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File: 217 KB, 2290x2330, 1648505141486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6272248 No.6272248 [Reply] [Original]

I went from doing 3 commissions a week to doing 7, I am finally able to keep up with the demand and make around $500 a month. Life is good, I made it

>> No.6272252
File: 181 KB, 800x999, 1563995848855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good stuff Anon! Keep doing your thing!

>> No.6272255

That’s under $20 a piece… you’re undercharging bruh

>> No.6272256

where do you do transactions?

>> No.6272258
File: 72 KB, 959x639, 1655744653693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a nice livelihood you have there. It would be a shame if something happened to it...

>> No.6272260
File: 30 KB, 534x534, 1661893694445014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>500 a month

>> No.6272262

gpt 3

>> No.6272266

Paypal using a website for art commission as the mediator
I live in third world country, $500 is a lot here

>> No.6272271

Kudos, anon.

>> No.6272273

If OPs pic is an indicator of his level then GPT wont ape that, it's too shitty and GPT can only make really polished pieces of shit

>> No.6272276
File: 549 KB, 622x507, 1635032528317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I live in third world country
That's why i am laughing
>$500 is a lot here
And you could've easily earned more, retard.

What you're doing is fucking yourself over and everyone else.

>> No.6272280

Who's "everyone else"? You don't do anything but shitpost.

>> No.6272282
File: 1.03 MB, 565x720, 15933214485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3rd world nigger is seriously trying to justify undercharging

>> No.6272294

So making it means earning part time minimum wage

>> No.6272316

Post your work, im intrigued

>> No.6272327

yes post your work, you're so cheap i may just outsource to you OP

>> No.6272379
File: 44 KB, 728x394, das kapital.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>500 is a lot here
so what, if the white devil is dumb enough to pay a hundred for something then it's worth a hundred. That's like the first law of economics. Did you never sell any powdered milk to tourists pretending it's cocaine or what.

If you're getting more than five orders a week every week you should probably adjust your prices anyway, your customer base is definitely solid enough to afford losing the cheapest poorfags

>> No.6272418
File: 402 KB, 3508x2480, 4684486546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is something I'm working on now

>> No.6272451

Post a finished piece.

And for fuck's sake, charge more if people are willing to pay you. I'm also from 3rd world nowheresville and even I did $60 for my first comm.

>> No.6272469

> 7 commissions week
> 500 a month

nigga just how fucking low is your fucking price

>> No.6272475

Based 3rd world anon undercharging the fees so 1st world chud are losing their customer

>> No.6272508

Somehow I'm not surprised that basic math is beyond you.

>> No.6272841

I live in fucking Peru and I charge 40$ per character no background, jesus

>> No.6272880

>I live in third world country, $500 is a lot here
You can probably bump up your prices - unless you're not confident in your work and feel you're only being hired because you're cheap.
No need to go all the way, but take a look at others who you feel you match in skill, what they're charging, and move your prices closer to theirs. Why work twice as hard as others when you could possibly just charge twice as much?

Anyway, congrats; good job anon.

Posting someone's commissioned work here would be a faux pas.

>> No.6272883

If you're gonna be charging $18 a commission and don't wanna charge more then you should put in that much quality, that's slightly above minimum wage in leafland meaning you should put in maybe an hour into every commission and just shit out more of them
If you do say 3-4 commissions a day (8 hour work day accounting for time spent actually negotiating with the clients), you get 15-20 commissions a week and double+ your earnings

>> No.6272885
File: 370 KB, 720x746, 1626967214317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 3rd world shitter
>get into art for quick money
>see white people charging $100+ for a line on a paper
>uuuuuuuuuuhm im gonna charge $10 for a whole painting+backgrounds+50 extra characters and 10 more alternate versions of it
>single handedly destroy the commission market for everyone since more niggers keep having the 3000IQ idea to lower their prices instead of charging 1st world rates and live like kinds in their 3rd world countries
>fuck yourself over in the long term in the same process since more will keep lowering prices
>customers will start expecting free comms
>killed the entire market because you were a stupid nigger
OP is charging an average of $70 per full painting
Jesus christ, how fucking retarded one must be.

>> No.6272896

Fuente: arial 12

>> No.6272900

Nice dude

>> No.6272901

dumb ass post your finished non commissioned work

>> No.6272911

Todo gracias al gran presidente Castillo y Dr Vladimir cerron

>> No.6272923

Anon, how did you even begin to think that post was OP?

>> No.6272931
File: 431 KB, 620x925, test 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


rate my painting

>> No.6272948
File: 17 KB, 452x678, images (26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this photo, the nose looks a little too high but nothing that cant be fixed with some liquify action

>> No.6272968

hey that was my reference :D

it wasn't meant to be a 1 to 1, I painted it like a year ago lol. great shadows in that reference

>> No.6273104
File: 511 KB, 1400x853, d5rv8go-cbfd9ca1-394d-4972-81c3-39741d88cd92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gashi only charge $80 per full painting, go rent somewhere else cheaper and save your monthly bills.

>> No.6273113

holy shit japan is defaulting in 2 weeks

>> No.6273127

80$ to 100$ or so seem pretty reasonable for art. If you want to charge more than that maybe with full rights for commercial usage or some really intricate work, or if you have 50K followers that you would have enough clientely to pay so you could ask for more.

You have the base prices that would peak at 120$ if you really skilled but you can multiply that depending of how many followers you have, is how I would do it.

>> No.6273286

You better be doing them in an hour or so.

>> No.6273301

iirc even in indonesia $500 is like slightly higher than normal waggie income, and it's an unstable income, you can't really say you "made it"

>> No.6273314

lmao look at all these spoiled firstie commie libshits
Welcome to the free market, dumbfucks. No amount of bernie voting will get you out of this.

>> No.6273351

If I were to do 7 comms a week I'd earn over 3000 a month... Raise your prices.

>> No.6273408

Let me guess
you draw farting dragons?

>> No.6273477

How did you know??

>> No.6273486

Dude i am also from 3rd world. Congratulations and i hope for the very best for you.

>> No.6273563
File: 1.06 MB, 640x900, 1640234844921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just charge more, bro
If I do commissions, not a single soul shows interest.
On the off-chance I get them, people look at the finished product and say I am undercharging.

Which one is it?
How about (You) start commissioning all these poor artists for the price they deserve, since you care so much about fairness?
Consider it... investing in a greater cause.

No? Not buying any?
Then stop posting. Go get a 9-5 job if you like unionizing so much.

>> No.6273574

Unironically, git gud. I got my first comm without even advertising for it. If you're getting empty praise with no money behind it, reevaluate your art or your cheapskate circle of followers.

>How about (You) start commissioning
Why would I do that when I'm an artist myself, dumbass. The fun is drawing my own ideas.

>> No.6273582

>Why would I do that
Because you seem bothered by people paying less money than you think is worth it.
Are you footing the bill, anon?

>> No.6273586

how are you getting 7 commissions a week? where do you advertise yourself or what ads are you replying to?

>> No.6273590

>Who's "everyone else"?
Everyone who produces commissioned drawings.

>> No.6273591

I do furry art and I ask 90 per piece and IT IS undercharged.

OP ffs just raise your prices.

>> No.6273595

It's common sense to increase prices according to demand, and people willing to pay for the product will buy regardless, thus """"footing the bill""".
But I guess you wouldn't know that if you're so insecure about not getting comms in the first place.

>> No.6273602

I'm not doing commissions since I'm into some different endeavors but if I were, I would charge less for more autonomy.

>> No.6273604

blackpill me on furry commissions

>> No.6273605

There's a japanese art commission site with a similar principle. Cheaper prices plus artists with decent portfolios, but you get only one chance to word your request and no revisions.

>> No.6273608

>"How about (You) start commissioning all these poor artists for the price they deserve, since you care so much about fairness?"
>"Consider it... investing in a greater cause."
>Go to Store
>Offer to pay more than listed price, for so called "greater cause"

This is a dumb fucking thing to say Anon, and you probably know it. If you do good work, have a bit of social media following for it, you can probably charge a bit more than what you're doing now. If >>6272931 is you, you should be charging higher than what everyone is estimating here.
Sure you don't have to match first worlders, but the great thing about a job like this is that YOU CAN if you want to. Nobodies hiring you because of your country, they'll hire your for two reason, your products quality and your prices - and the first can very much dictate the latter.

It's fine if you want to stick to your current prices, but don't you ever want to have a raise? To have even more money? To work less for the same amount?
At the end of the day, this is all advice for your sake that you're throwing aside rather poorly.
>You should make more money
>What... Nooo! Why don't YOU give me your money!? No? Then Shut up!

>> No.6273610

Ah, you're talking about skeb. I actually hate that site - it doesn't allow anyone from other countries to use it, outside of commissioning the japanese artists.

Any other site like that would be called bigoted, but since it's japan and anime artists, the blood has left every weeb's head and gone to their cocks, so they can't think straight.
Fuck Skeb.

>> No.6273621

Yep, that's the one. I wonder if there's interest for an international site for this sort of thing. But then again without the japanese appeal it'll probably turn into a worse fiverr.

>> No.6273622

>Go to Store
>Scream at manager to raise the prices
Notice I didn't quote anyone telling OP he has enough demand to raise his prices, cause that's a fair assumption.
I just quoted people saying it's undercharging simply because... BECAUSE IT IS, OK?

>> No.6273623

And that's a good fucking thing.
Otherwise every filthy spic, tranny, mongrels will flood it with their ugly repulsive westoid crap.

>> No.6273633
File: 114 KB, 1600x900, Place_Place Japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm amazed you have time to write on here anon when your so busy sucking off the cock of every Japanese person you can find.

>> No.6273642

HAHA I sort of used to be like this until I went over there and found out what japs are REALLY like.
Fucking sneaky scheming bastards and everybody who sticks up for them are people who are indoctrinated by the ultra uber positive portrayal of japs any time it comes time to talk about japs or the land of the jap.

I will never go back there.

>> No.6273655

I actually think there'd be plenty, the gimmick of hooking up your social media, and people essentially hiring you because of that, puts it into a different lane than a site like fiverr - since you're hiring an artist because it's that artist, rather than to look for the cheapest person or most professional etc.

Not to mention on the artist's side, the one contact commission, with no revisions etc. would be extremely appealing. I think it'd do quite well.

If someone makes it, I just hope they block the Japs from joining as an artist... though they should be allowed to pay for commissions haha.

>> No.6273658

Okay, yeah I agree with you, but the "pay more than we're charging" line was still shit.

>> No.6273713

I never thought I would see someone on 4chan getting a reality check for how shitty Japanese people usually are

>> No.6273797

>retarded mass replying beggar has no clue about economics
>hurr durr you shouldnt raise your prices because ME get no comms and ME is insecure
And then you wonder why artists are considered the dumbest people on earth.
>waaah don't tell artists to better evaluate their work so it benefits every working artist
Spoken like a true nondrawing coomer that just wants cheap comms.

Post your work

>> No.6273846

>imbecile trannime pedo against people earning more money

>> No.6273929

How long is it taking you finish each piece?

>> No.6274044
File: 249 KB, 1050x1500, 1659345454392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, all the anons complaining are just complaining because that will "destabilize le market", not because they want OP to earn more.
Here's some even cuter and funnier anime for the brown woman replying.

>> No.6274240

A few hours, once I have the sketch I just feed it to AI a few times and kind of photobash and feed it again until I get a good picture where things are that they are supposed to be so I can just fix a few things here and there

>> No.6274350
File: 154 KB, 540x936, 1663111038300325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT : mad over cheap commision
>le furry and le thirdie
Professional getting paid cheaper than this, it's sounds good already people can make $500 per week by just doing commission while living in a third world. You faggot ITT are just jealous.
>inb4 le price
You want to start a commission union ?? lol it's a free market, people paid furry artist with a huge price because no one like doing it.

>> No.6274422

>le le le
>inane trannime Pic
Go back

>> No.6274426
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>> No.6274433
File: 196 KB, 500x600, 154788621356654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wrong, all the anons complaining are just complaining because that will "destabilize le market", not because they want OP to earn more.
As i said, "artists" are the stupidest race on earth

If you would explain them how hot water is made and they'd call you crazy