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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.99 MB, 498x280, edens-zero-rebecca.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6280950 No.6280950 [Reply] [Original]

Animation and 3d
2D art is one thing but 3d and animations will be another thing and likely wont be touchable for a couple of years (5 years)

Many artists will have to learn to animate that drawing instead of giving their fans just a 2d drawing, those that don't learn new technology/programs and keep up will be left behind.

>> No.6280970

even a static scene with a movable camera is difficult for AI so artists should learn blender

>> No.6280974

Stop spamming

>> No.6280977

this is literally my first post on ic
/biz/ fag

>> No.6280980

animation is just multiple images, AI will be able to do that too

>> No.6280981

How many years do we have left?

>> No.6280989

it will have to know that the various things are in a scene and why need to move the way they do.
why does the hand brush the hair,how does the hair look when toyed with.
you have to categorize all that stuff

I said 5years for 2d art to become animated by ai

7 to 9 years for 3d animation

20 to 30 years we are all fucked
doctors,lawyers(they are fucked now really), pharmacists (how do they still have jobs)

I think the fact that pharmacists are still around when that job could easily be done by a robot and 1990 level database technology should actually give everyone hope.

>> No.6280993

>I think the fact that pharmacists are still around when that job could easily be done by a robot and 1990 level database technology should actually give everyone hope.
i don't think you should hold out hope for your job being preserved by government regulation

>> No.6280995

dumb trannime pedo

>> No.6281004
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>> No.6281017
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I made a thread which hinted at the future and asked fellow img2img knowers but it got deleted. I orphaned it so idk why it got nuked but the future belongs to fast iterative masked img2img chains fed by a good sketcher on a Microsoft surface (or other decide with a good digitizer and display)

This Is The GPU Era.

>> No.6281023

go back

>> No.6281026
File: 485 KB, 374x920, pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>img2img chains
Just photobash everything together my man, look it even conveniently gets rid of the watermarks

>> No.6281029

tut tut
a god is in your presence mortal

>> No.6281033

neck yourself

>> No.6281041
File: 105 KB, 316x345, 1555702355642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another /biz/raeli? Ignore the bitchy remarks and ill mannered posts, the "Artists" here won't stop PMSing over how the AI is allowing anyone to be creative now so this board has turned into nothing but a room full of catty menstruating bitches.

>> No.6281043

to anyone's surprise, crypto parasites continue their parasitic behavior

>> No.6281048
File: 33 KB, 680x763, 66f-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to do the art I like and if I die poor so be it, I don't give a fuck. It's already extremely unlikely to have a profitable art career, ai is just another bump in the road. If someone starts following trends or trying to somehow one up a fucking robot, they'll never make it. And if they do they'll feel like an empty shell. If you're not making art that speaks out to your soul and is unequivocally your genuine self expression, you might as well be working a normal day job. You've removed the whole point of art.

>> No.6281053

Go change your tampon sis.

>> No.6281057

>And if they do they'll feel like an empty shell. If you're not making art that speaks out to your soul and is unequivocally your genuine self expression, you might as well be working a normal day job. You've removed the whole point of art.
these faggots can cope all the want, but this will always be the truth
watch line go up and down, bugman. i'm sure you'll get rich by doing nothing any moment now

>> No.6281066

If only you knew the bull runs we've had back in 2017 and again in 2021. But of course you'll never know because you will relate anything you fail to comprehend as some form of evil witchcraft like some technologically illiterate Boomer.

>> No.6281067

I create images with AI and choose the ones which express my self

>> No.6281093 [DELETED] 
File: 1.84 MB, 1024x728, unknown-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's totally cool. I don't hate ai at all, I think the tech is really dope. But I just hate the 'all hope is lost' rhetoric. The memes are my favorite thing though, shit like this is so fucking funny to me.

>> No.6281095

As being a NEET I don't care, the art industry was fucked even before the AI with all of their photobashing techniques and for me all of these photobashing techniques was and will be same same as AI, so, nothing new.

>> No.6281096

me in the pic

>> No.6281111
File: 89 KB, 760x620, 20220917_134925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just refer to them the same way we've been referring to trannies for years
>You will never be an artist

>> No.6281114
File: 2.61 MB, 650x407, 7213086532.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basic composition/animation in 3d and then let the AI make it look good will probably be the future. Still some time to go...


>> No.6281119

No one wants to be an artist
Artist = leftist

>> No.6281126

An AI thread died for this.


>> No.6281128
File: 37 KB, 587x304, check your privilege sirs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. these people are so fucking retarded. greedy, slimy rat people who will fight each other over typing in words in a search box. I'm starting to believe non-artists are not even human

>> No.6281133

Dunning Kruger retards from /biz/ and all crypto filth all think they've figured out the world and everyone else is a "clueless boomer" only to end up losers who bought into fake hype. truly the fools of the planet

>> No.6281136

> make AI art
> gets ignored in social media
> seven likes on twatter
> can't sell for shit
> told to fuck off on pleddit
> banned on art platforms
> retards have an ego so big they have to announce to the world that their images needed no artist to be made and thus artists are finished
> nobody gives a shit about AI art because it's not made by an artist

rinse and repeat

>> No.6281153

the only bull runs you fags get to see are the ones where bulls run a train on your wives

>> No.6281155


>> No.6281182
File: 406 KB, 2227x2325, 20220908_005729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is a world of folk who don't have access to creation
Does this fucking nigger seriously believes everything he says? He's more of a bot than the fucking AI itself, it's literally following a script for the day he starts winning billions through fundings for his pajeet company.
I've never seen someone so cynical in my fucking life, not even Klaus Schwab or Zuckerberg are as cynical and punchable as Emad.

>> No.6281193 [DELETED] 
File: 547 KB, 576x512, yarn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there will still be work for brush monkeys, cleaning up AI messes for pennies :)

>> No.6281806

Why don't you post them?

>> No.6281809

LOLOLOL cope, soulless parasite.

>> No.6281850
File: 707 KB, 540x300, e0dd06s1hyl91.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just multiple images
Physics, reactions, humor, pacing, anticipation... on and on. Care to explain how AI will be able to do that?

>> No.6281856

This is a lesson AI taught me the hard way. I admit, the only reason I started doing digital art in the first place was because I saw it as the only way to make money with art. But the truth is, I love nothing more than putting pencil to paper and sketching in the sketchbook.
Thanks to AI demoralizing me away from digital art, I decided to put the tablet away and go back to paper. I'm having so much fun drawing again. I love the feel of drawing on paper, right down to the way the pencil sounds as it drags across the page.
At the end of the day, you gotta draw what you want how you want. You're based as fuck, anon.

>> No.6281886

anon you fool, you won't make it with anything creative

>> No.6281976

give me AI for skech clean up for the hundred frames i need then ill be happy about AI

>> No.6281990

Zuckerberg ain’t a bad guy. He’s more of a pawn

>> No.6281997
File: 182 KB, 786x1024, 1.-A-027-Seated-Male-786x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you man. You can make money in trad, it's just a bigger barrier for entry. But once you make it you can price stuff really high. But the most important thing is you're expressing your true self, that's more valuable than anything.

>> No.6282000

Can you give me a quick rundown of how it works? I only know about gallery painting

>> No.6282008

based posts.
Wish I could ditch cars and get back to the only soulful transportation mean humanity ever had: horses.

>> No.6282023

>But once you make it you can price stuff really high
and hope that anyone will buy it

>> No.6282024

...ai can do physics simulation already.

>> No.6282025

... and nobody cares

>> No.6282026

I have yet to see any creative AI art. I find it so funny that NFTbros were like "we democratized creativity!!" yet the result is a bunch of randomly generated slop and a shitty comic.

>> No.6282030

Wish I had the answer friend. Basically you have to list your shit on places that sell art one way or another. You could be a ig artist who sells their pieces on etsy or try to get your try to get you stuff in galleries. Or anything in between. It just depends on your needs, what you're comfortable with, and what opportunities arise. I would definitely have a social media presence for sure.
If you have enough of an audience you can sell anything. Some people are selling trad pieces for thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions and you've probably never heard of them.

>> No.6282051
File: 1023 KB, 600x450, tatsuyuki.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need AI for physics, math is enough. Besides, how is that going to be integrated into a 2d image sequence generator? It would have to be a filter applied after using 3d software. But that requires more human input that the resulting sequence can't really be called AI generated animation.

>> No.6282071

Idle hands are the devils workshop. Imagine the degenerate hellscape we are heading towards with literally every job being automated.