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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 44 KB, 320x320, 675-6755171_feel-when-no-gf-hd-png-download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6380406 No.6380406 [Reply] [Original]

>Discover I want to be an illustrator in mid 20s starting with no skill no talent
>Tried for 2 years, terrible work ethic, terrible study habits that kept me leveling up at a snails pace
>Friends and family tell me to give up
>Depression pilled up so I quit got a normie job
>Regret of giving up made me even more depressed
> Spend the next few years letting go of baggage that lead to depression, getting aderall to sit down and focus, and being older and having a job let me figure out leaning a new skill takes dedication
>Saves enough money to go to collage
>One month into school Covid hits
>All my of teachers check out mentally
> mom dies
>Depression likes of which I didn't even know were possible
>This year finally out of hole ready to try again
>Depression creeps up every once in a while but I'm actually seeing improvement first time in my life
>Finally habit is fully formed drawing 6 hours a day minimum and i'm enjoying it
>Gave up any social media not related to art, only plays video games time late at night when my meds start wearing off
>Family and friends think I do nothing all day
>If I try to explain they tell me to give up and settle for a minimum wage job

My cousin called me yesterday told me I should move to Nevada and work as a house cleaner. I told her all I do is draw and study for most of the day and she literally replied with "Oh god we gotta get you out of the house."

When I was going to school my sister told me I should drop out and be a truck driver. When I told her how much I was improving she said "And how much is that paying you?"

When I tell my friends I don't wanna play video games for 5 hours a day id rather draw they talk about how much I don't hang out with them anymore and say "I can't wait till you hurry up and get bored so I can be in discord again.

Its starting to get to me.

>> No.6380414

Hang in there, anon, the fact that you're dedicated and working at it means you'll make it. I'm sorry about your mom.

>> No.6380417

I get how utterly retarded chasing after this is. I get even IF I get good it doesn't mean id have any work.

I know this is what I want to do. I know if I stop im just going to live with regret. I have so much bitterness and rage building up even tho im finally doing good, no bullshit im working extremely hard but I feel the depression coming back and I know the exact source of it this time.

Im "lucky" enough to have a well of boomer dad that is so medicated and emotionally checked out he doesn't give a fuck what I do. So im in a spot where I can work and not worry about money

What would you do if you were me?

>> No.6380419

Thank you, I hope I can actually do it this time

>> No.6380424

I'm sorry about your mom anon, maybe try getting a part time gig as a compromise to get your family off you if you aren't already, and maybe try finding like-minded friends? Getting a productive circle of art friends could help motivate you even more, and maybe you all could support each other artistically.

>> No.6380436

Thank you, I was thinking of giving myself a dead line. If I don't like where I am by January id look into getting work and making drawing lesser of a priority.

Yeah i've been looking around and commenting on a few art social things but haven't met many people yet

My friends aren't evil, like they aren't being super shitty about me wanting to devote time to working on my art they want to hang out and im thankful I have people that care about me. I think they think I just don't like them anymore.

I don't show them my art because its embarrassing when you devote this much time and your results are still nothing special. Like even tho ive done a lot im still very very far from my goals

>> No.6380492
File: 807 KB, 2953x3508, artoria_pendragon_(alter_swimsuit_rider)_(fate) jeanne_d'arc_alter_(fate) solar (happymonk).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry about your mom anon.
I'm disabled. I live on neetbux from big daddy gobernment. I spent 3 years lying in bed staring at the ceiling, in so much pain most of the time that I was seriously contemplating suicide just to make the pain stop.
I'm a lot better now than I was before but I'm still a neet loser.
While cooming I discovered that I actually really really like well illustrated human forms.
I started to remember my love of comic books and manga from when I was a young child before my life totally went to shit (darkhorse clone wars comics and beet the vandal buster manga were my favourite).
Suddenly start looking up how to draw.
find this board.
download all the books from the sticky and even bought a couple on amazon. Been working on fun with a pencil but im literally that meme of the depressed anime girl drawing loomis heads while she has anime heads on her monitor (i can't find it sorry).
problem is that I just can't draw as much as i would like to. sometimes its because i don't have any energy to even sit upright and other its because im in so much pain that i hold my pencil in a death grip while my hands are sweating rivers. I pretty much gave up on life at this point but if I ever get healthy I want to actually try to make it as an art man. I need so little to be happy I just want to draw and not be in pain. I would love to get a job even at mcdonalds even just part time to go out and socialize with people and make a little extra money and have a nice break from art studying. that would be my ideal life.
I would give anything to just be normal. it takes me like 30 minutes to draw a loomis bloog head and most days I can scrounge up enough to draw for maybe an hour or so throughout the day. ive had weeks were i was so sick that i couldn't draw anything and i sort of hate myself for it. my progress is glacial and my everything sucks. my lines are so shaky and uneven and it takes me a week to finish a loomis page or a small drawingits depressing.

>> No.6380494
File: 713 KB, 1842x1302, 1665645966968760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I turn 24 in a couple of days. I used to be depressed that half my friends are fucking doctors now while i dropped out of uni. Since something clicked inside my head a couple of months ago I suddenly don't care anymore. I don't care anymore about getting a high status career, about being rich, about dying a virgin. I just don't care. All I want to do is make art until I die. I don't care if I have to live in a cardboard box while working fast food part time as long as i have the time and energy to draw.
If it wasn't for fucking hentai opening up my eyes to the beauty of art I would literally have no reason to go on living right now.
every day I don't draw is like a kick in the nuts. im trying to fight through th epain just to draw. every fucking week i have at least one fucking episode were i fucking break down screaming and crying at my fucking skechbook because i just want to fuckingg draw but my body and my brain are fucking failing me. My vision is fucking blurry from the pain and the drugs and its so hard to fucking concentrate that im half considering practicing drawing with my fucking eyes closed.
anyways sorry for the vent. I just really felt something wehn i read your post. hang in there fucking man i would fucking anally rape myself with a cactus to be in your fucking situation right now. I don't care how fucking talentless i am or how hard it will be or if I ever even "make it" all i want to do is fucking draw.

>> No.6380507

incels be like

>> No.6380509

Yo i remember giving you crits, want to be friends on Discord? Me and a couple of lads have been grinding for 2-3 years now and I think you'd fit right in.
Same for you anon, I truly feel for you.
I'm in a similar situation of feeling inadequate, although mine is moreso from comparing myself with my peers and just being mediocrely average.

>> No.6380526


Holy shit, first off I'm sorry you have to deal with all of this, hope things get better for you. I appreciate you writing that. My problems are microscopic in comparison.

Are those your drawings? If so i'm not just saying this to be nice, those are great. You are absolutely at a skill level shared by a small percentage of artists. Idk what your goals are but id be so proud to be where you are.

Don't be self conscious about your age. When I was 24 I felt like I wasted my 20s 29 now and I realize how silly it is to think 24 was suppose to be my peak. Im sure when im 40 ill realize how silly im being right now about worrying about 30. Neet life sucks hard sometimes but don't feel ashamed when you know you're trying to break out.

>> No.6380528
File: 179 KB, 1080x1581, cutesexyrobutts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not me. Ive been steeling things from this board for months and hoarding them in a folder. I really like this anons drawing and it was easy to study from since he drew the lines simply and you can even see some construction underneath. i would post my attempted studies but they are dogshit and i would be embarassed. sorry i should have made clear in my post that the picture wasnt mine. I just really liked it. i want to be able to draw like this anon someday. i like his lines a lot and they are drawn in a rough enough style that i thought it would be achievable for me but i was wrong.
hahahah i bet ur vagina smells bad

>> No.6380534
File: 398 KB, 1200x675, 94862CA6-DBF1-47B1-A625-FD62E5F6E39C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys post socials I’ll follow you. I want to make frens and shit can be pretty raw out there. I’d rather have iron sharpen iron.
I’ve been dealing with a recent death in the family and a make-or-break deadline, I’m wicked stressed and browsing /ic/ of all things is the only thing that’s calming my anxiety while my hands are tied by travel and family obligations. I feel you.
Having been in your shoes not even a whole year ago I would actually persist and keep on drawing, as long as you’re not living like shit and you have your expenses covered. Even if you started working and it was a serious time commitment I’d still continue drawing seriously. I didn’t start making real money off of my art for at least that first 5-6 years of drawing, and I didn’t go pro until this year and I’m 26. I’m not even as good as half of /ic/, I’m probably half the draftsmen you are, but it’s paying my expenses and I’ve moved out, and we’re still going, it’s like a life raft that has a fixed supply of food and water and I don’t know if I’ll actually make it to land. But I’m afloat right now so I’ve gotta paddle.
That’s a pretty tight deadline for something that’ll always be a continual life journey, be a bit easier on yourself.
You’re already great man. I seriously mean it, and I want to see you continue. Whatever is eating at your body, all I see are 1) very well constructed bodies for Otachan(I think?), I could be fooled into thinking these were production sketches, and 2) monumental triumph of raw skill and craft, and triumph over whatever disability you’ve got.
And you’re definitely a better draftsman than I am despite whatever illness stops you from drawing more.

I’m a sappy max character limit blogposter but I hope that both of you guys will be alright. You seem like real lads and it’d be cool if we became friends.
You too man. Let’s all fucking make it together.

>> No.6380535
File: 1.16 MB, 1125x1203, 1659088212670473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sory picture wasnt mine, i really liked it and so i stole it form a thread here i dont even remember how long ago. i have a cheep drawing tablet but ive been kinda so fucked up i put learning digital aside. im just trying to learn how to draw forms well with pencil and paper and i feel like learning digital would be too much of a distraction right now.
thank you for your kind words. i don't want to turn this hole thing into a dick measuring contest of who has it harder cuase ive seen kids in hospital with fuckng terminal brain cancers and shit. I got it easy enough that i can complain on a basketweaving forum. i just feel so bad when people post about their problems on this board and others about their insecurities and so on and i just feel like im on another fucking planet.

if i remmebr correctly that anon >>6380494 whos work i stole was actually very hard on himself and asking how he could improve or something. sure maybe its not the best work ever but its soo fucking good compared to my level. I would die happy if i could draw like this anon. im using this and other peices to try to inspire myself to keep going. I just hope you fuckers who arent as fucked up as me can use my fucked up life to realize that what you have is a fucking gift. nothing matters except ur ability to hold a fucking pencil :*(

>> No.6380539
File: 2.54 MB, 498x498, me right now.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"guys im so passionate about art and im so depressed and misunderstood"
>open thread expecting latent creative genius and passion
>thread is literally a bunch of depressed virgins that idolize deformed amputee anime figures and FOTM fanart
animefags really are something else. you have no original characters or stories to tell, you literally fucking idolize goyslop fanart and /beg/ boob doodles, and you've memed yourself into thinking that hentai art and FOTM likefarming is worth dying in poverty over. jesus

>> No.6380540

>>6380534 >>6380535 >>6380509

Yeah If anyone has any art community discords id be down to join, I don't really use any other social thing tho

>> No.6380544
File: 20 KB, 401x400, 1665609273795764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 months ago i didnt know how to draw a fucking circle. now i know who van gogh is and have a book of his letters on my bedside table that i read before bed. you can suck nmy fat fucking munkey nuts. anime girls are the only thing that has reached out to me in my entire fucking life.

>> No.6380545
File: 97 KB, 896x1220, 0AFCDB03-7354-4849-A711-7B043EB8FB81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not me. Ive been steeling things from this board for months and hoarding them in a folder
Oh okay, I feel that lol. I’m also a hoarder, for me it’s Gogalking and Guweiz, Mackle, Kojo Tanno.
Well I’m still proud of you anon, for aspiring to greatness and enduring more than your fair share of pain to get there. And if you’ve got socials or something I still wouldn’t mind following your journey man.

>> No.6380549

The thread is literally about sucking so badly everyone around me thinks i'm a retard and I don't draw henti

>> No.6380551

so true!

>> No.6380553
File: 180 KB, 590x902, 1657757169232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry i don't have any socials. understandably enough i don't even really talk to anyone irl or online. ive been trying to learn to draw for months but i havent post a single thing even on this board. i just feel like i don't have anything worth showing but total beg loomis shit and hectic doodles and never finished studies. maybe ill try to finish something and post it with the signature "painposter" or something lol so you guys know its me. i just don't feel like im in a place where i can socialize with anyone right now. even this thread is more than ive posted on 4chan in months probably but i really wish all of you well. you are all gonna fucking make it.

>> No.6380560
File: 80 KB, 896x630, FAAB0F1C-E641-4131-A026-9DCC78AC085A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have no original characters or stories to tell
Don’t you dare shit-talk Henry Toucan, you don’t know his lore.

>> No.6380563

based and gmi

>> No.6380574
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, C1EF26B4-76CB-460F-8FF6-9E5C80F9E995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not mine actually, I was just memeing. Gif rel is actually me.
Now that I’m showing my face around here might as well post links. DM me for discord if that’s more your speed.
I almost only lurk and collect memes from here, so if anyone recognized me from here that’d mean you’ve been browsing since the last time I posted my art, like 3 years ago. You wouldn’t have missed much, I have only improved in animation, my draftsmanship needs a kick in the ass.
Something about anons in this thread made me think you guys were for realsies though, it’d be cool just to encourage each other. I hope that all of you persist.
No matter what kind of person or artist you are, living is an act of aggression against immeasurable darkness, and I hope you guys keep fighting.
I might drop into the various study threads when life goes back to normal and I’m not under such extreme duress that I sincerepost on fucking /ic/ lmao

>> No.6380577

>you have no original characters or stories to tell
Do you?

>> No.6380579

>gif no gif
Fugg. Aight.

>> No.6380580

Suicide is always an option.

>> No.6380582
File: 638 KB, 1079x1164, 42F49996-2E3D-4692-84CB-11CEA05AF3A8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will persist long past my welcome and will absolutely make it a problem for others.

>> No.6380609

If you could still draw after work and draw on weekends, it's still enough time to work on it

>> No.6380620

you sound like you're surrounded by total retards. No one i know is arrogant enough to shove their nose in my life like that

>> No.6380674

That sums up my existence pretty well.

>> No.6380898

Anime website.

>> No.6380938

Good for you man. I couldn’t do it myself, brother and cousins guilted me into coming back to discord and wasting time with them

>> No.6380965
File: 49 KB, 273x272, 1641399138261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, all I can do is share my own path:

I sustained myself for 4 years with my own art, it was a frugal/barebones living, but it was independent. Even helped my parents financially a little.

Then Covid hit and I came back to my parents, they sustain me. They don't pressure me to find a job or anything, but there's always this silent aura/implication that yes, I should find a job so I don't become some homeless old man.

However, my art was not profitable anymore and I didn't do anything for 2 years.
Every time I got a gig, the comments would be the same: "Only that much? Even a house maid gets paid more for a day's worth of work."

Every single time. And that is not only with jobs. When I started exercising physically, my sedentary brother commented: "your form is all wrong, it'd be better not to exercise at all".

In short, no one is urging me to fly, but every time I BEGIN to take off, there is questioning on why I'm not at the highest heights yet.

This took a big toll on me, to a point where I didn't feel like drawing at all, but also didn't want to work with anything else.
I finally found a job last year where I can be comfortable (language teaching) and my pay was around half minimum wage.
I got a lot of criticism for it, but for the first time it wasn't just a job for peanuts, it was a job for a small, but real salary.

And that gave me all the motivation I needed to go back to drawing, now with zero guilt about having to make some profit off of it.
Now, if I ever open dirty cheap commissions, they will not be all I have and I will not feel bad for making so little: they are bonuses, I have my own, separate wage that doesn't depend on my art.

Right now I'm making 150% of minimum wage with my job, by the way, so there was an improvement.

Keep studying, OP, that's what I did with my free time (but languages) and now it's paying off. Just beware about attaching your self-worth to your skills too much. And don't wait until "perfect" if that holds you back.

>> No.6380983
File: 898 KB, 1899x1623, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6380999

anon why are you just now realizing that you cannot live solely on what you consider your passion?

>> No.6381132

i can kind of relate anon. i think the toughest lesson for everyone in the world to learn is that you cannot buy time, it must be spent wisely on the things that are truly meaningful to you. if working 6 hours a day on drawing is what brings you away from deep depression then that is what you should be doing. But also your sister is right-- if you are not already employed and are in a situation where you need to build up money then you absolutely should get a job, at least part time.

>> No.6381186
File: 1.54 MB, 1216x768, 1668539428236346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind anime style proportions at all but I agree. When OP said fucking hentai was the thing that inspired them to draw I could no longer take him seriously. It's obvious he's a bugman that wants to draw soulless AI-core shit like pic related and that's it

>> No.6381187


>> No.6381195

nice blog posting, learn ai

>> No.6381323


>> No.6381460

honestly anon, as much as i want to encourage you to draw, i think getting a career and a stable source of income is your number one priority right now.
if your art is good enough, try posting your portfolio to companies to try and get hired. if that doesn't work, then you should try and get a part-time job, then a full-time job.
once that's settled, you should try and cram as much drawing time as you can in your free time.
i would recommend you draw first thing in the morning before going to work once that's settled.
you have to be able to take care of yourself anon.

>> No.6381462

you'll never be ear gogh

>> No.6381547
File: 123 KB, 1080x646, 83838282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will improve fast if you stop drawing tranime

>> No.6381549

Post your work

>> No.6381583

Absolutely agreed, draw realism

>> No.6381725

why is this board so obsessed with trans people?

>> No.6381748

this is the closes they will get to meeting a "female"

>> No.6381920
File: 170 KB, 1080x1620, ff14 tifa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your reading comprehension is dogshit. OP wasn't the poster who was inspired to draw by hentai it was me... responding to OP. The first thing I wrote in the entire post was saying how I was sorry for OP losing his mother. You are accusing OP (or me) of being a bugman for appreciating hentai art yet you are a retard yourself and also that AI image you posted is HORRENDOUS. If I am a coomer I am a connoisseur of the fine art of hentai. More so than any of you plebs that look at all "anime" style art and write it all off without a second glance as below you. People who actually care about this kind of art would look at you like you just shit in their creme brulee. Seriously look at that image. The blond guy literally has down syndrome, all the eyes and faces are fucked up, the guy on the far right... can someone please do a draw-over to explain what the fuck is going on with his legs???? The folds on the pants seem to suggest his left leg is kicking toward the camera while his ass faces us but were is the leg? What is that object of clothing seemingly sticking towards the camera supposed to be? Does he have a bunny tail on his ass? Is the blond guy also wearing a skin coloured bunny suit under his overcoat? And what the hell is even going on with the background? Everything is wrong with it but just look at the top left? What the fuck even is that? Also I think I recognize what image the pink haired girl on the right's face was plagiarized from and holy GOD what is wrong with her legs? This entire image is a mimetic hazard and an affront to God and nature. The most cynical depraved hentai art has an infinite amount more soul than this garbage. I could literally draw better anatomy than that and I've been learning to draw for like a month. Nauseating garbage that only looks OK in 100x100 pixel thumbnails. Disgusting shit like this is why I hide all threads with AI in them. I come to this board to be inspired not to be pissed of and get a headache.

>> No.6382052
File: 3.34 MB, 498x373, AA937A53-5DF0-4B45-A5BF-B66C584AFB6A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I’m with you man. Ibs is ruining my life, almost in feeding tube territory. Im also an aging life failure who still lives with mom and has no prospects or talent aside from drawing. Never had a gf or real relationship.

>Future is bleak but I still draw.
>In pain but still draw.
>No one cares about my art but still draw.

It’s all we have so we must draw.

>> No.6382467

>draw realism
>become no better than your average soulless slav artist who sold their soul for godly rendering skills

>> No.6382501

>Discover I want to be an illustrator in mid 20s starting with no skill no talent
Started late 20s for me. In my 30s now, I'm a boomer but be sure to work out to keep a good looking appearance. Otherwise, to make it is very possible. You just need to learn to not be a bitch.

>> No.6382678

>Family and friends think I do nothing all day
>If I try to explain they tell me to give up and settle for a minimum wage job

this hit too close to home anon.

Fuck'em man. If nobody in your life cares about your dreams, there's no reason for you to care about them or their opinions. Might sound harsh because it implies you're all alone, but it's the truth.

Get a part time job to survive and study/do your own projects in the time left.
Find people who give a shit about who you are and your struggle, slowly distance yourself from everyone else.

When you finally make it you'll be feeling like Jesse Pinkman walking into the house he bought from his parents who never believed in him.

>> No.6382693

didn't read, shit begs and ints draw is even worse than the AI image the dude posted

>> No.6383119
File: 313 KB, 1263x1060, Rifaxikem-550mg-Tablet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry to hear that. I had really bad ibs as a teen and I basically cured it with antibiotics. If your ibs does not involve constipation then this antibiotic called Rifaximin is considered standard for treating mild to severe ibs. Have you tried it before?

>> No.6383127
File: 462 KB, 800x800, 1666989521802405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol tard. Get absolutely shit on by begs who can draw 2 eyes looking in the same direction. Nobody wants to see your soulless photobashed hyperrendered garbage fucking ni

>> No.6383160
File: 207 KB, 768x1024, 1662500067829261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russia takes art education extremely seriously. Your average slave can paint realism better by the age of 14 than your art university graduates can by graduation. Good luck competing on classical painting. Anime style is very popular at the moment and actually achievable for most of us.

>> No.6383192

Drop art bro, your life will never get better

>> No.6383205

That cats head is on backwards

>> No.6383210

I wish I was I had Slav art education... How did they get so good

>> No.6383253
File: 89 KB, 800x533, children-tour-national-museum-russian-art-st-petersburg-russia-september-excursion-to-considered-masterpieces-64641111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's looking behind itself at the cop car that pulled up to arrest the shirtless alcoholic for beating his wife.
>How did they get so good
they get them when they are young. instead of grooming kids with drag queen story time they take them to museums. they indoctrinate them into the classical heritage of russian art. if youve ever been to a museum in russia scenes like this are extremely common. you will also see lots of young art students sitting and sketching studies of the master works. what the fuck are you supposed to do in america? sit and sketch a banana taped to a wall? or a urinal?
that and also art teachers are strict and extremely cruel. ive heard on more than one occasion the sentiment something like "you have no right to develop your own style until you have mastered the basics". in america the shortcomings of your foundational knowledge are often written of as your unique individual style. can't draw hands? no worries thats your signature move. draw fucked up noses? not a problem thats your style after all. don't know what the fuck perspective is? you are clearly inspired by picasso. in russia you would be beaten senseless for such foolishness.

>> No.6383333

You really got that far still worrying about other people?

Its always gonna be lonely, keep going.

>> No.6383338

goddamn I wish I had a russian education

>> No.6383349
File: 163 KB, 600x436, 18e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people around you are being toxic, they don't like the new you, they want you to conform to what they want. For your sister it's partly out of care, partly out of her being a low aspiration failure/normie.
Maybe try to tell your family that you're happy doing what you're currently doing, and they shouldn't fuck that up for you.

Can't belive I'm actually seeing it happen, but I've read generic motivation stuff that says Whenever you try to pursue something big, there will be people who will dislike it, and it's OK for you to just move on from them. Find new people, which can be hard. However IMO it's a double edged sword bc if those doubting ppl are your only source of family /friends then it can be an extremely lonely move. Loneliness can really fuck you over more than just sticking around.

>> No.6383654

This is relatable to so many of us including me.
Normies will never understand. So just simply give up on that. Just know that we understand you and we go through the same shit.
When you see the most progress you'll possibly have to deal with even more nonsense from these people.
I think you should keep going. Break through this plateau even if it takes you years and you have to endure even more discouragement.
I'm with you in spirit anon. I keep on going now regardless but it took me a while to get here. Keep going.

>> No.6383756

Kys and join your mom so she can teach you how to spell.

>> No.6384133

They are crabs. keep it champ

>> No.6384228


I will always have your back. I have been hearing negative comments all my life about my art dreams, the fucking scoffs and snorts... keep going, and you will show them all. I lost for a long while, studying medicine even though I fucking hate it with every ounce of my being.

A month ago, I realised time waits for no one. I'm in a position where I can trick every cocksucker into thinking I actually work from home. Never been happier, by the time it backfires, in a few years, I think I will be ready to step into the art life for real.

>> No.6384238

I am getting actual tears in my eyes, reading all your struggles. At the same time, I am incredibly happy that none of you are giving up. If the world will not provide us with happiness, we will take a small chunk of it and cultivate an entire forest of joy out of it.

>> No.6384429

any good art discords to join? I just do beg tier shit after work and lifting for as long as I can before dinner and sleep, sometimes a friend hops on discord and we share sketches/resources, but otherwise it's pretty lonely

>> No.6384455

Thanks anon, I’ve heard of this actually but I haven’t tried it. My retarded gastro docs should’ve probably told me about it instead of shilling PPIs but I wound up finding it on ibs message boards 5 years later instead. I’m currently trying manuka honey which is a natural antibiotic so hopefully it will work. How long did it take to fix your ibs?

>> No.6384465
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>just be a wageslave

fuck them.
stay strong.

>> No.6384554

I dont know what a PPI is. I am going to assume you have diarrhea IBS like I did and not constipation. Basically I would HIGHLY recommend you to not take the honey and to avoid sugars like the godamn plague. I would even avoid store bought white breads as they are frankly closer to cakes than bread in terms of sugar content. There was a point in my life were I could eat basically nothing but lean chicken and homemade sour dough bread which my mother was making at the time. Anything even remotely sugary would trigger the shit out of me but stuff like fruits and even a lot of veggies like carrots where a borderline death sentence. When you get healthy enough I would recommend stewing your food to make it more digestible and reduce sugar content. Meat and vegg stew has loads of calories and nutrients. I assume your GI told you about the BRAT (banana, rice, applesauce, toast) which is helpful for slowing down diarrhea; the only thing that worked for me there was the toast cause I couldn't handle the sugars in the fruits and rice had too much fiber and caused extreme intestinal pain for me.
It took me about 3 years to go from severely underweight and shitting like a rocket to now being able to eat basically whatever as long as it has no sugar. I took I think 1.5k rfx/day for 1-2 months and had to repeat that I think 4 times in all. First round was the first time I had a solid (non-diarrhea) shit in 7 years. I worked closely with my doctors and we supplemented with very specific probiotics a lot (over the counter probiotics like align actually made my diarrhea and pain about 40x worse). I also ended up taking metronidazole for a protozoan they found in my shit and ivermectin to cover for worms. Anyways about 3 years of antibiotic rotations for basically half the year and then finally the improvement post antibiotic started to stick and now I only take a course a couple times a year for maintenance (while still taking probiotics).

>> No.6384555

If you are interested I can look up and post exactly what the probiotics are for you. No GI would take me seriously despite my clinical malnutrition and severely low weight. They kept trying to push antidepressants on me which onlynmade me extremely manic and unstable and did fucking nothing at all for the shitting. They tried to tell me my IBS was because of my anxiety (I have GAD) but ofc that shit is retarded. I ended up having to go to an extremely expensive private clinic to actually get doctors who aren't retarded (so much for socialized medicine) and they are the ones who basically single handedly saved my life.

>> No.6386766
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>what the fuck are you supposed to do in america? sit and sketch a banana taped to a wall? or a urinal?
you can't do that to a jackson pollock either, what does that say about all modern art

>> No.6388875
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Sorry about your mom. I used to have the same feeling of sadness when I saw my friend becoming doctors, lawyers, etc.
But in our last reunion from school, I learned that all of them live a life of slave work and have a lot of trouble being happy with what they do, some became alcoholics, some smoke, but overall all of them weren't happy and never did anything aside from their work with their lives. They never pursued a dream and at this point, they're so locked with their career that they'll probably never do anything besides it with their lives. If you like to live like that, that's cool, I guess. BUT if you have a dream, you should pursue it. I'd take on Anon's idea to get a part-time job to at least cover your expenses and ease your family's worries.
Marcio Fioritto is a Marvel/DC comic artist that started to learn to draw at 29 and now he's a full-fledged artist.
As long as you're willing to give the effort you'll get there.
I started to take it seriously at 28 and now I'm 31. I'm still far from perfect but this is one of my latest drawings.
Don't give up, but remember to take care of yourself.

>> No.6388932

it means the CIA fucking ruined it

>> No.6388934

adderall is cheating you fucking fraud you framed this story like you developed discipline

>> No.6389208

>if you're going to try, otherwise, GO ALL THE WAY. Don't even start
incredibly based and inspiring advice anon

>> No.6389449

when i ended up in the hospital for trying to kill myself people stopped meddling in my life and coercing me into doing what they want, sometimes i contemplate doing it again when they start to disrespect me, and sometimes i contemplate doing it again to actually die

>> No.6389598

i believe in you
you can do it

>> No.6389754

You should give up now or actively work to earn a profit with your artwork. Try opening comms, selling prints, etc- whatever you do try to make money in addition to pursing the craft or you WILL die. Think about how to get paid and work towards it seriously.

>> No.6389897

I'm basically you but about 7 years in now, spent like 6hours daily drawing alone in my bedroom, made no money from art, ok mid tier, basically art never amounted to anything and this past year I lost all motivation, I don't know where this is going, I don't feel excited about it anymore, I don't feel any need to do it.

>> No.6390144

>6 hours a day for 7 years
post art

>> No.6390236

Anon my man, I know you can fucking do it. I was in the same kind of boat myself for a time.

For the longest time, I myself wanted to learn to draw, like my older brother, but I always gave up and overtime believed I couldn't draw or learn it, and it wasn't "my thing" since I always just played videogames for my hobby when I was younger, and when I got motivation even for a moment to learn, I always lost it because learning new things is hard, and drawing is, especially starting out without any direction, really fucking hard.
Now after about 2 years when I finally got down to it due to some life stuff, I can say I am at least somehow decent. Not really "that good", but compared to 2 years ago, it's night and day.
So just keep at it, keep being dedicated but slow down when you need to, be kind to yourself, and make failure your friend you can learn from.
What >>6380965 said is also true, don't attach your self-worth to your art too much, or any skill for that matter. It can destroy you, and it's super easy to think things like that without knowing, and if Art really doesn't work out full-time, it can't hurt to keep it as a nice hobby. But don't be afraid to stop/ take a break too if you really stop enjoying making art, and it's hurting you in any shape or form.

And also, As a fellow guy who lost their mother way too early, sorry about your mom.