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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 225 KB, 800x800, no-to-ipads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6240411 No.6240411 [Reply] [Original]

If you use a matte/paperlike screen protector, you will get wobbly lines, especially for slow diagonal strokes. Stabilizer doesn't really prevent them either.

If you don't use a matte screen protector, you have to draw on slippery glass with a plastic tip. This is impossible to get used to because of grease/sweat buildup from your hand and fingers, and makes the drawing surface feel inconsistent. Some areas will feel more slippery, some will feel stiffer, and it will only be consistent if you clean the display and wash & thoroughly dry your hands every 10 minutes.

iPads are a meme. Samsung Galaxy Tabs are a much better option.

>> No.6240423

I got a cheap galaxy tab s6 with a chinese paper protector and it feels awesome

>> No.6240429

My work is better than yours so iPad >>>>

>> No.6240437

The amount of professionals performing actual work with the Apple iPad Pro 12.9: literal millions
The amount of work done with samshit: 0

>> No.6240443

>will only be consistent if you clean the display and wash & thoroughly dry your hands every 10 minutes.
or you know, use an artist glove, oile everyone else lmao

>> No.6240445


>> No.6240451

Its my avcent, got an issue, racist?

>> No.6240453


>> No.6240456

You sound like a gargantuan faggot that's too poor for an iPad so you tell people not to use it.
I've never noticed wobbly lines, but I also don't draw extremely slowly

>> No.6240458

Ok Mr greasy hands

>> No.6240488

Why would that help even remotely? The appeal of an iPad is using FINGER GESTURES. If you use your fingers, you will 100% smudge the screen and need to clean it.

>> No.6240491

no you're just a moron with no argument.

>> No.6240493

Glove makes you slid just fine wither way

>> No.6240495

just don't draw extremely slow diagonal strokes?

>> No.6240499

record yourself drawing a circle on your ipad right now.

>> No.6240500

my drawing glove has a nice microfiber cloth on the edge of my hand, pinky, and ring finger

>> No.6240501

My iPad was the best investment i made for my art. I love procreate. I like not having to stay at my desk while I work. I've had mine for years now and I use it every day to draw.
You get used to the glass screen feeling after a while. You can use a glove if you need. My only issue with it are the scratches that have built up over the years (I removed any screen protector I had because I felt like it messed with the sensitivity of the pen) and I've worn down the oleophobic coating. I clean it every few hours while drawing.

>> No.6240502


>> No.6240503

because you can't draw one properly, i know.

>> No.6240504

because I don't care enough about you to do that.

>> No.6240520

i already know you're a moron who's lying, you don't need to dig yourself deeper

>> No.6240537
File: 1.13 MB, 4032x3024, funk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to know for certain because I am probably getting an ipad pro soon (all i care is that its is light and the pen magnetizes to the ipad)

I just need something portable dammit than a goddamn cintiq i need a goddamn OUTLET or (portable power bank) i had for a while before it crapped out


i have a galaxy tab s4 lying around somewhere, i didnt like it

>> No.6240542

OP if you don't want the surface to get sweaty you can just get a drawing glove. I use them when working on paper too because of sweat. I prefer a smooth screen though personally.

>> No.6240565

jesus i thought it was just me. i've had an iPad for 2 years now, i've wanted to love it but every time i try drawing on it i get insanely frustrated at how the pen feels, and how fucking impossible it is to get nice lines, with or without a matte screen protector on.

i've tried the metal tip nibs, those plastic covers, everything. it's just a shit feeling to draw on, but no-one i've run into talks about it. i really don't understand how there are some pro artists using it as their main device.

all i really use the iPad for now is a nice reference screen in front of my sketchbook and occasionally using it for finishing adjustments in procreate before posting online.

>> No.6240569

See >>6240488

>> No.6240578

PYW, then compare it to all the professional artists using iPads and kill yourself

>> No.6240581

Then wouldn't the same logic apply to any other screen tablet like a galaxy tab whatever?

>> No.6240588

>The appeal of an iPad is using FINGER GESTURES

lmao if you really think that FINGER GESTURES is why people are buying the ipad for art you are either trolling or a fucking idiot.

There's a billion better reasons to get the ipad for digital art than finger gestures lmao

>> No.6240589

just use one of those artist gloves for the grease/oil/sweaty handproblems and stabilizer on Procreate for nice lines.

>> No.6240595


Drawing gloves easily clean the screen as well. Though I will be honest I don't use an excess of gestures I touch the canvas mostly for free rotation and undoing in which the Procreate UI is mostly keeping your hand in one place for the latter.

My biggest issue with procreate is that I don't know how to/if I can just visually flip the canvas without permanently flipping the canvas as I utilize that a lot when drawing.

I swap between desktop and iPad and while I like iPad I do still prefer my desktop.

>> No.6240608

t. literal idiot
Procreate is good because of gesture controls and palm rejection. This is the main thing iPads have over Galaxy Tabs.

>> No.6240611

Procreate is good because its interface isn't literal garbage. All the galaxy apps are literally ports of PC applications without any thought having gone into how workflows change between a PC with mouse/keyboard/wacom and a tablet.

Procreate actually put thought into how to design around a tablet interface.

>> No.6240624

>tens/hundreds of thousands of artists (many professional) use ipads to draw
>one random faggot on 4chan tells you they're bad

>> No.6240625

t. retard who hasn't used infinite painter or artflow

>> No.6240627

Get a Galaxy Tab S8 instead. It's simply a better option because the pen is better and there's more resistance when drawing on glass.

>> No.6240673
File: 3.78 MB, 480x270, 1644279325043.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop using what I don't like

>> No.6240687

Is your mom named Gestures? Because I’m fingering her every night lmao goteem

>> No.6240730


some of the gestures fucking suck. i turn gestures like undo/redo, any touch controls like finger smudge, and the dumb pen tap thing off because they're triggered just often enough that it frustrates the shit out of me.

once i turned it all off and got used to just tapping the buttons i get a lot more enjoyment from the program. (though line control still sucks dick compared to wacom)

>> No.6240737

how the fuck would you accidentally undo or redo?

>> No.6240745

Nta but procreate a two finger tap and hold will undo, three finger will redo. For me sometimes the thumb holding the iPad will touch the screen causing a two finger gesture and undo what I just did.

>> No.6240830

I've been using procreate for 3 years and have never had that happen. I can't even picture a comfortable way to hold an ipad for a prolonged period of time how you described

>> No.6240873

Maybe cuz you have itty bitty femboy hands.
Meanwhile my iPad screen is cracked under the immense pressure of my Chad grip.

>> No.6240878


iPad user here

Eh…as far drawing goes it’s ok. The only reason to use it, as far as drawing goes, is procreate.

The trouble is Apple. Apple will overcharge the hell out of you.

-Apple Pencil is expensive
-Lighing is expensive
-Tablet so expensive
-repairs are expensive

Procreate might go subscription once they reach peak market one day so use it under your own risk.

Otherwise Samsung tablets can do just fine. And Android has krita which is a desktop level software

>> No.6240909

sounds shitty
I just rest mine on my forearm like a normal person

>> No.6240911


>> No.6240912


I meant, Lightning cable.

It’s both shit and expensive

>> No.6240931

>Samsung Galaxy Tabs are a much better option
No Procreate, though.
> Procreate might go subscription once they reach peak market one day so use it under your own risk.
Pretty much the fate of all art programs when they grow enough, it seems.
Hopefully they don't fuck over the early one-time purchasers like CSP.

>> No.6240944

fuck off back to >>>/g/

>> No.6240945

>t. seething iToddler.

>> No.6241010

And hasn’t been used in over 4 years

>> No.6241083

Base model iPad still uses

>> No.6241154

i have unironically been experiencing what OP is talking about, did you run into this issue? how did you fix it anon if so
the case i got is kinda bulky too, and it makes it awkward when i gotta draw close to the edges
pls help

>> No.6241191

Who cares about the base model?

>> No.6241359

Who? Cartoonist tranmericans that draw beg tier shit? Like brad whatever and nigrojosh?

Only retards from YouTube recommend iPad for other than random sketches.

>> No.6241363

What you need is to get good. That faces is worse than beg tier. You disgust me.

>> No.6241365

Dude I can't even afford apple products

>> No.6241367

They don't. Just do a quick YouTube search for "how iPad replaced my tablet" and such videos. You'll see that the only retards that say that have trash tier cartoony art that requires nothing but a paint bucket fill.

>> No.6241478

Nice work you posted. Amazing you can type with pincers

>> No.6241682

>drawing on this glass tablet is bad even with different screen protectors
>instead draw on this glass tablet!

>> No.6241690

The Samsung Pen at least has a rubber nib to offer some resistance and control.

With the iPad it's a lose lose situation. Glass is slippery and inconsistent, screen protector brings line wobble.

>> No.6241693

>screen protector brings line wobble.
I feel like anyone saying this hasn't actually drawn with one, or spends a lot of time watching worthless tests instead of just people drawing with them.
it's like the ruler test people do when comparing tablets that means absolutely nothing because there's no point to it.

>> No.6241694

Hey retard, I know this because it literally happens on mine. All diagonal lines drawn at a slow-moderate speed have squiggles, and even stabilization doesn't remove it entirely. All this caused by a simple matte screen protector.

>> No.6241700

hey retard, stop drawing diagonal lines slowly then. that's probably your shaky unstable hand more than the screen protector.

>> No.6241702

You are such an utter idiot it's funny. I said slow TO MODERATE speed you colossal dumbfuck.

It's not my hand either because it also fails the ruler test you hate so much. Again, even at a MODERATE SPEED with stabilization.

>> No.6241710

>You are such an utter idiot
oh, it's the dipshit wacom shill. explains a lot. You don't even draw.

>> No.6241713

so on top of being an idiot you're also a schizo conflating me with other posters. all adds up.

>> No.6241973


>> No.6242627

>Procreate might go subscription once they reach peak market one day so use it under your own risk.
With CSP wanting their slice I'd say it's a matter of when. In this case you won't be able to keep the old versions forever unlike CSP for PC which leaves you with no choice. Jailbreaking scene in apple needs to come back again.

>> No.6242628

>you won't be able to keep the old versions forever
Why not? Just don't update

>> No.6242630


>> No.6242632

I can only assume they'll force app updates or render them unusable with future iOS updates. Either way they will make it almost impossible if not extremely inconvenient. There might be ways with jailbreaking but like I said the scene is pretty much dead now.

>> No.6242795
File: 584 KB, 1920x1440, Uhhhh.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but ???

>> No.6242962

>software recording
>fast circles
>still not good quality circles

>> No.6243010
File: 261 KB, 1056x594, 0*E1eNateTiDThGcYI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6243015

If anything, thats exactly what youre doing idiot. I asked you to record yourself drawing a circle and all you did was use screen capture which doesnt verify shit/

>> No.6243045

>doesn't verify shit
so what are you trying to say exactly?
That that's not procreate, an app only available on ipad?
That those aren't circles being drawn?
That since it's a screen recording that the "wobble" is somehow hidden?
You wanted a recording, there you go. I'm not filming my messy ass desk

>> No.6243068

I know you're a hilarious illiterate moron, but the original claim was that using a SCREEN PROTECTOR causes wobble.

What good is a screen recording? That doesn't demonstrate whether or not there's a screen protector on the screen you stupid fuck, lmfao.

>> No.6243082

>Dumbass calling someone else stupid
How sad and pathetic that you don't even realize it. I pity you truly.

>> No.6243092

Good to see this is what you've been reduced to after being correctly exposed as a complete moron who can't read properly :)

Too easy. Just swallow your pride, accept you're an idiot and move on.

>> No.6243141
File: 2.14 MB, 1080x1920, taken with my phone.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright but you'll just say "I can't see the screen protector gottem" or something like that

>> No.6243144

You lose simply by interacting with him. Just stop.

>> No.6243147

Perhaps but at least now there's new content to shut down future "ishit can't do [x]" threads

no rules only tools

>> No.6243173

>Idiot calling other people idiots
What a complete moron. I truly pity you as it can't be easy to live life with how retarded you are. My condolonces to your parents.

>> No.6243174

idk its kinda funny watching him lose so many arguments and get shit on

>> No.6243214

what is your stabilization set to? maybe im just stubborn but it looks like you and everyone on youtube has that shit maxed

>> No.6243227

It's only at 18%

>> No.6243237

Ah, okay. I have a couple quick questions if i may anon. I really don't like how the ipad feels but I like how it's portable so I want to try and make it as nice as possible for drawing. Which screen protector do you use?
I haven't gotten one because of the fear of it being bad and a massive waste of money, but I can't stand how slippery it is right now. Also, do you use anything on the pencil itself? Or just the protector?

tyvm anon

>> No.6243257

I currently use the bellemond brand protector but a few years ago I had the paperlike brand. Between the two I prefer the bellemond.

Something I have noticed after talking with other iPad users is that I normally draw very lightly which has allowed me to use my nib for literally over a year before I have to eventually replace it, while my friends go through them in just a couple months. I'm not sure if it has anything to with getting better line control but there you go

>> No.6243260

ty anon i guess ill have to give it a shot

>> No.6243737

At least try to improve your vocab at least a little, tablet general schizo. This is an anonymous board, Im not supposed to instantly be able to know who you are.

>> No.6243842

It's fun for basic drawings. Very comfy to use in bed.

>> No.6243843

ipads have color accurate screens, + I just use a rubber pen nib tip. My screen doesn’t get greasy bc I don’t have greasy hands…

>> No.6243849

Astropad chads where are you at?

>> No.6243916

That's 18% too much

>> No.6243995

You aren't a better artist for not using tools at your disposal.

>> No.6244087

If you're worried about a screen protector being a waste of money just buy a cheapo matte protector and see how you like it. If it feels nice, upgrade to a better one. If not? It's only $10


>> No.6244118


>> No.6244170
File: 1.31 MB, 1080x1920, circlets.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK here's one with no stabalization

>> No.6244232


>> No.6244254

sounds interesting the only problem is that its fucking subscription based, still maybe I can finally ditch procreate for clipstudio

>> No.6244262

All portable tablets are shit tier in general. They're small, doesn't work with accessories that would help you with shorcuts, they only work with one pen and there's not a consistent app that doesn't have a monthly plan/work with keyboards or other devices. The ipad works for sketching while traveling but for most serious stuff the workflow is very slow.

>> No.6244280
File: 24 KB, 400x386, 1422608120293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still drawing fast
>still can't draw a circle properly

>> No.6244284

are you a complete idiot? both procreate and artstudio support keyboards. android tablets support them too and heavily encourage them for krita.

part of what makes procreate good is that the gesture based shortcuts eliminate the need for a keyboard. in 90% of cases it's much faster and more fluid than desktop software.

>> No.6244343

Absolutely every single desk tablet does that and better. Also procreate gestures are bothersome and you always risk to drop your expensive pencil because you need to use your fingers. Ipads are good for sketching outside but the workflow is slow, and the software/hardware for it is very limited to the system. I wouldn't recomend them for starters, let alone doing serious work.

>> No.6244351

>Absolutely every single desk tablet does that and better
No it doesn't you stupid idiot. Desktop software is notorious for having terrible gesture controls.
>Also procreate gestures are bothersome and you always risk to drop your expensive pencil because you need to use your fingers
Yeah you definitely have fat greasy fingers or something. Lay off the cheetos, fatty.
>Ipads are good for sketching outside but the workflow is slow
That's unironically what they're worst at, dumbass. It's hard to sketch on glass and the iPad has subtle line wobble, which is made even worse with a matte screen protector.
>I wouldn't recomend them for starters, let alone doing serious work.
Nobody cares what you recommend, you're a beginner and you're fat. There are literally hundreds of thousands of pro-level artists making bank off Procreate because it enables them to work more efficiently than anything else.

>> No.6244405

>procreate gestures are bothersome and you always risk to drop your expensive pencil because you need to use your fingers
lmao what the fuck
no way you're saying this is a real issue.

>> No.6244885

>Also procreate gestures are bothersome and you always risk to drop your expensive pencil because you need to use your fingers.
...you DO have two hands, right?

>> No.6245485

Anyway, does anybody who uses this device have a preference for the screen protector? I heard it messes with the display so not sure whether I should opt for it once I get the device.

Are last year's Pro's breakable? Kinda used to pirating everything from drawing on PC, so it'd be nice to have that option. Never had any Apple products so no experience with that process.

>> No.6245504

Elecom are good
Paperlike are good
Bellemond are good

My choice is elecom
You will absolutely want a protector. It doesn't actually do anything near as much as dumb fuck op wants you to think it does for some reason.

>> No.6245507

Lmao at this butthurt nodraw

>> No.6245642 [DELETED] 

I am so fucking poor because I spend all my money on veterinary bills and clothes.

>> No.6245927

You lost, idiot. Not my problem you're too stupid to read.

>> No.6245962

I’m not that anon, dummy. Loling at you both. Circle drawer for wasting energy making vids for you, and you for obviously never drawing in your life.

>> No.6245970

Stop embarrassing yourself you stupid fuck, just swallow your loss and move on, moron.

>> No.6245998
File: 68 KB, 556x544, 1634090720510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop embarrassing yourself you stupid fuck, just swallow your loss and move on, moron.

>> No.6246022

Nice self portrait dumbass, you've lost idiot.

>> No.6246026

i like my ipad. its been the absolute best digital drawing experience i've been able to get so far. in the past i've tried wacom bamboo and intuos pads, those were alright but having to look at a screen while my hands were on the pad, that disconnect really threw me off my game. then I got a huion display tablet, and that was a huge upgrade. That was the best until i started to notice how cumbersome it was to position, and specifically with my workstation, i really had to move to accommodate the display. the iapd is so small, and light, i can have it in my lap comfortably, and its latency and performance is the best i've gotten so far.

>> No.6246035
File: 493 KB, 1200x1600, 2FA249EF-0E34-40F1-AD7E-EBC8D900A7BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pyw itoddlers

>> No.6246048

This is comfy and why I’ve been drawing on my iPad exclusively for the past year for digital work.

>> No.6247285

looks """referenced"""

>> No.6247322

You are quite literally mentally insane.

>> No.6247838

>waaaah you must be insane for not using a stabilizer like me!
You are a dead set idiot.

>> No.6247903

No you’re insane for caring that much how others draw. Don’t post your work, it’s guaranteed garbage.

>> No.6251641

well for starters