.6421872
File: 59 KB, 459x302, FD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6421881

>AI is science, and science is cool as fuck