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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 243 KB, 1170x864, 89936394-99DB-48F3-BB65-1D1DA9EF08FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6291473 No.6291473 [Reply] [Original]

Post artwork you’ve made in traditional media for critique and feedback

>> No.6291498
File: 1.91 MB, 2122x2544, IMG_20220924_210738_edit_764590558183852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warmup for today. Would post a painting but all the recent ones are in progress right now

>> No.6291636

This is quite good;the hatching sells it.

Her left hand is a bit clumsy looking, feels like it's in a glove. Facial features (the mouth mainly) could be clearer.

The little bit of arm behind the baseball bat could have been avoided (either have the bat fully overlap the bottom of the forearm, or make the arm/forearm clearly visible).

There's a bit of symmetry issue at the top part of the baseball bat; the top bit is clearly off

But again, gg bro

>> No.6292129
File: 797 KB, 1500x1000, 1662512514710111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else browse /p/ to get reference photos to paint?
I just realized today that I can get tons of high quality original reference by checking that board every once in a while, and half the time they're even composed for you.
Better than google images I figure.

>> No.6292166
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x2808, 20220818_000731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know i have a problem with proportions but i believe this looks ok

>> No.6292185

i always love the architecture threads on /p/

>> No.6292241
File: 3.22 MB, 2879x1879, Jake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im too tired to finish this

>> No.6292314

Finnish it, looks lit as fuck.

>> No.6292450

Nope; /hr/ has a few excellent threads, lost in a desert of coom

>> No.6292466

i recognise that reference

>> No.6292511

Obsolete. In this capitalistic world, whatever can be produced more of the same quality will get the advantage

>> No.6292639
File: 23 KB, 320x426, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obsolete. In this capitalistic world, whatever can be produced more of the same quality will get the advantage

>> No.6292651
File: 533 KB, 1250x1250, pic19a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe a bit too much white space in the top-left/bottom-right diagonal

>> No.6292793
File: 455 KB, 1280x1014, 321DBA07-5B77-4102-86CD-DEEE75D1A3A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick beach from my head

>> No.6292899

love the stringy (?) brushwork in the clouds

>> No.6292915

Visually interesting

Capitalism has little to do with mass-production/consumption (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/capitalism).). Besides, our current economic system barely has anything to do with genuine capitalism either, as they are too much incentive to prevent a truly unregulated/free market.

Let alone the fact that fine (traditional) art is a luxury item (yes they are exceptions).

Capitalism isn't intrinsically bad. The way people abuse it is.

>> No.6292943

Nice cock>>6291473

>> No.6293086
File: 498 KB, 1280x968, 132FE7F8-AC9F-4501-AE6D-A50C21B84E9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks I painted a horse today

>> No.6293269

Kinda like your loose style! That impasto in some places is nice too.

Only thing that kinda bugs me about the horse painting is the repetitive strokes in the grass.

Do you usually leave your works at that stage or do you sometimes develop more details in some places?

>> No.6293298

Sometimes I develop them more not lately though I had a long stretch of multi layer more complex paintings but right now I’m trying to just make really quick cheaper stuff for the holiday season

>> No.6293518

>Why do you chose to be ugly instead of helping, In whatever small way you can.?

>> No.6294261

teaching an art class, elementary level
we'll be doing pastels these coming weeks
I am a painter so a year or so ago I asked you for help in pastel materials
wanted to say thanks, and while my students obviously won't be drawing nekkid ladies, I know they'll have fun

>> No.6294383

I would maybe try to find some child safe pastels? Maybe almost chalk? Soft pastels are a huge health hazard I’m not sure you’d want to have those around children. Things I’m sure you’ve thought of just make sure everything’s above board. It must be hard teaching art in school with how many health hazards are involved in the most basic art supplies.

>> No.6294388

Other than that that’s great I think an art education should involve more different art supplies as opposed to strictly “projects”. Kids can surely have a lot of fun just trying watercolors and acrylics and charcoal, you’re doing a great service to those kids!

>> No.6294418


yes, I have to get AP student approved pastels. I'm getting oil pastels for that very reason: less dust. I myself had asthma trouble with regular pastels when I was in high school

They seem to enjoy it. I make it clear to them & the parents that our class is less of an 'arts and crafts projects' class and more of an 'actually learn art' class.

I'm lucky in that I have a lot of freedom as far as what I teach. We do everything, from dip pens to acrylic paint. No oils though--too much work on my part lol.

every art class I had until college (and even then, some) was dog shit. The best art classes I ever had the instructor gave us tools, showed us how to use them, and had us practice, so that's what I do. Thanks for your kind words!

>> No.6294493

I like it! how long did it take? it's very detailed for a warm up, do you usually warm up like this?

>> No.6294530
File: 293 KB, 1091x1091, 805911CC-9313-4ADD-9F96-A2C707EB9BE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good brands for watercolor materials? Bonus for portability. I usually do oil for trad and have tried casein but don’t like the feel of it. Sketch is by rogner5th.

>> No.6294590

See >>6292445

>> No.6294692

How do you get started? Any tricks to warming up and easing into it day to day? like any exercises or habits you do every day before you start drawing or painting? Or do you just get straight to doing really ambitious finished pieces. It feels so overwhelming, the blank paper-

>> No.6294826

Have an idea. Make a few sketches/studies to know where you're going. Literal warm up (circles, straight lines)

>> No.6294849


>> No.6295547
File: 410 KB, 1500x2000, DSC_1035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frank benson study wip

>> No.6295739

looks a lot like sorolla

>> No.6295868
File: 2.60 MB, 1452x1089, nigel mcgomery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are my odds of selling this type of trad creature art? Any tips on improoving? It's still unfinished.

>> No.6295905

Did you do that 3D Nomad sculpt?

>> No.6296103


>> No.6296366
File: 1.85 MB, 1257x900, painting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think? Should I work more on this and do you think I could get potential buyers? I don't have experience selling art.

>> No.6296464
File: 2.23 MB, 1000x1332, Girl_flower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6296466

I like it. How long did it take you?

>> No.6296471

Around 15 hours. I'm very slow I know.

>> No.6296546

The pencil strokes support the texture of the sweater very nicely!
Not sure about the rest though, would be nice if it looked a bit more cleanly defined – but I don't have enough rendering experience with pencil myself to give you any meaningful guide.

>> No.6296613

There is no weight to it and no depth, I can tell when you drew this you didn't envisioned the subject you drew as a 3D object so it feels completely flat

>> No.6296754

I want some good knee studies

>> No.6296776

plenty of great references when it comes to environments and interiors

>> No.6296777

speed will come with time

try and see; with low-enough price, you should always be able to get buyers

great color handling

>> No.6296883

wdym? Can you post an example?

>> No.6297070

>try and see; with low-enough price, you should always be able to get buyers
Any advice on how I can improve the painting further before selling? I'm also going to have to research into varnishes.

>> No.6297201
File: 1.13 MB, 1150x920, IMG_4125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got some oil paintings on cardboard and paper I might try to mount on panels. Can anyone recommend some good glue?
Try some lost edges and line weight variety to spice it up.
sure, especially if you frame it and get good pictures.

>> No.6297388

Well, it lacks a bit in readability in the foreground;the shapes around the sun are a bit weird.

Buy a book on framing/study framing techniques. Glues they use tend to be reversible ones, like starch glue, but they also use gummed kraft.

Even for hacking around, learning a few tips from people for whom this has been a job for decades is worthwhile

>> No.6297399

shapes like the clouds in the sky or on the ground? I will see if I can touch it up more.
......It is standard practice to sell a painting with a frame? I did not know that... Well I do not know many things. I still need to learn how to do a proper varnish. By the way the texture on that looks awesome. Great brushstrokes on the grassy grounds.

>> No.6297422

>selling paintings in frames
I’m dead serious, if you set that precedent for buyers early on you will never get to retrace it back. It’s what will always be expected. And frames are really expensive. Same with varnishing. Sell the raw paintings let people do with them what they want, all buyers really want is for it to already be on wood stretchers so they can frame it themselves

>> No.6297440

So you mean to only frame it for show, and when it comes to actually selling it I shouldn't bother with a varnish? I've never bought a painting before or sold one so...

>> No.6297621
File: 1010 KB, 541x817, chaddestic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here´s a picture of me and my rupturist work.

I am probably the chaddest painter that ever posted on /ic

>> No.6297630

No anon...you're chilenean

>> No.6297633
File: 1.08 MB, 1284x1546, 17934585-FA46-4B51-A214-BD33C25F3D5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on a flower collage. Not done with the first one yet but I’m excited to see how it’ll turn out

>> No.6297635

Sick as fuck. Love the gradation happening in the hair

>> No.6297636


how many do you know that have painted anime with oil paint? Warhol ain´t got shit on me!

>> No.6297688

top kek

>> No.6297980

Don't be jealous my friend

>> No.6297998
File: 48 KB, 400x500, ae006fb6ce41d22725efb951375f2db5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the late reply but what I meant is that the lines you draw are flat because you don't really grasp the volume of the object you're trying to depict. Here look at the image I posted, the couture lines are very deliberately chosen and are just there to show the volume and mass of the head while the mimic is expressed with no lines at all which makes the face unbelievable expressive and soft. Obviously you're a beginner and nobody can't expect you to draw like that but since you asked for feedback I thought this might help you.

TLDR: when you draw a object always try to visualize the it's depth and volume

>> No.6298001

I take photos with and w/o the frame, buyers can pay the extra for the frame if they want.
The really big downside is I have a mountainous landscape of wobbling piles of frames in my house now, as I paint on many different sizes of panel and canvas.

>> No.6298019

varnishing isnt expensive nigga wtf, up the price of your paintings its cents on the dollar

>> No.6298042

thanks. just get some Gamvar gloss or satin and let oil paint be oil paint. It's not hard.
expecting the buyer to varnish themselves is pretty crazy desu

>> No.6298100

I still don't understand, sorry. I don't think drawing a young woman with those lines would work. I think the guy is just good at drawing, so maybe the 3D thing comes naturally with experience?

Also I don't like claroscuro because it feels like a cheap technique to impress normies. Raphael didn't do that and his drawings look 3D.

What's the name of the author?

>> No.6299264

Hey guys, I'm drawing with some monochrome watercolors for art-school, what should I paint?

>> No.6299273
File: 529 KB, 512x512, r666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what should I paint?
emma watson

>> No.6299315

Alright thanks :)

>> No.6299320

>I don't think drawing a young woman with those lines would work.
wtf lol

>> No.6299357

We're doing scratchboard art in art-school now, what shoukd I draw guys?
I didn't get to do the Emma Watson one.

>> No.6299393

The important thing is to have series, like get a subject that interest you, and make 5 paintings about it and you do that with your entire portfolio. Try not to do cliche things like pretty girls, dog/cats, your shoes etc. The more unique the better

>> No.6299447

I see thank you! My current theme is Mr. Bateman from American Psycho :) everyone is looking at me weirdly now haha

>> No.6299498

That can be one theme I guess but you should do more stuff, the idea behind the portfolio is to demonstrate to the profs that you have an artistic interest and have at least a minimum of artistic skills. The more the better

>> No.6299506
File: 480 KB, 1080x739, Screenshot_20220930_165304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay man, thanks, I will do more variety then
Why am I so bad at painting and scratchboard cutting guys

>> No.6299528
File: 106 KB, 960x720, 1576519564238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh dude how old are you? that shit is juvenile as fuck.
kick that out immediately or at least make something more unique than a badly drawn copy of Pikachu
If you want to do a charcoal series than look up artists who use that medium and try to understand how they work with it. Or look up some youtube tutorials. Just to be clear the issue here is not that you obviously are a beg the issue is that you clearly just spend 5 minutes shitting out these drawings with no thoughts put into it, that's a grantee for your portfolio to be immediately dropped

>> No.6299540

Oh look esdeathanon shows himself to the whole world. He lied about having asian genes. Ah, typical thirdworlder mentality.

>> No.6299545

Wait, there seems to be a misznderstanding, this isn't for my portfolio or anything, this was just some work I did in class. I'm already in art-school kek, plus I'm 23. Also this wasn't charcoal, it was black watercolor.
I'm the most beg of them all and it felt so shitty being the worst out if my class, I think I almost cried. The joke is, this isn't even my main medium, but so isn't everyone else's. And I still made it that bad (I spent 2 hours on them)
Plus, some chich dissed Christian Bale by saying he's an arrogant cunt. I almost got crazy

>> No.6299549

>Wait, there seems to be a misznderstanding, this isn't for my portfolio or anything, this was just some work I did in class. I'm already in art-school kek, plus I'm 23.
This is horrifying.

>> No.6299552

>This is horrifying
Which part is? Lmao

>> No.6299564

no offense nigga, I'm just surprise that someone who goes to university to learn art is painting Pikachu and Patrick Bateman in class to trigger some whore who made a stupid comment. This stuff sounds more like behavior from a kid who is still in high school.

>> No.6299572

Dude, what else am I supposed to draw? We could all choose our own topics, plus I'm not taking art school seriously anymore, because they don't really teach us anything, it's a fucking scam, and I will drop out at the end of this semester anyway because it's such a waste of time. But since I'm already paying for this semester, why not enjoy it? So I will draw whatever the fuck I want and want to see the reactions of my classmates. Which are hopefully positive, because I want to make them laugh. I guess it doesn't have to trigger anyone, I could also make more meaningful art, but yeah.

>> No.6299577

but isn't the point of these classes to make something to the best of your abilities and than discuss it later with everybody else to analyze where you could improve? That's the only good thing about art school, having other people judge your shit, it can be harsh but it helps a lot in maturing your taste

>> No.6299587

Yeah you're right, even with these meme-tier drawings, I got some technical critique and compliments, like using less contrast and how they like the silver parts of the scratchboard. Shit, I forgot to give the others useful critiques as well. I guess I don't feel qualified enough as a beg for that,but I will do it anyway next time.

Also, I did actually do my best, I really wanted those drawings to come out great, but they didn't turn out the way I wanted to.
I'm not taking art-school seriously, in the sense that I'm more invested in my own private projects, but I still give it my all when drawing at those art-classes,because what else am I going to do there?

Thank you for your input. :)

>> No.6299621

>Why am I so bad at painting and scratchboard cutting guys
i'd say if you want to improve the scratchboards, try for some mid tones with cross-hatching, you have the black and you have the white but they're lacking the tones in-between which are necessary to represent the form

>> No.6299624

kek, maybe if we were in the same school we could have been friends. Don't load your brush with so much water when you're doing watercolor for the finer details, it makes it more blurry. Be more mindful of your edges, I think right now you just need to focus more on control for watercolor as some parts seem to bleed into each other unintentionally. For scratchboard you can do more by scratching based on values. Try showing a broader range of values by varying your hatches. Don't be afraid to do more to experiment and learn.

>> No.6299697

Thanks man, I appreciate the comment, however I don't like doing scratchboard art, and the only way I could force myself to do them is by drawing some memes like I showed lmaooo
But yeah, to do the middle tones in-between, I should only scratch a little

>> No.6299702

Thanks man, I think we could have been friends too. None of my lefty classmates even found it funny, it only triggered them lmao, as I somehow expected.
And yes, I will take all you've said into consideration the next time I'll work with this sort of medium, but I won't promise and don't know if I'll ever be using that medium ever again.

>> No.6299720

I forgot to tell that I actually draw digitally on my Wacom

>> No.6300668

I love this one brian, do you paint outdoors?

>> No.6300669

Wait it isn't brian my bad