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File: 116 KB, 1080x521, aeon_flux_contact-0-1080-0-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6403596 No.6403596 [Reply] [Original]

I personally think that anime is overrated. Western cartoons are so much better. Anime is usually really weird and pervy as well as having plenty of Japanese beliefs and traditions that don't make sense to Westerners. For example, characters taking baths together or using stupid honorifics. I've also looked at Pixiv and it seems that Japanese artists can only draw in one artstyle.
I'm planning on becoming an animator in the future and I'm afraid about what my audience will think if it's ever discovered that I hate anime. I will probably just try to avoid questions such as "What do you think of anime?" or "What is your favorite anime", but when you are an animator or just an artist in general, it's impossible to completely avoid questions regarding anime. What do you guys think?

>> No.6403598
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Yeah, westerners would never make a fetish bait show.
No chance.

>> No.6403607

>Japanese beliefs and traditions that don't make sense to westerners
Then why is Anime popular in the west?

>> No.6403614
File: 111 KB, 543x422, saito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I hate anime too - the style is largely pedophilic. The Japanese are perverted little goblin manchildren, especially those who are involved in anime. Also, the anime style has become so horribly oversaturated in the West - it seems like almost every American artist is trying to do some generic faux-anime knockoff. The Western imitation anime is way worse, it's a gross mix of anime and 90s cartooning. It gets boring real fast, and I'm sick of it. That's the main thing, really, not even a question of quality - it's just so damned oversaturated. Some anime is OK, especially the older mangakas with a more realistic style like Urasawa.
Really though, I suggest that you be the change that you want to see. I spent years completely removing any trace of anime from my style and trying to imitate the artstyle of Renaissance and Victorian artists; essentially forcefully skipping myself back in time. Worked fairly well. Also, why do you think your audience would care if you don't like anime very much? Unless you're publicly unpleasant about it, I don't think they'd care. A simple short dismissal would suffice.

Picrel, Japanese psychoanalyst Tamaki Saito's take on the state of his own people.

>> No.6403619

Anime has perfected the look of appealing stylized Human faces, so anything that is trying to look appealing is going to look like anime. Trying to deviate from it will only result in ugly characters.

>> No.6403620

Cool. Go back to your nigger tranny Jewish shows then, have fun.

>> No.6403621

I don't watch any cartoons

: ^ )

>> No.6403625
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Then go read some ancient texts like a real man

>> No.6403636
File: 128 KB, 1080x459, tekkonkinkreet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're serious about going pro isn't it difficult to avoid anime forever in the industry? Anime has had huge historical impact on the international animation industry with films like GITS or Akira or animators such as Satoshi Kon. It's almost impossible to avoid the influence of anime because West and East regularly share ideas and influence each other and have before the existence of anime itself. Pic related is an adaptation of manga from a mangaka heavily influenced by european comics and directed by American. But really you can just say you don't like anime. But really no one is going to make too much of a big deal about it as long as you're not rude. Say it's not your type of thing or genre and people will be okay with it.

>> No.6403654

I think I read a bit of the book picrel quotes and the author's point is that this analysis is too naive to be true.

>> No.6403670

>i plan to
>my audience
>getting asked regular questions by your fans
Disregarding your naivety and day dreaming the main difference between Western and Eastern animation is that in the west its either tweened kids shows or family guy clones if it's for an adult audience. While in anime you have a huge spectrum of genres and audiences, anything from stuff akin to western kids shows to fairly realistic action or horror and everything in between.
The west hasn't done much interesting in the animation industry since Disney pivoted away from traditional animation while Japan has cranked out movies and series, horrible and amazing since like the 70s.
What you're arguing when you say everything japan makes is sexualized pedo bait or whatever is not any different to me claiming western animation is nothing but family guy and animated TV shows for toddlers, nonsense

>> No.6403687

>What you're arguing when you say everything japan makes is sexualized pedo bait or whatever is not any different to me claiming western animation is nothing but family guy and animated TV shows for toddlers, nonsense
Both are true though but at least the West doesn't hide that fact though. Also, anime isn't pedo bait. It is actually pedophilic because the Japanese are a nation of pedos. They have a current aoc of 13 years and historically younger but you're gonna tell that doesn't bleed into o their media?

>> No.6403690 [DELETED] 

>Western cartoons are so much better.
in this day and age there is so few western cartoons that any comparison with eastern shit about quality is irrelevant

>> No.6403692

By your logic then if japan is a nation of pedos, we should also agree on the fact that the United States is a kingdom of inbred hillbillies, no?

>> No.6403694

>Anime director: You like boobs? I like boobs too
>western cartoon: We need to educate those stupid cis white males reeeee
Personally I think West have their own charm but the writers are just pure shit that people refer nips. That is all

>> No.6403695

Your opinion is without a doubt in the minority here. Western animation is now currently more or less known for stuff like Family guy now a days while anime/manga continues to grow with even Disney trying to get into the market. Everyone and their dog to their grandma consumes it. This whole thread just reeks of you having some dumb emotional bias against Japan or Japanese in general rather than some objective truth, which would be completely wrong by the way.

>> No.6403697

>United States is a kingdom of inbred hillbillies, no?

>> No.6403706

>look guy up
>he coined the term hikikomori
no shit.

>> No.6403710
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>pedo pedo pedo pedo

>Japan having one of the lowest crime rates in the world barring a few Scandinavian countries with a quarter of the population

First of all, are you one of those retards that think violent/sexual depictions lead to higher crimes then cope with it by saying Japan's crime rate are all fabricated? Every time I argue with some uneducated turd online, it ALWAYS circles back to this. Usually they try to hide it as well under the guise of subtle virtue signalling.

>> No.6403715

It's obviously some amerimutt who grew up in the Midwest being told stories from the Pacific war by his racist grandpa

>> No.6403718

>Western cartoon
>AEon Flux
>Created by a Korean American and animated by a Japanese studio
Lol, lmao even
What are you going to post next as an example of "western animation"? The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury? The Animatrix? Cyberpunk Edgerunners?

Now that the jannies BTFO'd the AI troll threads we're getting an influx of East vs. West consolewarfaggotry threads, I woooonder whyyyyy

>> No.6403719

No I'm saying Japan is a nation of actual, by definition, pedos. Their federal aoc is 13 years old and they have an extensive history of pederasty. Their porn is designed where the actresses are instructed to make the sounds they do to emulate how children sound. Multiple big name mangaka have been found and arrested for CP material. I'm not talking about just fiction. This is real life.

>> No.6403721

Hmm it all makes sense why western porn is all about fucking your sister..

>> No.6403743
File: 339 KB, 720x742, 1661440313610744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Their federal aoc is 13 years old and they have an extensive history of pederasty.

First of all if you actually take time to research more than 5 minutes you would realize the 13 year old AOC is a fucking meme and every city has it set up similar to America being 17-18.

>Multiple big name mangaka have been found and arrested for CP material.

You make it sound like a lot but I can count the amount of times that has happened on ONE hand. Nowhere near the number you expect from Japan that have huge amount of artists freely creating and distributing these art.

And for the rest of your post? Japan simply knows their people ( AND foreigners ) like the youthful "kawaii" features and don't try to make a big deal out of it which is why their industry continues to thrive. While you are here throwing a xenophobic tantrum "ree pedo pedo reee yucky so weird", losing the few customers you could potentially have, Japanese artists are vacuuming costumers left and right.

Again, like I pointed out in this post >>6403695, it seems you simply have some dumb emotional bias against Japan meaning people shouldn't even be taking what you are saying seriously. If you want to succeed in this creative path, I suggest stop acting like a brat.

>> No.6403744

>planning on becoming an animator in the future
how well do you speak Korean?

>> No.6403753


Just because you do not like some
- cultural references
- some character tropes

you're willing to throw out an entire library's worth of sources of
- environmental and architectural design
- object and vehicle design
- character design
- colour design
- animation techniques
- editing
- storytelling

Yup, makes perfect sense to me.

>> No.6403758
File: 460 KB, 640x640, 1586017686109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go look at some Ghibli movies, watch old classics like Akira and Ghost in the Shell, there is good in this medium for anyone to appreciate even if you don't like muh nippon animation folded 100 times, in fact as an animator I think you'd be doing yourself shocking disservice if you don't watch at least Akira or GitS because they're such emblematic animation masterpieces that transcend japanese culture

>> No.6403768

>All that seethe
Nta but stop taking this so seriously

>> No.6403773

I'm just venting because even if this whole thread is a bait shitpost, there are people out there that genuinely like this. At the end of the day though, they are the one shooting themselves in the foot especially if they are artists just because they found it weird, they are willing to ignore this >>6403753.

>> No.6403777

This right here. Frankly, are you even an animator if you don't have a browser window permanently dedicated to Sakugabooru so you can masturbate furiously to god tier animation for at least one hour a day?

>> No.6403878

Notice how OP said 'planning to' mf hasn't drawn a single frame ever and will only ever draw three frames before giving up for good

>> No.6403903

Op hate to break it to ya, but every single animated "American" TV show from the 90's and early 2000s are only written and boarded by Americans, the actual animation and finishing was always outsourced to Japan or Korea, only exception being Disney.

>> No.6403907
File: 124 KB, 960x946, 77B930DE-FBEC-4AA3-9960-FFFB3499FA9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6403936

Kys westerner your opinion means nothing, your shit westoid industry is dying

>> No.6403940
File: 1.97 MB, 960x1408, 1669175905764375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you should take this bait over to /a/

>> No.6403943

cool but do you have to make the same thread every single day?

>> No.6403951

Because this anon forever >>6401787 rustled some jimmies

>> No.6403953

God I love anime so much. Thank you so much japan, from the bottom of my heart

>> No.6403954
File: 64 KB, 559x515, 1649251242295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I see someone with an """opinion""" about anime, I can only feel pity.

Is like having an opinion on "books" or on "movies", "music", what-have-you. As if there is only a single type of it.

Kill yourself anytime, you will never have an audience to being with.

>> No.6403965
File: 470 KB, 1036x1600, RCO004_1467777212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>american art

>> No.6403977

You sound overweight

>> No.6403980

Thing is, if this was in black and white and you cover up the faces, it's pretty decent. The ink on the clothes is too heavy but otherwise if you slapped an anime face on those heads they'd be alright.

>> No.6403981

tbf books kinda mid

>> No.6403982

Cope ameriturd

>> No.6403993

I agree I like it when anime was a niche thing and only a few people drew it for others with niche interests.

>> No.6404166

And you inbred, your point?

>> No.6404178

It’s popular, but not mainstream. Those are two completely different things.

>> No.6404252

Westerners tried to make anime, failed miserably.
The funniest thing is probably that it has that loudmouth Ethan Becker has the storyboard supervisor.

>> No.6404324
File: 301 KB, 820x1125, yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're still left with the boy bowl cut and floating skin banana peels for twin tails, and a pictures for ants at the bottom with WORDS WORDS WORDS bubbles slapped all over the place like a student making edits inserting words in pen with arrows when copying notes.

>> No.6404572
File: 57 KB, 1576x223, topcomment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a top comment "One of the characters is really discord/Reddit coded, they definitely did their homework when it came to writing younger characters"
where is the rope and stool

>> No.6404587

The comment section feels like it was made by bots.

>> No.6404591

Just say you haven’t seen any anime lately so it’s hard to pick a favorite, if you REALLY can’t work up the balls to say it has no influence on your work or that you’re not a fan.
Not liking anime seriously isn’t the hot take you think it is, but the western animation revival just did not happen.
Watch Treasure Planet, Brother Bear, even Klaus, and you’ll cry from the realization that not only did western animation peak too early, but it was also so FUCKING good, and no one appreciated it enough to keep it alive.
The big reason why animation fans are fans of almost exclusively anime right now is because western animation of that caliber has been fucking absent, man. And anime has a broader range of subject matter than western animation right now, that also matters a great deal.

>> No.6404603

How old did you lose your virginity

>> No.6404612

You're thinking too highly if him

>> No.6405635

>Using that reaction image for that opinion.
Classy bait anon.

>> No.6405679

>Anime is usually really weird and pervy
There's no way you watched Aeon Flux and posted it unironically while making this comment

>> No.6405683
File: 217 KB, 1200x713, __original_drawn_by_i_t_o_daynamics__4ffdcd330a392b77a94b4f2c397041e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of them are good.
There are exceptions, I know, but most anime are just garbage. The anime style is good, but they need to work more on the narrative in the productions.
Most animes are just generic boring shonen/shoujo. Seriously, who watches this shit? Seinen is the only option for an adult, but they are so few. It's really sad.

>> No.6405717

>I wonder what my western audience will think if they know I hate anime
I'm in western animation circles and I can tell you they couldn't care less. Not everyone likes anime. If anything, you might be a hero to them since western art and specifically western animation has far too much anime influence right now, specifically Ghibli.

>> No.6405732

>muh muh anime
>western pigoooooo!
lol get glassed again

>> No.6405920
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>> No.6406533

I will say this, up until recent years, petty possession of cp was legal, along with seaking it out, but manufacture and distribution was illegal.

I think it was late 2000~ which while not RECENT recent, still post internet, so the shit disseminated quite a bit.

to that end, and given quite a few artists who do loli art, I wouldn't be shocked if they have actual stuff for reference.

I also wouldn't be shocked if sex crimes go under reported in asian culture. but im not going to say its so under reported that it surpasses everyone else.

>> No.6407011
File: 39 KB, 640x628, 1632544483349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are all the recent American Animated series done by the same studio? They all look the same... same for Asian franchises, it's all just one art style