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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 260 KB, 974x1276, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6228496 No.6228496 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the art of technical/construction based artists often so damn bad. Pic related is Erik Olson's art

>> No.6228498

perspective has no relation to creativity or art potential

>> No.6228509
File: 259 KB, 991x1200, 021+1994,+Client+Unknown,+Video+Game+Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OK Erik draw us your best draw on with perfect perspective

>> No.6228540

>better than 100% of /ic/
bitchy little nodraw. hidden.

>> No.6228543

Mad constructoid kek

>> No.6228557

what is the alternative? shapes?

>> No.6228570
File: 197 KB, 1280x727, Alexandre_Cabanel_-_The_Birth_of_Venus_-_Google_Art_Project_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The non constructoid approach

>> No.6228572

>Why is the art of technical/construction based artists often so damn bad
thank god you know nothing about classic art

>> No.6228575

it's definitely the easier way to do it, other than just being a reference slave

>> No.6228577

>"classic art"
Lol, I bet this had meaning in your head

>> No.6228579

what? he used to form abstact shapes, yes, but after that he brushed everything with construction, because construction is not a frame, but a road signs how to make a body, even basic render is a form of construction, and the composition is a construction too, educate yourself

>> No.6228589

if we go hard on it it means only greek statues, yes, but i mean from late gothic, reneissanse to the end of golden age of illustration, probably, not that good at late stuff, you can go visit repin,serov and other realists/academists, they are dead-lifters of construction, you are criticizing the lack of creativity and probably looking at expression, which is quite bad

>> No.6228591
File: 124 KB, 1000x710, H4091-L164065417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All it takes to destroy your argument is googling artists like Syd Mead, or even Gary Meyer (another perspective teacher).
Having Perspective knowledge doesn't make you a good artist, simple as. Not knowing perspective, however, definitely will destroy your art.

>> No.6228594

Angry constructoid babbling

>> No.6228595

Your brain has been so severely damaged by anime coom that you can no longer recognize beauty in other art styles

>> No.6228596
File: 216 KB, 1599x662, a477f67bc01c6a90fe21c0faae3013f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6228597

this specific image is same as olson, just little more detailed and shiny, but you are right

>> No.6228600

oh, my peepee

bilbo bag/gins

>> No.6228602

Soulles and sterile

>> No.6228622

These give me the ick

>> No.6228627

They put all their skillpoints into perspective/anatomy/etc but don't use it to make anything appealing

>> No.6228644

really? I think its very immersive if you take it for what it is, same with james gurney's art
is that a good or bad thing?

>> No.6228676
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, KJG DC - Part 06-1.mkv_snapshot_17.37_[2022.08.21_22.43.53].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6228761

Perspective and light (Which is also perspective, since you gotta learn to cast shadows and determine light direction) seem the most important fundamental or the most impactful to learn

>> No.6228762

Kim jung gi says he didn't really study perspective or construction until later on in his career

>> No.6229435

construction is a retarded crutch for people that can't visualize things in their head.
same with perspective kind of, but on a much lesser scale.

>> No.6229458


>> No.6229459

How the fuck would a house like that even work?

>> No.6229461

>expecting sense from constructoids
As long as le perspective and autism is in order all other aspects are irrelevant to them

>> No.6229467

Generating ideas and organizing them in pleasing ways is a different skill in itself.

Like the inverse of this situation is true, there are Creative Directors with great ideas who can't draw for shit.

>> No.6229478

lmao at autists who shill his 200 hour course instead of something useful like robertson's how to draw or marshall's perspective course

>> No.6229494

And immediately after he said that he stated it helped him immensely

>> No.6229518

Thats because hes shilling his perspective workshop

>> No.6229520

cope, artlet

>> No.6229525
File: 37 KB, 486x631, images (57).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting my work to prove I'm not an artlet.

>> No.6229539

other thread already decided this vilpoo painting is good, nice try

>> No.6229868

looks like classical fantasy illustration, stuff you'd see in old dungeons and dragons

don't see how its bad

>> No.6229893


>> No.6229899

I'm not saying it's technically bad or anything but at the same time these drawings feel lame af

>> No.6230019

Perception drawing has jack shit to do with construction, look at Proko if you don't believe me. The dude is clearly not an artlet, yet when he tried to draw a kangaroo from imagination nothing but a featus came out.
That's what perspective teaches that nothing else can, a simplified method to extract the proportions or ''soul'' of an object so you can commit it to memory easily using primitive forms.

You can come here and shit on your cherry picked artists, while ignoring the fact that 99% of the design/product/animation and concept art industry relies HEAVILY on perspective to make beautiful artwork

Thats probably more to do with the era they are from than anything else, that style was very popular back then

>> No.6230022
File: 230 KB, 1182x726, krenz-cushart-sketch-ho7-1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Krenz is a constructoid loser by your logic, OP?
Because he has an 8 week Perspective course, and keeps babbling on about it aswell..

>> No.6230068

He was a concept artist, not an architect. Syd's Meads drawing are literally the reason stuff like Blade Runner and Mass Effect even exist
If it looks generic, its cause the industry has cannibalized his designs to no end

>> No.6230101
File: 445 KB, 1872x806, 03+Spell+Jammers+Battle+TSR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This must be one of his early works, probably from the 90s. His technique did improve since then, as shown by other paintings featured on his website:


>> No.6230113

in a /3/ pipeline dudes like this would be modellers or sculptors whose sole job it is to work within the confines of concept art provided to them. they're at their best when you both guide and place harsh constraints on their creativity.

>> No.6230151

I like it. Has that old school everquest larry elmore feel

>> No.6230154

They are future proof too, since ''concept art provided to them'' is all that will exist when AI takes over

>> No.6230169

technical work like that is safe for awhile at the very highest levels, but there's a lot of money being poured into le metaverse and automatic, production-ready, content generation. the bottom on everything related to creative stuff is going to fall out - visual arts, music, writing etc. the models will get better faster than beginners so most people will just stop trying.

towards the end the only roles left will be very senior people doing QC on automatically generated stuff to make sure it's good. then when the error rate is low enough, those people lose their jobs too.

it's all very grim. but you can take some small comfort in knowing that this will happen to literally all knowledge workers, including the code monkeys.

>> No.6230173

jesus, shut the fuck up already with your bleak retarded suffering porn

>> No.6230176

good morning, sir. you want $5 for pfp?

>> No.6230181

i'm more offended at the bullshit you spouted about music above all else. how deluded are you? just how tiny must your brain be to be impressed by "AI music", which sounds like cheap incoherent ad music

>> No.6230185

the next few years are going to be very difficult for you


>> No.6230187

They'll be way worse for you, and the people who have given up out of fear for the future, kek

>> No.6230188

Construction is a cope for people who couldn’t pick up drawing intuitively.
The spark for technical ability and visual creativity is one and the same. You can compensate somewhat for being lacking on the technical side, but you can never get the spark if you weren’t born with it.

>> No.6230190

Post your work

>> No.6230195

you're a retard. you stand no chance. your shitty suffering fetish of an AI cucking the world won't come to fruition, not for music at the very least, not for anything other than mall music at best. my favorite thing about the whole AI music thing is that it's not even making sense with what you're claiming. most musical artists are not composers. you'll still need playing instruments and whatnot, when we're speaking about rock/metal and other genres that use instruments

>> No.6230199

i'm already in one of those relatively safe positions, anon. my timescale for the "end" of that scenario is 2ish decades so plenty of time.
i do not fear the future anon. it actually intrigues me. but i'm not going to pretend like it isn't coming.

i like your spirit, anon.

>> No.6230202
File: 51 KB, 800x450, 1661018713129400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mid artist uses art fundamentals
>nodraw begs who refuse to learn or improve instantly mald, seethe, cope, shit, piss and sneed

Many such cases

>> No.6230205

idk why people put so much effort into larping as a 3d modelling program

and it seems the people they circlejerk got their clout back when computers were shitty

>> No.6230206

Draw us a simple cityscape then, anon

You have an hour

>> No.6230219

I don't buy someone that can't even capitalize words is in any significant position of power, kek

>> No.6230222

Its not even a joke, the amount of narcissists Ive seen in here crabbing at people learning fundies amazes me everytime

>> No.6230225

People with your opinion never have any art skills or good art

>> No.6230231

that's because you've spent your life being a pedant instead of getting gud

>> No.6230234

Nice projection, post your work and I will too
We'll let the public decide who is best, kek

>> No.6230236

most people here have already seen my work

>> No.6230242

Good, then you should have no issues posting it again. :^)

>> No.6230244
File: 110 KB, 264x277, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here u go anon

>> No.6230245

I really liked this until I saw the bottom half of teh unicorn

what's the lore on that

>> No.6230252

Before internet not everyone had access to art education, you know

>> No.6230256

I doubt you are even capable of drawing stickmen with correct proportions, kek
Please keep your retarded opinions on Perspective to yourself, you eternal crab

>> No.6230377

Constructoids fuming itt

>> No.6230383

>point out how the work of constructoid artists is often awful
>retards who have been grinding boxes for years get mad
I know it's hard to accept you've been wasting your time

>> No.6230393

No rules just tools

>> No.6230396
File: 176 KB, 1280x720, 7B5D3A1C-A473-4370-A20D-8D28EA81E6EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer being called constructicon

>> No.6230404

What’s wrong with it?

>> No.6230407

Its ugly and soulless

>> No.6230440


>> No.6230634

Its Ok, its not like you even draw

>> No.6230668

Nothing, you are talking to someone that doesn't even do 2D. He thinks 3D will replace all 2D and has been malding for months after getting btfo multiple times

>> No.6230682

Holy projection

>> No.6230700

Post your work, prove us wrong

>> No.6230774

Pyw shitskin