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File: 317 KB, 1000x1000, arcane_48v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6268975 No.6268975 [Reply] [Original]

Why are people starting to like modern western animated series more than japanese anime nowadays? How will weebs react when streaming services with original productions overtakes anime in the mainstream recognition department with series like Arcane, Castlevania and Vox Machina rising to popularity? They pretty much always mogged Japan in most other fields before the 2010s or so (literature, music, and movies for example).

>> No.6268979

Everyone liked Avatar the Last Airbender, it took a while but now we're getting more cartoons in the same style now.

>> No.6269051

Arcane took 6 years to make and 10 million per episode, not really a fair comparison

>> No.6269054

>Why are people starting to like modern western animated series more than japanese anime nowadays
Anime is designed for Otaku people within Japan pretty much. These shows you mention are meant for a more "mainstream" global viewership. I think Anime-Influences animation appeals to more people than "actual anime" because it's not tied to the Otaku subculture, a subculture that has sort of a bad image internationally.
>They pretty much always mogged Japan in most other fields before the 2010s or so (literature, music, and movies for example).
That's because the Otaku subculture swallowed All Thing Japan, that gave the impression that in order for you to like something from Japan you need to be an Otaku. The best example I can give you is how in the West normies listen to K-Pop and consume it alongside Western media but nobody outside of anime circles listen to J-Pop or J-Rock.

>> No.6269065

>Why are people starting to like modern western animated series more than japanese anime nowadays?

Wasn't this always the case until fairly recently? Why should we really care if the West makes better animated shows again? Nothing really changes, unless you work in the industry I suppose.

>> No.6269066
File: 29 KB, 680x549, b27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did it really

>> No.6269070

Yes 3d shit of high quality takes a long time to make and costs a lot

>> No.6269075

no wonder they were shilling it so hard

>> No.6269202

Most anime, like most comics, movies, and vidya, are bad or mediocre. The anime sponsored by Netflix are especially awful. (With the exception of Little Witch but I only say that because I want to fuck most of the girls.) There isn’t a medium or genre that is above reducing to shit.

>> No.6269320
File: 535 KB, 575x863, 1658967203962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back

>> No.6269324

Thank God. With less eyes on anime it can go back to the way it was with more ecchi.

>> No.6269567
File: 407 KB, 1000x871, 1655593489571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With the exception of Little Witch but I only say that because I want to fuck most of the girls.

>> No.6269576

>That Western painting style is way better than tranime, kek

>> No.6269832
File: 172 KB, 258x387, High_Guardian_Shti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the last thing i want anime to become is sanitized mainstream garbage so im in agreement here.

>> No.6269838

>Implying that anime isn't already sanitized mainstream garbage
>Implying that more ecchi will help
If that's your current view, things can only get worse

>> No.6269870

Seriously why did reddit people like this? I've seen those reddit screenshots and its always
>someone do (thing)
>post to reddit that he just do (thing)
Did they want attention or something like that?

>> No.6269882

Yeah people want attention, are you new to social media?

>> No.6269884


>> No.6269898

I dont have social media, let alone a reddit account.
But I think people in other social media is not that obvious when it comes to attention seeking. Only in those reddit screencap I saw them desperate for attention that much.

>> No.6269903

You are on social media right now.

>> No.6269918

Nta but you should go back and revisit the anime from 15 to 20 years ago at least and you can clearly see the ecchi was more in your face than it is now. Anime has been neutered and needs to be saved.

>> No.6270498
File: 52 KB, 220x220, EztCnv6VEAYEk2p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2000-2009 otaku stuff
>Marisa Stole The Precious Thing
>We Are Japanese Goblin
>Cirno's Perfect Math Class
>Ronald McDonald Insanity
>"Take it easy!"
>Love Hina
>Haruhi Suzumiya
>Death Note
>Code Geass
>Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
>Maria-sama Ga Miteru
>Lucky Star
>Elfen Lied
>Queen's Blade
>Welcome to the NHK
>Samurai Champloo
>Kannazuki no Miko
>Strike Witches
>Tenjou Tenge
>Fullmetal Alchemist
>Ouran High School Host Club
>Strawberry Panic
>Guilty Gear XX
>Melty Blood
>Soulcalibur 2
>Final Fantasy X
>Dragon Quest 8
>Tales of Symphonia, Abyss, Vesperia
>Persona 3
>Ar Tonelico
>Mana Khemia
>Odin Sphere
>Radiata Stories
>Katamari Damacy
>Everybody is playing everything, reading everything and watching everything
>Everybody is gay for Bridget
>"Weeaboo" is a derogatory term for westerners who try to be Japanese, not a general term for westerners into Japanese stuff
>No western anime fans trying to police other fans about loli or any other dumb shit
>H-Doujin scene dominated by vanilla and yuri Touhou doujins, rest is doujins of popular anime, JRPGs and fighting games. Futa doujins don't have balls.

2020s weebshit
>Gacha games
>Normalfags getting into anime. Fans of different stuff now hate each other. Fans of harem or ecchi are losers, fans of yuri are cucks, fans of lolis are pedos, fans of milfs are normalfags, etc.
>"Weeb" is anyone into Japanese media
>"muh pedo" "FBI, open up!"
>Western fans bringing politics into shit
>H-Doujin scene dominated by FGO, rest is FOTM anime and other gacha games, console games don't get doujins anymore, NTR everywhere. Futa doujins have balls.

>> No.6270507

Anime from 2000-2009 is so much better it’s a night and day difference. The attention to the craft of animating was there.

>> No.6270514

arcane looks like shit and league of legends is for massive faggots

>> No.6270558

>code gayass
Ehhh I remember watching livestreams from Japan without any subs with other idiots from /a/ just so we would see the episode earlier. No other anime i remember had that effect

>> No.6270568


Because it was just that good.

>> No.6270609
File: 77 KB, 750x735, 600c81cf85f3f94b275dc5e56e194242_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are okay early 2000's stuff but it's heyday were clearly the 90's, anime is been on a downward spiral for about 2 decades now. The problem is the otaku fanbase in Japan that demand just moeblob waifu pedo shit, and western normies that need it to be as close as possible to "goyslop."
>>"Weeb" is anyone into Japanese media
Agreed. There was a Big Book Fair (not a Con a Book fair) couple years ago in Monterrey Mexico, it was a big event and the special guest was an Ambassador from Japan. A bunch of weebs showed up to the book fair, in cosplay, bunch of fat latina girls wearning catgirl french maid outfits and some guy with a Super Sayan wig, and I'm pretty sure there were some Overwatch and RWBY cosplayers. Bunch of weebs for some reason think it's a good idea to receive a politician from Japan in fucking cosplay, some not even from Japanese franchises, that shit was on the news papers. Nobody acts like that towards any other country, nobody will ever receive the Ambassador of China wearing fucking Genshin Impact cosplay, or the Ambassador of South Korea wearing Elsword and Ragnarok Online cosplay, or the Ambassador of the US wearing a fucking Mickey Mouse mascot suit and Marvel Comics Heroes costumes. And I bet that if the Ambassador of Mexico goes to any fucking country he'd be welcomed with Mariachi Music and maybe somebody will gift him a Tequila bottle or something. But the Ambassador of Japan, yeah fucking bunch of weebs are gonna go in full cosplay of whatever franchise tangentially related to anime to a fucking state sponsored book fair.

>> No.6270634

>otaku fan base in japan that demand moe blob

Sure doesn’t feel like it in the past 5-8 years now with all the isekai now. When was the last genuine loli anime? 2011-2012? And we’re not talking about the Shinzo Abe “make kids” daughter bait shows that get sprinkled in every quarter.

>> No.6270638

Oh right, kunoichi tsubaki. But that show was tame and barely any ecchi if at all.