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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.56 MB, 1280x720, no_construction_fkey.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6240092 No.6240092 [Reply] [Original]

why is it that the best artists are never constructoids?

>> No.6240095

inb4 40 posts of
>h-he’s c-constructing in his head
>h-he used construction so much he doesn’t need construction now
>all sketching is construction

>> No.6240097

>autistic shitposter also considers generic trannime "the best art"
All of my lulz

>> No.6240098

is michael hampton a constructoid? I skimmed his figure class and it looks really good

>> No.6240099

because they erase each of their lines three times, is it some kind of ritual?

>> No.6240101

kill yourself

>> No.6240102


>> No.6240105

autohomoatic drawers simply cannot compete with those who can construct at will anything they want in the vision they see in their imagination. They simply rely on happy accidents and scuffing in the dark until they find something, undoing and eroding until the marks they fester tirelessly becomes an image they haven’t intended from the start.

>> No.6240106

why are you not in school like any normal person? Even schizos go to school. You need maedical attention asap.

>> No.6240110

please understand, it's really hard to draw the same generic standing loli anime girl you've already drawn 1547 times

>> No.6240113

>The tranime spammer is a constructard
It all makes sense now.

>> No.6240114

He dropped out of college to shitpost.

>> No.6240115

>best artists
What did the subhuman mean by this?

>> No.6240124
File: 2.30 MB, 1280x720, no_construction.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is it that makes followers of constructoid philosphy so bitter while never showing how good constructoidism supposedly is

>> No.6240145
File: 672 KB, 656x1092, 7YpxRu5iecHMYGV2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares if you use construction

>> No.6240148
File: 732 KB, 452x640, mcf0EaCZeU70SyLT.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or just sketch

>> No.6240151

literally no-draws like op and the "trannime" schizo, hide the thread and ignore the retards

>> No.6240152
File: 1.02 MB, 452x640, 18h_mnwvs5Lwhef2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or nothing at all. It's just part of the process. Whatever you do, it's not gonna automatically make your art good.

>> No.6240155

Construction has always been a cope by people who lack the intuitive ability to draw and want to try and brute force a simulation of drawing.
You see this in basically every skill. In programming you have people who obsessively study and memorize “algorithms” but are severely deficient in the basic intuition of how to logically analyze problems.

>> No.6240156

Yeah, Why is this even a topic? I do both depending on the demands of the image.

>> No.6240159

Idiots that don't draw are trying to start a flamewar. If it's not AI shit it's garbage like this thread.

>> No.6240161

looks kinda soulless don't you think?

>> No.6240162

it's obviously a social demoralization engineering experiment perpetrated.

>> No.6240163

Are you saying constructoids are brainlets?

>> No.6240166

It's not his best work, but it's one he posted the process of. Construction has nothing to do with it.

>> No.6240169

He must have only used construction for this one I'm thinking.
Prove your statement by showing a constructoid timelapse that actually looks good.

>> No.6240172

Why do the best cyclists never use training wheels ???!!?1

>> No.6240173

He probably should have used his construction skills to have her actually grasp the wand. A livelier expression would also help.

>> No.6240175


>> No.6240179

he's actually not, you can see it how he draws it by part, drawing grows like a tree from the eyes to everything else, if he would have been practicing with construction he would've drawn it all together at once, because with constructions it's way easier to imagine things and make anchors at plain paper, go practice

>> No.6240181

You can't do either at a professional level. Why even talk about it
>I can. I just won't post my work because schizos are after meee. Cope. COPE!!
Anything else?

>> No.6240182

Why are constructoids so angry and bitter and jealous of real artists? Is it because they need to autistically plan everything like some kind of engineer instead of art just naturally flowing from their minds and hands like it's supposed to?
A single brush stoke from a non constructoid can have more soul and appeal than 50 hours of constructoid building and planning. I used to hate constructoid but now I just pity them

>> No.6240183

No rules just tools

>> No.6240185

You used to hate them because you envied them. Now you pity them because you're finally in the dunning kruger stage.

>> No.6240186
File: 472 KB, 1440x1179, 1636750795685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime is symbol drawing with lots and lots of shallow wind-dressing. You cannot make actual art without construction.

>> No.6240187
File: 1.08 MB, 720x720, uVN7KCuwgQgpfh0Q.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you'll say this one didn't use enough construction or some retarded cope like that.

>> No.6240188

>You cannot make actual art without construction.

>> No.6240190
File: 597 KB, 720x1008, UpLAowvd2CKYweHB.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6240191

You're delusional if you think that's construction.

>> No.6240192

Constructoids are hilariously deluded

>> No.6240193
File: 630 KB, 964x720, hGyCSHSag4wqp-45.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You cannot make actual art without construction.
You're equally retarded as the retard calling others constructoids.

>> No.6240194

Why do you niggers never post webms of YOUR OWN art process? Why are you right click/save your twatter bookmarks to prove your argument?

>> No.6240195

>webm has literal construction in it

>> No.6240196

>sketching is construction
Lol, are you dense or retarded?

>> No.6240199

I don't use construction or record timelapses but I acknowledge its usefulness. Arguing about it is retarded.

>> No.6240201
File: 44 KB, 567x614, 1634389446170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forcibly render ethnic groups who made classic art extinct
>all that's left is anime symbol shit
>use this as a baseline for "good art"
>it works because nobody has witnessed the creation of actual good art, it's extinct too
>make millions in anime fleshlight sales

Everyone posting anime ITT would not have been conceived in a just world

>> No.6240204

I'm posting drawings with construction, as the other retard requested. Use it or not, it doesn't matter.

>> No.6240205

Ok now this is a very decent example of construction. No idea why the other anon couldn't show this and kept posting sketches like a retard.

>> No.6240208 [DELETED] 
File: 412 KB, 1000x1037, 1004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6240209

>You cannot make actual art without construction
you can just blindly try everything until you find a fitting puzzle, but in a longrun it's going to be some kind of ai shit which is mediocre

>> No.6240213

>because loli

>> No.6240215

Is it just me or constructoids keep changing the definition of construction when it's convenient for them
Sometimes construction means basic sketching, sometimes it means autistically measuring every detail, bone and muscle in perfect perspective

>> No.6240216

Klee is loli too but that one wasn't construction. Don't be such a retard.

>> No.6240217
File: 299 KB, 640x517, 1654687054979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah that symbol drawing of a naked little girl with a cartoon head is art - ACK!

>> No.6240220

> moving drawn shapes to find a right position
> drawing it at right position

>> No.6240221

That's not construction.

>> No.6240225

mediocre printer-like drawing, just post some "how to paint realistic glass" already

>> No.6240226

>Constructoid doesn't understand underpainting
kek every time

>> No.6240228

upderpainting is also a form of construction, lmao

>> No.6240230


>> No.6240231

>>forcibly render ethnic groups who made classic art extinct
what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.6240233

it's primitive, but it is

>> No.6240232

No it's not, you seem to believe that every beginning stage of drawing/paiting is construction for some reason

>> No.6240235

Are you implying construction prevents you from making mistakes or changing your mind later? You're retarded.

>> No.6240236

Constructoid is also a polcel, who would have thought

>> No.6240239

Not even """constructoids""" draw like that.

>> No.6240240

that's why we do construction, you dipshit, every mark in construction is beginning stage, main reason for construction is to hold everything together, everything that does that, even the way you put shadows and highlights

>> No.6240243

he said art, retard. this is beneath even art station photobashing trash as it's not even made by a human

>> No.6240244

Nope, that's not the definition of construction.

>> No.6240246

no it's not, you can make marks for the sake of fitting into canvas, it's also a part of construction, you can't start sectioning until you figure out how big is your working surface

>> No.6240247

What do you think?


>> No.6240248
File: 2.16 MB, 1920x1080, constructoids_dont_even_know_what_construction_is_kek_1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>constructoids would call this construction when it isnt

>> No.6240251

you can't even understand that construction is just a tool and calling a whole drawing a construction, go back to /g/ ywnbaa

>> No.6240252

AI response

>> No.6240257

looks like ai crushed, reload it and come back later, every great artist of any century is good in working with proportions and composition

>> No.6240258

If you use undo, you are basically just doing construction by rng.

>> No.6240260

>everything is construction therefore i win

>> No.6240261
File: 702 KB, 596x720, eKjY_AIS7N7s4lBd.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6240262
File: 1.81 MB, 720x1014, UiiGZv-7rN4WVO8i.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6240263

not construction.

>> No.6240264
File: 1.53 MB, 720x1126, VBQrBx_HFF0ekD8B.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6240269

yes it is in a way, look how he's using shapes to form a draft

>> No.6240270
File: 519 KB, 1206x1030, constructoid nightmare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's why we do construction
Sure, that doesn't mean every sketch or underpainting is construction by default.

I've attached an example of how planning of many gorgeous pieces usually goes, no construction, just SOUL.
People nowadays seem to believe that more 'classical' pieces involved autistic levels of construction like they are taught , but that has been DEBOONKED and it's extensively in Harold Speed's book Oil Painting Techniques and Materials

>> No.6240272

I was mocking the constructionists...

>> No.6240273

No rules, just tools.

>> No.6240276

>finally an example of construction
>looks like shitty westoid faux anime

>> No.6240279
File: 24 KB, 313x503, y_fcfd081b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> sovl
it's a nice picture, but they used a construction too, but in a much older pre-protorenaissance days it was a completely different way of teaching things, after construction was developed everybody moved to it
>Harold Speed
oh my god look harold used a construction, dude i am serious, you can make it all night, it's amusing

>> No.6240280

this is sight size, retard, not construction.

>> No.6240282
File: 435 KB, 720x1048, 1byafGdMTHHumnGF.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a faux anime western artist not using construction.

>> No.6240284

> stuck in primitive shapes
> thinks only them are constructions
god this is a fucking joke, you are not even intermediate drawer, show cube and sphere

>> No.6240288

looks better than that first abomination

>> No.6240289

>Who cares if you use construction
Practically nobody who actually draws. This sort of pointless bickering is the calling card of people who like to pretend to be artists. Artists just make art however is convenient to them.

>> No.6240292

>Artists just make art however is convenient to them
the thing is there are a lot of risks about not using construction, it's like learning language but not being acknowledges about the grammar points

>> No.6240296

"How to draw" teachers say the only way to draw is by drawing a ball and a box. Then combining them to create a figure, head or whatever.
The argument here is that it is not true. There are no rules and classical painters didn't follow what modern cucks say it is necessary to create art.
The issue today is that too many "artists" rely on being correct (anatomy, perspective) instead of actually creating art.

>> No.6240297

I learned english without studying grammar at all, Intuition is powerful.

>> No.6240298
File: 2 KB, 114x114, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont understand the point of these autistic threads
Basically there's a few retards shitting on a widely accepted and used technique for some undiscernible reason.
If you can make good drawings without construction - then good for you, don't see what's the point of this thread.
I don't see any personal work being posted though. So it's pretty obvious you are a bunch of NGMI retards who would rather shitpost around instead of actually learning how to draw.

>> No.6240303

Two most based posts in this thread.

>> No.6240304

>retarded frogposter is a constructoid

>> No.6240306

>Basically there's a few retards shitting on a widely accepted and used technique for some undiscernible reason.
Its been going on for a couple months, I remember this one thread with some Anon doing some self taught FZD course, and some 3D fag going mental for ''bothering to learn perspective''. He kept posting the same thing for weeks, I wouldn't be surprised if its the same person cope posting

>> No.6240314
File: 1.26 MB, 2052x2029, Untitled44_20220606135119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FZD is a meme

>> No.6240318

Yep.. its the same person, you've been doing this for months. You need genuine psychological help.

>> No.6240319

Still not seeing any work from you being posted, only baits and cope

>> No.6240320

>There is no way multiple people could disagree with me
What a great way to go about life.

>> No.6240322

>Its literally the same filename...
Uhuh, sure thing

>> No.6240323 [DELETED] 

I learned by playing games. My writing isn't very good because I browse too much 4chan and bad grammar sticks, but I scored very high on the SAT reading part.
Then I look at the english language learning market and see how it is full of grifters, competing with each other, bragging how their method is the best and all that.
I think it resembles the "how to draw" market. Ineffective, expensive and confusing.

>> No.6240324

Not a constructoid but it is not a good example to show a composition analysis which is theoretical and influenced by views on composition of a later time.
Even the tone plan is obviously a modern take.

>> No.6240325
File: 327 KB, 1080x1379, IMG_20220826_142124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know how clover works

>> No.6240326

Hows the 3D porn tracing going?

>> No.6240327

go back to twitter

>> No.6240328
File: 1.60 MB, 1280x720, UBxbaO75nr4Q-few.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremists from both sides are retarded. The world is not black and white. Do whatever feels the most natural for you.

>> No.6240329

you retards will argue about anything

>> No.6240330

>and a fucking furry
I'll get the gallows ready

>> No.6240331

>First reply is a tribal faggot.
Color me surprised. Let me guess, you belong to /pol/.

>> No.6240333

You are a pedophile and a zoophile. You literally want to fuck children and animals

>> No.6240334

The other day it was gesture, today it’s construction. Oh I think there’s a buried thread shitting on perspective too. He cycles through them lol

>> No.6240336

You are schizophrenic

>> No.6240337

retarded crab giving bad advice

>> No.6240343
File: 102 KB, 402x668, frame_090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

draft looks so much more soulful
lineart autism was a mistake

>> No.6240345
File: 115 KB, 853x1000, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are schizophrenic

>> No.6240347

Is it just me or constructoids are often these 'memer' kids who post these stupid images all the time

>> No.6240348

show your high cultured, sophisticated and morally just art then

>> No.6240350
File: 37 KB, 486x631, images (57).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6240353

is that a man in drag?

>> No.6240354

Who hurt you? meds.

>> No.6240355

Its my wife, and yes it's oil on canvas not digi-pedo digo-furry art. And no, no construction just straight art

>> No.6240356

>using poordroid

>> No.6240357

the construction methods, which by clarity, and austere compensating logic, can facilitate the understanding of 3D space and planes of complex objects were invented for adults who begin to learn drawing, so that they do not need to advance in the dark by banging into all the walls for ten years of childhood and adolescence until time, bruteforce and neuroplasticity allow them to make their way, because adults have neither the patience and means to wait ten years ; nor the neuroplasticity.
That you find more demonstrative videos that show people not using basic construction than the other way around proves nothing, because ( this is a reminder) :
good teachers have never established construction as the final means to realize a finished and serious work, https://youtu.be/Z9Px68r5BNU?t=161 since it can stiffen a drawing, but as a training means, when you just start to draw such object and you don't understand the basic structure yet but you want to learn to internalize it in a short time
>But you can't internalize this cope cope constructoid cope westoid copecope ( and other buzzwords )
so you can internalize a thing in its most complex form, but not one in its most basic form? A object in its most basic form would not be easier to internalize than one in its most complex form, is that what you're saying ? Surely you wouldn't say that unless you were missing some crucial neurons, unless you were able to explain it with real arguments.

burden of proof is on you, also i saw a lot of 'constructoids' post in this board, but the self-proclaimed anti-construction have never posted a single drawing lmao

>> No.6240359

quit mocking the old man, crab.
the hair in his nose is worth more than your entire pathetic existance

>> No.6240372

Construction bros.. did we just lose?

>> No.6240373

>words words words that mean nothing
kek, do constructoids really?

>> No.6240375

so now that the ai spam its starting to die the construction bashing spam begins

>> No.6240376

we had nothing to left to lose anyways

>> No.6240378

because they generate the construction in the mind, Gi explained it, most of the draftsmen for safety build in the design, others directly know where to start and end, it is the same to build in the line than to do it mentally, you will surely try to do it mentally and you will fail because you don't know where to start.

>> No.6240379


>> No.6240381

AI spam died pretty fast.
Possibly a few bans in effect.

>> No.6240387

What's kek about it you subhuman mongoloid? You either imagine forms on which you apply the details or you copy by eye alone. The first requires construction experience. The latter without any construction experience is how you end up with begs making flat drawings.

>> No.6240391

Completely incorrect lel. You don't even know what you don't know.

>> No.6240394

>Notice a group of people all begin Their drawings a certain way
>Call Them "Constructiods"
>Make fun of Them for It

>> No.6240398

Not an argument.

>> No.6240414
File: 112 KB, 837x497, sdf336daw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

costructoids will never reach this level of soul
cope and seethe soulless tards

>> No.6240421

>the best


>> No.6240444
File: 373 KB, 1908x1363, constructoid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to know alot more than Feng Zhu. Tell me how to construct this art made by an FZD student without perspective. Can you do it? A lot of anons are waiting.....

>> No.6240446

So powerful... this is empowering!! Perspective is the white mans way to opress ethnic artists such as myself!

>> No.6240447


>> No.6240448

literslly traced over a 3D model... yoi really think someone made that line by line from imagination??? Kek

>> No.6240450

White men aren't constructoids, it's mostly chinese and taiwanese who use that approach, ad of course talentless weaboos who believe that's the way to draw their inane trannime dreams

>> No.6240452

It's just a bunch of boxes lmao, is this supposed to be impressive or something?
First year architecture students create way more complex drawings

>> No.6240455

Not really, Whites invented perspective so they could draw plans to raise their churches to their fake god, but we are going to tear their opression down!!

>> No.6240457

faggot don't dodge the question. On a side note, she is very based you wouldn't have FZD all over the internet if it wasn't for her. Keep coping, nigger.

>> No.6240459

Yikes, is this really the best argument constructoids can come up with, trying to twist it into some inane /pol/ parody? Kinda embarrassing. I'm guessing 'pretending to be a crazy sjw' was a good argument in your head.
Pure desperation

>> No.6240465

Just because you can’t construct in your head doesn’t mean OP artist isn’t lol I can’t imagine how it must be like not able to have an image in your head and able to replicate it on paper, rotating it or manipulating lighting in your head any way you please. I probably wouldn’t even draw.

>> No.6240467

>I probably wouldn’t even draw.
You already dont even draw

>> No.6240469

Could someone draw the essence of that apartment without perspective? Of course. You could capture it even with wobbly lines and crooked walls, that's what you don't get. Yet it's so simple to anyone who isn't a constructoid!
I still remember my constructoid phase tho, it was embarrassing and sad. Glaw I grew up

>> No.6240473

>Glaw I grew up

>> No.6240476

He grew up a tumor in his head. Don't worry he doesn't have long.

>> No.6240483

>1 guy, int af, probably draws the same pose everytime, can't do anything dynamic
>DUDE everyone's doing it wrong

>> No.6240507

That's fkey, and he's not /int/. He blows 100% of /ic/ out of the water including all the constructards.

>> No.6240508

Construction is just a tool, mostly for learning and complex perspectives. All these artists that don't use construction have most likely used it as a learning tool at some point, or are learning to draw poses from other artists who had to utilize construction to figure it out initially.

Sure there are a lot of nice artist's out there who don't utilize construction much, and aren't 'constructoids' but for the most part those guys are neets drawing the same little girl in the same outfit in an uninventive way that's already been done 1000's of times. The artists with the most prolific and ground breaking careers are always adept at constructing

>> No.6240524

People who use construction do it out of habit because that's the way they were taught, not because they use it as a crutch. A good artist should be able to do free-hand stuff if they want to.

If you never do construction and only practice freehand stuff of course you'll be better at it, plus a lot of the anime poses/faces/hair is all virtually identical and simplified so it's easy muscle memory.

>> No.6240525

good joke, constructoid

>> No.6240529

yeah he's pro, the thing he drew is int, dude draws the same shit over and over, just different poses, doesn't need construction or maybe he does use it for more complex stuff.

>> No.6240535

He doesn't. Retarded assumption. See: >>6240124
He isn't drawing the same thing over and over again. Doesn't use construction for a single one.

>> No.6240541

Not that anon, but yes. Youtube is full of people who have excellent construction and perspective ability, but who do not know how to draw things as they look. The end result is, as expected, incredibly robotic looking, repetitive line structure that lacks rhythmic qualities.

People who obsess over construction and perspective as a means of drawing are going about it the wrong way. It's the midwit theory as applied to drawing. Grug and Michelangelo do not use construction. Michelangelo was known for explicitly advising against most things people today take as law when they learn drawing. Da Vinci was also incredibly focused on observation skills and he writes about it in his painting book.

Some random drawing from Drawing Lessons From The Great Masters showing a bunch of box figures without any fucking context as to what the intent behind that drawing was, shows how ignorant people are. No one who can draw figures in perspective that well needed to draw that. It's purpose was for something else. So here it goes.

What construction is, is a great teaching and verification tool. If you're stuck on a drawing and you don't know what's wrong, construction and perspective can help guide you as a starting point. Something you check, either address or disqualify, and move on. If you're unsure, you can always reel it back to a state where you're breaking it down bit by bit until you fix something. Bad construction will not break a drawing.

Beginning a drawing with construction means that you're not even sure of what it is you want to draw. Which often times points back to not even knowing how things look like and a lack of confidence of freehand drawing a thing even if it's wrong, knowing it's position, placement, scale, etc, will have to be adjusted and hence construction and perspective won't be of much use at the early stages.

I forget who said it, might be from a book, it might have been vilppu or someone: learn perspective, and then forget it.

>> No.6240547

>ctrl + f "tranime"
>1 match found

You idiots are arguing with the same dumbfuck who got bored and swapped to construction vs automatic drawing for the time being.

>> No.6240563

Everyone on ic would be a talented artist and be able to draw whatever style they wanted if they would just go through the first 3 books in the sticky. Drawing on the right side of the brain, keys to drawing and fun with a pencil will literally teach you everything you need to know. Drawing accurately from photos, seeing things accurately, how to grip a pencil, how to measure, perspective, construction, values and more. Then you could go and specialize in whatever you wanted

>> No.6240571

What's up with constructoids thinking everyone who opposes them is one person

>> No.6240572

Preach brother. If they could do one bargue plate to a half decent measure, it would put them on a golden path they had no idea existed.

>> No.6240582

It takes them a while to construct the possibility of more than one person existing at a time from first principles.

>> No.6240584

Lots of people use both. Some with more intensity than others. It isn't wrong. I don't use construction too much until I get to feet or if I am doing some fun perspective stuff. I would say that having it as a tool in your toolbox is very useful but once you get better you rely on it less and less especially if you are drawing something you are used to drawing.

>> No.6240610

I don't consider any of you as "people" first of all.

>> No.6240613

since you're a bit slow-witted I'm going to rephrase this into a question that even someone who can't draw a cube should understand (hopefully): tell me why I shouldn't be progressive in learning anything, from basic to complex?

>> No.6240616

>thinks he's smart while still following constructoidism
dunning-kruger at it's finest.

>> No.6240655


>> No.6240690

I draw better and more often than you

>> No.6240704 [DELETED] 


Your last piece was trash. Disapponted.

>> No.6240706

Idk how to explain it but if you draw alot after alot of years you just get used to it
Cute drawing of tsubasa and anna

>> No.6240708
File: 705 KB, 727x579, 1660976850793156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these videos are nice bros keep em coming

>> No.6240741
File: 161 KB, 1200x900, 1550028835063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these hot takes on how you're supposed to use construction
>Not a single post with their work to provide a form of merit

>> No.6240744

You're supposed to use it because the books say to use it. No other reason.

>> No.6240747
File: 901 KB, 1121x862, r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6240749

what a perfect image to describe constructoids.

>> No.6240750

Please, show us, wait let me guess...
We are not worth your time, are we, Princess? :)

>> No.6240751
File: 593 KB, 870x1294, Screen Shot 2022-08-26 at 6.12.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine thinking this qualifies "the best artists" lmao

>> No.6240754

That's what happens when you get fanboyism involved with someone.

>> No.6240761

The guy erases and redraws a lot. Its a different approach, but he is using a kind of construction. Its like playung sudoku, but solving a box instead of a row.

>> No.6240762

I actually did that

>> No.6240764

>can’t see the implied construction

Try again when you graduate /beg/

>> No.6240780

Redline it, constructoids. Demonstrate how good being a constructoid is.

>> No.6240781

I'm far too busy with my own drawing.

>> No.6241993

yeah no the op drawing was hard int but that's besides the point. If you draw anime girls a million times you can do what he's doing. Bet he can't do this with some complex machinery, or something he's never drawn before.

>> No.6242001

>Do the work for me for free constructoids, please, I wanna learn how to do this trannime shit so baaad

>> No.6242020

Sory but, Constructoids have been utterly btfo. Construction is a set of training wheels for people without a superior brain, here is proof

This autist (and his superior visual brain) is capable of drawing entire cities worth of detail and position without any construction..

>> No.6242052

well, fkey is nothing short of godlike and probably has more than a decade of mileage. good luck doing that without construction with your 6 months of experience

>> No.6242123
File: 824 KB, 280x187, FlimsyInfiniteFinwhale-max-1mb[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best artist

>> No.6242308

Who's the artist?

>> No.6242321

You can't do that even with construction.

>> No.6242326

>construction is unnece- ACK!

>> No.6242327

That anatomy is so bad, it looks like a tranny with implants. The face doesn't even need to be addressed it's so bad

>> No.6242330


>> No.6242331

paint me amazed, that's some sexy fucking drapery at the end

>> No.6242332

gloss' tranny discord brigading the thread lmao

>> No.6242334
File: 534 KB, 2142x2618, FaUjupaWAAQO_Qm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gloss/hotGlossed. Retards from /ic/ love to crab on him.

>> No.6242335

Lots of faggot hispanics in this thread.

>> No.6242339


>> No.6242342

that's really cool

>> No.6242344

Thank you, yandex actually got me to his page but I didn't make the connection it was him since I couldn't find the pic in question.

I like his art, it's not overly disgusting. It has good shape design, he could be a good animator.

>> No.6242345
File: 1.97 MB, 1280x720, no_construction_fkey_2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyway, lets get back to discussing the techniques of actually decent artists instead of one random newgrounds trannyporn artist

>> No.6242349

Anyone got an invite to gloss' discord?

Don't shitpost with fkey, nigger.

>> No.6242350

>one random newgrounds trannyporn artist

>> No.6242356
File: 2.25 MB, 1280x720, no_construction_fkey_3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gliss is a lazy nigger and his "art" is only loved by porn addicted negroids with dysfunctional frontal lobes.

>> No.6242359


>> No.6242361

Why would he be jealous? He doesn't even draw.

>> No.6242369 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 578x548, glass_scam_2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really do wish I was too incompetent to finish a single commissioned work in three fucking months kek. https://twitter.com/velurbie/status/1462517153710710784
How's sweetcanvas coming along?
gliss is a lazy incompetent nigger who can't finish work for shit

>> No.6242372

so you have a vendetta against him, right?

>> No.6242373

That's not what a vendetta is newfag, it's directly related to his artwork.

>> No.6242375

Must be the same schizo that made all those bait gloss threads.

>> No.6242376

so it IS a vendetta, thanks for clarifying

>> No.6242379

retarded newfag alert

>> No.6242382

don't reply to my posts mr. jealous bitter vendetta

>> No.6242396

this is awesome

>> No.6242400

>hates construction
>likes fkey
>fkey constructs with lines
>OP having episodic mental breakdown

>> No.6242453

Who are the best anime artists to watch drawing? Normal speed, preferably.

>> No.6242461

On twitch I like waterswing, but he's very slow, and rkgkojisan. He's very fast but hasn't streamed too much recently. There are a bunch of other korean renderhogs on twitch too. On pixiv sketch live you'll find many big jap artists. Some big names pop up once in a while and some are regulars like whoosaku and sumiyao.

>> No.6242464

>On pixiv sketch live you'll find many big jap artists

It's frustrating because I really want to watch the Tsugumomo guy draw, but these streams aren't archived. This shit is just gone for good.

>> No.6242468

I think he has streams archived on f2c and youtube, but I'm not fully not sure, never cared too much about him.

>> No.6242477
File: 2.13 MB, 1920x1080, non_negro_method_3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are tons of korean artists to watch on twitch but they tend to not be useful for learning as they don't really answer questions well.
I've gotten the most use out of watching EU03(clickagain) and timbougami as you can ask them questions about their process while they draw. There's also artists like lack on yt if you're looking for painterly styles to learn from
If you're not technologically incompetent you can use ffmpeg to make local archives of any livestream even if they don't save stream archives.

>> No.6242479

I miss when I could draw like this. I've regressed so much

>> No.6242480

So you are actually a spic right?

>> No.6242484
File: 694 KB, 1920x1080, non_negro_method_5.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick up the pencil and just start drawing. Sure you neglected drawing in the past but there's no use lamenting over what could have been. You're likely to regain the skill faster than it initially took you to aquire it.

>seething negrophillic poster being racist again

>> No.6242487

You've got the wrong guy, schizo.

>> No.6242489

Tell me what race you are then. I'm leaning heavily on spic, probably a wetback.

>> No.6242495
File: 2.28 MB, 1920x1080, non_negro_method_8.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hyper americanized bimbo negro fetish lover has racially focused brainrot
color me surprised

>> No.6242500
File: 353 KB, 2054x967, 1627841976468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I second this fag's suSPICions on the grounds that beaners have adopted anime crap onto various franchises. They have Goku serving fucking Tacos somewhere in Mexico.

>> No.6242503

i know you are the product of racemixing but that doesn't mean you have to bring it up randomly. spic detected.

>> No.6242508

Because the essence of an artist's work is in the shapes he makes. A strong sense of form has no personality on it's own; it doesn't express anything, it's simply an fundamental attribute like strength or endurance that provides the artist the ability to create the illusion that his shapes exist in 3d space. Those who overemphasize construction tend to have a underdeveloped shape language and a weak artistic identity.

>> No.6242509
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1080, non_negro_method_9.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>melanin enriched anons having a mental breakdown and seething as they realise their IQ is permanently too low to draw without construction

>> No.6242514

Oh it's this thread again

>> No.6242525
File: 921 KB, 2560x1440, tim_21.hls_snapshot_00.07.56.011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this, anti-construction bro?

>> No.6242527
File: 68 KB, 882x654, Desktop 8-27-2022 8-20-44 PM.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

constructoids absolutely seething in this thread. this is my oc

>> No.6242528

No, he uses construction but that doesn't stop him from being a good artist to watch.
The anti-construction stuff is just nonsense shitposting. Are you really taking it seriously?

>> No.6242533
File: 1.37 MB, 2560x1440, tim_19.hls_snapshot_28.29.629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>backpedaling already
Is this really all it took?

>> No.6242535

construction is used for comics and pieces with very complex backgrounds more than anything.

>> No.6242546

>The world is not black and white. Do whatever feels the most natural for you.
unfathomably based

>> No.6242559

Don't shitpost then

>> No.6242561

>don't shitpost

go back

>> No.6242591

I haven't been to /ic/ in a while. Is "construcdoiding" where you sketch out some shit first? I do both. It depends on what I'm trying to make. Using a construct is like having a scaffolding or mock up. Then your brain can focus on other stuff while some of the idea drapes over the construct or whatever. Sometimes it's nearly invisible lines. Sometimes it's 8 copies of a leg because my brain slipped gears.

This person gets it. Anti-construction is shitposting for the crab-pot. Do I hate 4chan or do I hate the eternal summer that ruined it?

>> No.6243027

he is essentially doing a baruge plate, he puts a line down and draws the next thing in relation to that line, you can easily do this with symbol drawing, which anime mostly is.

>> No.6243306

>generic tranime

>> No.6243311

Imagine being so dumb you don't even understand what a constructoid is

>> No.6243313
File: 227 KB, 765x1080, 1656438642920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how come is it always anime fags who worship garbage art that try to be so defiant towards proven drawing methods? what the fuck is a "constructoid", some kind of cope that you tell yourself to convince construction is not needed? seek mental help you lazy fucks.

>> No.6243336
File: 1.78 MB, 1254x703, Screenshot 2022-08-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6243340

Why is this digital artwork drawn in what looks like the style of a early 20th century russian illustrator of fables? I'm not complaining, just surprised

>> No.6243342

>why is it that the best artists
> using 2% of an artists to describe other 98%
love this board

>> No.6243343

Mikhail Vrubel, you ape

>> No.6243344

What part are you responding to? I'm pretty sure he's not a contemporary digital artist

>> No.6243346

it's 100% cope
you see the same shit in any skill, hobby, job, etc
the worst cook in the world would still insist chefs are doing it wrong on master chef. the worst baker would absolutely talk shit about people on bake-off.
it's like that one family member who considers himself a handyman and tries to renovate his home but gives up half-way through so everything is broken and unfinished
contractors will give them basic advice like measuring the length of chain for their toilet's plunger or how they need to check for studs before hanging their TV and they'll be told off by them.
then a year later you find out that their TV fell off their wall and crushed the cat and their water bill was in the thousands of dollars because the plunger got stuck open. you try to explain why it happened but instead they just blame cheap walls and chinese toilets.
they are incapable of perceiving their own ineptitude and would rather blame others than accept criticism.

>> No.6243354
File: 76 KB, 736x490, 8f1d6ec04472fbe93e92eec847468ece--whiteboard-sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6243357

Construction isn't needed to make good art this is an objective fact

>> No.6243358

the objective fact is that until you reach that level, construction is needed

>> No.6243361


>> No.6243362

it's one guy

>> No.6243372

>a early 20th century russian illustrator of fables

>> No.6243376

That doesn't answer my question

>> No.6243380

hate there box drawn figures, it's easy to draw them at good level already, but when you are newb they are too dull and actually useless

>> No.6243382

> elaborate

>> No.6243384

look at the picture again

>> No.6243388

You are just stupid. They aren't useless since you can just add / carve form from them when you are at a good level.

>> No.6243391

you don't actually need them when you are at good level, they are just excessive, they are used to represent some essentials, building this scheme every time for drawing every figure is a fucking clusterfuck

>> No.6243393

best logic

>> No.6243395

It takes less than a minute to create those and is pretty much needed by 99.9% of artists for serious work (Shit where multiple characters are interacting in a complex background or complex perspective).

>> No.6243398

can you show what structure are you using for that?

>> No.6243400
File: 88 KB, 360x663, pr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't perfect but it helps as a comic artist. This took roughly 30 seconds. You can create storyboards while laying the sketch down. When you get ready to create it becomes easy to create the background around it and lay clothes atop the figure.

>> No.6243408

so you are blind monkey not able to compare yours with >>6243354, I got it. Now seriously, I am using similar, we are fine

>> No.6243410

>around 2 days old thread
>already almost 267 posts
>Posters: 69
you guys...don't actually draw huh?

>> No.6243431
File: 264 KB, 547x596, 1658100789768108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, if it works it works. Construction in itself can be a very interesting way to discover new methods.

>> No.6243538

Andrew Loomis is a constructor...

>> No.6243546

Very true. This guy I know who claims to construct everything just sucks ass so much. Ironically he is eager to "correct" others. His art is so ugly but I don't tell him that because he has ego problems.

Westoids lmao.

>> No.6243593

Quite the constructoid here.
Both drawing styles seem to have their advantages and draw backs. I mostly stick to using some form of construction on most of my drawings but not using construction does seem to give a piece a specific "charm" to it and it is kinda enjoyable in its own different way.

Construction makes it eazier to plan out the drawing and catch mistakes early, also allows you to isolate the lineart more as the other things have been taken care of (perspective, anatomy, composition, whatever) , also good for accuracy when doing imaginative drawing.

Non-construction makes it eazier to "go with the flow" in a way, unsure how it pans out on an actual piece but it works for a sketch. Seems to work well for simple things and/or simple perspectives , I assume this depends on skill level as mine is not that high.

It is good to know that you dont need construction for absolutely anything, but I honestly prefer it. At the end of the day do what gets the best results and works for you.

>> No.6243604

>chinese and taiwanese

Taiwan is a part of China, retard

>> No.6243625

>Non-construction makes it eazier to "go with the flow" in a way, unsure how it pans out on an actual piece but it works for a sketch.
>I assume this depends on skill level as mine is not that high.

Yup, this anti-construction ESL shill doesn't draw at all.

>> No.6244137
File: 565 KB, 1280x735, Shitty Journal sketches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have said:
>Non-construction SEEMS makes it eazier.
My fault for not being clear enough here.

My sample size was like 1 lazy trad 1-2 mintue sketches I did without laying down any sort of foundation and a vague recollection of some i think about 5 5-10 minute animu sketches , 2 of which actually looked good I did like 6 months ago in a journal.
(dont remember how much time i actually spend on the drawings)

You could argue I constructed it in my mind or something but idk.

Also I am not even anti-construction. At the end of the day use whatever works for you. I personally prefer construction. Hell , I will even do the construction/sketch and leave it at that a bit more that I would like to admit.

>doesn't draw at all.
Havent drawn much recently , but did you?

>> No.6244359

what if we make anime art with construction?

>> No.6244399
File: 35 KB, 600x450, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the new meme speak? Who the fuck even calls it that?
>no bro, the best artists are never gesturiods, perspectiviods are never going to make, digitaliods aren't real artists.
Fucking cum-gargling faggot.

>> No.6244400

gesturoids, perspectoids and digitoids are all more valuable than constructoids

>> No.6244403

Sounds like a perma-beg cope to me. Post your work you zoomer linguist fuck.

>> No.6244417

>t.triggered constructoid
feel the form

>> No.6244419

this thread shows why /ic/ is full of people that dont draw and permabegs

ic truly has only become useful just to pirate resources and nothing else

>> No.6244423

Doesn't matter what you say from here on out you are a constructoid the very thing you preach. kys dilate seethe you will never be as good as fkey.

>> No.6244428

This post goes to my drawing memes collection.

>> No.6244440

>I don't use construction
>but I acknowledge its usefulness
But how?

>> No.6244445

What works for others doesn't necessarily work for everybody.

>> No.6244452

If something is flat, 2D, and lifeless, no construction is necessary.

>> No.6244465
File: 1.13 MB, 1000x1415, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling fkey's work flat and lifeless
(You) are a dumb nigger

>> No.6244484

But this pic looks like a cool modern meme... How great old days artists are.

>> No.6244494

I hate fanboys so goddamn much.

>> No.6244502

>posts flat, 2d, and lifeless work to disprove that the work flat, 2d, and lifeless

... okay

>> No.6244505

>290 replies
>people still think construction is a substitute to observation

>> No.6244581
File: 99 KB, 486x688, girl-outline-color.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not flat, vomitive garbage like this is flat.

>> No.6244589

why don't you ask them if you should learn construction?
ive yet to find one who says don't learn it

>> No.6244591

no one who draws thinks that

>> No.6244644

How do you know all these construction-less drawing webms aren't made by the strong use of references, lessening the need for construction?

>> No.6244650

There's no need for construction in first place.

>> No.6244657

It's just a beg anime doodle kek, he literally has a memorized library of features that he just plops down on the paper and he's drawing in a style that is extremely easy and beginner friendly. It'd be even worse if he actually needed elaborate construction to make that.

>> No.6244893

>calling fkey's work flat and lifeless
if anything it's just ugly!

>> No.6244905

stop it anon
these guys don't want gesture, construction, or anatomy
they just want to draw the owl without drawing the circle

>> No.6245087

>still using made up buzzwords
Stay frosty you ngmi faggot

>> No.6246051

Prebeg idiot

>> No.6246813

Based on Figure Drawing – Design And Invention ,I think he uses construction , or at the very least teaches it to beginners

>> No.6246819

I was about to get mad until I saw you arguing that sketching isn't construction. I am now calm as I'm not a constructoid.