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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 413 KB, 1536x2048, FheNnDTVEAAHbZO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6373710 No.6373710 [Reply] [Original]

So apparently the AI parasites are reaching the exhibitors and artist alley sections of conventions now. Even more hilarious they putting generated AI text posters trying to convince the audience that is total ethical to make profit of it. Lots of artists got waitlisted just to have this AI horse shit have a spot, what a waste of space.

>> No.6373712
File: 507 KB, 2048x1536, FheOsPUVIAUAT-v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking KEK look at this AI generated wall text trying to fool the people to buy their AI

>> No.6373717
File: 530 KB, 2048x1536, FheOsPTUoAAewHJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6373718
File: 489 KB, 2048x1536, FheOsPRUYAAFOED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6373721
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, 1651551514269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you're being a big baby throwing a temper tantrum and even taking a fucking picture giving the middle finger to show how much of an immature overgrown child you are. What's more tragic is you go out your way to try and make a point on this backwater Nepali tuk-tuk benchmarking forum as if it'll mean anything. AI is here to stay artcel so get used to it.

>> No.6373724

Jeet! Jeet! Jeet! Jeet!

>> No.6373726

Well if any of those pieces resemble the source too much it is legit for the original creator to sue for plagiarism now that money is involved.

It also put the developers of the programs in a much worse situation with the upcoming lawsuits.

>> No.6373729

Are people unironically buying this shit?

>> No.6373730

this is the same cope that curators have when they try to explain why a scribbled paint splash is actually a masterpiece

>> No.6373731

selling ai art is a scam.

>> No.6373733
File: 991 KB, 960x538, 1668157086025470.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fucking retarded trannoid weeb lmao

>> No.6373734

AI owned by Jews and they always have a lot of fund. They probably sponsored these event.

>> No.6373742
File: 1.85 MB, 498x482, 1661230122608644.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>selling ai art is a scam.
>Pirates proprietary software to create illustrations that were either copied or "referenced" all the while riding on the back of a popular franchise to capitalize off trademark characters
>Has the audacity to complain about stolen goods

>> No.6373748

It must be sad to be a permabeg, mikuturd.

>> No.6373760

It is a scam because it's automated, I doubt anyone with access to a few good prompts would really pay for that.

Art made by humans are different, like any handcrafted good, will always be more valuable than an automated solution for masses.

>> No.6373763

don't care.
wont pay for ai art when i can pull up waifu diffusion and get an equivalent product in terms of labor and end-product in a matter of minutes.
i enjoy supporting working non-ai artists though.

>> No.6373770
File: 1.31 MB, 1024x1024, 05226-2870893255-High quality photograph of Gigachad sitting down with a Laptop at a city cafe, Smiling, Aviator sunglasses, 8k, clear, high reso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will continue to prompt until artist moral improves
Complaining about artists or AI copying styles when style cannot be copyrighted

You can make money selling AI art prints/ real paintings. Also you still need to do the leg work of fixing artifacts/up scaling and actually making it physical.

>> No.6373773

Ai chads living rent free in this artfaggot's head

>> No.6373775

>Complaining about artists or AI copying styles when style cannot be copyrighted
you are the only one talking about style

>> No.6373787

unironically this.

>> No.6373789

You thought the AIfags were pajeets but turns out they were chinks all along

>> No.6373795

damn thats crazy but what the fuck does this have to do with ic?

>> No.6373798

I'm getting flashbacks of that guy who bought multiple tables and pretended to be different people.

I heard this con was a dud because it was an experimental first one and a bigger one is right around the corner. If they got sales at all it probably wasn't much.

>> No.6373802
File: 127 KB, 461x254, 1656104535605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this will eventually violently upset a lot of people and may potentially put in danger to AI prompter niggers on sight if they pop out in cons or in conventions. I for one support violence if it means to put this leeches out of cons.

>> No.6373809

Occam's razor: Anime Expo is notoriously incompetent.

>> No.6373813

anime is not art in the first place so there's no problem. if you want to gatekeep, i can gatekeep too.

>> No.6373818

damn I remember that anime drawing with the dragon girl selling shitty paintings.

>> No.6373825

Don't you dare make me cum

>> No.6373827

Dump bleach on the prints

>> No.6373834
File: 52 KB, 800x600, retards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the world needed them most, they vanished.

>> No.6373855

They have the same master as AI fags

>> No.6373856


>> No.6373860
File: 181 KB, 391x456, 1645500199854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I wasn't expecting someone to literally take my advice KEK

>> No.6373870

"Why would anyone pay you for a print of some generic waifu when I can also use the same ai you did to make one that's even better for free?" said the /ic/ weaboo loud enough to discourage potential customers nearby before waddling away.

>> No.6373885

>AIfag using handicapped people as a shield

>> No.6373888
File: 1.13 MB, 2048x2048, grid-0663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Making money with AI art.
This is a true chad moment.

>> No.6373893

Is this actually artist alley? I don't see a cashier.

>> No.6373896 [DELETED] 

ai niggers really are all trannies and pajeets lmao

>> No.6373898

I would take a huge shit right on their display pure schizo style.

While on this topic, I never sold at artist alley before but I contemplated it at my local con. So I sent the coordinators and email inquiring their stance on ai imagen, and if they would be so kind as to release a statement regarding whether they were for or against the sale of it as many artists wouldn't feel comfortable sharing a space with these people. Needless to say the kikes didn't reply back to me.

>> No.6373899

Nice hand

>> No.6373900

>$5 for letter sized
>$10 for tabloid
Pfffft. They're selling below the average AA price. It's like they don't have faith in their own product.

>> No.6373904

Probably one of the only instances I would be ok with a mass shooter. These jews need to fear for their lives.

>> No.6373906

Something interesting about AI “artists” is that their art quality comes from a good set of prompts, merged models and embedding, but those things are just digital assets, anyone with access to them would be able to be just as good.

Now with conventional artists, both traditional and digital, the quality of their art comes from within them, it’s their own skills, high quality materials for traditional or fancy brushes for digital artists won’t help you at all if you don’t practice.

>> No.6373969
File: 122 KB, 361x312, 1578850344376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like an AI prompter nigger is going to get beaten to death if he gets a space spot to sell or show his AI shit on next year Comic-Con.

>> No.6373994

yeah, I still wonder why are there so many trannies in tech.

>> No.6373996
File: 12 KB, 480x360, stablediff-CEO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is your AI gigachad.

>> No.6374005
File: 682 KB, 711x711, unknown (14).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and your novel ai chad.

>> No.6374006

Because they believe technology will eventually make them a woman

>> No.6374010

>your job is just being (partially) automated, same as many jobs before. And as before you will adapt to new reality.
That is correct observation.

>> No.6374017

"Because I've already done it, and you don't have to spend time and effort of doing the same. You can do a lot of things on your own, like pottery, painting oils, grow your own food, etc. Yet you don't do that for exact same reason: it's more convenient just to buy them."

>> No.6374021

>the future of world tech is in hands of psychopaths, self-hating faggs that want to cut and dump their own testicles and indians that evidently don't believe in karma.

>> No.6374045

Exactly, that’s why AI art has no value, you can just copy and paste a prompt and press enter.

AI art is a really disgusting and awful concept, in a few years we won’t even make sex because it would be considered too much effort and a gatekeeping thing to achieve pleasure.

>> No.6374052

fuck off pajeet go cum somewhere else

>> No.6374055

>Also you still need to do the leg work of fixing artifacts/up scaling and actually making it physical.
Something AI fags are incapable of doing.

>constantly shit up the board with AI shit
>get told to fuck off elsewhere
>"lol rent free"

>> No.6374071

>AI art has no value
That is for consumers to decide.
I don't think pure AI art will play any significant role (except in abstract, and contemporary bullshit), but AI art + human retouch? That have all the chances to make it big.

>> No.6374078

When the consumers start seeing it everywhere and know it was made with a click they will want to pay no more than the cost of the paper and ink it was printed with. Who cares if you rearranged some parts with photoshop to make it "yours." Consumers already didn't appreciate the value of art and they certainly won't now.

>> No.6374087

Not a single thing is being sold without a markup, sometimes very significant. Market will figure it out.

Now having said that, unlike real industries, like power, transportation, etc, there is little to no interest in any nation to force entertainment industry to drive prices down/increase production. So you *can* pull a Disney and lobby a ridiculous law to gatekeep your income. It's unlikely to happen but possibility is definitely there.

>> No.6374092


This. People will accept literal slave labor when it comes to everything else that gets cheaply mass produced. As if most of them will care about who are what makes the art they like.

>> No.6374116

I hate everyone in the replies who are like "AI art is bad, because it's stealing from artists!" That implies that if the AI was trained only on public domain artworks and artworks licensed for its use, then it would be ok for AI art to exist. Here's a newsflash though: many art masterpieces ARE public domain, as the original artists have been dead for over 100 years. Not only that, but I am positive that if a company like Stability AI or OpenAI offered artists lots of money, many artists would accept the cash and hand over their artworks to be used in the AI's training. Not to mention that there are going to be some insane artists who donate their art to the AI themselves for free.
All of this combined, AI will still replace artists whether it steals our art or not. Perhaps it would happen a bit slower? But it will happen all the same. Even if we enforced strict laws banning the use of art in AI machine learning of which the artist has not consented to be used, it would not stop the inevitable. We have to be against AI art altogether, not only when it steals our art, because it will replace us.

>> No.6374121

I knew this would happen, and when it shows up at my local cons I intend to make a scene.
>call out the “art” as bad
>call out the “artist” as a fraud
>be loud enough for people to hear me
If I get kicked out I don’t give a fuck, con tickets are cheap. What are they gonna do, sue me for my opinion? I look fucking forward to dragging them in front of a crowd.
I like the particular artist that posted this, very based. Let the mogging of prompt monkies be relentless.

>> No.6374123

This implies that all AI art looks the same, or that, even if you think it does all look the same right now, that this will always be the case.
I have to be clear that I am against AI art, but let's be honest: it will get better. People of the future will be unable to tell whether art is human-made, or computer-made, in the majority of cases.

>> No.6374126

Same but I actually have anger management issues, I'd definitely cause a scene but there's a good chance cops would get involved. That's why I'd just rather they just not show up at all.

>> No.6374127
File: 125 KB, 1600x901, l-intro-1623876912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk but I feel like something its going to happen in the future because the more this machine advances it the more unethical it will grow so these corporations are pushing their luck and eventually its just matter of time they will ban it just like they did with adobe, history will repeat itself as usual.

>> No.6374129
File: 381 KB, 1150x1794, AIs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI will never replace a real artist. All it can do is cut and paste million of arts into one mess with decent color schemes. Fakers in China have done it for years since 2000s when webgames was popular. AIs are those fakers but faster and less efficient.
The real problem is AI will be FORCED to replace artist. Owners of AI are Jews and they are notorious for their greed. They will collect as many art styles as possible for their "database" and will claim copyright over any art because it "resembles" their "AI style". They already tested the water by copyright "ahegao" in 2020.
Push back against AI shit id not just for the sake of Art, it is for the freedom of human.

>> No.6374130


Having a humanist stance with artists alleys seem like the right thing to do. If the AI artist is being genuinely exceptional or creative in their approach then it might make sense to have an exception, but man, if they flood the alleys with low-hanging fruit...I dunno, it seems like it'd really kill the experience.

A big appeal of the alleys is interacting with the people that made the actual art, supporting these people that have spent years and years refining their skills and tastes.

>> No.6374133

>why should I watch your pornos instead of just having sex with your girlfriend myself?
>"Because I've already done it, and you don't have to spend time and effort of doing the same. You can do a lot of things on your own, like pottery, painting oils, grow your own food, etc. Yet you don't do that for exact same reason: it's more convenient just to buy them."

Cool. I’m still going to fuck your girlfriend and make you watch, nerd.

>> No.6374136

Have some friends and shit talk them very loudly right in front of them, make fun of whatever garbage they put on display. It would be fun.

>> No.6374138

>AI fags deny themselves the joy of creation

>> No.6374143

I feel like you ni/g/s enjoy getting fucked by the industry if you let people or companies just take your shit with no insurance you'll get paid or even credited. Hell do y'all know some places try to trademark your own work first if you submitted anything to them and they'll try to sue you if you try and continue or sell your own stuff
I forgot what places specifically did that but certain manga sites and other stuff marketed as "art/story" contest things have been known for awhile and why people actually warn you about that stuff
>hell even look at Adobe or 3d modeling softwares getting people for selling their stuff without a license with them

>> No.6374148

Female hands typed this.

>> No.6374159
File: 1.15 MB, 1080x2195, AI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, someone butthurt and bought this topic to /pol/ to seek validate from boomers and glowniggers

>> No.6374197

Vandalism is ok

>> No.6374200


>> No.6374221

dunno senpai i was in a fascist party and brought it to the regional parlament in my country and draw futurist inspired shit like turbodinamismo but hey, being a nationalist is leftie søy stuff for modern /pol/ so guess they are right

>> No.6374256

Is this some copypasta meme because I keep seeing variations of it any time I go there?

>> No.6374268
File: 100 KB, 491x585, 2E291F23-992A-4F79-9C8B-E3FB10E61EBC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The political implications of taking away the dreams of thousands of people who just wanted to make beautiful things
/pol/ was always a honeypot but that question is just ridiculous. Automation in general will displace hundreds of thousands of young, able-bodied, now furious people, who can no longer live comfortably. Besides, the visual arts are not the only sectors being automated: throw into the mix factory workers, truckers, and pretty soon you have a very potentially destructive mob.
Idk, do the fucking math I guess since you STEMcels are so good at it, I’ll make your would’ve-been girlfriend moan like whore.

>> No.6374271

of taking away jobs from twitter artists who want easy money by making bootleg art of japanese cartoons and artists entertainment industry which is the same kind of people as hollywood creeps*

>> No.6374276

>you STEMcels
Not directed at >>6374159 anon’s probably fine. But I want AItards to seriously consider the possibility of me, splitting their soulmate apart on my massive cock. Your heartbreak is going to be ceaseless as I breed your would’ve-been bitch.

>> No.6374278
File: 13 KB, 147x127, 1581161457169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>easy money
ahahahah are you AIggers for real
90% of the time flipping burgers will give you more returns than doing art for a living

>> No.6374281

>when you need a million words manifest to try to convince people that you're totally not stealing shit

>> No.6374283

I don’t get why you think AI will stop there, or why raising the ceiling past twitter pinup artists helps any more “legitimate” artists succeed.
If ANYTHING, the “creeps” you mention are the only people who will win, because they already have rank and seniority. Fucking “modern art” charlatans will thrive in this environment because normies will believe it’s more real compared to AIslop that’s indistinguishable from human drawn representational art.
The only people who win are the worst people possible. Everyone else gets forced into the wage cage.

>> No.6374285

>hey can I have a doodle? :)
At least around here It's very common and appreciated in cons for artfags to give free quick drawings when you buy from them. Lots of people also pay for hand drawn art done in person.

>> No.6374287

>posts handmade art
While are pajeets like this?

>> No.6374290
File: 33 KB, 564x538, ejiTgCL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just have to say that in all this time I have never seen a single Nazi anime girl ai generated
I wonder why

>> No.6374291

Theres plenty

>> No.6374294

the more legitimate artists won't succeed more, but they will be affected less.
i don't care if all of the artists in entertainment industry studios fire everyone and they have to bring home their plastic figurines from their office. in a way, its a blessing not working under those creeps.
no other time in the history of art is making shitty low effort, quantity over quality soulless garbage, more profitable and easily accessible than now.

>> No.6374313

Honestly that might be the best course to get rid of this garbage. Force the devs to get involved by showing how this could fuck them financially

>> No.6374316

I just realized that print on demand websites must be having a seizure with the amount of shit being uploaded now.

>> No.6374320

Printing prices to go up.... shiiiit... I didn't think of this implication.

>> No.6374332

The logical endgame of this AI stuff is the complete replacement of human culture with the artificially generated variety. And when we reach that point, we will slowly cease to be human.This is an existenstial crisis not only for artists, but for all of humanity.

>> No.6374361

The fact those idiots havent been bullied out of the building show how little spine artists have, so they have it coming

>> No.6374364

As much as I hate AI it's delusional to think that there's a way to stop this or even tame it. It certainly WILL KILL freelance art jobs and destroy art careers there is no stopping it.
I'd still keep drawing though.

>> No.6374369

Yeah lol. If it was that easy to make money off of art he would've done it without AI or whatever. This is the same folks who thought being a streamer or youtuber is easy until they tried streaming to 0 audiences for months, or upload some video that only got 2 digit views for years. If anything, it's more that the pajeets wants someone else's success but doesnt want to put in the time and effort into it.

So basically the same shit with cryptobros. Haha, now look at what the crypto market is heading towards. Lazy faggots can burn.

>> No.6374373

By making shitty low effort, quantity over quality soulless garbage you mean pre-
2022 digital art or post-2022 ai stuff? Because AI made it so easy that it will most likely completely destroy this profitable art market.

>> No.6374377

I really really like that picture, mind if I save it?

>> No.6374378

My question is, did this thing even make money? I saw some of the prints, it's literally just generic anime girls. People go to cons to buy merch of their favourite characters, there is no way they'd buy prints of random shit.
>That implies that if the AI was trained only on public domain artworks and artworks licensed for its use, then it would be ok for AI art to exist
Yes, it would be. My issue with it is that it doesn't have consent of the people who made their product work in the first place.
And I can see right through this post, there's 2-3 promptcels who camp on this board solely to doompost because they love the idea of artists fearing the AI and thinking they're being replaced. No matter how much you try to shitpost this in to existence, I don't fear AI at all because it won't happen. It has many limits that cannot compete with anyone who's competent in art.
Oh no, it might interfere with deviantart /beg/s' $5 commissions? Who cares. The reality is those people will probably still get their $5 commissions because obsessive autists will never be satisfied, even with a button that makes infinite amounts of images for them.
For other people, people commission them because they are actively a fan of them. It's literally not going to affect them at all so long as you are competent in art.
Tell me, is there a market for sfw generic off model anime shit? I don't think there is, and if there is, it's incredibly niche and small. I'd go as so far as to say that the people satisfied with these images don't commission people to begin with.
For the industry, you think it's going to be non generic enough to dish out what they need? They won't, because you don't know anything about this process at all. If anything it would benefit artists exclusively because it's yet another thing they can use to cut down on time along with photobashing. If you're not a specialist in art you're not going to be able to edit these images to be usable for your projects.

>> No.6374383

/pol/ is fucking delusional if they think AI art is in any way based. The whole idea behind nationalistic/fascistic tendencies is that there is a shared culture that we all need to embrace and an unwanted culture that needs to be destroyed. What's going to happen when everyone has their own personal, individualized culture? When everyone is an alienated cog?

In a sense, it's actually kind of fascinating. Everyone will have the power to create their own, personal culture. But that means that no one will care about anyone else anymore. We're doomed to a society composed of personalized matrices.

>> No.6374385

they are both soulless garbage so what does it matter? twitter artists are (soon to be were) just parasites feeding off of the unhealthy obsession of modern world with things like anime and porn.

>> No.6374405

>twitter artists are (soon to be were) just parasites feeding off of the unhealthy obsession of modern world with things like anime and porn.
Better than being a fucking wagie for corporate monsters And at least it's a job that requires actually learning and developing a skill instead of sitting in an office doing nothing for 8 hours or, worse, doing a fucking service job.

>> No.6374408

>I knew this would happen, and when it shows up at my local cons I intend to make a scene.

Anon let's be real, you aren't gonna do anything like that.

>> No.6374414
File: 9 KB, 184x184, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember a long while back on /ic/ photobashing was seen as an hack thing to do, that required little skills to achieve and was often look down upon, no different then what we are facing today, but this AI shirt requires zero skill to do!

>> No.6374415
File: 59 KB, 600x760, 44166986-6873-4F39-BCAC-F414F45BBB08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>upsetting artists
This never plays out too well in the history books

>> No.6374422

At least photobashing requires SOME level of skill.

>> No.6374460
File: 217 KB, 775x687, 6eb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol loves to talk about muh heritage but will throw the entire canon of western art into an algorithmic grinder for some catgirl titties. fuckin' retards.

>> No.6374472

The future is now ahahahahahahahhaa

>> No.6374473

It popped up so fast even a lot of artists aren't aware of ai yet. It's quickly changing and people are getting more and more pissed off.

>> No.6374477

Totally expecting to see AI art in museums by the end of the year

>> No.6374492
File: 339 KB, 545x631, image_2022-11-14_084918094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just came back to this board to post this. Cope AND seethe.

>> No.6374494

clipstudio and procreate are cheep. can't really assume every artist pirates these days.

>> No.6374499

It’s not a matter of quality, it’s a matter of being scammed.

I’m ok to pay more for something that costed less in time/effort to be made. It’s like paying $60 for an indie game, no matter how good it is, that wouldn’t be fair.

>> No.6374503

The same people who love shows like Rick and Morty and science fiction crap will get their jobs taken by it. The "creative types".
Ironic how their love for distopian futures and transhumanism brought their own doom. The writting was on the wall.
Seriously, fuck 'em.

>> No.6374504

I’m not ok, I mean

>> No.6374514

clip studio is now going into a yearly subscription like photshop. And isn't procreate ios only?

>> No.6374523

>clip studio is now going into a yearly subscription like photshop.
Nah the backtracked that

>> No.6374527

They did not

>> No.6374532

You really don't want artists seething man there's a lot of schizos in this group in particular

>> No.6374534

They did you fucking retard

>> No.6374539

>there was no vandalism
Artists are just pussies nowadays

>> No.6374552

it's a one time fee but you can pay a subscription to get certain features early

>> No.6374575


Good job! Do more of this so more artist realize how fucked up this shit is.

>> No.6374584

Photo-bashing made me not want to become a concept artist. It ruined my respect for that field.

>> No.6374588
File: 20 KB, 598x160, Screenshot 2022-11-14 at 23-51-35 Marie Lum on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


average AI brainlet...

>> No.6374590
File: 383 KB, 598x642, Screenshot 2022-11-14 at 23-51-43 The Dolly Llama (@DaltonP4823054) _ Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6374593
File: 378 KB, 1136x640, image_2022-11-14_155847757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6374594

>techbro is a delusional narcissist cunt.
Who would have though? No wonder many of them are also trannies.

>> No.6374599

If gatekeeping means ostracizing thieves and parasites then I'm all for it

>> No.6374618

Gatekeeping has always been part of the art world and is necessary to keep out trash. AI artcels tend to not have an arts background so they do not understand this. The vast majority probably never heard of Duchamp until this summer and don't care anything about what he actually stood for. Ironically that guy was against "retinal art" and would have hated AI.

>> No.6374634

Over 100 posts in under a day. wew

>> No.6374649
File: 215 KB, 680x680, 1668444372873452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6374661

>ai currycels pretend like their some blonde haired nordcuck
top kek

>> No.6374739

Is he implying that learning how to draw and paint is gatekeeping? Everyone can learn art, not everyone will be able to be an amazing artist, but anyone can be at least decent.

Is gatekeeping another way of saying “I’m too lazy”?

>> No.6374744

These cucks really so mad about having aphantasia they had to take it out of everyone else with a soul?

>> No.6374775

>Check my fav tag on pixiv
>All AI garbage 24/7
>Lose interest
>Stop using pixiv

I'm not the only one going through that for sure. The problem will solve itself once they realize that AI artists are killing their userbase.
The same goes for cons and everything else

>> No.6374808

The reason I stopped using pixiv was the influx of absolute degenerate shit like kiddie scat gore furry porn. But the point you brought up makes me think of a more drastic change like anime style pinups fading into complete obscurity. Not only because of the AI element but also because it's going to be absolutely everywhere. I can see normies developing a natural aversion to it.

I mean when you think about it, style constantly changes with the times. Think of art nouveau to Leyendecker and Rockwell.

>> No.6374833

Lets all agree that if we see this at any artist alley we should bully them as much as possible. Ask them to draw a doodle for like $20 and watch them shift uncomfortably in their seat as you hand them a pencil and paper. Or laugh if they say "erm ackshually" and go on an autistic lecture about their prompts and how hard it is to type them or whatever.

>> No.6374864

Can't wait to get banned at my local con for starting shit with aicels

>> No.6374869

I think if AI stays, artistic styles will remain frozen in time forever since prompters and normies will just keep generating what they know instead of innovating and forcing their innovative styles on others.

>> No.6374877

But /ic/ said artists would still exist to innovate art, why are you not optimist about artists still existing

>> No.6374880

But it's not drawn, it's AI generated

>> No.6374892

Other than what >>6374877 even tech retards have to get bored with anime tits eventually, right?

>> No.6374893

some people complained about abuse, vandalism and threats people made at the AI booth, so it absolutely had some vandalism.

I think the general idea is to simply harass these people, so it becomes a burden for them to even put this AI shit out on public.

some people think it's OK to normalize AI bullshit in the spaces of artists, just simply prove them wrong by being as autistically hostile as possible and banding together with people that do it as well to attack in a large group.

>> No.6374932

>bully randos using ai
>let big corp use ai freely

>> No.6374936

Oh right, nvm. I completely forgot big corporations got the rights for the art and people's likeness they are taking from anyway and we can't do anything about it even if we wanted to

>> No.6374940

I’m gonna do it.

>> No.6374946

The art world needed MORE gatekeeping, not less.
>hurr banana on wall is URT
Permissiveness of modern “art” is how we got here and let’s be real: to the normies, AI art is far and away more artistic than a toilet on a pedestal, or the Virgin Mary in a jar of piss or whatever.
Gatekeep the FUCK out of art.

>> No.6374949

target the individuals not the tech.

give people using AI the equivalent social punishment woketards give to people saying nigger in public.

>> No.6374952

>Is gatekeeping another way of saying “I’m too lazy”?

>> No.6374957

Get the plugin thst lets you filter out users.

>> No.6374979

What people using AI want the most is the praise without putting in any of the work artists put.

dumb episodes like DeviantART AI shit getting thousands of people deleting their accounts is a great way of showing to these people that they are not welcome, the communities will not be welcoming, they don't belong and they will get so much shit thrown on them that they will never dare to bring up AI in public again.

>> No.6374998

>some people complained about abuse, vandalism and threats people made at the AI booth, so it absolutely had some vandalism.
Based. Don't make them feel safe.

>> No.6375005

I live in a tight-knit town with a massive art community. We're absolutely not allowing this shit on our turf. Waiting for the first dumbass grifter to try.

You mean the same people who lost Epstein's guest list? Sure let's get right on that.

>> No.6375020

pick up a brush and use lead white.

>> No.6375044

>in a few years we won’t even make sex because it would be considered too much effort and a gatekeeping thing to achieve pleasure.
Well to be fair, a lot of people already are masturbating.

>> No.6375051

>Anons claiming they're gonna make AI artists feel "Unsafe" at cons physically.

This all sounds like keyboard warrior shit honestly.

>> No.6375054

right sure. :)

>> No.6375055

Fuck around

>> No.6375064

There is not one person on /ic/ who is in anyway intimidating, the AI trannies are bigger and stronger than the males of /ic/

>> No.6375066
File: 336 KB, 2048x1152, 1660316218188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just cant stop fucking proompting!

>> No.6375080

Pretty much as one would picture what techbros looks like

>> No.6375083

AI art is being astroturfed by Peter Thiel and /pol/tards have no agency besides whatever their cult leaders tell them to support

>> No.6375091
File: 619 KB, 3264x2448, 1665401746762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does /p/ had no AI threads but /ic/ has 5 active at any given time

>> No.6375093

>Peter Thiel
I'm afraid to ask who this is I stay completely out if politics especially
of the American variety

>> No.6375094

>Anons start all sorts of incedents in artist alleys at cons
>Cons decide to just not have artist alleys to avoid any more trouble

>> No.6375096

Because /p/ was already killed by smartphones.

>> No.6375103

Yeah lose tens to hundreds of thousands in profits instead of simply banning ai and doing a very basic authenticity check, something they're already supposed to be doing anyway

>> No.6375135
File: 129 KB, 383x500, 1593159327624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this was tumbler i would have right it off as someone trying to be a hard-ass on the internet, but this is 4chan, i'm sure one of the few unhinged individuals who browser this slow board is bound to do something stupid, but not drastic.

>> No.6375145

>taking away jobs from twitter artists who want easy money
If its easy money then why didn't you faggots become successful twitter artists before this AI shit?

>> No.6375156

I advertise for clip by telling people I draw on it. They should be paying me.

>> No.6375163

nobody's going to buy this, don't worry. Imagine the AI artists sitting there with no sales wondering what they did wrong. Maybe they didn't use good enough prompts. Maybe they didn't print the hundreds of pictures on a big enough sheet.

>> No.6375172

More confirmed killers have posted here than you can count on one hand

>> No.6375178

Still seething they can't prompt Rebecca from cyberpunk edgerunners I reckon.

>> No.6375196

if it isn't easy money, why is it so popular in /ic/? when they thought concept art was the path to living as an artist, /ic/ was heavily into concept art. now it's anime twitter art. you know deep down it is easier than other artistic endeavors that require more sacrifice and more creativity.

>> No.6375221

Because it's a popular fad just like being a youtuber/streamer/livestreamer. You'd think it's easy until you realized for every 1 successful/lucky ones there's 1000's more grinding for 2 digit views, spending thousands on recording equipment. The tech review niche is even more so. I've noticed a lot of tech reviews with quality presentations and thought were made by 100k+ subs channel only to realize the guy had been uploading videos for years but still at around 4k subs.

Similar thing with being a vtuber and then thousands of wannabe vtubers flood the market. It's going to be difficult to stand out unless you found your own niche.

>> No.6375235

I mean I’m just talking about heckling and naming the AIcel, not violence or vandalism. The worst thing they can do to me is have the con kick me out, and frankly that’s no big deal. If anything, that’s bragging rights.

>> No.6375239

realize that once things gets popular. It becomes difficult to make money

>> No.6375254

You didn't answer the question. I'll ask again: if its easy money then why didn't you faggots become successful twitter artists before this AI shit?

>> No.6375255

>you know deep down it is easier than other artistic endeavors that require more sacrifice and more creativity.
This exact thinking is why 90% "anime artist" failed. Plus it just a style, you can draw or paint it in trad too and anime is significantly have lower value than realistic or semi realistic painting in trad.
The suffer I have as a trad artist is it heavily gate keep by Jews. Must paint with expensive oil and pay for environment tax. I sold 2 paintings and earn less than I paid. Now I paint acrylic on paper and sell to tourists for 2$
I have a lot of hope for digital as my follower is 5000 now and have 21 patrons. But now Jews are trying to spread AI and copyright every arts. They are artists' motal enemies.

>> No.6375257
File: 25 KB, 600x800, io.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplay whore vs Chud
>Chud -$50

>> No.6375270

it's because it's popular that it is easier to find customers who are actually looking for what you are making. or else we wouldn't have threads of people complaining they have to make coom or fotm pin ups. this implies that some art, eg popular art, are easier to make money in. unless you think it's easier to make money in a field without an established customerbase. but it is not only about customers. it doesn't take as much skill or investment as other forms of art. now there is an art form that requires even less and you hypocrites are QQing
i did not answer because it's a stupid question. not every artist wants to be twitter artists.

>> No.6375288
File: 486 KB, 383x681, 163458964352434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see pewds make millions
>holy shit it's so easy, time to become youtuber
>see vtubers raking millions of superchats
>holy shit it's so easy, time to order vtuber model
>saw NFT selling for hundred thousands
>holy shit it's so easy, time to spam opensea
>you are here
>saw cutesexyrobutts, which is tip of the top of artists with 1M twitter followers making $10000 per month from patreon
>holy shit it's so easy, time to use AI

>> No.6375293

Considering it's cons in modern times, it doesn't take much effort. Just use the wrong pronouns.

>> No.6375300

ai just lets Charleton who want to flood the market do it easier

>> No.6375302

its literally being shilled
i have not met a single person in real life who sees this more than a novelty

>> No.6375303
File: 325 KB, 1152x958, 20221018235101_41405453x4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes. Anyone can learn to create art but not all will get to a very high level.

If you want a high level art you need to pay an artist who worked his ass off to get to that level.

I think one of the reason these people are defending AI is because they feel entitled to a HIGH LEVEL ART.

AI can still function using just public domain images. The result might not be as pretty but if you're using it for fun. To create images for your DND game for example. Works just fine.

But these people have tasted that high level result from the machine feeding on top artist artwork. And they don't want that to go away.

They will try to find every way possible to justify the use of AI that feeds off artist work.

>> No.6375321

That's funny because the 2 on the right somehow manage to be more interesting. Maybe because it's not deliberate in who its plagiarizing.

>> No.6375351

yes,internet is not real life, but that does not matter since the customers for the kind of art that AI are to replace are people who are on the internet.

>> No.6375361

Well, yeah, they basically want unlimited high level art for free. They don’t want to pay or learn art, they simply think it’s their right, like it’s something necessary to survive, like food.

AI shills like to talk about horses and cars, but transportation is essential for modern society. AI was never needed for art. Even if you think in the entertainment business, we already have so much things that we feel like it’s flooded and they still think we need to speed up production!?

>> No.6375374

Holy shit the amount of cope it took to create such a shitty image is amazing

>> No.6375382

The glowies have finally landed in /ic/

>> No.6375384

Just wipe a booger on the prints and call it a day

>> No.6375386

It was a matter of time.

>> No.6375408

any AI fag reading this, i hope you feel unsafe at any con you go to. :)

>> No.6375425

there are other jobs, even other art jobs, that require learning and developing skills that do not feed and feed off unhealthy obsessions. aside from twitter artists, furries, fetish artists, and trendhoppers, those working for entertainment industry will also be brought to ruin. why should i be upset that the creeps who make sick cartoons for children are going to suffer? of course, it will still exist and continue to be made, yet at least some of the people involved will suffer first.
oh no, sodom and gomorrah, and their inhabitants, were brought to ruin. accept the punishment of god

>> No.6375436

>call artists parasites
>ignore corporations who profit off of misery

>> No.6375439


The seething over AI is delicious and I say this as an artfag

>> No.6375449
File: 9 KB, 323x313, chrischan disguise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I say this as an artfag

>> No.6375466

what is there to say? everyone already agrees that corporations are evil. if we are talking about corporations that are involved with art studios and artists, well now the since many artists won't be employed by them, the artists won't be exploited. isn't that what they wanted?

>> No.6375471

smartphones only increased the amount people taking pictures, it didn't kill or help /p/
compact digicams existed for 20 years

>> No.6375476


>> No.6375483

Try that shit at my con

>> No.6375486


Fundamentals of Digital Art (which is pretty much the same as trad...because drawing or painting requires the same knowledge regardless what you use)

-Form and Structure.
-Anatomy and proportions.
-Value (lighting)

Fundamentals of Photography (just because you have a camera doesn't make you a photographer.)

-Exposure and Color Balance.
-Focus and Depth-of-Field.
-Composition and Lighting.

Fundamentals of AI art generation...

- have a somewhat functioning brain?
- able to type?
- not dead?

>> No.6375500

if you think this is going to result in less consumption and feeding of 'unhealthy obsessions', you are hilariously mistaken

>> No.6375510

You should seriously kill yourself
>once corpos and aifags have squeezed out every last drop of your blood shouldn't you be happy?
Chew glass you disgusting glass eyed homunculus

>> No.6375528
File: 1.89 MB, 1024x896, 535289269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is weird, especially since the current AIs seem better at making photos than paintings

>> No.6375530

the artists were taking advantage of certain people's base characters and perpetuated it. the commissioners and followers will still consume, but the artists who were party to this system up to now will be punished.

>> No.6375531

>some people complained about abuse, vandalism and threats people made at the AI booth, so it absolutely had some vandalism.
god I hope this is real

>> No.6375534

I dont know if photographers are getting as pissed off as artists are.
I actually havn't heard anything out of photographers but then again i havn't looked.
It also threatens them way less because people will always want nice family photos and stuff and thats not really something an ai can i would imagine.

>> No.6375535
File: 44 KB, 473x454, 1346871234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I saw one I'd absolutely would walk over to their booth and ask them for a doodle to add to my con book
>eeeeeeh? what do you mean you can't draw? why are you here??

>> No.6375536

an ai can do*

>> No.6375537


>> No.6375542

what if they have a computer and a printer?

>> No.6375549

>eeeeeeh? what do you mean you can't draw? why are you here??
>we sell AI generated images, you know, like it says on the sign. Anyway that'll be $9.95.

>> No.6375570

*poops on ur sign and throws a hissy*

>> No.6375573

so literally nothing changes except now the product is even more soulless, got it

>> No.6375589

Ultimate keyboard warrior toughguy routine
>I'd totally own you Irl bro

>> No.6375660


>> No.6375664

Holy shit based, hopefully this’ll become more and more common

>> No.6375695

these products have as much soul, with higher technical quality and finesse than most twitter artists.
maybe the content artists will re-think making art for the worst of people on twitter.

>> No.6375823

Only $10000 per month? Always assumed the top ones would be earning more than that, kinda sucks compared to real jobs

>> No.6375832

anime convention? 15 year old girls, right?

>> No.6376389

go draw fag and stop shitting the board with ai threads

>> No.6376394

>the literal act of Human expression and passion and creativity is equal to a Walmart cashier

All AI-fags should be executed for being aliens wearing Human disguises

>> No.6376457

>if you are dead, all your problems will be over

>> No.6376495

These artfags have nothing to worry about, do they?

>> No.6376517

Yeah I'm not reading all of that. Sorry.

>> No.6376549
File: 388 KB, 600x584, 6a4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6376554

>AI generated images

>> No.6376561

LMAO and I sell google images get the fuck out of here nigga

>> No.6376580

nothing wrong with that.

>> No.6376584

>pulls out 30 page dissertation on ai slop

>> No.6376589

it doesn't matter how you did it just how it looks on a screen and print equalizes digital to traditional, right, digital artists?

>> No.6376614

>how you did it just how it looks on a screen
>how YOU did it
Problem starts when it's not even you who did it. AI art is pretty much like a fancy Picrew.

>> No.6376624

“The US Copyright Office has already refused to grant a copyright registration for AI-generated art because the current copyright law requires human authorship for copyright protection. That means that, under the current rules, AI-generated art has no owner.”

>> No.6376735
File: 1.15 MB, 881x1047, 1653796237204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would imagine stuff like Dreambooth would affect them way more than paintings that look like shit the moment you scrutinize them
Then again most of them are probably doing it for fun

>> No.6376771

? go use novel AI, makes way better porn/lewd anime than almost 90% of current nsfw artists,

>> No.6376778

An obvious fabrication to anyone who isn't a cum addled poojeet

>> No.6376783

i paid for the latest novelAI because i was curious, once you figure out prompts, its really insane, and then once you get decent with IMG2IMG to slight modifactions/fixing AI fuck ups, it becomes even better. i made a 40 page doujin using NAI and clip that was higher quality than anything i've read in years. just go look up novelai on rule34 to see its range and consistency, i wish i was lying

>> No.6376786

i will caveat this and say, its terrible for you, and i became quickly addicted as its a constant dopamine drip chase wondering if the next img will be perfect, i've since deleted my account.

>> No.6376828

post it if it's that good anon :)

>> No.6376837

lol that's just a plain lie, i've been using it since day one, it's good recreating generic poses and expresions but you have no real control over it, it's pretty much like playing a jackpot, fun to play around but not by any means i way ti fully express your creative vison, it can get adictive but the high is far less than improving your real artistic skills

>> No.6376840

It's real. Angry Twitter shitters are all "uWu VANDALISM IS NOT THE ANSWER." Yes it is. This is why they're doing this. Let them giggle about the 'triggered artfags' while picking up the remains of their trashed booth.

>> No.6376845

Yes, course selling fanarts is also totally ethi-

>> No.6376907


>> No.6376917



>> No.6376927

> the same faces
> the copied poses
> the shitty one pixel expressionless lineart
> the copied backgrounds
> the anatomical fuck ups that no human being would do

as someone who used NAI to help me with some commissions, I am sure people will still fall for this.

>> No.6376932
File: 74 KB, 409x604, tmpqj6b754z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>40 page doujin
>higher quality than anything i've read in years
>using NAI
>a fucking NAI
Now that's a total Larp.
Even a single page can took hours and never match the quality of top doujin artist.
You need knowledge of paneling, sound effects, line effects and other shit.
I've tried to make one page using SD, even with custom berrymix that results in superior anatomy and pose it took hours just to find a good pose and some close up shit that i can crop, unless you're talking about shitty 40 same cowgirl pose, or the girl staring at you with just minor variation on every page because you're too lazy spend a little effort on polishing your creation

>> No.6376942

you severely underestimate my autism and porn addiction, i made a 20 minute long animated video in koikatsu, with like 40+ different sex scenes, fully dubbed, with a plot, with music, sound effects, video effects ect. making this doujin was rather easy in comparison, i think it took 3 full days and but it came out very well, only thing that lacked a bit was the male faces ect. also SD isn't as good as NAI for anime only.

>> No.6377152

>AIjeet discovers the dunning krugers effect
don't post your doujin, it'd make your psyche even more broken than it already is

>> No.6377207

Post it or GTFO

>> No.6377235

This was revoked once they learned it was ai kek

>> No.6377246

How does the US copyright office feel about photographs?

>> No.6377264

a human took the photograph. and edited/dark roomed it.

>> No.6377269
File: 67 KB, 900x873, 3EBAEC72-46EF-4137-BA0B-3EF3CCA42DBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these claims
>not even one pic
Burden of proof(pic) is on you dude.

>> No.6377274
File: 89 KB, 509x635, 044A7EDF-A326-45C9-9B72-7110345C382B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic
Another one for my collection. Have this one as thanks.

>> No.6377277

then post it you dumb faggot, you are on the artwork critique board.

>> No.6377281
File: 828 KB, 2550x2550, FhowZqpXoAEjzYJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6377283
File: 104 KB, 320x240, 1522447736236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat shit AIggers

>> No.6377284
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>> No.6377285

at least they payed attention unlike deviantart.

>> No.6377309


>> No.6377315
File: 570 KB, 515x1200, FhaZrduUoAAyyut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw pretty good Art of Ai today
Its over because this is just the beginning
Also the desinction between AI Art and non Ai art becomes smaller over time
When is something even considered Ai Art?
There have been many cases at the beginning when Artist drew a major chunk of their work via Ai Art at the beginning

>> No.6377326

If the LAION gets nuked and has to be rebuilt with public domain AI is over.

>> No.6377335

Best way to be an Ai Artist is to be an artist
Just let the AI do most of your work and do the rest
Again, some artists got caught doing this without disclosing that they use AI
If you're smart you can use the speed and comfort of AI while also drawing unique images which will be considered as your own

>> No.6377454

that's basically how I see it, the way AI generators work, and how some people want it to be implemented is an intrusion in the art community, but it simply doesn't belong.

It's not the tech, it's the implementation,

sourcing, referencing, attribution and credits, it's important for artists, the way some advocates handwave criticism saying "oh but artists source every image they looked at in their life? ha I thought so" like it was a gotcha, it shows clearly why and how those people are intruders and don't belong.

if an AI was built to write automated research based on millions of papers, but sourcing nothing of it or giving any credit or attribution, do you think it would fly in the scientific community? the people that think it would clearly are no scientists, the same way the people think this works for artists are clearly not artists.

>> No.6377479

Why are you seething about it anyway? it's not like you weren't failed artists even before AI art became decent looking

>> No.6377480

Every time I look at aibooru.online I'm initially impressed in the content variety and the uncensored smut until I click on the actual images from the thumbnail and notice the watercolor paintings look like digital pictures with art filters applied and the uncensored penises connect into the girl's labia. And these are just on first glance without taking into account any of the technical elements and without mentioning the fact virtually all of them are generic as fuck if you've ever browsed the front page of pixiv before the AI takeover.

>> No.6377481

Huge chunk of artists are trash
People dont consider Ai Art Art because of the effort but it is art when you look at the results
Art losers cannot draw art and just draw trash
They just wanna see it the other way around because they are coping losers who dont wanna admit that ai art is miles ahead of them and nobody will ever buy their trashy commissions

>> No.6377489
File: 160 KB, 880x693, 1667926426923457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a form of counterfeit/bootleg merchandise
Based and rationality pilled.

>> No.6377493
File: 241 KB, 2048x956, 166839147255965946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooming to Ai Art right now

>> No.6377497

To be fair, even non-artists like normies who like art are getting frustrated because this shit is EVERYWHERE

>> No.6377504
File: 362 KB, 1820x2048, 166860078537359167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flesh Artists are trash
I cannot wait for every artist to get replaced

>> No.6377509

it's no matter whether ai art looks good or bad.
i think it is shit just for being ai!

>> No.6377511
File: 20 KB, 639x475, d0bc089f10fdc9b62eca76ed36d357e1--los-simpsons-memes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he keeps talking to himself

>> No.6377512
File: 379 KB, 1024x1536, 166859342397596750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah who cares

>> No.6377516
File: 122 KB, 512x960, 166809423596928670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good 15.5k likes and is Ai

>> No.6377519
File: 79 KB, 627x1024, 166816923272692444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Switch to Ai

>> No.6377520

as useful as watching robots doing speedruns on twitch.

>> No.6377521
File: 181 KB, 768x512, 166789413676485688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ai Art is so good

>> No.6377522

kinda based ngl, we need cyborg artists

>> No.6377531

lazy, lazy shills.

>> No.6377536

>robots can't draw sou-

>> No.6377537

Since this thread is already bumped, i can post this link here as well

The actual nature of this ai:

>> No.6377538

>AI is copy pasting
bold claim
if this is the truth he shouldn't have a problem matching up at least some of those copy/pastes

>> No.6377548


>> No.6377553

> takes collectively billions over billions of worktime hours and human work amounting to millions of years, the entire deviantart, arststation and pixiv, millions of dollars to train for months and billions of calculations per second on high end GPUs to do almost do what a poorfag 26 year old Japanese dude did simply training for 10 years of his single lifetime.

AI will NGMI

>> No.6377554

The argument always flies over techbros heads because they are literal soulless r_Atheist neckbeards. They equate humans equal to machines therefore they are a threat to mankind and must be dealt with.

>> No.6377555

Does /p/ have as many NGMIfags as /ic/ does?

>> No.6377556

This is only the start and most programs are only out since Mid Summer
Ai Video programs are also being developed by Google and Meta right now

>> No.6377560

Don't forget to finish your tendies and clean your hands before dealing with them, Jimmy

>> No.6377563

>b-b-b-b-b-but its just learning! just like us! it doesn't actually steal!
Fucking knew this was bullshit from the start

>> No.6377569

>3d printer pottery apocalypse
This fiction is even more inane than the average xianxia comic
Pottery was already made by machines before printing and hand made pottery wasn't a new concept invented to save the poor classical potters

>> No.6377570
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Repent, sinner.

>> No.6377574
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Perish, weakling.

>> No.6377577

Good AI take away that bitch's job

>> No.6377581

I'm developing a denoising autoencoder as part of a text-to-image model while also drawing myself.
dilate /beg/trannies, stop drawing haram content for pay and get a real job

>> No.6377582
File: 139 KB, 668x1039, 166795786078826756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the right mindset

>> No.6377583

Kill yourself Al-Hamoot

>> No.6377585
File: 343 KB, 557x625, 1555017183833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"There is not even a single pixel with any originality in any AI generated image, for each and every single pixel in these images are objectively derived from other people's works in the sense of pure computation"
This much was always clear for anyone who's not a deranged technophile
Current AI was always closer to a Xerox printer than a human mind and anyone trying to prove otherwise is a complete useful idiot brainwashed by lies peddled by billion dollars corpos

>> No.6377586

It seems samefagging AI faggot woke up.

>> No.6377589

it's because it's new and accessible. things will settle down eventually

>> No.6377596
File: 341 KB, 1881x1120, 1565141837357-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a genuine question I'm asking for AI shills, particularly the one posting in this thread.

What actually is the point of AI art?

My favorite part of art is doing it. I enjoy putting down the strokes, doing research and studies, and seeing my skills improve in a notoriously difficult hobby. It's part of personal growth and pushing yourself to improve.

Musicians could just spend their life listening to music, if the sole aspect of it was consuming- Why don't they do that? Because playing it is what drives them forward.

So will AI art kill artists? No, because it fundamentally cannot replace the reason why art exists and why artists draw. It will never replace the actual mechanical process.

Even if, in the end, you still use AI, maybe try to pick up a pencil and hone your skills. You might end up liking it more. I've had friends spam AI art and then genuinely start drawing as a result, and enjoying themselves more because it was truly theirs, even if it wasn't as good. So please try it out.

>> No.6377600

It's a cutthroat foray into creating a new market like NFT and alt-crypto before this.
A few months in and we still have zero AI artists but multiple AI art generation brands.

>> No.6377607

For me it's mostly essentially effort-free income, even if it's just some bonus bucks, as well as the joy of skipping the skill and effort requirement of producing good looking art, it's kind of like the feeling you get when you find a way to do your job way more optimally. Naturally, to see the end result looking good is also joy-inducing. I tried drawing for around a year before, but at some point the creation process stopped being fun and started being frustrating. So yeah, I like AI myself but really glad for people that are able to enjoy drawing without getting annoyed with it after some time

>> No.6377621
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>> No.6377629

You keep posting this larp and still 0 proof. Kill yourself.

>> No.6377630

Those are a lot of words for "dopamine, now!"

>> No.6377635

Posting what? I posted on this board once before, so unsure what part of this you consider a larp

>> No.6377637
File: 25 KB, 449x470, 1560934141902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just replying with not-that-impressive generated images doesn't really do anything anon, because once again, you're missing the point. There's a sea of ai-generated art, I won't remember any of them and I probably will forget your picture in a couple of seconds after hitting enter. I guess that's your legacy.

If art is giving you such an hard time that you grew unrelenting spite and hatred towards other artists (which is what I'd guess judging by your posts), you can always come back to working on it at some point when you're cooled down. No one is gatekeeping you from doing so.

>> No.6377638

Maybe, I just don't consider things that take long years to master, and likely won't bring reliable income worth it

>> No.6377643
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This one is a failure but the attempt was good

>> No.6377644
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>> No.6377647

Cringe. Like all proompters

>> No.6377650
File: 272 KB, 1024x1536, 166774244757542819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More soul than the average flesh artist

>> No.6377654

more like serotonin, dopamine is the hormone of drive and desire to do things.

It was an eye-opener for me as a commission artist, how this shit is important because a lifestyle of consooming videogames, endless porn, eating shit and mindlessly browsing social media is absolutely mind destroying for artists.

Dopamine is what makes you want to do things, it gives you energy and drive, but your brain only gives you as much as needed based on the effort you do.

the easiest it is to get to porn, sugar, fat, mindless entertainment the less effort your brain understands you need to do to get these things, surprise motherfucker, your dopamine baselevels drop like a rock and you end up a couch potato, without energy or drive to do shit except wank with an smartphone.

you will still feel pleasure from these things that's serotonin, but you will have absolutely no energy to do anything different from that.

this is why this society of consooming and endless entertainment is making people so depressed all over, the brain only gives you the energy you need to feel pleasure and nowadays you need shit all effort to feel pleasure.

tl;dr, make shit harder for you purposefully, take your ass of the chair, be it art, consoooming, sports, sex or whatever, because if everything comes for you effortless, you will live like a depressed zombie, your body only gives to you the energy you spend.

>> No.6377657

>mindbroken AIjeet goes on another pointless spamming spree because he got buck broken by artchads again
imagine getting destroyed by /ic/ crabs of all things kek

>> No.6377660

Dont pay attention to this guy, hes just a joke
Good thing hes easy to spot by way of writing alone

>> No.6377667
File: 79 KB, 640x640, 166804815208696425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loser Artist
You will always be a loser and achieve nothing with what you're doing
Think about switching hobbies and doing something which isnt a dead end
Most of you wont ever draw something mildly good

>> No.6377673
File: 31 KB, 470x470, 1554739449590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no hes projecting now
Point and laugh at the pajeet

>> No.6377674

ah yes, the noodle arm artcucks

>> No.6377675

touting AI art as the future of illustrating is the equivalent of touting the weird all-in-one chairs/kitchen/tv/bathrooms the fatass humans had in Wall-E as the future of mankind, shit is literally depressing.

>> No.6377692

Genuine question, how do you even force yourself to draw when it doesn't work? With any other skill that can yield money, the money can be an easy motivator, but if art only creates frustration simply because lack of good result, how do you force yourself to spend time torturing yourself, while you could torture yourself with things that'll get you more and more money?

>> No.6377695

If you define art by whether it leaves a strong, lasting impression on people then most "real" art doesn't fare all that well either.
There's just as much forgettable traditional art being churned out that nobody will remember after scrolling past it in their twitter timeline either.

>> No.6377747

>There's just as much forgettable traditional art being churned out that nobody will remember after scrolling past it in their twitter timeline either.
ALL of your AI shit is like that, literally every single AI produced picture, there are no exceptions unlike real art

>> No.6377752

What about the one that won an award over human submissions?

>> No.6378198

Oh yeah, the famous art competition where none of the judges were artists

>> No.6378756


It was submitted under "Digital Art"

Submitter didn't bother to give any explanation other than it's a "digital art" to some boomer judges.

They thought it was digitally painted and probably didn't even know about the existence of AI imagine generator.

>> No.6379260
File: 839 KB, 1282x1920, 1668494049272238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nta but for me it isn't torture. I love the process and if I end up with a shitty drawing I can always just try again. I personally don't care about making a lot of money, but I want to make money off my hard work even if it isn't much. Here's the way I think about it, almost every career path you go down requires hard work and effort for some end reward. You could work some meaningless server job and in that case your reward is just money. But if we're talking about actually fulfilling careers that someone is passionate about, the rewards vary. Why does a no name scientist go out into the world collecting rock samples from a volcano in blazing heat for 8 hours? He probably gets paid next to nothing but the fulfillment of helping the world of science in the future. He doesn't care to pick up rocks for 8 hours because he loves rocks, loves understanding their formations and composition. Sure there will be times where he just wants to say fuck it and leave, but then he reminds himself of his goals and vision and presses on, until he finds the perfect rock and it's all worth it. For him it isn't torture, but for me I'd fucking kill myself if I had to go to guatamala to pick rocks off a fucking volcano. Perhaps you just haven't found your passion yet, or you're just looking at art in a way that's false. For an artist the end result is just one step of the process equal or even lesser in importance than the previous steps.

>> No.6379385

Yeah that one art contest no one heard of cared about or would've known existed if not for AI tech shills propping it up, even when AI was producing less-coherent images

Totally not an elaborate scam like NFT "galleries"

>> No.6379958

Time and time again, souless hacks and their mediocre "art" are once again getting replaced by technology.
nuCamera scare is in full effect

>> No.6379969

Based historical revision retard.

>> No.6381226

>Is that a bad thing?
Yes it fucking is, because those are trash. Has this guy really never had to deal with automatic customer service?

>> No.6381236

lmao, they already got someone's place, artists getting replaced by normies already

>> No.6381270
File: 117 KB, 960x960, 1660327390300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>selling fanart and fanmade merch is forbidden in some cons because muh copyright
>but this isn't

>> No.6381282

Those images aren't copyrighted

>> No.6381322

Kek i remember the vocaloid fanart this is based on

>> No.6381326

some of the ones ai sources from probably are

>> No.6381336

learns from, there is no images when you download stable diffusion models

>> No.6381834

based as fuck anon