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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 279 KB, 1080x831, 1671047708133975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6417186 No.6417186 [Reply] [Original]

/ic/isters...there's hope.

>> No.6417191

i really don't know what kind of mental state you have to be to laugh at other's pain like this. AItrannies are the scum of the earth.

>> No.6417194

AI is just a tool.

>> No.6417200

No, your mom is a tool, AI is not.

>> No.6417201

One where You've grown spiteful of God and life itself for putting you in this thread in an unfair playing field just to suffer for years on end then die, it's the same mentality that makes incels shoot up schools. The hatred of life and the human experience itself.

>> No.6417207

what mental health blow, only my hide and report buttons are suffering

>> No.6417227

omg thank you so much, I was just starting my transition as well when this whole thing blew up and I just can't, but whatever you know :)

>> No.6417243

>Mental Health Blow

I get not liking A.I art, but really nigga? If this is making you mentally shake to the bone then odds are you weren't that strong in the head in the first place.

>> No.6417255

Why be sad when you can turn your hatred outwards towards those who are causing the sad?

>> No.6417261

same! I'm also transitioning.... to becoming a professional artist!

>> No.6417276

AI art has given me PTSD. I'm literally shaking and in tears as I write this. The stress and trauma that AI is causing me has been disrupting my HRT. I'm autistic and art is the only way I can afford my transition.

>> No.6417287

You definitely come off as a total faggot of low character.

>> No.6417297

Remember that empathy and restraint are good things to have, contrary to what autistic retards on this site may tell you.
I have no reasons to mock her, or try to put her down in order to assert my stoic sigma unshakable grindset, she's doing just being vulnerable about her feelings and that's just a normal healthy way to go about it, I wish I could do that instead of rambling with retards on this shithole.

>> No.6417304

There's always hope when you cope

>> No.6417316

Fuck AIcels but this is just standard attention whoring

>> No.6417385

I've recently gotten into drawing again
It's funny how when I was a kid and I drew it was just a hobby and I didn't see anybody online who made a living out of it but now there seems to be a lot of people dependent on it

>> No.6417539
File: 281 KB, 365x491, 234345435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the concern, but this video seemed completely unnecessary.

>> No.6417543

how do I get an art gf

>> No.6417545

Cool blog, now get back to your /beg/ thread.

>> No.6417550

Wow that was rude :(

>> No.6417557

I'm sorry. Having a bad day right now. The wife and kids just can't leave me alone.

>> No.6417563

anybody else think mental health is becoming a buzzword

>> No.6417564

I don't have a wife or kids.

>> No.6417567

You do now.

>> No.6417572

Start by denouncing AI and all forms of fascism

>> No.6417580

This video has more to do with avoiding social media and less about the Ai topic.

>> No.6417596
File: 55 KB, 828x664, FgKe1EKXEAAApyG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6417649

You have to be extremely high on copium to not get suicidal from the AI progress, even as a non-artist. ChatGPT once it gets larger memory will replace 90% of white collar jobs, Teslabot or their iterations made by other companies will replace trades. The only jobs that will be left will be menial factory work that is too cheap to be replaced by expensive robots. All of this in less then 10 years from now. Reminder GPT-3 is less then 3 years old, reminder that secretaries, financers and and bankers are all being replaced as we speak. This tech went in just 3 months from blobs to photorealism, and then spend those other 3 months imitating every artstyle that ever existed. Prompt engineering is largely obsolete if you use any program that is not Stable Diffusion, and any kind of legal action has either failed or is taking too long. By the time lawyers get their shit together to start lawsuit against AI using copyrighted material for learning, the lawyers and judges themselves will be automated. It is extremely grim future. At this point I would do anything to live in pods and eat bugs, because whatever is going to happen in next 5 years will be million times worse then most fictional dystopias.

>> No.6417668

Whoa, im not reading of that shit.

>> No.6417672

And that is why AI is replacing you.

>> No.6417684

They can't do that since most of those jobs are a thing to control the masses, retard. lol Did you think people actually needed that many employees? They have a quota they need to fill according to the law. Nothing is going to happen and no one is going to get actually replaced by AI. Since if they did then there would be no society left therefore no humanity.

>> No.6417690
File: 340 KB, 287x427, hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon gets it.

>> No.6417691

Then do something about it instead of dooming all day?

>> No.6417696

Me? Shit is replacing you too. It's gonna replace your ass to type me something smaller and coherent, hell it's gonna replace you in general for being a useless human being.
Actually, in that case it isn't even replacing. You just become fully irrelevant, really. More reason not to read your shit.

>> No.6417701

Name one person that has been able to stop technological progress.

>> No.6417707

Most art and entertainment positions are filled by government assets anyway, it's the main employ of Intel agencies. They've got gov. protections and usually family ties to the agency, they're not going anywhere.

>> No.6417714

Jesus set the human race back at least 300 hundred years

>> No.6417725

Bullshit jobs are still busywork that is hard to automate. They make up work that you cant automate and then you have to solve that work. If AI can do that made up work, then you cant justify having that work anymore. Elites still need the masses, they just dont need all of them. Once they dont need 95% of population, then the brutal depopulation will happen. We non-rich normies are still just consuming raw materials from the farms they own, use products mined from mines they own, and refined in factories they own, and in exchange we give them work and pay them back the money they gave us. Why should they keep us when we are automatable? There are already too many people right now on Earth, why not kill 99.9% of the population?

>> No.6417726

They're subhumans who can't create, hence why they don't understand human emotions. Some people are closer related to Neanderthal DNA.

>> No.6417732

>control more people
>more wealth and power generated from them
Simple as that really.

>> No.6417737

Are you referring to modern artists?

>> No.6417739

Why control useless consumers who don't even produce anymore? What wealth and power will they get from us? Nothing. Just big companies giving people gibs so that they can give those gibs back to the companies for products. They are basically just giving people products for free, and the gibs are just way of redistributing those free products.

>> No.6417742

>Everyone stop what you're doing! There's a WOMAN crying! Let's all adore and shower her with attention and donate to buy her a coffee :)
Yeah, nah, kys.

>> No.6417745

Because they need to survive. Have you ever needed to work at a job?

>> No.6417748
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>> No.6417758

Modern art is the only thing AI can't imitate and will be the only art that has value going forward, even if only for money laundering.

>> No.6417762

I don't know who this is, and I'm not going to spend my time watching it. Even if I probably agree with some of what she says, listening to somebody cry on YouTube is an even worse use of my time than posting on here.

>> No.6417763

The monks who were too lazy to copy every single ancient writing

>> No.6417768

AI chimps cannot refute.

>> No.6417780

If you expect people to stop using the Ai just because a bitch cried and showed some crocodile tears you're mistaken.

>> No.6417784
File: 97 KB, 248x381, trash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern art is just a money laundering scheme, just like AI art for NFTs. The CIA knows it's not real art, the feds know it, and artists know it.


>> No.6417787

AI chimps cannot refute.

>> No.6417792

Sorry sweetie, your tears do not make you a special snowflake.

>> No.6417798

AI doesn't make you a woman

>> No.6417803
File: 161 KB, 558x825, 1516729500704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but it certainly paints one.

>> No.6417814

That is not from AI. All the monkeys do is steal. How come AI chimpanzees can never post examples of 100% AI art?

>> No.6417822

>sorry sweaty, special snowflake
How come AI fags talk like their from a different era of the internet? These faggots are embarrassing. Do they make the assumption we're all from 2010 tumblr?

>> No.6417826

They are redditors

>> No.6417832

Why keep people to survive? Why not make the entire population homeless Detroit, and bomb the cities. Cut the electricity to all the villages and towns. When angry masses start to march towards your base, bomb them with AI driven drones.

>> No.6417840

you're a tool, and AI is not going to need you within the next 5 years
AI art is not a career because AI artists are not needed

>> No.6417859

>Can't draw for shit
>Making bank with AI art
This is the best thing ever.

>> No.6417861

*Next 1 year
Midjurney already needs no "professional touches" and prompt "engineering". Once other AIs adopt their technique, it will be over for "professional artists working with AI".

>> No.6417862

Why not retard? Holy fuck, why are you so fucking stupid? Because by surviving they willingly become the subjects to their monetary system, which is why it's equivalent of having power. Yes, some people become hobos so what? As long as there are other people filling their space then it is a non-issue because majority of people aren't homeless. This is basically how feudal societies worked and this is just it's advanced form which is integrated into the modern life style.

>> No.6417867

Your grift will end soon once it becomes widely available and with no gatekeeping. Stable Diffusion is still complete ass to install. Once it becomes .exe installer, your prompter gatekeeping will vanish.

>> No.6417869

I'm not gatekeeping, everyone should get on this but right now I'm making money doing it myself.

>> No.6417872

Why would you want everyone to get on it if it makes you money?

>> No.6417876

It's not my primary source of income and is also a nice crutch for people like me who can't draw for shit, specially to take advantage of computer iliterate people

>> No.6417879

how are you making money off something thats freely available and everyone on the internet is tired of? You wouldn't happen to be bullshitting us, would you anon?

>> No.6417885

Nice for calling me retard you retard. Never in history of mankind did elites not need the poors. Feudal societies required most peasants to farm in order to keep the kingdom afloat. Currently there are still enough real jobs to make elites want to keep us around. Why should they keep us around when all the production of everything is automated? What power are they gaining? Is it just the feeling of power they get from overseeing armies of subhumans? So that they can feel like superior kings ruling over armies of idle losers what just consoom? Again, why should they make UBI or keep up bullshit jobs (unofficial UBI)? What do they benefit from keeping up nothing but fake jobs?

Right now they keep up the fake jobs to not cause uprising of 40% of population being unemployed, 30% not searching for employment and the other 30% still being needed to make society (infrastructure for both rich and poor) functional. In automation scenario the jobs being needed are 1% or lower, while the unemployed are 70%. Why not level whole cities to the ground? You only need people content when you need them to work for you, which they wont have to.

>> No.6417888

he obviously makes CP on pixiv for Jap pedos

>> No.6417892

Most people are too dumb to properly install Stable Diffusion, and they also cant prompt for shit or perhaps the fact that paying OpenAI and Midjurney for prompts is worse then scrolling trough feed and giving one view out of 10 000 to some anon who will make money from it.

>> No.6417898

Hey doomer zoomer there are still truckers. Now stop being a fag and go draw.

>> No.6417903

No, most feudal socities didn't need that many peasants which were overly abundant and the sole reason they had that many was because they wanted local lords to control the certain areas by taxing them with fiefs. Which is basically how the modern world works. You still must the point since you are unable to understand it's more about power than utility. Maybe read less dystopian novels and read more about history.

>> No.6417906

If 70% of people already are not needed , why not start killing them off right now instead of waiting for automation? It's not like the US government suffers from a lack of weapons right now

>> No.6417924
File: 120 KB, 514x357, 1638238010624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to /pol/ tranny

>> No.6417933

He is a fucking idiot. He also thinks AI would be more costly for menial tasks due to having to actually spend electricity. It is cheaper to hire third worlders that are extremely willing to take those jobs in exchange of a work visa.

>> No.6417953

AI shitters are psychopaths. Thanks for confirming.

>> No.6417955


>> No.6417956


>> No.6417977

Larp moar faggot. Are you 3rd worlder where $10 is "bank"?

>> No.6418010

>You have to be extremely high on copium to not get suicidal from the AI progress, even as a non-artist.

Getting suicidal over A.I is bitch shit.

>> No.6418017

Suicidal incel vs homicidal chad

>> No.6418035

She details her mental health struggles over the soundtrack she didn't pay for, made by a musician who might get 11 cents from having a track they made feature on her video

>> No.6418038

If AI was all it took for her to have a "mental health blow", then she is weak and pathetic.
> Rainbow flag in social media bio
Aand there it is.

>> No.6418040

at least he got paid, you won't

>> No.6418048

Extreme jealousy

>> No.6418054

I like how AI faggots are tring to make this about her being a woman or a rainbow person. All AI "artists" are jews or trannies, so their arguement is invalid.

>> No.6418062
File: 1.51 MB, 895x800, 1670903894261116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open AI made by trannies for trannies

>> No.6418067

The fun AI mocking thread got deleted. I was just getting warmed up!

>> No.6418068

it's licensed music, retard

>> No.6418071

OpenAi is pozzed Dalle2, the tranny friendly one which is closed source, pay service Microsoft put in their new Office module, Designer.

StabilityAi is the pajeet one that is open sourced, shilled by 4chins being used by chuds to make CP.

Reddit spacing is used here to clarify, they can be confusing.

>> No.6418072

no worries, there's always at lest 3 or 4 ai threads up in /ic/!

>> No.6418074

And? Some young desperate musician making nothing from his music makes it licensed, gets 11 cents, or .00011 cent

>> No.6418076

The musician agreed to that contract you imbecile.

>> No.6418079

Excuse me, that's "s/ic/ters" to you

>> No.6418080
File: 926 KB, 909x1464, freshorgans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL you faggot mods and jannies are in on this, aren't you? They just deleted the China Bans AI art thread and the ArtStation uprising threads but I saved the image.
>ArtStation is owned by Epic Games
>Epic games owned by TenCent
>TenCent not only owns Epic Games but 40% shares in every major Western gaming company
>China bans AI art and acknowledges it as evil
>All the media in the West is owned by China
>China has decided to target useless AI thieves for organ harvesting
>they all have until January 10th
This is not the ending I was expecting for the ArtStation drama, but knowing they will be literally ripped apart is very funny.

>> No.6418083


>> No.6418085

That's not an argument. there's plenty of unfair things we agree to everyday that we don't want to, eg cell phone non-privacy

>> No.6418087

But not all of them have AI-fag prey in them talking shit.

>> No.6418088

not an arugment, we agree to plenty of things everyday e.g. your mother and I

>> No.6418089

ya but you have to wonder if the AIfa/g/s are paid shills or did they always desire to be walking advertisement sucking dick for free
especially since alot seem to be trannies. Do their constant need suck dick is because they believe that how most women get by

>> No.6418091

>threads shitting on ai garbage get deleted
>suddenly AIcels start sperging out in random threads out of nowhere
Really makes me think...

>> No.6418092

I love it when the CCP censors things!

>> No.6418096

It's "cis" in reverse, cilly.

>> No.6418099

Oh I see you're just trying to bump your thread, like a moron who misplaces yous for some kind of success, I bet you have a romance going with ChatGPT too

>> No.6418100

You faggots are literally going to be hunted. You can't really hide in the West because they have secret police here.

>> No.6418103

based chinks, gutting ai-cels literally!

>> No.6418106

No, I report every AI thread I see. 4 or 5 china threads got deleted, 3 or 4 artstation ones too. Never used gpt. Still, licensing music has the artists consent, AI is built on non-consented use of artists work. You weren't arguing in good faith.

>> No.6418107

Bugmen got me this time... The saviors of Western art.

>> No.6418114

This isn't even the beginning of it. Expect a greater push for every online interaction to be tied to a real person's identity, complete with a China like social credit score system next year. The medical records and literal CP within their data sets will make normies support restrictions in droves. Automation will still come for all professions but regulatory pushback and further eroding of personal freedoms is an obvious response, guaranteeing that everyone suffers.

all you niggers had to do was ask for permission lmao

>> No.6418120
File: 64 KB, 673x360, ai1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6418121

I see no problems. But I see someone who wants a problem for themself. So they can sellout as another victim.

I know how things will turn out.

>> No.6418125

When all options are bad you take what you get, or you give up, which is what every musician faces, and what all illustrators will face soon.

>> No.6418128

Where's the cope and seethe? That's a beautiful, positive paragraph.

>> No.6418141

Dont forget Jew owned Midjurney that is heavily monetized, shares no info on their training data, is closed source to the point of probably having multiple GPT-3 algorithms improving the prompts and having their own filtering AI. When the crackdown happens, these guys will be the easiest ones to crack down, and with their company their AI model will die as well, thanks to it being closed source.

Yeah, and also another one being NovelAI, which started as writer AI, but it sucks hard at writing so instead they went full into the image generation business where they produce all the generic hentai girls that all look the same and have the same weird high contrast shading.

>> No.6418142

I agree, tough times are ahead for all sorts of artists. Art is already hugely undervalued. With a flood of AI generated content, everybody will be left fighting over scraps. Musicians are lucky their copyright is so strong and easier to enforce.

>> No.6418145

>jews are behind Midjurney
I don't know what I was expecting. It's very anti-human and all the trolls like to bait here saying they want us in blue collar jobs as slaves, not working on art. Really makes you think.

>> No.6418147

Sounds nothing like /ic/ lol. No coping and no seething, actually sounds more like some Twitter commissioner talking about how he will keep being lovely customer to real artists.

>> No.6418153
File: 43 KB, 1163x498, Steve Jobs 1994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6418159

well, ppl do write differently outside of chans

>> No.6418161
File: 24 KB, 612x408, David Holz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know if he is actually jewish, I found no sources on him. All I know is that he kinda looks like one.

>> No.6418162

Isn't he a Jew and not an artist? Not the best example, AI sister...

>> No.6418164

>red afro
>dat nose
LAMO he's a yid

>> No.6418165

He's NOT a jew.
He was the world's most successful idea guy though.

>> No.6418167

He's an Apple fag. Most of the faggots crying about AI are all Apple fags and use Apple products. Hit 'em where it hurts.

>> No.6418170

When I become a homeless man I'm gonna poop on the sidewalks in front of tech dev houses.

>> No.6418173

They are /pol/ newfags who got brainwashed by glowniggers. It's pityful to see they project their hatred of western whores onto Muslim women and children who got beheaded by their father, brother or husband.

>> No.6418175

Spoken like a true libshit commie.

>> No.6418176

based and poo pilled

>> No.6418177

You're gonna step in my poop, and you're gonna like it

>> No.6418178

why dont you just kill them (in Minecraft)

>> No.6418181


>> No.6418182

Wasn't his whole company stolen or something? Or am I thinking of Gates?

>> No.6418183

/ic/ turning pajeet?

>> No.6418184

True, but I can wash my feet, you, can't undo AI. :)

>> No.6418185

sort of, he got fired by Apple for being too much of an asshole, but came back few years later when Apple hired a Pepsi-co exec to run shit and did even a worse job than Jobs.

>> No.6418186

SIRS, we all POO, for we are human, all of us.

>> No.6418187


Do you ever get tired of lying? You don't need to answer I already know.

>> No.6418188

no loos only poos

>> No.6418190

You can't unsmell my poop

>> No.6418193
File: 1.94 MB, 1809x1197, ai art lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6418194

My reply was for Steve Jobs, schizo.
Holz is obviously a Ashkenazi Jew with his face.

>> No.6418198

You can't undo AI. Sucks to be you. :)

>> No.6418200

is that why they also for some reason like to promote hostile consumer things that
I remember some of these nig/g/as actually telling people a 2k graphic card will sort out the best prompters. Literally they want to say they're "democratizing" art but still call you a poor fag or artfag if you can actually draw
their retardation knows no bounds and constant dick riding needs to fuck off

>> No.6418201

Yeah, he's definitely a crypto jew. The company was run better when he was around. The other Jews in his company don't care like he did.

>> No.6418202

Sucks to be you. That's a lot of homeless poop to clean up every day.

>> No.6418205

He was adopted.
So he could be Jewish, but unlikely.
But you know, memes aside, non jews are also scums-bags too, you know?

>> No.6418207

Always a job at the poop patrol, never fear!

>> No.6418210

this is true
just humans can't accept competition with machines

>> No.6418214
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>> No.6418213
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>> No.6418216
File: 860 KB, 1080x1078, Screenshot_20221214_213804_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your driveway after the hobo poop patrol comes through

>> No.6418218

nah just stab techies

>> No.6418219

Man AI getting rejected by Art communities seems like a great origins story when it goes sentient.

>> No.6418221

BRUH, that was my robot waifu!!!!!!

>> No.6418223

you know some would call people who don't label that as a replica as scammers. So I'm not sure where your going with this nig/g/a stay in your lane if you don't want to learn anything about the industry your getting into especially if it's in art/entertainment
because your asses aren't even "ideas gus" more just clout chasers following the next dick to ride

>> No.6418224

wasn't interesting/witty the first time you posted this and sure as hell isn't now

>> No.6418225

should've hired robots, worthless humans

>> No.6418228
File: 499 KB, 500x333, 35454.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not kneeling to some fucking machine, i will produce better work than these bots and i will have a career as an artist

>> No.6418229

I can't speak about it from a commercial perspective - I'm not a commercial artist. I'm a trad painter and sculptor in my spare time, but I approach it with as much focus and dedication as my actual day job. Moreso, in fact.

I do not understand what there is to "give up". How do these people not identify, after all this time, with creativity and the process of creating as part of their God-given nature. External factors, even internal factors, really, cannot take that away from you.

I understand the ArtStation protest - those are professionals who are getting their shit wrecked because they are being cloned, and it's eating into their earnings (or soon will be). But even then, what are you giving up?

>> No.6418230

Anon, who would be jealous over someone as mentally weak as the woman in OP's video?

>> No.6418231

Didn’t cameras already do this long time ago?

>> No.6418233

not taking a side
it is inherently unfair to compete with machines

>> No.6418235

yeah, but photags just want to get laid or collect gear, they don't have their entire identity meshed in being a creative snowflake

>> No.6418236

trannies have always been jealous of gashes
there's a reason why so many incels turn troon

>> No.6418238
File: 75 KB, 141x90, monday-typing-monkey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he needs to mention "AI" for ever little story or possible thing it could be placed in
>really it's more gpt3 working off pic related and adding AI where it "thinks" it should be placed

>> No.6418239

You Aifags with your shitty self awareness, you thought artist that did this and claims it as their own arent being shit on?

>> No.6418242

bad art is still art
yet ai art isn't art

>> No.6418244

Define real artist.

>> No.6418245

I'm gonna poop on the robots

>> No.6418247

accidentally tag the wrong number ment for this troon >>6418193

>> No.6418248

my grandma could meme better than whoever made this shit

>> No.6418250


>> No.6418254

So is ai a tool or is it creating art on its own?

>> No.6418255

AI users are obsessed by ultra realistic stuff, insanely detailed fantasy art and over rendered airbrushed coom art.

AI can mimic basically any style if you fine tune it, but artists that don’t do any of those styles shouldn’t worry too much, those trying different things using AI are like 5% of them or less.

>> No.6418256
File: 230 KB, 700x518, 1557669630757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today, I will remind them of K*vshinov also known as a one Kr0npr1nz that plagiarized off popular franchises, took screenshots of animated works, traced and passed it as his own work only to backpedal and call it a "tribute" as he laughs from his office studio he got from stealing. As the saying goes, the good ones copy but the great ones steal.

>> No.6418257
File: 237 KB, 1710x1410, Screenshot 2022-12-14 at 22-51-16 ChatGPT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never posted that statement before, I just think a fictional sentient AI back story where it gets rejected or mocked by human artists sounds like a good story to me. I'm just saying It could lead to some interesting events.

>> No.6418258
File: 165 KB, 516x475, Duchamp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a human who signs urinals

>> No.6418260

People think AI is just going to ruin their careers in the blink of an eye. Even though it hasnt happened yet because things are a bit more complicated than that.

I get hating A.I but I have yet to see it actually kill any artist's business like they claim its going to. If anything I see people supporting them more because of the growing dislike for A.I art.

>> No.6418261

You wanna fuck poo poo? Sounds kinda gay

>> No.6418263

based russkie, stealing his way to a comfy Tokyo gig

>> No.6418265
File: 840 KB, 768x768, 05521-3268528841-A good painting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually try to do trad work with AI than realism

>> No.6418267

love your jewish art

>> No.6418270


>> No.6418271

The objective is to push AI to its fullest capacity. Which will conclude with another problem so people can create a solution that leads to ultimate failure and collapse of this world.

>> No.6418273

Yes, as long as you AIfag keeps being a delusional, lazy, greedy, parasitic subhuman. You "art" will always a reflection of that no matter what.

>> No.6418276
File: 740 KB, 704x960, 01092-22-1215-014940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but it's cold world out there

>> No.6418280

probably been already done since their is the saying nothing new under the sun but that concept of being mocked by peers is nothing new. Fucking it's the ugly duckling scenario at its core and something else older

>> No.6418282

Minus the blurry hands that actually looks like could be convincing of a real but bad painting.

>> No.6418284


>> No.6418285

>bad painting
how dare you

>> No.6418287

prob still in surrealism judging of how uncanny it actually comes across

>> No.6418288
File: 367 KB, 1024x1536, kjvgkjvg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BRUH, she's already in jail.

>> No.6418290
File: 1.64 MB, 1237x1175, PIKA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6418291

Emma Watson poster did your body pillow come in yet or has that already been nearly used to its fullest that you need another

>> No.6418296
File: 535 KB, 576x768, 00426-105999125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's still a few emma poster left, but even they are few inbetween, ai fad has run its course on /g/, you had little to worry about imo

>> No.6418308
File: 533 KB, 1024x1024, 1671071365006721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how this protest is about to backfire so horribly.

>> No.6418316

so copying the same shit again and trying to be clout chasing faggots with no actual ideas when near everyone postesting
I mean they could show something unique but I guess they gotta follow the leader no matter what IC

>> No.6418318
File: 1.10 MB, 768x1024, 3239832957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's still some of us around

>> No.6418320

>about to backfire
artstation already said they won't ban ai, it's over

>> No.6418321
File: 871 KB, 1024x1024, ai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copying I say it taking something negative and turning into something positive.

>> No.6418323

>another AI shill omitting basic public knowledge
Kr0n was made to remove all of his public profiles and got ostracized for a decade.

>> No.6418324

There's nothing positive about that poor girl's hands and thighs.

>> No.6418327

Laughing from his new office studio in Japan.

>> No.6418326
File: 1.09 MB, 1024x1088, 00019-3832413102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6418328
File: 959 KB, 2496x2496, grid-0651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well you know its not easy working with such a confined latent space.

>> No.6418329

>poop is my paintbrush, the streets are my canvas

>> No.6418332

>got ostracized for a decade
by whom, bunch of pissy artfags?
he still posts, still has followers
if anything it shows paying attention to internet does nothing for you

>> No.6418333
File: 1.26 MB, 768x1280, 501988616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based emma fag

>> No.6418335


>> No.6418337

Tranny arms

>> No.6418340

As always aifags resort to spamming their dog shit like clockwork

>> No.6418341

I wonder if they worry that their art isvalueless, or they won't have anything to teach on youtube, I guess all of it means they're on the street

>> No.6418342
File: 96 KB, 848x960, 9hmn5z0vfcs41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how positive are you that is message people get from you fa/g/s since your blatant shilling and narcissism can be spotted for miles
>its turning something negative as a positive
>t.new gaming "journalists" this decade

>> No.6418343

Well unlike you they're posting their work on a visual art board while you continue to piss and moan adding to the board's deterioration.

>> No.6418344

>posting relevant images on a image board
>33 images in a thread 213 posts

yer just sad at this point, if you have nothing to say, just close the thread and move on

>> No.6418346

AI writes better articles than Kotaku

>> No.6418348

>AI writes articles at Kotaku

>> No.6418349

>mental health blow
i can save her

>> No.6418350

rude, she just werks out ;_;

>> No.6418352

You prolly can't
You can't solve crazy with dick, just enjoy her holes for a while/

>> No.6418353
File: 615 KB, 957x1356, ApplicationFrameHost_2022-12-15_14-46-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future is now.

>> No.6418355
File: 655 KB, 1080x1078, Screenshot_20221214_213632_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look at me, posting my work on a visual art board

>> No.6418356

I don't like women that look stronger than me, makes me insecure.

>> No.6418357

>not a pajeet
C'MON bruh

>> No.6418359

Literally Hitler

>> No.6418362
File: 298 KB, 640x640, 1567276737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo these are pretty cool, good idea

>> No.6418363

Hitler was an artist too.

>> No.6418364

>their work
what work?

>> No.6418365

the work their gamer pc does

>> No.6418366

Nice perspective retard
Guess that's another area where real artists can mog you easily (besides the fact they can draw and you can't I guess)

>> No.6418370

but it's cold world out there

>> No.6418371

Fucking Rajesh I'mma shit on your country aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.6418373
File: 540 KB, 1080x1078, Screenshot_20221214_224704_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6418375
File: 302 KB, 1920x2025, i-post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This protest is a good start, but it really needs to be more inclusive. I'm not seeing any of these protest images acknowledge how AI art disproportionately hurts people with identities that are already marginalized.

>> No.6418376

how many threads have it been today think 3 or 4 AI threads were deleted
What retard wouldn't think that's spam, plus if you type your new or something fuckoff with your retardation

>> No.6418377

>imagine calling it theft without actually understanding how ai generators work

>> No.6418384

The proompters are raiding ic because they're assmad about the artstation drama

>> No.6418385

>image being a retard who tells people to stay in their lanes when they are the ones going into others just barely figuring out how out shit works
also do you know anything about the entertainment industry

>> No.6418389

you mean gloating
anyway, same trolls make the same threads on /g/ too

>> No.6418390

>this user only replies to humans

>No captcha needed

>> No.6418391

>entertainment industry
so you are just pay per hire clowns
I thought your were artists.

>> No.6418392

based and flesh-bag pilled

>> No.6418393

>also do you know anything about the entertainment industry
that has nothing to do with what i said you fucking pleb

>> No.6418394

They can't handle being gatekept it hurts their fee fees

>> No.6418396


>> No.6418397
File: 505 KB, 1920x1088, 1671080113095089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artsisters...not like this

>> No.6418399

I want to retort about hysterical artists, but you should see some of these ai-fcuks on twitter and reddit, they really think they are artist too!
It's pure cringe kino.

>> No.6418403

BRUH, how did you get my picture, this shit wrong!!!
Gonna sue!!!

>> No.6418407

well anon people who want to work in industries to tell stories or create stuff prob will want to get some experience in it for large projects. Even youtube and other stuff have people collaborate for a work piece
I don't know what you AIfa/g/s actually want to do since you obviously aren't idea /g/uys since your shit is like watching y'all work is like seeing a reaction video

>> No.6418408
File: 732 KB, 512x800, 1670413431264635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think my girl is beautiful?

>> No.6418410

A new fetish is born

>> No.6418411

ok, clown, work that pole

>> No.6418412

I can work with this.

>> No.6418413

what ai you using?

>> No.6418414
File: 848 KB, 1024x1024, 723636174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like an SCP

>> No.6418415
File: 873 KB, 795x541, Screenshot 2022-12-10 110115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

highres, masterpiece, best quality, highest quality

lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry

>> No.6418417
File: 39 KB, 540x540, 1650409518677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, with the lights almost off under a pleasant warming ambience we can make things work.

>> No.6418418

well anon your a prob consider a cheap whore working for peanuts dancing to be an AI shill but tell me this what ideas do you have not involving AI or are you bot

>> No.6418420

Not only those AI faggots are already buthurt from having their AI shit and prompts stolen by other AI faggots, they literally want to be praised by other artists.
Got a little faggot that fed my art to AI to try to copy my style and he literally messaged me asking for praise and to be retweeted. He had a massive meltdown when I told him to get fucked.
Ah no never meet your heroes, how could you say this to me I love your art, it helped me in dire times, please understand I just love your art and want to be like you, I'm suicidal, I'm not clout chasing,
just want some likes to make my days a little brighter etc.
FUCK every single one of them.

>> No.6418421
File: 950 KB, 1024x1024, 929210775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you got any other stories that never happened?

>> No.6418422
File: 677 KB, 512x800, image-asset1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

artists must accept beauty in all forms...
it was generated with novelai.

>> No.6418423

Making waifu is just fun amusement for me, I just thought you faggots were so high and mighty with soul this and soulless that, human sprits and all.
Guess it just does come down to earning a living, keeping your job as part of the goyslop infotainment machine.
No hate, we all have a job to do, it is the way of the world after all.

>> No.6418426
File: 1.24 MB, 1024x1024, renaissance-painting-of-a-woman1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6418427
File: 6 KB, 270x186, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because if your doing this shit for free I guess then your the public toilet for any company to pump and dump their random bullshit and advertising to and you wear that as a badge of honor

>> No.6418428

>you eat goyslop loser
>I MAKE goyslop

>> No.6418429

I guess to you fa/g/s don't know shit about anything but will still claim you do. I knew /g/ was sometimes known for shilling but oh boy are y'all going all out for something you didn't had interests before

>> No.6418432
File: 68 KB, 500x500, avatars-3Nx1JOcatPly8CmA-fJPsOQ-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you think my girl is beautiful?
>looks like an SCP
it's okay... I guess... But SCP-1472 is peak SCP Waifu.

>> No.6418434

>you basically live in goyslop desu
also like I said before what "ideas" do you ideas guys even suppose to have if y'all such limp dick bitches waitng for something new to come out
and like you said apparently you are only allowed to make goyslop, so you basically force feed it manually

>> No.6418435


>> No.6418437

They're just pissy. Even /g/ doesn't care about /sdg/ much whereas most everyone else online ignores them with small pockets openly showing their disdain.
/ic/ being the exception of course because it's the easiest board to troll.

>> No.6418440

it's retards replying to each other, simple as ywnbaa

>> No.6418441

what ai are you using?

>> No.6418442

Very high quality thread. I hope we all feel better after expressing our righteous indignation by engaging with the shitslinging /g tourists, so now we can go back to working on our drawings and paintings.

>> No.6418443
File: 771 KB, 1024x512, 01417-1979400500-((large_breast)), thick_thighs.((Caucasian)) (elf), detailed pupils, feminine, (looking at viewer).sweater.(((perfect face))).se.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to add, anime shit ruined ai
classy painting styles were better

>> No.6418445

says the person prob posting thread after thread of AI slop needing to be the little baby boo bot bitch every fucking day 24/7

>> No.6418446

what happen to you faggots, I remember when anime was laughed off this board, now you actually have hentai threads, what an embaressment

>> No.6418447
File: 698 KB, 512x800, 4137495003png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6418448

home made artisanal slop is much better for you than industrial soulless slop

>> No.6418450
File: 1.29 MB, 1024x1024, 887723796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah she's pretty cute

>> No.6418451

they're just mad no one will pay them commission anymore when ai is getting better at doing their job

>> No.6418455
File: 464 KB, 1280x948, D7B42191-00B6-47B9-9C0D-BBAD86F35924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My job is secure as long as I continue to have opinions on which women have tits worth painting

>> No.6418456

/ic/ is a low hanging fruit. It's always been about shitposting and they'll take any excuse not to work on their art.

>> No.6418458
File: 402 KB, 1280x1020, 6914D33E-38A2-4D1C-8DC4-2CEBD140DA36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or what clouds look the coolest