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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 454 KB, 1280x1680, William-Adolphe_Bouguereau_-_Les_Oréades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6240649 No.6240649 [Reply] [Original]

/trad/- traditional art thread

>> No.6240658
File: 332 KB, 990x1320, IMG_20220827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I whipped out the easel and prepared two carton pieces that once were book covers (of books which I cut up for paper collages).
Tonight I might paint even though I hate acrylics. Wish me luck anons.

t. your local cat anon

>> No.6240660

Post some cats bro...

>> No.6240661
File: 3.85 MB, 3000x3000, Catosphere 2022 small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently I mainly worked with dip pen and ink. But it's time to get back to painting again. I probably won't paint cats for the time being though. I have other things in mind.

>> No.6240665

The cat would work great in comic strip format

>> No.6240670
File: 20 KB, 187x270, Woodring - Frank 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the future I'll probably do a wordless comic thing similar to Woodring. But maybe with a regular pen and not dip pen though.

>> No.6240682


Anyone here sell their art online? Which platform are you using and how lucrative is it?
I want to sell about 30-31 medium-sized figure paintings, but Im not sure where to do it. I want them to go for about $230 each each plus shipping. Subject is your typical sexy men and women half- naked in fantasy settings.
Has anyone here done something similar? I want to know if that's viable.

>> No.6240701

Paintings go for much more, it's all up how you market yourself and your reach

>> No.6240712

I'm savvy enough to create my own website, since Im ancient enough to have done so it the past, but is this the most appealing option for people?
Are people willing to buy paintings from an online store on a personal wbsite? Or do they want to go through a corporate venue like Ebay, Shopify, or so on?
Im willing to shill myself on social media, and had planned to make some previews of my work on there, but I wanted to know what everyone else is successful with to sort of streamline this process.
I remember reading that some of you guys were selling paintings online in past trad threads.

>> No.6240720

I sold 2 (two) via Etsy in the past. Remember to use up your maximum of possible tags so people can find your paintings.

>> No.6240725

Etsy and similar websites might help you as you can build reputation, reviews, etc.
You do need social media to reach people tho

>> No.6240733


Does Etsy charge lots of fees? Im going to go over their TOS tonight. And start looking at the platform for selling. I've used it for buying before, so I dont know the other side of it.
Also- Thanks guys.

>> No.6240734

Add the Etsy into your sell price.

>> No.6240739

You know what, that works. Thank you!

>> No.6240766

Good luck and godspeed, anon!

>> No.6240826

Do you guys make mini versions of your paintings/drawings before painting the actual work?

>> No.6240843
File: 3.51 MB, 4032x3024, C23F1B7F-B37C-4292-936C-8B198AACDA67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just moved provinces. The past three days I’ve taken an ink/watercolour course which was very fun, and nice to meet some people. My final class finished today at 3pm, and afterward I painted this oil painting of the tree off of my balcony. I’m starting art school in one week. Tips, help, suggestions?

>> No.6240849

I don’t know how to rotate it.

>> No.6240856

I have advice but I’ll say with 30 paintings of (hopefully) above average quality you’ll surely sell something, especially if they’re figure works since nudes are very popular online art subjects. I’d say Etsy or eBay although Etsy gets hard as you scale up since listing bulk is such a pain. Etsy is really more designed for like I have 100 ceramic cups and it’s one listing and you bought three cups. eBay is a lot better about listing a lot of singular bespoke items.

>> No.6240862

Also nude men sell better than women believe it or not, but be careful about the explicit qualities of the nudes. Both websites have very strict rules about sexually provocative images you’ll be fine if they’re just anatomical studies, even if they’re of “sexy” looking people. Just can’t have a painting of actual sex, or a girl spreading her ass open or something crazy

>> No.6240864

Ctrl, right arrow

>> No.6241250

you need to up the weight bro what is that like 4kg dumbells

>> No.6241260

Composition studies, yes, color studies too, especially when the technique/medium is not well-understood yet, and more generally, when you're not sure where you're heading too.

I use Gimp for that

>> No.6241344

It's actually double of that and I just started working out regularly again after having rotted away for a few years. Wish me luck with that as well. I'll up the weight again once I can do 8 repetitions in three sets easily. Might take a bit though.
Also, the prepared two cartons look terrible after having dried and I hate acrylics. Nonetheless I will make finished paintings out them even if it makes me hate myself.

>> No.6241517

In windows, when you open an image there's usually an option to rotate within the image viewer that will also save it as the default option (essentially editing it). For me at least there are icons above the image when viewing, but you can also just right click while viewing the image.

>> No.6241519

Not knowing modern computer shit is the epitome of being a trad chad

>> No.6241847
File: 853 KB, 777x561, roaches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6242033
File: 217 KB, 998x934, FYl0eEcWQAAJPWW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6242131

Just got back to this thread and saw your reply. Thank you, anon. I'll add it to my list of venues.
Some of the work is very suggestive, but in an old-fashioned fantasy novel/ romance cover from the 70's- kind of way. Think like, Boris Vallejo, but less competent in oil. lol Nothing too explicit. I hope my listings will be safe, but I'll extra attention to the rules just to be sure.

I was wondering about the male figures, since my work's mostly couples and women (since women tend to like these for some reason, idk), but thats a good tip you mentioned! I'll have to try a few male paintings, maybe five pieces this coming month, and see how they do. Thanks again!

>> No.6242176

you guys are weird, m'kay, is this this another 2022 fetish "I have insext and I'm proud of it LGBT....I+" ting or wat

more seriously, given the scale, maybe you'd want to add some flowers or leafs to decorate around the bugs?

>> No.6242193

For the love of God, PYW anon.

>> No.6242208

the goat-men look so cute

>> No.6242225

They're called satyr/fauns anon:

> male nature spirit with ears and a tail
> resembling those of a horse, as well as a
> permanent, exaggerated erection
> ...
> Comically hideous, they have mane-like hair,
> bestial faces, and snub noses and are always
> shown naked.
> ...
> They are sometimes shown masturbating
> or engaging in bestiality.

Now I agree, on /ic/, this may pass as cute, but in regular society, this would generate and endless stream of debate

>> No.6242374

>tfw still haven't painted since preparing the cardboard surfaces
Why am I like this.

>> No.6242515
File: 874 KB, 2448x3264, IMG_20220828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least I managed to hang up a few of my paintings and drawings.
Do you guys have your art on your walls?

>> No.6242694

My mom has some of my shit hanged

>> No.6242783

But do you also have your paintings hanged?

>> No.6243026

Yup, to some degrees (unframed for the most part, lazily stuck around for inspiration/see progress)

>> No.6243057

I'm like this every time I'm trying a new/expensive material. I really gotta hype myself up. I like watching those trust the process trend videos because a lot of them involve the piece being in disaster mode and then still turning out good in the end. I guess it's just easy to forget that sure, you can't undo in trad, but you don't have to beat yourself up over one mistake. Just fix it.

>> No.6243529
File: 756 KB, 1500x2000, DSC_0999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6243722

Epic how old are you? I haven’t painted to this specificity since I was like 22 lmao. I went soft when I started to sell

>> No.6243770

Thanks bro i just turned 24. Painting loosely is harder imo. Painting loosely and selling even more. I envy you!

>> No.6243795
File: 198 KB, 750x1000, C60B052A-3868-4FB4-9740-4E90BA07C51E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id give three more years of making an inventory of artworks, and don’t throw anything away. Find a place to store them, then start selling them online. Etsy eBay whichever you want I do eBay. Don’t pull the trigger on making a store because it’ll be good to get looser like you said. You basically just want to do what you did in less time, that’s the key to selling is quick and quality and quantity. You’ll get there. This was my work at 24, it looks completely different today, this one was from a model as well

>> No.6243798

He mogs you at 24 though.

>> No.6243801

This was 24 too, I mog current me at 24. That’s just being young though, I’m 29 now of course my arts a bit more mature. You can’t keep up that energy forever, and frankly I focus more on selling what I have than making new works now

>> No.6243803
File: 262 KB, 784x1000, 43F0FD1D-5679-4FF6-B4BA-93E121D1C8D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops picture. You couldn’t pay me enough to paint like this now

>> No.6243805

Are the eyes a stylistic choice or you just fucked up?

>> No.6243824

Same anon again! I will do this after I have sold everything. Once the works off my hands, no one can make remarks about where it turns up online!
Plausible deniability and all. Hope you guys will still be in these threads by then.

>> No.6243833

Oh no! What will the investors thing when they see your work on 4chan! You will be cannes-celled!

>> No.6243844
File: 389 KB, 1125x1125, vwlsi8ctp9721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just janking your chain my dude, good of you to offer advice to young guns,

>> No.6243887
File: 2.15 MB, 942x999, fish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look like hot wheels cars! I was not aware roaches could be this colorful
I tried to add a background

>> No.6243901

more like /trans/

>> No.6243924


>> No.6243931

>I tried to add a background
Alright, now one thing you could do to step up, would be to study composition a little. Try picking up a book on the topic: they are a few different way to make a drawing look more appealing.

That guy is a bit verbose/old-school, but I learnt a few things from him regarding composition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DPOX1mKS6k

Then, make a few black/white thumbnails using a small number of values. Select one you like, and try to make a drawing whose values matches the one of the thumbnail.

>> No.6243932
File: 297 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got asked if I wanted to paint the decorations on a fairground carrousel. 12 panels need a new decorative painting.
A bit overwhelmed but also excited.
Though I only have experience with oil painting and those paintings are meant for indoor use.
Not decided yet which paint to use, been thinking of going with some student grade oil paints. But I'm honestly not sure what would be commonly used for this kind of thing. What paint would do well outside in the sun and all weather. Anyone has some knowledge of this?
Pic related is the kind of mill I'm talking about.

>> No.6243936

I’d think acrylics and then seal it. Oils would be tough for something outside. I’d think you’d almost want to use house paint.

>> No.6243950

Well the owner did ask me to avoid acrylics, I thought it had to do with the ground layer which is a solvent based paint.
I didn't intend acrylics cause I prefer to paint with oils.
He mentioned that he will bring the panels to a spray painter to seal it with some kind of automotive varnish (not sure what it's called to be honest, english is not my first language)

>> No.6243971

I don't know man you should research the materials you are going to use first. You are talking about something that will be permanently outside for years an subject to changes in temperature, weather, etc. Also you don't really know how the oils will react to that specific varnish

>> No.6244010

I am going to research it myself but I hoped maybe someone here has something to share.
It won't be outside permanently, it'll be dismantled and stored during the winter. But still, it's going to be outside a lot, I fear the sun the most.

>> No.6244051

>house paint
I think some house-paint are alkyd-based or something, so a good mix between acrylic and oils; you should check this out. If you can find a store that sells house paint, that'd be nice too;there's something like that where I live, guys sells coarse pigments for specific wall preparation and stuff.

Maybe car paint too? Good luck anyway!

>> No.6244083

you can just go to home depot or lowe's for house paint, idk ive never bought house paint. maybe it's really expensive. i know basquiat used house paint for a long time because he would paint over his stuff so much that it was too expensive and slow to use pure acrylics.

>> No.6244224
File: 291 KB, 1280x958, E0E19AE4-DA16-4B05-AD93-80A9EE7090DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6244579
File: 1.46 MB, 2127x2884, End of the trail .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6244770

I have been preparing a panel with a solvent based house paint, to experiment with.
The guy told me to avoid acrylic, acrylic won't bind to an oil or solvent based underlayer. So I really don't want to risk things flaking off.
But thanks, the thing with house paints, I consider them an option, you usually don't have the same range of colours and pigments available as you have with artists' paints.
I have yet to see a can of burnt umber or ultramarine blue house paint.
>here I live, guys sells coarse pigments for specific wall preparation and stuff.
Interesting, I'll be on the lookout for something like this.

Anyway, I do feel like oil paints can handle the outdoors well, if they are prepared properly and with a proper coat of varnish, just have to figure out what works best for me.

>> No.6244807

different anon
Why not scrape the existing underlayer? You can use a carbide scraper if you don't have spring steel cabinet scrapers. Paint will adhere better on a surface that is not oxidized anyway.

>> No.6244815

is that basedjak ahaha

>> No.6244817

I really don't want to, the underlayer won't be entirely covered with decorations, the underlayer is already in the colour of the rest of the carrousel, done by a spray painter, so it'll have a smooth finish that I cannot recreate.
What would be the benefit? It'll be a whole lot more work, while the existing underlayer might be fine as it is.

>> No.6244954

Maybe you can offer some kind of guarantee to the guy, like if it flakes off after a year, you redo the job for free or something. Good option in the long run probably

>> No.6246084
File: 435 KB, 990x1320, IMG_20220830_032503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'll paint later this week. For now I guess I'll draw some ink cats. It's not as if the ideas would stop coming even if I was painting every day.

>> No.6246268

Is there any reason to not use lead white if I have it?
I recently learned that zinc cracks and titanium has yellowing problems, should I just start using cremnitz white for everything?

>> No.6246286
File: 3.81 MB, 2266x3285, William-Adolphe_Bouguereau_(1825-1905)_-_Nymphs_and_Satyr_(1873)_HQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like Borgereau consistently makes the Satyrs into bottoms for the Nymphs

>> No.6246295
File: 2.51 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20220828_023615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lollll no, I put my ART in random places to be found by people that like ART.

Only thing that should be on y'all's walls is brain matter from the shotgun blast you give yourself as you stream guro pron on Jason .tv

>> No.6246389

aside from toxicity, it can become transparent.this can be overcome by correct application like not painting thinly over dark ground and being more deliberate with designs with less correction of placement.

>> No.6246405

Let's you know how gay Booger was that he could only fantasy up sex if it was 100 naked women forcing an incubus to fuck. And even then the satyr he's like ehhhhhh ladies idk about this ehhhhhhhhh can we just talk this over?

>> No.6247204
File: 3.15 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20220830_180429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still haven't managed to paint but I visited the giant art supplies store in town for the first time and bought some new ink to try, sketchbooks, a cute box to store sketches and whatnot, and also a cheap nib collection. Will be fun to try these out since I only have used two different nibs for literally years now.
This artbook arrived today as well. Usually it costs around 200 bucks but I got it for 5. Someone must've made a clear mistake when putting it up online. The drawings are by Gérard Trignac who is a literal god.

>> No.6247233

You gonna ink some cattos?

>> No.6247253
File: 2.47 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20220830_182946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always. One smol catto for a friend and then also a larger one for my own wall. Turns out that despite eight bookshelves I still have a lot of wall to fill here. I'll probably draw and paint some non-catto things as well pretty soon. Probably some landscapes or some photos from my urban exploring days.

>> No.6247365

What paper do you use for the cattos

>> No.6247380
File: 257 KB, 1000x1000, Ink cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

300 g/m2 (140 lbs) hot-pressed, by Hahnemühle. It's overkill for ink but I like my paper to be as heavy as possible just because it feels nice. Impossible to trace something through the paper though. I've been thinking to get some kind of lightboard to improve my final drawings but I also don't want to give up the heavy paper.

>> No.6247394

There are cases were lead white darkens, for instance when exposed to pollution (sulfur)

>This artbook arrived today as well
Somehow related: I should finally receive a printed copy of Goldfinger's human anatomy book; second order, first one never came, been waiting it for months now.

As a suggestion, have you thought about using Booth/Guptill's technique for some cats?

>> No.6247402

Damn the one with the bunch of cats in the forest looks great

>> No.6247407
File: 928 KB, 1455x2000, 429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this?

>> No.6247409


You could try using tracing and then carbon paper

>> No.6247424

Carbon paper is pretty oldschool. But is the mark it makes on paper erasable?
One big problem in general is that erasing anything on hot-pressed paper makes the surface much rougher which can fuck up the lines and result in bleeding etc. So I'm trying to do more freehand recently. I'll try some non-cat things entirely freehand soon-ish and see how it goes. I wanna make some weird Giger freeform drawings just for fun. Can't draw cats all day.

>> No.6247426

Interesting to see this here. I have the first edition of it. Massive tome, great plates.

>> No.6247428

>titanium has yellowing problems
It's not titanium by itself, it's the oil. Linseed oil tends to yellow things; even if you get cremnitz white, if it's mixed with linseed oil it will yellow.

What you want is to use walnut oil as your medium, regardless of whether you use titanium or cremnitz - which comes in a tube specifically mixed with walnut.

>> No.6247438

Looks fun. I'll look into what I can find in there. Although I gotta admit I basically never use help from instructional books. Whenever I need help with rendering a certain thing I look up how my favorite artists did it. Alternatively I have also tons of old encyclopedias with etchings in them which also helps.

>> No.6247457
File: 999 KB, 748x1000, 2020.06.04 Cat Circle (V.2) scan small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it a lot as well. It marks a point where I opted for a bit more realism with the cats instead of keeping them 2D-ish. Nowadays I almost always place them in different environments so it was definitely the right call even if it seemed weird to me at the time.

>> No.6247494

Are you ever going to build some kind of world for the cats or you will just keep drawing them in random environments? It would be cool to have let's say 3 or 4 pieces all sharing the same setting building some loose contained story or just exploring the same setting in different ways

>> No.6247508
File: 458 KB, 557x802, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm already drawing them inhabiting a shared world. I imagine them as "shadows" of real cats who have crossed a threshold into that world.
Eventually I'd like to draw something like a wordless comic telling an actual story, similar to what Jim Woodring does. But before I attempt that I need to draw more and get more consistent.

>> No.6247539

Kneaded erasers; don't use them if you malax them a lot and have sweaty/oily hands

Regarding carbon paper alternative, I had numerous success with tracing paper and spreading vine charcoal on one side. Use a light brush to remove excess. Don't wait too long before working it, as it will over weeks stain the paper lighlty. Graphite can also be used.

Didnt knew about that, but yeah, look at the art of those two fellows; guptill wrote a famous book on rendering with pen and ink; booth'skills are unmatched

>> No.6247720
File: 1.93 MB, 4032x3024, 174989D1-5100-4968-AFFB-45C7C915A545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copy of a bouguereau painting.

>> No.6247723
File: 2.29 MB, 4032x3024, E0C55FF3-8625-4066-A441-0EF5C79AB886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6247729

Damn that's nice, how do you render like that? Is it pencil?

>> No.6247730
File: 2.14 MB, 3024x4032, bouguereau 1.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phone is hopeless. no trying computer.

>> No.6247739

titanium bound in linseed oil does yellow more than lead in linseed oil. pure and thickly applied titanium also wrinkles more than lead.

>> No.6247742

yeah i use mechanical pencils.
>0.5mm with 2b graphite for the initial stuff and darker areas
>0.3mm with hb graphite for the polishing and making tiny dots between the bumps of the paper
and for blending i use a course flat painbrush, one small (size 1) and another that's a bit larger (size 8).

>> No.6247841

So, I don't know how to do shit really. but I got some ink and some brushes and some yuan paper, and I'm really enjoying the feel of the brushes and ink and paper and all of the elements. I think this is a medium and tools that I will feel really good about.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to proceed, though? I don't have to follow some rigorous path of best artistry or something. I'm never going to put in the time to get really great at it, but I want to enjoy what I make.

I'm not sure how to "study" light and shadow, shape, perspective, and also end up falling back to this garbage "chaotic doodle" shit that used to feel fun in the moment but always ends up nothing I want to look at. And now even that in-the-moment fun isn't really there, either.

Should I put aside the brushes and go to pencil/charcoal stick? I probably won't do that.
Is it possible to "study" such things while maintaining a looseness? Or will it inevitably look like a 10 year old's fridge drawing, and never improve?

General suggestions I guess. Especially if you know of good youtube instruction that you think might fit, double especially if someone uses ink brushes. But also like, I don't really get a boner for a lot of "bamboo at twilight" pieces which is what a lot of this seems to tend towards.
I like the process but I'm not sure the right way to proceed, and if "the right way" leads to me just shrugging it all off, then I'm obviously not going to do that.

Also just for kicks, I got an ink stick and did some ink grinding. It smells nice and is kind of fun, but more of a novelty. I will probably do this in certain moods (stoned) but mostly stick to my bottle of ink + water.

>> No.6247845

>yuan paper
haha xuan paper, tried the raw, much too messy to control but could be fun when I get better and am able to control what I want. Half-raw is perfect, though also watercolor paper does magical things with layering ink immediately

>> No.6247846

The best thing to approach art is think about what you want to draw, practice a few things, and then draw the thing you wanted to draw. It will be not what you wanted but you are a better artist after the drawing. Then draw the next thing. Practice, draw. Just draw, have fun, doodle from time to time and you will have fun AND get better. Don't just do sketches and studies. Find what you want to make and make it.

>> No.6247857

Thanks. That makes sense. My happiest times so far are finding cool birds on google images and doing a halfway decent job of depicting them.
My least happy times are trying to make something from imagination, which inevitably ends up crumpled up because I don't want to see it. The paper is surprisingly cheap though coming from how expensive paper is I've bought before, so I have filled up a lot of sheets just testing out brush technique and how more/less diluted ink combines or layers.
You're probably right though, making what I want, and repeatedly failing but less bad.

>> No.6247862

Keep your drawings. They are things you made. You might not want to look at them now but later you might want to go back and see how far you're come.

>> No.6247868

You could also gee idk SELL THEM

>> No.6247873
File: 359 KB, 1200x900, 1480081093003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's just /beg/ studies of birds selling would be rather hard and also disheartening when no one wants to buy them.

>> No.6247874

>They are things you made
I like this thought, but a lot of it is really just garbage.
Maybe I shouldn't make garbage. I mean that sounds obvious, but I guess I mean I should probably just stop myself from the "aimless chaotic exploration" stuff, or do it more mindfully somehow, if I'm going to do it.
lol no, it's really trash. I don't have any aspirations to selling art. I just want to make things I enjoy looking at instead of wanting to crumple it up.

>> No.6247881

There was a video that I found on /ic/ recently (AI art actually got me interested in trad art actually. I have some experience before, but picked things up because of that stuff, funny enough.)
The video was critiquing someone's drawing, and it broke down the subject into 4 tones and talked about light source. The dude seemed to go on a bit about his method in an ad sort of way, but that's ok, it looked really helpful.

If anyone knows the video/youtuber I'm talking about or has stuff along those lines. I think as much as I want to just "try/fail better" loop, I don't mind at all the thought of actively improving by examination.

>> No.6247956

The rendering is overall excellent.

If you want to improve: you seem to struggle with details (facial features, fingers): likely, you're drawing too small and should use a bigger sheet. You may also want to use either 2mm leads or regular pencil, sharpen to a tip. This'll allow you to be (physically) finer.

Well, given the material, have a look at Chinese "loose" painting technique. They look simple but aren't easy. Some key point include appreciating different values of ink, brushstrokes and amount of water.

Master copies are a good way to start:

Then, you can also experiment with a more "Western" approach, watercolor like: try to make a value scale, learn to control your edges, draw boxes and spheres, and head to monochromes.

Another thing that I like with ink is to work it on toned paper (you can tone the paper with ink if you don't have tone paper). Then, you can do some washed, use a quill to draw, and use white for highlights. Essentially, this is your typicall ink Renaissance drawing (Michelangelo, Leonardo, etc.)

Finally, what about calligraphy? This is a good way to develop your technique.

>> No.6247962

acrylic/gouache/oil/ink - when and why?

>> No.6247964

Gives me PTSD and makes me want to quit art altogether. Still gotta use up what I have here, though.

>> No.6247969

Cringe approach

>> No.6247976

yeah? better to find a medium you enjoy and stick with it?

>> No.6247996

Sticking to a medium will make you become good with it. Using more than one medium allows you to be more creative with your materials but it will take more time to git gud.

>> No.6247997

Thanks. I'm happy /ic/ has people willing to give thought into response.
Despite enjoying these specific tools, I'm not particularly moved by gongbi or xieyi or much Asian art in general. I can appreciate that these styles and artists have made good things with the same tools I'm using, but I can't find much motivation from them.

>learn to control your edges,
I'm enjoying this a lot but need a lot of improvement
>draw boxes and spheres,
Somehow despite being totally obvious, I have ignored this. I suppose any art book even if it's pencil/line-based, will talk about depiction of light and shadow in a way that's valuable to me.
I copied from a comment "Hampton or Vilppu", but I'm really flailing in the dark. There are so many approaches and resources. I would appreciate any suggestion on text that you think might help, and I suppose I would consider pausing on brushing ink and getting into pencil/vine charcoal sticks, in order to get deeper skill with depiction in general. But if there's something more specific to "dropping down value chunks" vs using lines, I think I'd be more engaged.
>and head to monochromes.
Am I missing something or aren't I already doing this?

>> No.6248407

acrylic: expert medium
gouache: polyvalent, portable, tricky to handle
oils: easy to learn, cumbersome material-wise

>There are so many approaches and resources. I would appreciate any suggestion on text that you think might help,
Well, make a cube out of white paper and glue (or wood) put it into light, and try to match the values of each side. Repeat with different lighting scenario (sunlight, skylight, diffused light). You can do the same for a sphere. You can also try coloring two cubes (one yellow, one red for instance) and see what happens.

Pencil (graphite) is perhaps the best medium to learn those things (can be slow for large areas, but that's a minor inconvenience).

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcCJ2CU-bFw is interesting in many ways, despite being beyond what you may want.

>aren't I already doing this?
I meant, fully complete monochromes but yeah you're here already


>> No.6248877
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Frank benson copy wip

>> No.6248919
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Serious question: how much do you guys think a drawing like this can be sold (framed) on Etsy or Ebay? Do you think it's absurd to ask for $100?

>> No.6248951

If you can find buyers for an incomplete study then: hours worked * whatever rate you believe your work is worth

>> No.6249043

Serious answer: If you finish it to that level of detail even just the figure, I'd say you can list it for up to $350-$400 most drawings on ebay for sale aren't to that level of detail.

You REALLY need to start selling to see just how low quality the competition on these online marketplaces is. Not just low quality but priced cheaply. Most listings are meant to sell in bulk, wonky drawings they're only trying to sell for $20-$35. You get out your online store what you put into it. I'm dead serious. If you make a great painting, and you're honest with yourself and it actually is good, there's no reason you can't make $600-$1000 on it. The challenge is having the energy to create great artwork consistently, but if you make great art, you can sell them at good prices.

>> No.6249048

if you're curious I can give price ranges for what's already in here, because a lot of people don't have a grasp on what they can sell things for, or that they'd sell at all, but most fine artists on /ic/ are ready to sell to some extent.

$650-$1000 (Possibly higher)

I didn't rate cat guy's stuff cause he does his own thing, I imagine those are more meant for patreon.

Those are just prices to list at, you'd obviously have to list them properly and be patient to wait to find a buyer, but you can sell anything (And I have, I've sold absolute garbage before, I've sold great artworks, and everything in between)

>> No.6249057

i don't think an hourly rate would be good for this because:
1) on that particular drawing i spent a lot of time tinkering with the lighting. if i were to draw it a second time i could do it significantly quicker and it would probably look better too. so in that case the first drawing would cost more even though it's worse. therefore an hourly-based price doesn't reflect the actual value of the piece itself.
2) it's not finished which makes it inappropriate to sell. it's like selling a house that isn't complete. you can have a house that's 90% finished but that doesn't mean it will sell for 90% of the value of the finished version.
so the drawing would need to be finished and then you would have to take it at face value to determine what it's worth. i think you would just have to experiment and see what you can get for it. surely, selling art is similar to everything else in that it requires experience combined with a bit of brainpower in order to get good at it.
aside from that, i have roughly no idea (coming from the person who drew it). i haven't sold any original pieces of mine.

>> No.6249063
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>I didn't rate cat guy's stuff cause he does his own thing
I should be asking money for people to hang up my stuff.

>> No.6249069

You work well with a pen, the cats just seem like a personal project of yours. You could draw a still life or landscape or nude/portrait and sell those for a pop i just don't know if that'd interest you. Just trying to make the point that just about every piece of art has a price range and market. I'm sure you could sell the cat drawings too they just seem more designed and meant for prints if they were sold.

>> No.6249075
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Rate Kanye's high school trad art.

>> No.6249077


>> No.6249082

Seething you aren't a millionaire rapper with good art skills, chud?

>> No.6249084

Based pastel Chad Kanye

>> No.6249085
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try drawing them in a style more like this.

>> No.6249087


>> No.6249088

>just be 16th century lithographer
Yes, I will

>> No.6249092
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that's the spirit

>> No.6249096


>> No.6249113

I will simply choose to make art like this. I was foolish not to before. Thank you for the course correction anon

>> No.6249279

Who cares about your style as long as you're creating something tangible as opposed to digital stuff.

>> No.6249331

Who cares about your opinion as long as you're saying something tangible as opposed to digital text.

>> No.6249335

I can't argue with that.
Back to drawing it is.

>> No.6249681

>t. "I always lie"
self-reference is a beach

>> No.6249773

Absolute gibberish.
I've sold many hundreds, if not into thousands, of oil paintings in galleries & mostly online in various places. Those prices are WAY too high.

>> No.6249818
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Shut up gallery slave, you have no grasp on the art market, I’ve also sold thousands of paintings without giving half of it to some degenerate middleman. Keep seething nihilist

>> No.6249859

Can you please keep AI threads out of this board? Go back to /g/ or whatever. We don't care

>> No.6249862

Brian, I sell most of mine away from the galleries. You know those prices can't be achieved, maybe for an artist with a small following, in the US.
You sell, or have sold, a large percentage of those artworks at auction and often barely covering the costs of the cheap canvas etc. I don't argue that you've done well with the American ebay market, but that isn't the case in Europe and other parts of the world.
Just better not to tell people inflated prices, unless you want to crab them into pricing their works too high?

>> No.6249866

AI would unironically do better than most of the stuff ITT. Perspective was only mastered last century and already learning it has become obsolete lmaoooooo

>> No.6249914

The bottom left ones are suprisingly good

>> No.6249990

Will AI art make trad art more demanded as a result? Is this a paradox that computer eventually saved real art?

>> No.6249998

90% of /ic/ and 80% of people posting in trad threads are digitalfags who would not know what to do with a piece of paper. stop roleplaying and take the L

>> No.6250006

>You sell, or have sold, a large percentage of those artworks at auction and often barely covering the costs of the cheap canvas
not true, average sold artwork this year was $241, as high as $1000 for a single artwork

I'm not saying they'll sell at those prices, they'll probably get haggled lower, and I'm not saying they'd even be competitive artworks on the market, but everything I priced was according to current prices for a given subject matter, style, and quality. There are plenty of artworks on ebay of these quality levels, listed for similar prices. I'm not so much evaluating the quality of the artwork, or whether it would sell, but rather what I see searching through the system and how other artists price their work.

I don't personally know whether they sell their works at those prices, or if they sit listed for years. I would obviously always recommend becoming a better artist since that's the most lucrative path you can take if things don't sell. I just gave prices based on what I see already there. I know my personal style sells, I have no insight into the other sellers.

>> No.6250029

>stop roleplaying
what exactly is your 'role' here?

>> No.6250032


>> No.6250430

How much did you charge on average for your works?

>> No.6250582
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I went for some looser strokes with this one but I'm not sure I wanna stick to that technique. At least I'm finished with the prompt, I guess.

>> No.6250643

Based catto bro

>> No.6250677

Always here to keep the thread alive.
I wish more people would pick up the dip pen and ink. It's a comfy medium.

>> No.6250681
File: 3.61 MB, 4032x3024, 13A2E003-7EDA-4A0F-9099-A146FF9F9CCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you need to put a paint brush in your hand and take it to the next level. I think for you it would be a much more efficient creative medium. Just painted this, first in a while that came out good.

>> No.6250685

I purchased a dip pen and ink recently, but I'm a shaky fucker and it's so unforgiving. I think I just need to practice more, maybe cut back on the caffeine.

>> No.6250687

I would but I'm creatively bankrupt and exclusively just paint stuff I have around the house like vegetables and furniture and shit. I'm not sure if those would look good in pen and ink

>> No.6250688
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I drank three caffeinated drinks today and I'm always kinda shaky. Who cares. There will always be imperfections with traditional media.

I like it. The left side could use a bit more contrast but the grass is really neat. Mirin'.

>> No.6250689

I hate watercolor so damn much bros.. Why is it so unfun

>> No.6250694
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There's not enough plants rendered in ink. Go for it.
For creativity I can always recommend finding more cool art. There is so much out there to see. Look at neat things you see outside, watch documentaries, dig up stuff you enjoyed as a kid. Creativity will come.

Personally, it took me three tries to warm up to watercolor and eventually enjoy it. And with "three" I mean two phases in which I tried and failed repeatedly until I got to frustrated and quit the medium entirely for a few years.

>> No.6250792


I think so. Also performative art will be more valued.

>> No.6250964 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6251470

Because you struggle with it. Try working monochromatically, and to get an intuitive feel for how water behaves.

A common issue is to mess up values, which is often caused by using too much watery paint. Another one is to poorly understand how the ratio of water on the brush+paint/paper affect the behavior of the paint.

To get better, you have to learn to control a lot of small aspects of the material (papers will all behave differently, room temperature/moisture will affect the drying speed, brushes will leave different marks, etc.)

It's hard!

>> No.6251479
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Pen and ink

>> No.6251481
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Full size

>> No.6251627
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>tfw just got another Patreon supporter who wants a monthly ink cat delivered to their home
I'm panicking. But I'm also going to up the price next year. 35$ is too cheap with the time and work required even for such a small drawing. At least it's a kick in the butt and makes me actually draw something.
Today I'm going to finish this dizzy cat for my own walls. I was a retard and did some accidental smudges though. So I'll have to hide them with some kind of background or something.

>> No.6251711

Yeah an original catto should be worth way more than that, that's print price lol

>> No.6251728
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Yeah, I mainly did that tier as an experiment to see if there was even demand. Only a single person snatched it up for the past nine months though. Although I still feel extremely subpar compared to the artists I enjoy. That's why I'm constantly underselling myself. Pic related because I have way too many catalogues for my own good.

>> No.6251732

What are some good dip pen and ink books

>> No.6251738

I have no idea regarding instructional books. Usually I look at how Moebius, Woodring, Gorey, and various lithographers did their stuff and see how I can apply that myself.

>> No.6251909
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>> No.6251980

How do I learn to draw?

>> No.6252027
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There's not just one way but you can't go wrong with life drawing.

>> No.6252155

Guptill's rendering in pen and ink; Alphonso Dunn's books

>> No.6252188

The same way you learn anything, by doing.

>> No.6252194

Pick-up a *one* book on drawing by a well-known author, read it very carefully, cover to cover, copy every single drawing at least once. Huston's book on figure drawing is a good start I guess, but they are others.

Once you've done that, pick a second one and do the exact same thing, and start doing some master studies (take good drawings you like by established artists, look at them, try to understand how they were done, and to emulate their author by copying).

Do that every day for a few years and you'll be good.

>> No.6252233

Very good studies. I like the accomplished and clean look.

>> No.6252529

I have a question. I've got a sketchbook I carry with me almost everywhere in my backpack, but I rarely get the courage to stop and draw from life. I'd love to draw people too but I fear how they'd react.

Also struggling with getting started overall. Can't decide on a subject, overthink things, and get crushed when I don't produce something good enough, which is always. Any advice? It's like I'm stuck in an endless loop of procrastination and anxiety over what I draw, if it's too simple or not simple enough, too fantastical, or whether it's ok to use references and how to actually use them aside from just drawing a picture.

Absolutely great! Love it! Is it for something in particular? How did you think of the motive and did you use references?

I like it! Nice shadows.

>> No.6252588

Who of you just did that?

>> No.6252604

>I'd love to draw people too but I fear how they'd react.
Draw something else first
>Also struggling with getting started overall. Can't decide on a subject, overthink things, and get crushed when I don't produce something good enough, which is always. Any advice? It's like I'm stuck in an endless loop of procrastination and anxiety over what I draw, if it's too simple or not simple enough, too fantastical
Sounds like you have some ego problems maybe? You ain't wonderboy so you won't be producing masterpieces every time you touch a pen or brush, you need to accept it.
You are supposed to enjoy drawing/painting, if you get a panic attack every time you are about to draw something maybe it's not for you? It's also not a job you are required to do, it's a hobby
If you get anxious about every single thing you want to start, then like I said maybe it's an ego problem. Let your expectations behind and embrace the probability of many failures before a success.
About the lack of creativity, just force yourself to draw whatever at certain level at least once a day or once every two days. Imagine you are at a design school you paid $50k to attend like FZD and every drawing you don't costs you like $100.Maybe even punish yourself in some way if you don't do it.

Discipline, consistency and studying DO pay off when it comes to art unless you are legitimately talentless or your brain is wired differently or something.
If after years of legitimate effort you see no progress or no joy from art then move to something else, maybe you are talented for some other stuff and are wasting your time doodling.
Drawing is legitimately difficult and requires lots of effort and will bring you little in return other than personal satisfaction
>or whether it's ok to use references and how to actually use them aside from just drawing a picture
Use any tools at your disposal to reach your goals, whatever they might be

>> No.6252643

i want to buy some watercolor paints. how different are the W&N cadmium and cobalt hues to the real ones?

>> No.6252718

Try to start with a small sketchbook in which you scribble things quickly. Don't put it in your backpack. Put it in a pocket of a piece of clothing you're wearing. Make sure the pen is in the same pocket or even held by the sketchbook. Make sure it's easy as hell for you to grab your sketchbook. Then use it to scribble stuff, really quickly. It doesn't have to be good. Just start.

>> No.6252843

Sorry, thought nobody heard/smellt

>> No.6252847

See >>6252194

>> No.6252938
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This took way too long. I'll finish it tomorrow.

>> No.6253393
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i swear his head isnt this big irl

>> No.6253395
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>> No.6253404

>This took way too long
pls tell me you have some sort of hand problems otherwise how can doing this take "long"

>> No.6253414

>digital fags are all getting replaced with AI
tradCHADS stay winning

>> No.6253434
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>> No.6253463

You literally have no idea what're talking about non of the shit you listed is worth that much money it's all beg - high beg tier art. It's basically worthless

>> No.6253465

I would say 40 bucks
It's not worth much to anyone since you are basically doing a study

>> No.6253469

meant for this dude >>6248919

>> No.6253473

It's done with a nib and not with a brush.

>> No.6253508

Amazing work, anon. Do you recommend any souce (book, video, tutorial) on how to render like that?

>> No.6253538

Nice drawing anon

>> No.6253658


>> No.6253772

Brian (>>6249818) sells, whether you/me/we like it or not. Business ≠ art: an object's value is what people are ready to pay you for it, period.

Especially in those days and age with the advent of modern craprt

>> No.6253784

Trad bros.. I'm fucking stupid!

>> No.6253797

We know but what was it this time?

>> No.6253824

not that the turd you linked to is anything worthwhile but the other stuff is even worse than what that dude produces, because it's basically beginner studies. Nobody pays anything for that

>> No.6253884
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RJ Palmer agreed, you keep good company

>> No.6253889

Brian, how much does it cost to list stuff on Ebay? I've never done it. How much do they take for each sale?

>> No.6253906

They take 10%, it’s free to list but you have to sell more to be able to list more. I think early on you can only make $1500 a month or something, but that limit goes up very quickly. Mines something stupid like I can make $5 million a month (?) so that’s pretty arbitrary you just have to sell stuff to sell more

>> No.6253908

>it’s free to list
That's not too bad then. I hated Etsy for taking money just to be able to list shit. I guess I'll try Ebay next for originals. Thanks, Brian!

>> No.6253912

based Palmer knowing what's up

>> No.6253914

Brian, have you ever been punched in the face before?

>> No.6253916

Brian, what is your artistic vision?

>> No.6253919

That brian faggots pictures are so bad there is no way that he has more than 500 followers on socialmedia

>> No.6253925
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They’re not made to get likes they’re made to sell. Keep seething. I make house decorations.

>> No.6253928

Brian, I'll pay you the equivalent of 2 of your paintings if you'll let me deck you just once.

>> No.6253934

can i pick the paintings

>> No.6253940

No because you're going to be a jew about it.

>> No.6253941

just fuck already, for gods sake

>> No.6253942

it's happening bros, it's finally happening

>> No.6253943

So no following? lmao

>> No.6253967

>get a load of this guy he makes a living
Yeah I’m such a dork

>> No.6254031

Is priming before a gouache painting with acryla gouache / casein worth it? when i first looked up James Gurney's videos i saw how he frequently starts with doing that.

>> No.6255419


>> No.6255951

Try to understand why he's doing the priming (I typed a response, but closed the tab, too lazy write it again sry)

>> No.6256111

Trad bros where are you? Did you go out today? I'm all alone in the thread..

>> No.6256119
File: 887 KB, 1650x2200, giger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I went to a HR Giger exhibition today. Sometimes you just gotta look at art in real life. Will be getting back to stuff tomorrow.

>> No.6256140
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>> No.6256287

Looks cool but that fucking wall looks like it belongs in a Mexican restaurant

>> No.6256291

The exhibition was at a castle in one of the poorest parts of East Germany. It's a miracle the building even has paint on the walls.

>> No.6256293

That's cool actually, hope you enjoyed it anon

>> No.6256298
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It was slightly disappointing since a lot of the exhibition was just posters and prints. I like seeing art in person to see the techniques up close. But at least there were four very early ink drawings there which I enjoyed quite a bit. It was a fun trip and filled me with energy and ideas needed to make more trad art.

>> No.6256641
File: 330 KB, 1200x1230, Caravaggio_-_Medusa_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to a Caravaggio exhibition once, they only had two works of his and the rest was filled up with artwork from other painters who used the same lighting in their work.
It was a bit disappointing. But I did get to see the Medusa painting up close, that was interesting at least. It was quiet so I really took my time here.

>> No.6256810

I go out almost everyday; at least once or twice a week to sketch outside with a good ol' coffee

>> No.6256933

Brian, why haven't you accepted my friend request on league?

>> No.6256987

very nice, prompt?

>> No.6257023


>> No.6257091

He's a starved for attention imbecile who thinks he's a super clever troll.

>> No.6257383
File: 584 KB, 1551x1226, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I don't like League, and I don't want to subject other people to how retarded I am at it.

Anyways here's some men

>> No.6257388

>I don't want to subject other people to how retarded I am at it.
Fuck you Brian.

>> No.6257400

Let me perfect Yone support in a few more ranked games then I’ll get back to you

>> No.6257405

Was caravaggio a chud?

>> No.6257410

I always get the vibe from some baroque stuff that they’re painted the same way people paint Warhammer miniatures. Like look at the thin detailing on the snakes, that screams Warhammer to me

>> No.6257573

Trad bros.. The generic trannime artists will now invade our threads as AI has rendered all their effort obsolete

>> No.6257577

Didnt he literally murder someone?

>> No.6257650
File: 114 KB, 682x1023, Scudo_con_testa_di_Medusa,_Caravaggio_1957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really sure what you mean but as I found the painting rather intense, when you stand right in front of it. It's painted on a curved surface also, I have a feeling that also influences it.

>> No.6257687
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male nude

>> No.6257696

who let the naive faggots in, back to /drawing/

>> No.6257705

AI thread is over there buddy

>> No.6257713

/trad is dead
238 replies and 58 images
half images not drawings

>> No.6257717

We appreciate the bump, anon! Now post your work.

>> No.6257768

ah, that non-/trad/ vibe so common throughout /ic/. you're in a gentlemen's thread boï. not a reddit hugbox either

kind reminder that there are hundred of pages long of books exploring the complexity of the technicalities of oil painting, with little images, of course.

such things actually matters, and justify a great deal of the textual content here

>> No.6257773

French easels are so complicated. I ended up never collapsing the legs on mine and most times if I paint outside I’m sitting on the ground

>> No.6257778

>French easel
Didn't even know they had an actual name. Thanks!
Mine is missing a leg. No idea if it's still around here somewhere. Also, I never really painted on an easel before. Always had my surfaces lying flat on the table.

>> No.6257782

You kind of want to be looking down at a canvas while you paint, but it shouldn’t be flat. Think more the way you would look at a laptop, that’s how your neck and the canvas should be oriented. It’ll be better for your back too.

>> No.6257790

People also seem to forgetting that traditional art takes way longer than digital. It's much comfier as well. It's less of a grind and more of a mindset really.

>> No.6257803




>> No.6257805

It is. I don't always enjoy the end result, but I always enjoy the process. Also you get a free buzz working with some of these products.

>> No.6257837

> CBD paint
> CBD brushes
> CBD eraser

>> No.6257858

Ha, I honestly can't tell if those are joke products or real. I wouldn't be surprised if they exist. There's CBD nail polish these days. Does that even do anything? I just meant casual paint fumes.

>> No.6258169
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For a clean edge I'm trying to use tape for the first time but I'm not happy with this crepe tape. It does a crappy job and would probably be fine if it was paint I was working with. I'll see how it goes and next time I'll try the transparent one.

>> No.6258180

Are you sending this one to the patreon guys?

>> No.6258191

No, the Patreon drawings are smaller, 8.5cm squares. This cat here is a bit under A5.
I have three supporters for the drawing tier now. Which means I have to draw more than once each month though. >>6251954 must be really happy for getting his ways.

>> No.6258211
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we will make the digitards bow, fellow tradchads

>> No.6258213

How many paintings do you finish each month, Brian?

>> No.6258218

Some days I’ll do like 5-7 paintings in a day, and then take a break for like a week, sometimes I do like 1 or 2 a day. If I don’t want to have more paintings stack up I’ll just do drawings.

>> No.6258220

tradchads? more like slowchuds

>> No.6258225

Are you going to continue just painting for money or do you see yourself painting some more ambitious things in the future? Because, honestly, the paintings you make are quite bland. I'd like to see you try to find your unique vision.

>> No.6258228

im enjoying the competitive nature of painting online for now. its fun just making stuff and seeing how it does.
>>6257383 this one is fucking popping off, so it's getting me motivated to make some more stuff similar to it.

>> No.6258641
File: 2.13 MB, 1262x1122, 2022_09_05_0jh_Kleki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to try the classical block in -underpainting- glazing thing for this painting. usually I just work alla prima and adjust usually opaquely afterwards. Seems like it is very easy to get subtleties when glazing but adjusting edges is hard. overall it seems much easier when you break up the painting into such distinct steps. Not sure if I want to continue with this method because most of my favorite painters didn't use it. Thank you for reading my blog.

did you find it easy to pick up pastels as a painter brian? Thinking about giving it a shot

I think it's just to get a toned surface that doesn't reactivate with water.

>> No.6258689

Careful with pulling it off. Some tapes rip the top layer of paper along with it.

>> No.6258788

>There's CBD nail polish
I didn't knew; I don't take, but because there's CBD shops everywhere, I see they are taking the vibe quite far.

Last one I saw was "CBD coffee"; dunno if paint/brushes/erasers do exist, but if there's nail polish...

Electrician (blue) tape is pricey but a good option. For small areas, you can use watercolor's masking fluid

This is a delicate technique to master. Have a look at Cesar Santos' process; not exactly a pure underpainting+glazing, but it's a good intermediate approach.

>> No.6258962
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These paintings were made by the same guy and sold this year on Etsy between February and March. From one to four the values are $50.00/$55.00/$100.00/$115.00 (source: www.etsy.com/shop/IndyAlexander).

They are no more complex than the studies I usually see around here.

>> No.6258999
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>Electrician (blue) tape
Something like pic related?
I never used masking fluid. Does it leave visible (reflective?) stains? I might just get a bit of that on my next art supplies shopping spree, I guess. Seems like a good thing to have.

>> No.6259012

He's lucky to be getting those prices for such crap, DESU.

>> No.6259036
File: 431 KB, 1280x958, 6F38664B-83CE-4620-ABB9-E5CA71EB70F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use plain scotch tape to hold down my paper and it seems to work well and rarely will try to rip the paper when I remove it. I hated using the water activated watercolor tape.

Did this painting last night. I found 2 ways to control the ink bleed since I really prefer to put ink down and then paint on top. After inking I firmly blotted at the ink with a paper towel to remove any loose or wet ink. The heavy washes seem capable of causing bleed so after laying down wash over the ink I would gently blot or dab if I saw the purple discoloration starting. A tiny amount of bleed actually seemed to be advantageous. I really like how this one came out.

>> No.6259071

Giger was like 90% airbrush i remember I was like so disappointed when I found that out

>> No.6259074

Why would you be disappointed

>> No.6259083

leaves look great

>> No.6259086

>firmly blotted at the ink with a paper towel to remove any loose or wet ink
This seems like good advice. It didn't even occur to me. Thanks, anon!

>> No.6259094

>is pastel easy after painting
Incredibly easy it’s just a damn mess so I don’t do it much

>> No.6259099
File: 624 KB, 1280x1591, Giger bio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was literally what he was famous for. His bulk of work is scribbly sketches and silly blueprints for films and furniture though. I'm mainly a fan of his early ink drawings and oil paintings. Everything he later did was already in these artworks.

>> No.6259261

How much exactly is popping off in $

>> No.6259274

It has to sell so idk yet but it’s been a slow year for me I’ve only made about $30k so far this year

>> No.6259276

It got 7 likes. That's around 200% of the usual likes.

>> No.6259286

Masking fluid is essentially some sort of liquid plastic that, once dried will isolate the paper from water, and that can be carefully removed once you're done. Another common option is wax, but don't expect to be able to remove it. And, white gouache...

Yeah, something like that for the tape, I get mine from local hardware stores

>> No.6259423
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hell yeah

>> No.6259448
File: 143 KB, 851x1176, Anxiety.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh oil paint

>> No.6259533

Based chest painter

>> No.6259547

Are you cribbing off some old painter's pics here? I can't tell the works, are they famous??

>> No.6259552

William Etty for this one, who gets no play on /ic/ despite having all the qualities they look for in a painter.
>figure studies
>loose brushwork
im not sure why people don't think he's a bigger deal here

>> No.6259654

Bros, do you have a go-to sketchbook brand? I've been needing to get one for a while but art stores nearby keep fucking closing permanently, my only option is online. I'm looking for something preferably generous with sheets so I don't run out quickly while I'm out.

>> No.6259797
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>> No.6259823

I've been using Sakura's sketchbook recently, for sketching with pen & ink, doing some Bridgman studies wtih graphite, that kind of stuff;


There's a good amount of pages, it's rather cheap (~12€ for an A4, 80 leafs so 160 pages), smooth paper, can handle light washes (buckles a little).

I've also used Strathmore toned tan quite a bit: toned paper, rather thick, detachable pages, can take light washes. I've used it for sketches, but also for a few copies and more finished work (paper has more tooth, so a bit more versatile for graphite/dry media drawings).

So yeah, in short, it'll depend a lot on what you actually do; printer paper or lower quality sketchbooks are great option for 2min throwaway "gesture" sketches for instance

>> No.6259920

They are expensive as fuck but the best ones I've encountered so far. Two friends of mine who are professional illustrators recommended them.

>> No.6259925

ya dont call him a chud
he will literally try to cut your dick off and accidently kill you

>> No.6259966

You gotta tell us what you're sketching with, buddy.

Right now, I'm using Fabriano 1264 Drawing Pad in 9x12. It's $9 on Blick and comes with 50 sheets. If you're an erasing addict like I am, you'll love it. Marks just come straight off. Fucking amazing. It works best for pencils, but I also use marker on it. For like a layer of marker, you'll be fine to not have any backing, but you might want a little more than that if you're full on coloring. It will wrinkle a bit with watercolor because it's drawing paper, not watercolor paper, but it won't tear. I love these fuckers so much I bought three the last time I was in a Blick store.

>> No.6260008

I like it. Even though you don't have an actual artistic voice at least you the colors right.

>> No.6260126
File: 1.50 MB, 2911x2138, 2E0D8F66-C592-4C30-B4FA-DC6796D2BF46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost my flake white somewhere so i cant glaze this yet

>> No.6260132

What is it? Looks like dead marine life on the shore

>> No.6260418

Thanks guys. The only option I had before was Leuchtturm1917. I'll pick up one of each and see how they are.

>> No.6260425

Yeah I forgot to add that part last night when I disgustingly phoneposted half asleep. It's mostly just for pencil stuff while I'm out and about, so anything should do really.

>> No.6260439

Toned paper is a good option for sketching on the spot; just get a white pencil/chalk. In the past, people used toned paper not just because it looks nice, but also because it can speed up the drawing process, as you've already got some values on the paper.

>> No.6260553

It’s a pear, raspberries and confectionery.

>> No.6260756
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>> No.6260771

absolutely sick, good work anon!

>> No.6260782

Sir, I require your social media links.

>> No.6260837

Thanks, anon!
Thank you, sir! I go by @wufdrawscrap on twitter

>> No.6261589
File: 786 KB, 1625x1873, paint 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, just take a look at the site and you'll see several examples of simple paintings (some even down to the /ic/ level). Brian is right, selling art isn't as difficult as some say.

More examples of paintings recently sold by two other artists. Prices from one to four: $48.00/$48.00/$108.10/$105.00.

>> No.6261621

Link the sites so we can see.
Any fool can sell a couple of cheap bits of tat, it's whether you can repeatedly sell enough to live on it.

>> No.6261741
File: 134 KB, 1141x581, paint 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This chick is another sale.

>> No.6261920

Catbro where you at senpai

>> No.6262222

I'm here. I swear I'll finish the drawing today.
Also, thread's almost ded.

>> No.6262630


lmao fucking Brian. How the FUCK can you be this dense?

>> No.6262728

Time for a new bread?

>> No.6262910


>> No.6262951

As usual, the only interesting stuff is made by Brian.

People must realize that painting is primarily a decorative medium and not a device to showcase your optical and technical capabilities alone.

Focus on doing beautiful drawings, achieving a good colour balance and be mindful although free, of every brushstroke or mark you put on the canvas. For they must express the volume and position in space.

>> No.6262954

shut up brian