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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 266 KB, 1308x1093, crit server.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6387133 No.6387133 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /ic/ always shit on discord servers?

There are servers out there where literal pros provide quality critique on any drawing you show them. While also keeping the server highly moderated and on-topic.

I don't get how this is somehow worse than the 1,000s of crabs here yelling at you to read loomis or to kys.
And obviously not to mention the totally toxic hugboxes that is reddit, twitter, facebook, etc.

>> No.6387138
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i think the people here shit on discord severs because anonymity is gone and they now have to face the consequences of what they say

>> No.6387140
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don't know
I don't socialize

>> No.6387146
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Because it's an obnoxious data miner, hence /g/ approved, and a hive for the mentally ill to engage in gay ops against each other each community schism cycle. It's an arts gains goblin.

>> No.6387153

*not /g/ approved*

>> No.6387159

/ic/ is a bunch of pathetic losers, text search ngmi in any of the big servers and look at the deranged retarded shit they say, that's how an /ic/ crab actually looks like, they usually end up deleting their accounts which is funny

>> No.6387162

>There are servers out there where literal pros provide quality critique on any drawing you show them.

>> No.6387184

A lot of people on /ic/ are people who were rejected from either specific discord servers or discord servers in general. Therefore discord = tranny faggot shit, and the grapes were sour anyway.

>> No.6387216

Sour grapes fallacy will forever be the choice of survivorship brainlets who are bad at listening.

>> No.6387285

this, I don't know where to start looking

>> No.6387296

the only discord server i know is violet clovers and they seem pretty chill from the one or two times i've visited. the problem is that i'm awkward and don't know how to socialize online and don't really seek critique because i'm my own biggest critic in the first place so i don't feel that i belong there in that sense.

i am also hyper paranoid that since they come from an anonymous mongolian throat singing forum that there might be hidden malicious intent if people learned of my identity if i ever step on the wrong anon's toes or if someone just decided they didn't like me for whatever arbitrary reason. i've been around artists long enough to know that people have sent witch hunts and cyberbullying campaigns for the most benign thing. even saw it happen in real life.

>> No.6387305
File: 2.68 MB, 272x240, bylling.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate all of you schizos. It's almost like you're in a competition for the title of the most obnoxious underage faggot, including mods.

>> No.6387309

>There are servers out there where literal pros provide quality critique on any drawing you show them.


>> No.6387312

no worthwhile advice was given
>work on your values
wow no shit
i didnt read the rest but it definitely says something about perspective and or proportions because thats just generic worthless advice

>> No.6387321

>i didnt read the rest
you didnt read a damn sentence he didnt say "work on your values" he said "your values work" you fucking retarded idiot

>> No.6387325

>Why does /ic/ always shit on discord servers?

Because the chat structure is horrible for long term discussion. Every post you make buries another.

>> No.6387344

why the fuck are you typing an essay?

>> No.6387362

>Why does /ic/ always shit
fr tho people like being dickweeds and not being held accountable for it. discord servers typically don't allow that. the end.

>> No.6387421

Discord servers are great, especially if you curate a small circle of artists you vibe with yourself(just poach them from wherever you meet them). Large communities of any kind are cancer unless you’re leveraging that for income, otherwise just have fun and git gud with other artists of like mind.
I’m only on /ic/ to collect memes and refs and participate in the occasional study or “draw this thing,” thread. This place is actual fucking dogwater, especially right now with AI shitters and the anons that take the bait, you guys are literally shitting where you eat.

>> No.6387426

>I am also hyper paranoid that since they come from an anonymous mongolian throat singing forum that there might be hidden malicious intent if people learned of my identity if i ever step on the wrong anon's toes or if someone just decided they didn't like me for whatever arbitrary reason.
That’s why I don’t upload any of my art here anymore unless it’s a throwaways gesture or study. Some anon put me on a list from the social media share thread because they thought I said something politically they didn’t like(some pro Hong Kong shit probably, it’s been awhile).
You can’t really prove what you did or didn’t say here, but sharing a space with loli/shota pedos on 4chan is as bad as it needs to be for people to write you off as the worst kind of person.
Some anons are pretty cool, I’ve met some /ic/cels on some of the bigger art servers and it’s always been a grand ol’ time. I’d be sad if something happened to /ic/, but this is only at its best as a directory to better resources.

>> No.6387427

They added forums as a category now for nitro servers, as well as chat threads. I think that’s neat. You can basically have a mini /ic/ except you can ban AIfaggots

>> No.6387431

>post painting on aldoori's server
>get detailed critique from some industry pro within like 2 hours, he says nothing personal at all. its all obscure high level knowledge on value and color
>post fixed ver
>ahmed compliments my work
>feel good, learned a lot

>post on /ic/
>wait 3 days
>open thread
>responses are "lmao wtf", "kill yourself" and "blog?"

Gee fucking whiz, discord is so evil!! I better post on the cynical permabeg anime virgin board where I can get screamed at by animeniggers who don't even draw :D

>> No.6387433

fucking homosex, go and stay gone

>> No.6387434

Because their 4chan persona falls apart when their statements are associated with their work. You can instantly look their posts up and see that they haven't posted anything or that they draw floating anime heads and dismiss them.

>> No.6387435

honestly all /ic/ discords are fucking vile. they are entirely carried by 2-3 great artists who post occasionally, and the rest are drama faggots who literally spend the entire day on VC spamming shitty zoomer memes.

I don't exaggerate when I say that 90% of posters here have some form of mental illness or severe depression that make them basically impossible to socialize with.

>> No.6387437

You guys would find out if you tried to find them. “I don’t know where to look waaah” well where do you think you should start genius? Here? You retard?
There are countless art influencers and teachers who run servers, just pick one and start sharing your work, hanging out in calls while you DRAW, you do that once in awhile right?? And then you meet people of like mind who are interested in your work and want to join you in self improvement, they hook you up with senior artist friends who can help guide you, THERE now go do it.
>but muh sjws and calarts pls I’m too autistic to get along with autists of a different flavor
Burn then.

>> No.6387442

but why did you come back here? what was discord lacking?

>> No.6387450

Are you referring to his patreon server? Is it decent/active? I've been considering subbing to his patreon regardless.

>> No.6387452

Yes to both, I highly recommend it

>> No.6387467


>> No.6387544

Go onto an art discord once. First thing I see is a bunch of people discussing horse cocks. 360 and walk away. They also had a scheduled figure drawing session so it wasn't all bad I suppose.

>> No.6387549

ya i was a big regular in a prominent pixel art discord. hugely helpful people. even some of the most famous ones were in there. if you buddy buddy you’ll get critique, but you have to be at a certain level to even make use of pro critique

>> No.6387552

Discord Pedophiles
Discord Communists
Discord Trannies

>> No.6387557

This but unironically

>> No.6387640
File: 248 KB, 1622x288, 1662894167639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this why AI is so popular?
Are all these """people""" trying to learn how to draw NPCs with no real idea of their own? They just think in keywords?

Apex comedy, Clown World.

>> No.6387670

Most people think in keywords. It's possible to learn abstract thought but most people just get hung up on trying to turn the keywords in their head into something visual. You should think in visual elements, abstractions and concepts.
Even if you're super reliant on reference, it's hard to cobble anything together when all you have in your head is the thoughfrom of the words "cute girl" or "epic skull charcoal drawing". It's frustrating to work like that.

>> No.6387707

You forgot the AIniggers trying to derail every thread as well

>> No.6387708

He didn’t say anything other than what appears in the first 20 pages of any “how to paint” book. Zoomers are retards who will watch 100 hours of monetized youtube and join the discord cult instead of picking up a book and doing the exercises

>> No.6387722

anon.... if you did a 360 from seeing the conversation that means you spun all the way around in a circle, then walked into said conversation about the horse cocks....

>> No.6387727

i wonder if in a few years responding to your post with "lurk more" could also be considered bait, and the response to that eventually becoming the bait as well with every prior response eventually just being part of the epic secret club joke.

>> No.6387806

Meaningless post without any discord links.

>> No.6388168

Because I want to talk about art.

>> No.6388194

>well where do you think you should start genius? Here?
On the art board, in the thread about good art Discord servers? Yeah, probably.

>> No.6388206

>took the bait, bait-bait meta bait (ironic) bait bait bait (post hoc)
he 7D check mate'd you there mate

>> No.6388388
File: 29 KB, 144x195, 1575216979367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you people always play keep away whenever people ask for the sauce on good discord servers? either drop the sauce or don't bring it up

>> No.6388407


>> No.6388446

anonymity is only gone if you let it.

>> No.6388475
File: 1.27 MB, 1100x1220, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did an art correction the other day. I'd like to think that it helped the original artist.

>> No.6388581

Small comfy servers with a limited circle of people can be good, it's when you get into the open-to-everyone servers where things go bad. Especially if it's one with a competitive/passive-aggressive one-upmanship atmosphere and/or one built around online personalities.

>> No.6388752

>Especially if it's one with a competitive/passive-aggressive one-upmanship atmosphere and/or one built around online personalities.
violet clovers

>> No.6388770

I am in violet clovers and it is not that bad

>> No.6388787

It's not even a good comment though. Example: I have never even looked at Discord art servers and the reason is because it is Discord. That alone should explain it all.

>> No.6388910


>> No.6389624

Until they find you.

>> No.6389638

Any servers to join, /ic/? How do you even find them??

>> No.6389653

With how shit /ic/'s community is, I don't blame any of them for staying away.

>> No.6389667

all /ic/ servers are shit.
either find a public one on google or get invited to a private one through connections.

>> No.6389958
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trust issues, mostly

But also it's become pretty clear over the last decade or more that humans don't always behave genuinely when they're in a public online space with their name attached to their posts, and people have reason to not speak their mind sometimes in their quest for clout.

anonymity sort of has the antithesis to that effect. People have nothing to gain by being fake cunts, every compliment and insult feels genuine without an ulterior motive or a reputation that needs to be upkept.
If someone wants to call me a faggot or yells unhelpful advice, I welcome that because it's what they WANT to do, and there's nothing stopping them, for better or for worse. It means when somone says something nice or helpful, I can trust that they genuinely had that thought and wanted to covey it to me and aren't just repeating some schlock for brownie points.

>> No.6390134

Someone made a thread for discord and i'll give a few pros use

>> No.6390142

If true, you want to ask the owners of those servers first if they're alright with the invite codes being posted on 4chan.

>> No.6390156

Violet Clovers is incredibly gay. Everyone there larps as some super traditional redpilled /pol/ack but they also want to work for Triple A gaming/Hollywood so they can work on backgrounds for the next token POC adventure sponsored by Jews. Also they're eternally stuck in the trap of constant studies but never working on their own IPs or exploring their creativity.
It's good to have on your list of servers to occasionally pop in and post your work in the critique channel, but otherwise I mute it

>> No.6390161

Unironically Discord communities are way better for art discussion than here because you can actually see who your talking to's WORK. I don't see the point in giving or taking advice from here because what is the point when I will never see their work. I only come here to discuss my most "controversial" opinions basically that would cause the artists I associate with to be repulsed by me.
The good servers don't bother posting their links on /ic/. You only get into those by being friends with people already in them. Unironically if you're good enough at drawing you'll get scouted out and invited too as long as you don't come off as a freak

>> No.6390207

oopsie, found the /beg/tard, I guess the mods need to be stricter in who they let in.

>> No.6390213

>The good servers don't bother posting their links on /ic/. You only get into those by being friends with people already in them. Unironically if you're good enough at drawing you'll get scouted out and invited too as long as you don't come off as a freak
So you only get to pick from people who are willing to join terrible Discord communities and stick around. lol

>> No.6390228

Nta but yes if you're not autistic and just ask what are good discord servers while attaching your work people will sometimes give you a link.

>> No.6390232
File: 273 KB, 640x686, 1669159597095422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. autist that gets banned off servers most he joins for being a fag

>> No.6390238

I don't use Discord outside a few game development channels I lurk without verifying my account.

>> No.6390243

Here's the thing though. I don't need any help art wise so I don't have any reason to join. Every time I hear people talk about discord channels it is always about drama. I am fine with people dismissing my advice because they can't tell good advice from bad. I actually prefer that over spoon feeding people who often turn out to be spoiled or entitled like is common on /ic.

>> No.6390262

If you don't see a use for discord because have a good grasp on drawing than congrats more power to you. But if ic culture worked so well why is this board getting worse with each passing year instead of better and while are so many people regulary looking for alternatives to ic instead of just using this board? The way i see it neither platform is all that much better than the other and you basically get out what you put into it.

>> No.6390264

I have only been to one art discord. It's made by /ic/ anons so the advices and crits were pretty much the same. That said, it doesn't have AI shitposting and daily I-hate-drawing threads, and I would imagine most art discords are the same, so they are automatically miles better than /ic/

>> No.6390265

Discord is better than /ic/ because nobody from /ic/ is on Discord. Sharing the servers with /ic/ would ruin them.

>> No.6390267

>because nobody from /ic/ is on Discord.
Then how have you found out about it?

>> No.6390272

The one server I went to died after some clearly manic and bipolar artist became a mod just by asking for it only a few months after they joined.
I still hang around artists in non-art discords but I don't really have the desire to go to any big artist's discord since I just treat art as a hobby these days

>> No.6390282

After having been in 20+ /ic/ discord servers you really aren't missing much. It's not a magic pill that is going to make you better at art. The ones with the bigdick artists really only talk to people with similar follower count or other good artists they like, they probably wont pay attention to you. Either that or it will be dead most of the time.

I think a few years back it was better, less servers but more people with a wider range of skill but there's too many servers now with only a handful of people. I've joined a few recent ones that have been created in the last 3-5 months and they're pretty empty. Tip: if you're going to create a server you should advertise more and focus on the social aspects first so people have a reason to hang around until more people join.

I did enjoy back then and made some friends I still talk to today. It can be very beneficial to have that and also be in a group of people who like art/want to improve. There's no specific server I can recommend anymore though so I'm not sure what the solution is for people who want that sort of group. Everything is closed off, too small or too dead.

Other than ocassionally doing fun art events or socialising, the servers are pretty useless though. If you want to network or get more followers just try doing fanart of artist's OC's that tends to yield some good results, I was invited to a few private cords for this. Not to say you should be calculated about that, if you happen to see an OC you like do some fanart. You can make someone's day and could potentially lead to something good.

Starting a project or being involved in a project is also a good thing too. General tip to avoid drama/schizos, really not worth getting involved even if you think you're right because it's one of those situations where everybody looks dumb for having even been there.

>> No.6390290

It sounds like it doesn't take much to ruin a server. Either some weirdo or egomaniac ruins by taking control or scaring people away by some other means or the channel users close it off and end up choking the life out of it out of paranoia or arrogance.

>> No.6390549

>i am also hyper paranoid that since they come from an anonymous mongolian throat singing forum that there might be hidden malicious intent if people learned of my identity if i ever step on the wrong anon's toes or if someone just decided they didn't like me for whatever arbitrary reason. i've been around artists long enough to know that people have sent witch hunts and cyberbullying campaigns for the most benign thing. even saw it happen in real life.
This literally fucking happened to me years ago, from a 4chan discord server. I was very naive and didn't realise that there are people like this that exist, I never did anything inflammatory and was well liked in the server too, it doesn't matter if you actually do anything bad or not. It just earned me a smear campaign from some complete schizo who obsessed over me and spread rumors about me because he was angry that he was too socially retarded for the server and decided to take it out on me as artists are easy targets for this kind of shit. I was nothing but nice to him too, really taught me a big lesson and I'd never touch another discord server ever again.

>> No.6390718

Most people have negative experiences when it comes to any art community online, most are filled with people that just started learning and have few intermediate artists let alone experts. Some people want immediate results and don’t want any resource that’s longer than 5 minutes.
Op what’s the name of this server?

>> No.6390818

that sounds great. thanks for the rec.

>> No.6390939

But they don’t ever say anything mean. They’re just here to help people.

>> No.6390949

>helping ppl who are beyond helping
you are asking to get bit

>> No.6391039

Everyone ic discord that gets posted here is all just the same users gathered up on one big dead server. The servers have different names but they're the same people. You kind of just have to get lucky and hope someone likes you and they'll invite you to their sekret club friendgroup where they talk all the time and vc

>> No.6391043

and even then they've known eachothe for so long and have their own lore, inside jokes ,etc, you just feel like an outsider

>> No.6391050


>> No.6391446

maybe try being friendly for once in your life and they'll do so

>> No.6391451

But they’re all trannies and faggots.

>> No.6391494

not all servers are super helpful or active, but even then there's a good chance that people on /ic/ have been kicked from servers for doing something dumb.

>> No.6391497

not everyone, there's always some nice people between the trash, you will never like everyone

>> No.6391562

>tfw always run into coombrain incels/trannies, they're the same thing.
it's ogre.......

>> No.6391839

By the way if you make a new discord server make sure it's active or you have people that actually talk. I've joined a few new servers recently and they're all dead with like 10 people. Before making one think to yourself whether you can be bothered to keep it active or advertise it

>> No.6392390

Sounds like you're doomed

>> No.6392397


So what are the /ic discord servers called?

>> No.6392431
File: 12 KB, 249x249, OhNooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People larp as other artists in these servers trying to destroy their reputation. Pretty messed up desu. Posting other artists work and pretending to be them, acting all braggadocious and spreading shit about others under someone elses name/handle. These places are all cancer

>> No.6392479

Stay there then. why the fuck you came back?

>> No.6392504

literal schizo post

>> No.6392506

You’re dick is domed.

>> No.6392521

And you're the socially inept faggot too retard to sit at the loser table.

>> No.6392524

>t. The most autistic tranny loving faggot in the room

>> No.6392526

>it's hard to cobble anything together when all you have in your head is the thoughfrom of the words "cute girl"
That's literally my whole process, maybe that's why I'm still a /beg/

>> No.6392529

This unironically, at least the first part, I tried visiting like 3 bigger servers and the amount of 41%'s with their flags as profile pictures is staggering. It'd be a hit to honour of any self-respecting person to interact with inferior species like that

>> No.6393523
File: 2.73 MB, 2223x3138, 1668899629056596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any of you guys are just lonely and looking for a pretty relaxed casual art environment to vc with people while we draw together I'd be willing to invite you to my server if you seem cool. It's small but I basically just snatch people I like online and drag them in, so pretty active during burger hours.
Not posting a direct link here though because that would just shit the place up, I want to interview you first beforehand to make sure you fit the atmosphere

>> No.6393526

It’s good of you to target your tranny groomer server.

>> No.6393540

Mildly interested but my social anxiety makes me feel that I’d fail the interview if I tried. Good luck regardless

>> No.6393584

Why would anyone share their server here? It would attract trolls and spammers

>> No.6393655

Nigger the only requirement should be if people actively draws and schizos and dramafag should be kicked on site. Noone wants to jump through some gay fucking hoops without seeing the caliber of artist that is in server before hand.

>> No.6393661

dm'd ya. i dont care about the interview thing. i think its a decent idea actually.

>> No.6393679
File: 70 KB, 876x680, 1615504073273d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art influencers

>> No.6393685

loomis was a great art influencer

>> No.6393811

Discords are a weird breeding-ground for drama. /ic/ is very easy and stress-free. There's no need to worry about maintaining relationships with people or to be fake in the things you say unless you namefag or become notorious somehow. You can just post art, shitpost and have fun.

>> No.6393935

I'd say yes and no. From experience, when it comes to drama, the relationship with /ic/ (along with many other boards) and the various Discord servers is parasitic upon their targets and the community as a whole. What sometimes will begin on Discord servers will escape to the imageboards as a means to escape consequence (or at least try). Most of the time, however, the shitshows usually begin on the boards, then to the servers to stir people up, then back to the boards to carry shit out anonymously.

>> No.6393963


I guess so, but that seems to moreso be a symptom of the discords. And the board has a rule against witch hunts/vindictive threads, if it gets bad reporting posts can help clear things up.

Basically the golden rule is to not tie one's opinions, personality flaws or hot takes to their art. This is impossible to avoid in discords if people aren't using them exclusively for critique. It's much easier to avoid on /ic/ by making separate posts for art and opinions.

>> No.6393964

you seem a little weird/dramatic so I don't think i'll join

>> No.6393980

>I guess so, but that seems to moreso be a symptom of the discords

I'd say the ease to carry out vendettas and witch hunts anonymously is caused directly by the boards. Discord servers are a response with extremely mixed success.

>And the board has a rule against witch hunts/vindictive threads, if it gets bad reporting posts can help clear things up

Unfortunately, the mods tend to rarely, if ever, get involved to deal with these sorts of situations. The only times that any real consequence is dealt is when a perpetrator is ID'd or is exposed in some way by another anon. A ban on 4chan is of no consequence, and some simply brag about them loek they would collecting badges.

>Basically the golden rule is to not tie one's opinions, personality flaws or hot takes to their art

This is impossible to avoid in general, not just on Discord servers. At minimum, you have to avoid posting socials but with SauceNAO and how vital Twitter is to art communities, said anon will be identified somehow and become a potential target.

Those driven enough will link perpetrator and victim's opinions to their art, trade, actions, etc. inevitably. Relying on secrecy as a means of security means jack long term.

>> No.6394167

>And the board has a rule against witch hunts/vindictive threads
That doesn't mean that rule is enforced in a timely manner. Who cares if it's against the rules if a thread hits bump limit before it's deleted anyway?

>> No.6394173

>media, goals, context

is this true /eyecee/? i thought it was all about technique

>> No.6394232

I've seen your work. Unsure if this is you. Looks nice. Honestly don't waste your time being nice in discord. Just retweet your fellow artist and move on with your life. Old fag here.

>> No.6394511

This, by a long shot.

>> No.6394527

And by then, the damage is already done.

>> No.6396134

Drama/Community vendetta gets violated here literally all the time and noone ever does a damn thing to remove it in my experience.

>> No.6396155

discord servers have really low quality posts and annoying people

>> No.6396429
File: 73 KB, 1280x635, 8869E843-3824-49ED-A32A-E5473B498650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ic/ is very easy and stress-free.

>> No.6397184

So are you also going to call all math teachers for math influencers now?

>> No.6397230

Ah to be a beg again...

>> No.6397286

same hope they give me a chance

>> No.6397626

They should be. I never learned anything except hating math.

>> No.6397634

Underage trash

>> No.6397753

It was for awhile but it seems like people became retarded and hostile recently. Like people lost the ability to figure things out on their own.

I don't want to say zoomers but it's probably zoomers

>> No.6397819

Right. It’s the artists’ fault and not the crabs.

>> No.6398004 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 768x576, 1669927636436107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal no argument bot post. Go install Windows 11 and serve kosher pickles to your masters.

>> No.6398040

> It’s the artists’ fault

It unironically is. People are now incapable of figuring out basic things most artists understood when they were kids. That's why so many people say "just draw" as advice, because you have trial and error your way into connecting information to physical habit

"Crabbing" now is a frustrated older generation getting sick of tutoring a dimwitted younger one.

>> No.6398427

Post Discord invite links if you haven't in a while, I'm keen to join a new /ic/ Discord

>> No.6398429

Where are these servers?
Ever server I'm in has amazing artists, but they rarely ever interact with anyone.
it's just the begs giving beg advice

>> No.6398432
File: 280 KB, 1151x903, 164895464165464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now you know anons aren't exaggerating when they say online artists are 95% insufferable and discord is a shithole mainly used by groomers
>it just keeps being true
And i just can't stop being proven right.
I love it.

>> No.6398436

Any better places/artists groups?

>> No.6398440

Yes, your own company in your own room.
Artists are the niggers of humanity.

>> No.6398448

well yeah but I'd still like to hang out with them all the same

>> No.6398453

I can tell you from personal experience that /ic is one of the very few places on the internet that hasn't changed in the last 10 years. People here was crying about crabs back then too. Even calling it crabs.

>> No.6398454

Then just say you want fags like you that are barely interested in pursuing the arts but rather want to circlejerk about art and videogames and follow each other on social media so you can delude yourself you're worth something because you got 100 followers.

Why pretend to be interested in drawing at all?

>> No.6398475

I am interested in drawing, I draw a lot. I just like talking to other people too, what's so hard to grasp? You seem like more of an asshole than the artists you seemingly despise.

>> No.6398827

And then when they DO “just draw” you complain about them doing that, too, instead of the structured lessons you refused to give them.
Just accept you’re a troll who comes here to discourage people for whatever reason.

>> No.6398843

Unsocialized bitch

>> No.6398880

So it’s always sucked.

>> No.6398965

It has stayed the same for better or worse. Not even the post frequency or sticky post's image has changed.

It is one of the most stable elements in the online art environment. Always here to tell you your art suck.

>> No.6399045

oversocialized faggot

>> No.6399071

>You seem like more of an asshole than the artists you seemingly despise.
Of course i am, because i'm the only one who calls a spade a spade.

I am not stopping you from going to make friends with artists, go on and prove the asshole right.

>> No.6399388

Moderately socialized normie

>> No.6399425

It's not the zoomers, it's boomers and aging millennials that know their dreams are broken so they come here to crab the fuck out.

You clearly weren't here ten years ago. Ever since they stopped exiling mouth breathing morons who can't type a sentence without sperging the fuck out about identity politics to /pol/, this site has been in total freefall.

Hiromoot will never fix it either, because most of the people dumb enough to pay for a 4chan pass are in this group.

>> No.6399436

>instead of the structured lessons you refused to give them.
>structured lessons

There's these things called BOOKS that's what I used to learn because it's retarded to expect a random stranger to give you months of direct drawing 101 tutoring on an anonymous image board.

All the information you could ever need is already written down. The point of /ic/ is giving you a redline and pointing out specific weak points you need to work on. If an anon tells you have bad anatomy or perspective just look up the time tested academic guidelines that everyone uses to give advice. And even then the best lessons still take years to master.

>> No.6399449

>replying to a "But... How do I pet the dog?" type post.
Kek, too good for them.
You're right, though.

>> No.6399851

>You clearly weren't here ten years ago.
It is you who look back at the past with rose tinted glasses. Even the towergirls threads existed back then too. It eerie how similar current /ic is to /ic from a decade ago. Raids from other boards has always been a thing on 4chan.

>Hiromoot will never fix it either, because most of the people dumb enough to pay for a 4chan pass are in this group.
lol what? I strongly doubt your statement but besides that I'm also a little puzzled about what difference you think people skipping captchas would do. From the owner's point of view he would already have his money so this would then be the board in the least need of improvements.

>> No.6399865

Post some servers I wanna join

>> No.6399894

Unless they want crabs and threadshitters, they're not going to post their Discord links.

>> No.6399898

asocialized anon

>> No.6399946


>> No.6399955

idk, but https://discord.gg/tRQZh6bFAS

>> No.6399997

every /ic/ discord I've been to was full of furfags and p*rn

>> No.6400007

lolinigger link, do not click

>> No.6400074

Furries and porn artists are a lot less likely to crab you or have a fucking "muh free speech" conniption if you call them out on being an asshole. Hence why so many people on this board hate Discords - they're they ones who get banned because they shit up every server they go to.

>> No.6400075

>porniggers aren't the ones constantly bitching about "freedom of expression"
yo why did you post all of that bullshit if you literally just made it up in your head and none of it is true?

>> No.6400125

>calls a spade a spade
sounds like code for obnoxious faggot to me

>> No.6400150

I don't have much experience with furries regarding this issue, but I can tell you straight from experience here. After Tumblr banned porn and the whole red-blue split on this site, there was a huge shitstorm over this caused by pornniggers crapping the board up with /d/ and /trash/ tier garbage for months on end, then throwing ballistic fits accusing everyone of being "puritans" when called out.

>> No.6400163

Terrible furry mods is such a big issue that even normies are talking about it.

>> No.6400165

>Furries and porn artists are a lot less likely to have a conniption if you call them out
Haha, no.

>> No.6400191

All my art friends are on discord and I love them. Sad that some of you guys are just bitter and unsociable

>> No.6400241

>All my art friends are on discord
unless you know them in real life it doesnt count

>> No.6400367


been two days and i havent gotten a response. thought i was going to have new art friends

>> No.6400620

what do art friends even talk about?
>you draw good
>>haha thanks
>what about AI
>>what about it?
wow i so want that

>> No.6400979

It's hard to be friends with someone only because of art. I have only been able to make decent friends who aren't mentally ill by having actual connections to bond over. When we did art we would talk about our ocs or ideas and show art to each other once in a while, and when we didn't we would just talk about anything and everything.

>> No.6401154

every discord Ive been a part of so far is unironically full of trannys and lesbians, who cannot help but inject their ideology into every conversation.

>*posts link to some sex fiend in illustration* MEN ARE SO EVIL
>Wow guys I just love how this server embraces homosexuality!

I joined one and even started making friends with some of the better artists (im a good artist myself) but the above would happen almost daily, so i left.

It did offer insight into why the industry is in such a woke state though, discord servers like that are a breeding ground for it.

>> No.6401161
File: 195 KB, 638x891, i die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your values work

>> No.6401348

Having another pair of eyes to look at a work before you post it publicly is valuable, and having people to shoot the shit with while you grind away can be very pleasant. I don't much get the point of joining a discord just for the text chat, for me voice chat is where it's at because it's something I can be active in while drawing.

>> No.6401380
File: 276 KB, 362x447, 1566455015465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as someone who finally found a good art discord where everyone gets alone i couldn't agree more

>> No.6401437

I've been on servers from people on /ic/ who get extremely butthurt when they get called out/banned for being shitheads. Crabs don't help people.

>> No.6401549

you're not lying someone showed up to discord and said that the been in alot of drama in the past and unsurprisingly they're this obnoxious try-hard autist who barely draws and has terrible social skills.

>> No.6402179

t. Doesn't draw nor have friends

>> No.6402252
File: 114 KB, 548x680, Fi4GsueaYAEjrdv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any of you guys are just lonely and looking for a pretty relaxed casual art environment to vc with people while we draw together I'd be willing to invite you to my server if you seem cool. It's small but I basically just snatch people I like online and drag them in, so pretty active during burger hours.
Not posting a direct link here though because that would just shit the place up, I want to interview you first beforehand to make sure you fit the atmosphere

>> No.6402329
File: 658 KB, 220x243, 1667042562237529.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants to interview
>gives invalid ID

>> No.6402344

>Crabs don't help people.
Objectively false. In fact crabs don’t really exist. Everyone here is being helpful, you’re just too much of a pussy assed faggot to appreciate their wisdom if it’s not sucking your cock. Grow a thicker skin you worthless retard who should have been aborted.

>> No.6402435

Being an edgy faggot isn't an personally nor do you retards ever draw good enough to get justify being obnoxious sperg. You're the type of pussy who dodges the question when people ask to see work and has gay ones side vendettas when someone calls you out on your bullshit. Classic crab.

>> No.6402438

Stay mad that you can’t handle a little constructive criticism.

>> No.6402583

Your autist venting about shit you don't even do correctly with your own art isn't constructive criticism, simple as.

>> No.6402601

The problem with Discord is easy to summarize: try to think of the kind of personality who would want to be in a Discord for much of their free time. Now fill a whole group with them.

Is that somewhere you really need to be? Are those kinds of people the kind you need in your life, hearing their thoughts on your art?

>> No.6402666

Lol too true
>The problem with /ic/ is easy to summarize: try to think of the kind of personality who would want to be on an imageboard for much of their free time. Now fill a whole group with them.

Is that somewhere you really need to be? Are those kinds of people the kind you need in your life, hearing their thoughts on your art?
Inb4 >hypocrite
Yah, I sup'pose

>> No.6403007
File: 8 KB, 225x225, mfwYouWillOwnNothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because anonymity is gone and they now have to face the consequences of what they say
Klaus Schwab, is that you? Why are you here?

>> No.6403073

what is freak behavior

>> No.6403161

My whole journey has been, they fake. Nothing authentic about the server. They got a hidden channel where they talk about other people, they are nice to you for the follows, and you are nagged about not drawing. I got a full-time job and I am being chored to draw. The mods are disjointed from reality cause they don't work jobs. Neeting no ballin is their pastime. I don't want to work in a studio or some render monke career. I just do art as hobby. The moment you follow any of those cucklords you get ghost followers and they don't care about you. They make up some random judgment as if living in your room and never touching grass gives them ability to do so. take notice who spams their work in channels or passively implies you to follow them and they follow you back.

>> No.6403359

Only art discords I've been where people actually draw are the /aco/ commissions and oc servers

>> No.6403418

it is such a /beg take that you need to see the art of someone to accept the advice they give. Good artists can be terrible teachers and people can understand the technical aspects of drawing without being able to pull them off.

Just like in sports. Most professional trainers never played on a professional level themselves and most professional players don't have the insight to teach on a professional level.

>> No.6403446
File: 60 KB, 960x540, tidusbecomesthebuddha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how the long gone super masters of their craft, and then some, never needed some drama and gay-ops laden social media platform to reach their milestones. Damn imagine that. They never had the learning privilege of associating with cock sleeves like this anon >>6390207. Crazy idea but maybe Discord doesn't produce legendary artists seeing how they're pretty much all dead at this point.

>bragging about long distance relationships and online friends
I remember not all that long ago people had the sense to not do this.
>and I love them
Okay this is how closet trannies on Discord speak before they go off the deep end and turn to solicit it like it's Jesus.
>nor have friends
Who does this insult really bother besides effeminate teenage chihuahua boys and women who cannot breathe without social validation nor spend one week alone with their thoughts? I'm thinking that's your projected weakness.
Get rid of those and you're still left with instances of discord. Communities on that platform go through endless cycles of infighting and schisms. People will blindside you and show your their true colors that are such a core part of their ego that it's impressive that those who aren't sociopaths could pull that off for an extended period of time. Smaller locked communities will last longer but sooner or later corruption will start from within. Don't expect much from a platform that lacks social etiquette to such a degree, it's common practice for people to leak private conversations left and right.

You don't talk. You just lurk and become the one member not to become a target when SHTF

>Nothing authentic about the server. They got a hidden channel where they talk about other people
Classic Discord powder keg

Most people cannot into pedagogy, but maybe I'll go down that rabbit hole in a following post.

>> No.6403461

Sent you a friend request

>> No.6403523

you are kinda mean being picky with people...

>> No.6403530

>Nothing authentic about the server. They got a hidden channel where they talk about other people
Is this true about Violet Clovers? because I'm leaving right away.

>> No.6403555

will normal art servers mind me being weird hikki neet unsocialized deranged :C

>> No.6403579

You should expect that to be the case. From what I've heard Discord in particular is notorious for those kinds of secret groups. It is also the perfect environment for it.

If there was an interview process to get in then expect there to be hidden channels
If it is big or old then expect there to be secret channels

What you want to look for if you want to avoid secret channels are channels with little to no oversight and no dominant cliques.

>> No.6403590

>Who does this insult really bother besides effeminate teenage chihuahua boys and women who cannot breathe without social validation nor spend one week alone with their thoughts? I'm thinking that's your projected weakness.
I just know a unsociable faggot whose whose art still isnt up to scuff when i see one. simple as.

>> No.6403615

Because troon mods bans me for petty bs like pronouns. Wtf. I'm asking for criticism on my art, not learning your mental ill synonyms.

>> No.6403628

>I guess so
You really love using this phrase.

>> No.6403649

i sent you a message but you never responded

>> No.6403653

My favorite part about threads like this is seeing people who've been kicked out of a dozen servers complaining about how shit discord is.

>> No.6403659

Furries or troons. Which of those two are the biggest nuisance on Discord?

>> No.6403713

There’s a lot of crossover so “both” is a good answer.

>> No.6403769

Are there any discord servers which focus on an older crowd so we can discuss our diminished neuroplasticity and aphantasia?

>> No.6403795


Nah Discord is a young man's game. If you're not feeling your life drip away in the presence of pretend online personalities & schizo drama, you're doing something wrong.

>> No.6404391

Shit argument. I use multiple forums and have accounts for other platforms. The problem with discord is that is filled with power-tripping faggots and trannies. NO, I'M NOT GONNA USE YOUR FUCKING FAGGOT PRONOUNS, FUCK YOU WAS/WERE.

>> No.6404530 [DELETED] 

lolibros accepted
wokefaggots not

>> No.6404636
File: 156 KB, 682x581, 1669949731015833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider the fact that mostly everything you're hearing is from people that have failed to intergrate into Discord. You're not going to get many positive takes on Discord communities because usually what happens once you find a good community of artists you like is you realize there's no reason to come to /ic/ anymore except to post the most retarded takes you know are stupid so you're too scared to talk about them to your friends. Seriously, why else would you spend a bunch of time talking to people who you have no clue what they draw like when you can talk to people that can back themselves up with their work? I still come here out of habit, but I mever feel it's a good use of my time ever. It's a drug to me. Also, the better you are at drawing the more people take interest in you initially, so you start getting invited to servers more and more. It's entirely possible if you feel like an outsider in art communities it's because you're too much of a beginner to hang around other artists yet. Pro tip; don't bother with any servers that post links publicly, including here, except to shill your socials.

>> No.6404745

how can I find furry discords with a focus on art improvement

>> No.6404752

>Seriously, why else would you spend a bunch of time talking to people who you have no clue what they draw like when you can talk to people that can back themselves up with their work?
If you aren't an absolute /beg/ you can tell good crit a part from bad crit. When I see someone give me a BS crit I move on. The reasoning that only people who can draw can give good crit is stupid, someone could have perfect anatomical knowledge without needing to learn to draw.

>> No.6404882

thats not a pro

>> No.6404896

I like chatrooms but I would prefer matrix or irc for privacy reasons and so I can properly customize my client. It's sad everyone just uses discord

>> No.6405134

I've seen your type before. You're an oversocialized naive literal who anon who thinks he has some deep personal bond with what is a persona across the ocean after a few ERP sessions. Don't talk to me like some wise old curator.
You should lurk moar. Learn to listen. Maybe it will save your ass from getting entangled in some dime a dozen kiwi tier art drama gay ops instead of huffing your own braps.
Just collect all the essential physical resources, kick your internet connection and spyware phone into the furnace, and just draw instead of getting distracted by your short-lived imploding social movements you retarded fucking faggot.

>> No.6405167

>You're an oversocialized naive literal who anon who thinks he has some deep personal bond with what is a persona across the ocean after a few ERP sessions. Don't talk to me like some wise old curator.
i've never done or associated with anyone who's done that garbage you autistic terminally online fucking faggot. stop projecting.

>> No.6405221

>all this autism
What the ever loving hell crawled up your ass?

>> No.6405234

It's always these types of artist who are the most vocal when it comes to criticisms huh?

>> No.6405302

> failed to intergrate into Discord

It's not about integrating. It's the quality of discussion being unsatisfying. All you have to do to fit in is blow smoke up everyone's ass and offer the most platitude ridden basic non confrontational advice possible. But if a group is mostly stagnate artists then interaction will be stagnate as well

>> No.6406668

This. Getting used to 4chan as my social outlet in my youth fucked me up bad. You need connections to grow your art, but you can't get connections if nobody knows who you are. I'm unironically trying to get more accustomed to discord, but it's hard when this website is what I know best. I don't even have controversial opinions, except when it comes to loli content, but anyone with a brain knows not to go yapping about that.

>> No.6406757

Says the guy has the page on auto update and immediatetly responds to my post. Stop parroting predictable and go draw you internet junkie you.
ChatGPT read the post above with the speech mannerisms of a suburban American teenager discovering her first period and posting about on reddit.

>> No.6407035

What did you expect? admin doesn't touch grass and the other "helpers" are a bunch of crabbie patties. You should always be alert by a server filled with coomers and egirl lookin for simps that all just render study. get better judgement, any one with a brain cell can see the place is fake nice and is toxic. just talk long enough and get special dms or comments about admin diagnosis.

>> No.6407054

Never, ever use discord for art critique. It's literally filled with underage children who are femboys and trannies. What are you thinking? Go to a real forum. That is where adults go.

>> No.6407334

Haha you couldn't argue the fact that you were a fucking loser so you had to argue the time is which you were responded what a pathetic cope.

>> No.6407403
File: 60 KB, 727x655, doodle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of this is true. The regulars are extremely toxic and passive-aggressive. Upon joining voice chat I was harassed to start talking over mic and when I did everyone went silent and then one of the mods started asking me if I'm a girl or a boy which made me feel very uncomfortable and borderline unsafe.

My posts got shat on by the begs in the crit channel and the only "crit" I got was that I should stop drawing anime and quit being a fag.

Voice chat is like listening to some 13 yo fortnite kids with slurs being dropped casually and for no reason.

Some guy who's apparently referred to as a magician or some shit asked me for pics and I got banned straight after refusing him.

I recommend more close-knit communities, violet shitters is a sewer and there is not much to be gained from staying there.

Pic related, my art.

>> No.6407408

server link?

>> No.6407416

You’re not counting /ic/ as a forum, are you?

>> No.6407419

I don't shit on discord, but it doesn't allow loli so it's literally useless to me.

>> No.6407555

Ofcourse this faggot loser is. /ic/ is basically the art community's reject and all of these vocal faggots have all been in not so secret pedo ic servers of there own.

>> No.6409003
File: 209 KB, 420x420, 0500126f395dc6788a82f7ea20a396c7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anyone is looking for a good beg/int /ic/ server try Artism. We're not very big or active but we have a friendly community of only /ic/ bros
