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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6287237 No.6287237 [Reply] [Original]

If you're on a break after drawing and feel like sharing what's on your mind about what you're working on, the industry, things that excite you about art, or anything that frustrates you about drawing or the process of art then grab a cup of water and chill out here. Remember to keep the discussion on-topic as much as possible.

>> No.6287240
File: 27 KB, 480x480, 1568242613473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm drawing a puffy vulva and I just realized now it looks like a spiders mouth AAAAAAHHHHHH

>> No.6287288

I feel like the galaxy brain meme right now, learning rate seems to accelerate the more I learn. It's a circlejerk of cognition. Getting filtered isn't a meme, you literally have to push past the first gatekeeper however long it takes but once you do, it gets easier.

>> No.6287298

For all my overthinkers out there, don’t overthink. If something wasn’t asked of you to draw in a certain way or to find problems to solutions that weren’t brought up yet, don’t do it. Let it come if it shows itself.

>> No.6287404

are these the fastest threads in /ic/?

>> No.6287405

nah /beg/ is desu

>> No.6287481

my hands are so sweaty it slips on my cintiq screen. help

>> No.6287482

That was my experience too. It's like, it takes 3 years to learn to read as a kid, but as an adult you can get a bachelors in 3 years.

>> No.6287706
File: 51 KB, 500x382, this meme sucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot of barriers too and for me, there's never a clear indication of when I can get past them but when I do, it's like my brain unlocks. I only hope this next barrier takes less time because the last one took about a year, maybe longer.

>> No.6287797
File: 369 KB, 628x568, release me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sometimes willfully give my art peers bad advice or withhold information because I fear they might overpass me.
I also feel regret when I give actual help to them because I feel like I helped the opposing competition.
Why am I so petty and pathetic? Idk how to fix it

>> No.6287802

Dont fret anon. Anyone following ur advice was ngmi in the first place.

>> No.6287803

I wish I knew a long time ago that I enjoy drawing landscapes/backgrounds so much more than le anime boobies.

>> No.6287820
File: 217 KB, 1080x1467, beg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being able to finally do fun little sketches
>Seeing others help Invision your work
>See new peaks to achieve
This place is comfy

>> No.6287830
File: 411 KB, 612x459, 1634021030565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nature has been trying you warn us for a very long time

>> No.6287841

I wish I was more active in uploading my art. I draw often but rarely produce art I feel like uploading, and it greatly hurts my name recognition in the places I draw for.

>> No.6287846 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 1657609363313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I installed a free clipstudio from here only to get a virus on my computer

>> No.6287901

Hope I can reach this point eventually, I get frustrated easily but I'm trying hard to overcome my natural impatience and keep pushing through.

>> No.6288294

I watched in real time this fresh “Japanese” account (may never know) getting retweeted by a few bigger accounts and OVER NIGHT he reached 400 followers and his posts has over 1000 likes. But they keep removing their art and posting new art to make it look like that’s the first post. I literally watched this one account since its creation.

>> No.6288359

I've been catching myself clenching my jaw real tightly when I draw. I usually don't notice until I get up and stretch. Sometimes the resulting ache sticks with me for days.
wat do

>> No.6288402

Nips are notorious for cronyism/circlejerks and mass deletion/rebranding. It's not exclusive to twitter either, I lost count of how many pixiv accounts I follow got nuked only for me to rediscover the artist under a new alias. Social media accounts for japs isn't for amassing numbers and fake friends but having a good corporate image.

>> No.6288457
File: 535 KB, 646x456, gsdgsrt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking tired of Newgrounds jerking themselves off over the same few IPs, artstyles and artists instead of promoting anything else, no wonder this site died.
My stupid game from 13 years ago got 20x more attention than anything I post there nowadays and I took that for granted.

>> No.6288538

on one hand we like to complain about new thing bad old thing good a lot, but newgrounds is cultural bubble frozen in time that's rarely seen these days, for better or worse

>> No.6288559
File: 108 KB, 850x758, 5737357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drop a resource a year ago out of frustration
>come back to it
>the information makes too much sense now

Funny how the brain evolves over time.

>> No.6288606
File: 9 KB, 282x179, 1589573037085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to write a webnovel and earn money by drawing commissions at the same time. Already written 10 chapters and ready to start posting online when I hit 20. Drawing for money is still so far off however, as my art twitter account has next to no follower. And if I want to draw illustrations for my webnovel I would have less time to draw fanart to get more followers. Feels like I should just drop one and focus on the other, but chances are I will get burnt-out before long doing only one thing. I love writing and drawing, and it would take a lot of willpower to quit either.

>> No.6288620
File: 9 KB, 350x350, 1641794880778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I read somewhere that the more twitterposts you make the less visibility each one gets. so you can post a drawing, then respond to comments and your followers might see these in their feed and not the actual drawing. something with the engagement algorithm
is there any truth to this?

>> No.6288666

Yes, but posts with higher engagement get higher priority, and replies are accompanied by the main tweet, so followers will see the drawing anyway.

>> No.6288955
File: 430 KB, 512x515, 1663873560938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feel bad about my lines
>zoom into pics I like
>realize their lines are even worse than mine

>> No.6288958
File: 231 KB, 1440x1080, 1661743956849659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My future isn't bright. I don't know what I have to look forward to. I feel totally and completely lost.

>> No.6289230

I realized I (now) have everything I could have ever wanted as a kid. I have all the fancy electronics, cintiq, ipad, courses that were NEVER around when I started as a kid, career options that I thought were fantasy that people proved again and again to be possible. I have a fantasy meme job where I can work in my pajamas/anywhere I want, no phones or dealing with humans, etc. I obtained everything my NEET/social reject self could ever have wanted without me realizing it until recently. All except becoming a pro at drawing.

But, it’s weird. It’s like a save point and I get to start over where I left off as a kid but with everything I wanted and everything I hated that got removed. So while I wasted away my 20s…it actually wasn’t all a waste at all. I was busy obtaining everything I could ask for.

>> No.6289395

I've been there and I wish I could give helpful advice on how I dealt with it but I got nothing except maybe consider you have clinical depression.

>> No.6289564

Godspeed anon. Prove it wasn't a waste by creating great art. It'll all be worth it.

>> No.6289625

The fact that you feel regret for helping them, but not for trying to stop their progress shows how much of a bitch you are
Let me guess, youre a young artist that got good, but now is afraid to lose the only thing that made you "cool and unique"?
You know that, on an equal footing, you lose against anyone

>> No.6289630
File: 276 KB, 1687x981, 20220805_172933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been on a downward spiral for like two years now and I don't know how to break out. I can't get myself to consistently draw, I've gained about 50 pounds, I have 0 social life, I can't save money, and I just constantly feel lethargic and like I've gotten dumber. I can't think of anything about myself that's going well. I shouldn't feel like this at fucking 22 what the fuck is wrong with me I'm too young to be decaying like this

>> No.6289632

Long covid

>> No.6289634

Less light at night. Sleep earlier, sleep better. Fast more. Get sunlight everyday. Exercise in the sunlight. Eat healthier. If you want to get better, get better.

>> No.6289726

I'd write less and draw more. Something like a 3:1 ratio in terms of time spent. Drawing is just a harder ability to improve at and even maintain, imo it requires more attention to do it well. The thing about drawing fanart is, if you don't have a distinct art style that people end up liking more than the fanservice itself, those followers you get from fanart won't care about your other stuff. If they do love your artstyle they will probably get curious about your personal projects.

>> No.6289926


Thanks. Going to take the trad only pill for a while.

>> No.6290337

>be in art group
>there's a girl who types in cutesy speech
>she draws girls
>some time passes
>now she draws girls with huge raging horse boners
>the dicks become the central focus of the art
It's a tranny isn't it, he's the only one who draws this kind of depravity in the whole group and everyone tolerates it.

>> No.6290350

Why are you retards always talking about trannies, you sound deranged

>> No.6290364

Because I'm sick of seeing degeneracy in my art group but this asshole gets a pass for whatever reason. Even if they were biological female I'd want them dragged out by their hair. Too bad I've met thousands of women and none of them would even be capable of drawing so much fucking shemale horsecock because even the horniest women don't have that kind of libido.

>> No.6290375

>because even the horniest women don't have that kind of libido.
oh my sweet summer child

>> No.6290383

I'm not horny enough to think that a dickgirl could ever be a woman lol

>> No.6290390

Only a woman could ever believe the horniest females raw libido is comparable to the horniest males raw libido. It's not even close. No amount of estrogen can stop a male's libido, while women on estrogen dry up almost completely.

>> No.6290394
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Is traditional publishing still worth it?
Anyone here has any experience?
I plan on making a whole volume worth of material before showing it to a publisher, I doubt I can self publish myself so I want some help in the matter...

>> No.6290685
File: 230 KB, 1449x2048, 20220918_233715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else draw because they've failed at life otherwise and live in fear of feeling like they've wasted it when they're on their deathbed, so their only hope is maybe if they draw good enough and actually make some content with it that people care about it'll be okay? Maybe people will remember me after I die if I can touch their hearts in some way?

>> No.6290779
File: 55 KB, 750x421, 1662490236777731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make a short story comic revolving around some of the problems I'm experiencing in my life right now, but I've probably not written anything fiction since like my freshman year of high-school in english class, which was 8 years ago. Also it was a really cringe Jojo fanfic.
I'm afraid of making something deeply personal but also doing it poorly even though I realize that's most likely what'll happen and it's how you learn. Help

>> No.6290904

Why are you trying to present your obsession with approval and validation as something spiritual, like a life journey or purpose or something? Lmao. "If enough people mindlessly consume my tranime pinups my life will have been worth it" Jeesus. No love for the craft or a desire to bring any characters to life mentioned, 100% of the focus is on what others would think. Even if you manage to get the validation you crave you will feel like shit on your deathbed knowing you weren't true to yourself because you were just chasing likes and money.
>inb4 b-but i gotta pay bills
That is a completely separate part of art, the fact is that you described it as your life's purpose to get approval. You didn't say "I want to make a living off art and tell this story I'm passionate about." You essentially are saying that your life will have been worth if enough people press the like button and validate your ego dream artist persona.

>> No.6290926

You have to be 18 or above to post here

>> No.6291045

why is it so hard to design a guy oc. fuckin rectangular bodies and shit

>> No.6291160
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I can't stop compulsively drawing and my thumb hurts

>> No.6291247
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AI itself didn't demoralize me but seeing how fast normalfags started turning on artists and frothing at the mouth at the prospect of us being replaced and removing whatever remnants of humanity is left in our evil morally bankrupt culture certainly did.

>> No.6291266

pretty much I guess, yeah.
Don't know how to fix it. Or is it just a permanent personality.
I do help them, but I can't just shake the feeling I'm at a lost in some way. Why should I give info to the competition when I in turn received nothing? so sometimes I tell them I don't know or just tell em in a roundabout way
such a petty way of seeing it I know, but still
probably true

>> No.6291280

That is definitely the worst thing to come out of this whole AI problem. Aside from being soulless NPCs with absolutely no taste, they are also despicable sacks of shit that would kill you for bread in a heartbeat, they just live in the wrong era.

>> No.6291289

Wear one of those mouth guards that teeth grinders wear to bed. If not, chew some gum

>> No.6291328

I finally understand arms!

Though the relation between the elbow and the triceps still fucks with me a little

>> No.6291421

>Art comes naturally to me so I learn and improve fairly easily
>Thus harshly judge /beg/s who don't improve fast
>Try learning music
>Absolutely pathetic at it even after a year of learning
I kneel /beg/bros, I have learned to have empathy for your plight (no mercy for the /beg/s who don't even try to improve though)

>> No.6291430

A lot of people have came out in support of us too. I have never seen people want to do something en masse because it's right unless it involves some slutty 13 year old whoring herself out to Islamic christfags or children in general, see lead in our cars last century and how they just let it get out of hand, but when it comes to our art being taken they seem to want to fight for us.

yes, there are bots and degenerates. But so many more who will stand with us until the bitter end

>> No.6291448

lol you didnt have to murder him

>> No.6291470
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daily walks are good for the soul, make sure you guy go out and get yourself some sun /ic/

>> No.6291493

What resource did you use, if any? Arms are something I still struggle to grasp

>> No.6291508
File: 393 KB, 729x514, 1638589319665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What resource did you use, if any?
Anatomy for Sculptors (pic rel)
Proko's videos on arms, his forearm one especially.
This https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=894PGlFUr6E&t=436s
And searching any kind of fitness video on youtube gives you great references.

>> No.6291522

adding details to a drawing make me feel so lazy

>> No.6291730
File: 54 KB, 152x226, 83927640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't fucking escape it. I only have a social circle of like, 3 friends, my dad, my sister, and my grandparents. That's it. And yet, they all fucking come over, want me to visit, or want me to go to some thing with them almost every goddamn day. I swear, they're conspiring against me. They all fucking stagger it in such a way where Friend 1 wants to hang out one day, then my sister the next day, then Friend 2, then Friend 3, then my grandmother, then Friend 1 again, etc.

Why can't these fucking people just leave me alone, and let me work on my art. I 100% have the drive and commitment to be an art hermit and just work on my stuff all day, every day. That's literally all I want, and I've told them as much. But it doesn't seem to fucking phase them, and they still ask me to hang out with them. I'm working on a solo animated short film, and I know that it will take me about another year to finally finish it. But these fucking people keep slowing me down, and I'm too much of a pushover to just tell them "no" half of the time. They're my friends/family, and I do love them, so I feel obligated to do things with them. But Jesus Christ, I just wish they'd lay off.

>> No.6291737
File: 346 KB, 600x546, e8eca87c31573f7aadaf09d797db38d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're trash who doesn't deserve his 'friends'. Just leave them, you'll betray them horrifically when the time comes for it

>> No.6291813
File: 421 KB, 750x797, 1662582998834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like half of my followers are some kind of lgbtq-stuff
also latinamericans are the weebest users on twitter

>> No.6291816

No woman draws that crap they are a tranny and so are (you)

>> No.6291825

>even the horniest women don't have that kind of libido
Pretty sure it's less libido but rather not very likely to be into tranny shemales with horsecocks. Shemale/futa/whatever is a very male fetish.

>> No.6291837

I'm having an urge to spend money.
Talk me out of it please.

>> No.6291854

Go draw to distract yourself. Sketch me a Mermaid luring a sailor into the river.

>> No.6291862

What do you want to buy?

>> No.6291865
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I wouldn't call them friends. They're just peers.
The only occasion I talk to them is when they ask me something.

>> No.6292223

The AI shit has forced me to reconsider my priorities when it comes to art. I'm trying to focus less on making impressive art and more on artistic art, since the AI is good at shitting out "impressive" looking stuff but has a bad understanding of composition.

>> No.6292254

God I’m sick of commissioners always asking me for samples of my art work. Like, nigga, you follwed me, and you DM’d me on the social platform. You should know what my art looks like.

>> No.6292261

This is why you grind/study hard enough such that you can start charging $100 minimum to filter out the retards

>> No.6292277
File: 7 KB, 225x225, images (8) (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think making 3d models and sculpting has helped me a bit with 2d art

its like an autistic pseudo superpower where i can imagine a specific object rotating on all sorts of directions

regardless of that my drawings still fucking suck but atleast i can sculpt and model ugly people and objects

>> No.6292388

i often think about if appealing to most common denominator really is the only realistic way to sustain myself with art
the thing is i dont think i can do it

>> No.6292410

Then be nicer. Most people don't even use the best advice well and if they did? Shit, they'd thank you so much. Learn to enjoy their smiles man.

>> No.6292416

No shit women don't draw that stuff but on the off chance that such a bizarre female exists she wouldn't be capable of doing it at the sheer volume as this dude. Everything about him screams tranny and now I resent the way he tries to be cute and girly when it's guaranteed just a fetish of his and I refuse to participate in enabling him.

>> No.6292571

yes they do
you have had 1 on the board for 6+ years

>> No.6292674

You underestimate how horny fujos can be. But yeah, that dude is definitely a man

Ask if he's already started HRT lol

>> No.6292795

Yeah the board that gets weekly posts about pretending to be a woman for easy attention, or paying women for photos of themselves to pass off as pics of yourself, that board.

>> No.6292833

>or paying women for photos of themselves to pass off as pics of yourself, that board.
I have never heard anyone do this

>> No.6292853
File: 16 KB, 280x280, 16588198298312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ever since I started making a living off comms + selling the occasional painting 2 of my friends have been fighting tooth and nail to gaslight me into thinking that I'm deeply unhappy and that I need to find a "real" job, and they alternate that with making fun of me for not having a "real" job. it makes me physically sick to imagine how much hatred and potential envy these people i considered friends have for me. does anyone relate to this? how do you accept it?

>> No.6292857

Be my fren instead. I treat my talented friends with admiration and respect >w<

>> No.6292861

Friends are people you enjoy spending your time with. If this problem is getting on your nerves but you still appreciate them then tell them to cut that shit out lest you stop enjoying your time with them.

>> No.6292872

>how do you accept it?
by getting rid of those assgoblins. they were never really your friends, since when you started obtaining success they immediately tried to make your life miserable. cut them off.

>> No.6292918
File: 14 KB, 323x254, 1621484327863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accept that what you're seeing is their true colors and drop them immediately. They're jealous of your success and seek to drag you back down to the status quo of mediocrity and dead-end jobs. Surround yourself with people who respect you and will have your best interest in mind.

>> No.6293034
File: 11 KB, 380x284, E0ebZj5VIAArrb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't for the life of me color skin. Be it white, black, asian,etc. It doesn't FEEL like skin. It feels flat and when I paint the shadows it gets worse.

>> No.6293047

what art group? i might know who youre talking about

>> No.6293208
File: 36 KB, 389x260, chillin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna just do studies all day until the new rig n morty tonight. I can tell it's going to be of those great study days where little to no frustration happens, been feeling that way a lot lately actually. Ever since I stopped looking at Discord and cut out music completely, just basking in silence. I didn't realize how distracting wordless music was.

>> No.6293234
File: 143 KB, 446x595, ob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I developed a little bit about a character's story and suddenly no matter what I write he just seems like a massive fucking asshole.

Not only that, but I developed another character's personality way more and she went from someone rather 2-dimensional to someone that I really cared about and I don't know if I want to hurt her that bad (especially when it doesn't really fit the tone of the story)

God writing relationships is difficult

>> No.6293323
File: 128 KB, 735x908, 363FE073-A8BE-4A2B-8682-6DBBE42FFC12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try a gritty speckled airbrush for your highlights to give it more obvious texture, and vary the shades of color you use. Don't forget that skin is several colors including blue, red, and yellow, and whatever bounce light is in the environment.

>> No.6293759

Make an unrelated small thing first. Test the waters and all that. Cute elf.

>> No.6293923

for some reason recently I've gotten followed by alot of bots with korean models as their profilepics

>> No.6293934

I can’t stop looking at gore

>> No.6293997

make the deeply personal thing anon. even if it ends up trash, people connect with sincere art that is made shittily. its way better than ironic wishy washy bullshit made well.

and if it ends up bad, you managed to hone your skills, you can grind for a few years, and go back and remake and make a really polished story based on your old rough blueprint

>> No.6294000
File: 322 KB, 480x480, kite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy fix. Switch to fingerpainting.

>> No.6294089

I was studying this exact same picture.

>> No.6294148

I hate Frida Kahlo so much its unreal. There are so many genuinely talented female painters but she cloutmogs them all simply because she's a unibrow shitskin and her high beg tier paintings trigger the diversity centers in the NPCs brains.

>> No.6294167
File: 403 KB, 869x1236, 1664203489899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work at a shitty office job, 8 hours a day
>there's barely any actual work
>spend more than half of the time on my phone endlessly scrolling 4chin
>can't draw because my room has a glass wall facing the corridor and everyone would be able to see that I'm drawing
Endless torture

>> No.6294569

Too much sugar can make you really lethargic, do you have a lot of sugar in your diet?

>> No.6294577

Will this new AI art generation thingy be included in photochop at some point?

>> No.6294594

a tablet might solve that if you can afford one

>> No.6294628
File: 121 KB, 495x745, 1662623176859722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it like to be friends with a popular hentai/furry artist?
I been wondering how am I supposed to act or what should I do when a bigger artist likes my stuff.

>> No.6294647

They're just regular people like you and me.

>> No.6294650

if they aren't pro tranny, hi five them and tell them you'll let them put the jewish shower waters on first when it's time to get our own back

>> No.6294653

They probably have good stories to tell. I wouldn't mind a friend like that.

>> No.6294713

A lot of complaining about other artists, if the one I know is anything to go by.

>> No.6295115
File: 291 KB, 850x1106, 449538fef6629e0baef9818582ff95c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art is a reflection of the soul which is why I get sickened by my work if I add color. Been this way since preschool. It just isn't me. To prove to myself that color won't feel right to me no matter how good I get, I took some of the most highly regarded paitings and put my signature over it and imagined that I made them. Just as I thought, I felt disgusted.

>> No.6295116


>> No.6295123

What about my post is confusing? Learning to properly reflect your soul is important for any artist. It's a journey of self discovery.

>> No.6295124

They already have neural filters, the background one is pretty close to the same tech.

>> No.6295125

That's not a great experiment for finding truth. There is no way to know without actually getting good at color. The disgust you felt likely came from a deeper place.

>> No.6295128

Did you draw that? The lines look westoid.

>> No.6295140

If you have a messed up inner world, your art will be affected. Or something like that. The reason I'm telling you this, is because I bet if you looked back at your childhood, it would reflect itself in your art too. Nothing you can do about it.
No, I found it quick to represent my style.

>> No.6295142

I do paint a lot of robots... is this because my father was the strong silent type?

>> No.6295189

I don't get it, why would that help?

>> No.6295202
File: 105 KB, 921x657, 58EFD942-CCCA-4274-8E7D-8565AA0F3887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This comment is mental illness. That pic isn't even close to western. There are living breathing nips in Japan who have more "Westoid" lines than that image. I found pic related in 5 minutes, all drawn by japs. You make me embarrassed to enjoy nip media.

>> No.6295227

so THIS is the power of asain jains...

>> No.6295232

filter dodging is reportable in nature

>> No.6295241
File: 2.99 MB, 2250x2250, D0C749F0-DA4F-4CB1-A929-F1122947C03A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Anyone who fell for asian jeans has simply never met a novice artist nip in their life. Don't let these d/ic/kshitters demoralize you.

>> No.6295260

Legit better than 85% of the board, and these are apparently from people who never bothered with senseless fundies and other constructoid nonsense.
You need to reexamine your assumptions.

>> No.6295262

Cope idiot, you don't know what these people have or haven't studied and it's no better than the art here. The best bet is neither these nips nor the majority of this board studies fundies and the results for both are similar.

>> No.6295265

Take periodic showers to reduce your overall body temperature.

>> No.6295300

remember to have fun while drawing so one (me) don't get burnt out and loathe the idea of picking up a pen and draw

>> No.6295305
File: 236 KB, 500x551, 013489bdf58f03a6e4e1349dc834deb8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anytime I hear someone use a noun and end it with "-oid" I immediately disregard anything they say

>> No.6295307

i posted an image with 3 hashtags on twitter and instantly got search banned.
how do i cope?

>> No.6295308

the earth is an oblate spheroid

>> No.6295312

studying sternocleidomastoid is very important for your sucess as an artist

>> No.6295327

Opinions discarded, chuds. Blocked.

>> No.6295339

Krita has 2 plugins, and one of said plugins has been ported to a paid Photoshop plugin

>> No.6295361
File: 37 KB, 320x550, 420F25AC-8F7C-43DC-99AC-4AA42616E72F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up in the morning
>try to draw
>do warmups
>still feel uninspired so just do some studies
>have lunch, exercise, am energized now
>sit down to draw again
>everything is still coming out shitty
>later at night
>when I’m just about to sleep
>the art spirit suddenly possesses my body
>it’s like floodgates are opened and I start drawing like a madman
>I get more ideas in the span of 15 minutes than I do in the whole day
>even my lines are perfect, everything simply flows
>it’s now 1 hour past my bedtime and I’m dead tired
>put down the pencil and go to sleep
>wake up and find the art spirit has left

What’s going on? This happens everyday

>> No.6295372

Tension you're trying all day and not letting it happen, when you're unguarded and give up to go to bed it comes in.

>> No.6295388

move to tumblr

>> No.6295450

>"nip" locks his account
>starts writing in clear, lengthy English posts for an entire week

What the hell is this? Have I been fooled?

>> No.6295525

sounds like deadline madness. i had it most of my life, and it always’s cut my sleep in half.
adrenaline rush, energy spike, ‘oh shit, in just a few minutes is the cutoff, the time i should get to sleep.’

>> No.6295660


>> No.6295667

No, the English is too lax and casual to be machine translated.

>> No.6295680

Agreed its such a desperate attempt at forcing some gay board lingo from an obvious samefag. Not everything needs to be some cringy fucking meme.

>> No.6295688

Japanese is pretty the lingua franca of asian "anime" style artists. It makes sense to write in japanese if that's what most of your audience understands.

>> No.6295689

medication on the counter

>> No.6295697

I know how to reference a body well enough but if I wanted to draw an anime-ish looking face on top of a body how would I do that? Would I use a real face for reference or should I look up some art that's close to what I'm going for and copy that?

>> No.6295712
File: 819 KB, 607x820, E5dlqd4UUAAyJZg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can reference a body, but can you construct a body? Have you tried drawing from imagination?

>> No.6295716

what does construct a body mean?

>> No.6295730 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 313x321, 1644542198757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah because some retard spamming a.i. construction and tranime is totally organic

>> No.6295732
File: 19 KB, 313x321, 1664299439536944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah because some retard spamming a.i. construction and tranime in the first ten post of nearly every thread is totally organic.

>> No.6295740

It's when you draw an object by putting together simplified, but accurate, models of its constituent parts

>> No.6295742

ah, like using one reference for the torso and another reference for the arms, is that what you mean?

>> No.6295743

That's different.The '-oid' thing is organic.

>> No.6295744
File: 16 KB, 320x418, how-to-draw-comics-the-marvel-way-stan-lee-19-320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, like this

>> No.6295745

ah, I see what you mean. Am I supposed to do this every time? I thought just using a reference was enough

>> No.6295746

Using a reference is better, especially while you learn. But construction can still be useful.

>> No.6295749

Every time only if you have the problem you're having.

>> No.6295752

your advice was helpful but my question was more about how I would reference a particular type of face onto a body. I'm trying to draw more stylized faces but it seems difficult just using a regular womans face

>> No.6295779

Construction is useful in 95% of cases. Anyone that says otherwise is lazy and is coping because they're too stupid to pick up a perspective book. This isn't even an argument, if you poo poo construction then you're just a brainlet. Anyone challenging this fact is a moron, you can instantly write them off as retards. I don't like learning it either but there's truths in art that you can't ignore unless you wanted to be limited, personally, I do not so I choose to learn this boring shit so I can make interesting shit without being restricted later. You spend your whole damn life making art, what the fuck is a measly, what, 6 months to a year of studying, maybe 3 hours a day mean compared to a whole life spent drawing and painting?

>> No.6295832

I agree totally, their statement is instantly null and void

>> No.6295833

When you're about to sleep there is no longer any pressure
If your ideas had come out as shitty wobbly doodles you wouldnt have minded because youre about to sleep anyway
Whereas earlier in the day you feel bad about negative results

>> No.6295834

So what? They can still say their opinion.

>> No.6295836

The joke is that the post also ends in "-oid"

>> No.6295837


>> No.6295845
File: 197 KB, 861x857, 1663694640757720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to paint a likeness from mirror and portrait model and i just dont fucking get it

>> No.6295860

can someone please explain to me why I'm regressing even though I'm drawing every day. or even tell me if it's a common thing? I can manage the pain of not liking my art but when I fail on a commission because I'm just worse than the day/week before, it's enough to make me feel bad that I've spent over five years drawing now. I would say that it's just my eye catching up to me but I find myself falling into old horrible habits of proportion and anatomy that I had when I was just starting, like a bias I accidentally burned into my brain

I would post my work but I don't want clients somehow seeing I post here, even though that's pure paranoia

>> No.6295927
File: 37 KB, 567x695, 1612412613282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been to the dentist everymonth since febuary and im still having toothaches just this nigger keep doing shotty work just end my life

>> No.6295985

I don't really visit dentists but I've heard this complaint enough from others that I reckon it's standard practice to gut you for money.

>> No.6295997 [DELETED] 

I went to one 2 weeks ago and I can confirm the work between the Creole girls and the Latino was night and day. Reminder the make you sign a bunch of papers so if something goes wrong you're donezo.

>> No.6296363

Whenever I get commissions these days, it always seems to be fetish work from severely autistic people who freak out over a single line overlapping another and want 23756832685762 revisions. But everything else they've commission is really janky - why don't you go back and nitpick those people instead?

Just like my dating life, I attract crazies :/

>> No.6296494
File: 31 KB, 400x400, 734757635756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all I want to do is fuck webtoon artists

>> No.6296495
File: 771 KB, 4160x5000, 1478304793375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 month and still not done with single comm
idk why my clients just decide to put up with my crap over and over

>> No.6296657

Get another artist to do a sketch
Or trace a pose
Then you'll have something to work off off
Or isn't beginning the problem?

>> No.6296670

Im autistically doing the same.shit over and over again...
Can someone give me a random exercise?

>> No.6296672

What are you doing now so we don't give you the same exercise

>> No.6296693

I have the same problem. You think that to get better you have to learn new techniques, and replace the old techniques. So you're stuck trying to draw a certain element in a piece because there are an infinite amount of ways to draw eyes but you just want the correct answer out of those millions so you keep trying different things while other artists draw the exact same way every day and never improve but their art is already great so they finished grinding while you barely even started because you have no style just different ways to draw turds.

>> No.6296694

Those drawings are fucking shit though. So construction let's you draw stuff ugly men?

Stop using construction, use gesture instead

>> No.6296697

Post your gestures

>> No.6296698

I wouldn't even care if if it wasn't such a song and a dance just to see said dentist whenever something goes wrong. This is 4rd time i had a tooth ache this year because of the shitty work and i always have to wait 2-3 hrs just to get numbed it's fucking ridiculous.

>> No.6296994

I was going to say "you can use construction to draw other things than..." But you probably don't draw to begin with

>> No.6297017

>Stop using construction, use gesture instead
you and people like you are such braindead fucking non artists

>> No.6297030

>Stop using construction, use gesture instead
topkek why do permabegs even leave their containment thread

>> No.6297044

>Stop using construction, use gesture instead
it tickles me pink that you can be noob enough to make a statement like this seriously

>> No.6297098

Self portraits

>> No.6297117

Do structures, perspective stuff cityscapes behicles etc.
Rigid stuff not mushy

>> No.6297682
File: 2.66 MB, 1500x2122, FWVpjnlaQAAayTw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else think about the "optimal" end game digital art style to pursue? obviously theres infinite but for simplicity ill condense it to between league splash art and anime stylized
i personally prefer an (for lack of better words) "anime" stylized one, with all sorts of colors and heavily stylized lighting, it makes me *feel* something. however the western industry seems to heavily prefer rendered league splash art style. this isn't an east vs west post those are cringe and i like both styles.
is it that the majority find the league art more impressive because it's more realistic? to me one style is way more appealing than the other, but shown the two side by side what would most people prefer?
am i shooting myself in the foot by practicing towards more stylized stuff like picrel?

>> No.6297696

>am i shooting myself in the foot by practicing towards more stylized stuff like picrel?

>> No.6297727
File: 347 KB, 2048x2048, 1664306835018976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I listen to music, streams, audio books, or vc with anybody while drawing I start to lose focus and begin just focusing on the other thing
>Very obvious that I have to be one of those guys that draws in silence
>Draw in silence
>Silence makes we self aware of how lonely I am and I get anxious, makes drawing miserable
I just can't fucking win

>> No.6297731
File: 162 KB, 663x639, unknown-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redlining/tracing old art because don't make more work for yourself than you need to. Lisa is still too fucking small though.

Also I'm coming to the realization that drawing this guy takes 4x as long because he has like, bones and shit

>> No.6297733


>> No.6297737


>> No.6297738

Try like rain sounds or some ambience on youtube

>> No.6298051

speaking from experience as a lonely retard with attention problems: get the thing you would want to listen to ready in a tab, paused. for me, i have a tab of a stream open (i pick a game and streamer im familiar with), and i have a tab with some music thats looped/extended, usually vidya OST. i have both so i can switch between them if i need something more or less distracting.
optionally, also put on some pink/brown noise and keep it on. this counts as silence in my opinion (i need this because i live in a loud area, skip it if you dont need it).
now work in silence for 10 measly minutes on whatever it is youre drawing, and after those 10 minutes are up you can either keep going in silence or pop something on to listen on if you really feel you need it still, and immediately go back to drawing after you do.

maybe this sounds specific but its how i gear my brain into "work" mode. it also might not work particularly well for quick pose drawing or whatever but you could assume that already. as for being in a vc, its just tough, i tend to either go quiet or ramble like an idiot, but its better than not talking to anyone the whole day. hope this helps a little.

>> No.6298123

I wish I had a dad that actually gave a shit about me and had interest in my aspirations

>> No.6298157

What are good art classes to take? I can get away with learning stuff like perspective on my own, but color theory seems more complicated. I'm also a bit apprehensive due to the reputation art teachers have for being hacks.

>> No.6298161

>learning stuff like perspective on my own, but color theory seems more complicated
Wrong straight away, your first step is learning that you aren't better than any teacher.

>> No.6298164

There are definitely concepts that are more complicated than others, Anon.

>> No.6298169

Perspective as a concept is easily the most unintuitive part of drawing. Leonardo da Vinci made extensive but clunky use of one point perspective and would have his mind absolutely blown by modern techniques.
It's not just the point perspective thing but how forms interact and overlap in a scene, the canvas is not flat but a window to a world and learning perspective is a precursor to learning that.
Color theory is just subjective handwaving.

>> No.6298224

AI shills have made me into an actual racist.

>> No.6298260
File: 275 KB, 805x1280, 3503f825c42ed0c2d57ff3a49b18cea2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God my job takes up so much of my time now, I fucking hate being an "adult".
I'm really tired all the time but I try to sit down and draw after work.

I'm honestly trying really hard to keep that balance.

>> No.6298497
File: 202 KB, 595x806, 1664361256452642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magic 8 ball, am I going to make it?

>> No.6298499
File: 26 KB, 386x334, harlaus smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... I won.

>> No.6298510

Why did I have to be born in America? Comics are dead here

>> No.6298522


You could have been born anywhere else where there is no internet access for you to make such a post.

>> No.6298827

Anxiety anon update, finished a depression episode.

>Graphic Design job hasn't "technically" started yet as the project I'm suppose to be apart of doesn't need to start yet.
>Over a month now and twiddling my thumbs waiting to go.
>Already did a follow up email and was told they would reach out when ready
>Paid all my rent and bills but no money for food and supplies to clean
>goes into a full depression episode
>literally tar builds up on two different teeth from just not brushing and stay in bed all day.
>finally force myself to shower and just walk to a retail store later to apply for a possible stockroom gig so I don't starve.
>finally check email to clear spam
>gets a bunch of all caps "RESPOND IMMEDIATELY" emails
>honestly about to through up thinking I forgot to pay something important
>Email about how I ended up getting accepted into the mentorship program I applied to over a month ago.
>Cries a little like a bitch because I don't feel so pathetic now.
>Still need to do some sort of retail or burger flipping now more than ever until the graphic design job gets back to me so my internet doesn't shut off during the online program.

I hope I can pull myself together before the first group meeting. I'm not going to lie even with this good news I feel a little dead but it might just be hunger. I hope you all are making it.

>> No.6298924

when does marmalade mum stream? i want to hear it talk to see if its a tranny and also peep the draw process

>> No.6299057

learn Japanese! Or gamble with webtoons

based positive thinking anon

>> No.6299081

Where can one go to post drawings and take requests (that isn't going to give me brainworms)? I tried drawpile but I'm /beg/ and I can't really keep up with the randoms there

>> No.6299084

Good, we need to destroy the work of (((Sergei Brin))) and (((Larry Page)))

>> No.6299850

>japanese artist on twitter
>70% of tweets are pictures of food
seriously what the fuck is their problem
do they get discount coupons for doing this

>> No.6299857

I'm trying to revise and finalize character design but I can't decide, where is the best place to ask for opinions taking into account I have no social media presence?

>> No.6300604


>> No.6300667


>> No.6300672

I follow a jap novelist and I check his twitter daily for any news on the next volume he said he'd release early this year. 90% of his posts are about food and gacha seriously wtf