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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 673 KB, 828x1321, 03F34A9D-D0B5-4830-801F-2F6B47CC3D36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6400458 No.6400458 [Reply] [Original]

Aishitters are now putting other people’s art into ai and feeding the Algorithm.

>> No.6400460
File: 266 KB, 512x512, 428663782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't put your images on the internet if you don't want other people to use them?

>> No.6400462


>> No.6400466
File: 724 KB, 642x802, 12365791874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spit on AI shit but that's just some guy feeding a single pic into the trendy chink AI, it's a nothingburger

>> No.6400467

don't be made of human flesh in public if you don't want to get shot?

>> No.6400471

Yes, actually

>> No.6400480

Original is cuter anyway

>> No.6400490

>says it’s nothing despite shit like this is the reason why ai make full blown anime illustrations

>> No.6400591

Ok pajeet

>> No.6400608

Don't worry about it.

>> No.6400644
File: 1.60 MB, 1200x1212, 1659104367600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Countless whiner threads deleted.
AI threads still up.
The people have turned against you.
We win.
You lose.

>> No.6400654

Wtf I was the one that came up with this idea, can’t believe they stole it from me, gotta step up my game

>> No.6400660
File: 2.35 MB, 720x404, 1613156925652.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're spending a good portion of your day trying to mess with a 4chan board. I wouldn't call that a win, just you being a terminally online autist who seems to take this place a bit too seriously. People are still posting their art and discussing their crafts. All you're doing is making poor quality bait threads that no one even replies to anymore. Meanwhile, we're still drawing.

>> No.6400670

AI threads also got deleted honestly. I say whether the jannie is in on it and want to look like their doing something but why does it seems you AI autists or raiding from discord or rebbit
>you fa/g/s even have the same pictures you posted months ago still when y'all began posting here

>> No.6400685

ai wiped away each facial expression and gave them all a blank stare instead

>> No.6400690
File: 559 KB, 640x357, 1659898464709213.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already lost because YWNBAW

>> No.6400703


Cause AI art has no soul. If artists want to beat AI they need to stop halfassing and inject more soul into their drawings.

>> No.6400711
File: 302 KB, 1000x930, c96f3284-7326-11ed-aad0-52540096400c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gr8 pic anun

>> No.6400715

Wtf is proko doing? Did he actually make this?

>> No.6400717


>> No.6400718

The output looks better and they're seething about it.

>> No.6400731

Of course you expect people to eventually do shit with whatever you post on the internet, but that doesn't automatically make what's done with it right and doesn't mean you rescind all rights to call people out when they do something shitty with your work. Ungrateful AIniggers are so far removed from online art communities that they think their bullshit getting called out is something new and muh gatekeeping, when artists and art communities exposing tracers, calling out art theft, drawing attention to people selling others' art without permission, and similar ostracization of art thieves has been around since long before they showed up.

>> No.6400796

>somehow worse fingers despite just needing to trace what's there
>has to shorten the straw because a simple interaction with a cartoon mouth is too complicated
>soul removed from expressions

It's more impressive what it manages to fuck up at this point. Just shows that everyone who said this technology has peaked was right. Botsloppers stay losing.

>> No.6400807

>feeding ai with ai
What's the endgame?

>> No.6400812

>We win.
Not with that art kek.

>> No.6400821

Absolute /beg/ take. Over-rendering is ugly as sin and a computer program being able to easily replicate it proves as much.

>> No.6400857

And? No one said you can't call it out, I'm just saying once it's on the internet it's free for the taking. Literally anyone can right click -> save image as... and then do whatever the fuck they want as long as it's not illegal.

>> No.6400879

>once it's on the internet it's free for the taking. Literally anyone can right click -> save image as... and then do whatever the fuck they want as long as it's not illegal.
Depending on the copyright, yes, use can be illegal. Regardless, your initial post came across as implying that the artist of the pic in OP should just shut up and take it.
People are just so used to "free" art on the internet that they think it just magically spawned one day and no real person was ever responsible for it. That's exactly why these generators could exist in the first place

>> No.6400880

>it's not stealing if you park your car outside so don't call the cops on me.

>> No.6400890

Fair enough, I wouldn't do it personally but it's stupid to expect everyone to behave up to your ethical standards.
It's still illegal idiot, there's nothing illegal about what was done in the OP.

>> No.6400919

>boohoo don't copy my scribbles!
Grow up, artist are children

>> No.6400935

Drawing by hand had a good run, what 75,000 years? We'll miss it but it is time to move on to the future. Brain implants are next and we'll just think creative thoughts and create art.

>> No.6400973

>gets put on a watchlist automatically for having "too creative" thoughts

>> No.6401022

This is some meme AI that is making the rounds. It changes random photos into anime pictures, thats it. Its just anime filter used on photos, and somebody fed some picture there. This is not SD where you can feed it new training data, this scumbaggery was happening 2 months ago. So please stop and leave this thread, you are embarrassing.

>> No.6401037

This ai is good. Just gonna keep getting better too. How do yall cope?

>> No.6401042

This one? There is nothing to can do with this one. No use case. It's not prompt driven. You are stuck with what you get.

>> No.6401051

Anime image transformations on par with that have existed for years anon. It's literally just a meitu filter. It's actually worse than img2img because you can't even prompt, so the image will always look the same, just with a different style. Is that really your endgame?

>> No.6401054

>never put art on Internet
>have boomers irl buy my sculptures

>> No.6401059

Boomer's Zoomer looks at your sculpture with his apple glasses and uses ai to generate infinite variations and 3d prints more. He then starts creating real casts from them and makes full sized ones for sale. He also undercuts your price! Unless you are the steel gate anon, then you are safe for a good while.

>> No.6401121

>muh scribbles
Then stop using them to "train" models if they're such worthless garbage.
>people batch about their opinions being unwittingly shaped by covert shills, censorship, and content curation algorithms
>are suddenly OK with having literal brain implants developed by the same caliber of companies and people who orchestrate the above
I have to believe that the people on social media cheering on brain implants are indeed paid shills. Who in their right mind wants a fucking brain implant?

>> No.6401126

That doesn't even really look like ai, it just looks traced.

>> No.6401129

consistently impressed by how ai generation deadens the gesture of whatever it comes across

>> No.6401147

>there's nothing illegal about what was done in the OP
sadly for you copyright laws exist and yes, using someones work in your own "work" is illegal, if you dont have the owner of that works explicit permission

>> No.6401150

Not if your name is Greg

>> No.6401158

is this a failed transition photo?

>> No.6401296

The soulless stare

>> No.6401302

All ethics aside, why would you even do that in the first place? The only interesting use of anime style AI generators I've seen was feeding them 3D models, I think it has lots of potential for future. Imagine the AI eventually gets so advanced and performs so well that it could transform game graphics into actual 2D in real time, in games like Genshin. Not planning to use this website though since we all know nothing is really free

>> No.6401305

It's a Chinese datamining and spyware site that's being relentlessly shilled on any board where they can make it relevant. At least the raceswap AI was mildly amusing.

>> No.6401311

Why am I seeing this everywhere. I can't escape it, it's on almost every board

How is it spyware? I saw the link for it but I didn't click it because it looked shady as fuck

>> No.6401315

ccp shills and the usual retarded lemmings spreading it for easy access to data.
the anime skin ensures zoomer incel saturation

>> No.6401318
File: 337 KB, 1000x930, 5c1d3f80-735f-11ed-a104-5254001df736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one too

>> No.6401323

It's like NFT drama all over again but with le artists kek.

>> No.6401324

>turns her fat ass into a flat ass

>> No.6401337
File: 229 KB, 1000x930, 935fea72-7361-11ed-b7d6-5254006c2cbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turns her face into amazing anime

>> No.6401339

Wait a second, I know this vtuber...

>> No.6401344

>amazing anime
I'm no hater of anime, but you have to admit these animefications are the epitome of bland mid 2000s anime merch art.

>> No.6401369

No,i won't, cry harder

>> No.6401386

2000s? This is still going on

>> No.6401391
File: 81 KB, 1024x679, ted-kaczynski-578450-1-420-1024x679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You somehow managed to put me discomfort with that sentence.

>> No.6401393
File: 85 KB, 1000x1000, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They stole this from you.

>> No.6401396

>Who in their right mind wants a fucking brain implant?
Retards with “aphantasia” which are all the permabegs in this shithole board.

>> No.6401400

Imagine having absolutely no rational arguments against AI you have to stir up shit for emotional responses and false flag

the AI version is more soothing to look at

>> No.6401401

Well the big issue is apparently the Chinese government's using this app (+ others) to harvest facial recognition data, since the point of the app is to "turn yourself into an anime character." For what purpose? Probably no good one.

>> No.6401402

KEKspeak for, "pacifyingly generic."
go clean a loo.

>> No.6401618

Good, the faster someone does something retarded with a Disney or WB IP and this whole shit gets canned.

>> No.6401620

>For what purpose? Probably no good one.
to sell yer data like all the other website (also to share to CCP)
same as burgers do for NSA
Chinks of Zuck, take yer pick

>> No.6401622
File: 296 KB, 1000x930, 1657658965380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6401623

The zoomer died in the way to the museum cause their google glasses told them to turn into incoming traffic.

>> No.6401627
File: 125 KB, 680x680, 1668875289341284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ic/ hates ai
>top 5 threads are always about ai

>> No.6401641

Are you blind?

>> No.6401643

Fixed the hideous westoid style. God bless Ai ending the whining tumblerinas

>> No.6401650

>Fixes her hideous face

I'm so glad to be alive during Ai times

>> No.6401651
File: 33 KB, 663x254, ai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6401654
File: 466 KB, 685x638, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diversity and ethic AI people seethes
>force AI train on BIPOC and fat people exclusively to even out
I can totally see it

>> No.6401657

Dalle2 already does that.

>> No.6401667

hate and love are sides of the same coin

>> No.6401673

Yet for the past two decades artists were told by professionals that they have to put their art online or they wouldn't get seen by companies. That if they heavily watermark their images or only upload tiny thumbnails they will be seen as amateur. That if you don't use the internet to promote yourself you won't get work. That the risk of theft was minimal and worth it to find work.

>> No.6401681

>20 years ago ai didn't exist
lol, suck to be you
well, 1% of you, anyway

>> No.6401683

You will cry when you get vanned for installing AI models trained with CP. Anyone with stable diffusion installed on their computer should be reported to the feds. It's everyones civil duty.

>> No.6401684

>AI models trained with CP

>> No.6401685

The past two decades includes last year Mr ESL.

>> No.6401686

It's a fucking troll there is no CP at all in the LAION5b database.

>> No.6401690

We will let the fbi sort that out when they got your expensive gpu in their evidence room

>> No.6401693

They wouldn't need to retard, the database (supported by google mind you) is publicly available and open.
Its how artists found out their worked was tagged in the training datasets.

The only way you can generate CP is if you downloaded a third party model that was unknowingly or knowingly trained on CP. Or if you did some img2img doctoring with the vanilla model (in which case, not so different from just basic photobashing)

>> No.6401698

but you can train a CP model based on stuff you find (in Minecraft), voila, cp model

>> No.6401701

1.x can make photo-realistic people, including children... nudity isn't porn, but not according to burgers, lol

>> No.6401704


>there's no way there's cp in this almost 6 BILLION image dataset!!
Holy cope

>> No.6401707

nudity isn't cp, burger-kun

>> No.6401709

there is not cp on /b/, it's half-life board now ;)

>> No.6401711

says the pedo

>> No.6401724

>tasteless sameface weebshitter being his usual self
not sure what I hate more. the tasteless pedophile tranimes or the AIs. turns out they're usually the same so there's no choice to be had

>> No.6401726
File: 1.54 MB, 2304x2304, grid-0190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soon all anime shit will be synonymous with ai shit
this is a good thing
all the fags here will be shamed into drawing actual art

>> No.6401736
File: 1008 KB, 704x704, 04317-1963353669-a painting of man with a smartphone, painted by Renoir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno about that, even impressionistic trad like work might fall into that category.

>> No.6401739

vast majority of ai spam is and will always be anime, what you posted is just boomer meme-tier museum mug novelty

>> No.6401744
File: 1001 KB, 832x1024, 03221-3285768479-Photograph of a flower arrangement, high res, f3.5, 35mm, photorealistic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend you haven't even BEGUN to see the full Jihad of meme-tier AI novelty.
This is only the beginning...

>> No.6401747

Yeah I've seen the millions of variations merchants and tranniejack hanging himself. Perhaps someone should make these images known to the normies to show the true power of AI.

>> No.6401750
File: 850 KB, 704x1024, 02177-1619846138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine needing artist for ai

>> No.6401758

We can all agree that AIfags should be behind bars, begging for their freedom, right?

>> No.6401773
File: 3.60 MB, 1920x1088, 18804-2667593060-(masterpiece) (best quality) (HDR_1.5) (viewpoint) (full body_1.0) (portrait_1.3) (closeup_1.0) (photograph) of (girl) (flat che.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6401796

>that filename
>(girl)(flat che.jpg
AIshitters just can't help being pedos

>> No.6401807
File: 2.93 MB, 720x960, zombie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

necro is also good

>> No.6401814

Imagine all the new never before seen fetishes created with AI

>> No.6401816
File: 1.79 MB, 960x1280, 43954-435822342-masterpiece, best quality, highest quality, cinematic lighting, (volumetric lighting), extremely detailed CG unity 8k wallpaper,.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is incorrect anatomy a fetish?

>> No.6401830

It is now. Gen alpha babbies will grow up sexually confused from AI monstrosities.

>> No.6401831
File: 2.17 MB, 448x576, index-min.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6401834 [DELETED] 

Gen alpha won't exist

>> No.6401840

well not white ones, amyway

>> No.6401855

>Pajeet Shadman

>> No.6401863


>> No.6401883
File: 264 KB, 1000x930, 2dbc112e-73a6-11ed-9026-525400f87076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

outside vs inside

>> No.6401927
File: 165 KB, 719x504, ade574253c5c6d368cd1fc551ec75e4b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont like his style but did you read the Tos of the app ?you basicly give the right to cormercialy use the picture that upload (imagine if you giving the comerical rights of your face for a meme )