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File: 25 KB, 552x600, gesture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6249241 No.6249241 [Reply] [Original]

>oh boy, it's gesture drawing time!
>go to quickposes dot cum
>model does the most unnatural, uncomfortable and useless pose they can think of
Sigh... Is there a site that doesn't do this shit?

Sure, it's a good practice from time to time (I got my first certificate from that site recently), but for daily warm ups I'd like something more natural, something I'm likely to actually use in practice. Any recommendations?

>inb4 download pics from facebook/google/instagram
I don't really have the time to download pics one by one, so help would be appreciated.

>> No.6249256

>I don't really have the time to download pics one by one,
Yes you do.also there's a thread for retarded questions

>> No.6249258

you really will have to use google or Pinterest. Unless you can pick out the poses you can draw on quickposes or any other pose site then it'll just give you any pose at random.

even then quickposes only lets you narrow it down so much.

>> No.6249265

figure drawing is the most useless thing to do for learning figure

>> No.6249278

>figure drawing is the most useless thing to do for learning figure
Said no instructor or actual professional artist ever.

>> No.6249286

drawing is the most useless thing to do for learning drawing

>> No.6249522

I wish they had more average male models instead of the wrinkly asian man
if i have to see another picture of that ugly bdsm lady with the horse-like face i swear

>> No.6249688

David Finch said that.

>> No.6249692


>> No.6249706

The point of figure drawing isn't to be comfortable with the poses. You are supposed to be exposed to new poses as it helps show the limits and possibilities of the human body and challenges you. If you find these difficult that's a good thing.

If you are just doing warmups you can do 30 second gestural sketches which will loosen you up nicely for drawing but you don't need to worry about perfection on them.

>> No.6249734

life drawing when you are a beg is the stupidest thing you can do because you don't have the experience to be able to make good simplifications , when you have literally the simplifications of artists with years and years of experience at your disposal, every beg should start by copying the simplification of famous artists and then start doing their own life drawings

>> No.6249761

Extremely based, thank you!

When doing other work you'll be naturally more inclined to draw poses you are most familiar with.
If unnatural, and weird poses are the ones you practice the most, then you'll tend to make your regular sketches wonky as well; it can be a struggle to draw just someone calmy relaxing if you didn't practice that.
As I said in OP, sure, it's fine to do that from time to time, but doing it daily is overdoing it.

Isn't it logical to spend most time on poses that you'll be drawing most often?

>> No.6250828

you should have already known how to draw natural-looking poses at that point

>> No.6250846

>model does the most unnatural, uncomfortable and useless pose they can think of
Do not give up Anon! Making unnatural poses will help you find proportions better in all cases since you are give an unusual way to look at the body.
Keep doing it it is worth it!

>> No.6250848

marc brunet says doing weird gesture poses is a waste of time

>> No.6251019

And he's god damn right.

>> No.6251020

post your work, lets see where your own advice has led you to c:

>> No.6251076

I do know how to do that. I'm just trying to get even better and faster at it.

>> No.6251567

Go to le Reddit page called Gonewild & draw all the dumb whores that post there.
Or just copy Japanese gravure pics if you’re a weeb.

>> No.6251678

Am weeb, where can I find japanese gravure pics?

>> No.6252176
File: 62 KB, 736x1104, 1631780150030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can relate, OP.

>let's do some human practice
>instead get blacks and fatsos
>then comes that med guy with a big ballsack who likes to show everyone his wiener with awkward poses
It'd be fine if these were the minority of pics, but I have to press next at least 4 times every time I'm trying to find something decent to draw. Have these people never drawn in their lives? Don't they know their material is lacking fun, interesting poses that actually show the human form?
It's either boring standing or wacky yoga with these fucks, so I began to save some stuff for myself.

>> No.6252316

Need some help here (No crabs/Negativity)

I have a mental block regarding gesture drawing, it's like I can't learn it and my brain refuses the idea to practice it
I can do tedious works and practices all the time, but gesture? Stress even before trying, it's like a PTSD, so I keep trying but leads me nowhere
Any tips? I want to try again, how do I start on gesture? what's the mindset I should be on?

>> No.6252480

reddit has the nastiest and most degenerate shit out of all websites, including 4chan

>> No.6252482

finish every gesture with a basic construction. It's more productive and helps your form-drawing skills, while also building your pose knowledge

>> No.6252707

i get you but in my opinion even the "weird" poses can be helpful to copy. maybe the pose itself won't be helpful, but knowing what an arm or a leg or a hand at a certain perspective looks like can help (in addition to more detailed studies) in the future

>> No.6252720

you realise you’re not learning poses, you’re learning how the anatomy interconnects, right?
this is literally the same concept as the first thing the sticky tells you with the upside down picasso, you’re not drawing a guy sitting

>> No.6252791

I bet your drawings suck so much ass it doesn't matter what the photos look like.

>> No.6252878

" - said the brown lesbian lardtube, not posting xyr work.

>> No.6253001
File: 91 KB, 850x754, __cirno_and_daiyousei_touhou_drawn_by_mikozin__sample-39f146e05cf292cd35a7e2ab829a1149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low IQ subhuman spotted
It's unnatural so the unknown parts of the human body gets exposed too. If you keep practicing normal poses your drawings will be stiff. That's why you want to practice the most exaggerated piece of shit poses so you will be able to draw sexy kids like pic related

>> No.6253008
File: 27 KB, 335x452, DzueQ9XVsAEa3HZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just draw figures a thousand times. I did not know how i managed to do it, but after a hundred drawings it clicked for me. You need to practice.

DO NOT AVOID YOUR PROBLEMS!!! If you see a difficult figure, attempt to draw it. You will learn a lot from drawing complicated figures.

>> No.6253010

Forgot to add, just imagine the forms. You can spend 1 hour and just read vilppu's book. Its free on the internet.
You're not a subhuman with 5 second tiktoker attention span, right? Then you can read a book from start to finish.

>> No.6253336
File: 690 KB, 1210x1280, 2-9-22 figs copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thought this was a figure drawing thread. guess I'll post these anyway.

for the OP, there're some figure drawing references in the 'Beginner essentials' mega link in the artbook thread

>> No.6253386

>weeb thinks his mango "artists" learned their figure drawing by drawing completely retarded poses
KEK! smoothbrain detected.
But go ahead and prove me wrong by posting your work :^)
(you won't)

>> No.6253452

used to be one of these "i don't wanna draw gross lumpy flesh bodies i wanna draw sexi stylized babes wahhhh" people but now its insane to me that people are so against the concept of studing the human body so they know what they are actually stylizing...

>> No.6253468

Thanks for recommendation! There is some gold in there.

>> No.6253481

first thing i ever did was push myself to learn anatomy properly, i still enjoy doing anatomy studies when i feel i don't have the mental capacity to do much else

>> No.6253543
File: 673 KB, 1280x693, gesture drawing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys SERIOUSLY telling me that right pose is better than the left one?

>> No.6253552

>losing his shit over a funny little jester
there's no "better" in this scenario anon, they're just different poses for different purposes.
If you want to draw someone crawling, the right one is pretty nice if you just slap on different legs
the left one is only "better" for generic anime "ecchi", but only to you. For this kind of stuff just reference porn and any generic instagram influencer with an onlyfans.

>> No.6253554

A classic exercise is using a movie and drawing from that, so just pause at a good scene draw the figures from that - granted they're going to be clothed.

Hah, fair enough

Also fair enough, I'd still argue that saying figure drawing is useless for learning the figure is foolish, regardless of whether a singular good artist said that or not.

>> No.6253586

japan using pornstars for reference books is hilarious

>> No.6253717

Thanks pal!
I forgot once I managed to get really into it with Mattesi's Force approach, since it explains some "gesture concepts" to put it like that (The direction, applied force, contraction, etc) that I can visualize and interpret
I still get that mental bug of "Is this how am I supposed to do it?? I don't feel like I'm learning anything" but he even says "If you are feeling like that, Don't. Use your inner monologue as a tool to assist, not to fear" and I think it works for me!
Once I get the hang of it I will try Vilppu as you said anon

>> No.6253723
File: 628 KB, 983x836, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, this is my current level
I think my greatest flaw is my speed

>> No.6253895

There are a lot of different theories of what gesture actually is, like every teacher that you learn it from will teach it as a different thing. I had to go through a lot of explanations of it before I found a method that clicked for me, take bits that work from each method. Basically the gesture should be like a wire skeleton that you build up on, as if you were making a clay sculpture. It doesn't have to be exactly proportional, but it should be the "action" or "life" in the pose, the figure will stiffen up as you do the construction, etc on top so it should be exaggerated. It's just something to build on, NOTHING else. Don't make it more complicated than that, so don't add details or anything, and don't overthink it.

>> No.6254124
File: 110 KB, 810x1440, 20220903_064817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The left is really garbage and stiff. Does not show any motion at all. If you want to draw anime you will have to add a little bit of motion in the figure so it looks pretty

>> No.6254145
File: 707 KB, 724x890, 2022-09-02_21-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me, I was going through the Famous Artists Course and their reference photos are pretty good. The BW conversion probably helps, but I like their proportions and posing, too.
Are there any sets of photos of oldtimey models like that? Other than Muybridge, I guess.

>> No.6254333

The details I added later as >>6252482 said

>> No.6254407

The Art Models reference books from the beginner essentials /artbook/ MEGA are pretty good. I used Calibre to extract all the pages into images for easy viewing by converting the PDFs into zip files.

>> No.6254758

they both suck

>> No.6254766

Goals, damn boy he thicc

>> No.6254783
File: 597 KB, 1014x381, aaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic related

>> No.6254872

why would you put this horrible anime face on it. im dying

>> No.6254933

post your references