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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 350 KB, 828x845, 689BAF2A-1B21-458C-B195-3A18E4ED4E8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6365510 No.6365510 [Reply] [Original]

I really love sci fi and this is my favorite art style (xeno x concept art) but even after looking all the concept art, the 3D models in 8K, I don’t know how to do this. I can draw basic head shapes but maybe there’s something else I need to learn to improve? What should I start by learning. I would rather not post my art here because I don’t wanna be doxxed but I think I’m okayish.

>> No.6365523

>How do I draw exactly like this?
You are looking at a blueprint of exactly how the lines have been placed.

Are you asking for a magic spell or something?

>> No.6365536

>I don’t know how to do this
Have you ever tried copying it?

>> No.6365539

It's difficult to tell you this but this is just reiteration and time. The person who drew this is a skilled draftsman. You need to have an understanding of human anatomy and perspective. It's going to take a long time to draw this kind of stuff effortlessly but the good news is that it's just a matter of reiteration and time. This doesn't take any special talent. Read Scott Robertson's How to Draw and Bridgman's Figure Drawing.

>> No.6365545

have you tried designing clothes? can you think and imagine in your head an original outfit? if you cant even do that, thats where you need to start,

>> No.6365548

Yes but even tracing, it still looks different. I don’t know how this works. I use procreate on an iPad pro with gen 2 Apple Pencil btw I should’ve mentioned.
No, just insight on stuff I might be missing
I’m 20, I see a lot of artists older than me by 1 year who draw so much better, and I can only do sketches without getting massive burnout. But I really try to practice everyday, but I feel like I need a course or something like maybe I could do what you mentioned and put in effort everyday so by the time in 2 years I could draw this. Sssuming I read both of those, how long could it take?

>> No.6365552
File: 253 KB, 828x1052, A7B300AD-DECE-426D-914D-96913F0657C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m mostly just interested in the style of the face.It’s very pleasing to me, like modern 80s anime or something. Clothes I’m not interested in. At least not until I can nail down faces.

>> No.6365569


>> No.6365572

You only get better through practice. As for burnout. It's like asking "How do I practice running a marathon. When I have run 50m I get so bored I just stop?"

>> No.6365574

>I’m 20, I see a lot of artists older than me by 1 year who draw so much better
you will never make money from art. imagine this as a fact. if you want to quit drawing because of this then please quit. if you'd like to continue drawing regardless of this fact then why do you care about twitter niggers posting better drawings than you? I'm not even going to talk about how people lie on the internet. drawing is a personal journey and unless you're quadriplegic and you have Alzheimer's you can learn to draw just fine. there are many lies about drawing but something that's absolutely true is that you should never get demoralized because some japanese teenager is technically more skilled than you. you are a human being and you have lived your own life, no matter how fucked the world gets you are unique, you have a unique vision and your DNA is unique, what you can do with art is something only you can do. stop worrying about this shit and pour effort into learning to draw if you really love it
>Sssuming I read both of those, how long could it take?
if you're starting with the foundations and you work steadily it would take 6-8 years to get there
people who say it takes less than that aren't doing what you want to do, you want to just shit out this kind of stuff and rotate 3d objects in your head
it takes a long time, get to work

>> No.6365586

Here. Pic rel is me practicing after a month. Its really hard to draw 3/4 angles that look like front facing ones that are semi not simple.
I don’t want to do this for money. I want to make stuff I really like and draw it effortlessly, to make people who look like the art style but also design original people who could look like they’re in that style. Are those two things I should read or watch you mentioned the only things? The more resources I get the better right?

>> No.6365589
File: 149 KB, 750x629, A6BF5000-8399-426E-821C-EADB9AF3F689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me I forgot to add it

>> No.6365604

>Pic rel is me practicing after a month
that's great, you just need more time. have patience and keep practicing
one thing you should do is immediately get into the idea of drawing characters doing things and try to add backgrounds as well
practice people in environments, acting, interacting with other people. draw from life as much as you can, draw real people, no matter what they're doing. if you're commuting it's a great occasion to draw people in real environments
>Are those two things I should read or watch you mentioned the only things? The more resources I get the better right?
yes and no, don't hoard shit. if you don't like bridgman or loomis there's hampton or someone else. the goal is learning perspective and anatomy. you need a book on perspective and one on anatomy. if you really don't like a book, get another. but the point is that you only need to get a book with the foundation and then just practice. many people are stuck collecting worthless materials they don't need. it's not worth it to hoard shit because 99% of the drawing you want to do is about perspective and anatomy and you only need one resource for it. another good thing for anatomy is getting IRL shit like a plastic skull. there are apps too with 3d shit you can rotate, get those because they're immensely helpful. most of the work is about understanding how to rotate 3d objects in your mental space and putting them on paper - again I am assuming that this is what you want to do

>> No.6365616

Part of me is just worried that doing this completely 100% on my own would take me longer to achieve what and how I want to draw effortlessly. I don’t want it to take 8 years or more, I’d be fine with 7, I don’t care if I need to work hard everyday to achieve this, I just am worried I might pick the wrong book or something. It doesn’t help most classes here are garbage.

>> No.6365632

Everything that online classes will tell you is a rehash of loomis/bridgman, there's no special secret sauce to it. The learning process is all about getting to understand 3D shapes on a 2D space and nothing achieves this but practice. Scott Robertson's How to Draw is a tough text but it's flanked with videos and it's also very clear about what perspective is about. The point is that perspective teaches you to do the 3D to 2D stuff and anatomy actually gives you the information to put human bodies in that 3D space. You posted a turnaround which is really easy stuff but I imagine that you want to expand that to acting and other natural figure drawing. You need to really study people and the way people move for that. The accessorizing part of the drawings shouldn't scare you because once you know how to draw forms you can do literally anything you want, the hard part becomes consistency and accuracy over several panels or animation - which is why you have settei in the first place.

>> No.6365637

Thank you for the advice a lot. But what’s settei?

>> No.6365648

character reference sheets for animation etc. like what you posted in the OP

>> No.6365649

aiiiie schizoo

>> No.6365654

Oh lol I didn’t know that. Thank you for the advice again, I know people say this board is bad, but would you think that’s false? Is making post like these when I need advice or I’m stuck, or I don’t understand what an art resource is telling me good? This is my first post here.

>> No.6365666

>but would you think that’s false?
It's not false, this board is terrible. I haven't been here in like 5 years and I just happened to pass by.
the most important thing to learn draftsmanship is to always think in 3d shapes and draw with 3d shapes and perspective in mind as much as you can. this is also how skilled animators do things and why they break complex things down to simple shapes. everything is about putting 3d forms on a 2d surface and it's all about practice, nothing can substitute practice, it's like asking someone to forge something correctly with a hammer or carve something correctly into wood on the first attempt, it's impossible. art is a lifelong thing and it's something that should affect how you live every moment of your life, every time you look at people or things you should think about shapes and perspective. you have other means that are faster and fit better in a production pipeline but assuming that this is the kind of skill you want to learn it's all much harder and skill intensive but immensely more rewarding because it literally changes the way you look at things

>> No.6365673

This board is only good for resources and harsh/aggressive criticism.

>> No.6365689

unironically its loomis. then place the pieces on the dummy. you can set up a grid for landmarks or head height depending on what proportions you want. the head is clearly loomis with the ear and inner head lines still visible just in a 3/4 and side profile. can see the ears and head before hair.

>> No.6365697

Drawing the actual eye shapes, nose and mouth is trouble for me though, it’s very hard to replicate it let alone make an original design in the same style.

>> No.6365722

that face is very unattractive. why would you want to draw like that?

>> No.6365782

>Drawing the actual eye shapes, nose and mouth is trouble for me though
learn the anatomical structure of the eye. you have trouble learning it because you still think it's flat on the face. the eye is a very complex shape that starts with the skull's orbital cavity. you have the eyeball on it which is a sphere with a dome on top where the pupil is located, then you have thick flaps of skin wrapped around the sphere. on top of all this there is a series of muscles that create eye expressions. it's one of the most complicated subjects in human anatomy. take your time and FEEL THE FORMS

>> No.6365924

Make 10 thousand finished works and you'll be able to do this guaranteed. But only if you try to make each one the best drawing you've ever made.

>> No.6367758

It's hard to draw 3/4 angles because they're complex. Pay attention to the world around you and notice how much action happens when a person turn their face around. The eyebrow meets the side, the cheekbones are highlighted, the eyelashes cross over the side of the face, eyeball continually getting smaller and changing shape, how the eyeball hits the curvature of the face, how the nose crosses the chin and covers up the area below the eye and the lips start to show up.

>> No.6369315

learn figure drawing
copy the artist

>> No.6369417

Do you have discord?

>> No.6369441

I have no idea what you're asking. You don't honestly sound like you've sat down and done figure drawing before.

Are you asking how to draw anime? How to draw clunky boots? How to sketch a girl posing? Just learn to sketch, bro.

>> No.6369808

start with a circle