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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 741 KB, 2697x2649, 1670939265990416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6414884 No.6414884 [Reply] [Original]

Pack it up lads, how could we ever hope to recover from the implication that you use references to help create a drawing? It's over.

>> No.6414886

Based comic

>> No.6414888

Wtf I love furries now

>> No.6414894

based af

>> No.6414898
File: 201 KB, 500x284, laff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so low that even furries have the moral high ground to shit on you.

>> No.6414899

I do love looking at the AI rants and the permabeg furry artists are like “let’s see AI draw THIS!”

>> No.6414903

Why didn't you use an ai generated reaction image for this post?

>> No.6414907
File: 221 KB, 1099x858, a faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burn all furries

>> No.6414910

>Pack it up lads, how could we ever hope to recover from the implication that you use references to help create a drawing? It's over.
Stop engaging with this bad faith argument. If they make this comparison then they clearly have no idea how artists use reference. It's starting to sound like the anti-vax dipshits that suddenly become scientists. The problem is that artists keep engaging with these bad faith arguments so these morons get signal boosted.

>> No.6414911
File: 481 KB, 1368x1610, The absolute state of midjourney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-b-b-but the AI is just using references just like you do!
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/14zy3K if you want to know what the image source is :)

>> No.6414913

>artists don't realize they do the same thing by drawing a line over and over untill it finally ends up looking good
>But if I try long enough it will come out as I wanted!
The delusion of the dude that drew this

>> No.6414914
File: 230 KB, 1468x920, samdoesartsAIbash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And lmao :))

>> No.6414916

Don't tell me people unironically use this as their "proof"
Different nose, moustache, beard, hairstyle, ear, pose, eye angle
>Bbbbut Keanu Chungus did it first so it is 150% him!!!11

>> No.6414919

I see no difference between what an artist would pass as either a tribute or referenced piece with minor alterations just enough to claim it as his own. As a matter of fact the /asg/ general excels in referencing not only but also copy from the style off another artist without their permission mind you.

>> No.6414923

The difference is that one would have been made by a human. Humans can put their own ideas, thoughts and feelings into an artwork, machines cannot. They just coldly spit out something based on what they were trained on without understanding why they do it. Just like a google search returning an image does not create "new art".

>> No.6414926

uh huh, and what you draw is fully original and not influenced by drawings of other people you seen before

>> No.6414928

I don't think you understand what I was getting at. Have you ever made art?

>> No.6414929

People would've creamed their pants if that image was done with AI and would actually applaud and break their jaws by opening their mouth holes as much as they because it """referenced""" a meme of basedrino keanurino

>> No.6414934

I notice that you're happy to try to pick apart that one but won't even touch this post here >>6414914
You can deny all you want, that is unmistakeably le Sad Keanu Reeves On A Park Bench maymay, his face is right there in all his wholesome big chungus one hundred glory. We can both see it. You're not squirming out of this.

The funniest thing is that midjourney did this on its own in response to a prompt, it was completely unintentional. It's almost a miraculous bit of happenstance that was just, oh so good, far too good to pass up. And I have all you AI fags to thank for pointing me at it :)
Protip, the way that an AI photobashes shit in its database together is not how artists work at all. When people do that, it's called "plagiarism" :)

>> No.6414935

A poor argument, you base visual art whether or or not it has your biased view of whatever you believe soul or human touch to be. By your logic a shit stain on canvas or a banana taped onto a wall would have more merit than the next illustration because you wouldn't know if it was done by a human that by the way more than likely referenced, copied, used 3d models, filters, and photo bashed to create the same piece you put on a pedestal because it has this fictitious human touch. You're biased and clearly have a double standard.

>> No.6414937
File: 84 KB, 659x452, Screenshot from 2022-12-13 11-30-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my, would you just look at this

>> No.6414939
File: 468 KB, 650x468, Screenshot from 2022-12-13 12-48-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really, MMM, really makes you THINK doesn't it

>> No.6414941

What is art to you? Just a pretty end result picture?

>> No.6414943
File: 356 KB, 622x457, Screenshot from 2022-12-13 12-49-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really ACTIVATES those old ALMONDS, don' it, boy howdy

>> No.6414944


>> No.6414951

>By your logic a shit stain on canvas or a banana taped onto a wall would have more merit than the next illustration
No, but they have more merit than your AI sewage, rhajeet

>> No.6414952

If the visual art invokes a reaction, and makes you become immersed by the aesthetics of the piece that is the end goal it doesn't matter who or what makes it.

>> No.6414953

People aren’t impressed by you turning on a player piano but if you played the same song yourself on the piano people would be impressed. People respect those who have dedicated themselves enough to have a skill. Having the AI generate an image isn’t impressive or takes any skill so people dont treat it the same.

>> No.6414956

But the piano will still provide you with an ambience from the music just as the ai would provide you with content to draw inspiration from.

>> No.6414957

That's just a fancy way of saying "yes". Have you ever made art?

>> No.6414958

Yes, I create illustrations.

>> No.6414959

Pyw, also how much of it is influenced by ai generators?

>> No.6414960

If you use derivative AI vomit to draw inspiration from I don't know what to tell you
Go look at good art instead, go watch a movie, go outside, what the fuck are you doing

>> No.6414961
File: 89 KB, 535x450, 195481094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I create illustrations

>> No.6414962

He's replying to you because you retards keep replying to him.

>> No.6414963

I find my inspiration comes from seeing the persons hand in their art so it really doesn’t accomplish the same thing at all.

>> No.6414964
File: 2.19 MB, 2557x2496, peko_no_pico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a guess.

>> No.6414965

No the AI generated images. You don’t make anything the AI does.

This is comple

>> No.6414969

Sent too soon damn.
This is completely false. Knowing who made a piece absolutely changes the reaction to it. There is a reason a real Van Gogh is worth money and a replica isn’t.

>> No.6414970


>> No.6414972

It’s good to see you’re still alive mikufag, you really need to take your meds though.

>> No.6414975
File: 915 KB, 2158x2822, media_FgtFIvhUoAAgCib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found an interesting little paper here anons, I think you guys should read it and inform yourselves more on how ML works.

>> No.6414978

It's a random unamused white dude, it's just your consoomer cum sogged brain that automatically recognizes him as your lord Keanu Chungus, but the best thing is though, the experession is not even sad, as it is in case of Keanu. Clearly it's your confirmation bias paired with autism kicking in.
>I notice that you're happy to try to pick apart that one but won't even touch this post here >>6414914
I responded only to Keanu one because I posted the reply to it before refreshing. To start with, the rendering style is hugely different as you may notice yourself, with the left image not blending the different colours, and the right one having smoother shading and colouring, hairstyle, and the hair design is different with only the colour being the thing somewhat linking the two. As for face itself, the thing giving these two images reassemblance is the fact the nose is pointed upwards, however you'll quickly notce the argument falls apart when you look at spacing between eyes and the nose, the way mouth is done, the chin (or rather lack of it), eyelashes being flat on the left image and curved on the right one, so I'd say it's again a major case of confirmation bias, as expected of lowlifes

>> No.6414981

What is the mikufag known for?

>> No.6414983

Type your post against without crying this time.

>> No.6414986

Try to exist without being a faggot (Hint: you already failed that)

>> No.6414990

>uhm you see the difference between them is that they're not 100% exactly the same so even though they look almost identical they're ah, uhm, TECHNICALLY not the same, so that totally makes them completely different
Loling and lmaoing at you right now with your pedantic bullshit skirting around what is blatantly in front of our faces
This shit is so hilarious every single time I see it, these two images are a fucking comedy goldmine. I feel so blessed to have found these, hooeee
For obsessively making badly made yuri loli porn of miku (which is probably traced from CSP models lmao), being a tranny, and being a faggot. It's all in the name, baby.

>> No.6414993

Report, hidden and ignored.
Draw something or fuck off from my board.

>> No.6414994

>well the ai did it shittier so it's totally not plagiarism
holy shit my sides

>> No.6414995
File: 227 KB, 1320x826, thesmuggest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, who gives a fuck how this automated photoshop works.
I just want to draw.

gtfo my board already

>> No.6414997 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 601x508, wj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's so hilarious guys I'm laughing my ass of ahahahaha LMAO LOL
Not my fault your primate brain is unable to take a look at the finer details, and is only able to make monke noises when the images are vaguely similar. Then again monkeys belong in a circus, and so it happens you are the entire circus, not just the monkeys.
I'm extremly glad for you that you still have your "lols" to cling on to, after all your precious "art" is getting fucked right now

>> No.6414999


>> No.6415000

Alright Hiroyuki Nishimura, good to know

>> No.6415003
File: 85 KB, 791x731, Illustration2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which is probably traced from CSP models lmao
It's not.

>> No.6415004

Not saying it did it better, that's a pretty bad quality generation, however it's not plagiarism regardless, if it was, guess drawing noses pointed upwards is now plagiarism since some faggot on the internet already did it before

>> No.6415005
File: 498 KB, 628x817, Screenshot from 2022-12-13 13-27-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if it wasn't clear, this post >>6414975
links a report about how Stable Diffusion and other image gen is 100% derivative and plagiaristic.

>> No.6415012


>> No.6415013

So is 99% of modern art if you autistically look at it and FULLY apply the laws.

These threads are all the same, with the same retarded posts, memes and shitty arguments that it seems it's just one guy samefagging and this shit has been spammed for half a year now.
It was funny at first, now even i, King shitposter incarnate, is getting tired of it.

>> No.6415017

well anon I don't know why y'all niggas want to be anti humanist and blatant about it when your marketing to people then again your a wojak posting fagget so that checks out
plus near everyone is starting to get tired of the shilling by people who aspire to be walking advertisement

>> No.6415019

Oh, well, color me pleasantly surprised then. I apologize for the mistake.

>> No.6415025

You yourself called it an "automated photoshop". This is just proof of how and why it is. If you want these fags to stop, besides reporting or hiding these threads, then people are going to need to know what the actual issue at hand so that they AREN'T getting dragged into pointless intentionally distracting bullshit. I'm sick of these fucking threads too.

>> No.6415030

Me calling shit shit doesn't mean crap.
>people are gonna need to know so they don't argue
Nigger, how new are you?
You're trying to get emotionally retarded children to stop trying to reassert their egos because the big bad mspaint computer is gonna take all their likes and attention away.

Discord trannies ain't gonna stop spamming the board unless you show them how much bigger your dick is.
You only win if you manage to get them to kill themselves, there is no other way.

>> No.6415040

rest in piss emotionally unstable twitter "artists" with troon flag in their name, crying their eyes out over AI stealing their drawerinos

>> No.6415041

anon, this is plagiarism, pure and simple. There is no arguing around it. Even the people that built this shit knows about it. Machine learning models cannot generate anything outside of its dataset, it directly uses that data and mixes it together to create output. You ever hear about "overfitting"? That's when a ML model adheres too CLOSELY to its training data, therefore creating output that's identical or nearly identical to its training data. The ability for it to do so implies that, unlike what /g/fag tourists here seem to think, that it does actually memorize the training data to at least some degree and doesn't "throw it away" like they claim to. What you're seeing is exactly that.

>> No.6415043
File: 25 KB, 480x712, 1466004549692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The issue with AI posters is they are for all intents and purposes cultists.
Not only they make constant threads every where.
They spam their shitty images even in unrelated threads.
And when they get told to rightfully fuck off they start with their absurd persecution complex.

>> No.6415047
File: 189 KB, 1050x990, look at what you made me do.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes but also ai niggers gotta gtfo my board

>> No.6415049

Man, fuck off. Those guys are the ones who come here day after day shitting up the board, making delirious posts on social media about how they're going to REPLACE ALL ARTISTS HA HA HA YOU'RE OBSOLETE YOU'RE THE HORSE I'M THE AUTOMOBILE BEEP BEEP, shitting up everywhere that they can get into with their AI generated trash. That's not to mention what corporations might do if we don't stand up for ourselves.
How the fuck are we the ones at fault when we try to do something about it?
That's what the information is for, so that people KNOW BETTER. AI faggots have relied on lies and disinformation to get their way, the only counter for that is actually knowing that they're wrong and why and using that to countermeme them out of existence.

>> No.6415052

>bb-b--bb-but they say mean words on social media we wuz rebellion
Nigger, you ain't doing shit but crying about how irrelevant you're going to be be.
Go draw.

>> No.6415053

It's not plagiarism unless law directly says it is.
Also I very well know what overfitting is, and the thing is, while AI doesn't learn like humans do, it requires source material to learn off, like humans do. I dare you to draw an ultraviolet spectrometer without seeing one before. Sure you could draw literally whatever and say that's your artistic rendition of it, but so you could link a randomness function to atmospheric noise and then tell computer to make lines on canvas based on the random numbers. Both results would be drawn without any sort of reference, and both would be bullshit scribbles. Only way you are going to draw it properly is if you have photos and references of it, same for AI, you have to feed it photos of ultraviolet spectrometer to get an output of said ultraviolet spectrometer. And if you overfit it, you'll get images very close to original input since it works on basis of denoising. The reason I don't agree to call it plagiarism is because humans also need the same, often copyrighted, reference images to be able to draw anything. You could also "overfit" your own brain by just forcing yourself to remember a particular image you once seen and draw something purposefully closer to it.
So why would it be plagiarism in case of non overfitted output, when it isn't with human artists? Inb4 "uhhh humans have sovl"

>> No.6415054

Then go draw and don't spend time on 4chan lmao
Put your time towards improving your shitty scribbles instead of crying about things

>> No.6415055

>how irrelevant you're going to be
Hello AI shill

>> No.6415057

He did draw?
You're on the artwork and critique board shitposting and you have the balls to call other people out?

>> No.6415058


>> No.6415060
File: 73 KB, 1024x576, 1607742993609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen a sensible post come from this board in a very long time, good on you.

>> No.6415061

Indeed, he drew, but the quality of the result is pretty damn bad if you ask me, he should probably be spending more time improving it instead of crying about AI, at the level he is he doesn't have anything to fear, as his "artworks" wouldn't make it into any model

>> No.6415062

Oh no, how could i have not done some masterful work in just 5 minutes. Oh no, you got me good, Anon-kun!

>> No.6415063

AI art and the way it is created will remain non-comparable to human art as long as algorithms are different from humans. Wanna change that, then make an AI that can simulate a human brain and argue that it deserves human rights. Just don't be surprised when glowniggers make you disappear one night since nobody wants to go down that route. Also, at least you admit that laws need to be changed in order to regulate AIcel generations

>> No.6415065

Then, as this board tends to say, pyw

>> No.6415067

holy cope kys faggot if it's not plagiarism why the pajeets behind SD can't feed Dance Difussions' data set with songs from famous artists? you are pathetic and will never be considered an artist your ai generated shit doesn't matter and will never matter to anyone but your techbros.

>> No.6415068

I already did. Where is yours?
You do draw, right?

>> No.6415069

Well post yours then? And it better not be soulless

>> No.6415071

>AItard can't even understand text

>> No.6415083

based, I'm tired of AI shills and I'm so fucking tired of faggots from this board thinking that they are above this shit and that ignoring it will make things better fuck them too

>> No.6415084

>giving the mentally ill troon attention
It’s what he does since his drawings garnered none, he’ll be forever assblasted over it.

>> No.6415088

Doesn't that mean that my scribbles are so artistically extraordinary that a computer can never replicate them?

I mean, that no one of the troons who challenge me even dare to post their work means they can't even do better than a stick man.

>> No.6415096

I don't draw myself, however I don't think I need to draw to be able to tell that something I seen was of a bad quality
By pyw I meant a finished work, since anon was upset I criticized his 5 minute work
To me human brain isn't some magical omnipotent entity, it has own working principles, like an AI, and while it is way more convoluted in the way it works, you still cannot create something from literally nothing using it. Any basic functions like walking, talking and so on need to be first trained using data you obtain by living, or be more or less hardcoded based on data from previous iterations (your parents). So for the aspect of needing data to make something, AI and humans are very comparable to me. And yes laws definately need to be changed if you wanna affect anything on a broad scale, as crying on twitter/4chan won't change anything besides maybe few people.

>> No.6415099

If you want it so much, you can feed your scribbles to the AI and make own model, then you can see if you are so incredibly extraordinary that no computer can rival your artistic prowess.
And no, I'm not saying I'm better than you at drawing, I just say you suck ass, slightly less than me but you still do suck it hard.

>> No.6415101
File: 45 KB, 700x660, btg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't draw
>criticizing a scribble
>omg he must be so upset because i tried insulting him omg wow like let that sink in
You can almost taste the narcissism.

>> No.6415103

>doesn't draw
>still claims to know shit about creating art
Keep posting your prompts on reddit, this might be the wrong place for you. However, if you actually tried to create something beautiful with your own hands, you might understand what everyone means by "soul"

>> No.6415104

Where do you see an insult in that though? Simply an advice to spend your time improving instead of crying about matters you aren't affected by. The artworks you displayed are unarguably below the average, even for /ic/ standards, so I don't need to be better than you to make this observation

>> No.6415105

Nigger, you can't even draw a stick man. You have no right to even surf the same side of the interweb as me.

Return to r*ddit, you stupid nigger.

>> No.6415107

Anon, you claim AI art is just as good as human art, no? Then why not BTFO him by posting your beautiful ai work, you don't even need to draw it yourself, right

>> No.6415108
File: 18 KB, 341x370, lol and a lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, why should i be upset?
You implying that means you were expecting your post to have an effect.

How is this>>6415062
even remotely anything as being upset?
Are you that mentally ill that you make up scenarios in your head so you don't have to kill yourself?

>> No.6415112
File: 32 KB, 441x467, vgz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thread's gonna die before he does that.

>> No.6415113

Bro are you okay? You are the one replying to me with an image saying "I just wanted to draw" telling me to go away, me telling you to spend time in better way than crying about me being here, and then you start rambling about being upset and insulted even though I never said anything about it. I suggest taking reading comprehension classes my dude, I don't give a shit if you end up following my advice and spending less time talking and more time drawing in the end

>> No.6415114
File: 111 KB, 1036x883, lol mao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

regulation is already starting
im shocked the chinks were the first to get the ball officially rolling, good on you xi.

>> No.6415115

I don't claim if it's better or worse, even if I posted the best possible AI artwork I can find on the internet it'd likely be met with the same level of critique of "collabone is 5nm off", so why bother? I don't care to prove if it's better or worse than human drawn stuff

>> No.6415119
File: 93 KB, 671x731, pywg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he seriously doesn't know anything
Sucks being retarded, eh?

Now say how it takes one to know one. It will really show me for real this time.

>> No.6415121

He's making fun of you because you came to the Artwork/Critique board, yet can provide neither artwork nor critique that has any merit


>> No.6415125

Anon forgets about the Critique part of the board, and to provide critique you don't need to be an artist, so poor anon was dropped too hard on his head it seems to become a trauma savant, as only the trauma part remains.


>> No.6415128
File: 311 KB, 912x832, the eternal winner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr he must be angry
>a-a-a-aren't u mad i critiqued your scribbles?!?!? arent U MAD? LOL LMAO UR CRYING
Typical tranny tactics.

>> No.6415129

>reading comprehension
You're the kind of person who would "critique" a Wojak meme for being badly drawn, aren't you

>> No.6415134

Go back to drawing tyrone, you are funny as a clown but trash as artist. Seems you don't need to fear AI as other artists already make you obsolete by simply existing lmao

>> No.6415135

Do you have autism or something

>> No.6415137

His gesture is unironically good though

>> No.6415138
File: 70 KB, 560x364, etd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know
I can be whoever i want, niggeroo.

>> No.6415141

why do trans women like AI art so much?

>> No.6415143

The time you spend typing your replies with your sweaty black hands you could be spending learning how to draw, tyrone

>> No.6415146

I'll take that as a yes

>> No.6415148

this looks like you absorbed basic construction but failed to apply it to real life studies for any length of time.
attending figure drawing sessions for a year or more would help, really help develop your sense of gesture, form and volume.

i suspect the biggest problem though is outright laziness. you slap cross contour lines down without thinking of the forms they're supposed to represent, and since you weren't thinking about those forms to begin with it only becomes more apparent when you add colors and value to it.

>> No.6415152
File: 1.51 MB, 895x800, 1670903894261116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI art is made by trans women, for trans women

>> No.6415153

It reminds them of their own existence.

>> No.6415157

I didn't expect to find a Critique here, thank you for that.

>> No.6415161

i've critiqued you many times before and have seen no improvement, you need to actually follow through

>> No.6415169

this nigger has been drawing the same exact style for 6 years LMAO
critiques are a wasted effort - just laugh at it

>> No.6415171

The same thread made in /pol/ are being spammed by furry pajeets

>> No.6415176

It's interesting seeing /pol/ try to wrap their heads around the whole thing. On one hand they love their AI merchants and making fun of artists and on the other hand they know there will never be UBI and that MAID and organ harvesting awaits us once everything is automated.

>> No.6415177

This is hilarious since chinks have like thousand of cheap gacha shit that use photobash images. I saw Saitama face with SSJ2 white hair on the body of Kempachi from Bleach.

>> No.6415178

Jesus the sad trannified mental state of you tourists who call themselves artist. You womanly tumblrites clearly came here to sperg out over AI but it's time to go back. Stop crying in the loli studies thread as well before you get bombed with AI toddlercon.

>> No.6415182

5mmosy pro AI are pajeets and retard boomers who yell "tranime" in an anime website.

>> No.6415190

>The funniest thing is that midjourney did this on its own in response to a prompt
Yes very cute you want to signal that you know it's midjourney now when you were called out for calling it SD the whole time. Very funny indeed.

>> No.6415193

wow anon ... u sure showed him

>> No.6415194
File: 409 KB, 1393x2813, 646885467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still brings this shit up doesn't even provide the original source
Dishonest shitbag

>> No.6415208

Are you blind?

>> No.6415210

You were mogged on /g/ when you made that thread thinking no one would analyze the study and images closely and now you escape to your hugbox here to circle jerk with all the other dishonest cry baby migrants. Stay in your lane.

>> No.6415212

>implying I would go to that shit board in the first place
Take your meds, bro

>> No.6415230

Yeah why not? You go to this shit board that's been shittier than ever. This is the one place on this site where crabs and newsfag actually go to shit up generals or complain about them. If this place is a representation of artists then I hope a Boston Dynamics murderbot is the last AI you all see.

>> No.6415233

(he'll probably neck himself before that)

>> No.6415234

>Take your meds, bro

>> No.6415235

>stay in your lane, he said as he created the 195th AI thread

>> No.6415236

/g/ is completely unusable between AI shitters (and all the tourists they brought), /pol/tards Twitter threads and GPU console warring.

>> No.6415237
File: 303 KB, 1200x675, 1666740103524066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga when has /ic/ ever been known as the "hugbox" board and not the Loomis floating heads one

>> No.6415239

I like how people keep saying "you will never be an artist" as if these people care to become one

>> No.6415240

They're making a good job ostracizing themselves, i dont think we need to do much regarding that

>> No.6415241

Probably another redditor who's mad that nobody is impressed by his algorithm vomit

>> No.6415244

I mean if they don't want to be artists, what are they even doing here

>> No.6415248

critique the art? idk, maybe just come to troll/argue?

>> No.6415275

To start shit and get a reaction. The same reason /b would go on raids.
It's best to ignore these threads entirely. No progress is made, no minds will be changed; it's pointless, paint-by-number shitflinging. Every single thread.
Yes, the average artist will have the moral high ground. Yes, AI artists are 100% dependent on the works of actual artists for their generators to produce anything. No, a computer program is not a person, and no, it doesn't actually "learn" or comprehend like a real person. Yes, /g trolls can use their generators to turn out entirely derivative, well-renderered images at a fast rate, but they themselves are unskilled at art and are not actually drawing. Yes, some "real artists" will use image generation in the production of their works, just like "real artists" have traced over other art/photos/3D models or artbashed/photobashed or tossed a filter over some shit they found online and tried passed it off as an original part of their own illustrations ever since each method became viable - outside of legality and copyright violation, the degree of either scumminess or legitimacy of each method is up to you to decide. Yes, many of the people who spam generated images are indeed spiteful, malicious, resentful, or jealous. Happy?

If you really want to change anything or sway peoples' minds, it won't happen in these threads, and the people who shitpost here will not be the minds who have a chance of changing. You're wasting time and effort that you could be using to work on your art and contribute to threads about actual critique and development of your drawing or painting skills.
And yes, I'll take my own advice and gtfo.

>> No.6415279

>Yes, AI artists are 100% dependent on the works of actual artists for their generators to produce anything.
To be fair they can just feed generated and cherrypicked images back to the AI and it'd work too

>> No.6415283

True, but those cherrypicked AIs were dependent on real art to be made

>> No.6415292

>can just feed generated and cherry picked images...
anon that doesn't really change what >>6415275 said. Even then on the case of an artist feeding their own stuff back to it your assuming that the person can draw in the first place which many would say you'll start to lose your skill if you don't keep drawing/working

>> No.6415319

>So is 99% of modern art if you autistically look at it and FULLY apply the laws.
Yeah tell it to the judge Rajeet.

>> No.6415393
File: 1.65 MB, 1024x1408, 1670019666322563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the thread?

>> No.6415398

>SD rendering legible text
lmao, if you ever used it for two minutes you'd know it can't do readable letters, I call bs

>> No.6415405

I'd also add, they are /ic/ crabs generating their own outrage threads.
/sdg/ is pretty much dead, barely getting 2 threads up at any one time when it used to be 10 threads up, ai is a fad, and it's pretty much run its course on /g/, but crabs here have found an everlasting spring of insecurity to feast, to doom post on.

>> No.6415406

it's cool, real humans did that ;)

>> No.6415421

>/sdg/ is pretty much dead
Maybe that's why they come here to shitpost?

>> No.6415435

perhaps, but /g/ has plenty of ai threads to shill/troll/doompost over, why babyshit low ip threads of non-tech hysterical artfags when you can shitpost with actual nerds

there's a few up now:

there were plenty of "/ic/" poster claiming to be outraged artists trying to farm yous (never a new ip), they probably trawl here for fresh copypasta to spam

>> No.6415531

Interesting. We do know for sure that mikufag is one of them, because he openly admitted to it more than once already.
So once again, the reason /ic/ is shit is because of the eternal crab. Go figure.
Based and sensible post.

>> No.6415534

kek pajeets absolutely btfoed.

>> No.6415562
File: 522 KB, 1980x1080, FCR91KYVcAEJTGZ.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't draw myself, however I don't think I need to draw to be able to tell that something I seen was of a bad quality
>I don't draw myself
>I don't draw myself
>I think I can deliver feedback on art but I don't know fundamentals I don't even draw but pyw because I'm the kind of guy that gets mad at the quality of wojak pics
The confession is appreciation, however... Get fuck off this board you social media addicted piece of shit before I rape your house and burn down your family. You anti-ai fags confirmed what was already suspected: you don't have any stake in this and just want to blog about AI all day long thinking this is the board for your moral updoot crusade.

>> No.6415568

>anti-ai fags
Excuse me sir, that's a PRO-AI fag.

>> No.6415607

Screencapping this to post first in any A.I shitter thread so that people feel less inclined to give them replies and let them sage and die

>> No.6415665
File: 723 KB, 1764x2638, Ai cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AItrannies sure wished they were artists

>> No.6415768

AI Models learn EXACTLY the same way humans do. That's why they make mistakes no fucking human would, like copypasting fucking gettyimages watermarks over everything lmao.

>> No.6415770

it's fine, that's why PS smart fill exists
little ai helping out the big ai ;)

>> No.6415864
File: 461 KB, 994x491, Screenshot_2022-12-13_21-10-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is literally how you get good at drawing
keep trying until it looks like what you want.

>> No.6415948

Stuff like this is why artists deserve to be bullied.

>> No.6415962

you wish you had the skill to draw that comic

>> No.6416226

That post wasn't sensible

>> No.6416234

Holy cringe

>> No.6416302


>> No.6416408

holy shit this comic is so fucking Based it made OP have a stroke , and the comic compares AI generated images to goy slop , FUCKING KINO!