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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6363556 No.6363556 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, so here's my line art right....

WHAT NEXT. Or not "what next", but how do I go about the "next" step. (which is coloring and shading)

>> No.6363559

Have you tried not drawing like shit?

>> No.6363561


>> No.6363562

go to beg and stop attention whoring like a fucking newfauck

>> No.6363592

i have... several times in one thread exactly. But nobody seems to care about my beg drawings. Guess I should go fuck off

>> No.6363594


if you pyw and you're better then me then i'll agree with you.

until then, you are a nodraw /permabeg/ schizo

>> No.6363595

It's because tyour drawings are lame ass boring shit, somehow more boring than AI pajeet art.
Why won't you just stop bitching and draw you fucking asperger lazy shit?

>> No.6363604

>but how do I go about the "next" step. (which is coloring and shading)
just do it?

>> No.6363606

in order:
form/cast shadows
bounce lights

>> No.6363627

Full stop until you fix the hands.
Legs quite long, making the arm quite long, the right arm isn't correctly connected to the body. Torso twist is only present in the back, chest and abdominals give no indication of this.

>> No.6363638

Don't draw sketches. Work towards finished pieces. Make compositions. Place your guys and gals into environments. You can do it!

>> No.6363691

i think ur drawing would benefit from less muscular detail, and more focus on things like clothing, hair, color, shape. Also is it just me or do her boobs look really weird.

>> No.6363772

Look up cross hatching
I am b/c i am raging over shading

>> No.6363905

Based trad chad

>> No.6363955

buy rope

>> No.6364066

robotized, geometrical and boring (Just go freehand pajeet)
You are a boring fuck, your drawings are dipshit and you should leave this board until you atleast have a sovl.
Stop doing this anatomy construction you found on youtube, this takes all the personality from your drawings.

>> No.6364084 [DELETED] 

100% of people who have ever felt this way were shit artists.

>> No.6364179

>Guess I should go fuck off
Finally you get it.
While you're at it, maybe JUST FUCKING DRAW.

>> No.6364237

the areas where the linework is supposed to carry the most weight visually, the hands and feet, are where you left ugly blobs
bulbous frog eyes, comically ogrish nose and forehead, unappealing furrowed mouth and resting bitch face
you are entirely too concerned with illustrating anatomy despite your skill level stil being at the point where you often struggle to depict simple geometric shapes in perspective
body proportions are buffoonish and repulsively crass despite your clear intent to express grace and beauty
the pose and general perspective is chaotic in such a way that one doesn't know if it's too stiff or too loose, too close or too far; it doesn't make sense, if you look at the thumbnail, you know you're looking at the image of a contorted, misshapen freak
acquire aesthetic taste, there is no beauty here, this is an image that homosexuals and autistics whose sexuality came as a result of peer pressure call attractive
sure, you can render this if you want, i can't stop you, do you need someone to explain to you what hatching or blocking is? don't you have 15 books on that already?
there are many people whose work is repeatedly ignored on /beg/ and they don't feel entitled enough to post their own threads like this, i wonder what makes you feel differently, as someone that is not new to this board

>> No.6364292

sorry op but the pose feels kind of unnatural.
the person's upper body is turned to the left with both shoulders forcefully pressed down, but the head is somehow stretched straight forward with all power. would you sit like this?
i'd raise the right shoulder a bit and lower the left one - which is something you natrally do when you do this pose.

>> No.6364300

> there are many people whose work is repeatedly ignored on /beg/ and they don't feel entitled enough to post their own threads like this, i wonder what makes you feel differently, as someone that is not new to this board
This is a critique board, and the OP wanted critique. If they're not getting the critique they need in the /beg/ thread, why would they keep posting there?

>> No.6364322

because there is nothing board-relevant, unique or interesting to critique, let alone discuss when it comes to this single image of a glorified figure drawing exercise, do you have any other retarded questions you'd like answered? do you understand the purpose of a general thread? do you want the fifty or so people posting in /beg/ to also make a new thread for every single one of their high effort low skill doodles that they want headpats for?

>> No.6364328

>because there is nothing board-relevant, unique or interesting to critique
Doesn't matter. It is not your job specifically to critique, but this does not change the fact that this is the critique board, and people will seek out critique here. There's not point in being upset at someone for using the board for its intended purpose.

> do you understand the purpose of a general thread?
If the general thread doesn't so its job, it is worthless.

>do you want the fifty or so people posting in /beg/ to also make a new thread for every single one of their high effort low skill doodles that they want headpats for?
Yes. It will make less room for Twitter, Politics, AI spam, and other trash.