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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6279344 No.6279344 [Reply] [Original]

I believe the pure hatred towards AI Art is very telling. Ya'll can't handle the idea of something that will allow people who don't want to sacrifice years of their lives to create high-quality Art. We are litteraly on the dawn of a new era where EVERYONE will be able to express themselves artistically, and all you can do is bitch and cry about it.
>B-b-but muh job
Deal with it. If you only do Art for money then you DESERVE to be replaced.

I'm tired of all the whining man-children on this board. I do Art as a hobby, so I don't really need to worry about AI taking my job (I'm a carpenter), and I am feeling pretty happy that those who wish to express themselves don't have to go through the DECADES of bullshit I had to. AI is a blessing, and this is only revealing who were really Artists to begin with.

>pic-related is something I generated a few weeks back, I know AI can do better

>> No.6279347

baw harder poojeet

>> No.6279348


>> No.6279350

You come onto this board to pick a fight, then get surprised that we’re angry? We don’t hate ai, we just don’t think it’s as big a deal you’re making it out to be. It won’t replace artists, and the technology shows no sign of going anywhere. Enough with the shilling

>> No.6279351
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>> No.6279354

>Fuck ya'll, I'm glad AI is replacing you
just make more lulzes bro, we need you, stay here

>> No.6279355

He can't draw.
Ignore, reported. Use filter my dudes.

>> No.6279356

Bro, I'm an old-fag. I've been here for much longer than you probaly have. Also AI is rapidly expanding at a point where it is obvious to anyone not in complete denial. Unless laws are written, nothing is stopping AI.

>> No.6279357
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>> No.6279359

>I-if I close my e-eyes, i-it'll go away
Cope and seethe

>> No.6279360

> dude trust me I'm shilling on this board just from the ai started paying me rupee

>> No.6279365

I'm not shilling for anything. All I'm saying is that AI is here to stay, and nothing ya'll say/do will change that. I know change is scary, but Art wishes to be free (^:

>> No.6279371

>uh...but you're indian!
are you serious?

>> No.6279377

of course, art is always free, even from ai-fags like you trying to shill it, you destroyed my sides when you tried shillin on /p/, where nobody gives a solid fuck about ai

>> No.6279381
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Shut the fuck up you whiny bitch. You faggots started this shit.

>> No.6279383

go take a shit on the street

>> No.6279385

Art's always been free. Stop acting like a victim.

>> No.6279394


>> No.6279395

>I believe the pure hatred towards AI Art is very telling.
To me it's telling that it's the same people who, once in a month, give a 15 minute jab at "grinding Loomis" while not understanding a thing Andrew actually says in his books, before coming back on here and wasting the rest of their day bitching at everything they don't like or understand.
/ic/ is a shithole and always has been.
If they actually tried the AI themselves they would quickly see it doesn't "empower" anyone who doesn't have the time and patience to learn the necessary skills to operate the AI properly. So effectively very little has changed. It's another toy, an artist tool laymen normies will play around for a while before realizing they don't have the patience and autism for this kind of work and going to back to paying professionals to do it for them.

>> No.6279396

>Art's always been free
>You just had to have decades of free time to produce anything worth a damn
Lmao. Sounds boring as shit, glad AI is making it so even the most useless of Normies can make masterpieces.

>> No.6279398

Cry me a river. Either do the time, or fuck off.

>> No.6279399

>do the time
I don't need to anymore (:

>> No.6279401

Good for you. You're still not an artist.

>> No.6279402

>Lmao. Sounds boring as shit
peak zoomer trying to tell anyone he's special

>> No.6279403

My beautiful generations say differently (^:

>> No.6279405

I am special, I am actually self-aware while you are not. You are an NPC lashing out at a new, powerful technology which allows any Joe-schlmo to make Art that looks better than anything you ever will create.

>> No.6279407

Your generation is shit and will be swept underneath the tides in 20 years.

>> No.6279408

im crying

>> No.6279411

>only in 20 years
Sounds like I have time (^:

And what makes you think your shit will last?

>> No.6279412

Only NPCs like you deify AI and technology while being blissfully unaware that it'll soon be your undoing if it goes mainstream.

>> No.6279413

>And what makes you think your shit will last?
Because unlike you and your precious tech, it's waterproof.

>> No.6279414

Maybe, and I know this sounds crazy, you get a real job?

>> No.6279415

How about no? Real jobs are shit.

>> No.6279416

>Paints on canvas, canvas gets wet
>Paints digitally, computer gets wet
>Generates with AI, lasts eternity in da Cloud

>> No.6279417
File: 249 KB, 484x877, Juno_(Anime)_S2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then perish...

>> No.6279418


>> No.6279419

How waterproof do you figure "da cloud" is, nigger?

>> No.6279420

Then what, smart guy? AI grows, Artists shrink. It's just natural selection, the weak and inferior Artist goes extinct while the strong and superior AI feeds off their works.

>> No.6279421

What he said, fuck off learn to try harder at something you useless wannabe stemfaggo

>> No.6279426

You are taking like you are an AI. Companies will not hire a Pajeet with no artistic ability to type prompt. Naive and dumb ass expected.

>> No.6279431

each ai spam thread just push me further to improve my skills

keep dilating, the ai won't do it 4 you

>> No.6279432
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Take your meds. Only the weak and inferior (you) would want to be babied, coddled and have everything else done for you by your imaginary tech gods.

>> No.6279437

I am sure that game companies in the future will exclusively hire some random people from the street, spend thousand of dollars to train them on typing prompt just to pay them 200k a years.

>> No.6279438

poojeet stop eating your shit

>> No.6279439
File: 102 KB, 924x889, 1606705623334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You AIfags are worse than perma-/beg/s. No, getting fucked in the ass by a mechanized dildo doesn't count as sex, so how about stop grinding your prostate and grind your fundamentals.

>> No.6279440

Artists are just going to watermark rape their stuff like back in 2000s and everyone loses. Only people "AI is going to replace" are the ones we won't miss.

Next logical step is AI that generates good music, and when that happens the consequences will never be the same. It's now only matter of time.

>> No.6279462

>express themselves
Who are they really expressing? themselves or greg rutkowski?

>> No.6279466

My new watermark will be a thing of legends!

>> No.6279472

>express themselves
This is how you express yourself? Lmao. You're pathetic.

>> No.6279476

>High quality art

>> No.6279482

you can't even pick a decent image from your machine learning toy, lmao

>> No.6279483

I’m so happy that this discussion is continuing and flourishing. Mods must be proud of your efforts, opie

>> No.6279485

we like fine lulzes at /ic/

>> No.6279489

Quality banter for sure. Imma sell some of my AI generated masterpiece for some monkey NFT.

>> No.6279491

> i don't produce anything
> and i earn nothing
can't wait for their economics book, it will be a pure kino

>> No.6279521

They sound like a bunch of kids with new toys. Judging by the posted AI shit, most of them don't even draw.

>> No.6279524

they are just trying to bite, people on /g/ are annoyed of them too

>> No.6279564

Its a learn to code situation
>you cant replace us with machines, how will a machine get rid of all the useless stone from the clumps of coal, YOU NEED A HUMAN TOUCH TO MINE COAL

>> No.6279569

> implying
sorry to spoil your dreams, but we don't give a fuck, it's just fun to talk to you, I have a separate folder with best lulz so far, you are a walking goldmine

>> No.6279577

It's natural to dislike being reduced to animals, which is all we are compared to ai when it gets just a bit better.

>> No.6279580

To dumb to use green text properly. Tell AI to generate you a brain.

>> No.6279584

Dumb comment again. Human make AI. AI are dumb. You are a dumb Pajeet.

>> No.6279588
File: 259 KB, 514x674, CCibJNT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disregard art, you should be dragged back and shot for even entertaining the thought of being glad of diminishing humanity to mere animals. what pushes a man to become this satanic?

>> No.6279595

Self own. LMAO. Monkey try to sound smart and human.

>> No.6279601


>> No.6279606

>says that he does art not for the money
>lose all motivations to do art when he can't get money
Why are artists like this?

>> No.6279618

kek you fucking indian retard, who in the right of his mind would put his art on the internet even for free, when some demon spawn corporation or other scammer will use the machine that absorbed your art to make money off your back. you should be crucified. I know you're not that dumb, you're just a psychopath