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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.24 MB, 4000x2196, practice figures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6371604 No.6371604 [Reply] [Original]

I've been drawing for 2 years and I'm still terrible at anatomy and drawing figures. I know there's a lot wrong with it, but I'm having trouble identifying everything that's causing it to look weird. This is some stuff I did today. What are the most glaring issues with these?

>> No.6371611
File: 161 KB, 800x1043, Ribcage-simplified-Bammes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not terrible for only 2 years. I think you need to work on skeletal structure. Get the shape of the pelvis and how the femur attaches drilled into your head.

>> No.6371624

Well for one thing none of those drawings are finished. Maybe work on that.

>> No.6371695

make real drawing

>> No.6371765

I don't know what you're talking about, these sketches look nice to me. Nothing obvious sticks out. The hands could use improvement. These are all sketches though. Do you have finished work?

>> No.6371776

The ribcage looks like a penis

>> No.6371803

I think you can waste too much time on these kinds of sketch studies. Just work on actual individual pieces and stop worrying about every single possible pose.

Learn from each piece as you go, and work on one piece at a time, to full completion.

Otherwise you'll just be stuck in a cycle of worrying about what you can't draw; you're only as good as the current piece you're working on.

Really, if you're working on a drawing of a sitting girl, do you need to worry about every other possible pose? No, just get good at the one pose you're currently drawing, experience will come with time.

>> No.6371834
File: 984 KB, 1972x656, September art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are some "completed" drawings that I made in September. But I mostly want to get better at the sketching phase and construction, because a lot of the time, the underlying issues lie there, and it's easy to polish something that is really flawed and then not notice until it's too late.

>> No.6371846
File: 40 KB, 500x500, 9787549415304-us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I diagnose you as nutritionally deficient in Bridgman's Complete Guide to Drawing From Life. Lean to construct anatomy that feels connected and under real forces.

>> No.6371862

stop drawing anime

>> No.6371901

I'm drawing more twice as many years as you and my drawings aren't half as good.

I'm starting to think NGMI-ers are a real thing.

>> No.6371907

It's all about intent, pencil mileage, learning from mistakes instead of repeating them. You could draw for a decade and learn nothing if you go about it wrong.

>> No.6371918


>> No.6371922

Like... What are you trying to achieve with your drawing that will make it better than your previous one?
And Generally, are you intending on being the best artist you can possibly be? or are you content with what you are doing now? Sometimes one can forget their original motivation and just coast along, drawing out of habit, but not really progressing much.

>> No.6371964

Don't listen to this, this is bad advice. If you spend 3 hours rendering a drawing, you've practiced your anatomy once. If you I stead spend those 3 hours figure drawing instead, you've practiced you anatomy 8 times in this case.
This is how people end up with over polished turds. It's because their fundamental core skills are lacking because they spend all their practice time rendering.

>> No.6371970

Based af

>> No.6371979

>line quality actually goes down when looking at a reference
Your problem is a severe lack of confidence

>> No.6372021

you lack refinement, try to make those drawings more refined and when you realize you can't you will start seeing mistakes that you couldn't spot before
It's like applying color to a line-drawing, the silhouette comes into focus and you see where you fucked up, the same thing will happen when you try to render your drawing further
Looking at a messy drawing is like looking at art with squinted eyes, you can't see shit when it's blurred
>If you spend 3 hours rendering a drawing, you've practiced your anatomy once alongside rendering, appeal, shape language, colors and completed a piece for your art portfolio
>If you Instead spend those 3 hours figure drawing instead, you've only messily practiced your anatomy 8 times and gotten a bunch of doodles you can throw in the trashcan
take the just draw pill

>> No.6372188

Having direction is very helpful. If you just draw/study without direction, it'll take longer to get to where you're going. I still struggle with this a lot. Hell, even after 2 years, my fundamentals are still very shaky in a lot of areas because I never had a proper direction.

How does worse lines on references suggest lack of confidence? How could I improve it?

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by refinement. Do you mean line quality, or quality of the entire image? How would I make them more "refined" looking?

>> No.6372222


>> No.6374309

Wise words. Well said.

>> No.6374330

Who is more beginner friendly, Bridgman or Hogarth?

>> No.6374347

>learning from mistakes
This and it's also good practice to look at your piece with critical eye and think of other ways how you could push it even further.

>> No.6374356

I started with Hogarth, I think he might be more beginner friendly, Really exaggerating the forms for you to memorize, but for posing? not good, Bridgeman is the cure.

>> No.6374474

wow this book is huge, i want to draw anime style characters, are there more adapted books you would recommend?
thanks for the share.

>> No.6374478

that is the anime adaptation anon

>> No.6374496

Pure and utter crabbing. Instead of addressing his problems directly, you give him a time waster. Op I assure you books won't help you.

>> No.6374506

Perspective and value and stop drawing anime. Will unironically improve your anime

>> No.6374519

not op but what should i use to learn?
i used to draw a lot as a kid but now i really want to learn seriously, so where to start?
i used this website https://drawabox.com/ to learn perspective a while ago, should continue their whole course?

>> No.6374546

>Op I assure you books won't help you.
Now that is crabbing lol. You come in here, dismiss one of the best books on building figures, and offer nothing yourself. pfft

>> No.6374553
File: 105 KB, 546x817, Screenshot 2022-11-15 042341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't copy the drawings in it to learn the style, you copy them to help internalize what you read in the accompanying text. See what the drawings are teaching you about the body.

>> No.6374567


>> No.6374616

Talk is cheap.
Now let's see your anime art.

>> No.6374628
File: 11 KB, 133x96, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How would I make them more "refined" looking?
you're leaving some jagged lines/obvious brush strokes, pic rel
make it clean, like you're putting it on a store shelf, no half measures, leave nothing up to the imagination

>> No.6374630
File: 323 KB, 573x800, Bridgemanscompleteguidetodrawingfromwaifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6374842

do these art teachers that write books have a single finished drawing with full composition and a story? No floating heads, no unfinished naked people. An actual PIECE.

>> No.6374860

You won't make any really satisfying gains until around the third year, and then various things will start to click about how bad you are which will prompt you to study more methodically, e.g. "my hands and feet look like shit because I spend the least amount of time on them when I do a finished piece, and I can only fix this by grinding out hundreds of hands and feet over the next few months whenever I have a pen and paper available, and even then, they won't be GOOD but I'll still be able to spend two minutes on them and a half hour on booba as I've been doing all along."

>> No.6374863

And then you may notice "huh I really don't know how wrists and elbows work I've just been sticking hands on tubes..."

>> No.6374885

ALRIGHT.....jesus christ

>> No.6374955
File: 2.21 MB, 2732x600, progress 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, just do a lot more of these. Maybe try more dynamic poses once in a while. Seems to me like most of the issues with these works comes from a lack of practice. You're coming along fine, and as long as you try to make every every finished drawing your best drawing ever, you'll continue to grow and improve. That's what I did (pic related, old works but you get the idea).

>> No.6375113

Ah, I didn't really notice a lot of those broken lines until they were pointed out. I'll try to be more mindful with my lines going forward.

I've been trying to get better at faces specifically because people I show my art to tell me that my faces tend to be the weakest part of all my drawings. I still struggle with them a lot despite them being one of the things I've practiced on the most.

Really nice improvement. I never considered trying to make every single one of my drawings my "best drawing ever." I'll give that a shot next time, see how it pans out. I want to make a manga one day, but I don't think I'm ready to start on any large project yet.

>> No.6375123

your imagination figures look pretty good if not just sketchinb
but your reference drawings actually look worse. i think you're looking to much and not analyzing
my advice would be to just paint your damn figures. even if its just a block in

>> No.6375131

u'd probably do well to copy good artists u like.

>> No.6375686

at what level of fundies should i tackle when reading bridgman?
i dont think a /beg/ like me can use this book but what do you think?

>> No.6375723
File: 82 KB, 902x637, Screenshot 2022-11-16 023010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Difficult for beginners. I had used a few random anatomy books before it (Jenő Barcsay, Hogarth and some no name skeleton and muscle reference book)
Have a try anyway though, The difficulty varies, some parts are easy(pic rel)

>> No.6375791

Can you draw some shapes? Like 2 sets of a sphere, square, and a pyramid at two different angles. And if your feeling spicy you could also try a 3rd set where you intersect them together.

>> No.6375805

P sure a lot of manga artists do bridgman and morpho

>> No.6375809

Blown the actual fuck out, holy shit
Post your work crab shitter (you absolutely won't)
Toshinari's sketchbook (still do Bridgman though)

>> No.6375854

You think art is some kind of competition where the point is to mog other artists. So when I post my work and its better than yours it will cause you to shitpost in other threads to lash out in rage. I dont want to degrade the quality of this board.

>> No.6375857


>> No.6375954

>Difficult for beginners
ah fuck
guess i'll try the book later when i'm semi decent or when at least i'm done with ktd

>> No.6375964

Everything is difficult for beginners

>> No.6375969

Bridgeman can be confusing. This Proko video would help someone wanting to try it.

This youtube comment is also of note.
>I was doing horrible at my Bridgman studies until my teacher suggested simply pulling up an anatomy diagram of the muscles in the human body. From there it was simply seeing which parts Bridgman was showing and how he added the flow, which helped immediately. Just some handy advice.

>> No.6375980

oh i see
does that mean learning bridgman along with anatomy helps the process?

>> No.6376021

Yeah, There are actually 6 books inside Bridgeman's complete guide btw.

Bridgman's Life Drawing
Constructive Anatomy
The Human Machine
Heads Features and Faces
The Book of a Hundred Hands
Drawing the Draped Figure

>> No.6376032

holy shit that's many
i didnt know it was an actual compilation

>> No.6376036

this is advanced /ic/ humor

>> No.6376738
File: 187 KB, 1059x1280, DRSB+book+new+(1059x1280).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 years it's still a small amount of time but you're good so far. Learn to observe thru lines and shapes, pay more attention to the photo more than your own drawing and don't worry, you will get the photo eventually or try drawing from the photo upside down, that helps too. You can also trace parts of the photo to get the basic shapes right. Pic related it's a nice book that teaches these methods.

>> No.6376748

go back to basics. When you 'reference', literally trace over them. make sure you draw the correct ovals and loomis/reilly stuff (or whatever you want to use). your construction is like you are imitating actual construction, but doing it so half assed like you never learned. like you just saw other people do that type of stuff and randomly tried to copy it without knowing what they are drawing or what the construction shapes represent.

>> No.6376763


Thanks for the tip OP, now PYW.

>> No.6376766

Ok now, post your work. You know the drill.

>> No.6376767

This is actually a pretty good observation. You can tell a lot by a person's construction lines!

>> No.6376772

>this is terrible
fuck my life

>> No.6376796 [DELETED] 

Fucking kill yourself, most art isnt your stupid anime shit. I reiterate. PLease kill yourself.

>> No.6376802
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, 1531597769249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. has never completed a full illustration or finished a single drawing
I'm sorry nobody cares about your sketches, it's no wonder why .AI has blown up in popularity since it enables anyone to draft virtually any scene on demand.

>> No.6376814

what does my post have to do with anime? I asked for finished art from these art teachers, that's all. Why would that trigger you?

>> No.6376852

I find that I'm generally worse at drawing figures from reference than I am at drawing figures from imagination. It's a common thing with me, and I never really understood why this happens.

I was interested in trying out Saito's 3 month method, but I read countless times that it wasn't a method designed for beginners. And I consider myself still a beginner in a lot of ways, so I decided against doing that method for the time being.

Thanks. I did try tracing some things a few times, but I felt like I had a hard time learning anything from it, so I stopped and went back to standard referencing.

Why parts about my construction do you think are the "imitation" parts?

Terrible relatively. I'm under the impression that a lot of people who have been drawing for the same amount of time that I have are far better at it. I've seen some really good stuff in progress threads, but it makes me feel bad about my own progress.

>> No.6376995

I'm not good with imagination either, I'm kind of around your level. This is just what I've been thinking lately

I'm still learning but I had a dream last night where someone said to draw a figure and then rotate it and try to draw it from a different angle. I noticed on discord when people do this type of study it really shows what volumes they're not understanding, often times it's the belly, neck/collar area and pelvis that's confused. They don't often get critiqued though, probably you'd be better off posting work here. It's easy to draw a good looking pose and kind of fake it you know? But turning the shapes forces you to really think and assess what you've done. When I do it I get really confused and need to look up references, diagrams and other artists work to get an idea. Think that goes to show I never was thinking in volumes to begin with

My two cents :*

>> No.6377042

that's not OP, anon

>> No.6377193
File: 589 KB, 1080x2299, Screenshot_20221116-035143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those Korean(?) books by that Taco fella

>> No.6377205

There are like fifty books by this guy, do I just buy everything related to anatomy or is there a compendium? Interesting body of work

>> No.6377230

Try to keep in mind the function of the body parts you're trying to draw. Proko has anatomy videos on youtube if you want to cover this.

>> No.6377835


Not the guy in all caps, but it is bad advice to discourage someone from trying something

There are plenty of painters who always wanted to animate but never done so, and the opposite.

Alex fucking Ross is too deterred to make his very own comic despite having plenty of exp. as an industry legend.

>> No.6378015


>> No.6378060

why don't you lower the opacity of these sketches and draw with a finer brush on top of them to see where you get it?

you barely did the construction, finish something.

>> No.6380531
File: 874 KB, 1280x720, 1627437319899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's okay to use reference anon