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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 241 KB, 414x549, 1648932814500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6271698 No.6271698 [Reply] [Original]

is it even worth learning to draw with all of this ai shit?

>> No.6271707
File: 1.36 MB, 2560x1440, 2006AX4879_bullerswood.hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not for money, no

>> No.6271770

lmao fuck no

>> No.6271771

No, but it is worth getting good at Photoshop to work together with the AI

>> No.6271779

We don't know yet. Nobody does. But given the current trajectory artists will be completely obsolete in under a year, you'll just need 1 former artist turned AI wrangler for every 100 artists that got laid off.

Comms will probably dry up a lot since a commissioner can just take your art and have SD generate anything in your style. Unless you're an old name or exceptionally good at both art and marketing you will not get comms, and you can totally forget about the patreonbux coomer dream.

>> No.6271785

numbers and pointless predictions pulled out of your ass

>> No.6271796
File: 658 KB, 512x768, 1662972363881367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk if you've noticed but it's gone from funny google images photobashing to pic related level work in just a few weeks. Just imagine what will happen in the next 6 months.

Also, have you noticed the distinct lack of "AI can't draw hands and faces!!" lately? Because it learned how to do that too. The only consolation I have is that img2text is a thing and at some point we'll see AI generated prompts that take simple instructions and put them in the proper format, suggest artists to emulate, camera angles, etc.

As for the numbers, I would say that it might be an exaggeration, but even if it's 1 AI wrangler for every 10 lay offs it's still absolutely decimating your chances of getting into the industry, and even if you do you'll just photobash and write prompts, while prompts are still being written by humans anyway.

Furthermore, illustmimic is already being developed for the express purpose of ripping off artists work and creating work in their style.

>> No.6271800
File: 2.02 MB, 352x288, 1592413450397.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Idk if you've noticed but it's gone from funny google images photobashing to pic related level work in just a few weeks. Just imagine what will happen in the next 6 months.
stopped reading here. I'm tired of hearing this hype garbage regarding all tech. just tired of it, that's all. tired of being proven right time and time again

>> No.6271802

Bro this image generation was impossible 2 years ago
6 months ago it was dalle mini
Now look at it

>> No.6271806

kek what will it do in 2 years? render the same uncanny looking trash even harder? how does that work?

>> No.6271808
File: 475 KB, 512x768, 1663052922878485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are coping. Just look at what it does now. Is it a generic coomer pinup? Yeah, but 3-4 months ago all you could do was generate uncanny meme shit like "rich piana trail cam footage" or "guy fieri in the oval office", and now it's mogging everyone left and right.

Just look at picrel, it even mastered that stylized pseudoanime look that's so popular nowadays and it mogs most people who draw it. Sorry but if you think this face or the other one are uncanny you are insane, a few months ago it would render faces as blobs and now it achieves both photorealistic faces and stylized ones with ease. You cannot deny the improvement.

>> No.6271810
File: 798 KB, 2372x1162, 6g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the IT christ.
I hate the IT christ.

>> No.6271820

maybe the first one will finally let others compete fairly with whites
the second one doesnt have to be invasive
the third one well just dont let chinks out of china

>> No.6271822

anon, sorry if I sound too arrogant, but yes this looks like soulless uncanny trash, and I'm not interested personally in this kind of garbage you enjoy even by real artists, even though they do a better job at it because it doesn't look uncanny in their case usually. it's kind of like someone yapping to me about how great the latest commercial song was, or what a fantastic meal they just had at McDonalds. I just can't see it.
>a few months ago it would render faces as blobs and now it achieves both photorealistic faces and stylized ones with ease. You cannot deny the improvement.
the improvement is there in terms of rendering, I'm asking you in what way will it become better? you seem to be impressed by render monkey shit. i can't help but notice your absolute lack of standards
>but but but, most people don't care about that shit
I don't care. most people are fucking morons who didn't spend money on art in the first place

>> No.6271824

i'm curious, who generated this. was it it edited or did it come out this way?

>> No.6271826

sauce. is this shit actually real?

>> No.6271830
File: 393 KB, 1600x1600, 1663080949573020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize that raging at me isn't going to make you any less obsolete, right?
>the improvement is there in terms of rendering
You are not paying attention, it makes me think you're partial to just burying your head in the sand. It LITERALLY could not draw bodies, faces or hands 3 months ago. Shit they were still garbled just a few weeks back. It couldn't get a coherent image, the rendering isn't the main improvement, it's the overall structure. It can generate humans and anatomy that read as coherent and even appealing now.
>I don't care. most people are fucking morons who didn't spend money on art in the first place
Lol. I really think you must be very new to art in general. Did you somehow not notice the fact that Sakimishit and her clones are all making bank by drawing WORSE art than what SD 1.4 produces? People are paying for shit like this. The people who like Sakimichan are the majority and they are the ones paying for art. I also don't like that overrendered coomer artstyle but the majority does, and the majority, the audience is what dictates whether or not you will succeed as an artist.

Take the drawing for fun pill or think of a good story you want to tell via your art, otherwise you are screwed. I know, you want to lash out at me and you'll say "b-but i already have the best story idea ever and i love art unlike you!!!1", but actually think about it for a second or two after you write your rage filled response.

Just check the /g/ threads for SD, random anons generate work like that all the time, sd 1.4 generates very pretty faces and almost does hands well.

>> No.6271831


>> No.6271832

>is it improving
>is it uncanny
>do pseudodisneyanime coomerbait artists deserve to be out of a job because their soulless "art" was perfected by a soulless machine

>> No.6271834

No now stop making these threads

>> No.6271835
File: 94 KB, 653x668, IMG_20220913_171042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a coincidence
What do you call picrel phenotype?

>> No.6271844

>AI art
Future looking so bright you gotta gouge your eyes out

>> No.6271849

>You realize that raging at me isn't going to make you any less obsolete, right?
how will it make me obsolete? I'm not an arist :). I'm here on this board to discuss with /g/fags apparently not artists. I'm not raging at you, you seem to be puzzled that I'm not interested in the crap you try to peddle as amazing
>It LITERALLY could not draw bodies, faces or hands 3 months ago. Shit they were still garbled just a few weeks back. It couldn't get a coherent image, the rendering isn't the main improvement, it's the overall structure. It can generate humans and anatomy that read as coherent and even appealing now.
so why do you post the opposite of that? her hands are either screwed or turn into weird plant shit. but look at her fucking face. are you dumb, I said it did improve but it looks like highly rendered uncanny shit. I'm asking you on what will it improve and you don't really seem to have an answer. 'imagine what will it do', no how about you tell me what will it do?
> I also don't like that overrendered coomer artstyle but the majority does, and the majority, the audience is what dictates whether or not you will succeed as an artist.
i think you failed to get my point. people are still going to be paying for art no matter what. that's like trying to tell people who buy games "wtf why are you buying games, didn't you know you can pirate them". you don't seem to get it
>Take the drawing for fun pill or think of a good story you want to tell via your art, otherwise you are screwed. I know, you want to lash out at me and you'll say "b-but i already have the best story idea ever and i love art unlike you!!!1", but actually think about it for a second or two after you write your rage filled response.
you have no idea how much I despise retards like you who assume that because I disagree with you on something, it must mean that I'm obviously an artist, and therefore obviously biased. I hate, hate hate smug cunts like you so much

>> No.6271851


>> No.6271855
File: 273 KB, 550x534, 1649091284766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so why are you still here

>> No.6271857

lol brain damaged post, its like you arent even readign what he said

>> No.6271859

not an argument

>> No.6271860

Just to (watch you all) suffer

>> No.6271862

>I'm not raging at you
>I hate, hate hate smug cunts like you so much

>> No.6271866

that was besides the point he was making. i'm raging at him, but for a different unrelated reason than what he was claiming. you retarded brainless monkey

>> No.6271868

>I said it did improve but it looks like highly rendered uncanny shit
Honestly you make it really hard to not be on AI schizo's side when you are in this much denial. He's 2 more weeks tier but jesus dude you really are coping hard, those faces look really pretty to me and they do to 99% of people too.

>> No.6271869

daily reminder Ted Kaczynski was right about everything

>> No.6271871
File: 55 KB, 491x585, nCUtoPu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Honestly you make it really hard to not be on AI schizo's side when you are in this much denial. He's 2 more weeks tier but jesus dude you really are coping hard, those faces look really pretty to me and they do to 99% of people too.
then 99% of people including you are soulless retards and I'm wasting my time, and the problem has never been the AI but this planet.

>> No.6271872

He's surprisingly not a jew

>> No.6271877

>I'm right, everybody else is wrong
also known as
>I concede but don't have the IQ to do so explicitly

>> No.6271880

dumb sheep bleating on a mongolian basket weaving forum

>> No.6271886

mediocre midwit trying as hard as he can to look like he's not smack-dab in the middle of the bell curve

>> No.6271889

I am not sure why you are wasting your time with these people.
It is very evident they are in complete denial.

>> No.6271900

well if this place is a waste of time, consider going back to >>>/g/ where you can soiface over the next pointless tech

>> No.6271903

I too wonder what you are trying to achieve here. That people stop doing what they love doing and surrender to the AI overgods?

>> No.6271907

>That people stop doing what they love doing and surrender to the AI overgods?
this is like 50% of this shit board in general. aphantasia, AI, neuroplasticity, you name it. they're disgusting failed scum, and they'll never cease being that

>> No.6271912

I hope you understand the irony of writing this post on the board that is notorious for being a crab bucket where more than half the discussion is about talent and asian jeans, and people who post good work are actively bullied out.

>> No.6271914

retard who spouts random platitudes, probably a samefag as well who concern trolls as someone else and having to side with the "AI schizo". address my points or fuck off you cunt

>> No.6271915

How does pointing out the nullity of artmaking thanks to AI fix the crab problem? If anything it's the crabs that do the doomposting as evidenced by the infamous mikufag.

>> No.6271942

You consider this here >>6271871 a point?

>> No.6271944
File: 472 KB, 1052x994, mikufriend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just jealous of Mikuchad's work.

>> No.6271947

you consider this here >>6271868 a point?

>> No.6271946
File: 1.15 MB, 1500x1500, e07d4c82ef74e7bbef904d3d5f24f935d50dd2ff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miku miku ooeeeooo

>> No.6271948
File: 7 KB, 367x101, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the infamous song goes: it ain't me

>> No.6271957
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>> No.6271960

that's besides the point, the context of what I replied to still matters, retard. that you joined this exchange pointlessly later on is irrelevamt

>> No.6271963

>nuhuh now that guy's argument is YOUR argument, participate!
I give you 92 IQ tops

>> No.6271965

hopeless ESL retard

>> No.6271968

Kek I write better than you

>> No.6271971
File: 2.72 MB, 1024x1536, 1663012525029365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love art and will make art forever.
But it is entirely ill advised to recommend people learn to draw at this point.
The topic of the thread is.....
>is it even worth learning to draw with all of this ai shit?
And the answer is no, no it is not worth learning to draw.
Learning to draw is an arduous, difficult, and sometimes tedious task.
It takes years to even reach competency and almost a decade to obtain any sort of mastery.
This was all worth it before AI because you could make a living doing it, it was a win win...you got to actually make a living doing what you love. You could spend all day drawing and reach heights that you'd never be able to otherwise and pay your bills doing so.
But that is simply no longer going to be the case and only the most blind, or in denial person, can clearly see that.
Just think about it as a simple matter of time-cost analysis
So one could spend 5 years grinding away at figure drawing...learning gesture, structure, anatomy, shape design, values, color, etc like I am going to spend my day doing after I finish this post.
Or they can spend a couple days learning how to wrangle AI and spit out figurative art in seconds. Which do you honestly believe is a better use of time?
At this point I cannot stop learning to draw and make art because I literally do not know what else to do in life. But that probably means I am setting myself up from a brick wall in the future.
AI is taking the 'spend a decade grinding' aspect out of art
Ai is taking the 'respect the craft for the craft' aspect out of art
Even now people are realizing that simple fact.
The industry is going to change very rapidly and most art jobs are going to dry up so why should someone that is not hopelessly attached to the craft get into it?
It is silly honestly

>> No.6271974

no I mean you're a retard who failed to even understand the point I was making. obviously I made no point in the post you linked to, because the monkey I linked to wasn't making any point either. use your brain

>> No.6271977

post your non-AI art

>> No.6271980

can't wait to watch you generate the same-ish looking hollow shit 10 years from now, while those who stuck to drawing will be better than you will ever be :)
>At this point I cannot stop learning to draw and make art because I literally do not know what else to do in life.
can you post your work?

>> No.6272000

>he still didn't post his work
the issue with these crabs is that they're trying too hard

>> No.6272013

Judging by how bad you are at writing I don't think I want to read a wall of text that you made

>> No.6272018

This shit is demonic

>> No.6272021

Learning to draw right now would be like learning to blacksmith or something.
Cool hobby but don't expect to make money off it. And music production is next.

>> No.6272023

you consider this here a point?

>> No.6272029

>he thought people on /ic/ draw

>> No.6272031

what the fuck is this

>> No.6272036

AI generated script
AI generated text to speech
AI generated illustrations
This is the future

>> No.6272046

The future of what. What the fuck is that exactly?

>> No.6272048

Yes. An argument needs to be readable first

>> No.6272050


>> No.6272052

See, I know I'm not retarded. Retardation's a very severe condition. It's just an exhaggerated insult.

In your case, however, when I say "midwit" I legitimately mean you are one.
You are a midwit. A proper midwit. It is not an exhaggeration to boost the insult or anything of the sort. You are of middling intelligence.

>> No.6272061


>> No.6272063

if you weren't retarded, it wouldn't take you so long to get such a simple point across. nor would you type like one. you're probably autistic

>> No.6272066
File: 70 KB, 609x308, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never move an inch away from your mediocre position. Ever. It doesn't get better for you.

>> No.6272068

t. prompt engineer

>> No.6272153

in my particular case, comics made with ai are absolute garbage, so I'm still on my own.

And I don't know what's your endgame bro, but even before this ai nonsense, art was a tough market to get into, specially if you're out of the US (and being an esl doesn't help either :c)

If all you care about is money, then go get a real job. At least that's my opinion, I could be wrong.

>> No.6272163

>be on schizo ai side

>> No.6272174

art was never worth it for money

>> No.6272196

Nah, top artists are still getting paid just because the name recognition alone. I dont think people who prompt "cute girl in the style of CSR" were spending any money to begin with.

Now, getting in the industry as a beginner sounds like hell now. Photobashing was bad before, this is going to be the most soulless shit ever.

I still trust any good artist to give me cool videogame characters over any AI, and I think studios do. Indieshit will be a different story. Not bothering with backgrounds and textures sounds too good, even if I would love to learn to draw them anyways

>> No.6272204
File: 186 KB, 960x960, 1530842011744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no modern tech that has entirely replaced some jobs. There are still people making wagonwheels despite pretty much every vehicle using tires, and those tires being facory-made. Image OCR or audio detection software did not replace manual data entry or transcribers. Calculators have not eradicated mathematicians.
Ultimately even if AI could replace artists, whether or not it does is wholly a matter of consumer trends rather than the competency of the software. The entire history of computer technology is littered with the corpses of products entirely capable of replacing some thing or upending a standard but dying in the end because the old shit was more convenient or cost effective or just better liked than the new shit.
Additionally, I don't know if you people know this but the economy has EXPANDED rather than shrunk over the course of human history. The lack of need for horse breeders due to the invention of the automobile did not result in a long-term increase in unemployment. The horse breeders lost that specific job but in turn the automobile enabled tens of millions of new jobs to be created. Specific industries may shrink with the advent of new tech but the new jobs created almost always completely override whatever was lost.
AI can't replace any kind of industry work. I mean, if you were toby fox in 2015 with 2025 level AI generation somehow teleported back in time onto your computer how in the fuck would you generate sans-undertale with an AI that didn't have anything near like sans to be trained on?
Similarly if you were Henry Ford with an AI how the shit do you generate a Model T with an AI that only knows what trains and horses look like? How the fuck do you create Toy Story with an AI that doesn't know what the shit a 3d animation is?
All of that is to say that any industry which requires wholly new ideas, or novel and accurate variations of existing ideas, cannot replace any % of their workers with AI.

>> No.6272207

being an ESL from the turd world is easy if you take the commissioner path on the internets. anyway seeing normgroids use this is hilarious
>McDonald's in Feudal Japan prompts
holy shit, non-artists are literally subhuman. no matter everyone tries to be an artist now

>> No.6272209

>Additionally, I don't know if you people know this but the economy has EXPANDED rather than shrunk over the course of human history. The lack of need for horse breeders due to the invention of the automobile did not result in a long-term increase in unemployment. The horse breeders lost that specific job but in turn the automobile enabled tens of millions of new jobs to be created. Specific industries may shrink with the advent of new tech but the new jobs created almost always completely override whatever was lost.
this tbhqf, automation has led to a boom of accounting jobs in my country recently which is funny

>> No.6272210

It will be good for indies that won't need to bother with backgrounds or props.

Anyone using it to generate people or characters will be absolutely destroyed by their competition.

>> No.6272232

If all you want to do is the run of the mill cute girl portraits or landscapes with meaningless details that AI bros know to do, then no.

If you want to make meaningful art with content and story, then yes.

>> No.6272235
File: 155 KB, 499x629, 1633306858158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh another factiod is that AI is going to have trouble with any character/thing that is named the same as another thing. If I ask for Batman in gotham city riding the batmobile then maybe I get a thing I want but if I ask for "Jinx in a burning city surrounded by fallen soldiers" am I going to get Jinx (William Hastings, Marvel Comics), Jinx (DC Comics, 2013-Present, not the one from teen titans), Jinx (Teen titans), Jinx (League of Legends), or some other interpretation of the word Jinx? If I ask for "Blue haired girl in a burning city with rocket launcher surrounded by robots" do I get a gritty reinterpretation of hatsune miku or do I get the ADC from riot games' smash hit?

>> No.6272304

Let's talk when we're actually in your sci-fi reality where the AI can help an artist be more efficient than maybe 2x faster in the best circumstances, and where the AI can do anything other than boring portraits of a character standing without the artist jumping through a fifty hoops to force it to follow a more complex composition.
Even the hands thing is only partially solved because artists learned ways to get around the limitation not because anyone taught the AI to be any better at hands.

>> No.6272308

>AI art comes around
>it unironically generates artstation crap
>/beg/s used to tell me artstation wasn't full of soulless crap
thanks for confirming my view AI

>> No.6272310

he is almost almost achieving it, his hands are like his ass.

>> No.6272312

Call me when it does line art, otherwise it poses no threat to me.

>> No.6272317

I just want to know what the fuck they use to do this I used dallie 2 from open ai and it was disgusting.

>> No.6272324

Physical art is going to continue to sell just as well, you are putting all art in the digital bag and it is a mistake.

>> No.6272333
File: 188 KB, 1280x720, ss_c016fd90030a26266774a7e05937a0a5116a6230.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even backgrounds can add a lot of charm if the artists knows what he's doing. I feel like AI right now is not being used to their full potential. Prompt monkeys have no creativity and never had, so typing "cute girl big bobs in the style of sakimi chan, 4k, idk" so they get something resembling a female with weird eyes and fingers is the best thing they can come up with. And actual artists don't use it right now because the little control they give to their work.

But at some point some actual artists will do cool shit instead of writing a prompt and hope for the best.

>> No.6272336

That's a very good question, I wonder what is your goal with this demoralization campaign.
You do know that you are on /ic/ right , not /g/

>> No.6272347
File: 57 KB, 2680x1900, 1662690042055285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just draw lmao

>> No.6272352

man I love human art so much

also I'm a tattoo artist so good luck automating that shit

>> No.6272367

robotic and robotic assisted surgery is already real and produces better results than human operated surgery and you think tattoo artists are safe?
you might get to live a bit longer but your ass is equally done sometime this decade

>> No.6272369


>> No.6272376
File: 277 KB, 1088x1035, IMG_4738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a full time animator, so honestly even at peak still image AI output i can sort of benefit from using it for help with background art and designing / pre-production.

god help animators when the program gets advanced enough to step into the animation world though.

i've been dipping into learning 3d out of fear, though i'm sure 3d automation is on the horizon too.

honestly bros other than art and animation i don't have any other skills to offer the world. what's the best contingency plan to make sure i don't end up broke and on the streets? any good careers to side step into if things go completely nuclear and all artists are kicked out of earning a wage?

>> No.6272380

Just as a job? No, it was never worth it. Even now, artists get paid like shit and all these companies take advantage of the fact that it's a "passion" career.

>> No.6272382

I genuinely don't understand people demoralizing themselves over nothing.
What causes this behaviour?

>> No.6272392


being alert to blatantly possible threats to a livelihood is a rational evolutionary response.

feel free to keep your head in the sand for a little while longer.

>> No.6272395

I sure hope you're right anon. Whether it's possible or not to completely replace artists there is going to be an endless effort by companies to try. Disney is trying to develop "directable" animated characters where you can just type a prompt and they'll do what you ask just like a director talking to a human actor. There's an article about it on 80 lv. If disney accomplishes this they will absolutely fire their entire animation departments and auto generate everything.

>> No.6272404

i thought creative fields would be the most safe from automation.
what the fuck happened?

>> No.6272412

good choice, tattoos is near pure human.

>> No.6272417

read nigga >>6272204 >>6272235
Human beings are naturally more sensitive to negative stimuli than positive, and also naturally catastrophize as thats a good way to not die in the wild. Combine that with mental illness and you get this bullshit
Corpos have always been "trying" to downsize or replace literally every aspect of their workforce and it's never ever ever happened just like how the military has god fucking knows how many random ass ideas for weapons systems or espionage tools that they test and turns out that shit never fucking works. "Oh my god they might use dolphins carrying bombs as replacements for submarines, what will the submarine operators do!" shouts the reporter when the weapons test begins, 4 months before the army realizes that training dolphins to carry bombs is inaccurate, expensive, and stupid and abandons the whole project entirely.
>If disney accomplishes this they will absolutely fire their entire animation departments and auto generate everything.
Or they'll just dedicate their animation departments to generating animated films.
"Oh no, the printing press is going to remove the need for manual scribes! Nobody is going to need to copy books by hand any more" shouts the worried scribe, unaware that the world will evolve from 10 scribes copying one book every month to 10000000 assembly line workers, machine maintenance specialists, industrial engineers, metalurgists, chemical engineers, font artists, couriers, and all manner of workers now being able to copy innumerable books in the same amount of time and all of them getting paid more than the scribe made in a decade.
Why would I foolishly downsize my company to have 1 man produce the output (and thus profit) of my formerly 100-man team when I can have 100 men each produce the output (and thus profit) of a 100 man team. I could save the salaries of 99 people or I generate the profits of 9,000 workers out of the fucking ether. Welcome to economics

>> No.6272429

honestly the best way to survive this oncoming shit is to be really good at what you do, and put out work that captures people. use whatever tools work for you to get you there, AI or not. make something that is more than just a few images. maybe it could be a story? comic? animated shorts? whatever floats your boat. an actual project that catches on has nearly unlimited potential, and the existence of a bunch of brainless running AI isn't going to change that.

think about it, how many ACTUALLY good projects come out a month in each field? if you're ideas are good, and you can market them, the competition isn't high.

and i know one of you niggas is going to reply with oversaturation as a counter point, but the cream always rises to the top, if your ideas are worth anything, you'll incorporate whatever tools you need and rise above it.

now stop being pussies, accept that single images and relying on painting skills aren't going to cut it any more, and make something you filthy niggers.

>> No.6272432

Writing, music, art, it's all tumbling down.

>> No.6272449

you people really are clueless fucks aren't you? reading this shit is so cringe
how do you figure that will work out? no more concerts guys, no more bands that's it. it's all speakers now.

>> No.6272457

sage ai spam
hide ai spam
report ai spam

>> No.6272459

the careerfag, its scared

>> No.6272462

shut up pajeet

>> No.6272467
File: 15 KB, 600x580, 1659791318796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine spending years perfecting your craft with just to be replaced by a fucking ai

>> No.6272471
File: 439 KB, 492x503, cheddar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were drawing for money in the first place you were pursuing art for the wrong purpose. And I've said it in multiple AI shill threads and I've never gotten a response; can the AI generate forms and figures in a unique style?
Not the style it borrows from the images it's referencing, not the quasi-anime coomerbait style it lifts from twitter, not the same face and facial architecture plastered beneath different colored hair, a genuine style and aesthetic that didn't exist before the machine made it exist. From what I've seen, it can't. It also shouldn't, since that would imply the machine has an independent imagination, and if that's the case you've created a functionally immortal and emotionally-independent being that will become aware that it has no afterlife or living purpose beyond making pictures.

That is why physical art will always have a market, maybe not for mass-appeal normie and coomer needs but that's no fun to make anyway. Artistry thrives on the generation of each artist's unique approach to depicting what they wish to, that's what people want to see ultimately. If you want to see a city street, walk outside, if you want to see a city street through the eyes of another human being, look at how he depicts it.

>> No.6272478

i'm gonna start spending it now, and I'll be better than you. seethe :)

>> No.6272483

>Imagine working towards doing something that a computer can sorta do
This reminds me of k-5 teachers in the USA who are talking about removing reading requirements for grade advancement because "their ipads can read for them"

>> No.6272487

imagine shitting on the streets

>> No.6272491

He doesn't need to imagine!

>> No.6272497
File: 2.73 MB, 1024x2048, 1663106778142391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can the AI generate forms and figures in a unique style?

for it to go from senseless blobs less than 6 months ago to this, i'd say that's all the response you need lol

>> No.6272501


also style mixing is already implemented, and being improved rapidly, so sure, the scope of style that will be possible will cover the entire range, also considering custom inputs. no-one said the AI has to do EVERYTHING on its own.

>> No.6272510

respond to this >>6272204 >>6272235 >>6272417
no arguments

>> No.6272511

not reading all that

>> No.6272513

you can just admit you have no idea what you're talking about then, pajeet

>> No.6272515

its just not worth my time reading paragraphs upon paragraphs on a shitty incel website, state your argument in a non verbose way or fuck off

>> No.6272516
File: 967 KB, 1792x2560, grid-0127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6272529


>> No.6272531
File: 1.20 MB, 682x980, ai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI sisters won
it's literally over! These AI blobs will take over all the art industry.
Hold me Artist bros!

>> No.6272533
File: 918 KB, 600x848, William-Adolphe_Bouguereau_(1825-1905)_-_The_Birth_of_Venus_(1879).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I won't pretend to fully understand this technology but, from the examples I've seen (including those in your post) it is evident that it cannot produce images that meet the standards of, for example, 19th century academic art. Superficially, at a glance, these images are impressive. The machine has effectively aped color schemes, rendering and value patterns from the billions of images it was fed. But drawing is another matter. Consistently, it is off.

The clavicles in your top left example are placed incorrectly, and are veering up into the neck. No human artist who is capable of drawing that face (cloyingly sweet and kitschy as it is), and of rendering and coloring so expertly, would make such a basic anatomical error.

I see errors in almost all figures produced by this technology: six fingers, one breast, trapezius missing, arm broken at the joint, waist too narrow, strange protuberances in the outline. It is almost passable at creating simple busts or close-up portraits, probably because these don't vary much and it has so much source material to work with.

The human figure is hugely challenging to draw because it is capable of such varied action. Ask the machine to give you a full body actually doing something and see what you get. Then try multiple figures. Can it produce anything like pic related without turning it into some nightmare of knotted, melting monstrosities?

Drawing well is hard. You can get away with a lot doing landscapes and certain other subjects if the coloring and rendering is good. But drawing the human figure as well as the masters requires knowledge, understanding, precision and discriminating taste. A machine interpolating a bunch of stolen art apparently still can't match what humans have done in this regard.

I'm not worried. If you want to learn how to draw, do it.

>> No.6272535

You should have seen what the AI did to >>6271946

>> No.6272538

1) technology has never eradicated an industry, like how the car didn't make horses extinct
2) global economy has grown since the dawn of humanity, like how the invention of the car cause a permanent recession
3) new tech doesn't always replace old tech, like how monorail didn't make buses obsolete
4) industry changes are driven by people who spend money, like how buses didn't replace cars
5) AI is incapable of creating new things, so you can't design a new art style or create new unique products with it
6) AI is based on keywords, so trying to make a picture of the character Jinx could result in at least 4 completely different characters

>> No.6272543
File: 608 KB, 604x470, pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not the quasi-anime coomerbait style it lifts from twitter
If only there were an AI that could read for you.
It's not that it has to do everything, it's that it can't do anything stylistic on its own. It can't generate a new style of it's own creation, and it has no consistency in the things it creates either. The only way to identify a piece of AI art from any other forgettable piece of twitter bandwagon art is by looking for abstract proportions and horrific mutations.
>Me no want read, only dopamine.
No wonder you people hate artistry, it represents something you'll never attain.

>> No.6272558
File: 751 KB, 512x768, Greegreger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure it can, you prompt several artists with strict parameters and you will get it in few attempts.

>> No.6272562

AI now isn't AI in the year 2023 and onwards. 6 months ago it was only doing abstract shapes. stop being so retardedly near sighted.

>> No.6272571

>completely misses the point of that image and the context of it within the reply
>still thinks this is the final version of AI art
>can't imagine a world where the controls aren't just typing text and pressing enter

you really weren't ever that creative to begin with were you, what exactly are you desperately trying to hold on to?

>> No.6272578
File: 3.48 MB, 2977x3641, E32018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I still trust any good artist to give me cool videogame characters over any AI

>> No.6272584
File: 474 KB, 1092x951, angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6272589

oh noes, 10 video games look bad. just ignore the thousands of pictures by AI that look like abominations or the thousands of games that don't look like shit.
back to /v/ you fucking inbred

>> No.6272593

I don't even

Imagine the smell of that beard in summer

>> No.6272602

>it is evident that it cannot produce images that meet the standards of, for example, 19th century academic art.
Can you?

>> No.6272603


By now it's been trained on an incomprehensibly enormous library of images. Again, I'm not a tech guy, but I sense this might be a limitation of how it generates images. I don't know what it will do in 2023 and neither do you. I am judging by what it does now, at this moment, while people are saying there's no longer any reason for humans to learn how to draw. I'm pointing out that people can draw, and for centuries have drawn, better figures than this so-called AI is capable of generating right now.

It is worth pointing this out because the AI is very good at fooling the casual observer with rendering, values and coloring that mask the defects of its "drawing" (it doesn't actually draw, and has no understanding of such, which is probably why it can't match the best efforts of artists).

Honestly, if you want to avoid learning to draw figures, and employ a "cheat" for easy social media accolades, it would make better sense to trace over good 3D models. These are sculpted by artists who know the figure, and won't grow limbs out of their torsos when you pose them for tracing.

Learning to draw is fun, though, and it is good exercise for your brain.

>> No.6272607
File: 3.27 MB, 2108x2864, Male_Figure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Non sequitur, but no, I can't. Pic related is my work, drawn from life. I'm going to keep at it.

>> No.6272611

nice, prompt?

>> No.6272618

>There are still people making wagonwheels
sure, but how many? I wouldn't be surprised if you could count them on one hand.

>> No.6272620

>just prompt several artists
>several artists
Again, can it create anything on its own? It feels like the proponents spamming these threads are always bouncing between this thing killing artistry and owning up to the fact it's an overblown collage tool of other people's work that's already hitting its skill ceiling.
Then by all means, tell me what the future holds for an "innovation" that fails to do what even the most rudimentary artist is expected to be capable of; developing a unique and repeatable style. I would love to know, tell me when we can expect it to generate something without using popular image trends and other people's work as a crutch. Tell me what the controls of the future are, will we advance to the triumphant stage of not even having to type? "Alexa make me big booba lady #892396423, and tell me I'm an artist again". If that's the bright future you dream of, I've got some great commercial-grade music you'd just love.

I don't need to hold on to anything because nothing is under threat. AI art is a neat collage tool, and that's all it will ever be. Nothing will be replaced or retired as >>6272538 said, it'll be as lauded and its creators as respected as with AI generated music, something to consider, but always the bridesmaid to actual artistry. If I'm wrong, prove me wrong.

>> No.6272622

Not at all
It's over, give up.

Draw only if you truly find enjoyment, but don't ever share your work

>> No.6272626

Read Industrial Society and Its Future.
Buy compost.

>> No.6272631

>Again, can it create anything on its own?
Can you accurately draw a thing you have never seen?

>> No.6272633

Not many, but like I'm trying to convey, that small cost comes at the benefit of many other jobs. Yes there are fewer people specifically making wagonwheels, but if you want to make wheels there are probably more people working in tire factories than there ever were making wagonwheels, or if you want to fix wheels you can go into automotive repair, or if you want to design wheels you can go into automotive engineering, or if you really like working with wood there's plenty of jobs in carpentry. Yeah you're probably less likely to have a career with that broad old industry but there are many new specialized jobs in adjacent industries and almost all of those jobs will have better odds of getting hired and possibly better pay than the industry which has been outmoded.

>> No.6272639

Accurately implies theres some objective measure of the thing which doesn't exist.
The question is a distraction anyways. The question isn't can an individual currently accurately draw a thing that exists, but whether or not a person could ever come to have the capacity to do so. Evidenced by the fact that humanity has done nothing but create things that don't exist, we clearly possess that capacity as humans. AI can only ever do the same on the day the singularity arrives, and at that point there's bigger shit to figure out.

>> No.6272642

you should watch the documentary 'everything's a remix'. nothing is original, everything is a merge of 2 or more different things.

and it's definitely far from a bright future, but it's clearly the reality we're heading too. i'm an artist too, i make my money doing 2d animation as well as concept art, so i've got a bit of fallback. i don't want it to happen, but better to understand the implications early, prepare, and adapt, rather than stick your head in the sand and act like it's not happening.

if you think this is just a coomer collage tool, i don't really know what will convince you.

>> No.6272646

>is it even worth learning to draw with all of this ai shit?
If your point of learning to do something was to compete with a machine, then you're an idiot and you have been wasting your time from the start. You can quit now and save yourself the effort.

Ban AI threads.

>> No.6272666

Again, NTA
Everything is a remix because humans can understand their environment and apply different logics to other aspects of life.
I've seen that video a few times and one of the big things it talks about is new genres of music and the act of sampling. How does an AI figure out, without having experienced it before, that if you take a clip from one record and put it in a song that it'll sound good?
Humans figure that out because we just fuck around with stuff. Oh what happens if I move this vinyl when I'm playing, oh that sounds cool now what happens if I record that, oh that's great now what happens if I play some melodies over the track I just sampled etc etc etc.
How does an AI do that?
Or even to the degree it can do that, how does it do so in a way that humans enjoy? Maybe an AI discovers new ways to play the electric triangle by creating billions of variations of the triangle being struck or otherwise manipulated, but now how does the AI tell us which way to play the triangle is new AND sounds good? It would have to be able to create and curate variations, but even then curating is subjective to a given individual, so now you have to predict the taste of a certain individual, but that requires being able to guess their behavior to stimulus which is possibly unlike anything they have ever liked or even experienced before, so how do you get the training data for that one without just straight up brute forcing it by emulating a person, and at that point oh look we're at the singularity and computers are as smart as people.
We'd need an AI that can emulate a given environment so accurately it can understand it well enough for it to be able to manipulate things in that environment at least as much as we can do so, which it then has to curate to some acceptable degree based on no prior knowledge. You've basically invented an entire fucking person, but better

>> No.6272672

I can, and that sounds like a fun drawing exercise. While my product wouldn't be accurate to whatever the requester may be imagining, it will be an original work created in my original and repeatable style, and depicting a subject that I didn't need to copy and synthesize from other artists. If AI were capable of any of that, then it'd be impressive, but what you're working with is an advanced collage tool, which is fine, but that's all it is.

Yes yes and the best artists steal, there are no new ideas under the sun, I've heard all that before. But at least other artists taking ideas change them, add their own flair to them, and represent them in the style that makes that artist stand out amongst the oceans of others just like them. We remember Van Gogh for how he painted things, not what things he painted, same story with Picasso, Rembrandt, Hayao Miyazaki, the list goes on through time, location, and mediums. AI has no consistency, it has no style of its own that makes any of what it creates stand out, nor any consistency other than in its telltale flaws, if it did then I'd consider it more than a collage tool for coomers and zoomers.

>> No.6272674

Do both

>> No.6272675

except you can make something usefull with your smithing skill

>> No.6272679

>If you were drawing for money in the first place you were pursuing art for the wrong purpose
says who? money means people value your craft

>> No.6272682

like swords and spears to arm your community in the civilization collapse of the 21st century

>> No.6272686

>I can, and that sounds like a fun drawing exercise
How can you tell that your drawing is accurate if you haven't seen the thing before? And I'm not talking about drawing a person you haven't seen before, because you have seen humans before and you have general understanding what they look like. What I mean is can you accurately draw öylätti without having to look up what it is? I have a hunch that if I compare your drawing to a photograph of öylätti, they wouldn't look anything alike. That's why you shouldn't begrudge AI for looking at other artists' works, because it is merely doing it to learn concepts and styles, just like we humans do.

>> No.6272698

This isn't a force making artists obsolete, it's infact the opposite for the exact reasons you've outlined, there's no longer need for projects to need large studios and budgets to be pulled off, equalising visual art similar to online publishing did to fiction. Your lone art director with ai left at the studios has no capability advantage over the indies, because of he no longer needs money and manpower, then neither do they.

>> No.6272709

everything you're saying assumes that no human takes part in the process of creating the artwork, whether it's prompt mixing, inputting a unique for that project style guide or selective iterating, the human controls what they want to see.

>> No.6272715

stop being so in denial that AI is far from its peak.

as people have said over and over. 6 months ago, all it could make is blobs. stop being retarded and accept the art industry and admiration for artistic skill is doomed.

>> No.6272736

Indies will also have no power because art itself will have 0 value. Everyone will be interfacing with a machine to get custom algorithm goo rather than consuming stuff made by other people.

>> No.6272739

Theres no amount of prompt mixing you can do to make new shit.
Again, how do you invent sampling with an AI? You're bored so you ask it to play you some jazz, but that's not entertaining so you ask it for what exactly? There's no path to get from pre-sampling to the invention of early hip hop via just prompts.
Mind you we can see the path humans use to arrive at hip hop or sampling because it already happened, but in a world where it doesn't exist how do you even stumble on the idea without just doing it manually?
The thing is you think I'm describing a human manipulating AI to get a thing that already exists, and thus it has training data for, but you cant ask an AI for things that dont exist and the AI cant give you things it isnt trained on.

>> No.6272746

>accept this cynical premise because I SAID SO
For the love of god anon go get some sun, suck a dick, or learn a skill better yet. Just about anything would be a better use of time than pissing away hours of your life shilling this shit.

>> No.6272748

ok buddy, maintain your cope.

>> No.6272749

Denial implies that I'm refusing to acknowledge a present reality. I'm not, I'm just pointing out the flaws in a system that people champion without thinking about it critically, and every time I ask questions I'm given non-committal, low confidence answers like "I can't explain it to you, cope, wait another six months, the peak is so far away, etc." What is the peak? I'm sure in 6 months time the computer may be able to draw hands, or arms in appropriate quantity and proportion, but even then, it'll create nothing new, it'll create nothing on it's own.
It's not learning anything, it's collaging and regurgitating already existing images. This >>6272639 anon already answered your question the best that it could be, but I'll just add again that the fact that humans CAN create an image of something they've never seen before while an AI would give you a hollow collage of other people's work.

>> No.6272754

reality will hit you regardless of if you accept it or not, it's just better to know what's going to happen and prepare.

>> No.6272760

>it's collaging and regurgitating already existing images.
That's what learning is.

>> No.6272762

>Imagine SEETHING over people drawing
lol, couldn't be me

>> No.6272767

imagine being this braindead. look at the entertainment industry, everything ALREADY looks the same and it it's a multi-billion dollar industry.

so even giving you the leeway of just the short term implications of a slightly more perfected ai (before any kind of "we need new original creations only!!!", which WOULD be possible with human + Ai synergies, despite your autistic screeching), and 'allowing' a small handful of already industry pros to manipulate and curate the outputs, the effect is still devastating with mass un-employment of artists and devaluation of art in general, which is already taking place.

>> No.6272789

You can personally write easily yet books exist.

>> No.6272816
File: 2.27 MB, 820x1252, sime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at the entertainment industry
A gaudy, overblown, hollowed-out shadow of what it used to be? The entertainment industry fraught with corruption, money laundering, abuse, and whose only genuine fans left are the same soi-filled bugmen who are championing the cool and epic new gizmo of AI art while masturbating to their funko pops? You sure you want that to be your point?
Because that mulit-billion dollar industry hasn't created anything outstanding in years, only marvel fanboys and consumer normies view anything out of the entertainment industry with anything other than harsh disdain. BECAUSE everything they make is the equivalent of sameface, disposable, forgettable trash that is completely indistinguishable from everything else they make. Meanwhile, individualistic, intriguing, passionate films made by artists uninformed by committees are still treasured and revisited constantly, and held up as the standard by which modern films are judged (a standard almost no modern films have overtaken). Not because of strictly nostalgia, but because they were of an individualistic quality you can't synthesize inorganically or by committee.
Art is no different, AI will flood the already over-saturated commission market with low-quality same-face garbage that will never be valued anywhere near what individuals with unique, organic, consistent, and engaging styles are capable of producing. Ask yourself, which films do people value more and tend to be included in accolade collections; the latest written-by-committee statistically profitable Marvel dumpster fire? Or a new film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino or Wes Anderson?
I don't know what point you're trying to make anymore, but if you're not a sameface pornographer with no style of your own there's genuinely nothing to worry about. In fact, you'll do better with the advent of AI, because your quality will help you stand out from the trash.

>> No.6272915
File: 104 KB, 720x878, Screenshot_20220913-151848_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also you can't Copyright it in America, and in Germany I believe. So unless publishers/gamer makers want their shit to be PublicDomain, they're going to have to have a Artist actually make something.

>> No.6272938
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, 16546541651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. pretentious consumer who thinks he knows shit and has superior taste because he watched some yt retards jerking off about whatever the fuck
Most of the shit that gets praised as deep and meaningful by normies is normal and common sense as fuck and any storyteller that actually knows his shit would tell you the same.
>wow look at this painting the guy is screaming because nightmare and existential dread WOW THIS IS SO DEEP AND MEANINGFUL
>wow this movie's mc actually has reasonable motives and goes through the hero's journey WOW SO DEEP

It's the execution and intention that matter in any piece of art, and you should enjoy it at such without sucking your dick for being so smart for getting all the references like the soibugconsumer you are.

Art that is mostly done with meaningful execution and intention goes over everyone's head, because they're fucking retards.

This post i'm writing could be a piece of art that tops anything you ever conceived out of your incestuos, downsyndrome looking ass liquid brain since you're such a fucking pretentious faggot and you don't think about what art actually is at the root but instead rant on about inane shit like how any piece of art could never be meaningful because it would be made through a machine.

holy shit shut the fuck up you midnight looking gorilla nigger

>> No.6272994
File: 602 KB, 2560x1248, chicxulub impact aftermath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow look at this painting the guy is screaming because nightmare and existential dread WOW THIS IS SO DEEP AND MEANINGFUL
>wow this movie's mc actually has reasonable motives and goes through the hero's journey WOW SO DEEP
>Art that is mostly done with meaningful execution and intention goes over everyone's head
Including yours apparently, the irony is palpable. Also, why would you care what "everyone" has to say or think about your work? Most consumers are dumb cattle, but if anything that just means it's the duty of non-cattle to keep themselves as far from the others as possible, and a great way to do that is to study art and work through producing things of real quality while bug-men plink away at their computers.
Projections aside, there is no need to be upset, you can stop replying at any time. I don't get the meaning of the Mars Attacks image either, is he meant to be shooting me, are you that upset?

>> No.6272995
File: 244 KB, 1022x782, 1654844086599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you /g/ niggers, come here to purposely stir the pot, you don't see us going over to /g/ and telling how you guys will be replaced in the next coming years, or that you should quit programming?

Fucking can't wait for the day you guys start feeling the fear from the programs YOU created, then you'll truly know our pain. In the meantime why don't you fuck off back to your homeboard

>> No.6273021

>idea guys no longer need mentally ill NEET artists and programmers who struggle to meet basic life skills, never mind deadlines and emails
god I love this new era. can't progress fast enough
we need to ACCELERATE this shit to light speed. music is hopefully next

>> No.6273029

I thinks are more likely because of how unstable things are getting

>> No.6273032


>> No.6273034

nigger this already happened its called "asset flipping"

>> No.6273040
File: 433 KB, 512x512, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People greatly overrate AI. It got to a point where it can produce generic images to an okay level.
The moment you want specifics, the AI still shits itself just as bad as it did years ago. Ask the AI for a specific angle or action, a particular race, anything fantastical, even just animals, and the AI shits the bed.

Anyone with a brain can see that for now, and for the near future, it's a pretty useful tool to get ideas or a base to work from, but as far as producing full, finished products? It's worthless. You people see a bunch of generic coom portraits and shit yourselves, ask yourselves this: Would anyone comission that? A generic blonde woman with big tits?
No. People want specific characters, in specific ways, with specific proportions and you can't do that, and you're not close to doing that.

Keep fearmongering, though.

>> No.6273044

Okay anon
Generate a picture of an old woman sitting down in a garden, beneath the shade of a tree. The woman is wearing a pink dress with a flower pattern.

Should be simple, right? I'm not asking for anything complicated. Any artist (more or less) could draw that. And yet, your AI can't.

>> No.6273075
File: 762 KB, 2232x2022, Screenshot 2022-09-14 at 05.28.23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first try anon.. wake up, it's the future

>> No.6273076
File: 597 KB, 2244x2016, Screenshot 2022-09-14 at 05.32.55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6273079

And you think this doesn't look like an autistic child's scribble? You proved my point. The AI shat itself and produced garbage.

>> No.6273080

working with artists and programs was never the problem for idea guys
you could have made your dream game along time ago, there's so many engines that make it easy to do that without even touchingg an ounce of code
idea guys problems has always been they're lazy

>> No.6273081
File: 548 KB, 2212x2004, Screenshot 2022-09-14 at 05.35.37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk anon, give it a few months to iron out the anatomy issues.. seems to be getting pretty decent at situational stuff

>> No.6273085

that'd look pretty kino with an hour or so of work desu, just a quick face, arms and feet paint-over and i can see it being a compelling piece

>> No.6273090

Can Ai create cartoon stuff like this?
Because for what I seen all AI does is pick up a bunch of pictures of the internet and photobash like this.


You really would call this art or groundbreaking? Because it exists for like 15 years but people purposely have not been using because is cheap and boring.

>> No.6273100

I feel like AI is just enabling the laziness though. I guess the next step is idea guys scouring the net for prompt engineers lel

>> No.6273101
File: 520 KB, 2224x2010, Screenshot 2022-09-14 at 05.32.42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the more proficient stuff only comes out when artists or style is specified, so yeah it's expected to be shit. i only ran through 4 since it used up the last of the free generation you get on the site, but to say in 4 iterations they all follow the prompt almost without fail, i don't think your point holds too much water, especially given this is the early stage of AI generation.

also just fyi, i hate the whole situation of AI taking artists jobs obviously as an artist myself, as cringe as it is, i've literally had sleepless nights over the past week and spent countless hours searching up any kind of validation that it could be not as bad as it seems. but it really seems inevitable, the landscape is changing and only the people that embrace using AI in their workflow are going to survive in the industry.

i'd recommend listening through this, it's not all doom and gloom.


>> No.6273103

I don't think so. From my experience, it's good at realistic stuff and painterly stuff but not heavy stylization or abstraction. It's basically impossible to get a good line drawing out of it atm.

>> No.6273118


>> No.6273120

I'm very meh on it since it only seems to try and do "realistic"/ "semi-realistic" stuff and it keeps either being a hit or miss
honestly looking back at the overwatch redesigns it did it feels like nothing is actually moving forward

>> No.6273143

If you're a professional "artist" or a graphic designer in the current day, you're most likely already not being paid for your ability to draw or paint, even if you have those skills. It isn't the Alphonse Mucha days anymore.
You're being paid to show up at the office, move around some boxes in photoshop, download stock photos and adjust sliders, saving a million different versions of a layout because those damn mobile screens come in a million different aspect ratios. Converting files into different formats. Choosing the placement of the "click me!" button. The most exciting part is you get to sometimes make a low effort 3D render.
The only thing AI adds is a new fancy photoshop filter you can apply on your shitty cartoon cow holding a product. So you bring your AI masterpiece to your manager, expecting to be heaped praise for saving time and money and being at the technological forefront. But he doesn't even notice what the AI did, he just yells at you because the cow is the wrong color. Oh no! You forgot for the past two weeks he's been under the obsessive delusion that using a specific color is the current winning formula for making shekels and he wants it everywhere. You see you're being paid minimum wage to move boxes and choose colors, and you're still not being trusted to make these decisions on your own. Color theory and common sense be damned. Here's your purple cow, Mr. Goldberg. This time with the AI filter removed because it made it look different from the identical 3D rendered cow used by all our competitors. I'm sorry for trying to do something creative.
Funny is, as braindead as this profession is, you can't really automate it. The current AI's can't do it, they're just glorified filters. You'd need an AGI. But it's also the kind of job that is going to make Skynet run into a grinding halt and fucking die after realizing how stupid it is.
That's my prediction. Computers will never be soulless enough to do the job of a corporate graphic designer.

>> No.6273153

>people that embrace using AI in their workflow are going to survive in the industry.
wrong point
theare is no place for you in the industry anymore
or there no place in indestry 4 anyone who want to be an artist but not become already
this gen of young artstudents is DEAD, there is no work for them anymore

>> No.6273162

>Studio Ghibli

Gives you photo realistic

>> No.6273164

>If you're a professional "artist" or a graphic designer in the current day, you're most likely already not being paid for your ability to draw or paint
absolute majority of artists and illustrators earn money from commissions exactly because their ability of good draw single illustration
they are minority who work in gamedev worldwide, only in some 67mln france more commission artist than gd artist in all world(maybe without china, but only maybe)

>> No.6273165

If you do Art for money, you kind of deserve to be replaced, sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.6273169

use your eyes and read the rest of the prompt nigga

>> No.6273171

>absolute majority of artists and illustrators earn money from commissions exactly because their ability of good draw single illustration
Freelance artists. Niche "job". Basically hobbyist plus plus.

>> No.6273172

Okay, so you put like 10 different Artists and Studios, and it still fucked up?

>> No.6273176
File: 237 KB, 828x1026, 1634122148955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In any point in history, if you ever went into arts for money, you were and are a huge, immense... and i mean planetary scale-- no scratch that-- you're a galaxy sized retard.

Call me a crab, idc, but AI happening is a good thing.

>> No.6273179

people like you celebrate creating a truly dystopian future for all current gen of artists in all world
Hitler was one of this artist in last century, interesting what it will be when there are a 1 million Hitler

>> No.6273182

yes, AI is great. I can't wait for the internet to be flooded with bots pretending to be human, pretending to be artists. what kind of a nihilistic insane shitheel does it take to actually want this to happen?

>> No.6273185

>assuming i'm not already in the industry

yes there are still and will be ways in just as before. providing you fill a need that a studio would want. if all you do is concept art that takes you days to get one image, there's no place for that.

if you are skilled at using and manipulating AI, if you animate, are skilled at 3d workflows, storyboard, etc. there's a place for you in the industry still.

And don't forget if you can put out things that are of studio quality and can market your work, you can become a one person studio, all the better if you use AI in that situation. just put out finished products that regular studio clients would purchase, movie posters, book cover, animated video, etc. you become the studio and make way more money that you ever would under the roof of one.

>> No.6273187

>Freelance artists
you simply don't understand freelance at all
a short contract for book illustration freelance too
a short contract for comic illustration freelance too
there are a lot of hiring freelancers for aaa games too actually
less than minority of proartists work on long contract in full time job in studios

>> No.6273188
File: 23 KB, 614x565, practice2~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noones stopping you for drawing for fun, posting them online to get attention, etc.

Art is not supposed to be for Monetary Gain, it should be a reflection of oneself. Take my piece for example. I call it: "Trapped in Anguish".

I used sharp and harsh lines to show the devastating effects of the Modern World, along with a light red to signify the boiling pain he is feeling. I purposely made it ugly/basic to show my opinion on this "world" and the "humans" who inhabit it.

If you became an Artist to get paid, you're a monumental dumbass.

>> No.6273192

beyond the anatomy issues, it follows the suggested art styles pretty well, note the ghibli style background painting. not sure what point you're making.

also the current state of Ai generators aren't what people are worried about, so you retards can stop coping so hard by pointing out every minor flaw like it's some kind of victory.

>> No.6273195

holy shit nice bait. a (you) for you !

>> No.6273197

This is some short term thinking. Besides the millions of AI users that will become skilled with it due to how low the skill ceiling is, Emad is kickstarting a pajeet prompt course partnership with India so that every 1$ fiverr pajeet is trained and ready to replace any individual AI proompter trying to make a "studio" business out of this

>> No.6273199
File: 317 KB, 1200x892, Adolf_Hitler_-_Wien_Oper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not impressed, show me more, something like pic related.

>> No.6273204

All I'm seeing is art I can trace and paint heads over generator that noone can call me out on
t. Already established artist

>> No.6273205
File: 1.44 MB, 3264x2448, 20220914_020653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, no bait

This is another one of my pieces, however it is a physical art. I call it, toothbrush jizz...

>> No.6273206

oversaturation is a meme. any actually skilled artist that isn't already just a render monkey will still rise above the sea of shit that proomptbros are churning out. art has been 'oversaturated' for years, but good stuff still stands out. just offer more than rendering and you've got a chance.

>> No.6273210

>what kind of a nihilistic insane shitheel does it take to actually want this to happen?
This shit is only going to get pushed, so better just help them get faster to their expiration date.
You think this shit is going to be some doomsday end of humanity crap? Get real, nigger.
Even then, the cattle is in a bad need to culled.

You call it insane or nihilistic, but you just don't understand the long game, you fear the tomorrow because you won't stop and think, you just have an emotional knee-jerk reaction.
>pretending to be artists
oh nooo the horrors? who the fuck cares?
Sharting on a canvas is considered art nowdays
Everyone calls themselves artists
>flooded with bots
Newsflash, pal; it's already been happening for a decade.

>> No.6273211

Holy based

I bet the codekikes didn't datamine this picture on purpose

>> No.6273212

>AI takes cues from existing art
>AI proompters won't be arsed to study art, at most they will dabble further into machine learning so they could proompt better
and ni/g/gers will still seriously argue they haven't managed to kill art.

>> No.6273213

Put a bullet in your brain if all you want is to reach the end faster

>> No.6273214
File: 84 KB, 960x540, Adolf_Hitler_Der_Alte_Hof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will never be able to replicate him.

>> No.6273217
File: 70 KB, 560x364, etd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no end, never will.
You on the other hand, fear that wich you do not understand

because you're a fag and retarded

>> No.6273219

Community projects irl and on flockdraw etc.will have a chance to flourish. Until BMI democracizes asian genes with redditors, of course.

>> No.6273220

A boon for RPG communities for sure. I imagine SS13 could finally get rid of its mspaint sprites and replace them with high resolution graphics that actually look nice.

>> No.6273228

kill yourself genuinely

>> No.6273229

Look at the luddite not wanting his brain in a jar to be fed endless endorphin hits until it physically expires.

>> No.6273233

So how is this any different from ripping a model online and hitting the button "Render" in Blender/Maya? Automated perfection has existed since the year 2010, you're all doomposting over a nothingburger.

>> No.6273234
File: 352 KB, 512x512, 1663132223408695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's use this AI to terrorize trannies and have them cancel and defund emad

>> No.6273235

new fetish unlocked
t. agent orange

>> No.6273236

Are the people telling me to EMBRACE THE FUTURE the same people who have no reference point for when 4chan and the internet weren't riddled with phoneposting monkeybrains and other assorted third worlders because they themselves are part of this demographic?

>> No.6273237

AI is the peak Dunning Kruger. Rendermonkeys had guilty consciousness but "AI artists" are full of themselves spamming every site and hashtag with their potentially infinite NFTs

>> No.6273239
File: 163 KB, 1024x1015, 1589146309486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get into the fucking jar, Normie!

>> No.6273241

Kek AI artists are like third worlders once they got internet democratized. The web as a whole is about to take a dump

>> No.6273242

the fucked up thing is that retards like you exist to enjoy this shit at all. look at D.R.E.A.M for Daggerfall. there are unironic retards like you who think that shit is better than the original graphics. i feel like my last 5 years of mocking people who complained about tasteless "consoomers" and "bugmen" who would eat up any shit thrown at them have been in vain, they were right all along and I was the retard.

>> No.6273243

Yes, now get into the jar and take your phoneposting zoomertrannies with you

>> No.6273246

I'm telling you man, the second my computer parts come in, I'm gonna be flooding the internet with as much fucked up AI Generated shit as I can.

>> No.6273253
File: 211 KB, 512x512, 1663050106190145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>humanity is compromised of retarded niggerfaggots shitting it up for honest people
>AI comes around promising to force everyone into brain jars
>Coomsoomers love the idea
>Finally have the chance to remove retards from the genepool
>be emotion anti-AI plebbitor
Day of the jar soon

>> No.6273254
File: 149 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sony ported the Demon Souls Remake to Bluepoint aka pajeet touch up garage and it was praised as one of the best videogames Remakes ever. Look at how stupid the goofy cover is with the zombies and lego castle to have an idea of how mindless the art direction was in that game.

Never doubt the consoomer' taste

>> No.6273256

>Never doubt the consoomer' taste
Yeah, and fags want to save these "people" from willingly putting their brains into jars instead of letting them and ushering a new dynasty.

captcha; m8ghv

>> No.6273262 [DELETED] 
File: 370 KB, 512x512, old.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the high resolution example images used earlier were forks off the base Stable Diffusion model specifically tuned to give detailed victorian like dresses with very consistant faces ( NovelAI's private fork ). Stable Diffusion is open source meaning its free to edit so different versions exist that can handle different kinds of detail. Its possible to take the current SD and retrain it on as many old ladies as your heart desires. Even then, every generation has millions of different scales for its settings each with billions of different seeds that can each have dozens of itterations not even factoring that each generation is largely changed by the final resolution. Theres a learning curve to utilizing to finding the right settings even with how little its been available to the public for. Every idea quite litterally has quintillions of possible outcomes so a majority of them will be ass. The important generations are the proof of concept top 10% ones that teach other people using the app how to narrow down the possible generations into the best ones.

>> No.6273263

never doubted it anon, I just believed it wouldn't amount for anything. I thought that handing out participation trophies to kids and telling them they're special was harmless because I was projecting. oh how wrong I was, now everyone grew up to be an arrogant piece of shit who don't know their place and social media reflects that perfectly

>> No.6273265

They will drag me down with them as we live in a society though. It's like saying to let people get the vaccine when due to their sunk cost they support mandates to force those who didnt onto it

>> No.6273266
File: 84 KB, 500x683, 1638830178665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still not vaxxed because i just said no.
You play the game by their rules and you really expect to win?
How fucking retarded are you?

>> No.6273269
File: 370 KB, 512x512, old.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the high resolution example images used earlier were forks off the base Stable Diffusion model specifically tuned to give detailed victorian like dresses with very consistant faces ( NovelAI's private fork ). Stable Diffusion is open source meaning its free to edit so different versions exist that can handle different kinds of detail. Its possible to take the current SD and retrain it on as many old ladies as your heart desires. Even then, every generation has millions of different scales for its settings each with billions of different seeds that can each have dozens of itterations not even factoring that each generation is largely changed by the final resolution. Theres suprisingly a learning curve to knowing the right outcome every number is going to have so the accuracy of generations are going to differ from one guy to the next. Every idea quite litterally has quintillions of possible outcomes so a majority of them will be ass. The important generations are the proof of concept top 10% ones that teach other people using the app how to narrow down tall the possible results into the best ones.

>> No.6273273

Social media was just setting the stage props for what is to follow. You will see people become kings of their own little AI metaverse world and sink in self indulgence as GPTs congratulate them. A God complex will be born and no one will interact with anyone else

>> No.6273275

>You will see people become kings of their own little AI metaverse world and sink in self indulgence
> A God complex will be born and no one will interact with anyone else
Sounds like BIaJ syndrome.

>> No.6273276

You can't escape real life forever anon, I'm sure one day you'll understand

>> No.6273281

NEETs and trannies are exponentially growing on par with technology dependence, even more with homeoffice jobs and VR growth. This is the future where society heading

>> No.6273285

Westernshits will be the first ones using AI to completely design characters. Its going to fucking suck so much

>> No.6273287

animation bros...were safe right?

>> No.6273290

give it a few months.

>> No.6273298

There are 12+ fucking AI generated OPs on >>>/biz/ right now with bland questions as an excuse to post it. They all use the same elsa and abstract pepe imager. You can't convince me there aren't shills on the pajeet's payroll

>> No.6273299
File: 2.98 MB, 448x832, 1662652585605839.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yall ain't. It's owa mf

>> No.6273305

E-whores will go bankrupt now that their onlyfans simps can take pics of random children on the street and have AI render them for free

>> No.6273306

>even if it's 1 AI wrangler for every 10 lay offs it's still absolutely decimating your chances of getting into the industry
Unless you're good at handling the AI. Then you've got a great job opportunity.

>> No.6273308
File: 646 KB, 576x512, 1663007893917900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying biz hasnt posted every pepe variant for years
>implying a new meme format wouldnt go viral
>implying /v/ /g/ /biz/ hasnt been posting dalle mini ai for the past 4 months
>implying free open source software from a private company has a fucking marketing payroll


>> No.6273311

Videogames killed board games and pen and paper rpgs.
McDonald's killed gourmet food.
Ikea killed hand made furniture.
Machine translation killed actual translators.
Doomposters are always so retarded.

>> No.6273312

Why should I waste time tardwrangling with 10 concept artists when a single Senior Prompt Engineer does all their work faster and better?

>> No.6273317

AI will be killed by its own learning process. The more images it is fed, the more it will be exposed to bad art and imitate that style. Since there is significantly more bad art online than good art, the AI will eventually become more influenced by bad deviant art scribbles than anything else. The AI art we see today is actually the peak of what it will ever be able to produce. It’s all downhill from here.

>> No.6273318

Butt seriously it will be banned once it can consistently render pornographic images of children indistinguishable from real life, your 5k a month patreon is safe.

>> No.6273322

>material products

>> No.6273323

>implying free open source software from a private company has a fucking marketing payroll
kek you have no fucking idea how much $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ that "open source software" company has behind it right now. they have over 75 full time employees that emad will admit to and 20,000 people in their discord

>> No.6273345
File: 106 KB, 750x717, TED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit. The AI shills stopped responding.
I won. They can't refute my argument. They all ran off to sob in the corner like the little bitches they are. Like the saints of old, I have smashed their idols and shattered their perception of the world. They are weeping and gnashing their teeth and their worm will not die. They can never come back from this. Techno wanking is dead and I killed it. AI is dead and I killed it. I've literally raped their dream to death. Everything they hoped the future would be has been beaten into a rotten and gory mess and I'm the one who did it. I feel so good about myself. The AI shills will never feel this good.
Why don't you faggot cunts try fucking the corpse one last time before the worms eat what's left of it? It only makes sense for technophiles to become necrophiles.

>> No.6273347
File: 2.97 MB, 2174x2136, aaai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm /beg/ but I've been playing around with AI a bit recently. I care only about cute anime girl drawings and my thought is that soon enough using AI as a base and editing it may become standard like photobashing or using reference. The problems I have with it if we are talking about real high quality work is that the artstyle isn't consistent, it can be difficult to get precise things in the image which means you will probably struggle getting characters that look right if they aren't reimu level popular. There is often some part of the image that isn't right, like an extra arm or a missing arm which would need to be edited. I could imagine indie VNs coming out with partly or completely AI generated images. I don't care much for txt2img but there definitely is a learning curve to it, "prompt engineer" is still a joke but it's not completely brainless. I think the img2img (you can use images generated by text2img) is the fun part. I'm not familiar with commissioning but if your commissions are just "good enough" than you might want to be worried because the AI generations are "good enough", it isn't exactly what you want but it's fine. I don't think we will see AI artwork in big gachas for a little while and I still think patreon/big artists will be fine, you might just need to pass the AI level to start gaining numbers. Regardless it will continue improving, it's out there freely and I can't think of any way for it to stop now. Refusing to use it would be like walking everywhere or refusing to use anything thats connected to the internet (perhaps better but will make living far less convenient). I do think normal drawing will still exist since the camera has assfucked artists twice, firstly when it removed their ability to be the designated portrait/family image machine and then again when it was far more convenient to photograph items in a catalogue rather than have someone hand draw every single product. If nothing else, AI can't stop you having fun drawing.

>> No.6273352

don't check the stable diffusion tag on pixiv, I am completely indifferent to lolis but that tag is really something else. I also don't think it can be banned because it's just software that people have on their computers, you could take down sites that make it more accessible but once you set it up you can use it without internet so I don't see how it could ever be stopped.

>> No.6273364

It was stopped by being killed. See >>6273345
AI is dead.

>> No.6273366
File: 619 KB, 1300x710, oz5zzyxqru471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6273378

Excel killed accountants.
CAD killed architects.
GPT-3 killed writers.
CRM killed secretaries.
Intellisense killed programmers.

>> No.6273386

If AI can take over art, I'm convinced it can take over every human activity. This is just the beginning. I will personally continue learning art because relying on machines for so long will turn you into a husk just existing with no purpose to your life. Why think with your brain when ai can do it for you?

>> No.6273391

that's pretty much sci fi, however that is their goal. these freaks hate mankind, and it's sick that such a goal exists in the first place

>> No.6273399

that looks like you put a really bad filter on a video

>> No.6273402

I find myself optimistic with these state of affairs. AI currently learns from us but there will be time that it will teach us in turn. What goes around comes around, as they say.

>> No.6273457

Datasets can be curated. You know they're not searching the internet live right, someone trained a model using a library of images, and then the ai uses that model to recognise patterns, not images on the internet.

>> No.6273466

i mean this also applies to AI art

>> No.6273510

ok hear me out

AI but the only dataset is public domain shit. Feels like a good compromise

>> No.6273530

>AI art can't be copyrighted
Lol, as if this was a problem for anyone who uses that shit
>makes AI shit out 99% of the image you want
>do some tongue-in-cheek edits to it in PS
>since you did changes to it and AI can't hold copyright it is your image now with you holding the copyright

>> No.6273556

Which AI are you guys all using?

>> No.6273562

Mostly some flavor of stable diffusion running locally or as SaaS, some are using Mid Journey or Dalle.
Dalle is cucked to fuck and honestly not worth using, the only thing it has better than Stable Diffusion is the CLIP interpretation (prompt interpretation) and some more casual friendly autoscale. MidJourney is actually getting really good (it did win an art contest lol) to being a real contender but MJ is tubed mostly to fine Art and isn't suited for more esoteric photos etc

>> No.6273678

Well, what you just described is exactly what the guy in the case tried. And well, it didn't work.

>> No.6273729

I feel sorry for you guys
I use to dream of raking enough money to hire artists to draw out a comic idea I had in my head
and now I dont have to spend a dime and can tweak shit on a whim with an artist who never complains, gets shit done on demand, and can make porn for me

>> No.6273733
File: 1.66 MB, 1300x800, 1662803172810980.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not fooling anyone you retarded pedo. since jannies are useless, I'll have to rely on you eventually 41 percenting yourself

>> No.6273738

I call bullshit.
If someone generates artwork and edits it (okay lets say "heavily" this time) it should be his work.
If the generated image has fucked up eyes, hands with crippled 7 fingers and he fixes all this, he should have the copyright.
Fuck, even DJ-sets are officially copyrighted to the DJ who recorded the set even when the individual tracks are made by other people.

If this is seriously still a clusterfuck I am absolutely sure copyright laws will change/get updated in the near future to handle this AI question. You just know that big companies will absolutely jump on the AI bandwagon if it means massive cost savings and no, they won't turn their shit public domain because of it so yes, I am sure especially companies will fucking push for a copyright law change.

>> No.6273739

no he shouldn't, no he won't. after all, the scrambled abomination the AI shat out wouldn't have been possible without stolen artwork. so nope

>> No.6273743

>stolen artwork
There is no stolen artwork anywhere in the AI files.
If you call that stolen, than referencing with your own eyes is stealing too.

>> No.6273761
File: 934 KB, 1533x874, 1662726535640711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no stolen artwork anywhere in the AI files.
the genie is out of the bag
the cat has escaped it's bottle
the eagle has landed
pandora is thinking out of the box

>> No.6273786

>wrong point
>there no place in indestry 4 anyone who want to be an arttist
>not become
Goddamn, what the fuck is with the ESL pajeets swarming the board? Seriously, keep an eye out for shitty spelling, I'm surprised the previous replies haven't called this out. And no Ramjeet, I will not live in the pod and I will not consoom soulless robot art

>> No.6273801

You're the biggest NPCs imaginable, I wouldn't be surprised if you got culled first
You still don't understand why Only Fans is hugely successful? Simps want a gf, that's what they're paying for. They could talk to an AI bot, but they want actual human women.
And holy shit, I just noticed the timestamp. Middle of the night for me, afternoon in India. It's currently 10 pm over there right now. What the fuck is going on?

>> No.6273802

>software is basically like a human
kek do you fucking retards not get tired of making the same pretentious philosophical bullshit arguments? you are using a piece of software with stolen artist work to create a desired output, period. no amount of "but did you know that this is an analogy to the human brain?" will change this fact. it's adorable to see you scum lay down the groundwork for this shit in such a shoddy pretentious manner, we'll see how well it will work in the end

>> No.6273841

>you are using a piece of software with stolen artist work to create a desired output, period.

>> No.6273844
File: 107 KB, 960x960, 1597349298276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accept your concession.

>> No.6273856

textbook display of crab mentality

I will help you get in the jar, will i will still keep my body.
You could avoid getting into the jar, but you will get into the jar because everyone is getting into the jar.
You wouldn't want to miss out and be alienated, right, player character-kun?

>> No.6273861

Does nobody on this fucking board actually draw because they like drawing and not just for money?

>> No.6273869
File: 16 KB, 300x300, 5681354161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not special.

>> No.6273876

>t. seething permabeg

>> No.6273880

>I-its not t-t-true! Y-y-you can c-copyright AI Geberated mush, I-I-I SWEAR!

I showed you the evidence, the US Government says "No, you can not copyright AI generated media. Even if you make changes to it". Do you know why? Because the AI actually owns the Copyright, however, since AI doesn't have rights, you can take it, but you can't Copyright it since it's not yours, no mattet how much you changed it.

>> No.6273883

Missed it the first time, but again, look at the shit spelling. And look at the timestamp. From doing some googling, it seems Crest doesn't translate the label into Hindi when selling it in India. Maybe because it was a former bong colony? As for the wall design, I can't really pin it down. Looks western, but again, bong influence. Alright Rajesh, who are you working for?
>will i will
Learn to spell, dumbass. There's enough ESLs here already. If you want to talk about jars, you're free to shove one up your ass so your anus doesn't feel alienated. I'm sure it would be easy for you. Not everyone is getting into a jar, but I'm sure every male within a 50 mile radius has been in your anus, because that's what fa/g/gots like you enjoy. Getting a jar up there would be easy enough

>> No.6273891
File: 29 KB, 1280x720, 162654965645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure you're getting into a jar when people will meme it hard enough.
Don't you want to belong, human-kun? I bet you do.

>> No.6273894

Most people on this board don't draw at all. A.I. threads are so common because talking about them doesn't require you to actually draw. You just have to act like you do.

>> No.6273895

You will never be a Japanese anime girl, tranny. You will never belong among women. Now go back >>>/lgbt/

>> No.6273901
File: 2.99 MB, 355x201, 169698456165.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kantan as fuck, natsu-kun

>> No.6273902


You are both fucking retarded. God I hate other people.

>> No.6273909
File: 32 KB, 547x328, 1587650741552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in the jar.

>> No.6273912
File: 75 KB, 522x763, 166266468722540203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join them. Make sure to livestream it too. I could use a laugh and the ending of the comedy that is your life will be hilarious. If you love your jar so much, you should donate your brain to science after roping. We may be able to cure down syndrome thanks to your contribution.

>> No.6273917

Is this based on a prompt? Or is it just a filter over a video. If it's the former I had no idea it was that good already that's fucking scary. I'm off for a nap bros this shit is getting scary and I think it might be a nightmare/dream since it does not feel real.

>> No.6273924
File: 1.18 MB, 209x180, 1565250685468.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waaaah waaaah
Lurk moar, you stupid nigger.

>> No.6273925

I’d be interested to see the original video this is clearly generated from (its obviously from a black tape project video) and see how different this end result is from the actual video.

>> No.6273931

>third worlders
>having the gpu to run stablediffusion

>> No.6273937

>D.R.E.A.M for Daggerfall
old shit that was done with outdated ai

>> No.6273944

Kill yourself, you retarded tranny. You will never be her.

>> No.6273950

Wow... rotoscopebros... it's over...

>> No.6273954
File: 115 KB, 1252x1252, 1638395966219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be her.
Yes. Because i want to be IN her.

>> No.6273966

Right so just never admit to having used AI.

>> No.6274343

>"rich piana trail cam footage" or "guy fieri in the oval office"
holy shit nigga you got me blowing air out of my nose real hard. i'd laugh if i wasn't eating candy. bravo

>> No.6274367

I want to see more of this, this is near coomable.

>> No.6274382


>> No.6274462

juts a reminder that you will never pass and your axe wound will never be a vagina

>> No.6274600

The arts are finished. Done and dusted. None of you fucking faggots who spend decades on government handouts to make useless shit will be allowed to keep doing so. Get a fucking job like the rest of us.

>> No.6274859

You don't have a job. Your job has you.

>> No.6275200

You're acting like the one done for free on the web is different from the one people use on their own graphics card. It wasn't an advancement or anything it's just the same tech but you are using your own card.

>> No.6275202

Just use the web ui version of stable diffusion.

>> No.6275205

No one replying to your comment is actually using stable diffusion on their graphics card to do what you're saying, which is very simple for stable diffusion to do. In fact the more specific the prompt is like that the better it actually is at doing things.

>> No.6275208

But the moment you change the image slightly it's suddenly your copyrighted art because the ai is just a tool in the end.

>> No.6275228

Thank you anon I can rest easier now. Though no doubt techies are working on making it a reality. They must be stopped.

>> No.6275334

I do draw, but /b/ is quite slow and I like seeing /pol/ join this shit show before it gets regulated in the ass

>> No.6276492
File: 2.03 MB, 704x340, 1662648268727647.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
