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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 73 KB, 455x681, pekovinci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6281356 No.6281356 [Reply] [Original]

Fun fact for all you NGMIs worried about AI.
The cost of AI training puts it out of reach for the overwhelming majority of companies.

The shitposting AI everyone uses for Art cost over 600 000 dollars just in GPU time to train it on it's current restricted dataset and that's viewed as very cheap in comparison to most other AI.
GPT-3 cost over 5 million dollars.

Have a nice day.

>> No.6281360
File: 64 KB, 750x688, 33IKtx-oKuYO92WVxlIjd81QdDm6EQvmORuI8zpO41Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 million is nothing to a big corporation
nothing to Elon Musk, who hates artists for some reason and is one of the founders of the Open AI foundation.

>> No.6281366

>5 million is nothing to a big corporation
It's quite a lot to most.
Yes, FAANGs can afford to throw that kind of money away but they already only want horrendous modern clip-art in that globohomo vector art style that costs fuck all to make in the first place.

>> No.6281370
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, hoov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It takes 600,000 dollars to train the GPU dataset for 4 AI generic works"

>> No.6281377

Elon sucks but he’s not unique in this. The vast majority of normies hate or resent artists even as they obsess over the shit that artists create.

>> No.6281378

It’s called Memphis corporate you pleb

>> No.6281379

Oh, and this is unlikely to change anytime soon since GPUs are being kept up in price artificially even at a point where all the chinese coin miners are dumping them and other HW improvements aren't moving forward that fast since we hit the predictions in Moore's law.

>> No.6281381

No one cares what Alegria and Google want it to be called.
Everyone just calls it globohomo.

>> No.6281445

Distributed training will be a thing eventually
Just have it train on everyonea gaming gpus worldwide

>> No.6281464

>The vast majority of normies hate or resent artists
No, this is just not true. The vast majority don't give a shit about artists, in the same way they don't give a shit about most professions they don't regularly interact with personally.

>> No.6281549

If you oppose AI, then you are literally and inherently a supporter of Communism, GloboHomo, Ukraine (onions), and homesexuals. No denying this. Elon is based and his support for this tech will overturn the Woke Left's monopoly mafia racket on art. The AI has drastically improved in a time span of just two weeks, it improÃÃ��पेस्टves every time new prompt is posted.

>> No.6281560

>600 000 dollars
that's literally no money lol. you think disney wouldn't drop $100 million on shit like this?

>> No.6281570

>AI monkeys will never know the joy of looking back at their sketchbooks and older art, looking at how they've progressed, being proud of their mind's creation and skill development
>they never even appreciated the evolution of individual artists in the first place
>their "progress" will be reflected collectively based on "models"
>they will all face the same limits collectively, because they're not doing shit themselves
how the fuck do they delude themselves so much that anyone will be envious of them. what is wrong with these losers getting into something they hate?

>> No.6281577

and you will never be a woman
so what?

>> No.6281584
File: 537 KB, 452x741, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea what are you talking about. Waifu diffusion was trained in less than a week on consumer grade hardware. No one but large corpos who can afford it is going to train model from zero.
Pretraining is a thing, you know.

>> No.6281593

>The shitposting AI everyone uses for Art cost over 600 000 dollars just in GPU time to train it on it's current restricted dataset and that's viewed as very cheap in comparison to most other AI.
>GPT-3 cost over 5 million dollars.
That's not a lot of money. That's within reach of the western lower richfag class. There are hundreds of thousands of people and corporations who have that kind of money to spend on projects.

>> No.6281601

It wasn't trained from scratch, it was finetuned. You don't even know the garbage you're trying to shill, /g/tard.

>> No.6281605

i could personally afford to train it if it's only $600k to create an ai. that's nothing compared to labor

>> No.6281612

>That's within reach of the western lower richfag class.
Nah, they might have that kind of money but the average corporation that has that isn't able to spend it on art that costs a few thousand a year across the entire corporation if they aren't just outsourcing it.
They're beholden to their shareholders to some extent.
If one of them gets a lot of sales and good image from AI art then all bets are off but until then I doubt it.

>> No.6281614

emad is payrolling over 75 fulltime employees right now as well as a bunch of other shit as well to get this crap off the ground, they have the worlds third strongest super computer too or something

>> No.6281617

>No one but large corpos who can afford it is going to train model from zero.
Reading comprehension? Hello?

>> No.6281618

>it if it's only $600k to create an ai.
It's 600k only to pay for the computing time to run the code training it. As in paying Amazon or Microsoft for enough ASIC GPUs running for several hundred hours.
That's not counting anything surrounding it like the cost of AI engineers, design, code, finetuning and so on.
To be fair SD might have reusable code and design at this point I haven't looked into what they've shared.

>> No.6281621

Even if you discount corporations, which is a strange thing to do when it comes to R&D, there are literally millions of private millionaires in this world. Sorry, but OP is just coping. This shit will continue.

>> No.6281624

artsisters itt don't realize it's not about them and art, the goal is to create agi, and corporations are ready to sink into picture generators as much money as possible

>> No.6281627

the irony in all this is i bet there are barely any working artists who would have 600k to invest in their own projects kek even the topdogs barely have any money

>> No.6281633

21 139.
That's the number of companies in the US with more than 50 employees.
Only a subset of those can afford to waste money on AI and only a subset of those would bother when art monkeys average aren't terribly expensive if they're not permanent employees.

>> No.6281637

That's enough. Not even going into that all the big tech mega-corporations are all gung ho about this shit as well.

>> No.6281643

And the pictures still look like shit.

>> No.6281644

For now.
There's been several AI Winters before when people got buttmad about the limitations and costs of ML and cut funding.

>> No.6281646

Average corporation isn't going to develop AI in the first place. They will just buy enterprise licence from someone who does.
OP is a faggot as always. "It cost Adobe millions to develop Photoshop. Do you really think your average artist would spend so much money to get into digital art when he can just buy paint and brushes for 20$?

>> No.6281649

Well, it's impossible to predict the future. I think this shit has too much potential to be left alone.

>> No.6281651

But existing art AIs are either free or cost pennies per picture made.

>> No.6281687
File: 2.94 MB, 926x720, 1655928347094.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact for all you NGMIs worried about computers.
The cost of OS development puts them out of reach for the overwhelming majority of companies.

The shitposting OS everyone uses (Windows) cost over 10bn dollars just in developer time and that's viewed as very cheap in comparison to most other OSes
Linux cost over 50 billion dollars.

Have a nice day.

>> No.6281962

Yes it takes a ridiculous amount of effort to train a model from scratch, but that's from scratch. It takes one person to do most of the hard stuff, then individuals can fine tune the model using their own (more reasonable) setups which we're already seeing with Stable Diffusion.

>> No.6281975

i didnt realize these ai models are actually constructing meshes underneath. That's pretty fucking impressive.

>> No.6281980

stable diffusion, dalle etc aren't, this is an app being developed by the vroid team for vtubers

>> No.6281984

Can we fucking have MODS on this board or I should apply a fucking janitor

>> No.6282009

>who hates artists for some reason
Didn't his literal artist and musician girlfriend who bore his child run away to fuck a liberal politics tranny?

>> No.6282012

theres a guy on twitter training his own ai to do whatever he wants it to
its not that hard m8

>> No.6282013

considering how fast ai advances you might have to apply for a real janitor soon, artboy

>> No.6282014


>> No.6282016

someone explain how these ai generators are supposed to help established artists

>> No.6282017

Just watching this thing auto-correct the eye sizes so they're not too big or small, or changing the head size, but not the shape, so that it all fits the standard cookie cutter design - it just makes me dread how same-samey everything will be in the future.

>> No.6282020

Yeah. He doesn't hate artists or trannies that much, he just hates one specific tranny and one specific artist a lot.

>> No.6282410

Bot glitching out.
AI is supposed to be the "democratication of art" according to liberal techfags

>> No.6282437

supporting russia is trying support someone with terminal cancer, you just outed yourself as a poojet not speaking english