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6389073 No.6389073 [Reply] [Original]

How many possibilities do you have of beating people who started way before you in both skill and appeal if you grind hard and know what you do? Are there actually any at all if they will continue drawing alongside you? I get demolarized by doing drawpiles with other artists who have more experienced than me due to difference in mileage, and when they tell me how long they've been it, I get kind of demolarized. How do amateurs that want to go pro cope when they're surrounded by artists better than them?

>> No.6389086

>How do you cope
I started drawing last Sunday posting my shit here surrounded by people who are better than me. How I cope?
By practicing. Keep practicing every damn day and you will make it.
At least that's what I keep telling myself.
Also I bought a course on Udemy that's supposed to teach the basics. I don't like it so far, but I guess I have to go through that as well.

>> No.6389089

>mindset of "beating"people
You can only improve up to a certain point before seeing diminishing returns, and there will always be people better than you

>> No.6389091

Doesn't comparing yourself to others make you push yourselves? Sure you will not become the best, by measuring yourselves with others you will definitely become more ambitious, no?

>> No.6389094

nta but i think the point is to balance between being inspired by others and not hurting your neck looking up at them

>> No.6389097

its not a contest bro. the only person you should want to "beat" should be your past self. if anything, you should be thankful that you're in the company of good artists , you have the opportunity to make friends and learn from them, and if you wanna go pro knowing people who already are pro can help greatly when it comes time to find a job. just keep drawing.

>> No.6389099

>Not hurting your neck looking up at them
That was a pretty clever word play, nice one.
Makes sense too. When I was completely focused on being better than everyone in trade school, I had nothing but constant suicidal thoughts and somewhat developed sociopathy. A good balance seems to do the job best.

>> No.6389107

truth speaker

more likely to make you feel demotivated and frustated seeing the 14yo drawing stuff you only dream of.
comparing to people is pointless, you should instead be inspired and see that there are room for improvement on your stuff.
it's not a competition, you don't need to be better than the 14yo because you can't be, they will have in abundance the finite resource that you may not have, or at least more than you, that is time.
the only competition should be against yourself, strive to be better at your art than you were yesterday, and look at people better than you as an inspiration of what your human hands can do in the future, there is a reason that the best artists aren't really the moust famous ones

>> No.6389111
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You are not supposed to "beat people" this is the backwards mindset. It shows that your entire motivation is defined by those others. It is is sneaky but it tells you that without those other people you would have nothing. You are focusing mostly on THEM and ignoring your own desires. While at the same time you do not know what those others are going through you just assume that the grass is greener on their own side while oftentimes this is wrong as well. Just because you do nor see/know it, it can still be there

The second problem with this mindset is that it is a "Scarcity mindset." It tells you that life is a "zero sum game", you either "win or loose" you "live or die." This mindset tells you that the world's resources are so limited that the only way to get ahead is by taking it away from other. It tells you that there isn't enough money/work/love/space etc. left for you because it is all a taken already.

This mindset is objectively wrong and self defeating, it tells you that you shouldn't seek help becasue that shows that you are weak and thus unfit to live. But you should seek help and cooperation. It tells you that you must not help others because they will just use you and take advantage of you. Again, objectively wrong, if you contribute in a meaningful way people will appreciate and will reciprocate and help you out in return. Civilization was achieved on cooperation and putting our heads together.

While there are certainly many dark things in life and history has shown us terrible things your problems today are not a direct life or death scenario (at least I hope.) Try to work on yourself and change this mindset.

>> No.6389114

your molars are useless anyway, its good that you can get rid of them just by being artmogged.

>> No.6389120

Focus on improving yourself instead of being better than others. If you can't stop comparing then isolate yourself from other artists

>> No.6389149

ngmi mentality

>> No.6389318

>Drawing to beat people.

That's your first mistake. You'll eventually get tired of using that as your sole motivation. The people you're trying to "beat" don't care if you get better than them or not because they're more focused on their own progress and skill.

>> No.6389330


>> No.6389332

An artist being superior is just evidence of what is possible to do, proof that that have some where else to rise too.

>> No.6389375

Hard to definie beating. Most artists will reach a certain overall skill level/desired competency with their style and slow down in terms of their overall improvement. That isn't to say they stop improving, you just don't see the leaps you do as you go from beg to med, or upper mid to advanced, especially if you settle on more basic styles and/or mediums

>> No.6389427

Sadly the only way to beat them is learn2code. Consider contributing to open source AI that can revolutionize the way you see art and ironically help other artists improve their workflows. In the end, you will make more than artists in the long term.

>> No.6389441

Creating stuff is not like working out your body where the longer you've been at it the better you are. You need to be smart and focus on the skills that matter like training your eyes to see forms better for example.

>> No.6389687

>beating people
anon it's fucking art.

>> No.6389700

It's like going to the gym, anon. It doesn't really matter what other peoples progress is vs yours. All that matters is your skill today vs. your skill yesterday. As long as you are improving, even if it's a little bit, it's ok. The other stuff is noise.

>> No.6389723
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There’s no winning in art. You struggle for years to achieve a vision you have for your art, and then once you’re there you have a relatively decently sized portion of time where you actually get to enjoy the skills and work on your own stuff that you like, and then eventually that gets old and you realize you can’t do anything else valuable with a skill you spent a decade honing only to then move on to trying the social media game but fail miserably because again, you spent the last decade alone drawing instead of learning to network, dicksuck and game the system.

Now you upload to only be mogged by zoomies that grew up in the influencer culture and have acquired 100k followers before they turned 15. This cold feeling creeps in and fills you with toxic envy and regret. You contemplate quitting but by now the habits of creating art have already infected your body and mind like a symbiote, and won’t allow you to simply walk away.

So then you continue the cramped cycle of:
1. Make art out of joy.
2. Upload it into the cold dark void
3. Only get 13 likes.
4. Joy is sucked out by cold dark void.
5. Face suicidal burnout.
6. Bounce back with a new idea.
7. Repeat

This is where I’m at now.

>> No.6389760
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>make art out of joy
>posting for ego massage

>> No.6389765

what a zoomer mindset. your mind is ruined by growing up on competitive video games ranking your hobby skill with a number

>> No.6389797

It's not a race, you can't "beat" people at art.

>> No.6389982
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>Doesn't comparing yourself to others make you push yourselves?
What happens if those others do not live up to "the image" you have for them? They are only human too. What if they fail? What if they cannot continue because life gets in the way? What if they change their course?

How will your motivation feel then? Does that mean that if they didn't make it then you also won't? This close minded logic will tell you that they were better than you and yet even like they didn't make it or quit. Then that logically means you are doomed by default, you are already far behind then and yet they didn't make it. So the logical conclusion is "Why bother if you are already doomed?" "Why waste your time trying when your superiors already failed?"

See the problem with that conclusion? Ultimately it is self-defeating. "Not trying" is always easier than trying and that mindset will always circle you back to the point where "not trying" is ultimately the more reasonable and more logical choice.

You should only compare yourself to yourself in past and if someone else then it needs to be who can help you. Because at that point it will not longer be about "you" alone, it will turn into "us together." And that mindset is completely different.

>> No.6389994
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>Doesn't comparing yourself to others make you push yourselves?
Comparison has defiled my mind and sucked the joy out of every single thing in my life. And it's been too long for me to be able to fix it, the habit to compare is too deeply ingrained now.

>> No.6390023

>le 4chan artist

>> No.6390071

Why are you guys giving these serious long winded responses to an obvious gabe thread? He's literally going to be asking the same question next week.
I swear he hides behind new images now but you can still tell it's him because he's the only one with this autistic ass rival complex

>> No.6390289
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this is me with some of my favourite artists (pic related)

I know i'll never surpass him or get close to his level but you still have to try. I love seeing my work grow alongside his.

He spurs me on to get better, and if you're let down by that you should probably stop drawing. If the skill of your peers upsets you, you have a deep inherent problem that needs to be fixed.

>> No.6390454

Based. Ego crutches will always fail you at some point no matter what, it's only a matter of time. And the stronger the crutch appears, the more destructive it can be.

>> No.6390683
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>> No.6391051

Yes. Some competition is healthy in some doses. But 'being the very best' or 'beating that one guy' or 'staying ahead the rest of the pack' shouldnt be the only thing that gives value to doing art. Over time you wont be able to keep up.

Draw ideas. If you're still young, make friends.