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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 75 KB, 500x500, 358867463467377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6241393 No.6241393 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best Discord to join in with /ic/ anons and have fun? I just want to chat and share art.
Post them below

>> No.6241407


It's more or a group chat rn

>> No.6241409

>5 members

>> No.6241450

>best discord
if it was posted or gets posted its automatically shit

>> No.6241459

If there's a Discord for artists working on a game, comic, projects, etc I'd love to join. Or any active art server really with cool people, preferably /ic/ adjacent because the normal disboard servers tend to be a bit boring

>> No.6241463

>with /ic/ anons and have fun
nice joke, gave me a good chuckle
good luck dealing with mentally ill retards

>> No.6241464
File: 61 KB, 645x500, 1612328361428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to post samples of art from the discords when shilling to ensure quality.

>> No.6241466

Talking with mentally ill retards is fun, especially retarded artists.

>> No.6241467

>/ic/ but everyone is a tripfag
are you also mentally ill?

>> No.6241470
File: 53 KB, 579x542, 1651698166371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ic/ discord

>> No.6241490

like there's any better place?

>disboard servers suck
>dont know enough people on twitter to get invited to a private one

most of the ic ones are dead unfortunately but some ic anons can be nice and there's retards in every server, it beats the other options which is basically nothing

>> No.6241569
File: 512 KB, 2404x1260, death of a hobby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"i pursue a hobby for the social interactions first, the hobby itself is secondary"
Guess why every art place sucks.

>> No.6241677

>non sequitur reason instead of engaging anon post head on
Autistic faggots like you are why this board and every discord it creates is dead.

>> No.6241737

>fags like you is why i can't circlejerk and further casualize a hobby to get dopamine from shallow social interaction and turn platforms into echochamber hugboxes"
I guess my mere existence does god's work.
I can't stop winning, can i?

Oversocialized effeminate drama seeking nondrawing discord fujotrannies have ruined this board.

>> No.6241747


Probably helping this guy's point in an extremely less autistic fashion.

Sometimes those art servers stop becoming, "People who practise art in the same room" to "People who like art hanging out".

Small deviation, huge difference.

Still though, you're retarded if you think that .jpg is a healthy coverage of all points for when a hobby begins to die, with all its nuances involved.

>> No.6241751

>with all its nuances involved.
Fags already get their brain fried if they read more than one line of text; imagine if they were to read a full blown research paper covering everything.

If you're smart you can fill in the blanks with such limited information while filtering out the retards.

>> No.6241756

Fuck off you embarrassing idiot.

>> No.6241868

shoo beg schizo

>> No.6241940

>even more seething nonsequiturs that has nothing to do with what was posted
the only oversocialized effeminate drama seeking nondrawing discord fujotranny I see here is (You).

>> No.6241957

Post work, i am curious to see if you are one of those who harness the power of their autism to make incredible art, or you are just the average sad faggot unleashing his frustration on the internet

>> No.6242091

He wouldn't be bringing up boogeymen if he could fucking draw.

>> No.6242241

looking for a guy named "Maggot" on discord.
Anyone seen the guy around discord?

>> No.6242924
File: 162 KB, 969x884, .you.loste.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"u dont draw and can't make INCREDIBLE WOWZING BASEDERINO ART like others i like lol lmao ur just sad n jealous and probably suck! JUST PROVE TO ME THAT YOUR WORTHY!!!!"
here's how it's going to go down
>i post work
>you go: waaaah i dont like this
>i reply
>you keep going in desperate attempts to insult me
>i will still reply
>you still keep throwing insults with the pretense of critique
>i still don't validate your "critique"
>you start posting how you were right because you can't get dopamine from my work like all the other famous artists you like and that i won't validate your critique hence you keep assuming my mental and social state
>then you go about how 2muchtext=seething
>then you go throwing more no-brain insults and buzzwords
>i still keep translating all your teenage insecurity into plain english
>you still reply because you didn't "win the argument" since i didn't give you my approval
>you keep going back to insults, projections and buzzwords because you still believe they're going to "make you win"
>you still haven't proved anything but you'll start believing your own fantasy world because you can't "win" reality
>then i become a troll/schizo/shitposter because it's more convenient to you to believe that than just admit that you don't have the intellect, maturity or knowledge to engage with opinions you don't like
>i am still laughing at your pre-programmed responses
>you keep going back to insults, projections and buzzwords with the same old accusations
>you keep going because you're really desperate for approval
>i win because it proves once again that i'm always right
>i win double because you never posted your work
>i win triple because you pretty much did everything i was expecting
>then you go with "NO U" with everything i post because you have nothing
>all you can ultimately do is make passive aggressive passes trying to provoke an emotional response because that's what works with your kind.
>i win eternally, again

>> No.6243023


>> No.6243044

Too long; doesn't excel at drawing.

>> No.6243118

>>all you can ultimately do is make passive aggressive passes trying to provoke an emotional response because that's what works with your kind.
I literally can't stop being right.

>> No.6243207

The way the explanation for the degradation of communities is ‘women join :((((!!!’ Says more about your virginity than I ever expected.

>> No.6243217

not that anon, but i am a virgin too
once i didnt mind women, or rather girls since it was still HS
i would hang out with them in my friend group

then i went to uni and actually had to work with them
women do ruin it
i hate working on anything with women, especially if its a creative process

>> No.6243222
File: 72 KB, 500x366, 166548516465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Effeminate communities degrade into bickering, personal drama and heavy crabbing due to insecurity, low iq and overinflated egos.

>women join
is all you got from reading that, that only shows that you missed the point entirely.

But feed me more bait. I got more words to say.

>> No.6243369

>Effeminate communities degrade into bickering, personal drama and heavy crabbing due to insecurity, low iq and overinflated egos.
You are one of these faggot though, ranting and shifting the conversation to suit your narrative instead of engaging what was being discussed head on. I recognize your art btw and its how pretty funny to see you rant about effeminates and fujos when nearly all of cbsg casually mogs the shit out you.

>> No.6243428

Holy autism
You are the reason why people are looking for a discord or some other place
Anonimity and autism is a terrible combo

>> No.6243432

the fujos are drawing more than you are fag

>> No.6243435

Speaking of /ic/ discords, whatever happened to Cool guys and gals: Art Edition? Was it 404’d or did I just get b&?

>> No.6243436
File: 194 KB, 810x945, bzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You pretty much proved me right once again through your post and you accuse others of things you're guilty of, which you probably don't even notice:
>ranting and shifting the conversation to suit your narrative instead of engaging what was being discussed head on
Read your own words.

My point is relevant to the discussion, no one owns you to talk how and about the things you want, you stupid fujonigger.
>waaah waaah ur art sucks cuz i like the other ones better
How is that relevant to the discussion?
All these petty attempts at somehow taking a jab at me or to somehow offend me, proves me right even more.

Even then, talking about discords is relatively off-topic garbage, which shows that such anons are not here to make or talk art but to make "art friends" and circlejerk at nauseum, and like i posted before; such are the faggots who ruin every hobby when they're not even interested in the hobby itself, which in itself is a feminine behavior and feminine people don't care about anything except they're ego, thus they will ruin anything for the 5 minutes of attention they'll get, hence you get the state of this board where threads are hugboxes, nothing can be discussed, anons seeking only attention and social status on an anonymous board for imaginary numbers.
You should seriously consider suicide.
How am i stopping you from gtfo the board?
If your kind is gone, i pretty much won for all eternity.
Who will be left? People who draw and are interested in drawing.
You get to blow each other off and kill each other in your silly grooming chats and we can stay here, tackling art.
It's an absolute win for all parties involved.

Next step would be to get your kind to leave the planet.
>multiple people are drawing more than one person
You can't even do basic math
holy shit

>> No.6243452

Too long; pure copium

>> No.6243463

Dude, i am not reading all that shit.
Go outside, or even better, go practice for once
Improving your drawing skills is a better solution than lashing out your frustration on chinese forums

>> No.6243472
File: 42 KB, 570x520, eter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you even go out of your way to reply if you do not care about the discussion?
If you had your own private chats, you could talk however you want; you're here, now read the fucking post or gtfo.
>Improving your drawing skills is a better solution than lashing out your frustration on chinese forums
And here we go again with the passive aggressive baseless assumption and projections.
I seriously cannot be wrong.

>> No.6243476
File: 17 KB, 367x295, 1380013386187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I joined an eyesee discord once and it was some sort of weird cult where you also had to be lifting weights and working a high paying job/going to uni to be a member of it.
It seemed like the guy running it was massively overcompensating for something.
I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.6243477

Someone gib discord link

>> No.6243487

The goal of /ic is to become good enough that you don't have to interact with any of these hopeless loosers, not become one of them.

>> No.6243636

Didn't read lol

>> No.6243640

can't imagine them drawing well, making good money, attending good schools or being fit for some reason lmao

>> No.6243847

you probably got banned, the clique there is kind of strong, shame because otherwise it seemed ok.

>> No.6243906

don't you want to hang out with your own kind?

>> No.6243912

your drawings are bad which tells me all i need to know, just a jealous antisocial crab that nobody likes

>> No.6243939


>> No.6244024

> preferably /ic/ adjacent
So only mostly overrun by crabs who don’t draw but chase off anyone who does.
I checked it out last night. Complete waste of time.

>> No.6244172

a Discord full of people from /ic/ sounds like a pain in the ass.

>> No.6244772

This seems to be the common way of thinking but there eare reasonably pleasant people on /ic/. Only autists and schizos make people believe otherwise but for the most part they are easily identifiable and either get kicked out, mocked or ridiculed constantly.

>> No.6244773

The Sketchbook ic server was pretty nice

>> No.6244855

>So only mostly overrun by crabs who don’t draw but chase off anyone who does
Not sure what cords you have been in but this is just patently false, the nodraws get ignored/kicked/whatever. You're completely delusional

>> No.6244862

>either get kicked out, mocked or ridiculed constantly
This behavior only worsen the situation and creates an environment where one minor slip-up can cost you everything.
When all the schizos and autists are gone, others who dare stand out will be targeted as the enemy of the group.
Could be simple things like disagreeing on anything, not answering immediately or holding a innocent opinion some people with a higher status in the social circle don't like.
It's always the same story since this is all basic social politics.
Autists and schizo definitions have become blurred as fuck and anyone who doesn't fit the bill is considered one.

And when a group rather goes out of their way to ridicule and mock those who stand out, it only proves that the group isn't compromised of healthy individuals in the first place and should be avoided.

Basically; no sane individual would actually join any discord.

>> No.6244869

lol, are you so butthurted about me banning you from my server? LMAO

>> No.6244877

i have never seen this happen to anybody though other than somebody completely autistic or unlikeable

>> No.6244879

Yes there is but are you cool too?

>> No.6244880

>others than somebody completely autistic or unlikeable
But that's entirely your subjective view and a personal anecdote.

I've never see anyone take a shit in the sink, doesn't mean it never happens.

>> No.6244883

If enough people find you annoying then chances are that you are annoying. There's a lot of those types I've seen in /ic/ cords. They're just obnoxious or shitpost too much, barely draw. When people get annoyed at them they complain it's a clique or not to take things too seriously but you can't really expect to be super annoying everyday and expect people not to be annoyed at you. Especially if you don't contribute or add much.

There's a lot of autists too that act in an obnoxious/unlikeable way. It's not their fault I suppose but most people get annoyed by that behaviour so ieven if they can't personally see why people find them unlikeable, it doesn't really change this fact.

>> No.6244887

Is it really that hard for people to not be some maladjusted sperg or insufferable assholes and just draw? You supposed to be drawing first and foremost not playing the local tard.

>> No.6244895

Backstory? I want to hear more about this autistic tumor.

>> No.6244901

The best thing to do in those situations is to just put a nail in it and ban/remove the person without making a deal out of it.

When you mock or ridicule an autist (or anyone that isn't stable for that matter), what do you think they're going to do, just stop? You enable them and they're going to double down, could be out of spite or simply for their own entertainment.
>There's a lot of autists too that act in an obnoxious/unlikeable way. It's not their fault I suppose but most people get annoyed by that behaviour so ieven if they can't personally see why people find them unlikeable, it doesn't really change this fact.
Yes, but also, the definition of what is unlikeable varies from individual to individual.
Let's say i didn't like something you said or did; lies the issue with you or with me?
What i'm trying to say is that people like pointing fingers at others, because it's easy and protects their own ego, when in fact, the people who point fingers could be worse than the ones they're making a sacrificial pawn.
And it's the internet, if you don't like something, just close your eyes, no one is forcing you to interact with them and they will not show up at your house bothering you; it's just words.
>maladjusted sperg or insufferable assholes
And again, this is your own subjective view.
What you might consider spergs or insufferable assholes, might be completely normal people.

Even then, if you really want to have your safespace from those type of people, you should not interact with anyone on the internet.

In the end it comes down to your own attitude towards things.
Someone being annoying on the internet is nothing and if you must go out your way to ridicule and mock them, you're not really better than them; that's the equivalent of bullying a down syndrome child because it makes you feel better about yourself.
Such behavior attracts more miserable people and you will have more autists to deal with.

Basically; you reap what you sow.

>> No.6244904

who's eyesee?what's his blog? sounds kinda bassed

>> No.6244923

>Even then, if you really want to have your safespace from those type of people, you should not interact with anyone on the internet.
This is untrue though because there's plenty of normal/nice people from here I have met and get on well with. To say you shouldn't interact with anyone is ludicrous. I'm not going to stop myself interacting with people on the internet because a few schizos ruin it for everybody.

>Yes, but also, the definition of what is unlikeable varies from individual to individual.
True, but not that much. Generally, if many people find you obnoxious you most likely are.

>the people who point fingers could be worse than the ones they're making a sacrificial pawn
Debatable. Some people are obnoxious, they are made fun of, they leave or get kicked. I don't feel worse than them, it happened because they can't just act in a reasonable way. If somebody is being dick/schizo/autist and they are made fun of, that's just a normal thing. The "protect your ego" stuff is just armchair psychology to deflect from the fact that you want people to let autists act with impunity.

>if you don't like something, just close your eyes
Community is a combination of many people, if somebody is posting shit or being obnoxious that affects the community as a whole. I can turn a blind eye to it but I'd rather they just not be there.

On the whole these posts speak like you are one of those people and simply feel misunderstood, which makes me feel sorry for you. You seem to have self awareness at least.

>> No.6244944

>This is untrue though because there's plenty of normal/nice people from here I have met and get on well with
Again; this is a personal anecdote you can't just say something is untrue because of your personal experiences.
It's the same as saying "murders are not real because i and people i know have never been murdered"
This is a completely unreasonable and ignorant way of thinking.
>To say you shouldn't interact with anyone is ludicrous.
But you're going to come across schizos and autists, even those you thought weren't.
The radical safest way is to completely avoid everyone.
>if many people find you obnoxious you most likely are.
You must rule out that those many people don't have malicious intent.
If those apparently nice people go out of their way to mock and ridicule, they're not nice people.

>I don't feel worse than them
>The "protect your ego" stuff is just armchair psychology to deflect from the fact that you want people to let autists act with impunity.
If you went through high school you'd knew that most bullies like to attack individuals that reflect their own insecurities, because they feel threatened by them on a subconscious level.
Calling such a claim "armchair psychology" doesn't discredit it when it's in fact based on facts.
Accusing me of deflecting anything, doesn't aid any of your arguments.
I'm offering you nuance and insight into something, least you can do is lay off the personal attacks.
I don't call you a child or making fun of you either, even though you're arguing like an autistic child.
>Community is a combination of many people
gatekeep your community then
>On the whole these posts speak like you are one of those people and simply feel misunderstood, which makes me feel sorry for you. You seem to have self awareness at least.
The discussion is not about either of us but about a broader spectrum.
I'm saying this in the nicest way possible:
If you're unable to detach yourself from a discussion, stop arguing.

>> No.6244947

I’ve had my fill with /ic/ discord crap with the whole furry gaylords vs school_satchel vs natP debacle and nosebro saga years ago. I’ve seen it all and it ends the exact same way and all it does is refreshes who i’m out for blood. Now that the last guy killed himself out of my view foe good i’m not ever going to join an /ic/ server for as long as i live unless I make the server. As my mantra goes “never depend on another man’s house”.

>> No.6244948

Why is this autist spending so much time of his life devoting himself to proving that discords are bad
Fucking lmao

>> No.6244953

Because your index finger smells in the morning.

>> No.6244959

the reason why discord threads are bad (well 1 of the many reasons) is even though you found your server of friends you’re still going to post anonymously here. Someone in your server doesn’t like you or someone else but doesn’t have the muscles to post under their pseudonym, so they turn to 4chin. Then internal wars break out until one day, without the admins realization, the appointed poaches and makes their server with those artists..

then they come here and make stupid ass “discord share” threads and stealthily post their link. Notice things like “I had to wipe the server because of past drama” or “we are starting fresh” or “i repurposed the server”—things like this. And you also notice this supposed server already has members…these are poached from conflict.

Very rarely is a server from the ground up started with friends AND from 4chan.

>> No.6244961


For someone to start at level 0 discord they have to be

1. Some industry hotshot or very popular artist sub 100k
2. Well known and liked on the board to easily grow the server
3. Extremely experienced with server management from prior experience, knows the ins and outs of discord, etc.

>> No.6244970

ikr? Why lift others up by telling them not to chase dragons when you could tell them to donate to your patreon so they can join your discord and feel the """community""", hang out, never draw and basically go shit up the board for drama while complaining that the schizos are ruining everything?
lol & lmao

>> No.6244972

lol art kings?

>> No.6245084

Tell me more about these drama sagas

>> No.6245167

>Is it really that hard for people to not be some maladjusted sperg or insufferable assholes
bruv, this is 4chan

only spergs visit this place

>> No.6245169

don't paint this place with a broad brush (get it?)
i'm a real chad sigma male

>> No.6246444

Look buddy you're talking to a person whose been in enough communities on the internet to know that the type of people that get ousted out of friend groups are always that, maladjusted sperg or insufferable assholes.

>> No.6246507

>thread on page 9
>this nigger had to bump it because he wants a (you)
I'm pretty much done giving free (you)s
now you have to earn them

>> No.6248299


>> No.6248330

>me me me
Now I know you were the fucking sperg that was thrown out of every friend group you have been in.

>> No.6248671

Wow. People really closed off. only 1 link. I do understand the need to protect something good though. It's sad a few spergs can ruin it for the cool people.

>> No.6248687

I think people who draw have already moved on to better places at this point so its not surprising aren't dropping links. /ic/ sucked the fun out everything it touches so its its not surprising none want to let in the spergs who ruined the board.

>> No.6248692

What other places though? I tried joining public ones but there's spmething about 4chan users way of speaking and sense of humor I find too familiar so it's hard to interact with other people.

>> No.6248885

i think the issue is that when this was tried a few months ago, unsurprisingly /ic people are very obnoxious?
The majority also dont draw... So you have a bunch of obnoxious no-draws joining your servers, and then trying to post about their loli waifus while being shitheads and calling death to anyone who isnt a straight white guy.
Depending on your political affiliation that might be welcome, but they just arent making Anything.