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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 317 KB, 1600x1600, kiriko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6350595 No.6350595 [Reply] [Original]

>this is what passes for AAA industry level quality concept art in 2022
I refuse to believe people don't see what's wrong with this drawing

>> No.6350596

nodraw crab thread

>> No.6350597

>he thinks the point of concept art is to be flawless

>> No.6350598

If you saw the concept art we didn't release...

>> No.6350599
File: 241 KB, 700x279, 1667042131057099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it's prominently featured in the final product, it should look presentable. Look at the Mercy eye as well.

>> No.6350600

people dont like good art anymore and the industry knows this
look at all the 100k+ artists on twitter that keeps getting 10k likes on each shit they produce
all of them have way shittier art than that and that's what people want.

Shit art is appealing and that's the current trend

>> No.6350601

>it should look presentable
It is.

>> No.6350603

I'm so fucking mad at how fucking accurate this is.

>> No.6350604

If it's featured in the final product it's not concept art.
Unless the final product is the art of book.

>> No.6350608
File: 122 KB, 609x400, h5_64.27.18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit art speaks more to masses than good ones
12th century european art looks like permabeg tier garbage despite a thousand years before greek statues exist
Human culture be like that and we're entering that era.

>> No.6350610

looks pretty mid.
and there's always been mediocre concept art, even in much more kino of video game design.

>> No.6350611

Looks good to me, wish I knew how to render like that.

>> No.6350621
File: 183 KB, 1282x2015, 6so11u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great, now post your scribbles so we can laugh at you OP

>> No.6350625

for a concept art, this was actually well rendered.
>inb4 muh goyslop defender

>> No.6350663

You know what concept art is... right?

>> No.6350665
File: 2.67 MB, 6923x3661, 91ZITXHZI2741662760678774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's her actual concept art
I also don't know what you're having a bitch fit over

>> No.6350672

This is passing as professional work today? damn, i might be better for todays standards than i originally thought

>> No.6350676

you should post your dunning kruger shit scribbles so we can laugh at you

>> No.6350678

Middle bottom is better

>> No.6350680

It's concept art. It's fast and barely rendered to show multiple concepts for a character design.

>> No.6350681

these are designs, not illustrations.

>> No.6350682

bad drawing > boring drawing
also look into the 'good enough' effect, which is something i just made up, but i think you can figure out what that means

>> No.6350713

That is presentable. They're just head shots.

Then post your work. If you can talk the talk then you can walk the walk right?

>> No.6350726
File: 446 KB, 1000x1000, kiriko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NGMIggers and being blinded to basic perspective mistakes by rendering
An iconic duo

>> No.6350728

People are asking for your work.

>> No.6350730

We have some adamant supporters of shit art here. Did I struck some nerve? Is this a tranny thing i am misinformed?

>> No.6350731

Ear still looks misplaced

>> No.6350732


>> No.6350734

Yeah I wanted to limit myself to just liquify otherwise I would've spent an afternoon on it

>> No.6350736

>I won't post my work, instead I will insult them, that'll teach em!

>> No.6350737

post your work lil perma/beg/ bitch

>> No.6350738

I am not trying to teach you anything. Its you that got butthurt because of my comment. Imagine you make art so bad that anyone can identify why its shit lol, and we are talking about a professional here

>> No.6350739

Are you new around here?
You can't call decent work shit and not expected to get pyw'd.

>> No.6350740

You think a single face in a concept piece should be labored over, you won't post your work and you are ESL too? this keeps getting better.

>> No.6350741

The previous art was so much better
Someone call Marc again

>> No.6350743

Decent work? I can understand this being made by some random in twitter, but we are talking about a pro working for a famous company, and this mediocre shit is what they can make? Honestly good IA have to arrive soon so this kind of people can be replaced

>> No.6350744

Can someone clue me in? What's wrong here?
Left ear looks off and kinda looks like he didn't flip the canvas, but why is op acting like this is complete beg tier shit?

>> No.6350747

oh AND you a re a street shitter?! LMAO
It's good work, sure, the artist forgot to flip the canvas, it happens to the best of us.

>> No.6350748

Not just the basic concept arts but the mediocre rendering and proportions/anatomy, and thank god i am not an american tranny

>> No.6350749


>> No.6350751

It's because he is a permabeg, trying to take others down a notch out of jealousy. He won't post his work because he knows he'll be ridiculed 10 fold.

>> No.6350752

I am european and whiter than you, paco. Now cope seethe dilate and be replaced

>> No.6350757

Learn English and them come back. It's clear you don't really understand what we are saying to you.

>> No.6350758

I think you’re exaggerating the mistakes a bit but yes you’re right that it’s partly a “tranny thing”. Recently there’s been a spike of sensitive tumblrina artists here.

>> No.6350759

Original is cuter

>> No.6350763

I'm not sure it's remotely a tranny thing. It's just concept art, looks the same as all the rest, looks pro, but not veteran pro
begs do this kinda "critique" often, pick out flaws in work that is far beyond their reach, get told pyw, and then they spend the rest of the thread seething.

>> No.6350767
File: 107 KB, 942x1024, 1643836439792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God job turning her into an androgynous male.

This a fucking bait thread and OP still hasn't posted their so-called "superior" work and they never will.

>> No.6350772

I exagerated yes but ffs blizzard is a big company cant they hire competent profissionals? As i said this is not bad but its mediocre twitter art, and i am not just saying that about the concept art. Pros shouldnt have the window to make glaring mistakes or be mediocre

>> No.6350773

>this is what passes for AAA industry level quality concept art in 2022
still better than 99% of current ic
>tiny man head
>masculine face
this is why he has the job and (You) don't

>> No.6350774

You literally have no idea what you're doing huh

>> No.6350775
File: 1.64 MB, 1518x1215, dl0tqw-7b21eb33-2ec3-4456-9e20-418991d99943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same artist, 16 years ago. What a fucking legend. What game company wouldn't want to hire this guy?
Who knows what time constraints he was under for his overwatch pic with one minor flaw.

>> No.6350776

you faggots could be drawing instead of giving this permabeg more (You)'s

>> No.6350797
File: 1.07 MB, 3161x4087, 1662879647282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game with dogshit designs made for people with dogshit taste

>> No.6350804

>Look at the Mercy eye as well.
The headgear too.
I think this is the only really bad portrait. The others look stiff because they're traced from 3D models but at least they're free from construction mistakes.

>> No.6350806

might be just an old dude with good conections that dont give a fuck about trying anymore because he knows he wont get fired, a lot of cases

>> No.6350807

>posts tranime
the irony

>> No.6350819

So true. It’s scientifically proven that if you stay on /ic/ for more than 3 hours, your art progress starts to go backwards. Stop falling for shitty bait, get the resources you came for, and leave.

>> No.6350821

might be a bit of that yeah. he left blizzard to do nft shit...

>> No.6350822
File: 256 KB, 600x400, 1652858527195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amaama to Inazuma
>character has a good silhouette, despite its simple theme (girl with overalls)
>character is cute
>anime promotes fatherhood
>national product, done with a small budget

>character either has boring silhouette or needs 1000 original OC (donut steel) contraptions in order to stand out
>character looks like (and most likely is) a tranny
>game promotes chopping your dick off and being gay
>Chinese product, done with a trillionaire budget that goes into god-knows-what since it clearly isn't going to competent artists (anyone worth a time has jumped ship)

>> No.6350826

Based Tsang turned in a rushjob and left to do NFTs

>> No.6350829

You're right, absolutely right. It should be their feet instead of their faces

>> No.6350837

>The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias whereby people with low ability, expertise, or experience regarding a certain type of a task or area of knowledge tend to overestimate their ability or knowledge. Some researchers also include in their definition the opposite effect for high performers: their tendency to underestimate their skills.

>The Dunning–Kruger effect is usually measured by comparing self-assessment with objective performance. For example, the participants in a study may be asked to complete a quiz and then estimate how well they performed. This subjective assessment is then compared with how well they actually performed. This can happen either in relative or in absolute terms, i.e., in comparison with one's peer group as the percentage of peers outperformed or in comparison with objective standards as the number of questions answered correctly. The Dunning–Kruger effect appears in both cases, but is more pronounced in relative terms; the bottom quartile of performers tend to see themselves as being part of the top two quartiles.

>The Dunning–Kruger effect is usually explained in terms of metacognitive abilities. This approach is based on the idea that poor performers have not yet acquired the ability to distinguish between good and bad performances. They tend to overrate themselves because they do not see the qualitative difference between their performances and the performances of others.

>> No.6350841

I googled overwatch silhouettes, I never played it. I think you might be retarded, they all look pretty good.

>> No.6350843

Blown the fuck out

>> No.6350846

>game promotes chopping your dick off and being gay
Is anyone in overwatch a tranny? Or are you just super obsessed with them?

>> No.6350925
File: 160 KB, 700x625, 1650121968680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, anon, these dykes are all clearly just for "tomboy enjoyers", I'm just obsessed.

>> No.6350945

what the fuck dykes are you talking about? the pink hair chick? what does that have to do with trannies?

>> No.6350953

Damn I'm sorry dude, but that shitty third world place in west Russia that you call a country can't be considered Europe. Better luck next time man!

>> No.6350992

>Crab thread
>OP proceeds to make ugly character uglier

>> No.6350993

3 hours? make that more than half an hour.

>> No.6351033
File: 643 KB, 1000x1000, kiriko2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can make her neotenic, even though it's not really Overwatch style, while still obeying perspective

>> No.6351051

I agree OP, the context of the backdrop would imply the focal length of the subject.

>> No.6351068

The top left has the same exact face perspective issue lmao

>> No.6351076

nice manjaw you gave her, retard

>> No.6351092

Tsang did that retard, all his female characters have manjaws, the second edit is the softest jaw of the three

>> No.6351104

So the perspective is a little bit stylized, do you wanna complain about how the lineart isn't perfectly smooth or that real people don't have eyes those big?

>> No.6351115

Not really. Spotting and fixing other people's mistakes is easy. Your work is probably much worse than what we see in op.

>> No.6351119

is this the /ic/ equivelant of the fat neckbeard on /fit/ saying x bodybuilder looks like shit and then never posting body

>> No.6351127

And that is relevant to the issue how?

>> No.6351175

>be shown proof of moral corruption
>proceed to split hairs
Alphabet snake being alphabet snake. #TeamYassBridget

>> No.6351190

you're no Tsang, crab retard
hope you never get hired so you won't be able to ruin beloved characters into trannies, retard

>> No.6351221

absolutely obsessed

>> No.6351246
File: 1.67 MB, 3641x2048, FgNCCckUUAY55KZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ngmis can't tell what's off about this drawing

>> No.6351256

dude, no one fucking cares. It's not news that professionals make mistakes in drawings. You need to stop being such a faggot and just go draw. Nitpicking other artists won't make you better.

>> No.6351258

>Nitpicking other artists won't make you better.
It literally will lmao what is this crab cope, when you see something that's not drawn correctly you should be able to both identify it and know how to correct it, it sharpens your senses for perspective, value, lines, anatomy etc

>> No.6351263

>when you see something that's not drawn correctly you should be able to both identify it and know how to correct it, it sharpens your senses for perspective, value, lines, anatomy etc
Funny how we never see this happen with crabs.

>> No.6351273

>It literally will lmao
can you go ahead and post your work?

>> No.6351276

>"can you do something completely irrelevant to the thread so I can potentially feel better about being btfo by you by insulting whatever you post regardless of quality"
I can but I won't

>> No.6351277

I know you guys are arguing and stuff but what is the relevance of crabs?

>> No.6351286

>completely irrelevant
you said your skills improve by shitposting. Post your work so we can see how skilled of an artist you've become from not drawing.

>> No.6351292
File: 648 KB, 850x486, 1651819716729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting in epic bread

>> No.6351303
File: 1.38 MB, 1600x1600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6351319

>Wannabes fail to realize time and time again concept art is about DESIGN and isn't a display of technical ability
My real question is why fhe fuck do the concepts that get left behind always look cooler than the final. The purple one and the big one on the right are way more interesting than the final

>> No.6351342

what was the point of this?

>> No.6351346

To make my penis hard :)

>> No.6351348

You're pathetic.

>> No.6351354

Thanks babe ^_^

>> No.6351430

Looks like Ai generated faces photobased on a shitty drawing

>> No.6351433


>> No.6351437
File: 313 KB, 953x1050, Aoi20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6351664

>this is what passes for AAA industry level quality concept art in 2022
>I refuse to believe people don't see what's wrong with this drawing
don't be so salty OP

the AI is still learning

>> No.6351693

The part I hate the most about being an artist is becoming attuned to mistakes like this and coming off as a smug elitist pseud if you ever point them out. I told a friend of mine that chainsaw man and nier have shit tier animation and he genuinely didn't know what I meant, he is convinced that the animation is god tier.

Honestly you can get away with such low quality when your audience are normie cattle that just want entertainment slop to pass the time.

>> No.6351695

far eye is slightly larger than close eye, bangs are too similar in size, back to /beg/ you go hohoho

>> No.6351700

Chainsawman has some shit animation at times, but the latest ep showed they have top animators working on it.
Your friend is right, it is god tier, at times.

>> No.6351727

Pretty much, yes.
That crab simply didn't blow anyone out. Are you dense?

>> No.6351781

t. btfo anon

>> No.6351852

i'm not the author but stop fixing symmetry so hard, that's why YOURS look so beg.

>Basic anime low int.
Keep it up, focus on form, design and movement, clean it up without following autistically your first lines.
The standard you're trying to reach is quite simple, gmi, so try to see further :)

>> No.6351853

Making crab threads without providing a sample of your own work should be a bannable offence. This board is shitty as it is already with all the AI threads flooding it nowadays.

>> No.6351907

Criticizing other peoples art makes you understand what is wrong with yours. This site is not your safe space you pussy bitch

>> No.6351911

struck a nerve eh?

>> No.6351918

yeah i just hate when i see a pampered wimp bitching

>> No.6351919

is it bad? how?

>> No.6351920

Same, I hate it when begs bitch about shit they know nothing about.

>> No.6352024

They get more money than you, your opinion is irrelevant.

>> No.6352028

Lmao this nigga really thought he did something. Glad to see /ic/ is sane enough to dogpile on this retard.

>> No.6352029

it's not that bad tbf

>> No.6352048

>IP count didn't increase
btfoed you remain

>> No.6352072

You do realize that is still completely irrelevant to the thread? Any poster's skills are completely unrelated to the discussion of the image being in perspective or not, I hope that is clear to you

>> No.6352079


>Concept Art


You're stupid

>> No.6352083



>Kiriko Concept Art
>Posted 2 weeks ago





>> No.6352086

>I told a friend of mine that chainsaw man and nier have shit tier animation and he genuinely didn't know what I meant, he is convinced that the animation is god tier.

Did you actually explain it to him or did you just call the animation bad and leave it at that?

>> No.6352089

But why should anyone take your advice if your art isn't even as good as the people you're criticizing? If someone's art is bad why should they take advice from someone worse?

>> No.6352090

>food analogy

>> No.6352119

but no one is giving advice here. criticizing and identifying mistakes are the most elemental tools you need to get better. this kind of threads are good because sometimes you feel theres something wrong in a work but you dont know exactly why, and theres people that do know why and say it. now when you will draw you know what to avoid doing.

>> No.6352154

holy shit the retardation just keeps increasing.
You think he draw that 2 weeks ago, then posted it straight after? I'd bet he drew it 2-3 years ago, and got given the go ahead to post it after the game launched.

>> No.6352163

>I fixed her
>give her a new bone structure on her jaw
why do people do this? Its not an error in the first place, its just changing how they look. The actual error is that her eyes are not level. That's objective, unless its canon that she has some kind of condition. Its so annoying when people give someone a new hair style or make them have bigger lips or something else that's just genetics and say "I fixed the anatomy :)"

>> No.6352168

The perspective on her mouth/jaw is wrong too

>> No.6352177

It's okay anon it goes away around age 17 or 18

>> No.6352190

cuz you're a retarded who doesn't understand the craft he's talking about and is just spouting rando opinions based on the first hand experience of nothing, stick to the edgelords on /a you have no business talking about art all you are is consumer go have debates on a consumer level with all the other retards.

>> No.6352194

All this time I thought people were posting a tracer skin. Apparently its a different character called kiriko?

>> No.6352210

>all of them have way shittier art than that
retarded take my nigga most of them deserve that and you prob talking about niggas like inkplasm

>> No.6352225

All this talk and still no works posted.

>> No.6352289

faggots like you saying this definitely draw worse than a kid with a rare case of parkinson, nigga talking and no work from you

>> No.6352517

Are you retarded

>> No.6352588

people on /ic/ more than likely draw worse than the artists they like to shit on so of course posting work that's worse would get anything you say discredited.

>> No.6352616

I feel pretty good about my art now anon, thanks for posting this dog shit.

>> No.6352683
File: 182 KB, 666x968, 1639185994590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it looks better. I dunno why anons are excusing official work.

>> No.6352712

I think the first edit was worse and the second one here >>6351033 is the best.

>> No.6352718

Friendly reminder that ai can do better. I'd keep that in mind before you tear down your fellow artoids.

>> No.6352726

>I dunno why anons are excusing official work
because it's concept art? do you even know what that means?

>> No.6352766

He said without posting any of his own work

>> No.6352807

You don't know how this industry works. You don't know what a concept art is. You are a failure as an artist.

>> No.6352867

reaching max retardation here
it still proves its concept art regardless of when it was actually made

>> No.6352869

nta but you sound mad lmao, did he insult your favorite dumb chink cartoon?

>> No.6352870

literally the truth which is why the cattle ITT are seething at you. you can feed those subhumans literally anything and they'll gobble it right up like fucking livestock.

>> No.6352887
File: 486 KB, 1265x2000, ow2-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is your fix, bro.
I'm not putting any more effort into a shitpost.

>> No.6353980

post your work then faggot

>> No.6354059

lol lmao

>> No.6354074

Zero sexual appeal

>> No.6354427

Fug. Any tips?

>> No.6354428

FUGGG cooooom

>> No.6354488

The level of anatomy exaggeration doesn't match the rendering style. There is also no gesture, her outline, around her ribcage, side, hips, is needlessly lumpy. Her flesh looks hard, like clay.

>> No.6354526

Noted. I'll work on that.

>> No.6354575

The neck is long as fuck

>> No.6354582

>criticizing and identifying mistakes are the most elemental tools you need to get better.
I think this is the most succinct summary of the mentality of D-K crabs who remain on this board for years without any progress.

>> No.6354583

dunning-kruger: the thread

not a single one of you is anywhere near the same level of skill as the concept artist in the OP

>> No.6354597

Do you really think your art alone will get you the job? It's about whose dick you sucked in art school that will get your foot into the door of the interview room

>> No.6354624

now I'm not saying there aren't mistakes, but you're still ngmi for not understanding the rule of the audience. This is an icon image for a video game. It isn't meant to be perfect, it's just meant for players to quickly differentiate the characters from each other while also being easy on the eyes. Most gamers don't care about the art unless the selling point of the game is the art, and even if they did, the art would have to be painstakingly bad for anyone to really care about it's quality

>> No.6354685

Then it's not concept art, retard.

>> No.6355031

it now looks like a twink man

>> No.6355269

Anon you are gay..

>> No.6355382

No it's not.