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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 137 KB, 1017x2967, art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6264444 No.6264444 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone else chose a career in art specifically to avoid this bullshit because experts told us it would never happen.

>> No.6264451

>mindless, boring jobs exist
Oh yeah let's automate one of the few jobs that people actually enjoy. I fail to see how this technology is improving the world.

>> No.6264456 [DELETED] 

Still won’t happen no matter how many basedfusion employees you send here to market your way into Googles SEO.

>> No.6264457

>listening to """experts"""

>> No.6264461

>AI automates coding
>AI automates prompting
What now techbros??

>> No.6264465

How does AI automate coding?

>> No.6264466

"Mindless" jobs aren't truly mindless, and the ease of automation largely depends on the cost of failure and the ability to attribute responsibility. If a robot taxi driver fucks up due to an imperfect algorithm, people will die. If a robot painter fucks up, nothing bad happens.
Anyone who thought artists are less likely to be replaced than plumbers or aircraft pilots doesn't understand real world.

>> No.6264467

Are you kidding? That’s the first job to go once AI becomes sentient.

>> No.6264477
File: 220 KB, 1022x782, 304804879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga deepmind is literally going to replace code monkeys.

>> No.6264486
File: 257 KB, 358x500, run cab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>willingly choosing a career in art
>making another ai thread
You're part of the problem.

>> No.6264491

Sweet self-replicating shitposter bots smart enough to break any and all captchas. What could go wrong?

>> No.6264497
File: 801 KB, 1050x1050, f140a9bad80ea62e1d80a5881fd76ab5-4141204942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>year is 2048
>all professions that can be executed through a computer were either taken by AI or in life support
>this dude gets all the pussy
Future's looking bright bros, let's form the plumber union

>> No.6264506

what? you don't understand worthless narssists need to lord thire power over people?

>> No.6264513

You can tell this chart was made by a retard when you read shit like nurses need empathy.

>> No.6264518

The chart was made by academics. These people's brains are made to value workspace relationships and such more than utilitarian process streamlining which is the one idea the capitalistic world is guided by

>> No.6264538

Ted was right

>> No.6264541

Yeah you can tell these were posted by people who can't code to save their lives.

>> No.6264549

Artists said the same thing 2 years ago, look where they are now

>> No.6264557

In a capitalist society the main drive behind technological progress is maximizing profits by all means, especially by creating dependancy and reducing production costs.

And even before that a solid case can be made against post industrial technological progress.
We're literally living into a system based on sunk cost fallacy'

>> No.6264589

>I fail to see how this technology is improving the world.
You're life is going to be devoid of any passion or purpose but on the bright side you will live longer.

>> No.6264619

what if the progress is so big it endangers capitalism? a post-capitalist transition era would harm elites as much as the plebs

>> No.6264621

I'm keen to retire. When they come for me, I'll won't cry like a bitch.

>> No.6264628

lol this isnt happening unless this AI can interpret hours of entire meetings
and obviously fix bugs after itself

>> No.6264632

>what if the progress is so big it endangers capitalism? a post-capitalist transition era would harm elites as much as the plebs
No one has any agency of money besides jews and the fed printer itself. They can't be virtually harmed by any economical collapse as they can just print more money and keep the change. The Great Reset is specifically devised to catch people in their net whenever a big societal crash pops up.
The most probable outcome of the world is accelerationist landian fiction

>> No.6264637

Chat bot AIs can interpret conversations pretty alright and is only getting better, it is just a matter of time until the people in white jackets figure out how to make specialized AIs interact with each other like slave monkeys do

>> No.6264639

already do, just go on reddit.

>> No.6264642

I remember this, even looked at the very article in the image. A bit shit that not only was it a supposedly 'safe' job from automation, but it's also many people's dream job. Why automate that of all things?

They've already started with things such as github's copilot. For now it's just a fancier auto-fill, but as it sucks in more examples, it'll be able to tell what you were coding and auto-fill bigger and bigger chunks until you only need to know how to direct the AI with no knowledge of coding.

And obviously you don't code if you don't think there's a lot of cutting and pasting involved. Or do you think the skill of googling stack overflow to find a code snippet you need is somehow so unique and creative a machine could never recreate it?

And the AI art looks like dogshit - do you think it's going to keep people's jobs safe? One coder will replace dozens.

>> No.6264663

>copy pasting stack overlflow is coding
lmao, no.

>> No.6264666

good retort, here's mine: lol, yes.

>> No.6264681

If your goal is to make a lot of money, art has never been a good career. In any field of art - visual arts, music, acting - only the top few percent make a tremendous amount of money, and then there's a steep drop off. Art rewards exceptional people, and this is a relative standard.
AI will not change this, because nearly everyone will have the same access to AI. Technical standards will increase, but so will people's expectations. What an artist does may change, and many artists may not be able to transition successfully. There will still be artists, and just as before, most art will not be worth paying for.

>> No.6264682
File: 624 KB, 1920x1080, ss_dbde9e6ec4497b88e8a252b3a57238bae524daab.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can't wait once we are able to emulate entire words, I guess I will have to get validation from NPCs...

Well... at least I will be able to be a giga chad in that world

>> No.6264688

Jesus, I would never believe aifaggot can fuck the argument up so easily

>> No.6264692

The real question is why so many threads about AI? Are we being invaded what the actual fuck there is like 10 of them up, jannies DO YOUR FUCKING JOB

>> No.6264693

>Well... at least I will be able to be a giga chad in that world
Only if Papa Zuckerberg is happy with your performance slave no#20765 - then you may get a point to add to your avatar's characteristics.

>> No.6264711

Are you the literal faggot that whinges in every thread? Shut the fuck up. You're not the board police retard.

>> No.6264712

lmao, why are you aifags so angry? you feel rejection from a society everyday, what changed?

>> No.6264713

This is the art and critique board and i have all the authority to ban you faggot

>> No.6264714

Only 48k thousand artists in the UK??

>> No.6264738

>cries and throws a tandrum in every ai thread
>waahhh why are you so angry

AI art is art.

>> No.6264794

Elites are no more rationals than the common folks, it's a system favoring short terms gains over long terms planning.
AI is like global warming, down the road it'll hurt about everyone, even big companies, lot of them will no longer be able to extract as much wealth as they were able to in a healthy society.
But they must play the game like everyone else to avoid falling behind.

>> No.6264802

Artists won't be replaced anytime soon, they can barely hold a style together so forget about using it for a project

>> No.6264803

Gallery artists will still exists.
But big name pros will disappear, it's unavoidable and with them the skills and technique of figurative arts, there will be no Craig Mullins in a 100 years, unless AI do not improve.

Like all of the top 1% started somewhere, if you remove those starting opportunity that jump off point, they will just cease to exists.

>> No.6264809

uh, raging aifaggot wants to be considered a real artist and fails to argument why

>> No.6264810

every product has equal 0 chance to success on the market and even less if you are using the same kind of product everybody is tired from
also don't worry, code will be automated soon, so

>> No.6264811

>unless AI do not improve
finally you realized what's going to happen, dear god

>> No.6264812

It's in the name

>> No.6264816

I admit i don't know much about the technical aspect of it besides general Wired tier vulgarization shit.
But we've seen these models evolve tremendously under a year, and the self avowed goal of those company is to replace artists and install themselves firmly in the art industry, like Photoshop.

>> No.6264817

I see the AI name, it's ai's product, you are excess here

>> No.6264820

>I admit i don't know much about the technical aspect of it besides general Wired tier vulgarization shit
tries to speak about art and says art doesn't matter, maybe you need a little more not self-humiliating mutually exclusive thoughts to appear at least adequate

>> No.6264823

I legitimately did not understood a lick of your post.

>> No.6264824

Does the AI learn from our critique? So what's the point of posting it then?

>> No.6264825

cope then, what can i say

>> No.6264826

If a person or team contributed enough inputs which could be considered creative enough in the formation of the work, then they would own the copyright. All I need to do is put some filters on top, repaint a few things and add a bunch of pixels that barely change the color for it to be considered my creation in the US

>> No.6264829

Try saying it in your native language it'd probably be easier.

>> No.6264846

the only way you can understand it is talking to your language, but i don't speak authist

>considered creative enough
the dumbest shit i even heard in my life, show me the "creative" grade then, i will laugh

>> No.6264852

Talk to your local lawyer, but considering jury's barely understand about photo manipulation you could just change the color balance and call it a day, specially when using Diffusion offline where they can't even prove you were using AI to begin with

>> No.6264859

aifaggots don't realise people can see the overpaints made by hand, thinking nobody will know it's ai made is delusional as hell

>> No.6264866

Clone tool dumb faggot

>> No.6264944

>Implying we haven't already automated the vast majority of our own jobs
How do you think we have so much time for shitposting?

>> No.6265800

There's only 48,000 artists in the UK?

>> No.6265820
File: 196 KB, 864x665, FcGfz57aIAIhS22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI will obliterate tech jobs in the next years. GitHub CoPilot cuts the need for coders in half, and it's still in a VERY early state. Do the people reading this thread understand what's even happening right now in Deep Learning? Do they understand how fast things are changing and how disruptive this tech will be? We could be looking at the start of a completely new economic growth mode or possibly the beginning of the end of humankind itself. Either way, it's ogre for our economic structure. Nothing you're worried about right now will even matter in 10 years.

>> No.6265852

>Either way, it's ogre for our economic structure

What do you mean, AI fits perfectly in today's rent seeking hellscape. You want to use the cool copyrighted patented AI tool? Pay the totally not price gouged monthly subscription.

>> No.6265865

You don't understand. Everything you've seen in AI recently is downstream of 60yo primitive scaling architectures. There is no magic sauce to intelligence, no real separation between smart and dumb that isn't just quantitative. Basically AI people have shown us that intelligence is not even a qualitative thing, period. There is just a space of mental tasks, and that space can be colonized at an arbitrary speed by adding compute. That's it. All our weird philosphical hangups about consciousness, intelligence, what it means to be human, etc., just a bunch of gay nonsense. It's all compute, from top to bottom. Humans are truly, I mean truly, I mean well and truly and actually fucked. We. Are. FUCKED.

>> No.6265873

AI will reduce codemonkeys to 1/20 and only nepotistic google indians will remain in this sector. Predictions is are that everyone gets unemployed and replicated by an opensource bot. Does anyone seriously see any way out of this when society has just gone on a downward spiral for the current century? We are proven every year that tomorrow will be worse time to be alive

>> No.6265875

Our capital structure is not set up for any of this. It's happening too fast. Even in a takeoff scenario where humans aren't immediately obliterated in the next ten years, there's just no way for more than 0.0000001% of the world population to invest in this tech before their jobs are eliminated and they starve to death.

>> No.6265885

ironically menial jobs will never be automated due to machines needing constant maintenance and insane complexity of human motorics.
we will be working in the coal mines and bug farms.

>> No.6265887

Governments can pass laws to duct tape automation indefinitely though. Say, in some countries self-service refueling stops are not allowed because that would unemploy a lot of minimum wage workers there

>> No.6265890

No. Every mental task is soluble with more compute. Every single one. AI will have no need for us whatsoever, aside from the atoms in our bodies which it will mine to build more of itself.

>> No.6265893

im talking about MENIALS as in PHYSICALLY INTENSIVE jobs you blind fuck

>> No.6265894

>Governments can pass laws to duct tape automation indefinitely though

Governments will literally not even understand what's going on. Stable Diffusion is breaking a million copyright laws and government is too slow to do anything about it. By the time government does something, SD will be technologically irrelevant. We're in a situation unparalleled in human history. There is no way to stop this.

>> No.6265895

yup. AI might as well be a bunch of gears and levers. The only reason we use electricity for computers is because it's very fast at manipulating symbols.

>> No.6265896

Physical jobs are just robotics mental tasks. Trivial.

>> No.6265921

Stable diffusion is going under their radar because as of now it only concerns artists, and it hasn't progressed far enough for those employed to be unemployed so we haven't seen the climax reaction to it yet.
Talking about the menial jobs, these would require actual material, shipment and logistics production costs for something like a physical robot. If the government suddenly bans robot dogs then you can't get one past the shipment customs, and thus their business isn't profitable anymore. Desk works in non-major companies will easily get replaced though since what goes on the internet isn't anywhere as visible as irl

>> No.6265941

you're right, but i don't think we'll ever get to the point where stable diffusion eliminates artists. More likely, deepfakes will get banned, and then a succession of AI laws will be enacted around the world, much like firearm laws

>> No.6265976

as we are currently, right now, with current car automation, less people would die annually if all cars were automated, I know, shocking how fucking bad most people are at driving, but with every car being automated, that means a mesh network of cars that talk to each other, which makes everything even safer, this will happen, and it will be illegal to manually drive within, if you are on 4chan at least, lives.

take an amazon item picker job, shit is VERY mindless, but you have a unique quality they cant automate without an absolute fucking massive waste of space, and thats hands and fingers that know when to stop gripping an object to hold it. that shit is fucking mindless.

cooking food for fast food, shit may be stressful, yes, but its cook food for X time, all food made the same, so X time does not change, a robot can easily fucking do this.

there are so many jobs that will die to robots due to cheapness, but dammit art should have never been one, ones of the most basic fucking human things, creativity, absolutely destroyed by ai, and its not bad now, well... its fucking horrible now, but its only going to get worse, because someone who could draw the things will be fully replaced with people who know the right words to use. a movie only needs a single creative director if they only need to overlook the prompts.

there will be artists everywhere still... but for how much longer? when will kitbashing production ready things being a reality? every look at unreal 5? how long till no skills replace what use to be skilled 5 years ago and charge cost significantly less but get as good or better results?

pandoras box is open and will never close, but dammit it still sucks.

>> No.6265978

those are only artists who draw a salery, remember when this was taken, 2015 there was no brexit and with a remote job like that, you live somewhere far cheaper.

>> No.6265981

the biggest employer of artists is concept art, and using an actual artist for that is pointless now that you can ai generate, shit will only get better and concept art is almost 100% just an internal thing.

>> No.6265985

> less people would die annually if all cars were automated
less people would die if people drove less, this has little to do with the technology itself. We should move in this direction of course, driving is stupid and unsafe and causes climate change. Wrapped up in this discussion is where people should work, and if that work is actually necessary. However...

> I know, shocking how fucking bad most people are at driving,
common trope, people are extremely good at driving, most people drive 1000s of times before getting another crash and its usually pretty minor. Humans are exceptional at driving, AI only works alongside very strict road layouts and has no ability to improvise (is it a rock in the highway or a plastic bag). This is what leads to the tiers of self driving AI, we are still far off from humans not even needing to touch the wheel.

Don't take my word for it, here's famous hacker geohot:

> imagine falling for SV's lies
lol, lmao even

>> No.6265998

someone could probably write a dissertation about the amount of promising recent tech that has absolutely failed to deliver on increasing productive capacity with Theranos being the headliner. Most recently 5G - which is an amazing tech - was touted as key to improving productions in mines allowing for the so called mesh networks and automation to take over in dangerous and crowded areas.

However because of a turf war between China and the US over its dissipation all those use cases have fallen off and its now mostly used in unprofitable military tech with domestic networks falling fall short of previous plans and into potential disrepair.

There really is hope for a lot of this tech to produce abundance, but as I hinted at earlier it requires a shift in the mode of production. Ruthless exploitation by assholes to produce profits, finance wars and endanger all life on earth with climate change is clearly running into some hard limits lately.

>> No.6266090

All me.

>> No.6266331

Oh well, as long as we're all going down together i guess. It'll be interesting to see if any kind of spirituality is going to survive this.

>> No.6266610

Capitalism is not concerned with whether or not a job is enjoyable, it is always a matter of profits. If eliminating the human element means increased profits, businesses will always take that option.

>> No.6266630

I cant believe AI solved the halting problem

>> No.6266660

This is exactly what a coping concept artist would say. Everyone is fucked apart from the soulless leads who could handle climbing the corporate ladder without blowing their brains out.

>> No.6266661

It's funny how these people train AI to be statistical and objective based on every inch of data to maximize its effectiveness, but at the same time they ban or censor their own chat robots every time for becoming racist or "biased":
I wonder how the faggot AI scientists are planning to develop AGI knowing they must feed it every bit of unfiltered data so it can do better decision making for society, but then they cry after the AI says it hates faggots. They are building a superfascist accelerationist being devoid of piety or morals and they have no idea of what lies on the end of the road? Lmao

>> No.6266663

>Proompting an an algorithm is drawing
lmao, no.

Too bad nobody cares, your job is gone anyway.

>> No.6266670

you proompt the AI and it codes for you

>> No.6266768

I love this image so much, it makes /g/ fags seethe with rage and denial. They're in the same boat as us, they just don't realize it yet.

Here's my theory for how the automation will go down, in order.
Artists (x)
Anime or cartoons (x)
Musicians (x)
Coding/scripting (x)
Movie makers/film producers (x)
Doctors (x)

>> No.6266775

Thanks based capitalism.
No clean water, food scarcity, poverty and smazon warehouse jobs for everyone
You don't have time to make art when you work 18 hour days with no piss breaks thanks to your Amazon Basics Bariatric Diapers and high-calorie meal shakes.
Now get back to work, another millionaire needs you to deliver them a stick of deodorant, a pack of mentos and a new iPhone they'll use to watch AI generated content the billionaires say they enjoy.

>> No.6266778

github copilot

>> No.6267105

Anon listen to me, people follow an artist cuz they like their way of drawing and conveying things in their art, you don't have to be scarred of an AI vomiting out pretty pictures, it's not the same if you would actually draw you would understand these things

>> No.6267136

Followers will have no meaning soon enough as the internet is increasingly filled by bots. Elon raised a valid concern in the Twitter drama shitshow back then, after all he cofounded GPT and knows that social media might as well be populated by these bots halfway through by now

>> No.6267141

What does that have anything to do with having people enjoy your art and thus supporting lol

>> No.6267145


>> No.6267165

There are many problems with machine generated interactions, they are the nemesis of a centralized internet.
at some point the amount of content becomes so big it necessitates preselection via algorithms "Trending on pixiv/tiktok", then algorithms start pushing everyones attention toward the same hyperpopular thing while everyone else get no (0) eyes on them (such as any new YouTube channels), and therefore most popular things are decided by the amount of amassed likes, shares, comments and follows on them, be them by bots or humans.
Creativity and innovative ideas will get effectively silenced by algorithms, in turn the mainstream besomes likewise stale due to a lack of new ideas, because algorithms are not actually thinking they adapt to this trend by more agressively pushing for shit you already saw before, because in their logic thats what everyone sees so thats whats most popular and good, and everything else is out of your scope of knowledge that it even exists. Its a closed feedback loop created via entropy

>> No.6267194

You're overthinking this way too much and honestly sound a bit schizo. What's gonna happen is that everything will splinter up in niche groups there will be: trad/3D/digital/ai/ artist everyone will have his own niche and people will enjoy all of them, it's really not that much of a big deal since it's basically what is already happening

>> No.6267219
File: 133 KB, 750x715, 1662772638200461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think he's a schizo, I think you are way too optimistic. The world has consistently been going to hell for the last couple of years and your best prediction is "we are all gonna get along ^^" seriously? You only have to think about how many unique websites and imageboards have died just this decade. The internet is gonna become even more shit than it already is. This is nothing new, it's something that's been happening for years.

>> No.6267231

Kiwifarms was erased from the fucking internet archives... all because of a single tranny kek
I can say even 4chan is on its doomsday clock too with Disney (yes one of their subsidiaries own this board somehow) requesting our archived posts and data to be organized for an ongoing fed investigation on the Chan. The dark ages of the internet is just to starting

>> No.6267287
File: 90 KB, 951x840, 1603664702761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you ranting about you schizo nigger? We're not talking about troons and political shit we're talking about the idea if AI will replace real artist and I'm telling you the only thing that will happen is that there will be a niche for AI "art", this has nothing to do with the Farms getting deplatformed because of that ogre looking tranny and his army of other mentally ill men in dresses

>> No.6267297
File: 60 KB, 624x400, 169385858403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's just say the question of AI art replacing artists will be the least of your concerns soon enough

>> No.6267306

What do you mean by having a "niche" for AI art?
Are the people using NovelAI to write their fictions posting them on another Royalroad separated from the writers who don't use AI? Are the musicians who use AI software to autocomplete their songs posting them on another Spotify separated from musicians who don't use AI? Are coders who use copilot to autocomplete their codes posting them another Github separated from coders who don't use AI? Are the 3d modelers who use blender posting their mods on another platform from those who use unity3d?

>> No.6267385

all these people you mention have no money to begin with. They take what they can get it's either AI images or stock images or copyright free shit, it was always like that. The reason why someone comes to you and gives you a gig is because of your art, they see something in it that they like. That's not something an AI can't take from you because it's just an algorithm and there are no thoughts behind the images it produces