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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6255511 No.6255511 [Reply] [Original]

There was an artist I liked that used to post regularly, and he was consistently getting more popular. He was designing a lot of original characters (all which were well-received) and seemed to be working towards to something bigger.
Then he stopped.
After being gone for seemingly forever, he'd dropped some sketches and unfinished WIPs, several months apart, in stark contrast to his previous output. Until he ultimately disappeared again and hasn't uploaded since.
This is just one example of many I've encountered over the years. Has this ever happened to an artist you've liked? What causes artists to quit, especially when they are seemingly walking away from increasing popularity?

>> No.6255528

I stole their genes.

>> No.6255532

I'm someone who completely dropped my online presence after getting big pretty quick. When I had only a few hundred followers, I still got a sense of closeness and could make somewhat meaningful interactions with my followers. Once I got big, I couldn't handle all the passing replies I'd get and started realizing that a lot of users are just in it to get clout. It all felt very fake to me, so now I just post to my friends on discord.

>> No.6255536

I forgot to add that I know it sounds like I'm humblebragging, but this is my genuine experience. I'm sure a lot of people would love to be in my shoes, but it's just not for me. I'm much more content with being a literal who now.

>> No.6255553 [DELETED] 

They graduated high school or college and have to find a real job and is too tired to draw after work.

>> No.6255559

They graduated high school or college and have to find a real job and is too tired to draw after work. Or they got older and their tastes matured and no longer feel inspired to draw the same stuff they liked when they were young, or got tired of drawing all together.

>> No.6255569

There's a lot of good artists that no one's ever even heard of that keep a low profile or they just don't bother to update their social medias or maybe they forgot their password but I strive to be one of them. Social media was a fucking mistake.

>> No.6255574

They probably attracted some schizos they wanted to get rid of.

>> No.6255580

Why not just kill them in their sleep?

>> No.6255584

1. have real life commitment that took most of the time
2. restarting fresh
3. gave up on art permanently
4. hero'd

>> No.6255590

Hell, I just want sadlawn to come back.

>> No.6255594

Likely this.
Im not even remotely popular and i got some stalkers

>> No.6255627

i did this for a lot of shorter durations for a handful of reasons, but for a lengthy duration, i got suddenly kicked from a place i’d been arting for years by a new drunken mod from a distant section on heresay over something i didn’t know how to do.
i appealed but never got any response, and never even got a reply as to tell me the reason they’d banned me in the first place. just had an incoherent broken line of jotted mumbling in the ban notice to go by.
had been posting art there for almost twenty years, and i was tight with all the long-term artists there.
felt really bad that i must’ve suddenly disappeared on all of my art friends, who probably tried to message me one day and got a ‘this user was banned.’ i could never talk to them again. happened years ago, though.

>> No.6255631

Holy shit, that's a name I haven't heard in a while.

>> No.6255771

With the example you posted, they were probably underage and still in school. If you are a young adult and have some sort of freedom, you'll probably come back to drawing since you can do whatever you want. If you're underage, your parents probably won't approve of what you're doing and scold you to do something else.

>> No.6255783
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AI kidnaps them, extracts their brains and puts them in a black box where they're forced to draw nude scenes of Emma Watson riding a motorbike on the moon, Alphonse Mucha, trending on Artstation, forever.

>> No.6255794

Oh no the indian vimana harvester ships are coming again, quick hide your loli drawings until their datamining routine is over we can't let

>> No.6255825


Likelyhood is you reached out first and not the schizo. This is the case 100% of the time.

>> No.6255871

Ok schizo. I bet you didnt stalk that waitress that said "how are you today", since she reached out first. Totally her fault.

>> No.6255875

>someone being friendly gives you the right to cyberstalk and track ip addresses.

>> No.6255887

Thats not how cyberstalking works.

>> No.6255901

>i killed her with a knife, not a gun. Case dismissed!

>> No.6255908

they probably got a real job or way less free time to draw for fun.

>> No.6255957


>> No.6256624

I don't plan on disappearing but I do intend on starting my twitter over. I have over 20k followers on twatter and it dawned to me that I don't really use that website anymore as intended. So I might start fresh, following nobody, posting my art and just be on my merry way.

>> No.6256626

what forum has existed for 20 years?

>> No.6256650

Lol, most /ic/ nowadays doesn’t even know it. That’s how shitty things have become.

>> No.6256666


>> No.6256674

youre talking about yourself arent you gabe
fuck you buddy

>> No.6256880

Could you elaborate on what you mean by not using the website as intended?

>> No.6256884

Feel ya. Maybe not to the same extent but feel ya.
Similar thing but it was a discord server and some mod/mods that didnt like me that much. I dont think the mod was drunk but deffinetly had a hate boner for me.
Basically a bunch of small offenses that went unpunished then instantly got perma banned (they said there would be some form of timeout before any permabans would be given , so i thought I am in the clear), there was no formal warning system and "warnings" where honestly phrased like they where not taking it seriously at all and it was just jokes and laughs , I only realise they where actual warnings now in retrospect.

I think in most servers it would have been a 15 min timeout so everyone "calms down" worst case scenario.
I think was pretty well liked in the community, except for the mods. Lost a pretty nice community , friends and aquaitances but oh well. Wasnt twenty years but was still in the community for quite a while, basically since its inception.

Best I can do is find another community and remember that all is temporary.

>> No.6256885

The waitress doesn’t draw.

>> No.6256886

>had been posting art there for almost twenty years
what the fuck?

>> No.6256887

Mods can really make or break a place

>> No.6256890

Maybe he just got an art job and can't post anything without breaching NDA? I say that because that describes me pretty well and in my case I just got hired to do draw things that I'm contractually forbidden from posting on my socials.

>> No.6256919

It never dissapeared. I know tons of artists who still draw traditionally.

>> No.6256923

Unironically, mental illness. Especially if they are Japs and/or women. I know Jap artists who keep deleting their twitter profiles only to reappear a month later. Girls on social media do exactly that when they get "depressed".

>> No.6256951

Post your work. Oh wait, you're not allowed to! LOL!

>> No.6256958

i know this feeling, its awful. i've done a lot to figure out ways to filter it out but I've definitely burned a lot of potential bridges in the process.

>> No.6257094

I did alright on twitter for a bit but I just really disliked the whole experience. Most of what I posted was fan art and commissions and it just wasn't really what I wanted to be doing.

In the end I went from posting rarely to not at all, then on a whim one day decided to just delete it. I wasn't using it and being on twitter in general just feels like swilling liquid shit, so why bother doing something I don't like for an audience that's interested in the things I don't want to do.

>> No.6257095

A shame we don't have any decent alternatives.

>> No.6257106

It really is. I made a deviantart account a few months ago to try just being around other artists, but now it's drowning in AI generated images. I'm thinking I might take a look at newgrounds next.

>> No.6257107

>In the end I went from posting rarely to not at all, then on a whim one day decided to just delete it
fuck you, anon, and fuck everyone who does that for no good reason. just leave your fucking profile, keep it dead but don't delete it
if you weren't completely shit, I guarantee there were people in your audience who wanted to go back to some of your artworks only to find out they are gone. it's thanks to faggots like you that we have to hoard everything we like.

>> No.6257115

You're right, if I'd thought about it more I could have just said I wasn't going to post anymore in the bio or something. I don't want to make an excuse but at the time it just felt like a millstone I wanted to be rid of.

>> No.6257116

Tweet anything that's on your mind. I feel like that's the point of twitter. All my mutual artist friends just do that with a pinch of art here and there but I honestly don't care what people are doing anymore. I seriously stopped caring. Haven't been using the site like that since 2020 other than video game account tweeting about their games and updates.

I intend to just post art and close tab since I'll be starting from scratch following nobody.

>> No.6257386

This is what happened to me, shit sucks because now I'm afraid to post anywhere online thinking the things I like to draw or how I color can still be recognized. Might start a catbox gallery or something though, I really miss having my art tied to me. It's been like 3 years

>> No.6257981

>Get wildly popular for one thing
>People constantly quote one thing in comments
>Ask when more of one thing is coming on literally every piece
>Begin to hate that one thing is their brand
Happened to two artists I like. They resurfaced eventually, but you could tell they wanted absolutely nothing to do with their past persona.

>> No.6257988

Why does it matter if I recognize your stuff. Why do you care?

>> No.6258037

>be me
>design a lot of original characters
>generally well-received
>start coming to ic
>start reading threads to get better
>follow some anons
>get followed by some anons
>draw here and there
>keep reading threads and lurking
>start lurking more
>decide that it's better to not risk attracting the bad anons
>delete everything
I'm probably not the artist you're thinking of.

>> No.6258096

You realise social media and numbers are worthles so stop posting. Then realise your friends only gave a shit about you because of your follower count and they were never really your friends.

>> No.6258186

Sounds like a shizo tranny trying to justify its behavior.
Fuck off back to whatever corner you crawled out from.

>> No.6258219

Keep quiet before I beat your neck in.

>> No.6258335

I'll tell you my case of why I quit posting on social media

To be clear I am not the person you are talking about here for sure.

I was getting popular on social media despite not being amazing at art. But people lower than my skill thought I was great. I even had people list me as their idol and top favorite artists. This was great for the ego but also not for socializing wise. Many people behind closed doors would be very aggressive and just crab on me constantly. They even went so far as to find people to mock my work and show me them mocking it. On top of this, joining servers on ic and even posting my work here just made more criticism. People believe I didn't deserve it. So I just stopped posting and now I have no following after not posting for 2-3 years because everyone already forgot who I was. I rather have art something I enjoy rather than something that is under constant fire. My work still gets stolen and posted everywhere, there is that.

People who want popularity do not realize the major downsides to it. If I go could back I would just focus on improving my art as I am now. I got lucky and my work went viral a few things but that doesn't matter. I am just at a point of constant doubt if I post on social media. No one gets to decide what you deserve but they still feel the need to shit on you despite that. Maybe I could have kept growing and got to my goal of 50k but I left at 10k.

>> No.6258339

tfw i dont even have 50 followers and no one talks to me or shares my interests in art....

>> No.6258348

Like to see you try with your faggot noodle arms, I'd bash your skull in.

>> No.6258392

just disable the comment section on twitter, facebook and you tube and do not post any caption or hashtag, do not put an description on your profile. Do not put header on your twitter keep it bland. Do not use comprehensible words as your handle. Do not blog post. Do not like or share tweets from others. Do not reply or engage in any conversation. Do not post art everyday, twice a month at maximum is suffice.

>> No.6258413

What discord server?

>> No.6258733

the world could stand to be a little kinder. i’m sorry for your experience anon

if you know, you know. sorry, talking about it feels bad, man

yeah. i’m glad most are pretty cool. the original set of mods there were so awesome i signed up at the launch, so i guess i had great mod luck for a nice long run.

>> No.6258761

>artist posts one of my favorite drawings to this date
>never normally comment on posts, but want to show support
>comment to say I want them to draw more art of the character in the post
>they stop drawing a month or two later entirely

I still feel guilty about it

>> No.6258782

artists are such delicate creatures

>> No.6258794

Below 50 is really low .Are you shilling your works at all, anon? You... do have friends, right?

>> No.6258914
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Nothing stopping me from posting stuff from before I got hired, but all my time and energy is spent drawing for work now.

>> No.6258916

Just yankin' ya chain, anon. Keep doing what you do.

>> No.6258921
File: 22 KB, 200x184, 1584440981385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just excited somebody finally asked me to post my work. Hasn't happened all year.

>> No.6259362 [DELETED] 

I'd return to posting here if "blog?" comments were banned

>> No.6259645

A few retards take a disliking to me and they spread false rumors about me. Talking shit or just making up outright lies and telling other people in other cords. I know not everybody is going to have a positive opinion of me but I really can't stand people disliking me for something completely made up. And since they were already primed to hate me there's nothing I can do about it. So I just quit and decided not to come back here or post my art online because they are the type of schizos to stalk you for years and not get bored of it.

>> No.6259656

I really fucking hate the twitter "art scene" it feels so shallow and promotional, and NFT's just made it 1000x worse now

>> No.6259729

Does the "art scene" really care about NFTs? Only thing I've seen about NFTs are cryptobros trying to run new scams on people.

>> No.6259965

I like the mushrooms in your drawing anon

>> No.6259971


>> No.6260057

As someone with over 100k followers and someone who has disappeared I can tell you from my experience this shit is fucked. The community is full of a bunch of fakes and clout chasers. Had people cut contact once they got big. (Phat_Smash is the biggest asshole) Even mutuals who like to say they’re your “friend” only mostly talk if you’re a higher number or they can get something out of you. I Meanwhile they will just sit back and only talk to their discord followers that suck their cocks like their work is the greatest in the universe. No one genuinely cares as long as you can entertain them or they can get something from you. I feel like quitting all together but unfortunately this is my fucking job I was stupid to pick up and so I’ll have to go back eventually

>> No.6260151

The realities of life, not everybody is fortunate enough to do art all their breathing moment.

>> No.6261013
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I have less than 200 followers, but I'm a very cool guy, if I do say so myself.

Wanna be my art friend, anon?

>> No.6261032

"artiststs" are mental nutcases and are so emotionally fragile that when life hits them with a couple downs they just give up

>> No.6261042

I don't have anything to get out of being your friend.

>> No.6261151

Someone found their CP stash

>> No.6261276

I'm glad to see that people have the same experience, kind of relieving. Those fucking cloud chasers remove the joy of drawing and art as a whole and turn it like it's polictics.

Fucking "moots" would constantly talk shit and throw hints that you're an asshole if you don't retweet/like their work after they did yours like it's a tic for tac. It's so tiring.

My advice for any aspiring anon on social media is to try your best to be nice not friendly to people who interact with you.

Tell me you've never had friends without telling me you've never had friends.

>> No.6261283

I don’t need your permission nor do I have to tell you anything.

>> No.6261296

Then what's the point?

>> No.6261313

Ignore moronic advise. People like that have been scarred once and put over cautious, unnecessary precautions on themselves.

>> No.6261333

Even if this anon was bullshitting, this type of experience is not very far off from reality.

Most fags will tell you how everything in the upper brackets is fine and everyone is nice and friendly, but they're just telling you this for clout. They want you to think they're relatively good people, when in fact they might be the biggest fucking mentally ill sociopaths you should absolutely avoid.

Walking on eggshells or entertain their psychotic behavior is a constant thing you must or else you're done fucked up and they will ostracize you even if you replied to a message too late.
Overall shitty cancerous high school tier behavior is the norm between high-number profiles that network with each other.

And you will never reach any substantial high numbers if you don't play the networking game, because if you're not trying to be part of their circle, they will start rumors about you, if you're part of their circle but don't want to be as cancerous as them, they're going to fuck you up and when you say something anyone could get offended by, you done fucked up for good.

These type of people are individuals that shouldn't be even let near animals, let alone other people.

>> No.6261476

lol not bullshitting at all. Just telling my side of things and I agree mostly with you. I can say that I didn't play the stupid networking game or kissing ass like several artists I know (I can list them). The ones that won't say or respond to anyone unless you're another popular big name.

I got my 100k just by posting shitty art every damn day. Sometimes multiple times a day. And does it make me happy? Not necessarily because now since I'm "popular" or "made it" whatever the fuck that means I now have to watch what I type/say or else I get more problems and lose supporters.

Side rant: Fuck these big name artists too that say they don't have the time of day to chat because they are "busy" but then I can just see you bullshitting around on discord with your pound pals and playing video games

>> No.6261503

> getting into a wholesome group on Discord (shocking, I know)
> start looking around networks that isn't filled to the fucking brim with politics, kneejerking over pop culture
> end up in one anyway, but tolerate it because networking and people were hardworking creators
> 1 year later, the network is disbanded after an internal shitstorm involving money
> realize I have only a few people who'd be honest but was kept at an arms length because they were afraid of taddling or worse
> it was basically siphoning a limited amount of audience members through good will and "loyalty"
> learn of the gayops and closed group DMs taking place on Facebook (I don't use that shit)
> delete all my social media

Honestly, when I return from my sabbatical, I am doing the cold touch approach, and just work on my shit. I became fed up and infuriated over the attention whoring and shitty work ethic.
I didn't pull huge numbers, though being constantly the initiator is tiresome to achieve "success" when that time can be better spent working.

>> No.6261521

Oof. That looks to be the best way to do things now a days just work on your own stuff and keep your head out of this stupid shit

>> No.6261535

on one hand, it's understandable when someone with a big following doesn't answer to every single thing, since they're getting probably spammed from every side
On the other hand, they want a big following and endless attention but only end up circlejerking with a few while everyone watches them jerk each other off.
Such people don't respect anyone and shouldn't be respected either.

You shouldn't have anything to do with them, they're going to stop you from achieving anything and make you pay if you do not do things when it's for their own benefit.

Networking through social media is not a game for honest people.
This is general life advice for anyone curious but if you really want to network, do it IRL.
People are less likely to try fuck you over than over the internet.

>> No.6261548

For real. I just hate how most of these assholes are just fake nice and try to play it up like they're humble and cool when you can clearly see they have their own head up their own ass. If you try to call them out on anything then they'll just fall behind their cocksucking followers to back them up and elevate their ego even more

>> No.6261584

You said it yourself, they're fake.
They do it to get people to like them and
calling them out on anything that would ruin their public image won't do anything either.
They're akin to blood sucking parasites and their victims are brainwashed by the fact that that individual possesses a higher social status than them.
That is also why high status individuals can get away with mostly anything if they got their fans irrationally defending them.

It's fucked up on both sides and you're mostly going to encounter such individuals over the internet because the good honest people don't risk socializing/networking to not run into those tones, especially since such individuals see kindness or politeness as a weakness to exploit.
You just can't have good shit because of these animals.

>> No.6261742

>No one genuinely cares as long as you can entertain them or they can get something from you.
>I don't have anything to get out of being your friend.
If this isn't some rando pretending to be the same person then maybe the issue is that you're just projecting your own mindset on others?

>> No.6261796

Mine was a friend of mine who got pretty good in half a year but actually hated art.
Immediately in summer her output was next to zero until she vanished off the internet the following year
I also have other artist which I really adored and who stopped their work but I have no clue on why

>> No.6261802

yeah that was another rando. I'm just ranting and venting and yelling my thoughts here since I can get away with it anonymously lol. Those fucking artists will jump at any chance to switch sides as long as it makes them look good and they get more clout

>> No.6261813

Probably got a job doing app icons or photobashing ofr $100k and quit uploading for nothing.

>> No.6262037

Better than sticking the balls in the Twitter vat and get chemically castrated by onsite radiation.
Social media doesn't ruin my love of and exposure to art and artists, but it's these incessant busybodies who's misusing altruism to play some imaginary ratrace and impose shared accountability struggle sessions.

I've met some of my best friends through this line or work that I'd consider visiting, but just a large share of the worst bottom feeders and dark triad backstabbers that with a one-track grindset and belief, without thinking of alternatives.
The whole lot who I had eyes glowing red at thought they held keys to the kingdom and their cards so close, and it was mostly bluffs.

Sorry for going on a rant about it, but it's fucks like these I don't want to spend my time eating up focus, especially when sharing resources with them.

Addendum: The Discord group was never a problem. They were the beginning steps, and had my back all the way until I announced I was deleting myself.
Probably the best group of internet personalities I have had pleasure growing and learning with.

>> No.6262041

but also just a large share of the worst*

>> No.6263831
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It's your loss, anon, I also really like Azuma Kiyohiko and hate backstabbing, social-climbing piranhas.

(Zero interest in porn, however. But I won't judge, not everyone is an amazing person like me.)

>> No.6266948

Same, too many replies, cant handle it, doodle on discord for fun and like 10 people tops and 2 groupchats

>> No.6267076

I wish I had the ego to run an art server, but I cringe at myself just thinking about mass invites and shilling like that. People complain about things mods do that I would never do or allow mods to do in a server I run. No one would ever get kicked for being transphobic, a “sex pest”, or for fun language. I’d nuke the server before allowing them to force me to censor people and play sides in drama and false accusations. But like I said, I just don’t have the nerve to think anyone would want to be part of a server run by a nobody.

>> No.6267085
File: 313 KB, 1250x1250, DA0E596B-42E8-494B-A00E-12171B684A48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if Jess Nightmare still gets people posting New Guy at him

>> No.6267098

They get the covid vax and die. Many such cases.

>> No.6267151
File: 2.43 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20220426_131053035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will never get over this dog raping pedophile tranny in this ng animation/cartoon and music community i used to be very prominent literally making up screenshots of me just going "I'm a pedo lololol" after i made fun of them for getting exposed for actually being a pedozoo by some other fuck and ruining my entire life and all my prospects for years.

I've managed to start from the bottom and make some money and friends ( I've kept a lot of good friends that know the bullshit through and through) but I've lost so much since then. So many friends and communities I'm afraid to return to because of what that fixing scumbag did.

I know I'm just venting like a faggot but even after like 2 years seeing people call you a pedophile over some nonsense like this never really washes off. I just wanted to laugh at a predator.

>> No.6268238

Just take the cunny pill and double down. They already think you’re a pedo, just be one then and be fun with it. Like Shadman except not a sleazy freak.

>> No.6268262

>consciously turn into a pedophile, for any reason

>> No.6268284


I don't think you realize how easy it is to track someone down once you get to know them a little bit. If you want to reeeeeeally go off grid completely you'd have to wipe every single account you've ever created. Otherwise it's relatively easy to pinpoint paper trails.

And because the art community really isn't that big, you'd find your target eventually even without trying.

>> No.6268288
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x720, Liberate la volpe! St 1 Ep 17 - Nefertina sul Nilo 1-54 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only speak for myself, I stopped drawing completely recently but still used to draw on my spare time, a few years ago I nuked everything, I was never well recived and I got a lot of hate on each single thing I made, now I changed computers and all I did is lost, the few things that remain lack any "artists" credit and I never signed them, is like I never existed. To be honest, I did wanted to cause annoyance and I was aware I was gonna get lots of hate, but wheni also hated the drawings, it all became a chore specially since I take months on a single drawing becasue since I have no idea how you are supposed to draw I just redrew until it looked coherent enough, and I wasted a lot of sleep time and even affected my job. Now every now and then sicne the past cuple of monts I tell this story to people to motivate them to give up, unless they draw Anime becasue Anime is loved.

>> No.6268326

because I don't want to be known for my past art, don't like the feeling of having to put shit out, just take a break, work on yourself, become someone new, the better final form you.

>> No.6268352

I want to post art online long enough for me to get good enough to be a real artist making real art with themes and messages and shit

>> No.6268572
File: 582 KB, 400x225, where he go tho.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked, many such cases

>> No.6268579

Hahahahahahhaa good riddance. Aniki dying was the best thing that’s ever happened to me

>> No.6269360
File: 380 KB, 1000x1019, 3288247908_212944b731_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all my time and energy is spent drawing for work now.
This is probably the big reason for most of the people who disappear. Wish was there was a simple good bye from these people though - or some explanation floating around. What the fuck ever happened to Joseph Lambert? (pic related)
He was a popular artist, had two comics book releases, one of which became an award winner, and then dropped off the face of the earth. Shame that he disappeared, his comics spoke to me in a certain way no other comic artist has managed to do.

>> No.6270194

people die, happens all the time. RIP

>> No.6272094
File: 144 KB, 1200x630, 98156386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They took on commissions or big projects more than they can handle so they don't have time to manage their social media. This happens most of the time

>> No.6272788

What if they've just deleted everything - from their social media to their websites?

>> No.6272795


bcuz they get a cozy art job making huge money and dont need to post anymore

>> No.6272806

They get real jobs that can actually pay the rent. There's literally no value to their skill if it doesn't pay the bills. All the artists I know who quit doing art quit because they needed to survive. If you're working you have no time or energy for working on your art. It's the way of the world.

>> No.6272858

They should get better jobs that offer better work life balance.

>> No.6273015

I browse here once in a while and this board is honestly shit. BEGs make the majority of posters here. There are probably more int posters on /a/ draw threads than in this whole board combined. Pros and ints stopped bothering with asking for critique because it's more than likely a beg giving you advice. For a while every critique was retorted with pyw, partially due to fags getting defensive over criticism but also because of how common begs would criticize from mount stupid. It's easy to tell the majority of begs here are underaged, not just for being beg at art but also given the subject matter they tend to draw. Most generals are low quality, or have declined in quality. And now since mods refuse to deal with AI spam, and doom shitpoasting there is double digit threads at any given moment about ai. Probably half the discussion on this already slow and low quality board is about ai.
Back when there were more ints on this board, the culture was to give harsh criticism. People complained about crabs back then, but at least something of value could be found here that you would struggle to find somewhere else. Now there's nothing here but shitpoasting, underaged begs, and uninsightful critiques
Tldr: The board died

>> No.6273033

this has nothing to do with the OP
go open a blog spot account

>> No.6273048

Nice diary entry faggot.

>> No.6273112

They probably had some assholes trying to cancel them over some bullshit that doesn't matter.

>This is general life advice for anyone curious but if you really want to network, do it IRL.
Absolutely correct. There's shitty people both online and IRL but people who put themselves out there in person are generally more inclined towards pro-social behavior and have much better emotional intelligence.

>> No.6273651

Way to ignore the point while proving it. What level of cognitive disonennce. what are you, a tranny with a receding hairnline?
>you dont get it, its really easy to invade someones privacy,how is it my fault?

>> No.6273659

>with a receding hairnline?
What's... what's wrong with receding hairlines?... It makes you look more mature... and chicks love that... Right!?

>> No.6273662 [DELETED] 

Calling me a tranny will not undo the so called private information you so speak of that was invaded. You willingly gave it up and I did nothing but sit back and watch you walk in the back of the stage while under the illusion that you’re safe as long as you don’t engage “with the schizo tranny”.

Well you learned today that both approaches lead to the same conclusion.

>> No.6273669

Excuse my mental outburst just now. Ahem, anyway explain how it is my fault? It’s quite simple..if you’re a great listener and get to know people from just the tiny bit of things shared you can take that and make a very exhaustive paper connection.

Not anyones fault but yours. Don’t like it dont use the internet.

>> No.6273672

really wish all schizos would just drop dead and die to death

>> No.6273674

Because, when you take that great listening, then derail conversations that the target is having about drawning, as you admited to targeting, to more personal conversations, you overstep yourself, or you use your great listening for other motives.

>> No.6273677

I’m not talking about “targeting” I’m talking about finding art accounts from artists who nuke and that it’s easy to find them again.

>> No.6273679

>drop dead and die to death
And meet their timely demise while they're at it.

>> No.6273680

>And because the art community really isn't that big, you'd find your target eventually even without trying.

And that deleted post you had basically pointed out that youre targeting.

>> No.6273683


Yeah I’m targeting your mom.

>> No.6273684


whatever, im done.

>> No.6273706

Do you make dumb posts like this every time you nuke your account? Are you hoping that someone notices every time? My, how cute.