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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6360722 No.6360722 [Reply] [Original]

How do manga artists do this shit?

>> No.6360727

bros i need (You)s

>> No.6360729
File: 86 KB, 563x820, 1662589410286681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They practice, they use good lighting to give objects a sense of place and weight, they . That particular panel has a few flaws - cramped and asymmetrical composition, somewhat awkward proportions to fit the pose, a bizarrely high eyeline despite the ground in the distance rising to meet it so quickly - but it's good enough for a single panel in what was certainly a hurry. Manga is hard, yo.

You've probably only ever done pinups, so I'd recommend you dedicate some time to trying environmental object studies. It's hard, but what isn't? You'll get it down. There's lots of tricks you can pick up too.

>> No.6360737

>environmental object studies

>> No.6360741
File: 214 KB, 800x1150, Suehiro-Maruo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing objects in environments, or environments incorperating objects. Draw the line as you see fit - is a tree an object in the environment or a part of it? Depends on the piece. Trains are a fun and challenging way to practice making something look like it's part of the background, and much like characters, they can be simplified into basic shapes easily, but can be detailed endlessly.

>> No.6360745

Learn perspective.

>> No.6360981
File: 632 KB, 1440x1440, 20220202_083546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember: Keep drawing everyone. Keep drawing. Draw a little every day and never forget to have fun and experiment. Every failure simply means you're one step closer to understanding. Reflect, ponder, and keep on drawing

>> No.6360989


>> No.6360992
File: 31 KB, 480x272, IMG_20221029_145044_117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aot might probably be the biggest reason why modern day weebs are as cancerous and bugmen-like as they are. The other original sin might be SAO for the isekai fags, while for pre-2010s stuff I can think of Bleach/Naruto for generating braindead zoomer shounenshitters. Getting recs for anime/manga that isn't what everyone else is watching/reading at the moment (that Homokaisen thingy, Chainsoyman, Demon Slayer, FOTM #63466) seems fucking hard those days unless you look at charts from 10 years ago or get recs from less popular websites. At this point i'd rather just draw than consume fiction in general honestly.

>> No.6360996
File: 123 KB, 460x708, adVMGEQ_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Finch (pic related) has a YouTube channel with free most real time tutorials, and has a vid on this in particular. https://youtu.be/Ub19UehR8rc

>> No.6361073

>it's popular so it's bad ugh i'm too smart for media
You are a child.

>> No.6361191

more loomis

>> No.6361305

anon look at that image
that is not inspiration towards drawing characters in backgrounds

>> No.6361413

nothing in that picture is drawn. literally nothing.

>> No.6361974

how is this hard?
you can get away with less detail than if they were in the front

why is /ic/ so full of posts that make some of the most mundane art "problems", the biggest magical obstacles that take gargantuan amounts of effort to overcome?

>> No.6361975

>released in 1984
100% of that image was drawn.

>> No.6362704

Excellent video. Literally fixed all my problems.

>> No.6362705

Perspective and Boxes.

>> No.6362709

Are there any hacks/tricks to figure out perspective of a scene? It's easy to find Horizon line, but what about the rest?

>> No.6362754
File: 238 KB, 728x1090, 1608986476002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, Isayama is pretty shit at drawing human beings desu
He legit can't into volume, non-wonky facial expressions or appealing shape design.

>> No.6362760
File: 266 KB, 900x1350, 0061-026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By comparison, here's a random FMA page since I'll use average/good manga art to make my point clear. Compared to that full page, you can clearly see how the characters aren't just standing here like stiff mannequins, there's clear gesture and visual storytelling to every panel, alongside a much better sense of form in general. Also I am limiting the comparison to monthly manga with good but not exactly mindblowing art, comparing Aot to Berserk or Inoue's works would just be plain unfair.

TL;DR find better art inspirations if you want to truly succeed.

>> No.6362767

Those people look awful though

>> No.6362771

I never said otherwise, Isayama is pretty low-tier. It's in nobody's defense that I call that anon a juvenile retard.

>> No.6362772

Aot has more detail though

>> No.6362805
File: 1.46 MB, 1800x2600, 1651078872836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically detailing (just like general rendering) is way easier to learn than legit good understanding of figures, dynamism and a good grasp of perspective. Not to mention assistants helping out as well considering both are published on a deadline.

>> No.6362819

nta but worked like a charm, thanks

>> No.6362851

so 100 years after image scanners were commercially available

>> No.6364705
File: 553 KB, 1156x1600, 1664078277911287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if it's just me but, back in the day it felt like core fans of anime had, for lack of better term, maybe not better taste cuz it's all subjective but atleast more mature tastes. Not that the mediocre shows didn't get popular, Naruto/Bleach/Sao especially, but the great ones such as FMA, Madoka, Gurren Lagann and Steins Gate got a lot of praise by critics as well.

Those days? Have luck trying to find a decent anime that isn't fotm shonenshit or isekai garbage. Normies ruin everything they touch like the plague.

>> No.6364898
File: 226 KB, 800x1154, 060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove your claims.
Prove that Suehiro Maruo, the man himself, can't draw a fucking square with a triangle on top of it.

>> No.6364916


That's what THE FUNDAMENTAL SKILLS are for, retard

Perspective and construction

>> No.6364962

if you seriously can’t tell that is a photo, you might be retarded
nobody said anything about him not being able to draw

>> No.6364975

they get their assistants to do it

>> No.6364978

>nooo my garbage by the numbers mechashit and shounenshit is better than *insert current bullshit trend*
its all the same pulp trash for teens, grow up

>> No.6364987

>Madoka Magica
Anon I

>> No.6365000
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>its all the same pulp trash for teens, grow up

>Your tastes are LE childish, my tastes are LE adult

this is how you sound. go back to plebbit, ynbaw, faggot. Niggers in africa could use the air you're wasting

>> No.6365260

Cocaine and adderall

>> No.6365597
File: 147 KB, 828x455, 1631109551908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6368642

>non-wonky facial expressions or appealing shape design.
i mean, the guy is drawing germans... seems pretty realistic