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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 697 KB, 1536x2048, FcUXP3qWAAEcAcs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6275606 No.6275606 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6275613

>it took me a couple months
It took him a couple months to generate that forgettable thing even with the help of AI... GPT can do a better story

>> No.6275614

This is the extent of your imagination? This is what you wanted to usher forth from the deepest crevices of your subconscious thoughts? You’re given a tool to make any image you want and…that’s it?

>> No.6275618

there's been so many of these and they all look the same

>> No.6275626

They haven't fed the AI enough comics for it to learn how to make anything else. I'm waiting with baited breath for they let it absorb everything on the internet, thus unintentionally making it only capable of producing Sonic and Undertale porn. No matter what prompt you give, you will get Sonic porn every time.

>> No.6275630

>making it only capable of producing Sonic and Undertale porn
Well that'd take out half the artists' jobs out there.

>> No.6275641

im going to cry

>> No.6275643

This feels like a comic you would find on the floor in a obscure 1$ walking sim game on steam made by a single developer.

>> No.6275646

All style no substance, as usual.

>> No.6275655
File: 719 KB, 1200x1562, Moebius oeuvres - Moebius Oeuvres _ Le Garage hermetique classique - 062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI will never produce this.

>> No.6275656
File: 516 KB, 1200x1562, Moebius oeuvres - Moebius Oeuvres _ Le Garage hermetique classique - 085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6275664

You greatly underestimate how much porn Sonic fans consume. They’ll need both humans and A.I. to produce it constantly just to make through lunch.

>> No.6275665
File: 604 KB, 512x512, 43754875m986798,.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6275668

Yeah its pretty dull

>> No.6275679

Why do these all have the same weird theme/story? Also I keep noticing people saying about the great leap in recent months. That's bullshit Discodiffusion on google colab was able to produce good coherent stuff. Did a few panels with it. It's just you couldn't be a complete brainlet to operate it.

>> No.6275700

Even from a purely technical point of view, clean lineart like this is impossible for an AI to reproduce.

>> No.6275710



>> No.6275718
File: 25 KB, 521x146, Screenshot from 2022-09-15 14-04-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no

>> No.6275722

The images were heavily retouched and worked on.

>> No.6275735

>taking two months to create a bland comic that any average comic/manga artist could've written and drawn in 2-3 weeks or less
As usual, AIfags are counterproductive retards with no imagination.

>> No.6275739
File: 16 KB, 570x538, images - 2022-09-15T081853.788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people making them are consoomers who couldn't put effort to get any original ideas before AI. Everyone has a big microphone now, but they only use it to say worthless shit. I personally am looking forward to all the immoral uses that come from AI, it's where it's utility will shine

>> No.6275760

So far we've seen idiot twitter NFT grifters uploading raw, unedited outputs, and braindead failed writers without an ounce of taste or creativity trying to make graphic novels or whatever with AI.

Kek it really is not looking good for AI bros. "AI will unleash human creativity!!!" and it ends up in a deluge of retarded shit. Where is the groundbreaking AI art made by super epic hyper creative people who just can't draw? It's all NFT grifters who suck each others cocks.

>> No.6275783

I've been thinking, /ic/ should make its own publishing circle to step above these absolute bottom of the barrel uninspired people that are now given free alleyway to publish visual imagery on the internet. People will refer to groups and big names to curate their content instead of individuals in the future.

>> No.6276243

The issue is the public has a negative image of 4chan, plus a publishing circle would need be managed.

>> No.6276281

>Katawa shoujo

>> No.6276299

As stupid as it seems, the Call of the Crocodile fiction author got rich and famous to the point that Goodreads freely advertises him just because he had his book related to 4chan by buying an ad here once. I guess polemics sell

>> No.6276310

They all look like shit because they're made by writer who think the AI enables them to make comics without an artist.
The meta for making GOOD comics will probably involve AI in some capacity, yeah, but you'll still need an art guy. As well as a real writer.

>> No.6276333
File: 2.25 MB, 540x360, 1663234422444617.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A better workflow already exists.

>> No.6276337

yooooo that is fucking cool

>> No.6276422


>> No.6276447

did the Ai write it? thats the most retarded opening line ever and i think a 5 year old could do better.

>> No.6276483

People who use AI are not creative or skilled? Say it ain't so!

>> No.6276493

kek, looks like those porn games that run porn screenshots through photoshop’s painting filter

>> No.6276770

sage ai spam
hide ai spam
report ai spam

>> No.6277058

It looks bad. I wouldn't buy this comic even if I had no idea an AI was involved. I am annoyed by people who parade these AIs around like this is the death of artistry when these AIs at best are just remix mashers. I have seen these programs make good art, but all it is a feat of software engineering, not an artistic endeavor.

>> No.6277265

someone will just publish racist shit and then no one will want to touch it

>> No.6277269

either fake gay and aids or whatever literally what did you do

>> No.6277270
File: 84 KB, 615x346, where could he be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear where could he possibly be

>> No.6277271


>> No.6277278
File: 327 KB, 373x488, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


blech i glazed over ... everything?

seriously its like... clickbait fucked a angsty teen

ughhhh its literally missing all human touch, i couldn't paint a better picture of what's wrong with zoomology and NFTers

this encapsulates everything wrong with this generation...

>> No.6277282

>why isn't a low priority board with >100 active users not getting constantly swept
This board clearly doesn't have a dedicated jannie

>> No.6277339

it's already scraped billions of images including comics and manga that are illegally uploaded, it won't get better, the "rapid progress" you're seeing is the devs intentionally hamstringing it for hype generation and cpm marketing to pump their commercially unviable nutech shitcoin

>> No.6277358

Keep coping
SD was trained on pics with NSFW score smaller than 0.5 and aesthetic score bigger than 0.5, excluding nearly all comics pages and anime pics

>> No.6277567

Yet it still looks like utter shit

>> No.6277577

No it does. Anons get bans for Ted posting in AI threads long before those threads get deleted. I wouldn’t be surprised if the /ic/ janny is another /g/ tranny.

>> No.6277583

this is why I'm saying it's worthless even as a tool

>> No.6277660

This, the flood of photo-realistic cheese pizza is going to be insane.

>> No.6277666

We speak english here Pajeet

>> No.6277712

Nice try

>> No.6277731
File: 14 KB, 500x590, 7v0293xi74w51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the collapse

>> No.6277736
File: 128 KB, 1280x1227, 16630551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ai fags bury me everyday thinking I'm Jesus or what? How can you fear a men with a pen so much?

>> No.6277766

Why are all comics made with Ai post apocalyptic?

>> No.6277773

cringlelord lmao

>> No.6277777
File: 260 KB, 720x480, robofriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a freudian slip

>> No.6277791

/ic/ is where gpt-3 discusses midjourney and stable diffusion

>> No.6277794

good numbers for a good post

>> No.6277826

it's not a coincidence that these people have a post apocalyptic fetish and romanticize the destruction of humanity so much

>> No.6277830

>ai generated shit
Has no value. I won't read a single line of it.

>> No.6277833

The writing is very self indulgent. Couldnt read past 2 pages so i just started looking at the panels.
Theyre purdy enough, but theyre basically all establishing shots and photos.
Still, this is one hell of a tool, going to use it for my stuff.

>> No.6277836

very organic post pajeet

>> No.6277842
File: 54 KB, 550x497, 1652556859052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barely started feeling the form

>> No.6277884

the real black pill is that your high effort not only that it won't even be really appreciated, but this has been the case for a long, long time. normgroids look at random mushes of nonsensical colors and think "wow, that's fucking gorgeous, amazing, this is so impressive". but this has always been the case. all that detail you cared about was mostly for yourself and other artists who view art very critically, an extreme minority of people. it is lost on everyone else. i even have the perfect example of this with music
here you have redditors and other fantards of Elden Ring getting tricked by someone shoving fake lore relevant lyrics into a song with sampled sounds and eating it up instantly, because no one bothers to analyze what they hear at the most minuscule, base level. only a handful of people realize the bullshit, everyone else is impressed by the cool "latin".

>> No.6277902

Same here, but there isn't the road to back now, only draw and improve.

>> No.6277925

your ire is better aimed at those who seek to commodify the lowest common denominator for quick bugman ingestion, to cement this degenrate zeitgeist where being a manipulative psychopath makes you an influential and successful member of society that is not only capable, but actively encouraged to shape society in their image
michelangelo would literally behead you if you told him that he should be concerned about the shit eating, cow fucking peasantry being unimpressed with his work
“The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.”
AI didn't invent it, it's been happening for 200 years, it's happening all around you at all times, and all forms of culture, civics, academia, science and politics are being undermined and subverted by collectivist consumer worship
the person that writes "AI is a mortal threat to me, the artist" is the same person that writes "how do i get more twitter followers so that i can become famous, make money and achieve the career of artist" because they are the same person, and i would slit each and every one of their throats myself, even if it took me the rest of my life
don't worry though, entertainment media really is the least of our concerns

>> No.6277969


>> No.6278003

Says ESL who can't even read English lol

>> No.6278004

too long didn't read

>> No.6278066

12yo shouldn't have access too the internet.

>> No.6278958

The AI knows of the coming collapse. I think these ai generators have some kind of sentience.

>> No.6279692
File: 408 KB, 1170x2155, 1663410736026769~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he credit the artists he stole from? He should have....

>> No.6282264

do you not remember a few years ago when AI couldn't even make the simplest image? Even text (which is much easier) was pathetic.

>> No.6282266

Do you remember 50 years ago when they made rockets that could send men to the moon?

>> No.6282275
File: 473 KB, 600x600, 8-8pmCnJrogjgBJF6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Years ago it was the same ugly shit we're seeing now. 7-8 years ago were were getting shit like this where, just like now, it would look OK as a thumbnail at a quick glance but looking at it for more than 2 seconds shows how fucked up and weird it is.
You AI shills are such bad liars to think nobody remembers things or can't look things up.

>> No.6282279

The individual lines in professional, clean lineart can describe outline, cross-contour, boundaries between light and dark, or between hues of colours, surface texture, material, repetitive patterns, shading, gesture and motion, or any combination of them. On top of that, the lines have to be arranged in a way that looks clean, and aesthetically pleasing.
The AI will never learn to reproduce it, because it looks for visual patterns and there is no none in the lineart that it can recognize. To the AI it will always look like a bunch of lines, sometimes vaguely in the shape of objects, sometimes seemingly random, some areas more dense with lines, some sparse. A human looking at the lineart can see the intention very clearly, a machine cannot.

>> No.6282313

>Why do these all have the same weird theme/story?
They can't really draw people so the story has to take place in an empty post-apocalyptic setting.

>> No.6282567

Maybe render in grayscale then run something like this:
But to get results even close to an actual comic page it would take years and years in the future and it would still look phony and artificial.

>> No.6282636

>A human looking at the lineart can see the intention very clearly, a machine cannot.
The humans training it can.

>> No.6282649

this isn't the correct argument
AI can and will be able to do those things, but the only way for it to do so is by sorting billions of illegally obtained images that already exist, infringing the property rights of tens of millions of people, similar to how people laughed at the karens on facebook posting about how mark zuckerberg and bill gates are turning your face into their property, shortly before face creation AI hit the scene, similar to how we all type captchas and click on images of bicycles and street signs "for our own security," which have taught AI how to read and have taught self-driving cars how to drive; this AI can already read and speak, what you're seeing is extra code being put on top of it to prevent it from saying that vaccines cause heart attacks
big tech has turned us all into slaves, but it only takes a handful of orbital missiles and an EMP to make it all go away forever in the blink of an eye
not to mention that once you have an AI that can deterministically create any image, creating an AI that can deterministically delete every one of those images like an ad blocker is far easier to make, because this is not AI, it is procedurally generated through a rigid, deterministic algorithm, and true randomization does not exist
this is absolutely an era of great danger for humanity, but for the art industry this is a nothingburger: there is already not going to be an art industry where we're headed and as i've said before, the communist left will completely drop troons and niggers and the environment for this, i naively said it would begin next year but it's already happening now

>> No.6282663

in the end it doesn't matter for me, even ignoring the fact that AI will always look soulless. I couldn't stomach having no art progress, no looking back at my achievements. i couldn't stomach having collective progress with literally everyone else, and me "being" good means dependency on software updates, and database enlargement with stolen work. there would be no "me" in there, no individuality, no self improvement. I'd rather not do it at all. even using it on my own work would be hollow

>> No.6282684

Based. Schizos and autists will save the world.

>> No.6282843
File: 242 KB, 851x1032, 71BD1E69-B041-4DA7-9E15-D704C2E9F2B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you and think you’re really smart

>> No.6283883

Fuck off ESL

>> No.6283901

so you're saying that once the devs allow the tidal wave of low quality coom art to influence the ai algorithm, that's what will bring in the fabled golden age of ai that's always just two weeks around the corner?

>> No.6284113

AI art is already higher quality than 99.9% of /ic/

>> No.6286637

whoooaaaaaaa, it's the photoshop autofill tool, this was amazing in 2008!

>> No.6286648




>> No.6286695

What kind of immoral uses?

>> No.6286706

Good post ser

>> No.6287186

Because it's made by uncreative bugmen incel neets from /g/

>> No.6287286

Instantaneous Emma Watson nude pics are just a microscopic sample of what's to follow, past week a video AI transformed african little mermaid into white on motion and caused all sort of outcry from media outlets. Imagine if you merge these two concepts into an AI-assisted camera/glasses

>> No.6287292
File: 432 KB, 1583x2048, 1663622661438913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mogs your tranime and capeshit

>> No.6287308

Merc WIP is unironically better than AI. Street shitters and late NFT adopters can fuck off now, no one's buying your narrative. The only good thing to come from AI so far is Dalle Warwick memes.

>> No.6287326

>tacky backgrounds with shit composition
>inconsistent art style
>human characters are reduced to flat black silhouettes

You realize in order for AI to be a threat it needs to be able to not only do human work *competently* but also BETTER. Forget the "in 5 years" projections, I feel like I'll be waiting longer. Just like how there's no self-driving cars, still no kiosks fully replacing retail work, still no journeys to Mars, all this future hype shit is blabbered out by I HECKIN LOVE SCIENCE dorks. Not educated nerds, retards who didn't finish school but think because they have a hand computer they're the forerunners of future society.

>> No.6287343

In september 30 "Tesla AI day" Elon Musk will finally reveal his catgirl AI robot the world, whether it fails or succeeds will be decisive insight of this technology potential for the current decade

>> No.6287362

Oh the guy who promised self-driving cars and Mars voyages? The things that were supposed to happen 5 years ago?

>> No.6287463

I fucking hate white people

>> No.6287474
File: 56 KB, 680x591, 558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to be excited for humanity expanding to the stars, but in the last 8 years or so, I've grown to want it remain stuck on this shithole as the sun swallows it whole, partly because of these dystopia loving bugmen. and it makes me happy to know that humanity will never leave this planet

>> No.6287477

I love that every single panel in this "comic" is either an empty landscape or a front facing portrait shot.
And I guess the only way to get vaguely consistent characters is to literally just put in the name of a celebrity, huh?

>> No.6287500
File: 674 KB, 1536x2048, 869AAC79-CB12-4973-A251-A7BE00E80B47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to ignore it at first with these AI comics, but man these are some ugly text and speech bubbles. Not terrible but it distracts me sometimes

>> No.6287677

AI artists need an AI that generates fitting text bubbles to truly democratize comics

>> No.6287757
File: 968 KB, 1024x1024, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Pencil sketch of a Squirrel reading a book”:

>> No.6287848

Ai will never be good at writing stories or comics. At best they'll just be good at producing soulless images. AI is useless and will not exist in the future.

Where was AI a couple of years ago? Producing images from a library.

Where is AI now? Producing images from a library slightly better. pathetic. AI idiots cope harder.

>> No.6287856

It's not a terrible picture, but, there's no lineart there.

>> No.6287884

The genie is out of the bottle and its not going back in.

>> No.6288209

fa/g/gots try using any other metaphor other than "genie is out the bottle" or "pandora's box is open" challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)

>> No.6288397

holy shit we're safe

I still expect the whole webtoon industry to use AI generated backgrounds because the workload there is fucking insane

>> No.6288409
File: 410 KB, 384x640, 1663810771073788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you like this AI generation?

>> No.6288413 [DELETED] 

not ai, but ok

>> No.6288432

What's impressive about it?

>> No.6288436
File: 415 KB, 384x640, FdOLxxTX0AI8ahq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea, looks like the usual incoherent garbage to me.

>> No.6288440

If I were you I'd make the images even smaller I can still see the artifacts.

>> No.6288444

They're not mine.

>> No.6288450

It's AI. Might be the waifudiffusion model? female anime faces haven't been a challenge for over a year. When did thiswaifudoesntexist come out?

>> No.6288455

Better than Greg Land lmao

>> No.6288456

It's NovelAI shilling on his twitter.
But we had publicly avaiable anime face generation since 2016

>> No.6288472
File: 293 KB, 384x640, 1663776849734104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is from shilling on /aids/ instead of twitter.

>> No.6288487

Will he ever realase or will he keep posting "examples" twitter?

>> No.6288496

what do they even do in that general?

>> No.6288502

It's originally about using AI to generate adventures and stories, but mostly it's text porn.

>> No.6288506

A cycle of:
>hype up new AI software/creator
>get let down
And this sprinkled in

>> No.6288511

How the fuck is this so much better than SD?
This is mind-blowing.

>> No.6288513

do they read one another's stories? or is it like RP or something? weird

>> No.6288517

It's kind of like RPing with the machine. Some people post their stories, but nobody reads those. Sharing is mostly limited to prompts, which are a setup for a story you can then put in the AI and steer to go where you like by adding and changing text.

>> No.6288521

Considering most of his images have perfectly intact watermarks he's probably doing a lot of post processing to get better results.

>> No.6288537

To be fair, we are at the very beginnings ng of a several decade odyssey of people using these tools. Be patient

>> No.6288690

Someone in another thread pointed out that the people who are most impressed by the AI might have aphantasia. I think that’s probably right.
They think that if they say the words “big tiddy waifu with purple hair” and the AI does indeed draw that, then the AI has drawn “what they imagined”. The idea that someone could be after a very particular image that they have in mind, let alone an image that is difficult or impossible to put into words, is beyond them.

>> No.6288695

>Comic made with AI

It looks like shit, and I could do something better just putting a filter over a photo on those shitty websites with photo editors.

>> No.6288700


Here's a pro tip for the AI art fags on this board:

>You don't need AI to draw garbage for you

>Just learn Photoshop, and some Photobashing

>It'll look a lot better, and it's free, no need for subs.

>> No.6288705

That argument has a certain appeal, but I don't think that's all there is to it. People commission artwork from artists and probably also have a decent idea of what they want. Maybe they'll ask for revisions. With image generations, you can try to find an image that is somewhat close, then keep the seed fixed and try to get it closer to your idea. It's not fully luck based.

>> No.6288718
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, Subaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With image generations, you can try to find an image that is somewhat close

AI art is straight up retarded, picrel is one of the funniest things that someone did with this crap.

>AI please draw animu waifu named Subaru

>AI draw a car

>> No.6288748

They're verbal thinkers.
Their idea of what an artist is seems to be something like a writer or a film director who just comes up with big ideas and either let the theatre of mind or a studio full of other people handle the details.
I don't deny those are also worthy forms of art. But these people don't seem to really understand what the traditional arts of draftmanship and painting and sculpting are about. They don't have respect for the detail-obsessed process that these arts require.

>> No.6288758

Stable diffusion is also free and has no subscriptions.
Photoshop, on the other hand...

>> No.6288760

>Someone in another thread pointed out that the people who are most impressed by the AI might have aphantasia. I think that’s probably right.
no anon, they're fucking retards. they don't sit to ponder about things, they think that "imagining things" refers simply to random ideas. they probably never even tried to have mental images

>> No.6288763

It's a good possibility.

If they have trouble with the visual processing part of their brains, they will never think like an artist to begin with.

Niggas have slow brain GPUs.

>> No.6288764

I'm starting to appreaciate AI threads, they pretty much took all the shitposting outside of discussion threads.
This board feels pretty nice to use lately, you can post your stuff in a thread and laugh at AI retards in their containment shitposting thread.

>> No.6288765

>retard doesn't even know what lineart means
pajeet, learn to draw. it would make you at least somewhat human

>> No.6288771

the curry has been cooked sirs
no art buzzword pls sirs
me not understand

>> No.6288865
File: 799 KB, 1056x1164, stvvv3m77s771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Photoshop, on the other hand

Anon, I...

>> No.6288936

This is illegal. Make your own work first than autofill in the rest faggot.

>> No.6288953

Just say AI bad already you fucking pollack. I don't give a shit about conspiracies, humanity was doomed from inception there's no point acting like you're above it.

>> No.6288987
File: 5 KB, 178x200, 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine every book, every painting, every drawing, every game, and every creative job, is done by AI, if I knew a book was made by an AI, I would not read it. What a depressing world we live in.

>> No.6289005
File: 255 KB, 1440x1745, 20220922_214214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over.

>> No.6289024

I see that ignorance of how copyright works abounds. Neat.

Ban AI threads.

>> No.6289074

I'm pretty sure that the Copyright Office understands it better than you.

>> No.6289086

I'm pretty sure you have no clue what I was even alluding to, so just stop digging yourself in.

>> No.6289087

The copyright office can assign a number to anything at all, that doesn't make you immune from lawsuits later on once someone finds you plagiarized their work, it just means there are no current claims against it.

>> No.6289114

>retarded ic niggers think they can fight Microsoft (government) through government means

>> No.6289309

this particular case doesn’t solve the issue of whether AI art can be copyrighted, since it’s a comic book where a human wrote the text. Anthologies which include cc0 or non copyrightable images can also file for copyright even if the images themselves aren’t. So we still don’t know if the art itself is property of the author or if any rando can take their AI images and put it on a t shirt on redbubble.