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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 249 KB, 1456x1572, a8pgwjp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6383961 No.6383961 [Reply] [Original]

For stupid questions and questions that don't deserve their own thread.

OP first to ask.
How is this effect is called?
How do i make it?
Is exporting this 2 images is tricky?
Painting background black doesn't work for getting second image

>> No.6383981

I dunno but ai can't do it. Is this the donut steel technique artists have been looking for?

>> No.6383991

my question is about thumbnail and extended image. They are not same, i want to have both and want to know how to make same images where thumbnail and extended image are different. I often see such images and in future i may have inspiration to make similar

>> No.6384013

it think this is what you want

>> No.6384075
File: 406 KB, 1288x634, Thank You.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6384144

How are you able to be on itch.io as an artist, if it's a website for games?

>> No.6384207
File: 1.23 MB, 2048x2842, Tumblr_l_381851236233291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6384208

Selling game assets? Or comics? I don't think people use it for portfolios or commissions, there is almost no traffic for that

>> No.6384210
File: 36 KB, 329x522, Tumblr_l_223982736579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot question
Should i keep my porn seperate from my other work or just pile it up all together?
Im selling lewds, but im also doing other shit, but i dont know how badly this will ruin my marketing for selling lewds.
Sure, i should have a seperate account, but i dont like juggling all that shut.
So how bad would it be to have it all in one olace?

>> No.6384343

>use it for portfolios or commissions
I'm seeing one guy put up an art book
and another guy putting up a dakimakura file for others to self-print; I figured there was a catch somewhere that lets those two do not-video games or not-digital assets

>> No.6384346
File: 134 KB, 1806x1016, F036054E-B5D0-487F-A624-266E37A32F1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asked this a few threads ago but never got an answer.
Could I pull a /shadman/ and draw porn of real people and post it without getting slaughtered or should I just keep my shit to myself?

>> No.6384717

Fandom types draw pornography of real people's likenesses all the fucking time. Those kpop girls even draw and write yaoi of the actual people rather than characters.
It's considered creepy by most, but normalised enough from years of that shit starting with Nimoy and Shatner in the 60s. Considering those people are the demographic most likely to throw a fit and try to cancel artists, that's ironically one of the few questionable things where you're most likely completely safe.

>> No.6384809

It's hard to juggle two things at once. I find myself abandoning one or the other depending on what I'm drawing most. But it's true that you need to keep your profile consistent - the people who follow you for smut don't wanna see none of that gay artsy shit. The people who follow you for your art don't wanna see none of that depravity.

I've thought about this problem too. A lot of NSFW artists have a SFW account where they post SFW versions of their drawings or other SFW stuff. Then they have a link to the spicy shit on their SFW profile directing you to the nitty gritty. Having more than one account also increases your chances of being seen - but it will also take more time to manage. Posting things twice in two separate accounts and trying to keep both active is a lot of work.

>> No.6384812

>How is this effect is called?
Can we just ban all ESLs please, these turd worlders are stinking up the site, I'm so sick of having to read your niggerbabble

>> No.6384817

>speaking on a site ran by an ESL

>> No.6384838

Questions end with a question mark, nigger.

>> No.6385170
File: 98 KB, 1202x892, 1CC944D1-2A2E-4375-BD64-9C72445FF51A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh okay, cool. Now I just have to find somewhere to post it, but that’s a different story. Thanks anon, hopefully I don’t get unlucky and get BTFO.

>> No.6385745
File: 1.01 MB, 1200x1156, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading "Color and Light"
Isn't this just plain wrong? Desaturation keeps the value.

>> No.6385748

Yeah, im going to quit being a lazy bone and keep them seperate. I forgot i want to set up a booth to sell sfw stuff, and i cant limit my options at cons when porn is on the table.

>> No.6385779

Does it make sense to be better at figuring perspective when you draw sitting up instead of lying down? Asking for a friend.

>> No.6385943
File: 141 KB, 1632x1224, 71n3kJxtnJL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone here use a draft board? this thing looks fun to use.

>> No.6385957

Yes, it's wrong. Saturation and value are independent things. Trash that book.

>> No.6386034

Opening up Photoshop after a long while.

I make a new layer, draw on it, hide the layer and the drawing disappears.

My eraser does not work on that drawing/layer. But if I select "Background Eraser Tool" it does, but it has far fewer options. What gives?

>> No.6386039


It's misleading, but not totally wrong. In the HSV color mode lowering the saturation lightens the color, and that is the default mode for Photoshop (and others).

But yeah, it has nothing to do with how humans perceive saturation and value. If that's what the book implies, than it's wrong.

>> No.6386217

Its a section talking specifically about digital and photoshop.
The book is fantastic, best book on color and light.

>> No.6386536

why is that drawings of something like a loli being stuffed with eighteen cocks or chicks being beaten and beheaded are relatively easy to come by, yet depictions of animal cruelty seem extremely rare? is this a special and niche kind of degeneracy?

>> No.6386730
File: 1.38 MB, 2975x3600, 1663491213747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there something like DesignDoll that simulates creases and wrinkles of clothes?

>> No.6386985

I mean I tested it in Photoshop so it's wrong in Photoshop as well

>> No.6387047

you tested it wrong

>> No.6387428
File: 365 KB, 600x800, 4KUcGa3P_1004171113051gpadd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kim Jung Gi, another one lost to the jab. Who is the Kim Jung Gi of digital illustration? Need to study the masters.

>> No.6387570
File: 505 KB, 468x766, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do not see where the top muscles are on the bottom one

scapula muscles particularly

>> No.6387621

Worked for me.
I changed the saturation in the actual color picker and then used working proof->grey-dot gain 20% to see the actual value change and manually adjusted the grey until it matched.

If you dont understand why I did the working proof thing, then watch this video.

>> No.6387622
File: 22 KB, 982x576, red-saturation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgot pic

>> No.6387665
File: 43 KB, 566x800, kajin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make this effect where the lineart is black on the clothes and clear on the skin?

>> No.6387761
File: 20 KB, 650x145, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The eyedropper tool will sample colors according to the setting in the toolbar (All Layers, Current Layer etc.)
Alt + click is a shortcut for the eyedropper tool for quick sampling.

Question: are there separate shortcuts, or can you set up separate shortcuts for using the eyedropper with different sampling settings (Current Layer vs All Layers), or do you always have to manually set the sampling setting whenever you want to change its behavior?
I often want to swap between these behaviors and having to go to the tool's settings whenever I want to change it, saps my workflow.

>> No.6387778

It's not en effect. Follow Kajin and look at his process - he literally just turns off transparency on the lineart layer and manually colors de line to whatever color he likes.

>> No.6387807

I finally got a job from a big client, but after finishing and even getting praise I got depressed instead of being happy. It's two months that I don't draw anything and spend all day watching youtube, eating junk food and going to sleep at 4am
What the fuck is wrong with me

>> No.6387860

not art related but what's the best way to send commision money to someone?
Is paypal ok?
I want to give some money to some artists but i don't want people to find out i did it.

>> No.6387927

How do I make drawings look 3d, sometimes I'm able to, sometimes I'm not.
Using 3d shapes construction just makes my poses stiff.

>> No.6387942

How would I go about setting up a way to receive money from commissions in as anonymous a way as possible? Do people just make new cashapp/venmo/PayPal accounts for this?

>> No.6387943

Oops, I didn’t see this. Seems like it goes both ways.

>> No.6387955

can somebody please post the basedjack loomis vs roomis image of FDFAIW

>> No.6388054

My stupid question is how do I stop drawing the horny art? I dont wanna draw lewd shit anymore I wanna try epic fights and stylish shit not anime girl big tiddy. Drawing horny is easy motivation but drawing what I want to make gets tiring quickly

>> No.6389035

Why do people still care about religious art?

>> No.6389044

Is there any resource that just guides the reader through the process of creating a simple drawing from start to finish, while explaining each step along the way? I think that's the only thing that would have some chance of helping me. Drawing has never come as naturally to me as it does for most people, and I don't really understand what I'm even supposed to be trying to do.

>> No.6389376

How did the old masters flip their canvas? Did they use a mirror?

>> No.6389399

Old masters didn't flip their canvas. According to bargue plates le book, it says they spent months on a single drawing.

>> No.6389406

Maybe start by compromising and drawing epic fights of big tiddy anime girls in bikinis?

>> No.6389415

I've been using Clip studio paint since I started drawing digital art and now I don't know what to do since I tried other things like krita and I feel like everything I do there is shit and it isn't comfortable to draw anymore.
Is there any advice on what to do?

>> No.6389418
File: 914 KB, 1080x922, image_2022-11-25_001523411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or If its just something that won`t last long until I adapt by force and that I should keep going?

>> No.6389815

Anyone here uses a huion 610pro V2? If so can you attest to it's quality, i might buy one tomorrow

>> No.6389836

How much did you get paid that you can chill for 2 months

>> No.6389838

HOLY beg

>> No.6389843

Use kofi/etsy/patreon/pixiv as middle man

>> No.6389853

Sounds like you're a beg, don't worry about how your stuff looks (its bad anyway) just concentrate on getting comfortable with csp

>> No.6389875

they can flip the cnvas upside down tho. you can also spot mistakes with that.

>> No.6389963


>> No.6389965

>spend all day watching youtube, eating junk food and going to sleep at 4am
sounds like your dopamine receptors are cranked up to 11. maybe unplug from the internet for a few days to reset. now if only I could follow my own advice.

>> No.6390092
File: 35 KB, 800x450, 55181940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How draw fire

>> No.6390231
File: 1011 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20221125-073754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really a question but it just bothers me the way that otaking draws faces. I don't want to take anything away from his animation skills but he always posts screen shots and concept art from old 80s animes that look very good and nostalgic and then when you see his style it's as westaboo Tumblr shit as it gets. But there's nothing you can say to him that he's not gonna just take as an insult and block you for. I just want him to not waste time showing a whole movie by himself and then wondering why no one wants to watch it. This face is just not appealing. I think he doesn't really know how to draw the style he's going for. Which is weird for someone who can animate entire movies. But his 2d art is shit.

>> No.6390237
File: 71 KB, 740x400, Game-Master-R-Type-Header-001-20160518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What even is this

>> No.6390241
File: 2.81 MB, 490x274, tHaNl15.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still respect the guy but he just sucks at noses and color I think. Everything is way too saturated and then outlining the way he does it with one consistent line weight is pretty unappealing as well.

>> No.6390256

Some did. Some just stepped far away from it, observed it from a distance for a while and then walked up to it set put down their next stroke.

>> No.6390285

where are some good places to start posting my art?

>> No.6390360

Where your audience hang out.

>> No.6390366

he has no asian genes so...you know

>> No.6390392

Kill yourself useless crab

>> No.6390409

I have scitzophrenia so .... you know

>> No.6390412
File: 126 KB, 1262x256, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otaking operates by a retarded childlike logic of more=better in every case no matter what, when even very detailed anime art pays a great deal of attention to economy and subtlety.
The faces are ugly because they're straight-up cluttered.

>> No.6390413

Am I better off starting a new social media account to start posting art, or just using my current one?

>> No.6390423

If you drew coom, just start a new social media account. If you don't care about past coom drawings like Japs, continue as is.

>> No.6390446
File: 7 KB, 209x250, ted_the_raccoon_by_kodyboy555_dfiomu3-250t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see what you're saying and I agree. Sadly pic rel.

>> No.6390456

Yeah might be the case. Also the fact that I manage to have a gf and also fap to porn every day doesn't probably help
Not much, I live off the money I made working extra time every day and during weekends for almost ten years. I could probably survive until retirement without working if I kept my old "essential" lifestyle
Essential meaning you eat only once a day and it's like a beans can and an apple

>> No.6390466

You forgot to mention the part where Otaking can't draw for shit.
I remember years ago he posted on /m/, the graveyard of neckbeards, a whole WIP animation, and in the thread I offered myself to redline him every single fucking mistake
I had to give up because I had no idea he disregarded completely any notion of anatomy and proportion

>> No.6390473

What exactly is the difference between high beg and low int?

>> No.6390480

How do make drawing a habit? I have such a hard time getting started and when I do, for lack of practice, my art sucks and I get discouraged. And I overthink what I 'should' draw, what will appeal to others, what I can show, what is 'correct' if that makes sense. I'm trapped in overthinking and end up just doing this, procrastinating by asking stupid questions and staring blankly at endless youtube tutorials.
I think wasting supplies is also an issue in my procrastination (though I've tried digital but didn't like it) I keep thinking I need the 'optimal' most perfect painting to maximize my supplies. I should accept that I'll paint bad things, and that they supplies are being wasted just collecting dust. Try to do what mMebius wrote. (I think) and cleanse myself of deep feelings. I guess this also applies to overthinking and being overly critical of myself when I fail.

>> No.6390503

It's a 'you'll know it when you see it' thing. It is not clear cut.

>> No.6390534

How hard is it to go from digital>traditional?
How hard is it to go from traditional>digital?

>> No.6390539

no one outside of this shit website uses any of these terms. They're made up with no actual qualifiers to be in any category. It's purely up to the discretion of the crab assigning them.

>> No.6390545

very hard unless u're extremely good in digital and have good habits.
relatively easy unless ur a technophobic boomer

>> No.6390589

A couple of months ago I saw a self-study "course" .PDF by some asian guy about studying artists you like with a specific routine/mindset, anyone remembers the name of it/has a link?

>> No.6390601

Any tips on getting art frens, maybe even becoming friends with more well known artists on youtube and shit? I've been trying to make some art content for youtube and other platforms, but I don't really know what the next step is

>> No.6390616
File: 99 KB, 600x800, 1669404284222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do americans instinctively draw like this, regardless of what they're trying to ape, actually looks like?
where's the source of this?

>> No.6390627
File: 267 KB, 723x1024, fastest way to improve illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you talking about this?

>> No.6390774

Recommendation for pencils that don't smear?

>> No.6390779

my current social media is just a normal account with very little art posted to it. I want to start growing a following with my art now that I feel I'm good enough to do so, but I'm not sure if I should just post on my personal account or make an art specific one.

>> No.6390793

get a cheap sketchbook and dont worry about drawing garbage

>> No.6391306
File: 88 KB, 900x900, 1555366888823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so the transparent color setting on a brush is basically an eraser? with the properties of your current brush?
or am I missing something?

>> No.6391324
File: 1.10 MB, 2032x1500, 1654895073511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where did this anon go? I miss him and I would like to talk to him :(

>> No.6391378

This guy is mentally fucked, his twitter banned several times over abuse images, and the one time he posted his room it legitimately looked like a serial killer's.
You really want to be associated with this?

>> No.6391410

Short answer: Yes, fuck it.
Long answer: Goddammit why are the ones I want to get along with always the schizo type? First it was Minus8, then Gabe, then Marielx, then this guy. I swear I'll never learn... I did talk to him once though and he seemed like a pretty decent guy outside the board, at the very least I wouldnt mind chatting with him for a bit.

>> No.6391418

Will i ever be a woman?

>> No.6391425

because they are koreans and every korean is mentally fucked

>> No.6391471

how do you match painting style to drawing style? I'm trying to learn colour but all the tutorials I've found looks weird on my line art

>> No.6391583

>why are the ones I want to get along with always the schizo type?
If everyone you meet is a schizo...

>> No.6391596

Is it possible to get into illustrating stuff for kids after you've done nsfw work?

>> No.6391657

Laptop owners: which laptop do you own? Do you feel the display is decent/accurately shows color? I'm looking for a new laptop and I feel that most displays are fucking garbage. Either they have a yellow tint to them, or they're just overall fucked, which makes me feel less confident when making digital works.

>> No.6391680

I have a Lenovo Legion and I'm quite happy with it, though I'm not all that demanding. Do you have a specific reason for using the laptop screen instead of getting a second monitor?

>> No.6391816

Do people use photoshop nowadays for digital painting? I got the $10 adobe subscription but I'm having a terrible time trying to paint and mix colors in it. Does the brush matter at all?

>> No.6391821

isnt the only reason artist use ps are for the brushes and liquidify tool

>> No.6391824

Is it worth pursuing an art career? I'm considering either becoming a streamer or working making game art, which do you think is better?

>> No.6391830

It was before certain technological advancements...
Try becoming a streamer and hope you get simps. Can males get simps? I'm not sure.

>> No.6391883

Fair point. I'm noticing laptops are starting to include HDMI ports so maybe I should take advantage of that. I was considering a Legion, I'll look into them. Thanks.

>> No.6391938

you'd have to have an avatar desu

>> No.6391966

I dont want to do this anymore. I really dont. Its a waste of time, and everyone and their mom is doing it so i can barely find any work on top of most of the work is in faggotfornia.
Im cutting back on drawing everyday, and only doodling or some shit when i feel like it, but fuck pursuing this garbage. Im going to pursue a real job.

>> No.6391970

What udemy or somewhere else course will teach me to draw cute anime girls?

>> No.6391982

Are gauche brushes for inking or coloring?

>> No.6391983

I'm not sure. I was told PS was what modern digital artists use. Would Clip Studio be better? I'm only really interested in doing painting/illustration.

>> No.6392095

On CSP how can you change lines with opacity to to be solid? for example I paint black with opacity so that its a gray but I want to keep the gray without anything else showing through it?

>> No.6392096

they are for whatever you use them for

>> No.6392099

CSP has been the preferred for a while from what I see. It's just that youTubers get promotion deals and big companies may still use PS. Personally I don't even have PS installed anymore.

Now that CSP is moving towards subscriptions that may also fall out of favor.

>> No.6392133

Well fuck you, too.

>> No.6392151
File: 3.43 MB, 4032x3024, 20221126_222340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything wrong with using my old pens as forks?

>> No.6392154

the fuck is that?

>> No.6392158
File: 90 KB, 240x240, yagiyui-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a guess

>> No.6392166


>> No.6392168

Bannock burger

>> No.6392173

neat, how was it

>> No.6392175

Pretty good, didn't care for the cheese

>> No.6392176

glad you mostly enjoyed it anon

>> No.6392347

What is the best advice/critique you've ever gotten on /ic/?

>> No.6392426

You suck. Just stop drawing.

>> No.6392437

None. I’ve never gotten any before.

>> No.6392440

Can’t you just eyedrop it?

>> No.6392450

No I have line art that is gray but it's got opacity so stuff shows through I just want to change it so it doesn't

>> No.6392525

Watching Bob Ross for making good backgrounds.
His wet on wet technique works perfectly well with digital painting, provided that you got a good set of traditional brushes preset

>> No.6392804

I have played around with the idea of critisizing psychology with art, what mediums and influences could i use to communicate my message effectively?

>> No.6393652

is it bad if my finished result is completely different from my sketch?

>> No.6393706

How do I stop the dunning-kruger from setting in?

>> No.6393721

anon... you try using them. then decide if the result is good for inking or not. Some people can ink with them. Others can't. And stop being such a faggot towards people answering your questions.

>> No.6393732

What size is life-size, specifically? I've read about practicing in life-size but I don't think they mean to pull out like 6 feet worth of paper sheets, right?

>> No.6393790

Doesn't it mean, backing away from the subject until it fits perfectly in your canvas without any parts being cut off, so that it's 1:1 ratio? Like in bargue plates.

>> No.6394043
File: 1.44 MB, 1583x901, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are these forms/masses on the face? They don't seem to resemble the muscle shapes, so are they areas of fat? How would I go about studying these and familiarizing myself with them (i.e. what to search for)? Should I study figures like the bottom left of pic related?

>> No.6394050

oops, meant bottom right*

>> No.6394056
File: 294 KB, 1703x1162, 1669669470165869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i get this texture, is it a pastel brush? mine never look this good

>> No.6394177

don't know of a particular brush that creates precisely that effect, but just look through different traditional-style brushes... things like pastel, chalk, rough pencil, dry gouache, etc. Play around with different options, chances are you'll learn more about what you like that way

>> No.6394185

it does look a lot like an oil-pastel-style brush though imo, so i would start there

>> No.6394199

A kid at the school I work at saw some of my doodles and wants some drawing advice.
What kind of advice can I give to a 10 year old?
I'm a janitor not a teacher.
And I don't want to just trow Loomis at her because I didn't even read any of the books myself.

>> No.6394217

how do you know which color other people see? my pictures look different on different devices

>> No.6394221

You don't. Just set your main device right. There is such guidelines.

>> No.6394224

Dont ask other people what advice YOU should give.
Just think about it yourself pal.

>> No.6394237

>What kind of advice can I give to a 10 year old?
To (try to) copy more what she likes, would be best one.
Other stuff will be either too complicated or useless.
Dont be a wierdo.

>> No.6394241

how to set it right? how do I know its not my screen that's wrong?

>> No.6394243

can you learn anything by tracing? or is there really no benefit at all?

>> No.6394246

Tracing is no good. Do bargue plates. Art is essentially trying to copy something without tracing it.

>> No.6394252

>Art is essentially trying to copy something without tracing it.
this is too simplistic. It's more like, engineering. You break things down and can learn to invent new things, through the power of construction and anatomy. Imagination drawing isn't just shape regurgitation

>> No.6394253

Just google it.

>> No.6394256

Wrong and small brain.
Tracing helps you with lineweight, speed, cordination, muscle memory. And thats just on the nose if you wont do it with more intent and analysis.

>> No.6394260
File: 143 KB, 1000x1000, house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen a lot of people that have a small window in the corner that shows a small version of the entire drawing, how do I get that window in PS? I've been looking through the settings but there's too fucking many I can't figure out which one is it.

>> No.6394283

I think at that age it's just important to keep drawing regularly. She needs to find joy in doing it, so let her draw the things she enjoys drawing no matter what they are. Also having good enough tools that won't frustrate her, doesn't have to be anything expensive, but parents sometime really cheap out on their kids' hobbies when they think it's something they're gonna abandon in a few months, so make sure she's using something reasonable. Then depending on her maturity I'd tell her to surround herself with as much art from various artist as possible, whether it be comics or the old masters, make her try to look for what she finds aesthetically pleasing so she can emulate it. Encourage her to observe the world around her, to figure out what shapes are the things made of, learning to draw from life is a good base if she's up for that. Maybe instead of introducing her to any specific books, show her how to find resources in general, maybe stuff like youtube tutorials (should be safe enough for kids, I guess?) or even a local shop or gallery, safe places to find like-minded people.
TLDR unironicaly tell her to just draw and don't let anything discourage her

>> No.6394383

Part of that is a difference between men and women. Also, you didn't mark those areas properly with your colors. The green one shouldn't touch superman's ear for example.

Men have more prominent bone structures. That makes muscles on top of them more prominent too. Go look at a skull to see what some of those forms are. The one around the mouth is a muscle.

Stuff like this is why you should study from real life even if you want to draw cartoons.

>> No.6394390

Yeah I wasn't quite sure what I was marking, just trying to highlight the forms I thought I saw.
I was trying to find photo references but struggled which is why I used drawings as examples, but I get what you mean.
Thank you for the tip! I'll try looking into the bone/muscle structure and how it affects the shape of the face.

>> No.6394503
File: 292 KB, 533x359, 1614537382194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you choose an aspect ratio for your drawing?

>> No.6394508

I just draw whatever then crop after it's all rendered. But I work in a widescreen aspect ratio.

>> No.6394534

So I was watching this traditional media drawing
How come he doesn't make a rough basic shape first/rough draft? He just generates the limbs all willy nilly like that? Is it possible to achieve this or is this a passive skill that comes with the asian jeans class?

>> No.6394542

No idea who this is but his level is so high he can skip steps and ignore all the rules, he might also have a reference outside of the frame but with that his power level is still maximum.

>> No.6394548

i start with a 4k square and expand in whatever direction i need from there, that way i have more options from the start. If you want to nail it right off the bat try doing thumbnails at various random heights and widths. Don't worry about "aspect ratio" though. Unless you're setting up key frames for like film or videogame cutscenese its very unimportant for you to think about. You can always expand and contract to what fits your composition. Just be loose.

>> No.6394550


>> No.6394552

I subbed for an elementary class once when they had an art assignment where all their drawings would go on the wall and that I'd draw with them on the projector. Most of the kids had fun just doodling very confidently. But one kid was very nervous about messing up and spent the whole class stressing about messing it up and he barely even started anything by the time they had to go. Which resonated with me because as a kid I could never think of anything good enough to draw and would always stress out about wasting or messing up good materials my relatives would buy me. So if you can encourage them to just use what they have like pens and pencils and not worry about materials. Schools have piles and piles of free paper for kids to use. Tell them its more important to just draw nomatter how it comes out because if they over think it all the time they won't have any time to draw. Drawing is fun and getting to draw freely like a kid without all the hangups of art technique is something we only get to experience for a finite amount of time. Idk my advice but that's a perspective. Anything you can do to encourage them being free spirited about art and not fussing about the materials or perfection.

>> No.6394558

it means to draw things in the real world so that you're training to evaluate things at the focal length natural to the human eye. But it's just one practice option, it won't make or break you, just use what reference you want. An example of bad life size exercise is trying to draw something in front of you that requires you to look both up and down to evaluate it, because that means either the top or bottom or both are outside the natural cone of vision. This can lead to stuff like unnatural proportions and failing to measure accurately by eye, because as you evaluate you are changing the horizon line of your eye, by tilting your head up and down.

>> No.6394565

The real time is 10+ hours. There was a lot of measurements. If it is his original arts(a lot of youtubers copy existing arts and re-coloring in trad way) he probably did a sketch on draft before

>> No.6394954

Does putting paper on your tablet surface make your pen nib wears faster?

>> No.6394985

Does it offer more resistance? If so then yes

physics 101

>> No.6395007

Actualy I think it offers less resistance. My hand slides easier.

>> No.6395467


>> No.6395692

Do I have to somehow learn to see the world in terms of contours in order to draw? I can't wrap my head around lines as a medium. How am I supposed to tell whether a line I draw is "right" or "wrong" when I don't even know what lines are supposed to represent? I can't just go by what looks right because a few lines floating in space will never resemble anything, and at no point do any of my drawings ever start actually looking like something other than meaningless scribbles.

>> No.6395754
File: 190 KB, 500x352, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need lines to draw, unless you specifically want them. Look into mass drawing. In general, painters rarely work with "outlines", so a method like that might be better-suited to you.
The stage that looks like a line drawing is just separating and keeping track of the major forms, and they don't stay in for very long.

>> No.6396011
File: 684 KB, 1200x1200, unknown-265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think this is AI art? I'm not sure, but I'm leaning towards yes.

>> No.6396089

Brush strokes are way too smooth and inconsistent so I'm leaning towards it being AI, or a bad oil painting photoshop filter applied over something. Watch how that background suddenly cuts off at some point. Looks like it's trying to copy the disco elysium style and failing at it.

>> No.6396123

How do I stop thinking I’m a shit artist when I don’t get any likes/(you)s?

>> No.6396124


>> No.6396126

also leaning towards ai, the hand and the area above the eyebrows of the right figure strike me as especially odd, the collars are very strange too. though pretty much anything an ai makes can be painted by a person as well

>> No.6396131

Why do beginners constantly overuse the airbrush tool?

>> No.6396300

The only way to stop thinking that is by changing your mindset. Learn to enjoy making art for yourself, for the sake of creating something. Being good is not related to how much interaction you get from others.

>> No.6396387

Perfect, I did not want to make a thread for this question.

I've been building a world for a few years now. I'm finally settling a lot of informational and conceptual aspects of the kingdoms and civilizations, but am having a hard time envisioning them. I know the details of their locations, architectural stylings, social and economic structures, population density, etc... but I still can't visualize them in a way that helps me immerse into them when I write of them. And I can't draw for shit. So my question is:

If I were to attempt to commission someone to help me bring these designs to life in drawing, about how much would sonething like that cost me?
Details that may help figure out cost adjustments:
>there are four kingdoms, two moderate civilizations that aren't quite kingdoms, one dead kingdom left in ruins underground, and two small or scattered uncivilized groups: 9 in total
>id like between 3-5 images for them; what would likely be around 40 in total
>I don't need incredible detail, or even color (they can be glorified sketches), just enough cohesiveness to clearly understand what I'm looking at
>I have tons of details I can give to help figure out what I'm going for, but I'd still like to corroberate on the first draft or two of each different place to make sure they're at least close to what I want

Thats about it. I'm no fool, I know it is kind of a lot to ask, I have no doubt this could take someone two to three weeks if they did it a few hours a day. So I'm not expecting cheap. But still an idea of what to expect for this would be great. And I would hope too that whoever would do it would want to do it, or be intrigued by the world. Because if it came to that there'd likely be more art needed, and to be corroberated with if I liked what I got. But for right now, this is purely hypothetical. It could still be another year or two before I pull the trigger on sonething like this.

>> No.6396396

unironically, use AI. this is the only sort of stuff it's good for

>> No.6396408

Just base it off RL historical civilizations with some twists.

>> No.6396431

Well midjourneys best plan is the business plan. The 10$ a month isn't worth it at all for only 200 images a month since it takes a lot of refining to get a decent image from a prompt. And if I'm going to do the 30$ a month plan, and it could end up taking several months to get everything I want how I want it, I can easily see me spending what little time I already have to work on other stuff just shuffling random images and paying money to so it. At least with commissions I can work on other stuff while someone does that. But that's not to say midjourney isn't tempting. Just 30$ a month is honestly really steep for what it does.

That's what I've done. Like I said, I know what I want them to look like. But holding it all in my head while trying to write about it too gets tough, and of course certain details get fuzzy the larger and more detailed I try to imagine an area. It would just help a lot of I could have physical references that already look a lot like what I want (like my actual created space, not irl places with similarities) that I can 'jump' into if and when needed. Like I said, I've been at this for years so it's not like I haven't tried most other options. I even tried to learn to draw them myself but that was taking too much time from the actual work I wanted to do.

>> No.6396481

Its using a 3D engine to pose manequinns and extract the lighting information for 2D rendering a lame way to go about rendering?
Will it gimp my skills if I rely on it?

>> No.6396488
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>> No.6396689

I see many anons using digital to study/grind fundies. Is it really a preference thing?

>> No.6396759

What books/sources would you suggest to someone who wants to draw characters, for the medium of comics specifically?

>> No.6396781

Studying digitally helped me a lot. When I returned to painting after about a year of doing digital because I had no access to supplies, I had very noticeably improved. The only thing I would say is that the ability to work with mediums doesn’t really transfer of course, and it’s more important than you might expect. Getting back into mixing paint was a bit frustrating, for example.

>> No.6396822

David Finch has a guide, it's decent. He also has good YouTube videos.

NMA is great, they have a comics curriculum you can follow.

>> No.6396874

Do I really need to learn to art if I can just bank on the fact that I’m a black trans woman to shield me from any criticism?

>> No.6396953

If I am absolute beginner and want to learn to draw anatomically accurate hentai women. Where do I start?
With something like "keys to drawing" book? Some sort of a course (does that mega torrent has something?)? Or something else?

>> No.6396958

Keys to drawing>perspective >figure drawing basically just read the sticky

>> No.6396967

Yes, start with that or Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain to learn how to observe. You can do a course if you think you'll actually stick with it. But you should probably just do one of the beginner books and start trying to draw your hentai women with references.

>> No.6397077
File: 92 KB, 811x947, example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when following drawing books, is it best to just copy down every drawing you see after reading the page?

>> No.6397091

But how do I learn to enjoy anon? I just don’t see any point in doing shit for myself, because why do I matter?

>> No.6397094

Make a summary of the principal idea the text is trying to teach you then you try your best to make a good copy of the drawing

>> No.6397178

you don't matter because you don't do shit for yourself. now what

>> No.6397318

so let me get this straight
to make something look brighter/shinier, I have to make the surroundings darker?

>> No.6397319

Yep. Its about relations.

>> No.6397341

Then nothing matters and life is meaningless

>> No.6397501

Exactly. Might as well just try to find joy in the things you're doing.

>> No.6397658

If someone uploaded my art that was behind a paywall and it was taken to nozomi.la, how do I request for it to be deleted?

>> No.6398406

my tablet pressure sensitivity keeps turning off after i hibernate/sleep my pc, is there any way to restart it(from services/cmd/powershell or something) besides just restarting the computer?

>> No.6398419

In Task Manager, you can restart the service. For Wacom it's WTabletServicePro.

You can make a .bat file with these commands:
NET STOP WTabletServicePro
NET START WTabletServicePro

open the file manually or set it to run automatically when you logon.you can do that in the Task Scheduler

>> No.6398445
File: 53 KB, 295x326, 1607395589050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aight thanks anon!

>> No.6398636
File: 1.59 MB, 2655x1461, Borygon DD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno where to ask so i ask here
how do i draw benis ? :DD
benis und begana
i started drawing each body part separetly to study it
after i joined them together it still looks like shit
but then i realized i i forgot about benis bagina and diddies
so any tutorial step by step for absolute eternal retard begs ?
pic unrelated

>> No.6398667
File: 221 KB, 1280x848, photo_2022-07-26_18-00-59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have stupid questions about digital art and photoshop.
1) Should you practice drawing circles and elipses with digital pad? What percent of smoothing to use?
2) Is there any profits of holding a digital pen like in academic painting?

Also can ypu please suggest drawing course for beginners but with a pad? Or is it ok just practice regular courses/books that were intended for paper and pencil?

>> No.6398670

What's your game plan when it comes to utilizing reference? I'm incredibly impatient and really need help taking time and finding reference for the work I'm trying to do, so any tips would help.

>> No.6398802

What does flipping the canvas do exactly? I don't get it

>> No.6398841

it can make you aware of when your drawing is skewed and uneven, or your character is actually visually "falling over". i don't think it makes sense in all cases, but it often makes mistakes easier to identify

>> No.6398848

It's makes you notice "symmetry" error and sometimes you can even notice errors you haven't seen.

>> No.6398849

>When you are painting you should take a flat mirror and often look at your work within it, and it will then be seen in reverse, and will appear to be by the hand of some other master, and you will be better able to judge of its faults than in any other way.
da Vinci

>> No.6398851

How do I know if i'm applying too much pressure on the tablet? I always feel like i'm pushing down too much to reach full pressure/size/opacity. I have the default pressure curve.

>> No.6398860

if you feel like you should reach max pressure easier, adjust the curve so it's softer. i don't think there are any fixed rules about this, just do what is comfortable for you to work with.

>> No.6398861

Learning to control the arm to apply pressure smoothly and control the width of the line is an art in it of itself.

>> No.6399213
File: 754 KB, 800x937, E1DD3DCE-4D29-4E64-837A-2190DE51F259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d say try asking in the next /salt/ thread. I have a few on dicks and one or two on tits myself but I don’t wanna shit up the thread with them

>> No.6399348

Idk why but firealpaca helps me draw better. Try it. It's free.

>> No.6399454

thank i asked them about it

>> No.6399849
File: 880 KB, 604x800, oil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would I get better crit if I posted this in /begint/ or /trad/? Beg seems to be more focused on critique and fundamentals as a whole but many anons in trad have more experience in painting but commentary is more scarce. Sometimes it's hard to know which general is optimal to post in for help.

>> No.6399856

How can I tell if I'm polishing a turd?

>> No.6399862

Whenever something is a turd, it isn't made with perspective in mind. You'll know it when you see it.

>> No.6400079

From someone that knows little about printing, just basic stuff:
For people that have done printing stuff work for clients, if they want to have stickers and don't know in what paper size they want it, should I just hand them a basic PDF file with a single sticker (like a 2" x 2")? I mean most of YouTube tutorials that I've seen just do one sticker, is it common to send it like that? I doubt this person knows how to use any vector kind of software. I'm thinking about suggesting to this person to choose a paper size (like A4) and let me fill the page up with stickers and send a PDF to him, I know you need to place cutting guides, it's a circular logo. The thing is I'm not sure how printing services handle this, I'm assuming they have some specific paper sizes that they work with, I just don't want to send him an useless file, and I doubt printer services are going to arrange or fill the page up for him, I'm talking like local or small businesses, not big brands that do everything.
I don't even do design work, but I'm not getting any illustration work anyway, so just picked this up for small client stuff.

>> No.6400124
File: 875 KB, 709x919, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you keep piling complexity on top trying to distract from fundamental flaws. A polished turd is like a house built on a shitty foundation, where the most basic things like the base drawing and value scheme are what kill the picture, so no matter what you do there's no saving things outside pretty heavy overpainting or a redraw.
In general, if the building blocks don't already look good it's doubtful things will get any better as you progress.
Of course, this doesn't mean your initial sketch has to be perfect or anything like that, far from it. Just that if you're progressing from a fundamentally flawed premise then spending an eternity polishing comparatively superficial things won't make much difference.

>> No.6400223
File: 391 KB, 860x776, 17-178490_rich-thinking-emoji-thinking-face-emoji-transparent-background.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

despite being a proud, viril male, people think im a woman based on my art style.
is this exploitable?

>> No.6400444
File: 232 KB, 433x479, burnout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I handle learning burnout?

I know that making bad drawings is inevitable while learning, but I'm getting tired of feeling frustrated every time I draw. I think I'm burned out and its affecting my productivity.

>> No.6400447
File: 434 KB, 1179x1026, ss (2022-12-03 at 14.59).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what step must i take to learn how to color illustrations like these? drawing is fine, but coloring like this is a mystery to me

>> No.6400457

looks like many flat colors to me. hard round brush, unironically for the shapes, then lock alpha and draw on top. and to get a coherent color scheme, they probably used gradient maps on a b+w sketch, though they could have used a color pallette the defined beforehand with the same result.

>> No.6400507

How come some people regress in their art over the years? I'll sometimes see old works by an artist that looks better than their new stuff
How do I prevent that from happening to me?

>> No.6400515

capitalism makes people less inclined to experiment, because at some point in the current society you have to market yourself + "your style" as a product and deliver relatively consistent results to your customers/boss.
so many artists experiment around first, to find a style that has enough mass appeal to get them commisions/work, but then are afraid of backlash/being fired when changing anything too much... it's difficult to suddenly do something different freely when your survival depends on it.

>> No.6400545

How tocopy the plates from Charles Bargue course effectively?

>> No.6400564

They say to scan the book and use editing software to enlarge it by 2x~3x lol. Then just put it next to your sketch book and sight size it. The book says the measurements will be approximate but YouTubers tend to go for exact 1:1 ratio for some reason.

>> No.6400574

So traditional is the way to go, at first I thought digital would be better since you don't have to print things out and you can overlap the layers to spot mistakes.
But I guess doing it traditionally wouldn't hurt either way. Thanks sir.

Uhh but is it necessary to make it gigabig? Normal a4 or a3 size wouldn't suffice?

>> No.6400586

Oh that's because the pirate pdfs tend to be lower quality. If you've got a book then it'll need less magnification of course.

>> No.6400701

Yes. The machine clearly doesn't understand what it is painting. It is aping impressionistic brushstrokes that do not represent natural movement or direction, several of the forms are confusing and don't represent what they're meant to, several decisions are dubious. No human would have painted this way. By the time a human had acquired the skill to paint in this fashion, he would have understood it better.

>> No.6400739

I'd say /begint/ for general critique, and /trad/ if you're looking for help/advices that are specific to the traditional technique.

>> No.6400952

Just use these versions of the plates you silly billies

>> No.6401362
File: 1.24 MB, 2446x2446, KpWPX961xmeW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you say arr commissions similar to pic rel are worth thousands of dollars?

See tweet for context:

>> No.6401473

Why do people consistently have trouble drawing hands/feet?

>> No.6401487

Only lazy fucks can't draw hands or feet

>> No.6401869

Yes, but only because it's a big company and they're paying for copyrights, in some countries that amount is more than decent, which is why they didn't budge for higher payment.
Unless you have good ideas and can pump them out when required for a certain market (and you deliver quickly and are easy to work with, even if pretending, like the person in that Twitter post) aping this style will only get you so far. The artist in question may have enough experience marketing himself or has been in big projects in this field to play push and pull with them, likely has connections and can afford to drop those big clients while making screencap whining posts, everyone that is trying to get his foot in the door would never do that.

>> No.6401941

I'm planning to go to my first Open model session next week. What materials should I bring? I mostly do digital art so I'm not sure, a #2 Pencil and a notebook?

>> No.6402029

dumb american

>> No.6402218

I don't know about open model sessions, but for trad drawing I'd recommend a pencil softer than no. 2, or better yet a charcoal pencil instead of a graphite one.

>> No.6402234

what's a drop shadow?

>> No.6402265

My goal don't really go further than being an average-minus digital drawfag and funmaxxing?
Is it okay for me to also copy 2D art I like instead of just copying real life photos if I want to gmi to my humble goal?
It kinda answers itself, but I'll post anyway in case someone wants to give me an input

>> No.6402401

Is there such a thing as over-rendering?

>> No.6402427
File: 144 KB, 1000x1038, lulupainting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one get started to learn digital painting. I want to do pinups like so, for both for fun and commisisons but have little clue where to start.

I do have an iPad with Procreate if that helps. Was thinking maybe doing small sketches in ballpoint then transferring over to paint over or something.

>> No.6402488

Anything is good as long as you're using copying as a vehicle for analysis and understanding, which is what you're supposed to gain from those studies. Even academic artists copy line drawings from other people, except they go with old masters instead of comic artists.
Just do them while keeping proportions and 3D form in mind and you'll be good.

>> No.6402522

thanks anon!
Yeah I want to understand the thought process even a little bit.
It's super simplified but CITY by Arawi is something I want to imitate among many other things.

>> No.6402812
File: 101 KB, 802x786, 65745634533546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I follow some artists on social media because I really like their work and show it by leaving some positive feedback sometimes so as to thank them for the nice art. But then some of them do the same to me. Initially I thought my work was actually appreciated and liked, but then I figure that they might only be doing it because I complimented them. I post literally anything and they'll come praising it even if it's deliberate garbage. It really feels like just some "you scratch my back I scratch yours" and has literally zero to do with the actual drawing. It kind of made me feel like shit. I tried showing my drawings to other people that told me they were "meh" at best and had issues. Of course it strengthened my idea. Am I just being a schizo here?

>> No.6402820
File: 227 KB, 776x1119, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6402969

What's the face distorting effect called around 2:35 https://youtu.be/Qz8vG-qiwgE?t=155 and how do I do it? I've never touched After Effects and know only the very basics of animating. To make videos like this, would the things I'll need only be After Effects and an animation program?

>> No.6402975

No you're not being schizo, it's just part of building social networks on the platform. Also, it's just them being grateful in return anon. You can try talking to them on DM's if you want to try getting their actual thoughts on your work.

>> No.6403125
File: 195 KB, 1280x720, hiroshi nagai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats this art style called?
You see it all over the place in old 80s Japanese albums.
Hiroshi Nagai popularized it but googling doesn't help besides giving his history.

>> No.6403147

Arawi's art would actually be pretty useful since he always employs a good sense of form and 3D space. Part of what makes copying other artists a good method of study is figuring out how they achieve difficult things like illusion of depth, so studying his work would definitely be helpful.

>> No.6403167

city pop

>> No.6403311

1) Should I create a personal or business paypal? What's the difference?
2) I often saw artists' paypal blocked. What's the reason? Is it too many transactions and paypal gets suspicious?

>> No.6403409
File: 658 KB, 1080x1595, Screenshot_20221205_032041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, just got this strangely relevant ad on twitter. Looks like a great resource for studying!

>> No.6403511

For now I was just going to see how he does cartoony expressions and action poses and what about them makes me feel good so I can make my own stuff that conveys emotion like that.
His neat 3D space stuff kinda feels way beyond my level. I hardly know basic perspective.

>> No.6403518

Is "Flipping the canvas" a meme or should I just stick to work on making my art looks decent from the angle it's intended to look at?

>> No.6403641

what's the standard for uploading multiple images on twitter

>> No.6403655

How do I come up with a good username for posting my art under?

>> No.6403671

You could make it related to your niche. Well, that's what authors(writers) who choose pen names do, make it related to their genre.

>> No.6403945

what is the best paint type and medium for painting outside in temps below freezing?

>> No.6404022

I was trying out ink painting yesterday, using some liquitex lamp black. It had real bad flow out of the bottle, and when I watered it down the flow was fine, but the opacity was mediocre. Any reccomendations on brands that have better flow or opacity?

>> No.6404039
File: 57 KB, 495x685, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flipping canvas is as much of a meme as looking at your easel from far away or looking at it reflected on a mirror. It's just a basic way of checking yourself that's been done since time immemorial.
It's just supposed to give you another view of the piece since once you grow too accustomed to it, mistakes are more difficult to notice. Even if it looks "decent" at its intended angle to you, it could be all manners of fucked-up and uneven to everyone else.
That said, only flipping your canvas and doing it too often might desensitize you to the mistakes. For maximum effect, only flip it every so often and be sure to take breaks.

>> No.6404351

how instructor draws accurately in one stroke without erasing or ctrl z?

>> No.6404362

he doesn't draw in one stroke, he ghosts almost all of the lines first, and goes over the same line multiple times.

>> No.6404372

anon... counting reps

>> No.6404434
File: 615 KB, 700x700, 1657636407836338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many hours did it take until you started to only feel 99% disappointed with your art instead of 100%? Asking for a friend.

>> No.6404439

I asked last year on /beg/ when it was just /beg/ and they told me it takes 2 years minimum.

>> No.6404442
File: 94 KB, 1125x1107, 1654357682588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pain, but also pain.

>> No.6404455
File: 65 KB, 824x1080, 1649731449216.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6404470
File: 523 KB, 595x578, gfgdfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get started with AI art? I want to use it as a tool like I do Pinterest and Other sites for a more diverse range on references to draw from

>> No.6404501
File: 881 KB, 1047x630, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the people who follow you for smut don't wanna see none of that gay artsy shit.
>The people who follow you for your art don't wanna see none of that depravity.

Shit that explains alot. I mix the two and think nobody cares but this makes a lot of sense.

>> No.6404639

I imagine asking on /g/'s /sdg/ threads might be more fruitful

>> No.6404800
File: 184 KB, 726x585, sfysfhsfhsfh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this pose called?

>> No.6404803


>> No.6404805

very uncomfortable for the guy pose

>> No.6404808

Reading Vilppu, it seems the only thing I need to do is draw alongside him the figure on his book, is that it or is there anything else I need to keep in mind (aside from the usual observation and paying attention to what's being done)?

>> No.6404811

How the fuck do I get more people to see my art on Instagram? I see all these independent artists with thousands of followers and I don't understand where they come from. Aren't these artists just posting stuff to the platform just like me? Are they all whoring themselves out to bot farms or something? I just don't get how people jump from a handful of random followers to 10k when they're just posting nice art into the void.

>> No.6404820

YouTubers usually say that the "algorithm" decides if you're GMI or NGMI. You just need to be lucky I guess.

>> No.6404821

Yeah I've had a couple friends at this point tell me that some random post of theirs "went viral" and they got like 5000% more activity on their account for 48 hours. Feels fake as fuck, I wish everything was back to how it was in the early Myspace and DeviantArt days.

>> No.6404904

'm making a comic, it's not manga, it's more in a western style. I'm done with the scrip for the first issues (around 3 pages long), where can I get feedback on it?

>> No.6404923

The guy who did the art for Lilo and Stitch did

>> No.6405131
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Your activity is a factor. Many children beg accounts get thousands of followers because they are composed of other children. Kids are easily exciteable and love spamming comments everywhere and sharing almost anything they come across which is activity, and instagram likes activity. They also do a lot of follow-for-follow and engage with each other all the time, spreading themselves through word of mouth. That's why you may see some garbage accounts with a lot of followers. You can do it too, but it may not bring the most healthy audience.

Another thing is just trends, really. You just have to get in on the new thing early and you're bound to get some recognition sooner or later depending on luck. There are also artists that started elsewhere and garnered following from other socials like twitter. Many artists have a lot of socials and the little reach they get on all of them kind of adds up in the end.

Lastly, if you just post what you draw and wait for a return, it's very unlikely to get anywhere unless you're a gigaluckchad and algorithm blesses you. You'll need to put in some work in advertising yourself and getting your name out there either by interacting with other users/artists, or you can join some art contests, draw trends and challenges.

>> No.6405748
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I'm thinking of starting a fiverr account. I really just want to get experience doing commissions but I've heard some bad things... anybody had any bad experiences?

>> No.6405757

Instagram loves reels so you gotta upload short videos

>> No.6405828

Should I draw at 72 or 300 dpi?

>> No.6405835

300 or higher if you want to print it. If you won't then it doesn't matter.

>> No.6405844

Draw in whatever resolution your system can manage. DPI just stands for dots per inch and that is a pretty meaningless standard unless you are making print media for somewhere that uses the imperial measurement system. Generally just set the image size by pixels alone instead of pixels per inch or cm unless you have been specifically instructed otherwise.

>> No.6405859
File: 2.52 MB, 4500x4500, Kenji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So I need to ask about stickers. Should I create a new thread here or do these kinds of questions belong to another board?

I got a person interested in purchasing stickers of my stuff. How do you fellas go about doing that? Are there any pitfalls to avoid? What's your experience/problems? Do you print at a local shop and then send or do you print them in bulk using a website? How do you ship? Do you use Etsy or a personal shop? How do you receive payment?

>> No.6405871

I don't know but I have heard stickers are pretty cheap and easy to make as a stretch goal for those who make their own comics so that may be a good idea where to look for advice.

>> No.6405875

>that may be a good idea where to look for advice.

Where? You mean the stylization threads or another board such as /co/? Where do comic creators hang out?

>> No.6406047
File: 73 KB, 1219x850, mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the transparency mask ignored when I color my layer 1?

>> No.6406096

I like Standout Stickers personally, they make high quality and durable vinyl stickers and if I remember correctly, the prices are pretty competitive. I wouldn't use a company that's much cheaper than them, print quality starts to drop off. Etsy is fine if you plan to have a sustained business but they take a cut, so if this is more of a one-off deal you should probably just get the person to Venmo or Paypal you or something.

Short videos of my static 2D art??

>> No.6406227

How do you draw something being stopped in its tracks by something invisible if it's an object? I can't come up with anything unless the object gets either compressed from the sudden slowdown, or it bounces off something.

>> No.6406228

Who are some of the best artists on /ic/?

>> No.6406247 [DELETED] 
File: 258 KB, 540x524, 1661160121451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By showing the object right before it hits the invisible thing. They have a section about this in the Animator's Survival Guide. You're probably not animating but I think it can still be applied.

>> No.6406250
File: 258 KB, 540x524, 1665938807892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By showing the object right before it hits the invisible thing. They have a section about this in the Animator's Survival Guide. You're probably not animating but I think it can still be applied.

>> No.6406491

Does Krenz have any specific courses I should look for?
I see people mention him a lot and I'm wondering what I should be learning from.

>> No.6406546

None of his shit is translated!

>> No.6406553

Me. I’m the best artist.

>> No.6406559

This guy -> >>6406553

>> No.6406568

I dont know how insta works but they way to do it on twitter is get a retweet from someone with a big following, thats how i got my core base of followers. Just interact with big accounts enough that they will promote you, do fanart of them if you have to.

>> No.6406585

I did see some stuff in online courses club, but haveb't managed to download it yet.

Tbh I'm not sure how people use his instructions. Do you need to join an actual course with him, does he do specific tutorials, is it just video guides..?

>> No.6406598

Some are subtitled.

>> No.6406805
File: 2.17 MB, 1280x1577, sniperfang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What medium is picrel and how is that stippled gradient look achieved (I'm assuming its not a digital painting). Is it airbrush? special type of canvas?
Alot of old sci fi and fantasy pulp paintings have the same kind of texture and look and I desperately want to know how to mimic it.

>> No.6407496

What kind of pencil lead should i use with a mechanical pencil 0.5mm? For now i'm using a 2B, but i don't like when it shines

>> No.6408419

Is it okay to draw a single piece in a couple of hours and contemplate it twice as long after? I tend to do it a lot. I do notice a lot of things that I could or should have done differently for later, but I could also just draw something different in the meantime.
I also waste way too much time on adding details that may make the piece worse as a result.

>> No.6408422

How do i update my cracked clip studio paint ex while keeping my brushes and settings?

>> No.6408433

You just download the new version and installer will simply update what you have. All the settings should be the same.

>> No.6408624


Great, thanks anon.

>> No.6408757

every graphite lead will shine, you need to use charcoal if you don't want it to

>> No.6409030

If you set your canvas in pixel, then ignore dpi.
If you set your canvas in other than pixels (inch, mm, cm), then set the dpi 200 or 300

>> No.6409829


If you set it to 254dpi, 100 pixel will be equal 1cm when printing. This information will be usefull only for your printer. You can even delete it with some programs (the printer will assume a default dpi value).

If you need to print something at a specific size, change the dpi. But be careful, most programs by default will try to automatically change the pixel size and resample the image, in order to make the same print size. Find the setting to disable this and let you change the dpi without resampling.