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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6385218 No.6385218 [Reply] [Original]

Is this art shit supposed to be """"""""""fun""""""""""???

>> No.6385230

you're literally drawing, if it isn't fun then why are you doing it?

>> No.6385232

Yes? Why subject yourself to something you don't enjoy? Even the hard parts are fun, it's like climbing a mountain, the view from the top is worth the struggle.

>> No.6385233

>having fun

>> No.6385236

He isn't, he's shitposting.
Silly op this isn't not how you """""""""drawing""""""""" no wonder you don't have fun.

>> No.6385240

theoretically i suppose, just started drawabox and so far it’s not fun, but i’m just gonna grind it out plan is to have 1000 hours under my belt by this time next year. but the exercises ain’t fun so far i didn’t think they would be part of me feels getting good abd grinding at almost anything is miserable at points. i want to get decent at it and draw cool shit i suppose that’s when the real fun will start, when these practices lead to me producing stuff in the paper that starts looking like the cool, fun stuff i want to draw in my head.

>> No.6385245

Start drawing cool shit now, if all you draw are boxes you're going to burn yourself out

>> No.6385249

Wise. To boost the effect of the box studies, draw cool stuff made out of boxes. And inside the boxes.

>> No.6385252

art will never be as fun as the instant gratification you get from video games, fapping, drugs or even scrolling through social media

but instant gratification isn't why you do art you dopamine fiend

>> No.6385260

/v/ is this way

>> No.6385276
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>> No.6385291

The journey to the end product is a pain, thats why its called PAINting, but like cooking or mountain climbing, the end is really where it pays off.
Building a gallery is a bigger payoff.

>> No.6385420
File: 283 KB, 1000x1000, Tracy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw fun things every now and then, the type you notice in your folder ages later and have a chuckle.
Pic related, from a thread where people were making Sonic OCs with one of those template-cutout character maker things. I made a tomboy rabbit and decided to give her some more character.

>> No.6385422

if its not fun for you then quit.

>> No.6385467
File: 109 KB, 303x388, image_2022-11-21_181913987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it gets fun 10000 hours in unironically

>> No.6385479

Ironically fun is just an excuse to not get better.

>> No.6385485

it's like this
>hey this looks pretty good
>it's getting better, cool
>oh man i didn't know i could do this
>it turned out awesome!
>come back an hour later
>this actually kinda sucks

repeat until you get a different end result. i usually have fun in the first part though

>> No.6385510

It's an addiction

>> No.6385516

It's fun in the exact same way vigorous exercise is fun.

>> No.6385928

pog you don’t follow the 50% rule you will learn next to nothing from the boxes. don’t fuck yourself over

people look at drawabox like some sort of thing you can grind and complete and then you’ll be good at drawing if you just heads down grind it out

if you don’t follow the 50% you will want to kill yourself when you finish the hardest exercises and realize you still can’t draw shit

>> No.6386016
File: 437 KB, 1117x1257, xD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

art is fun if you channel it through the power of coom

>> No.6386283

1/10, Rei isn't that big.
Would not wank off to.

>> No.6386390

DaB is never fun.
It's for the peeps who wants to go pro asap.
Honestly I find more fun in watching correction videos like Saito Naoki's or BoroCG and then try to apply the same technique by piecemeal into my own art and see how it turned out.

>> No.6386398

that's why you only draw when you feel like it

>> No.6386646

Nah, you ain't gonna make it a habit that way and learn to crave it.

>> No.6386684

I see we've cycled all the way back to the 'fun is just a buzzword' era of 2011

>> No.6387254

Rei was always fun

>> No.6387256
File: 517 KB, 629x474, 634643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I love prompting

>> No.6387260

supposed to be 80 percent fun, 20 percent kms

>> No.6387351

it's fun in a masochistic way

>> No.6387703

jesus are sonic looking characters supposed to be giants? look at the bottom part with the screwdriver. she(?) looks like she is the size of a grizzly bear with those massive hands and head.

>> No.6387706


>> No.6387998

What episode is that ?

>> No.6388497
File: 18 KB, 400x400, FTQzimdagAAAsYi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art CAN be fun if you're drawing for your own leisure.

>> No.6388582

>be me
>having fun drawing
>people come and tell me I should get better
>do everything to get better and meet their professional expectations
>improve technically but lose all creativity
>get depressed
>no more fun
>don't want to draw anymore
And that's how you become a great artist.

>> No.6388593
File: 338 KB, 2000x2000, JDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Yes, Drawing is supposed to be fun.

Everything you do that is constructive should be towards the overall goal of your life, and taking enjoyment from doing so is the reward for your monkey brain going along with it.

Failure to enjoy what you're doing is failure en route.

>> No.6388595

The better you get the more fun art becomes.

>> No.6388794


>> No.6388818

fucking this, /ic/ is way too anal about "making it"

>> No.6388823
File: 31 KB, 340x359, Fotze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get depressed
>don't wanna draw anymore because someone said something

lmao loser.
Also u have a gf? Cuz I want to fuck her.

>> No.6389268


>> No.6389748

Why? I am not a tranny unlike (You)

>> No.6390916


>> No.6390968

what the fuck Sailor Moon uploads must be at least 6x the resolution of the ones I watched back in the day

>> No.6390978
File: 227 KB, 776x1119, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6390979

Just be sure you at least have fun while AI replaces you or brings your wage down.

>> No.6390986

You fell into the beg trap, I feel sorry for you kid.

>> No.6391550

doing all the beginner shit is not fun
in fact it's fucking torture
but once you get past that hurdle and become able to draw things that look passable then it gets fun

>> No.6394273


>> No.6394277

Yes. You won't improve if you don't like the process of doing art in the first place

>> No.6394311

It's actually more like this:

>> No.6394314

Ever heard about discipline?

>> No.6394317

You're that guy0_0

>> No.6394320

Even proompting isnt fun

>> No.6394365

It starts to be fun at around the 14h mark each day. You can make by with 6h of sleep so you have 4 hours of fun drawing time daily, that should be enough for you.

>> No.6394405

I have fun while I'm making drawings, but not when looking at the results.

I really look foward to the day I grow out of being a /beg/.

>> No.6394414

Because I keep having beautiful thinks I could and should draw forcing themselves into my head but everytime I put pen to paper liquid shit spurts out and I get driven right back into self hatred.

Would you want to shit if all you shat was blood and bills everyday?