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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, 1667225960374769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6359592 No.6359592 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /fag/?
This is the Furry Art General thread, here we post everything related to kemono, furry and animals alike.

>Rules & Guidelines
Please refrain from flaming, causing drama or replying/feeding those who cause such.
This is a SFW thread only, please take caution so you don't get BANNED for posting NSFW art.
This general is NOT and NEVER will be affiliated with any discord servers, DO NOT click any of the discord links that are spammed here!
As always, don't be afraid to ask for critique!

https://e-hentai.org/g/1729178/96bf94c9c0/ (JP)
https://e-hentai.org/g/2030895/daf58b235f/ (EN)

Previous thread: >>6348759

>> No.6359628

At which point did you decide that 'this is too furry' and added humanoid features in?

>> No.6359632
File: 290 KB, 1402x879, tapping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never done that.

>> No.6359646

>be touch starved neet
>go to fist furry con
>no longer touch starved
feels good bros
only when it has 4 legs and made just animal noises
I like my anthros very furry

>> No.6359652

Does anyone have some experience with selling merch? What's a good online store to get started?
I did a bit of research, but I'm unsure. Redbubble seems like it is dying, Etsy is for handmade stuff, and I was looking for something print on demand.

>> No.6359664

Tell me more. I'm a KHHV and I haven't've had a hug in decades. Should I go to a furry con? I'm not really a furry myself, though. I'm just a furry artist. Anyway, please do tell me more.

>> No.6359753

if you go with a few friends, and if possible get someone experienced to show you around and introduce you to people, then it's a really great time. I had a lot of fun just talking/meeting new people, cuddling, and drinking(booze is always free) going between different room parties. im pretty introverted and not even one for parties but this has been a great experience. highly recommended as long as you can handle a little cringe and degeneracy, you might find yourself in the chaos.

it's a good way to meet other furry artists too!

>> No.6359755

Sounds kino. Artwork though?

>> No.6359759

I should add, hugs literally get handed out like Halloween candy, especially from fursuiters. everything is very 'ask and you shall receive

>> No.6359765

Oh. I don't have any friends though. And I definitely don't know anyone who could show me around.

>> No.6359857
File: 1.77 MB, 4368x2912, 1639157519754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for references, I found this. Reminded me of the pic/discussion last thread about arching your back with ribs showing. You get something like this. Not sure if she'd be able to arch her hips more though.

>> No.6359986

Never. Although I've had cases when drawing and going "This looks too western styled" and adjusted that.

>> No.6360036
File: 73 KB, 798x598, download - 2022-11-04T220244.957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like I got what I was going for with drawing guys now.

even if ur not into something u can still tell there's appeal there, so i was annoyed that when I looked at guys, there wasn't even something there, it was completely devoid of any sex appeal (even the supposedly "sexy" ones), so I went on a little art journey to find the sex appeal in a guy and make it lewd, cuz like... surely there had to be some somewhere right? and just cuz im a guy shouldn't actually mean I won't be able to tell that it's there.

hell I didn't even need to give them big muscles, so I'm pretty satisfied

>> No.6360039

the head still looks feminine

>> No.6360052
File: 1.40 MB, 2937x3800, pika maid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have infinite respect for people who draw complicated outfits. This is really hard.

>> No.6360216

Contour lines and breaking everything down to basic shapes to layer upon. Unless you're doing heavy skirt frills, in which case you dug your own own grave.

>> No.6360240

Not to sound like a coomer but thats a really nice stomac-pic! I'll use it, thanks.

Mabye take a look at some femboy thread/subreddit, i dunno

>> No.6360398
File: 257 KB, 1053x881, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did the flat color and some fixing regarding line thickness etc (i make the contour much thicker). how's now? i wonder if i just keep it flat or shade it a little.

>> No.6360470
File: 546 KB, 949x843, characters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to design a character. Thoughts?

>> No.6360493

looks good

>> No.6360504

Cute, but very gay.

>> No.6360505

i want to bite his tongue

>> No.6360529

The neck reads a little long to me on the upper-right two pieces compared to the other roughs, but other than that I like.

>> No.6360632
File: 102 KB, 1280x1040, IMG_20221105_230127_951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6360639

Jesus Christ I thought that was a fly head from the thumbnail.

>> No.6360648

LMAO I honestly see it

>> No.6360658

the lines are very nice, but could i offer some anatomy advice and maybe some perspective advice?

>> No.6360684

Anything goes anon. My self-critique is the muscles surrounding the pelvis are missing or unclear, and the bottom's arm could have some work on as i dont draw back view of triceps as often.

>> No.6360689

It will always be too western styled.

>> No.6360703
File: 356 KB, 1121x811, Screenshot from 2022-11-05 20-58-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can ignore the perspective part.

The most noticeable things are:
the tiger is missing a back leg and his front leg is a bit too big for the rest of his body

the muscles in the wolf's torso were drawn from the front, but we're looking a the side of his body. it looks like he was cut in half

>> No.6360706

just wanna add. you're doing really well m8. the lines and colors are really good. maybe study hampton a bit more

>> No.6360712

How long did the left take? It seems slow

>> No.6360715

Too bad the tiger's pretty much done so i couldn't change much (maybe i'll add back legs peeking a little). As for the wolf i can redraw some lineart to make it fit better. Thanks for the input anon.
Started yesterday, hope it'll be finished tonight

>> No.6360716

not sure what you mean.

>> No.6360754

Dang yea so like it definitely takes at least time over the course of 48 hours kinda thing. It's a multiple session type project. You're just keeping things really clean, and you're adding a lot of polish to unfinished things, like the stripes even though you still wanna change the overall shape of the butt. But I guess there's liquify for that now. Anyways I wish I had the patience for what you're doing. It honestly makes the art come out a lot better.

>> No.6360789

Bat spotted. Awooga.

>> No.6360920

Man, at least leave me some hope.

>> No.6361323
File: 922 KB, 2011x1484, sdalker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get out of here stalker

>> No.6361340
File: 3.97 MB, 2924x4550, Flats HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Streaming shading the flats today~

>> No.6361454

unsavory reputation

>> No.6362037
File: 293 KB, 960x1280, A740BFD5-08ED-42D5-898C-F88C41F6F141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on a wholesome commission of a Civet, and a Jerboa with two totally different definitions of “a party.”

It feels nice to work on a sfw commission after doing so many porn ones.

>> No.6362041

How do you do that skirt without going insane?

>> No.6362044

Nigga I'm nuts!

>> No.6362049
File: 60 KB, 340x512, 1646161160875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6362070
File: 35 KB, 345x109, PYW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6362081
File: 172 KB, 661x1077, image_2022-11-06_234415617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just starting drawing humanoid animals and I would like some advice If I can receive some. Thanks in advance.

>> No.6362113

Practice. Patience. And boredom helps me focus.

>> No.6362122
File: 89 KB, 798x800, tm_mofumofu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still a very wip, just haven't had time to get back to it and fix up some shit that's off-model.

>> No.6362129

Pretty good.
t. western furfag art hater

>> No.6362130

small gift to friend. dude's missing a thumb.

>> No.6362132
File: 464 KB, 1602x2061, gift .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me

>> No.6362187

Take me to dinner first.

>> No.6362298

I suppose so eh? Well it looks really good if I didn't impress that well. I actually hate those skirts irl, but I'll be damned if you didn't capture the look perfectly.

>> No.6362322
File: 179 KB, 880x1173, Illustration163 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after years of not trying, i am starting to try.

>> No.6362338
File: 458 KB, 581x660, fidfgjlgdz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never know what to do with the hair

>> No.6362346

Thanks anon :)

>> No.6362357

noise filters make everything look comfier
maybe i should start using them

>> No.6362364

Noise filters also 20x the filesize of your PNG.

>> No.6362371
File: 1.68 MB, 5513x1634, 1FD4508F-8682-4B5A-9CF8-58391F2AEB99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some suggestions. I’m assuming it’s female.

>> No.6362395

Here are a few general tips from my own personal experience.
- learn how to draw muzzles
-try and study animal skulls, and animal anatomy. (Depending on how anthro and humanoid you’re making your characters)
-paws. Learn paws (they’re cute)
-tails connect to the tail bone. Not the butt cheeks.

As for the art you posted, your head is looking a tad too large.

Hope you stick around and post more. I’d like to see you improve. Till next time anon.

>> No.6362455

>It feels nice to work on a sfw commission after doing so many porn ones.
It's odd. When I shill my nsfw stuff, everyone who commissions me only requests sfw stuff. What's that about?! Great drawing, by the way.

>> No.6362476

You probably have a cute or expressive style that appeals to people wanting sfw stuff.

>> No.6362498

But I want to draw cute things getting fucked for my friends!! ;-;

>> No.6362605
File: 275 KB, 844x1103, unknown (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hehe haha funny sketch

>> No.6362640

i hope i can have something good to wrap up the end of the year

>> No.6362717


>> No.6362853

Thanks for the help! Till next time

>> No.6363035
File: 168 KB, 1043x843, hyperborea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6363207
File: 164 KB, 894x1280, 6B5E2352-5DFC-4CEE-B883-DD4327923A60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6363240
File: 2.68 MB, 2500x741, thxanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all thank anon, I had fun painting those

>> No.6363244

Your heads are always too big
Cute cat though

>> No.6363246
File: 323 KB, 1000x1065, arstdxgcf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I’m assuming it’s female.
Well it is now.

But that's exactly the point. I can hide the place where the ears and the hair well enough with long hair, but with short I feel it always ends up looking like a bad wig.

>> No.6363305
File: 2.67 MB, 1534x860, cutting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed that only right after I posted it. I don't have a very good sense of scale, I've discovered. Especially if I draw a background and place a figure onto the background.

>> No.6363309

Have you studied proportions before?

>> No.6363329

I haven't. The solution to most of my art problems is to study. But I don't want to study. I am digging my own grave.

>> No.6363349


i like these, well done

It's fine to make art as a hobby and not to study at all. You don't necessarily have to grind. It mainly depends on your end goals. Do you have fun doing it?

>> No.6363353

>It's fine to make art as a hobby and not to study at all. You don't necessarily have to grind. It mainly depends on your end goals. Do you have fun doing it?
I don't know my end goals. I don't even know why I draw in the first place. It's more that if I DON'T draw, I will feel very bad.
But it's still fun, for the most part. And that's all that really matters, for a hobby.

>> No.6363446

>Especially if I draw a background and place a figure onto the background.
I always stick a door in my scene somewhere (or erase later) as my point of scale reference. Everyone knows how big a door is.

>Do you have fun doing it?
NTA, but I wish I had fun drawing. I just keep at it in the hopes once I get over the vertical wall it'll be more enjoyable when I can turn my brain off and worry less about anatomy/foreshortening/composition when it comes more naturally.

On that note, anyone got references for learning to suck less with colour picking? I know my warm/cool colour concepts, basics like bounce light and ambient occlusion, but fuck if I can ever just pick the right tones to shade with. Too many amateur-tier guides that just go "Use layer blend modes lol" which results in a lot of extra layers on top to make it not look like you desaturated it in greys/purples/whatever-single-colour-you-shaded-with.

>> No.6363476

> Don't know what my end goals are

Do you remember why you did start to draw?

If nothing comes to mind, take a moment to look up art fields you would like to work (Concept art, animation etc) it may give you some direction.

>> No.6363492

Your all a bunch of filthy homos who will NGMI

>> No.6363499

But I primarily draw stockstacks and females.

>> No.6363510

Same desu. What did anon mean by that?

>> No.6363549

>NTA, but I wish I had fun drawing. I just keep at it in the hopes once I get over the vertical wall it'll be more enjoyable when I can turn my brain off and worry less about anatomy/foreshortening/composition when it comes more naturally.

It's okay anon. Is there anything you find enjoyable about drawing? A specific subject, or a process you like (colouring, sketching, thumbnails, anything)?
If no, is there anything you'd like to learn to draw?
Why did you start drawing?

In my case, I always liked cute characters but also badass/edgy ones. I slowly created a small comfort zone, and I'm still slowly expanding it.

It's okay not to have figured it out yet. Damn it, I haven't figured out almost anything at all about my journey. Sometimes I feel like I'm just winging it everyday.

>> No.6363569

>It's okay not to have figured it out yet.
I've been drawing on/off for two decades (with big gaps of no art until recent). It's always been about wanting to create those characters that live a life in those little worlds in my head and get them out on paper.

Problem is the vision is grander than the skill I got. Mostly just end up sketching shit with simple poses or doing fanarts and that's it. Easy to get discouraged when I see other artists just whipping out layouts like it's no one's business and I'm spending an hour just using perspective lines and blocking out an environment.

Eg. This was mine. >>6362122

>> No.6363633

>I've been drawing on/off for two decades (with big gaps of no art until recent). It's always been about wanting to create those characters that live a life in those little worlds in my head and get them out on paper.

I'm at eight years, and never had a proper discipline to really study art. Maybe last year was a little better. Motivation comes and goes really easily. Were the big gaps of yours caused by a lack of motivation / discouragement?

>Problem is the vision is grander than the skill I got. Mostly just end up sketching shit with simple poses or doing fanarts and that's it. Easy to get discouraged when I see other artists just whipping out layouts like it's no one's business and I'm spending an hour just using perspective lines and blocking out an environment.

Feel ya. The only thing I can recommend you is trying to shift your mindset from envy/discouragement to admiration. Basically lying to yourself for a bit until it becomes the truth

We like it or not, there's people out there getting eaten by the passion of art churning out artworks and artworks, and we probably ever reach their level. You can call it talent, hard work or anything you want; there's a ton of people, a lot of them younger than us, miles ahead of us.

So, the best we can do is learn from them and use them as fuel for our own growth. Do not compare yourself to the others if it isn't to actively learn something; comparing yourself to others just for the sake of it is self destructive. Studying other artists is very beneficial, trying to emulate some of their process and making it your own. I made some of my best pieces trying to think like some of the artists I like.

Hopefully you don't see all of this as spewing out motivational stuff, because I really believe that you and I can be happy about what we make, one day, even for a moment.

There's room for improvement, not gonna lie. But is it cute? Fuck yes. Does it work? Also yes. Also hit character limit, sorry.

>> No.6363654

holy god i would die for him

>> No.6363715
File: 2.15 MB, 3000x2400, 3C632512-E720-400F-820A-79B710C77DD9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was on /co/ and someone floated an idea for An American Tail story where the family goes to Japan ( Orient Tail, if you will ) . I’ve since made this, which admittedly probably has absolutely nothing to do with the original idea in the end.

>> No.6363781
File: 450 KB, 1536x2048, 4BB3BAEE-E7F7-4855-B5F8-4E2F3EC0EACB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the commission!

>> No.6363836
File: 1.89 MB, 1800x2200, BIGGER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

experimenting with huge boobs and hips, also experimenting with brushes

>> No.6363842

whoops this is me i forgot to reply to people

Nice! I love your coloring and your rendering
I love the rider's outfit>>6363207
Your anatomy is excellent!
Looks very soft! And the perspective is nice

>> No.6363995
File: 3.80 MB, 2699x3461, 20221108_005320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After several agonizing days, I had to put my dying cat down. Ir's kept me in a serious slump for a week now, and I've gotten little done, outside of shit to try and keep me distracted. But I can't seem to build up steam right now. Still trying to get the background of this piece done, have barely started on the major shading and coloring.

I miss my cat, bros.

>> No.6364009

Sorry for your loss, buddy. Losing an animal is never easy. I found it easiest to just focus on other things, but I was just kinda numb. Not necessarily the best mindset for art. Might be best to just take a break.

>> No.6364029

It's been a year since mine died. Still think about him on regular basis. Life sucks sometimes, huh.
Sorry for your loss, hopefully yours had a great life with you.

>> No.6364055
File: 627 KB, 1205x1833, boobagotecens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to make background... I feel like I failed.
Censored, pls no ban

>> No.6364071

second attempt after some good advice

>> No.6364299
File: 462 KB, 1600x2000, 3F9B0484-6569-4A20-8438-7AD42C61989D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6364399
File: 175 KB, 560x371, le-epic-test lmao.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slow thread. AND IT'LL FOREVER BE A SLOW THREAD!! Finally being less of a bitch and doing personal animations again. Still needs adjusting, but here's the current WIP.

>> No.6364407
File: 264 KB, 1205x1833, D01EC99C-1741-4FED-8AE7-9614924EF173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn’t say you failed. But our eyes are struggling to focus on one thing. Between the tree trunks, and your goat character. One thing that could probably improve the layout without going crazy with editing, is to make the tree trunks a bit smaller. Our focus is the character in the center, and the trees are making the piece feel clustered. Hope this helps. Your character is very cute. I’d like to see more of her.

>> No.6364421

Appreciate the condolences.

>> No.6364422

Sorry for your loss bro. You’ll get back into the swing of things eventually. In the meantime, was this piece inspired by your cat? What with the ouija board and all?

>> No.6364425

Thank you. Nah, I just love spooky/occult/horror shit.

>> No.6364545
File: 311 KB, 750x1113, Untitled380_20221108202224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done finally

>> No.6364577
File: 46 KB, 478x478, 1637611241379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may potentially get an IRL artbro furfag, from whom I could improve from. But I'm not sure how to proceed.
I'm a student in the private security sector, and today while my instructor was telling the class about his escapades as a private investigator, he told a story about a woman who thought her husband was cheating on her. She hired my instructor and he and his colleague found out that her husband wasn't cheating on her; the man was attending furry meetups (in a fursuit) and was trying to hide it from his wife. My instructor made a comment about how how silly the whole situation is, and something about fursuits that I don't remember anymore.
This spiraled into a small conversation between one of my classmates and the instructor. Said classmate said something about how he doesn't really like fursuits either because big, bulky and expensive. He's just in the furry community as an artist, he said, so he doesn't wear a fursuit.
The instructor said "not yet", which prompted laughter.
Anyway, this piqued my interest. I never expected this obese 30 year old man to be a furry artist. Some of the lads sitting next to him asked him about furry drawings, so he pulled his phone and showed some. I wasn't sitting there, but rather some way behind him, so I couldn't see all that clearly. I did see some kind of moose anthro on a purple background, and a drawing of Rouge (from Sonic) with LARGE BREASTS. It was really well rendered, too. The lads he showed the drawings to had a mixed reaction of bewilderment and disgust. Mostly disgust.
Class ended not too long after and everyone dispersed. I walked home and the furry artist guy went some other direction. I really wanted to ask him for more and to show my own work, but I couldn't do so without others seeing. I tried searching for the Rouge picture on E621 but couldn't find it.
This whole thing seems surreal.
Anyway, how do I talk to him without outing myself as a furry to the rest of my peers?

>> No.6365209

I know a dude in my town who has that exact same body frame, proportion and face. Horrifying.

>> No.6365214

always my favorite in every thread

>> No.6365230

get jacked and pretty so no one cares. it works all the time where im from.

>> No.6365438
File: 232 KB, 1502x985, justasample.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't posted here in a while but, I've been working on this number for the past couple hours. I can never figure out cartoon hair, any tips there?

>> No.6365619
File: 951 KB, 960x1280, painttes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ay bros i been tryna make my work not look like dogwater but it feels like im just tossing stuff at a wall


>> No.6365681

It looks like your main issue is technical. You're getting a lot of marks outside the edges. It's not super clean looking.
I think using masks, layer masks, and selections help.

The colors have a lot of harmony and it looks like you shifted your hues for the shadows.

You're value groups are pretty good, but the shading looks a little flat in some areas. It feels like if you brought the shadows in deeper on the face, you'd feel the form more, and the bright spots would look brighter.

The features and design are all good you won't get big improvements working on those things right now.

Try to treat the collar like planes of a 3d object

Overall I'd invest time trying to replicate some chiaroscuro lighting conditions of I were you. Really cute stuff! Hope you can adorable how good you already are :)

>> No.6365687
File: 77 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20221108_191853_007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6365696

The face of your character looks cute, but his left ear is noticeably larger than his right one. Consequently, its placement on his head is lower than that of the other ear. Hence, my suggestion is that you reduce its size by at least 10%. After that, you should raise its placement until its tip is more or less at the same height than the one of his right ear.

>> No.6365713

Take note of where the ear meets the head. The ear closest to the viewer stops above the eye while the farther ear meets the head on the side and beside the far eye.

>> No.6365718


>> No.6365729
File: 275 KB, 1119x881, squat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried to draw more back muscles.

>> No.6365733
File: 342 KB, 849x849, 122b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working on faces n stugff

>> No.6365756

ayy ty for the crits boys, ive been tryna study human faces and how other artists do anthro furry faces but idk i feel like im still stuck in the period of drawing where everything comes out in the uncanny valley, i think as yall said i should just prolly work on my values and anatomy the most out of anything


love this good shit boss

>> No.6365776
File: 81 KB, 660x935, olivia wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello again frens, this is one of my rare anthro comms, I'm actually really happy with it already but though I'd post in case anyone can spot any potential areas for improvement. I usually have blocky lines and cell-shade it so I'm not too sure how to handle colouring this, my hunch is flat colours, multiply layers, then start hand painting over it refining edges, adding details etc. my ultimate goal would be something like mystikfox but that's a *bit* ambitious

>> No.6365786

The anon of post >>6365713 is exactly right. No wonder the ear in the background was so large. I'm surprised that I didn't notice the issue until he pointed it out (I guess I was just too focused on the size difference of the ears to be aware of the problem with their shapes).

>> No.6365795

>Take note of where the ear meets the head.
Aka, always draw your contour lines and think 3d.

>> No.6365798
File: 28 KB, 750x708, lamb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you like my fursona

>> No.6365802
File: 68 KB, 966x755, lambsona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what should i draw him doing?

>> No.6365825

looks like deviantart tried to make a school house rock oc

>> No.6365827
File: 571 KB, 1920x1200, shaky_bobcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your mom and your dad.
or drugs. specifically the leafy one thats legalized in my state.
or all 3!

>> No.6365832

i just named my fresh lubuntu install "lamb". nice.

>> No.6365858
File: 14 KB, 390x362, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6365866

I can never wrap my head around flat shape language. Whole different ballgame from thinking in 3d form.

>> No.6365881
File: 100 KB, 984x738, bobcats_look_dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit he did it. or had done it.

>> No.6365897

Now draw him talking nonsense while high

>> No.6365903
File: 264 KB, 985x1292, F19AB698-1108-4A15-AD57-58E25801C4C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually draw hair like this, i break it up into smaller chunks, and follow the flow of the contour. I’ve broken it up for you as an example here. I hope it helps.

>> No.6365982

The feet are a bit weak imo.
Making the toes more defined and not follow the form of the foot.
There is something odd going on with the belly where it meets the shirt since the shirt on the far side goes behind the belly but at the top of the belly it does something.
There is also unevenness with how the shirt covers the boobs since one side has much more boob being shown vs the other side.

>> No.6366108

its mostly about dropping out from art classes and going back to when you were 5 and drew whatever the fuck, only this time you understand how shapes work

>> No.6366127

Any decent photo resources kicking about for studying muscle form at various angles/flexings? Eg. The mess that is around the deltoid/armpit, and the waist.

>> No.6366165

It would help if you stopped typing like a subhuman.

>> No.6366434

hello, are you me?

>> No.6366439

oops meant for >>6363569

>> No.6366453
File: 49 KB, 503x750, tm_konomi_fanart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are both me, and I'm pretty sure I'm not you. That said I've met other artists that had similar problems of feeling the slow progression despite hours of doing studies/gestures/theory (far more than I bother). Some people just seem quicker at picking up shit than others, and I'm definitely in the slower crowd.

>> No.6366472
File: 18 KB, 489x410, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes so funny

>> No.6366487

Forgot to reply to you in my previous post also. >>6366453

>Were the big gaps of yours caused by a lack of motivation / discouragement?
Major discouragement involving some RL shit that crushed some dreams that I don't want to get into. Big depression phases are not fun for the creative side.

>The only thing I can recommend you is trying to shift your mindset from envy/discouragement to admiration.
It's what I try to do, and it usually just involves drawing some fanart (like my prior post) or being a little style study unto itself even if it doesn't work out. Only other problem I have, at least with regards to character drawing, is just avoiding the imposter syndrome feeling at times as a result of referencing other artist's stuff for ideas/style guidance. Also is just hard not getting frustrated when trying to self-teach myself something and my stabs at doing so aren't working out.

>> No.6366690

>Hey man. So what if we're all just sheep doing exactly what the system tells us to do, y'know like free will is just an illusion? Whoa... Like I just had a thought about a bowl of Froot Loops but what if that wasn't actually my own idea and I really wanted Cocoa Puffs?

>> No.6366780

>Some people just seem quicker at picking up shit than others, and I'm definitely in the slower crowd.
Honestly, I feel this comes from how someone approaches their work. As long as you have strong inspiration, and have another self awareness to know what level you're at, you can progress VERY quickly. But I notice some don't like to accept their faults, and tend to lean into a "my style" problem. Or perhaps they're unable to interpret how their inspiration draws, and thus studies are required.

>> No.6366881
File: 112 KB, 337x740, 5678567856785678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drew something for myself ^^ what do you guys think?

Also is anyone subbed to NMA?

I'm currently starting on gesture and really enjoying Vilppu's course, though not sure if NMA is the right way to start if I want to do art with digital techniques, most of their resources seem like its directed towards traditional fine art.

>> No.6366952

looks great so far. looking forward to see more

>> No.6366954

Cool butt

> subbed to NMA


>> No.6366957
File: 156 KB, 1000x1000, sketch 685 - comm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6366969

got an idea from one of darkgem's drawings for a coomer phone background where bowser is pressing his dick against your screen. doubt anyone would use it, but the idea is fun. might do alts or other characters.

>> No.6367109
File: 70 KB, 586x880, pylls2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

practicing drawing

>> No.6367169 [DELETED] 

You have an eye-catching style; the way in which you depict eyes is quite recognizable. My only nitpick would be the that the placement of the right eye of your character is slightly lower than that of his left one. I suggest that you raise the former just a little bit, in order to narrow the gap between his upper eyelid and his eyebrow. Other than that, it's a good drawing.

>> No.6367173 [DELETED] 

You have an interesting style; the way in which you depict eyes is quite recognizable. My only nitpick would be the that the placement of the right eye of your character is slightly lower than that of his left one. I suggest that you raise the former just a little bit, in order to narrow the gap between his upper eyelid and his eyebrow. Other than that, it's a good drawing.

>> No.6367176 [DELETED] 

You have an interesting style; the way in which you depict eyes is quite recognizable. My only nitpick would be that the placement of the right eye of your character is slightly lower than that of his left one. I suggest that you raise the former just a little bit, in order to narrow the gap between his upper eyelid and his eyebrow. Other than that, it's a good drawing.

>> No.6367180

You have an interesting style; the way in which you depict eyes is quite recognizable. My only nitpick would be that the placement of the right eye of your character is slightly lower than that of his left one. I suggest that you raise the former just a little bit, in order to narrow the gap between his upper eyelid and his eyebrow. Other than that, it's a good drawing.

>> No.6367204

Big fan, huh?

>> No.6367230

Sorry, that was my OCD in action. I try to keep it at bay, but sometimes it gets the better of me.

>> No.6367253

looks lovely, post blog

>> No.6367275


>> No.6367278

>Honestly, I feel this comes from how someone approaches their work.
I feel it may be partly how your learning habits/strengths are as well. Eg. I'm terrible with instruction and maintaining memory of what I'm presented, so I learn better via hands-on, which means of a lot of pen mile grinding just to bang something into my head.

>and have another self awareness to know what level you're at
Not sure what you mean by this unless it's the case of knowing where your strengths/weaknesses are, and being able to approach working on said weaknesses.

> But I notice some don't like to accept their faults, and tend to lean into a "my style" problem.
I know quite a few artists like this. Usually seem to be the type that draw for fun, and what they do at present is all they need, even if they keep making the same 'mistake' repeatedly from drawing to drawing, or end up Flanderizing their style.
Keep seeing artists with 'cute' simplified styles where their head size in art slowly increases year after year for some reason.

>> No.6367372

I appreciate you taking the time anon those are good points

>> No.6367382

I like the facial expression of your character; the eyes in particular look quite appealing. However, the angle of her snout and the shape of her mouth look a bit incongruous in relation to the frontal position of her eyes. My suggestion is that you slightly reduce the angle of the snout, tweaking as well the shape of her mouth, in order to give them a more frontal appearance.

>> No.6367410

thank you so much! anon sent the right link. first time someone sends it for me

That is a good critique indeed. I still struggle time to time with getting the correct proportions and angles (snouts are hard), thank you for telling me. I'll try fixing it!

>> No.6367609
File: 68 KB, 1095x1252, IMG_20221109_202850_887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prodogen :3

>> No.6367661

holy mental illnesscore

>> No.6367669
File: 1.16 MB, 4000x4000, squatcensored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how come the back is so much harder to draw than the front., especially the scapula/back shoulder.

>> No.6367675

Because you draw the front 95% more often.

>> No.6367676
File: 489 KB, 781x1190, whitesolo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

painted that drawing

>> No.6367683

true. drawing only the front or 3/4 is kinda boring tho.
handsome boy, love the way you paint.

>> No.6367738
File: 20 KB, 500x600, Behold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep biting off more than I can chew with any of my high-effort drawings and inevitably give up one them. But hey, that's a skill in itself and I'm working on improving it.

>> No.6367773

Uh brooooooooooo why is he holding his dick like that

>> No.6367862

>at the point where i'm actually happy with my art
is this what making it feels like?

>> No.6367877

iunno. why am i holding my dick like that rn? these things just happen.

>> No.6368093

I've been forcing myself to do the opposite lately which is just fill up canvases with garbage.

>> No.6368309

Honestly, keep forcing yourself. Eventually, it'll become habit and you'll start the question hwy you "gave up" on them to begin with. Just allow yourself to complete the drawing.

>> No.6368597

NTA, but what if it gets to the point where your current skill level allows it to be completed without any super obvious problems with anatomy/composition/etc?

>> No.6368617

>which means of a lot of pen mile grinding just to bang something into my head.
That sounds about right. I believe in most cases, the more you spend time on a drawing, the better it'll look. To me, I feel very slow and at times I'd like become faster at my drawings. But I've been told many times to allow speed to come to you. Otherwise, looking for speed can create bad habits.

Sorry, but I'm a little confused by the question here. If you can complete a drawing and it has no issues, then it sounds like you did good.

>> No.6368659
File: 2.93 MB, 2742x3531, 20221110_144659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done at last.
I feel guilty, but I used a bit of digital light balancing to accentuate the glow effect from the candles.

>> No.6368660

>Sorry, but I'm a little confused by the question here
I really should make sure I'm fully awake before typing shit. I meant to type: What about the case where you can't complete a drawing because there's obvious flaws and you're unable to fix them at present skill level?

>> No.6368664

Also just didn't give a fuck to censor it this time around. Enjoy some fat, floppy junk.

>> No.6368666
File: 1.56 MB, 3200x2400, drunken_slouch_stance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I struggle with getting proportions right while also exaggerating the shit out of them. Is there a quick fix that isn't fundies or you're ngmi?

>> No.6368670

>fundies or you're ngmi

p much

>> No.6368689

fuck fundamentals

>> No.6368690

Push it as far as you can and then dial it back one notch.

>> No.6368699

Bold words. Post your work.

>> No.6368701

>What about the case where you can't complete a drawing because there's obvious flaws and you're unable to fix them at present skill level?
No matter the level, you can complete a drawing. How the end result turns out determines your knowledge and mileage. Don't fear the idea that you can't complete a drawing due to lack of knowledge. Trust yourself, allow yourself to finish it. And if you have to ask yourself "am I done?" with a drawing, you're done.
Now, how to improve upon that will require Critique from others who share the same interests as you (hence this topic), and your studies. I've been copying Bridgman drawings lately, and I was surprised how much I've improved from doing that despite only drawing furry shit.

>> No.6368705
File: 481 KB, 1264x1657, buno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6368707
File: 393 KB, 902x1501, image_2022-11-10_205033300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd time doing humanoid animals. I would like some advice for the hands and the posture, but any critique is welcomed.

>> No.6368710

Clearly because your work SUCKS.
I'm just kidding, I love her. I really need to draw Judy soon. She's got hips for DAYS. I really like the pose you did here too.

>> No.6368711

>And if you have to ask yourself "am I done?" with a drawing, you're done.
Usually isn't the case for me, where I'll think I'm done, then I give it a night's rest, and come back to it noticing some minor mistakes to correct. I guess I'm just more in the mindset of rather wanting to just redraw a piece later if I know something is really fucked up that I can't correct at present, that'll probably required a rework of the pose anyways, hence redrawing.

>I've been copying Bridgman drawings lately
When you say copying do you mean trying to replicate them 1:1, or just drawing the general form you see and picking/choosing what of it to put line to? Lately I've been just doing gestures/form studies from superhero stuff lately. Spider-Man's been a decent excuse for some dynamic poses that force me to figure/block-out some angles I normally divert from.

>> No.6368723

Agreed. It's always best to give yourself at least a half an hour when you think you're "done" to let the information settle in your brain. It's actual science. Your brain needs the break from the, frankly, overly high stimulus of art. Staring at something constantly for one, two, eight hours can severely skew your perception of it, and I think most if not all artists have experienced that. I always see glaringly obvious mistakes on "finished" pieces after letting them marinate.

>> No.6368731
File: 433 KB, 1191x913, 4353452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you say copying do you mean trying to replicate them 1:1, or just drawing the general form you see and picking/choosing what of it to put line to?
Well in my case, I was peer pressured by someone who told me to copy Bridgman's book twice (2nd attempt from imagination). I've been busy, but I've been at it for a good 2 months now. Since then, a lot of people have been mentioning my growth without knowing that I've been on this exercise, so there's obviously some kind of benefit behind it even though I'm simply copying it for the sake of copying. I will say, questions I had before when I see other artists would stylize I no longer question. Feels like I know the answer already in how to mimic their work now, or how to approach my own.
When I copy, I try my best to copy 1 to 1, and I fail I just move forward. Upon failing, I'd note to myself what I fucked up and keep going. This mindset has carried over to my personal drawings, so maybe that's what helped me improved.

>> No.6368734

Do you tend to try and rough/block in form when you're doing these studies? Or are you just examining the work from the side and trying to recreate it as you go? I'm still trying to figure out a study workflow for myself, where I tend to block in everything after a close-enough gesture/line-of-action.

Was thinking of busting out my old Hogarth books and using that for study material at some point since he exaggerates the muscle/form on everything. Maybe it'll help me retain some of it after the fact since I tend to quickly just go back to old habits/forget how something looked at a given angle.

>> No.6368741
File: 281 KB, 1220x920, 34534565467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically yeah, I try to gesture/block in the figures or whatever it's making me draw. Same hands, but here's how the under layer looked, then try my best to "clean it up" with another brush and thus the final result. I focus on finding the form, and trying to learn easier ways in drawing the hand. Each attempt allows me to experiment with different methods, sometimes making me create my own.

>> No.6368808
File: 266 KB, 446x314, crop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wip for some guy

>> No.6368844

Heeeey, I know that guy. Wonderful pic. It's so neat to see how rough paintings can be, and then solely through refinement, get to be their final product. Godspeed.

>> No.6368873

you cant avoid learning fundies m8

>> No.6368886

You definitely can.

>> No.6368932
File: 656 KB, 599x1069, drawing2cens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

piece of shit jannies

>> No.6368940

Jannies love cock. Those lines must have taken forever to hatch. Cute boy though.

>> No.6368944

thank u thank u

>> No.6368974
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x2599, sami-santalahti-dscn0793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean, sure you can, but....

>> No.6368980

That's not skipping the fundies, that's being a dummy. If you're good at observation, and good at self-reflection, you can become a good artist. It'll be WAY harder, but you can do it. Just like our forefathers and forefathers' fathers did.

>> No.6368988
File: 72 KB, 1080x1080, dudes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6369049


be a dumb shit, get hit
This isn't twitter and you aren't above the rules, no matter how many coomers froth over you. Know your place.

>> No.6369158
File: 97 KB, 693x947, wippy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

update with the fixes, I think the chair is out of perspective now I look at it and the rim light isn't done yet. any other crits welcome

>> No.6369164
File: 605 KB, 1800x1800, heny furro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any suggestions?

>> No.6369167

No more jewfros

>> No.6369188

Nice trips. Try to think of large shapes medium and small. Big motifs, and small ones. So maybe you want the neck and legs to be the biggest shapes and have them make a satisfying shape.

The issue here besides the teeth is the head being bigger than the ribcage. If they were closer in size it'd feel more normal.

>> No.6369557
File: 48 KB, 618x767, bunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6369625
File: 33 KB, 552x782, goat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made him a gf

>> No.6369873
File: 290 KB, 609x1249, tennogote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sharing my crappy pic, too tired to figure out and fix whatever I fucked

>> No.6369902

>no neck

>> No.6369908

I noticed that immediately too.

>> No.6369996

neck was there, it's not visible due to hair, idk

>> No.6370631
File: 111 KB, 824x524, 56756754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is taking forever. Why did I come back to animation.

>> No.6370705
File: 141 KB, 977x1440, 2022-11-11_bun2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the end result is usually worth it despite the hours involved. Assuming you use the 12 principles anyways.

Unrelated to that, fuck rabbit legs.

>> No.6370750
File: 503 KB, 899x1301, blowjob2cens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have to censor the best part

>> No.6370840

I dunno about you but I draw furry vore sometimes

>> No.6370841


>> No.6371030

Looks cute so far.

>> No.6371072


>> No.6371099
File: 434 KB, 1080x1354, Screenshot_20221111-222715_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting a new one. The apothecary 'filling a few potion orders', and getting caught in the act.

>> No.6371237
File: 3.19 MB, 4000x3500, 1656835379124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel you. im going to post some reference to try and help you out.

>> No.6371241
File: 1.42 MB, 792x1598, dds427s-5b7e64a5-9712-4e9e-afaf-311949f14402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6371278

based kemoshotas

>> No.6371283
File: 626 KB, 1886x1000, r679r567856785467745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck it, im not very good at it and there are other people in this thread who could probably teach you better than me but i also struggled with snouts a lot for years. one way i visualized it better was by placing the nose relative to the eyes like you see here, forming the mouth (with expression), and then using this sonic-like visualization of the cheek fat and stuff to build up the volume of this whole area that sort of encapsulates the muzzle (in my visualization anyway). i dont always show this in the final drawing but i often use it so i can help feel where things are in space. alternatively ill lay in an egg with roughly the characteristics of the head and the correct perspective, and then ill chisel the head shape out from there. in particular ill chisel out the shape of the brow and the way the muzzle juts out.
one thing i would say to look out for is making sure the foreshortening on the far side of the face is correct when doing 3/4ths heads.
i didnt go over differing muzzle shapes in this but i use this technique with altered shapes and flattened/rounded volumes for basically all animals. if you want sharper more realistic looking heads you can use this same method with sharper shapes as i also included.
>inb4 western furry puke vomit eugh
kemono is just anime heads with a cat nose pretty much, so if you want kemono style heads just go find anime tutorials.

>> No.6371284

A good rule I found was to keep the eyes and tip of the nose closer together than you think. Don't second guess the length of the muzzle, unless you're going for very exaggerated.

>> No.6371290

Looks great I really like her facial expression

>> No.6371293
File: 137 KB, 1075x1200, 2022-11-11_pooka_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I left it at this. Just one of those cases where fixing it up proper would just be redrawing it at this point to unfuck the pose for a sword swing. Don't want to invest too much time into a sketch.

>> No.6371477
File: 1.22 MB, 5333x3987, pixel brush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to nail down a consistent design for my horse that feels right, i'm also loving the pixel brush, it's probably gonna be my go-to from now on.
i really like your style dude, really nice shapes. do you have a blog?
i love seeing these sketches
i like that first one a lot, it's very hot and the garter belt is sex

>> No.6371480

>pixel brush
I love your horse. Girl? Guy? Very appealing either way.

>> No.6371524
File: 3 KB, 862x611, image_2022-11-12_014724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eyy thank you thank you, i'm happy you like my stallion
>>pixel brush
maybe pixel brush usually refers to something different, but it's just a pixel art brush with the only brush dynamic being size. it feels much nicer to draw with and look at than a texture brush for some reason

>> No.6371528 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 600x400, catboyani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna animate weird bdsm catboy porn soon

>> No.6371614

My man

>> No.6371811

One thing to consider are the values in this piece. The sky? and the goat are almost the same color, making them blend together.
What is going on here, seriously
Talk to the guy that you're an artist. Use it as a conversation starter. Be frenly, maybe talk after class.

>> No.6371821

What is her right arm doing? For her body and left arm, google a person in side view. Compare how visible the body you drew is to a photo. Saved because I like it anyway.
I like the texture of the hair on the grey fellow.
nice movement

>> No.6372007

Oh, I generally refer to those as binary brushes. That was the name for it in some old program I used. But pixel brush works fine too.

>> No.6372119

How do I learn bros?
I am drawing but I don't think I am learning anything

>> No.6372120

Draw from life and real references, then slap a stylized animal head on it.

>> No.6372136

>How do I learn bros?
A surprisingly loaded question. Everyone learns differently, and for some the answer might be drawing a million boxes, but for others it might be studying anatomy. For you it could be something else entirely.
How have you found success in learning new information/skills in the past?

>> No.6372153

>How have you found success in learning new information/skills in the past?
I learned in school/uni but learning info from books is completely different than an advanced manual skill.

>> No.6372160

No, I mean HOW do you learn. Just like you asked. Visually? Practically? Through reading? Do you need to see something to understand it, or can you imagine it in your head with clarity and go from there?
If you want to retain information better, you need to understand how your brain filters through it all. Some people simply don't learn from books well. It takes them way more effort. Some people can't watch videos, or they can't watch them without also implementing the exercises themselves.
Asking other people, "How do I learn?" is a bit self-defeating, since only an individual can really answer that question. So my answer to you is, think about how you've best found success learning in the past, and implement that into drawing.

>> No.6372183

Stop making retarded questions and read the sticky.

>> No.6372186

Meant for >>6372119

>> No.6372195

I think it's a pretty valid question. Not many people think about that sort of thing, since many of us go through school being told how we should learn, instead of being encouraged to discover the method that works best for us.

>> No.6372262
File: 481 KB, 835x1626, holldsmal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i even post wips to my twitter? might just stop posting wips there and just post finished paintings

>> No.6372288

Up to this point I was learning by practicing, "copying" by eye and watching youtube artists however I feel like I am more of a hands-on person and I would need some personal training, someone who could guide me and give me specific feedback.
I tried looking for courses but all I can find is architecture shit.

>> No.6372290

I can't learn from books/videos.
I have no feedback nor help

>> No.6372318

If they're like that, then yes, I think so. That's a very nice drawing, and from a technical standpoint, it can be useful for established and newer artists alike to see how others construct their drawings. Like seeing how you did the hands here is very helpful for me.

Hm, yeah, it might be difficult to find a personal tutor. However, if searching for them, then try using words other than "drawing", since as you're discovering I think that usually applies to technical or architectural drawing.
You might also have some luck from watching artist streams and asking questions. That also comes with the benefit of the artist potentially already being into NSFW stuff, so you can ask those types of questions.

>> No.6372320

Read theory, do master studies, it's not that complicated.

>> No.6372329

Doesn't work for everyone. I'm not sure why it's so hard for some people to grasp that not everyone learns in the same ways, but that's the truth of it. Not everyone will get as much out of master studies or theory, and it pays to do some introspection from time to time. The problem is not always the student, and I'd argue it very rarely is.

>> No.6372364

I'd agree theory is more hit or miss, but I find it hard to believe not everyone gets something from master studies. Certainly some will get more from it, but at the bare minimum you will learn the process used to make the art you like, training your brain on the methods used to get there..

>> No.6372421
File: 255 KB, 1000x818, sketch 690 - personal 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking at (you)

>> No.6372431

Sorry, I'm taken.

>> No.6372449

stop it, ur making me blush~

>> No.6372479
File: 951 KB, 2400x3200, looking up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6372540

Only thing I'll say is at least do a quick colour wash or something just so the thumbnail reads as something. People tend to skip over sketches/roughs unless you're some popular fag already.

>> No.6372544

Bad timing. i just ran out of my good shampoo and I'm out of money. Don't trust cheap shampoo that promises shiny or moisturized hair. They lie.

>> No.6372729

i think you're right

>> No.6372732
File: 1.53 MB, 938x972, deepdark2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I salvage picrel? I have two main issues with it thats stopping me to take this further.

1) How would I block out the grayscale values so it all reads better (I kinda fucked up with character choice - both having black legs, which makes it read poorly no matter what I try).

2) the pose feels bit whack with anatomy being all over the place.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

>> No.6372738

>1) How would I block out the grayscale values so it all reads better (I kinda fucked up with character choice - both having black legs, which makes it read poorly no matter what I try).
You can use atmospheric perspective here to help out distinguish them from each other.
Example: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/AqNozW
In this picture you can see atmospheric perspective used on the grill's hand, to make the silhouette more readable.

>> No.6372754

Hmm. Guess thats one way to do it.

>> No.6372777

>just like our forefathers and forefathers' fathers did
You also want to know what they did? They analyzed how and what they learned and wrote it down. These treasures of precious knowledge, gained over lifetimes of work and study, were carefully collected and refined over the course of many generations, and lo and behold, these are what are called "fundies" today.
Yet you're so lazy that instead of just reading a fucking book and doing some exercises, you're going to expend ten times the effort just to end up reinventing the wheel and come to the same conclusions that your ancestors already did who the fuck knows how long ago.
I swear, everytime I read some shit like this I just want to reach through my computer screen and slap the person in question.

>> No.6372779

Call him Steven Mewniverse

>> No.6372793

You're getting yourself riled up for no reason. I said it would be far more difficult. It would take ages longer, because you're right: you're insisting on reinventing the wheel. You and I are in complete agreement. I stated that you don't HAVE to learn the fundamentals, and you don't; but you'll be doing yourself a massive disservice if you don't, if you truly want to make progress.

But go ahead and be mad at me if you want, I truly don't care.

>> No.6372826
File: 148 KB, 711x459, 8923489324iof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologies for the misunderstanding, but your post and the context surrounding gives the opposite impression, and there are retards that actually do think that way. I know this because I've seen them post here several times before. So it wasn't without reason, just misdirected.

>> No.6372848

Here are the rest of those 3d model snouts

>> No.6372905
File: 914 KB, 3000x3000, dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts? i want to do alts with this (clothed and naked). my self-critique is the teeth isn't connected well to the mouth.

>> No.6372977
File: 1.07 MB, 3000x3000, ic dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried to not touch it too much but added a few line things that make it pop up more, feel free to use/ignore/get ideas from the changes


>> No.6373031

friend just did me a massive favor and gave me an extra bottle of theirs. my hair is saved. yay.

>> No.6373034

Strange neck placement but cute face!

>> No.6373226

Think you might be too harsh on yourself. It's in current state, there's a lot you do with this drawing. So far so good, I'd say.

>> No.6373291
File: 1.82 MB, 2328x2712, sniperserb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like drawing military furries like an autist

>> No.6373296

Guess you are right, things always seem worse when drawing late before sleep.

>> No.6373313

nnnoooo you're right. now i can see it. all this time studying anatomy and still making dumb mistakes when doodling lmao

>> No.6373323

>military furries like an autist
Atleast you have self-awareness.
nice drawing, work on gesture and line weight.

>> No.6373350

thank you anon, i will

>> No.6373365

there's something off about the scale of that rifle

>> No.6373530
File: 952 KB, 3200x2400, bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lifeguard type

>> No.6373540

I remember when I used to draw like this.
I was able to get out of this phase by copying the entire book of Hampton's figure drawing, all the while trying to mimic my favorite artists.

>> No.6373560

I çant tell if you're a troll or not. Can you name what the phase is? I know I fucked up the linework and there's a lot of tangents from what I can see. What else wants work?

>> No.6373569

A lot of issues with the line quality and anatomy. Sorry if I came off really vague, but with a drawing like this it's clear you still need a ways to go. Providing feedback to this drawing here won't work very well since a lot of knowledge is lacking. This is where Hampton's book will come in, and copying each page should provide both the mileage and knowledge in order to improve your work.
As for the line art, it's obvious your lines very wobbly. This comes from lack of mileage and not age in this situation. Peter Han has a really good exercise to help with this, by drawing over on the same line over and over again to understand your line control.

>> No.6373573

Yeah ok that helps me out. Thanks anon!

>> No.6373576

Really sorry again if I come out blunt or vague. Just trying to provide some guidance to reach your goals much faster. As long as you have your influences, and be patient with your studies, it'll come to you.

>> No.6373580

Michael Hampton? Design and Invention? That's the only one I can find on /trash/'s compilation. Speaking of which, why doesn't this thread have those types of books available in the OP?

>> No.6373588

That book would be correct. And I believe the /ic/ sticky has more info on this kinds of books.

>> No.6373592

Not the artist you originally responded to, but thanks for the recommend. I'll give it a look.

>> No.6373646 [DELETED] 

i love sluts man

>> No.6373647
File: 187 KB, 422x508, Screenshot from 2022-11-13 14-30-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

design and invention is my go to for whenever i forget basic anatomy.
it breaks it down into really simple, easy to remember shapes.

>> No.6373653
File: 575 KB, 3773x2513, cumshot2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6373655

>why would my penis betray me like this

>> No.6373656

The author seems incredibly humble also, but I guess as an instructor/teacher, you have to have some patience with people. I didn't realize he even had a Youtube channel until recently, which has been a good casual watch to better watch his workflow/thought process.

Wish he started these years ago when he did that revised edition of his book, as they're pretty complementary to some of the shit his book describes.

>> No.6373727

hentai tier censoring

>> No.6373728
File: 2.13 MB, 2924x4550, HalloweenFoxy Commission (4k FA Res compressed).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all finished~

>> No.6373743
File: 192 KB, 1545x869, coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not the only one that's finished if you know what i mean

>> No.6373749

Ooh, well done. I love the colors.

>> No.6373783

Thanks buds- as an artist I can think of no higher praise <3

>> No.6373873

Dumb fucking slut give it back. The damn thing is worth more than you.

>> No.6373877

>he wasted god knows how much on a pen

>> No.6373881

>he didn't inherit family heirlooms

>> No.6373882

>his ancestor wasted god knows how much back in those days on a pen

>> No.6373887
File: 439 KB, 2210x1604, friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been having a lot of fun drawing lately
need to finish some paintings soon

>> No.6373903
File: 602 KB, 3000x4000, 20221111_131823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need to get into the groove of drawing, i wanna become better so here is my first day of hopefully everyday postings

>> No.6373907

the eyes in your sketches tend to look really strange. maybe you should try indicating some of the depth and darkness of the eye socket, and maybe more of the iris shade. right now they look uncanny

>> No.6373918

Do you have a OC character? I found that help motivate me to draw since I am the only person who is going to draw my OC.

>> No.6373919

no not really, ill try to think of one to draw :)

>> No.6373923

Dont worry about your OC coming out perfect first try. I have a few that have changed over time as I drew them.

>> No.6373942

Anon, that's a cool advice.

>> No.6373948

good to know :) thank you for advice

>> No.6373963
File: 207 KB, 1145x1145, 761FCB81-321B-41CB-90DB-F6DD13B23001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying different looks for my raccoon and fox characters.

>> No.6374047
File: 154 KB, 934x1280, IMG_20221113_235824_683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6374082

Have you considered not making them look like puppets?

>> No.6374187

anon, i'm sorry but you're talking to someone who doesn't really listen to critiques.

>> No.6374210
File: 267 KB, 1412x666, police dog alts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for late reply, i also asked /dig/ on what to improve so i also bend the arm slightly to make it fit better. maybe i should add more line thickness to torso. gonna add police uniform lineart and flat color today.

>> No.6374230


>> No.6374235

New thread
New thread

>> No.6374999

puppets are cool as hell.
Make them look more like puppets. Jamming soul into soulless things is never not awesome.