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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 153 KB, 614x614, Clip_96 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6247885 No.6247885 [Reply] [Original]

Why arent you already selling your IA creations?
To be honest, Im kinda worried this is getting worse than nfts and such
>What about bosses kicking you out because "The IA makes it faster and better"
>Random people making exhibitions, "artbooks", opportunists, interviews

>> No.6247888

Pic related, 20 images I created today in less than 40 min

>> No.6247892

ok, i get the naked women thing but nude vsauce?

>> No.6247893

How much money did you make?

>> No.6247900

I dont know, started with Northernlion and the IA went its own way, too much naked women and wanted to try something different.
Zero. I never catch the trends, Im always late to everything. Trying to sell any of these would be like cheating, I would feel like scamming someone.

This is also something which worries me, Ive been drawing for so long, trying to make a living out of it, some commissions here and there, my own portfolio and artstation, and now this happens. A known ""friend""" who doesnt know how to hold a pencil created an amazing landscape with 2 sketches. Maybe Im just panicking but... shit.

>> No.6247902

Stop creating these threads stinky beaner

>> No.6247904

Then don't make shitty threads about things that only exist in your fantasy. Now fuck off, delete this thread yourself to retain your honor, and fucking DRAW

>> No.6247905

lmao this is even better than fuji fags on /p

>> No.6247911

>Im always late to everything
Take a step back. Most people do not even know this shit exists. Not that it makes it a better use of your time though, but keep perspective.

>Trying to sell any of these would be like cheating, I would feel like scamming someone.
That is fair, however. And over time, you would be justified here. Though there's another perspective too: if you're honest, and if someone values it and you handshake it with a monetary transaction, no harm no foul, everyone's happy.

>> No.6247912

Because its beneath me as a human being and artist. I am not some parasite taking part in destruction of art.
There are some values to uphold that are worth more than money.

>> No.6247917
File: 42 KB, 960x540, 1552879024831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delete this thread yourself to retain your honor
>Copies/References content and calls it his own
>Photobashes and paints over on top of other people's work and calls it his own
>Uses lasso tool, smudge tool, perspective grids, warp/distort tools and an infinite array of layers and claims full authorship
>Abuses filters and manipulates contrast, colors, and color picks
>Someone else prompts AI
>Muh tegrity, muh artistic soul, muh human intervention and touch, heart, and creativity!
Meanwhile the pissbaby pirates a bootleg copy of photoshop, "draws" the latest flavor of the month through the use of premade 3d figures and gives a lecture about his artistic integrity on his twatter.

>> No.6247919

>animefag doesn't know all I paint is solely from my dreams

>> No.6247926

When a blind man can type in random words and generate fine art, or when a cat can roll over a keyboard and generate a masterpiece, what gives art any value?

>> No.6247929

>>Copies/References content and calls it his own
Reference doesn't imply copy. Get outed copying and you lose your job in the industry.
>>Photobashes and paints over on top of other people's work and calls it his own
>>Uses lasso tool, smudge tool, perspective grids, warp/distort tools and an infinite array of layers and claims full authorship
They're just tools. They don't produce art on their own and they require skill to use. Smudging in digital and in trad is not that different.
>>Abuses filters and manipulates contrast, colors, and color picks
See above.
>>Someone else prompts AI
A completely unskilled person can generate art in a few seconds by using a machine that was trained on copyrighted content created by unwilling artists without permission to generate more content of the same kind. It's scummy and unethical. It's reasonable to get mad at this shit, especially when niggers like you keep making AI threads.
Now kill yourself, mikufag.

>> No.6247932

spoken like a true chud

>> No.6247936

By your logic, prompting the AI is yet another tool. You may build and paint over what the AI provides tou with that is no different from using other tools such as a 3d model or a reference.

>> No.6247937

tell me youre south american without telling me youre south american

>> No.6247940

Quite an opposite actually. I am putting art above me.

>> No.6247948

The difference is that 3D and photobashing requires a working brain whereas there's no difference between a baby and a pro using AI

>> No.6247950

It's a tool if you consider commissioning another artist a tool too. It doesn't aid the artist, it completely replaces them, and the ones that will be using these "tools" won't be artist.

>> No.6247953

AI is not a tool because it will not stop here as it seeks to entirely replace and devaluate whatever field it infiltrates. It has less uses for the artist than for someone seeking to rip the artist. The only positive use you can come up with is tracing or painting over the inconsistent mess that the AI generates, which It this point worse than using an actual solid reference

>> No.6247965
File: 589 KB, 1023x512, 303092496_5388847141152729_5888023327154293054_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is worse.
Anyone can doodle and create something accurate, ready to be sold, uploaded or given to a company as a portfolio.
And these companies all they want is quick job, as much as they can produce. Why would they hire someone who is spending 1 week in creating a piece of art when they can have 500 in only 1 day? I know, its not the same, and soul and all that, but you get the point and Im really worried about it.

>> No.6247971

Fyi but this one had an artist touch it up after the fact.

>> No.6247983

Not him, and I know the the stuff AI generates is not usable, but it won't be long until it doesn't require any touch-up at all. Fortunately it's early so there's still time to prevent it from doing any real damage to artists.

>> No.6247990
File: 100 KB, 720x672, Screenshot_20220830_205804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$$$ push it to the limit

>> No.6248076

because shit's as worthless as taking a screenshot of a google search page.

>> No.6248083


>> No.6248106

>Hey could we generate a cover for our game featuring this new character?
>Oh? not possible? it's not in the dataset?
>Textual inversion? oh, it's kinda shit?
>well, we'll have to find an artist to do the cover...

>> No.6248118

You can really see the brainlets when new tech drops.

>generate a before and after, img2img minecraft screenshot and generated lush landscape
>trad art triptych depiction of the minecraft screenshot and the after
>middle panel idk, girl gagging on robot cock you decide
Anyhow artists have been given the fucking holy grail, and all I see here is cope and seethe.
There are places you can reach that no casual "prompter" could ever hope to reach, especially if you start involving trad art.
Yes it's a bit more of a nudge into "the spectacle" but there's no turning it around, and instead of creative call-to-arms, all I'm seeing is whining.

>> No.6248125

post a concept for you “new character” right now and I’ll have a solid game cover generated in a matter of minutes
artists are done lmao

>> No.6248126

how do i make money with AI art someone spoonfeed me i'm poor

>> No.6248127

AI art has no copyright. So anyone could take your cover and use it for their own product.

>> No.6248148

It’s debatable what “human authorship” means in the first place, but even assuming you’re right and that it ever changes, you’re still off the mark. You may not copyright the artwork itself, but you can certainly own the rights to the character and its likeness, as well as the setting, names, etc. So while you could technically use the artwork elsewhere, it would breach the separate copyright on the IP contained inside the work.
Still waiting for the character concept

>> No.6248149

You're a bright one, aren't you? Do you know easy it is to launder these images without people knowing you got them from an AI?

>> No.6248177

hours long until jmoot closes /ic/ you think?

>> No.6248196 [DELETED] 

I don't know about selling the art individually but I just spent a few hours generating a ton of art for my book. It's amazing to see my concepts come to life.

>> No.6248198

I don't know about selling the art individually but I just spent a few hours generating a ton of art for my new project. It's amazing to see my concepts come to life.

>> No.6248199

Writing's next on the chopping block

>> No.6248201

Tried to stealth edit because it's not just a book, but either way, this AI stuff has really got me excited. I would never have been able to put my thoughts into visual art without it

>> No.6248202
File: 61 KB, 500x500, 1639498268781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just spent a few hours generating a ton of art for my book. It's amazing to see my concepts come to life.
That's what art is all about friend, bringing your ideas to life under a visual medium. Don't let these tumblrettas and twatter zippertits tell you otherwise, keep creating content and most importantly do not stop dreaming.

>> No.6248205
File: 78 KB, 577x799, lookatus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep creating content and most importantly do not stop dreaming.
That's the plan

>> No.6248207
File: 14 KB, 663x119, A.I artist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6248208

You could have if you tried drawing. Every human has an imagination. Kids see infinite potential in their scribbles. Only adults become preoccupied with their perceived lack of ability.

>> No.6248209

I'm more of a story teller and world builder myself, but I'm confident that I've managed to come closer to realizing my vision on a visual medium by fine tuning AI than I ever could have rolling the dice with some one else's art. Plus it's cheaper

>> No.6248215

Sure. You’re an artist. An artist would say that.

>> No.6248225

I said you could have drawn. Not hired someone else to draw. You have no idea how these tools are going to handicap humanity. People have this stupid perception that skilled artists are just born that way - it takes a long journey to get there but anybody can do it, with determination. All children draw after all.
Now there will be no artists in future generations - why would you subject yourself to years of drawing shittily while your class mates can conjure up images that rival the greatest genius of mankind in just a few seconds? People are going to become retarded after their brains stop being able to imagine things without visual autocomplete doing 99% of it for them

>> No.6248226
File: 306 KB, 448x704, 20220825155633_3768588104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok go.

>> No.6248229

I can already tell you are a surreal autist who cook up nonsensical frankenstein of a world build after looking at those A.I abominations.

>> No.6248231

I'm now actually glad that I'm working on breaking into the real estate development market, something that wont be replaced by robots anytime soon, instead of slaving away trying to become a concept artist. Everyone who is saying ai is just a tool that wont replace us is coping HARD. At most, now large studios who uses to have a whole in house team of artists will only need an art director and one or two artists for touch ups.
Meanwhile I'll keep art as a serious hobby and keep trying to improve further. I still fucking hate techbros though.

>> No.6248235

Real estate agents and developers are bigger parasites than the AI fags

>> No.6248239

That's a respectable point of view, unfortunately I don't see the merit in subjecting myself to years of learning a new skill when I'm not all that interested in it. I've already spent years developing an art form I AM interested in.
Hah I can actually see that type of person being a thing, but no, I've been working on and developing a story board and setting for years.

>> No.6248240

Don't waste your time with the A.I con artist. These faggots don't know the process behind artworks. They think Photoshop has some filter that give you pretty colors and correct shadow values. They don't know the amount of knowledge and labour put into the artworks and the intrique of it.

3 years ago, these faggots sell Smudge art, current year, they are selling A.I abominations. They are not passionate about art nor having any knowledge about it. They only want fast and crowded social media praises without the effort to earn it. And at the same time, playing the victim card and antagonize actual artists.

>> No.6248241

How many plots in decentraland do you have? If less than 3 you're ngmi

>> No.6248242

it’s not so much that I don’t think I could learn to draw well if I tried (maybe I could, maybe not) but more that the mechanical act of drawing or applying paint to canvas isn’t the creative endeavor. It’s essentially the blue color work of bringing imagination into reality, much like an architect (yes I know architects draw, but this is simply to more easily explain/represent their designs) delegates the actual laying of brick to unskilled laborers. These new AI models just cut out the middle man of manual dexterity and allow all humans to express their creativity on a level playing field

>> No.6248244

Do you want a specific game concept/setting to go along with the character or can I just pick whatever

>> No.6248246

Up to you, some kind of fun environment.

>> No.6248254

> but more that the mechanical act of drawing or applying paint to canvas isn’t the creative endeavor. It’s essentially the blue color work of bringing imagination into reality, much like an architect
Wrong wrong wrong. I'd imagine you're a writer, doesn't wrestling with the process, trying to choose the right words, thinking and articulating and rewriting all impact your projects just as much as the initial idea? It's not a matter of just speaking a few words then letting ai novel flesh everything out for you.

>> No.6248294

>What about bosses kicking you out because "The IA makes it faster and better"
Not happening just yet.
Instead the boss is frustrated with the AI because it can't apply the million random changes he wants in the art and generates shit that has nothing to do with what he requested.
Next year, maybe...?

>> No.6248296

Back in the 90s and early 00s, if you wanted to make a video game you had to either shell out a ton of money for a commercial engine or make your own. Often you had to make your own anyways since the commercial engines of the day were geared heavily towards first-person shooters and didn't support other genres like they do now.

Fast forward to today and you can outright use Unreal and Unity for free up until a certain sales volume, meaning there's no entry cost and the engine will always cost far less than you earn from sales. They've become very generic and universal and work well with the vast majority of genres. They are extremely optimized and capable of delivering gorgeous graphics.

And yet... many people still choose to program their own engines. Both large companies and individual solo developers. Either because the commercial engines don't suit their specific niche, or because they simply enjoy the process of making them. Neither is it impractical or nor commercially nonviable: extremely successful indie games like Stardew Valley and Minecraft were made by solo enginedevs.

The same will be the case with art. There will always be those who choose to do their own artwork every step of the way. Either because they have an exact style or precise details they need which AI doesn't offer, or because they simply enjoy creating artwork by hand.

>> No.6248302

>generated in a matter of minutes artists are done lmao

Hmmm curious.
I'm actually from the SD thread on /g/ btw but I'm laughing my ass off at you not being able to back your shit up.

>> No.6248306

>not being able to back your shit up
many such cases on /ic/, these faggots are just as bad.

>> No.6248338

Why aren't any of them showing hands or feet?

>> No.6248349

which AI is that? do you have to pay to use it?

>> No.6248354


>> No.6248355
File: 1.92 MB, 924x1315, hakosannokougeki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After waiting some time, I decided to paint it myself.

>> No.6248356

haha... well it's something..Ship it!

>> No.6248366
File: 127 KB, 720x984, 20220831_153813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you're an AI-teur and burned yourself out from proompting too hard

>> No.6248368
File: 170 KB, 720x1175, 20220831_154400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6248370
File: 282 KB, 512x512, 00040-17_k_euler_68072638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why y'all got nothing to worry about. i shit out some terrible cubist-ish box art in 10 minutes but it's bad because the original conceit is bad because i have no concept of composition or perspective. garbage in garbage out as they say in my field. people who are generating "art" from this thing happen to be stumbling onto actual pieces done by actual artists but not creating anything themselves.

i was using it for architectural inspiration earlier and i think it's great for shitting out concepts that you can incorporate into actual works but creatives will never actually be replaced by ai techbros

>> No.6248372

also i suck cocks i'm a gay furry

>> No.6248374
File: 786 KB, 2896x3382, LMAO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A.I con artist is the new cryptobro. They will be very entertaining.

>> No.6248377
File: 131 KB, 795x1036, 1578442995920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll tell you exactly what these faggots fear, they fear how the AI enabled you as someone who has no formal education in composition or fundamentals to be able to execute an idea and provide a visual interpretation with your own much like what was said here >>>/g/88375743
Each person as an individual will have their own concept, views, and manner of style when describing an idea and it's the ideas which give artists value in their field. They fear that because the AI provides anyone with the necessary tools to carry out a concept and provide you with a visual medium the value of an artist plummets much like how the value of pussy plummets with the introduction of realistic and idealized sex doll brothels.

>> No.6248379

>I dont know, started with Northernlion and the IA went its own way, too much naked women and wanted to try something different.

if you have your own style and artistic eye, ai isn't going to take anything away from you. that is the service you're selling with your time

>> No.6248380

That logo type is weird and doesn't look anything like our brand. Use the company standard SchizoSansSerif Oblique.
I don't know, when I said fun environment I was thinking something more like a ball pit in a mall, you know to evoke those sweet childhood memories.
Move the character a few inches up and right and turn his head 30 degrees to the right. Also he needs to scream with open mouth like the guy in clash of clans. Our data shows this increases all the KPI's by 60%.
He also needs to hold his left arm forward and hold a plate with the company's signature purple Marlboro back with rainbow umbrella on it.
Also word came in from the character design department, they say this is the last week's design. He wears a cowboy hat now. WHERE'S THE COWBOY HAT?
The AD sends regards. She/They wants you to know the character's right leg has fucked up anatomy. Fix that mess, stat. Also there's not enough minority representation. The character needs to be a black queen to capitalize on the upcoming trend of Wakanda Forever.
Otherwise, it's great! Once you've done these minor changes send the iterated version back to me and remember to also forward a copy to Bignose Goldberg, he'll probably have some feedback of his own.
You have until tomorrow.

>> No.6248387

Stupid faggot most artists are self taught you don't learn jack shit during formal education.
Also of course you're a sexdoll enthusiast. How does it feel to be a disgusting degenerate eroding our social fabric?

>> No.6248391
File: 258 KB, 1000x1500, 1657386693457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The great replacement draws nearer every day Roastoid, you shall be replaced.

>> No.6248392

This is obviously going to happen. If you're not really into art then you'll go back to being a consumer after playing with it for a bit and the people who are actually interested in making art will remain.

I am also a crypto bro. You guys should unironically try making nfts for smaller chains or L2s. My gf is an artist and her art is really being appreciated over there. The grifters are still here but in lesser numbers.

>> No.6248394

hako-san indie title when

>> No.6248397

>make AI art
>import to photoshop
>slightly adjust some things
Boom. Copyright me. Shouldn't you artists know how copyright works?

>> No.6248400
File: 534 KB, 448x704, 20220825155108_3686779570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hakoboko™ does not endorse this message.
Our new character does not have a cowboy hat, though we may include one as DLC. Early focus testing determined the character was too ugly, so we have generated a new one.

>> No.6248401

Don't you need a huge media following or some utility out of NFTs to sell them these days?

>> No.6248402

You can't claim copyright for a drawing if you just adjust it a bit. There has to be significant human intervention and effort applied to be able to file for copyright. No AI produced artwork has been accepted for copyright in the US so far (needs a human author, in this case the AI is considered the artist).

>> No.6248413

Nah, i made a fresh Twitter account for my gf. And i posted her nft on a market place for a cheap price. She slowly kept getting popular and people started liking her stuff. Just don't go for a popular blockchain like ethereum. Try some less popular ones like optimism(eth L2), tezos, hedera,etc. There are communities surrounding these smaller blockchains that appreciate the fact that artists are posting there. My gf's art has no utility but i sometimes airdrop free nfts to her nft buyers.

>> No.6248415

She also started getting small work gigs due to her nfts so there's that.

>> No.6248438

so the AI is now "giving you bitches" then

>> No.6248442

Why do you /g/ idiots want to see the world burn so badly? Why do you need 10000 pngs of topless Emma Watson

>> No.6248444

wait wait wait
the dumbass is all depressed and burnt out over prompting ai
AND complains about how hard it is to sell "art" on twitter?
are these people that retarded? did they think they would just get an ai and suddenly be drowning in commission money over their generic bullshit photobashing thats auto generated?

this shit is too fucking funny
this and the colorado contest retard show exactly the type of people that are happy to be using this shit
pathetic parasites

>> No.6248449

this has to be satire

>> No.6248454

look at how the ai shitters act on this board and the other boards that have an ai thread
these people are all the same shitheads

>> No.6248455
File: 209 KB, 512x512, 00051-2762030157_Yellow_robot_mascot,_drawn_by_Greg_Rutkowski,_digital_art,_massive_slutty_tits,_huge_breasts_in_slutty_dress,_tits_tits_cute_busty_slut,_trending_on_Artstation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All yours, king.

>> No.6248604
File: 135 KB, 640x664, have a seat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is something I never considered, how connected the ideas behind sex-bots and AI art are. Both of them are championed and lauded by people who refuse to participate in a difficult endeavor (artistic refinement, finding a person and developing a relationship that leads to physical affection) and seek instead to get the rewards of the difficult endeavors though the laziest possible avenues and whenever they immediately desire. "Just buy it bro, no other form of instant gratification satisfies you in life or leaves you with the feeling of intimacy or fulfillment that you really crave, and both will leave you feeling hollow after the initial dopamine works it's way out of your system."

I'm not even an artist, and I didn't know what irked me so much about AI art until now. It's just another notable thing being hollowed out and bastardized by lazy and entitled bugmen trying to maximize sensation while minimizing effort, blind as ever to the truth that effort and failure are the only paths to genuine fulfillment.

>> No.6248606

it's fascinating reading people's disgusted reactions to the camera and printing press

>> No.6248607

They will kill copyright after this, will you defend it?

>> No.6248609

I think a world without intellectual property is beneficial for big tech.

>> No.6248620

>please post pictures of your fucked up burnt hands so I can judge if it’s ok for you to use DALLE or not

Was it autism?

>> No.6248622
File: 107 KB, 480x608, A355FCB4-CBC4-4322-B923-0CDC5DD1662B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will see in your lifetime the depiction of the creator (artist, musician, programmer, writer) as a cruel oppressor who gatekeeps his knowledge in exchange of money, treating his customers as slaves who can’t get ride of their creator master.

What is here considered a blasphemy (art without soul, art without a real creator) will be heralded as the coming of a new era in which gatekeepers have been defeated. You will be hated as much as copyright holders are because you will refuse to share your pictures with AI. “look at this faggot, who does he think he is. He has no right to protect his jpgs, pictures are not human beings, they have no rights”

It won’t be pretty the day you feel like the villain.

>> No.6248627

Those aren't the same at all.
Cameras were introduced as a means to capture a moment in time, not as a painter or artist saw them, but as they truly were with the highest possible accuracy. Only later did photography become an art form that too became lesser with the act of giving every idiot a digital camera-phone and filters to take away any need for an artistic eye, framing, contrast, or lighting. The printing press didn't replace or make calligraphy obsolete, it filled a need in society to inform people on a large scale through dependable and disposable means.

Both of these innovations filled specific and important needs, and even centuries after their invention didn't eclipse the artistry of portraiture, painting, or calligraphy. What need does AI art fulfill? None. I don't see AI as a threat to traditional artistry because it never will be. Though I do see it as the start of another soulful and valuable thing being cheapened and hollowed out to appeal to and satiate masses of lazy and worthless modern people. AI artists are today's Instagram "Photographers," as mass-produced as their products, and just as worthless.

>> No.6248628
File: 762 KB, 1080x1828, IMG_20220831_101929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My father once told me; If you are good at prompting, never do it for free.
It's over prompt enginieres isn't it?

>> No.6248630

Prompt-bros... it was over before it began.
>bu..bu bu..but my prompts have soul! e..e..emma watson!

>> No.6248634

If you're such a lazy piece of shit that you need to automate the process of coming up with a prompt, literally imagining a sentence and typing it into a computer, it may be best to just consider euthanasia.

Also, these prompts are considered super-creative, astounding, and original? It's no wonder these "people" value this AI business so highly, it's the kind of stuff a redditor would hang in his home, all the unbridled creativity of a Facebook marketing team.

>> No.6248636
File: 6 KB, 194x259, images (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over /g/ sisters...

>> No.6248645

AI is better at anything, deal with it.

>> No.6248647

"A portrait of someone who is neither male nor female, but somewhere in between"
That's reddit alright.

>> No.6248649
File: 266 KB, 1616x909, papa_roach_last_resort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6248668

Why are there so many idiots like this spamming /ic/?: >>6247885

>> No.6248682

>Discussing art on an art board??
>EYYYYYYYYY Jannies save me I am being heckin genocided

>> No.6248684
File: 558 KB, 512x704, cmdbtsm200mh0chyt9mpe8zojuy908te.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its a matter that concerns us all.
Generating debate is not a bad thing, exposing all the points of view and how we can handle this is something that should worry you too. This is not something that can arrive in the future, this AI thing is here now.

First dall-e abominations were funny, but this is now reaching a threatening level. In just, what, 2 months? 1?
If you really care about art, your job (?) or your future, you should think about it. Every artist from every part of the world is discussing this matter and even the top ones who work in the industry (vfx, videogames, artbooks, media) are worried.

Have you read about all the tweets from Marvel and its vfx team? And videogame companies and their crunch? Did you stop for a minute to think how this will change everything to something worst? How the freelance will see his work devaluated (even more) just because the hirer wont need his work?

Maybe you just need to be somewhere else, or let the adult discuss.

>image : Young Sean Connery in a movie poster of the little prince

>> No.6248686

promptards already coping, LOL

>> No.6248691

Every bitches can make up sobber story to bait some sympathy from people. This is the most autistic and scummy behavior on the internet. "Please mister customer, my foot hurts. Buy more dlc of my shit videogame". " My grandpa about to die, please buy my MSPaint wojak drawings so i can buy him medicine". Spare with the bullshit!


>> No.6248693

Do people not just come up with prompts by themselves? Going to an outside person is just as pathetic as needing an AI.

>> No.6248694

Nah. No one cares about ai, only begs.

>> No.6248695

Jesus Christ.

>> No.6248700

The problem with AI is that it offers no consistency or reliability in any of its designs. You can type that prompt into whatever AI you want, hoping to get a different image in that style or maybe just Sean Connery looking at the viewer instead of down, and it will never happen. These services are one trick ponies, good for a laugh or reference material and not much beyond. In a couple years I don't think the public will care about it any more than they care about AI storytelling nowadays.

>> No.6248708
File: 538 KB, 1600x1067, joker-suicide-squad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine spending whole 3 days studying proompting in order to become a professional prompt ingieniger just to be replaced by AI.. Life is not fair prompsis..

>> No.6248714

Circle of life, my friend

>> No.6248720

fuck man ESLs are too obvious, thanks tho im adding it to my filters

>> No.6248725
File: 32 KB, 495x260, 1636169431950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will see in your lifetime the depiction of the creator (artist, musician, programmer, writer) as a cruel oppressor who gatekeeps his knowledge in exchange of money, treating his customers as slaves who can’t get ride of their creator master
This already was happening before AI with coomers crying that pornfags were paywalling content and that teachers were paywalling lessons.
>What is here considered a blasphemy (art without soul, art without a real creator) will be heralded as the coming of a new era in which gatekeepers have been defeated. You will be hated as much as copyright holders are because you will refuse to share your pictures with AI. “look at this faggot, who does he think he is. He has no right to protect his jpgs, pictures are not human beings, they have no rights”
Artists will reap what they sow.
This type of attitude does not come from consumers alone.
Artists wanted to cheat the system in any way to accumulate imaginary numbers so that they could collect money from unknowing customers.
If the main focus of something is to profit, this is the natural result you get; a bunch of people that don't care as long as they can get money and customers that don't care even more as long as they can consume.

Artists have always been hated for their shitty attitudes, irrational entitlement, and incredibly inflated egos and narcissism.
Not to speak of how they're eager to spark and fuel drama, cancel people or try to weaponize their followers against people they don't agree with in an attempt to garner clout.
I have never known an artist who wasn't a huge fucking faggot.

AI will hopefully crush these "people"'s delusions of "making it" so they give up on drawing and leave the field forever because it's them who shat up the whole field and the industry.

>> No.6248730

Attention: Don't engage with A.I shill. He can be active in 72 hours. No job, no sleeping, no eating. He doesn't draw and intentionally hate artists. Report him and ignore.

>> No.6248737

Newfag /pol/ election tourist.
You should engage with shills if you actually have good arguments that can't be refuted.

Declaring to not engage with shills is shit damage control.

>> No.6248759

Why must i argue with shill retards when i can warn other anons who are still not aware of that retard? You don't talk with shills. You must treat them like animals.

>> No.6248765

are you implying that jennies are /g/ shills?

>> No.6248768

You must argue with shills because that's the only way to get rid of them, faggot.
Why did /pol/ get overrun with shills? Because anons didn't want to argue them anymore or argued them like low iq zoomers.

The whole
>don't argue with shills
Is also a shill tactics to let shills do what they want.
If you're right and have sound arguments, you shouldn't be afraid to argue anyone.

>> No.6248775
File: 52 KB, 942x707, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/mu/ here. what prompt did you used for that dope rhyme?

>> No.6248779

>tell me youre south american without telling me youre south american
Not to devaluate how much of a cancer the ainigger is but "ia" was probably put like that to avoid filters

>> No.6248787

>I mean do people seriously want to here other peoples stories anon

>> No.6248798

>What about bosses kicking you out because "The IA makes it faster and better"
>Random people making exhibitions, "artbooks", opportunists, interviews
They'll kill the market and people's appreciation for this style. All the art seems to be this photo realistic, or borderline photo realistic , look to it. I wonder what the general public reaction to it is going to be; we see that story of the guy winning the art competition with AI art, were the organisers cool with that? what about the fellow competitors? The Judges? The Audience who viewed the works?
>A known ""friend""" who doesnt know how to hold a pencil created an amazing landscape with 2 sketches.
I've only played around with AI once, but the impression I got is that it's fairly unwieldy and unpredictable. A human can get a description of what is wanted, or receive a sketch, and can give exactly as what was requested, but the AI can get stuck in weird ways that are very impeding.
I used img2img and drew a tiny head with large hair and wanted an image of a greaser with large slicked back hair - it kept changing the sketch in its entirety into the silhouette of what it came up with, and didn't make anything like what I wanted.

I just don't think AI is replacing people yet (or anytime soon personally).
>>Photobashes and paints over on top of other people's work and calls it his own
I think it's generally frowned up to do this outside of production/concept artwork? I haven't seen this elsewhere.

That said, I hope AI becomes really popular in Japan, and all manga/anime are drawn by AI, and even written by AI; since you seem to love both things so much Anon, I'm sure you'd love this outcome.
Now the misery of artists has been democratised, haha
>necessary tools to carry out a concept
But they can't really present their view on the concept, their presenting an image that was created by something else that's a "close enough" approximation of their vision

>> No.6248803

He's struggling because his work frankly sucks, it's just a random stuff, no coherency. He needs to step back for a moment like how could you describe what you liked about his work "Oh i liked the time he did like wizard portraits, oh and that time he did cosmic horror landscapes, oh and that time he made portraits out of newspaper"

You just wouldn't ever be into and artist that had a body of work like that. in by being able to make anything, he managed to make nothing.

>Was it autism?
Just "illustrators" and "artists" on twitter, sites honestly broken their brains. Seeing them seethe all day about capitalism and commissions is too much, lol like if this isnt earning you money maybe it isnt a job maybe its a hobby

>> No.6248813

>My hands don't work well, plus they were burnt, and have frost bite, and I've had all my fingers amputated, plus I've got a hangnail

I won't disagree asking for a photo is cringe, but their story reeked of fake.

>> No.6248818

it's an insult to all the disabled artists who draw with their feet or mouths. i bet most of /ic/ is more disabled than this fellow

>> No.6248824

this is gonna end about as well as nfts
and I will laugh forever about it

>> No.6248826

>it's an insult to all the disabled artists who draw with their feet or mouths.
Yeah, that's why I said it's cringe, but c'mon - just say you're disabled and can't use your hands, the over explanation of the dozen things wrong specifically with your hands is some fake ass shit. Possible? Yes. Likely? No.

I agree, but it'll fuck with artists a good bit harder than NFTs I think... And NFTs fucked with artists too, what's up with techbros? What's their beef?

>> No.6248829

Lets real, pretending to be a braindead with cripple hands pretty much sums up entire " A.I artist" shenanigan. They became a worse version of themselves. It is like, you bring a sportbike to a bicycle compettition and claim you have leg disability and need it.

>> No.6248838

My mom has serious burn injuries but it doesn't cause her any pain in the presence or stopping her from working. That A.I guy described his injuries like, he incapable of doing anything beside typing prompts. Shit is hillarious.

>> No.6248874

Because they are worthless

>> No.6248889

When people occasionally DM you and ask if you can draw their furrry persona, you will seethe for sure. People complaint about the work all the time, you must be a jobless neet to think everyone are happy with aspects of their jobs ( or perhaps you are indeed a jobless. Idk )

>> No.6248891


>> No.6248900

>He's struggling because his work frankly sucks, it's just a random stuff, no coherency.
It's things like this that make me confident that artists aren't going anywhere, even if AI becomes a major part of our work. I think it takes a certain understanding of, and skills in, art to be able to make art well, and I don't think AI really changes that.

>> No.6248901
File: 96 KB, 200x298, 1361417200355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why arent you already selling your IA creations?
why would anyone buy this shit?
>oh this is AI, I could make something like that too
this is what everyone will be thinking

>> No.6248906

>oh this is AI, I could make something like that too
Watched a youtube video where a guy was talking about doing concept art work on upwork using AI art. It essentially forces clients to use AI, because even if they want an actual artist, shitsters are now going to be claiming to be artists and giving them AI work instead and wasting their time.

>> No.6248908
File: 84 KB, 768x256, gmfmna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just let me enjoy my "chubby girls in a swimming pool", now I can create my own personal fantasies fap material

>> No.6248912 [DELETED] 

>why would anyone buy this shit?
Why would people buy NFTs? Imma make millions out of selling blackwashed artwork to niggers and basedboys

>> No.6248914

There are many AI "artists" on fiverr and upwork already. Instant work, 100+ pieces, client is happy choosing among all that images.
Do you think the average client wants to spend X days, 10x the price to see a jpg which maybe doesnt like at all?
Clients dont care about art at all, they just want it now and cheap.

>> No.6248917

>Clients dont care about art at all, they just want it now and cheap.
I don't think that's totally true, but if it's a hassle for them to find an actual artist among all the AI crap, why bother? They may care, but probably not that much.

>> No.6248924

As a consoomer, i never have this mindset of "let's surpass other artist dude cause i have photoshop cs5!". I don't want to learn how to make hamburger, i want to buy hamburger!
A.I Faggots larping as artists and selling people something they did not draw, to me, it is very disrespectful and insulting.

>> No.6248925

>concept art work on upwork using AI art
I guess it could work for something simple like "elephant flower pot" or whatever, but for more complex things that are intended to be made into 3d you'd need a human to actually interpret the absolute mess that AI spews out, a human you'll have to pay, so it's all seems a bit pointless

>> No.6248931

I think photobashing, 3D models along with overpainting already made A.I very pointless and useless. It is the most powerful method in the concept art industry at this point.


>> No.6248975

>It is the most powerful method in the concept art industry at this point.
Wait, so do you think photo bashing is bad and therefore AI is bad, or do you think photo bashing is fine and therefore photo bashing and using ai is fine?

>> No.6248981

I have no opinion on photobashing. I think it is a powerful technique but lost the essense and soul of digital art. Sure they can use it for the sake of designing, i just don't care.
AI? It is a lazy google search tier and anyone who use it to sell commissions are scammers.

>> No.6248986

sped up video, how many hours did that take? Also you need a lot of technical knowledge to do all of that which is an achivement in itself. AI takes seconds to generate and apparantly they can just keep scaling it until it is perfect.

>> No.6249013

According to what he said in other videos, usually 2 hours to 5 hours. However, this guy is an industry designer so he probably managed to pull it faster than Begs.


>> No.6249027

If the AI does a good enough job where it’s indistinguishable from a human artist then you may as well just use the AI, no?
Concept art is fucking dead.

>> No.6249049

>If the AI does a good enough job where it’s indistinguishable from a human artist then you may as well just use the AI, no?
I actually don't think that's going to happen, and for a good amount of time. However concept art doesn't need to be some grand beautiful thing, it just need to be there to help develop a visual the look of things, but there is something to be said about the loss of deliberate choices if it goes full AI.

Anyway back to the video, I do think it's a bit of a scam though; the client is obviously paying with the intention that an artist will spend hours drawing and refining the design, and isn't just some guy proompting for 15 mins.

>> No.6249052

End result looks like the AI art a bit lol. Anyway that takes a lot of skill to do, top-down hippocampus technical skill mind over matter and possibly uses more brain used than painting (Betty Edwards and others always saw it as a right brained unconscious thing). As you said though he's top of the chain so he's 1 in a million and so photobashing can't compete with AI.

>> No.6249054

>the client is obviously paying with the intention that an artist will spend hours drawing and refining the design
Wrong, the client doesn't care how you created a piece what the client cares about are results. It doesn't matter to the client if you copied, referenced, photobashed, manipulated through photoshop, color picked, lasso tooled, etc. and in this case it wouldn't matter to the client if you prompted the AI for a base illustration to work from.

>> No.6249105

Then let the client know that the art is AI and how well it goes over. I get the feeling it won't be well accepted if they have any idea what AI is, not because they hate AI, but because they wasted money on something they could have done themselves.

Why spend the several hundred/thousand dollars on someone to develop the idea, when you could proompt it yourself?

>> No.6249116

>Why spend the several hundred/thousand dollars on someone to develop the idea, when you could proompt it yourself?
Because it'll still take someone to develop the idea after fine tuning what the AI provides you with based on the consumer's preferences. Does your mechanic tell you how long it took him to repair your car? No, because if the job takes two hours to complete and the mechanic has done it several times and takes him 40 minutes instead of the two hours he's not going to charge you 40 minutes he's going to charge you two hours and artists work in the same manner.

>> No.6249120
File: 75 KB, 874x666, Industry Requirement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't have to compete with a useless tool. These photobashing guys are on top of the foodchain, working in bigdick industry corpos and make hundreds of thousands dollars a year. Companies don't hire literall stupid BEGs with A.I. They hire professionals and serious at the business.

>> No.6249141

>fine tuning what the AI provides you with based on the consumer's preferences.

That's a little different than what I was talking about; which was just churning out the AI image and nothing else. Fine tuning still requires some photobashing/editing/painting, that I actually don't mind in the slightest.

>> No.6249179

Wow would you share where did you find that job offer?
I'd really like to apply or at least know more about it

>> No.6249205 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 320x321, 1642123064261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





Here is a picture of a sexy Janitor I plan to sell as a commission which I made with AI, to participate in this wonderful thread.

Have a bump, why not?
These threads are 100% approved and allowed by moderation, after all.

>> No.6249209



>> No.6249212

Despite having a dataset trained on billions of images, the range of styles seems relatively narrow. Why's that? I haven't seen anything that looks like a computer game box art from '80s or mid century illustration for instance. It also seems biased towards instagram type color palettes

>> No.6249217
File: 527 KB, 512x512, bvbmnch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the people using it are just copying and using the same prompts and key words over and over. mostly lack of creativity and /g/ people.

here, have a laughing young man with headphones drawn by munch

>> No.6249219

>we need 9 threads a day to talk about something
Kill yourself, you insufferable nigger.

>> No.6249227

Thanks for boosting and bumping all these threads, now I will be sure to comment in them to aid you in your pro ai art cause, you are based and epic anon.

>> No.6249233

Also you missed >>6249213

>> No.6249242

...and >>6249201

>> No.6249246

I agree with the other anon; even that image has a certain realistic look that all AI images seem to hover around.

>> No.6249250

I didn't miss them, they were created while I was posting on the other threads... but thanks for the heads up, I need to post my AI art in them.

>> No.6249296

the fact that you're actually so wrong and telling someone to kill themselves means you're GMI. But we actually need at least 10 with no hard cap

>> No.6250145

It's over.
All human artist commit suice now

>> No.6250170

Sell to who? Who's the market for this stuff?

>> No.6250172

So........ nothing.
If it can't answer to the demands of a real art job it's meaningless.

>> No.6250422

> burnout over prompt image generation
> retards discover this kinda of art is completely worthless since any idiot can do a google search and get images they didn't make.
> finally come to realization that AI art has no value whatsoever.

I am amazed at how stupid people can be sometimes.

>> No.6250712

Supporting this stuff now will lead to the medium you love becoming automated next. It's foolish to go with AI art now and support it in the other arts, if you yourself are not okay with another medium getting the AI treatment. There are already writing AIs, this is coming whether you like it or not. Though if you're okay with that, I suppose you're at least consistent.

HAHAHAHA, so they deleted your comment and not the 20 or so AI threads?

>> No.6250719

You can find alot of these job offers on Artstation. Though, the requirement is quite high standard.


>> No.6250725

Because, like the pics you posted, the moment you look closer they become muddled and messy, like a mediocre photoshop job.

>> No.6253668

>retards discover this kinda of art is completely worthless since any idiot can do a google search and get images they didn't make.
People don't usually go to google, rigth click a pic, save it, post it on twitter, and say "With the tools I have(A mouse and a folder in my pc), I made this"
People is RIGTH NOW saying "I made this" to AI generated pics

>> No.6253669

>Excellent communication skills
>Learn and improve your own skills; and help other team members to do the same
They basically want a teacher

>> No.6253672

>>concept art work on upwork using AI art
>I guess it could work for something simple like "elephant flower pot" or whatever, but for more complex things that are intended to be made into 3d you'd need a human to actually interpret the absolute mess
remember, a serious job of concepting something to hand over to a 3D modeler will require you to draw a sheet of the object/concept from several angles
retards thinking concept art is just a single pretty image dont know shit, you will still have to draw or iterate on the very same thing in very specific ways

>> No.6253675

>Clients dont care about art at all, they just want it now and cheap.
spoken like someone who doesnt understand business

>> No.6253681

>They basically want a teacher
its called being a normal human working on a project with other humans
i know for you NEETs the concept of group projects sounds weird, but its how this shit works
even in tech you get fired and replaced if you have 0 ability to communicate

>> No.6253794 [DELETED] 



>> No.6256394

>>import to photoshop
>>slightly adjust some things
sell that as a service

>> No.6258004
File: 523 KB, 423x485, pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls post full size of pic related

>> No.6258015

It's all fake and gay.

Its like sending to dog trainer competitions some amazing footage of your dog doing two frontflips, but then you reveal that the footage is actually 3d and the dog doesn't actually exists.

It may be some good aftereffects use but its no advancement in the dog training bussiness.

If shit is fake then there is no value to it.

>> No.6258016

>take Greg Rutkowski painting
>import to photoshop
>slightly adjust some things
Boom. Copyright me. Shouldn't you artists know how copyright works?

>> No.6258025

>there's no difference between a baby and a pro using AI
If you think a baby and a pro have the same taste and ability to discern which image is better, then you truly have no clue about art. Not that OP isn't trolling.

>> No.6258139

>Why arent you already selling your IA creations?
because nobody is going to buy what they can make for themselves in 10 minutes. derp

>> No.6258142
File: 604 KB, 1230x1510, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If shit is fake then there is no value to it.
almost like the entirety of digital art. tradchads we keep winning

>> No.6258389
File: 290 KB, 755x534, 755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maya or 3DS Max

>> No.6259014

Fuck off Brian. You narcissistic amateur painter. I do both trad and digital but you'll never be as good as me. No matter how much you seethe.

You're about as obnoxious as the AI prompters at this point.

>> No.6259018
File: 399 KB, 512x512, 20220829232009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go, just 512x512. Im creating like 100 each day

>> No.6259047 [DELETED] 
File: 362 KB, 480x424, 1450831187099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitch nigga proompted too hard

>> No.6259051
File: 12 KB, 368x92, Screen Shot 2022-09-05 at 8.57.50 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are 32 AI threads. Jannies are dead.

>> No.6259058

AI's first casualty.

>> No.6259084

Jannies are the trannies making these threads desu.
All trannies deserve a head stomp.

>> No.6259146

seriously, what the fuck is wrong with these people. what possible reason could someone have for wasting their life deliberately badly moderating "/ic/ - artwork and critique" of all places?

>> No.6259226

Post your work

>> No.6259251


Speak in english, anon. We know that you're brazilian.

>> No.6259270



>> No.6259408


>> No.6259632


>> No.6259695


>> No.6259697

literally what possible correlation is there between being a tranny and liking AI art? I do think trannies are a problem on this site and in the world in general but there's a point where blaming them for everything works against you

>> No.6260129
File: 39 KB, 851x471, tornado_scream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes I see some people using prompts to get Twitter clout, do NFTs, cheat people to get "commissions" from them but nothing more.
Honestly I see Concept Artists hit the most with this thing. The AI can easily create abstractions/concepts of ideas and iterate on them somewhat, and for concept art, it's mostly what you need.
When you're working with a serious commission client, that hands you good money, and they're very specific about their idea, then AI will not be able to do the entire work for you.

>> No.6260133

AI still doesn't know how to do proper tiddy. I can't even imagine it being able to imagine dicks and pussies.

>> No.6260137
File: 187 KB, 1165x1406, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6260141


Poor lady have no idea about AI art... scammed.

>> No.6260143

I mean we already knew people have no taste

>> No.6260206
File: 1.59 MB, 1024x1024, fumi_Ukiyo-e_style_painting_of_human_hand_internal_anatomy_hype_408d1241-9024-434b-b1ad-87c656380244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had great results with keywords employing other art styles- people just lack creativity. Pic rel.

>> No.6260208
File: 1.26 MB, 1024x1024, fumi_Carton_of_cigarettes_with_japanese_text_and_anatomical_dra_ba423104-f98a-4ddf-b0dd-15132845068e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6260210
File: 1.62 MB, 1024x1024, fumi_Sanrio_Hello_Kitty_cute_kawaii_Japanese_guillotine_ddc66fb9-467e-4bc7-b0fc-448b11cba3f6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6260212
File: 1.23 MB, 1024x1024, fumi_Ancient_wooden_Japanese_family_crest_etching_of_cicada_on__807d483d-7ae0-42cd-a57e-90c6cad0f985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6260214
File: 1.47 MB, 1024x1024, fumi_Primary_color_childrens_horse_themed_coloring_book_Japan_1_15b2345f-a38d-4681-b709-a1692afcffa7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6260215
File: 347 KB, 512x512, fumi_Ancient_Greek_sculpture_of_a_pigeon_riding_a_skateboard_ve_6c7a0eab-008a-471f-a5a5-3512487d1e3c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6260216
File: 1.80 MB, 1024x1024, fumi_Retro_poster_with_Bold_primary_color_japanese_text_promoti_c87d7b5b-ba60-4054-a229-9270033ef7d4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6260218
File: 1.62 MB, 1024x1024, fumi_medieval_tapestry_depicting_ornately_detailed_fried_chicke_05280e1f-244c-4cc9-b5ed-e86152f1d8bd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll stop spamming but you get the idea; it's very capable of making lots of interesting art but the vast majority of people just want to see "cyberpunk girl neon colors"

>> No.6260228

pic unrelated

>> No.6260245
File: 358 KB, 512x512, sdsdsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hows my creativity?

>> No.6260255
File: 37 KB, 600x359, main-qimg-ec692a05bf62a8ee8524878710b065bc-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6260257
File: 52 KB, 640x604, 1568391952845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6260259


>> No.6260266

i absolutely agree that this consistency/reliability thing is a problem with AI drawings at the moment and makes them (i.e. stable diffusion) only useful in extremely niche cases like rapid iteration on low priority concept brainstorming, or backgrounds/portraits for a zero budget indie game or something. on the other hand a few months ago the issue was that all AI could generate was a mish mash of shapes in the general direction of what you'd asked for that was sometimes funny in how it weirdly half succeeded, a year or so before that all AI could generate was a small handful of specifics like a random face, random cat photo, or random anime girl with down syndrome depending on what you spent 10,000 hours training a shitty GAN to do, and a few years before that all it could do was "deep dream" a bunch of sketches of dogs bubbling and melting into each other like some hellish experiment. I don't think anyone's jobs are at risk from the AI today, and in fact I think 99% of roles are going to be mostly either untouched by AI or just end up frequently (but not mandatorily) using it as a tool. Maybe slightly harsher effects in areas like VFX or mastering.

But I also think you're willingly sticking your head in the sand if you see current issues like "the AI still usually can't match all the specifics of a prompt" or "the AI has poor temporal consistency" and say "This will never be a threat, because the AI will never be good at matching all specifics of a prompt, and will never have good temporal consistency". Nobody can predict that for certain either way, but I can't see any reason to think that progress suddenly slows to a crawl exactly here, and you'd want to be fairly certain of that to justify completely ignoring this. OTOH it's not like you can ignore it since retards are spamming your board with it like it's already the second coming of christ, sorry about that, you guys might consider a containment general for filtering.

>> No.6260302
File: 20 KB, 689x338, b1exhibit1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not only art that's being devalued by AI, rather everything from music and fiction to trivial online discussions.
With the human presence being increasingly backed to a corner, i realized the modern creative world is in the final stages of the "gold rush" it had with the boom of the digital realm. The internet began as an academic research project in 1969, and became a global commercial network in the 1990s. Browser games, Minecraft channels, unmoderated media, all these had their opportunity windows come and gone in days of yore. Now in a meta sense everyone who participated in the web is being put under jeopardy thanks to datamining, which resulted in an infinite wave of AI generated content. With AI highlighted as the next goal for big tech, it surely be a big impact in our lives (probably for the worse), just like the internet was for those back then.

You can't be sure of anything but the impermanence of the world

>> No.6260303


>> No.6260327

where can i find more stable diffusion art

>> No.6260331

What site/app/service/whatever were these made in?

>> No.6260384
File: 61 KB, 484x348, langfords basilisk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ffs, ALL these A'I' images suck ...and also sting - not my eye but my brain somehow. like each of them has a langford's basilisk discreetly lurking in the background. at least the human uncanny valley is kinda familiar and funny; the A'I' gives it a whole new and alien dimension.

>> No.6260569

Can this AI do some form of movement/animation? even that abnormally crappy G-Mod/Adobe Effect/Live2D/VTuber animation you see in TigTone and on all VTubers? I might use it for porn if I can't use it for full 360 degree emulation of 3D models for RTS units.

>> No.6260571

Which would be excellent for a horror detective mystery game of sorts.

>> No.6260577

You're the incompetent anti-human here

>> No.6260578

A: Dignity

>> No.6260593

Why do you post this as "IA" instead of AI to get past filters? Others seem to think this is a genuine post, but we both know that's not true. Serious no-troll question, what is wrong with you? Are you that empty inside?

>> No.6260608

IA is how you would say it in spanish, and a few other languages in 3rd world shitters

>> No.6260610
File: 6 KB, 225x225, wow002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6260618

It won't be so one-sided. Sure, there will be plenty of liberal-minded people that consider any kind of human achievment oppression, but similarly, there will be a LOT of anger that virtually no one will be able to turn their passions into what they do for a living, instead coming home from a shitty service job to juggle some lines in a prompt, far removed from the process of real creation.

Then there will be the direct counter-reaction that claims that AI is killing the process of actually creating, of actual passion, and replacing it with hobbyist consumption. That you do not actually love art if you're not willing to learn it the hard way. That you are merely a lazy consumer of what the AI puts in front of you.

AIs will eventually be trained to do prompts themselves, and everything will be flooded with instant AI products. There will be many people that feel the loss of something human at this. Maybe not even the majority, but certainly a sizable portion, and those will be the people with the energy and passion.

>> No.6260624


>> No.6260630

Just relax anon, dont take it that serious. Take a deep breath and rest.
If IA instad of AI triggers you that much maybe you are the one who is empty inside.

>> No.6260637

My point, that went straight over your head dumbass, was that I believed OP made a discouraging post on purpose, for which he used IA so that the people that had AI in their filters would get it, too. If that's actually the case, I don't think you can argue any differently.

>> No.6260654

I think people are going to become less curious and less empathetic, when looking at art there's a certain amount of wondering about why the artist did things the way they did, trying to figure it out, it feels like there is more than just what is on the canvas. With ai art it's just "welp. There it is" There's nothing to figure out or wonder about.

>> No.6260670

Yeah, that's a good point

>> No.6260953













>> No.6261944

If ai was ever truly a threat then abstract fags would've killed the scene for us already

>> No.6262080

report all of them also make sure to drop by https://www.4channel.org/feedback

>> No.6262128

Tangent, but why do I keep seeing people call it IA?

>> No.6262163

Time to lobby a law to have copyright protection for private artwork to be exempted from AI training models or face royalty payments.

>> No.6262763

Are you sure you want AI to only be trained by the masters throughout most of human history that Copyright doesn't apply to anymore instead of DeviantArt, Pink hairs on Tumblr or Furries on Fur Affinity? Are results going to get better or worse by doing this? Also do you want all currently operating artists cut out of that conversation? How many people knew who Greg Rutkowski was a few weeks ago? Is the newfound attention good or bad for him?

Even if you succeed to lobby for "private artwork" (you should probably read the Terms of Service of those sites you Upload such private artwork to on the Internet again first) this won't change that much. AI training models will be trained on the collective works of the masters, anyone from 70+ years ago and anyone that gives permission and people can privately extend said models by training all the artists they want themselves and share said model extensions on Websites, Torrents or whatever e.g. as some of them are already doing using "Textual Inversion" with artists that aren't included in the current Stable Diffusion model.

>> No.6262778

>I am not some parasite taking part in destruction of art.
What about the parasites that destroyed art 200 years ago by making a machine that captures an image with the press of a button and dare call themselves artists when all they do is composition and controlling or fine-tuning a few technical things like lens, shutter speed, focal length and aperture size. Kind of like AI prompters?

>> No.6262787

who the fuck wants to buy art now?

>> No.6262823

>Kind of like AI prompters?

These fuckers think they have some kind of skill because they can type into a box. kek...

>> No.6262854

>These fuckers think they have some kind of skill because they can press a button. kek...

>> No.6262866
File: 3.03 MB, 2048x2048, 4353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a serious note what do you think is the best way to sell your AI created work?

For myself I want to create framed prints of things like these cups and post them in galleries. Before I even print them is it worth it do any post processing? right now with up scalling aspect ratio is 2048 x 2048 which is fine, but I can't make every image 2048 x 2048 otherwise it's going to look really bland.

>> No.6262877
File: 109 KB, 224x257, Screenshot 2022-09-07 at 23-32-14 yikes face - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>When you rely on the data from the people who press buttons.


>> No.6262878

>having to call it IA because you already know it will get filtered otherwise for being permabeg content

>> No.6262902

>How many people knew who Greg Rutkowski was a few weeks ago
A lot of NFT scammers sure know his name now but his followers, likes or commissions didn't increase by a bit. Your point is retarded when this AI disefranchises anyone who struggles to trains and develops a new technique. No one wishes to have a machine copy him. The only people asking for that are the ones who don't do art in the first place.

>> No.6262930
File: 3.70 MB, 2048x2048, 6534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand the backlash, aside from the obvious doom posters, trolls and shitposters (which /ic/ and other artists are falling for hook line and sinker) have been given what is essentially the golden goose of the century. You now have a means of creating unlimited work that you can correlate and parse at your will.
You think the old masters and Da Vinci would scoff at this tech? fuck no. He of all people would be all over it. Even if he had 1/16th of what we have have in our tool box now it would almost impossible to imagine what he would create. Come present day you are bitching about tools that the old masters didn't even come close to having.

This Beaufort Teacup doesn't exist anywhere in reality, nor was it a sampling of an existing work and digitally edited in. The AI weights have no, repeat no image data whatsoever in any form in the model. That is fucking near techo wizardry.

>> No.6265818

I can't see any of those being used commercially or in any meaningful project. It could be a good starting point for something you can create on top of, or something you can practice from, but not much more than that.

>> No.6265942

I’ll be sure to use that for my future teapot commissions.

>> No.6265945

There are people selling their AI creations.
Yesterday i saw a post on this board talking about a man selling his AI gneerated image for 2000$

>> No.6265949

There really should be some online archive of all the AI images made so you can image search them to find the grifters this is undoubtedly creating.

>> No.6266009

Already is for stable diffusion. Lexica.art

>> No.6266019

cant wait to see the grift turn into > womyn bipoc created art